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教 学 目 标 1. Can read the words of the word-list . 2. Listen and understand and say the dialogues. 3.Understand and translate the phrases. 4.Do the role play after every dialogue. 5.Sing and chant. 教 学 重 点 难 点 Key point 1. Read the words of the word-list and learn to say every dialogue. 2. make some new short dialogue by oneself. 3. Read all the phrases of the dialogue. Difficult point Grammer and pronunciations. 教 学 设 想 Draw pictures to learn the words if can. Learn to sing and chant. Do more reading of the phrases. Do the role play after learning every dialogue. 第一模块 Module1

教 学 目 1、知识目标 1)基本能够听懂,会说,并认读词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,bad,little, cool 及短语a bit 1 标 2)学会用 “This is ?”以及 “ HeShe is very naughty nice.”用以介绍人物的句子结构。 3)复习词汇:thin, fat, short, tall. 2、能力目标:学会描述人物的特征和个性。 3、情感目标:培养孩子们尊重他人,广交朋友的情感态度。 1、词汇:nice, answer, clever, call,little, cool, a bit的正确认教学 读及使用。 重点 2、认读并理解运用句子“This is ?”以及 “ HeShe is very naughty 与难nice.”结构。知道She’s a nice teacher. 与She’s very nice.的区点 别。 1、课时安排: 教 学 设 想 Unit 1 ?????????????..1课时 Unit 2 ?????????????..1课时 2、多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 3、设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。

课题 Unit 1 she is a nice teacher 时 间 1:Be able to lisen and point to the conversation. 教学目标 2:Be able to say the conversation proficiently. 3:Be able to act it out. The students can introduce 准a recorder 教学重难点 someone to others. 2 备 picture 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 year is 1.Warmer 1.Greetings:Say“Happy Greetingseachother . New New Year”to the students. beginning spring is 2.Lead them to sing an English song Sing an English song festival named Happy New Year. together . over . 3.Tell the students what they did Say what they did Welcome the during the winter in the new term . over the winter . students back to 2.New lesson Listen to the tape school. Each one wants 1.Listen to the tape and point to the and point . sentence . Readafter the tape . to tell the 2.Listen again and again after it . Work in pairs one classmates what 3.Work in pairs: says and the other they did during the rightly. To train the winter One students point to a picture and listens . introduce pictuer the ,the person in the Act it out. one other listens,then change. 4.Find some pairs to come to the front to act it out. sentence patterns To make the students says the dialogue better. 课后反思

3 课题 Unit 2 He's cool 时间 1.Be able to introduce own family and friend . 教学目标 2.Be able to work in pairs . 3.listen to the tape . 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 1.Warmer 1.Make the 学生活动 设计意图 To go over the Talk about own family and a recorder准备 friends. pictures 、students Introduce the person conversation they Unit One. To improve of introduce the person in in some pictures. some pictures. Read 2.Go over the dialogue the conversation in the pupils'ability they the last lesson. Unit One . saying . 3.Look at some pictures Come to the front and introduce Maomao Ms to introduce They can improve the ability of improve the Smart,Xiaoyong Maomao ,Ms Smart Parrot,etc. 2.New lesson Xiaoyong ,parrot ability of etc. ,the pupils can understand 1.listen to the tape and point Listen to the tape the text better. The pupils can know more each 4 2.Listen again and read and point. after the tape . 3.Explain conversation . Translate the dialogue . the other . 4.Take out the photos of Introduce their your family or friend. family or friends and Work in groups. introduce them to your classmate. 5.Four students are group,introduce your family or friend to the others. 课后反思

综合 课题 间 1.Be able to listen and say ,then say the 教学目标 poem and do the actions2.Be able to talk about your classmates. Learn to say a poem . 教学重难点 a 准Be able to talk about the recorder 备 classmates. 时 教学过程 5

教师活动 1.Warmer 学生活动 设计意图 Introduce their 1.Take out the photos of family or family or friend Togo over the friends and introduce to the classmates. conversation 2.Gooversomewords :naughty ,shy ,cleve Read the words they check r ,nice ,cool ,etc. 3.Work in pairs. 2.New lesson more times. their Ask and answer in pronunciation. pairs. They can add up other's 1.Listen to the tape and point to the Listen to the tape each poem. and point . friendship 2.Listen again and read after the tape. Read after the 3.Say the poem and do the actions. tape. 4.Talk about your classmates \ Say the poem and very clever girl.\do the actions. 5.Play a game :one asks\you Talk about your naughtly ?\ other answers \,I classmates. am .\ 课后反思

