九年级英语全册《Unit 7 lesson 40 The UN-The Power of Words》教学设计 (新版)冀教版

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Lesson 40 The UN--The Power of Words


河北版(衔接三年级起点)九年级英语(全一册),lesson40 The UN--The Power of Words


本课选自河北版九年级英语第七单元第五课,UNIT 7 (L37-L42) Work For Pe ace .本单元主要探讨为和平而工作的含义,懂得建立起日常生活中人与人的和平关系、以及世界范围内的和平关系,让同学们认识到交流与合作的重要性。语法项目涉及到连词的用法及其他相关单词短语。本课主要学习联合国相关知识,包括联合国的成立、组成、目的、作用等。这一话题是本单元情感目标的延伸和升华,通过学习不仅要建立语言知识,更重要的是培养学生运用和平的思想解决实际问题:小到日常生活相处,大到国家世界和平。





New words : suffer, headquarters, security, permanent, situation, satisfy, agency

New phrases: suffer through, be satisfied with, instead of, WWⅡ, The Secretary-General, The UN Security Council, permanent member

Language points: 1) suffer 2) instead 3) satisfy

2. 能力目标: Try to get a general understanding of the UN


Hold a positive attitude to the UN, Lo ve peace, To understand words are better than wars 教学重点:

1. Master the new words and phrases

2. Get to know the main idea of the text, esp. a general knowledge of the UN


1 The name of some speci al agencies under the UN

2.The usage of suffer, satisfy and instead


1 . Task-based Language Teaching 2, Cognitive method 3,Group- work discussing


1,The slide show 2, The students exercise book 3, Audiotape


Step1. Lead in

Pictures show about the UN, including the flag, headquarter, The Secretary-General, etc. then ask the students if they know these pictures . the teacher can lead some new words at the same time. at last the teacher introduce the title and topic even the objective of this lesson.

Step2. Learn new words and phrases , present the new words and phrases thought the slide show. New words:

suffer, headquarters, security, permanent, situation, satisfy, agency


suffer through, be satisfied with, instead of, WWⅡ, The Secretary-General, The UN Security Council, permanent member

Step 3. Fast reading

1) Task: 2 minuets to read the text through, answer the questions of think about it.

2) A guide: before their reading, let the students have a look at the questions first. After

reading, the teacher can choose two or three volunteers to answer these questions first, then guide them repeat the right answers together.

3) Answers: words is more powerful than war, The UN tries to prevent the war and it was

founded in 1945.

Step4:Listening to the tape and finish exercise one of let’s do it.

1) Guide :The methods can be just the same as step 3, but in this step, the teacher can

call four students to write answers on the blackboard. Each student write only one agency which under the UN . don’t forget to read the answers together in the end.

2) Answers: the headquarters of the UN is in N.Y. It has 193 member states, the UN S ecurity

Council is to help countries talk about problems and prevent war, UNESCO is an agency under UN to protect important cultural sites.

Step5.Second reading

1) Task:, read the text carefully. Then try translating some important sentences and pay

more attention to the newly language points.,They can be underlined. Try generating the main idea of the text according to some words or phr ases in the end

2). Four sentences that need translating:

① In the early twentieth century, people suffered through many wars.

② Many times since 1945, the UN has sent armies to keep peace between two fighting countries.

③ The UN was formed to help countries talk about their problems instead of fighting.

④How difficult it is to satisfy all 193 members !

3). a general knowledge of the UN:

The UN ---formed in 1945 which has 193 member states with the N.Y. as its headquarters -------→ agencies under UN: The Secretary-General (Pan ki-moon at present) , the UN Security Council which has 5 perma nent members is to help countries talk about problems and prevent war, UNESCO is to protect important cultural sites as one of its objectives.-------→ duty and effect: keep peace between two fighting countries, prevent the war through words .-------→Suppo rt the UN, love peace, against war; Work hard at school so that we can have the ability to fulfill this wish; To others we must know words are better than wars…

Step6. Language points

Guide: Give one example to each point, ask some students or the whole class to make up sentences first , then give the right example ,read these examples together, the details needs consulting the slide show

1) suffer, suffer through , suffer from & suffering


e.g: I can't suffer such rudeness.

(2)suffer through 意为“熬过,挨过”

e.g: How does these people suffer through the pain?

(3) suffer from 意为“患有(病痛等),而受苦”

e.g: The old man is suffering from a bird flu.

(4) suffering 作名词,意为“痛苦”,多指肉体或精神上的

e.g: It has caused terrible suffering to animals.

2) satisfy, satisfied & satisfying

(1) satisfy为动词,意为“使满意”

e.g: If you want to satisfy your curiosity(好奇心), please come in

(2)satisfied & satisfing 为形容词,satisfied意为“感到满意的”,常用搭配“be satisfied with 或 satisfied that +从句; satisfying意为“令人满足的”

e.g: I'm not satisfied with the way he cut my hair.

It can't be satisfying to work in the garden.

3) instead & instead of

(1) instead 副词,位于句首或句末

e.g: He isn't here, Ask Lucy instead.

She didn't answer me, instead, she asked me another question.

(2) instead of 位介词短语,意为 "代替,而不是",它后面一般接名词、代词、动名词或介词


e.g: Shall we have fish instead of meat?

I'll go instead of her.

Step 7. Exercise

1) Do exercise two of let’s do it, ask some students to write the answers on the

blackboard ,then check the answers together,

Answers: Secretary-General, agreement, situation, satisfy

2) Group-work discussion: What should we do or choose after we have learned this lesson?

War or peace? Fight or talk? Support the UN or not ? why or why not? How?...

Conclusion: Support the UN, love peace, against war. Work hard at school so that we can have the ability to fulfill this wish. To others we must know words are better than wars…Step 8. Summary.

A fast review of the point that listed in the language goals.

Step 9.Homework.

Finish the first three exercises of the students exercise book page 124- 125


1,Words and phrases

2,Language points

1) suffer, suffer through , suffer from & suffering

2) satisfy, satisfied & satisfying

3) instead & instead of

3, A general knowledge of the UN:


1, 本课的知识难点对你来说有哪些?你是怎样去理解的?

2,通过学习本课,你认为什么对你最重要?知识还是思想?为什么? 3,怎样巩固我们对本课的学习成果?

