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初中英语考点汇编(7A Chapter 1)



how far 对距离提问 how often 对频率提问

how soon “多久后”,对表示将来时的时间状语提问 how long 对时间或长度提问 例句:How many people are there in your family? (L9, P7) 你家有多少人?

试题:1. -- ________ is the library from our school?

-- It’s quite near, just go ________ the road.

A. How far, cross B. How long, across

C. How far, across D. How long, cross (C)(2009年深圳市)

2.-______ do you clean your flat? - Once a week.

A. How long B. How soon C. How often D. How far(C)

考点2:不定冠词: a 用在以辅音开头的音节前,an 用在以元音开头的音节前。 例句:He works as an architect in London. ( L22, P3) (L6, P8) 他在伦敦做一名建筑师。 我想成为一名工程师.

试题:1.Mary has ___ e-dictionary. She got it from her uncle.

A. a B. an C. the D. / (B)(2009年杭州市)

2.Jackie Chan is ____ great actor. I really like his movies.

A. a B. an C. the D. / (A)(2008年温州市)

3.He gave my sister ___ useful book yesterday.

A. an B. a C. / (B)(2008年青岛市)

4.John likes playing ___ basketball, but he doesn’t like playing ___ piano.

A. the, / B. /, the C. the, the D. /, / (B)

考点3:并列连词 常见的并列连词有 and, but,or ,so,both and ,either or。。。 等。 例句:I can speak Chinese, but I can not write it very well. ( L21, P3)



试题: 1.It is a nice house, ___ it doesn’t have a garden.

A. and B. or C. but D. so (C)(2008年北京市)

2.I am really sorry, ___ I can’t go swimming with you this Sunday.

A. so B. and C. or D. but (D)(2008年石家庄)

3.Li Ming failed in the exam again, ___ he tried very hard.

A. if B. so C. though D. but (C)

考点4:would like to do sth. 想做某事

相关的短语归类如下:would rather (not) do sth. had better(not)do sth. 等。 例句:I would like to be your pen friend. (L15, P3)


试题:1.He would like ___ rugby.

A. play B. plays C. playing D. to play (D)

2. ---Would you like to go with me?

--- Yes ____.

A. I would like. B. I would like to C. I would. D. I like (B)

考点5:speak + 语言


say + 说话内容 talk +to/with/about sb.

speak to sb 跟某人说话 tell sb sth 告诉某人某事 我会说中文.

试题:Sorry, I can’t ___ it in English. I can only ___ Chinese.

A. speak, talk B. say, tell C. say, speak D. talk, speak (C)

考点6:enjoy doing sth

能后接ing 形式的动词有: finish, like,prefer,stop, remember, forget等。 例句:I also enjoy playing rugby and badminton in winter. (L13, P3)


试题: – Do you enjoy ______ pop music? - Yes, I do.

A. listen to B. listening C. listening to D. to listen to (C)

考点7:work as+职业 从事 (工作)

例句:He works as an architect in London. ( L22, P3) 他在伦敦做一名建筑师。 试题: My mother is a doctor and my father ___ a teacher.

A. work as B. works as C. works at D. woks on (B)

考点8:Form One 一年级

例句:I am in Form One at Walker School. (L24, P3) 我在沃克学校一年级.

试题:– What class are you in? -- I am in ___.

A. Class 3, Form 7 B. Form 3, Class 7

C. class 3, form 7 D. form 3, class 7 (B)

考点9:be keen on 热衷于

例句: I’m keen on sports. 我热衷于体育运动。(L25, P3)

试题:He ___ pop music.

A. is interesting in B. like C. is keen on D. is keen in (C)

考点10:walk to 。。。 = go to。。。 on foot走路去某地

例句:It is near my house, so I can walk to school. (L7, P9)


试题:Peter often walks to school. = Peter often goes to school on foot. (同义句)

考点11:hear from sb.=get a letter from sb. 收到某人的来信

例句:It’s great to hear from you, Simon. (L33, P11)


Yesterday, I heard from my grandmother.

= Yesterday, I got a letter from my grandmother. (同义句)


例句:---When is his birthday? ---On the fourth of May. (L11, P10)

试题:1.The teacher often takes his students to the Science Museum ___ Saturdays.

A. in B. by C. at D. on (D) (2009年上海)

2.When will we meet tomorrow? ___ about 8:00 am.

A. On B. In C. At D. Since. (C)

考点12:with “带有,带着”,表示伴随状态

例句:He lives in a house with a big garden. (L20, P10)


试题:The teacher came in ___ a smile on her face.

A. has B. had C. with D. by (C)

初中英语考点汇编(7A Chapter 2) 考点1:频率副词

频率副词有:often, always, usually, seldom, rarely , never等。

例句:I always go to school by bus.(L9, P7) 你家有多少人?

试题:1.Sandy is so careful that she ___ makes mistakes in her homework.

A. usually B. seldom C. often D. always (B)(2008年芜湖市)

2.---______ do you go to see a film?

---Sometimes. Maybe once a month.

A. How long B. What time C. When D. How often


例句:She does not walk. ( L7, P11) 她不走路。

试题:1.---Can your father drive? ---Yes, and he usually ___ to work.

A. drove B. is driving C. drives D. has driven (C)(2008年武汉市)

2.Tom often ____ breakfast with his parents.

A. has a B. has C. have the D. have (B)

考点3:one of + 形容词最高级+复数名词

例句:Wendy Wang, 15, is one of the top students in Shenzhen. ( L4, P17)


试题: 1.Tom is one of the tallest ___ in our class.

A. boy B. boys C. student D. girls (B)

2.William Shakespeare is ___ in the world.

A. one of the famous writers B. one of the famous writer

C. one of the most famous writers D. one of the famousest writers (C)

考点4:put on 穿上 反义词 为take off

例句:I get up at six o’clock, wash and put on my school uniform. ( L11, P17) 沃六点起床,洗刷然后穿上校服.

试题:---Look at the sun. It’s too hot today! ---Yes, why not ___ your coat?

A. take off B. take out C. put on D. put off (A)(2009年宁波)

考点5:in one’s own car 坐某人的车

例句:Every day, my father drives me to school in my own car. ( L17, P17)


试题:My father often goes to work ___ his own car, but my mum often goes to work

____ bus.

A. by, by B. in, in C. by, in D. in, by (D)

考点6:on the way to sw. 在去 的路上

例句:I sometimes make phone calls to my clients on my way to school. ( L19, P17) 有时候,我在上学的路上打电话给客户.

试题:He met an old friend __ the way to the hospital.

A. in B. by C. at D. on (D)

考点7:fail an exam=not pass an exam 考试不及格

例句:I never fail an exam. ( L23, P17)


试题: Susan is a good student. She never ____ exam.

A. fails B. fails an C. pass D. passes an (B)

考点8:collect sb. from sw. 从某地接走某人

例句:About twice a week, my driver collects me from school. ( L26, P17)


试题: ---______ your driver often ____ you from school? ----Yes.

A. Does, collects B. Does, collect C. Do, pick D. Does, pick up (B) 考点9:return to sw. =go back to sw 返回某地

例句:Then I return to school. ( L31, P17)


试题: After Peter ___ to the office, he went on working.

A. returned B. returned back C. go back D. goes back (A) 考点10:lose one’s temper=get angry 发脾气

例句:How often do you lose your temper? ( L15, P25)


试题: My father often loses his temper. = My father often gets angry. (同义句) 考点11:stay up =go to bed very late 熬夜

例句:Do you often stay up late? ( L19, P25)


试题: Peter stayed up last night. = Peter didn’t go to bed last night. (同义句)