Play a game 第二模块 Module2

1、Words and phrases: city, ship, beautiful, close,be from 教学目标 2、Sentences: I’m from London .London is the capital of England It’s very big and very beautiful. 6 3、Grammar: the present tense 教学 重点 与 难点 教 Unit 1 ?????????????..1课时 学 Unit 2 ?????????????..1课时 设 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 想 3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。 Module 2 Unit 1 课题 1. Can understand and say the sentences. 2. Use the sentences to describe a place correctly. 3. Make sure the students can use the new words and the pattern in the real situations. 1:课时安排: London is a big 时间 city 1.Be able to listen and say :It’s a book about London. 教学目标 2. Be able to do according to the teacher’s order . 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 I.Warmer 1.Move around 学生活动 设计意图 able to the Be able to describe a city or a place. 准备 a recorder the Look at the teacher and Be classroom,pick up an object answer some questions . answer and say “What’s this?” teacher’s question . point to another object and Make the students do the say. activity in pairs. 7 2.Do many examples with the Look at the picture and class. listen to the tape. 3.Have the students do the activity in pairs .Remind them the word“this” is used Answer some question. for people or objects are touching or close to II.New teaching To do activity better. Work in pairs . one point to the things in the ,the To improve the 1.Get the students to look story at the pictures and see if other one asks. they can work out what is and point ’,revise ‘big and small’. 3.pick up or point to objects in the classroomsay ‘This??’,‘That??’. 课后反思 students’ hearing. To improve the ability of speaking.

课题 Unit 2: It’s very old. 时间 教学目标 1. Be able to listen and say: This is Hyde Park.It's very 8 beautiful. 2. Be able to describe places or things. 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 1.Warmer 1. Revise adjectives 学生活动 Listen to 设计意图 the To go over some Be able to describe places or Pictures、准备 things. recorder a Tell the students that teacher carefully. adjectives, the students you are going to say an The students their can remember them. adjective. books that the They their books that the adjective describes. adjective describes. Ask First this, the students improve their two or three students to say Listen to the tape. can which object they close. 2.New teaching The listening. students 1.Listen to the tape,point pairs and say Guess the city or 2. Tell the students close minument in China their books and explain the according to the first word of a two_word teacher. place name. 3.Have the students The pupils are able to describe places or things. contunue the activity in 9 pairs. 4. Tell the students I'm going to say adjectivies . 课后反思 课题 教学重难点 教学过程 综合 时间 a Be able to describe places or Pictures、准备 things. recorder 10

教师活动 I.Warmer 1. sing a song. 学生活动 设计意图 go over some Try to say the places To of this module. adjectives, the students can remember them. Practise the speaking ability. 2.go over the famous place in London。 II.New teaching 1.teacher say Say the words. in Chinese,students translate the words into English. Go over the Sing a song to know more 2. try to introduce the place dialogue. of London in own words, or try to remember the dialogue. Read dialogue. 3. read after the recorder . work in pairs 4.learn to sing the song listen and learn about London London Bridge. 课后反思 第三模块 Module 3

教学 目标 教学 1.Describing things in the future and talking about abilities. 2.Describing 星期一至星期天. 1.Sentences: One day, robots will do everything. It can walk. 重点与难Will it be windy in Beijing? Yes, it will. No, it won’t. 点 2.Words and phrases:robot everything one day our 星期几 11 教 学 设想

