更新时间:2023-07-25 05:23:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载
1. 对话较短,对话长度一般在十句左右
2. 对话内容围绕某一场景进行,对话贴近生活,材料简单易懂
3. 选择试题是完整的句子,而不是单词或词组
4. 7个选项中只有5个和试题内容关系密切;另外2个干扰性很强。
5. 对话内容间有很强的逻辑和语法关系
6. 注重交际性的考查
7. 选项中有3个左右的问句,其余为陈述句
1. 语言放在语境中,考查学生运用语言进行情景交际的能力。
2. 选择的材料属于日常交际题材,含盖大纲要求的41项。(购物;预约,。。。。)
3. 考查内容涉及到基本的词汇;句型和习惯用语。以及文化背景知识和中西方文化的差异
1. 通读全文;理解中心话题。
2. 分析上下文之间的逻辑关系,注意语法方面;口语习惯,文化差异;和对话人的意图和态度。
例如:上句是一般问句;下句就可能用yeah/yes/no 来做答。
3. 完整的复查,带选项进入对话中,看全篇对话是否连贯、合理、通顺。
- Mary, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy?
- Ah, it was great I The food was great \ The wine was great! But the traffic was terrible!
- Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don' t want to think about it!
- OK, OK. - Yes, so here' s a picture of the Tower of Pisa.
- How nice!
- It was raining that day, but it was still wonderful. We climbed to the top!
- That' s a photo of the Amo River. That' s the "Ponte Vecchio", the old bridge.
- It was very interesting. There were beautiful old buildings in the city, and lots of wonderful museums. - That’s nice.
A. And what' s this?
B. Why was it so bad?
C. Yes, it was wonderful.
D. What was Florence like?
E. Let' s return to the good parts.
F. Sure, what was your holiday like?
G. Well, did you like your hotel there?
2.B 解析:根据上下句,可知在说交通差的原因,故此选B。
3.E 解析:根据上下句,可知要返回说愉快的事情,故此选E。
4.A 解析:根据下文的内容,可知是问某张照片是什么。故此选A。
5.D 解析:根据下文的答语,可知道此处是问“某地怎么样?”故此选D
Li Hua,who is planning to travel with his parents, is now calling Hyatt Travel
Agency in Xi’an. (A: Assistant B: Li Hua)
A: Hello,this is Hyatt Travel Agency. May I help you?
L: Yes. This is Li Hua. I’ll have a short holiday, and I’m thinking about traveling abroad with my parents. A: Of course. May I ask how long your holiday will be?
L: About a week.
L: I`d love to go to Europe.
A: We have a special offer for European tours.
A: Sure. For family tours, we have five European cities on the list, and we’ll see the Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and other places of interest.
I’ll talk about this with my parents and call you Back. Thank you.
A:You are welcome.
A.What would you like to know?
B.You are very lucky.
C.What do you have in mind?
D.Can you pive me some advice?
E.That’s just what I am thinking of.
F.Can I have some extra information?
G.I hope you’ll have a good journey there.
―Can I help you?
-Yes,I’m looking for a sweater.
- 6
-I’m an extra large.
- 7
-Yes,that’s nice. 8
-Certainly,there is a changing room over there.
-Thank you.
- 9
―It’s too large.Do you have a large?
―Thank you.I’ll have it,please.
A.How does it fit?
B.How about this one?
C.Can I try it on?
D.Yes,let me have a look.
E.What size are you?
F.How would you like to pay?
G.Yes, here you are.
― Well, Bob, what a surprise! It's nice to see you again!
―Wasn't it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you?
― You know, I think you're right.How are your wife and the children?
― Oh, they're fine.Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago.
― Wasn't Joey learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that.
― And you wife, what is she doing these days?
― She's going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays.She's studying French now.But last year she studied typing and sewing.
― How nice for her! But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you?
― Sure I will, and remember me to your husband.Goodbye.
A.Oh, he's given that up.
B.Oh, I'm sorry.I've got to rush.
C.She's made great progress in that.
D.How long has it been?
E.I think she just enjoys going to school.
F.Joey's getting on well with her.
G. But other than that, there's been nothing special.
―___---Isn`t it terrible ?
―The rain…____―I don`t like it at all.Do you ?
―Strange such a day in July.___―_____―Yes, I remember, too.
―___―Yes, it was.
A. When did it rain a lot in July ?
B. Or was it in 1928 ?
C. Rain in the morning, then bits of sunshine, and then rain, rain, all day long
D. Bad day, isn`t it ?
E I remember exactly the same July day in 1936.
F. I hate the rain
G.What a day it is !
Alice’s mother is very ill. She wishes to take a few days off from school so she goes to her teacher, Mr Green. ―Excuse me, Mr Green. I’d like to take a few days off.
――My mother’s ill. I have to take care of her.
―Oh dear! I’m sorry to hear that. ______―No, thank you. My mother has caught a bad cold. She has a high fever and coughs day and night. The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days. I’d like to be with her.
――I hope to be back next Wednesday.
―That’s all right. ____―Thank you, Mr Green. That’s very kind of you. I’ll write it immediately.
―____I’ll certainly help you with them when you get back.
A.Is there anything I can do to help?
B.What’s the matter, Alice?
C.I hope your mother gets well soon.
D.How long will you be away?
E.Where have you been, Alice?
F.But you must write a written request for leave to be away.
G.Don’t worry about your lessons.
(6) ---Yes,but there won`t lie any factories, just two or three office buildings, and they will lie far behind that woodland over there. A. Never sleep better
B. This is a developing area
C. The only noise I heard last night was some birds at about two o`clok in the morning
D. Now we are able to live in a little village.
E. The silence was wonderful for me
F.Was it noisy ?
G.What is happening to the village ?
(1)1-5 D C B F E (2) 6-10 E B C A G (3)11-15 D G A E B (4)15-20 D F C E B
(5)21-25 D A B F G (6) 26-30D B A C E
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