开展游戏“Guess—What the robot will do ?”。以小组为单位选派代表扮演机器人,带上“机器人”帽子上前做动作,其他小组使用“You will??”或“Will you ??”句型进行猜测,优胜者给予奖励 Module3Unit1:Robotswilldo 课题 时间 everything 1.Be able to say : It can walk .Robots will do everything. 教学目标 2.Be able to talk about something with “will”. Be able to describe the abilities with a recorder 教学重难点 准备 “can”. 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 12 I.Warmer Have pairs of the 1.On the board draw a students come to the Aftertalkingabout robot.Then write “It front . robots ,they can improve the can?.”under the robot. Students Asays what interests about them . 2.point to the robot again the robot can do and The children are very . and say,“It can read ”and student B does the then pick up a book and action . pretend to read. II.New lesson Look at the pictures and answer the The pupils are able to describe the abilities with 1. Have the students look question. at the picture.Ask question Listen to the teacher “can”. in Chinese. and point to them. 2. Now say that I;m going to Have the students call out the names of continue the activity different objects and in pairs.After three people in the pictures and turns they should the students to the swap roles. student I’m going to point to the different pictures in Activity 3 and make statements about them. 课后反思 13 Unit 2: On Monday I’ll go 课题 时间 swimming 1.Be able to talk about the plans. 教学目标 2.Learn to say :Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday?Sunday. 3.Drills:Will you play football on Monday。 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Talk about the plans about the seven days a recorder 准备 of a week. 14 I.Warmer 1.Write the numbers1-7 on the Have them predict the board. Write the words Monday meaningofthewords ,Mond They can go er the to Sunday under the numbers. ay ,Tuesday and so on. days of the weeks. 2.Now tell the students I’m going to say a day and they They ordinal number ordinal number and say which and say which day it is. day it is. II.New lesson 1.Have the students suggest activities that they do and Say some activities. Go The students can write a list an the swimming, read a say many activitions. should on write the From this activity, pupils can board,eg.play football ride a book ,watch TV,etc. bike,etc. 2.Then draw the following They calendar on the board. activitise 3.Have the students cope,the calendar. calendar in their exercise books. Work in paris and tell the 4.then pairs and tell one another one sth. another what will do on the seven dayd of the week. 课后反思 improve their orals. 15

第四模块 Module 4

1、掌握以下单词的读写,并能熟练使用:教 学 目 标 take picnic fly great why because so cloudy weather why not? 2、熟练使用句子: We’re going to ’t.On Monday I’ll go swimming. Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will...No, I won’t. 1、对句型Will you take your kite? Yes,I will. No, I won’t.的正教学 确使用。 重点与2、对句型Will you play football on Monday?Yes, I will...No, I won’难点 t.的正确使用。 1:课时安排: Unit 1 ?????????????..1课时 教学 Unit 2 ?????????????..1课时 设想 2:多听录音,让学生模仿语音语调。 3:设计一些活动,培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的技能。

16 Module 4 课题 Unit 1:Will you take your 时间 kite ? 教学目标 1. Learn about the future tense.“Will you???” 2. Be able to ask and answer in pairs. 教学重难点 Be able to make a plan and talk 准备 a recorder about it. 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 17 I.Warmer 1.Tell the students to pretend they are going on a picnic .Get them to think of things they might take ,Write the words on Retend they’re going the board .Encourage the on a picnic. students to think of both Think of things objects and food. II.New lesson they might take. Be able to make a plan and talk about it. Close their books. 1.Tell the students to close Listen to the tape the students can their books .I’m going to play . and 2.After listening, answer the improve their teacher’s questions. listening. ask the students if any of the Choose one object they To have the class’things an the list are mentioned will take on the atmosphere. on the tape. picnic. 3.Tell the students to choose Find who is the one object they’re going to take winner. on the picnic. 4.Ask them questions. If you ask about sth that any of the students down,those students must stand up . 课后反思 18

课题 Unit2:Will it be Haikou? 时间 1.Be able to say :It will be windy in Beijing.Will it be 教学目标 windy in Beijing?Yes,it will.No,it won’t. 2.Be able to say the weather report. 教学重难点 教学过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Be able to talk about the weather. 准备 a recorder 19 I.Warmer 1.Introduce some of the new Now perform mimes to show vocabulary by drawing some the students the meaning pictures to represent the of the other weather This can crease different patterns. 2.Write ‘weatherweather conditions or make a statement the pupils’ listening and ability. theappropiateappropriate mime. ’words Close their books underneath and place the say the type of weather in pictures on the wall of the the city. classroom. II.New lesson Be able to improve the ’ study The students should studentscontinue the activity in interests. 1. Have the students close pairs. their books.Call out a city Listen to the tape and read and the type of after the tape together . weather in that city. 2.Do lot of examples.Then pairs. 3.Listen to the tape and raed after it. 4.Do a lot of practice to familiarise the students with the new vocabulary. 20

