
更新时间:2024-02-01 15:38:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载


1.What are the two speakers talking about?

A) How to keep healthy. B) How to calm our nerves. C) The benefits of exercise. D) The benefits of good sleep.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中男士提到,锻炼可以带来很多好处(Exercise offers all the obvious benefits),女士对此进行了补充,可见两人是在谈论锻炼身体的益处,所以选C。 Script

W: Professor Smith, what are your future projects on teaching?

M: Later in the year I plan to revise my free Computer Basics course for the English majors at our college.

2.What is Professor Smith most likely to do later this year?

A) Revise his Computer Basics course. B) Publish his third book on computer. C) Teach English majors American literature. D) Give a lecture to English majors at his college.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中男士提到,他今年晚些时候计划修改计算机基础课程(I plan to revise my free Computer Basics course),所以选A。 Script

W: What information or advice can you offer to our home users of this software?

M: Just spend some time now and then exploring your software. I guarantee you'll learn something and you might even have fun!

3.Who is the woman probably speaking to?

A) A film producer. B) A software designer. C) A newspaper reporter.

D) A home user of that software.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


音频中女士询问软件的相关信息或建议,男士建议她花时间开发一下软件的功能,由此可以推断男士可能是软件的设计者,所以选B。 Script

W: How did your business manage to turn into one of the leading web design companies?

M: Since 2006, we've been in a constant state of change, keeping up with the global market-place, keeping up with emerging technologies and keeping up with best practices.

4.In which program does this conversation most likely take place?

A) In a music TV program. B) In a TV interview program. C) In an education TV program. D) In a children's TV program.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中女士问到如何使公司成为网页设计的领军者,男士对此做出了回答,可以推断出这可能是一期访谈类节目,所以选B。 Script

M: Do you have a favorite book or one that's closest to your heart that you've written? W: That's a tough question. Writing isn't easy and so all my stories are precious.

5.Who is the man probably speaking to?

A) A reader. B) A writer. C) A reporter. D) A film director.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中男士问女士最喜欢她写过的哪本书(Do you have a favorite book ? that you've written?),可见他是在和一位作家谈话,所以选B。 Script

W: In case of emergency, you can take the express train and save an hour.

M: Yes, the express takes only four hours to get to Beijing.

6.How long does the local train take to get to Beijing?

A) One hour. B) Three hours. C) Four hours. D) Five hours.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中女士说坐特快可以节省一个小时,男士表示同意,快车只用四个小时,可见普通的火车要花五个小时到北京,所以选D。 Script

M: Well, what brings you to Beijing?

W: I'll talk about that in a few minutes. I am exhausted.

7.What will the woman do first?

A) Visit Beijing. B) Take a rest. C) Talk about her trip. D) Go to the airport.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中女士说自己太累了(I am exhausted.),由此可以推断她可能先休息一下,所以选B。 Script

M: Well, have you got anything to declare? Is that the case you've been taking?

W: Oh, just one suitcase.

8.What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A) Judge and lawyer.

B) Customs official and traveler. C) Repairman and customer. D) Postman and customer.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。


音频中男士问女士有没有什么要申报的物品(have you got anything to declare?),可见他是一位海关工作人员,这很可能是他与旅客之间的对话,所以选B。 Script

W: There are so many environment problems in the world today. Do you think we can really solve them all?

M: I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action, but I doubt it'll happen before it's too late.

W: You are right. For example, we need to solve the problem of air pollution before we destroy the atmosphere.

M: But everyone is looking at the same issue in the short term, rather than the long term. It's the same with the destruction of the rainforests. Countries and companies just want the wood. They're not thinking about the long-term damage to the forests.

W: As we all know, there's lots of clean, modern technology, but companies in developed countries say it's expensive. Developing countries put more emphasis on economic development than on environmental protection.

M: Yes, that's the main point of the problem.

W: Climate change and over-farming are causing farmland to turn into desert. It means that people cannot grow enough food.

M: It also means that people sometimes fight over the farmland that remains. Damaging the environment actually leads to conflict between people.

W: Have you ever thought about joining an organization committed to protecting the environment? You could get involved with projects to improve the environment.

M: I think I'd like to do that. I could take the things I learn here back to my country when I have finished my studies.

9.What is the man's suggestion on solving the environment problems?

A) That the developed countries should take more measures. B) That people should look at this issue in the short term. C) That world leaders get together and agree on a plan for action. D) That everybody should be aware of the importance of this issue.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


音频中男士提到,他觉得世界各国的领导人应该聚在一起达成一个共识(I hope that world leaders can get together and agree on a plan for action),所以选C。 10.What do the developing countries attach more importance to?

A) Global peace. B) Social stability. C) Economic development. D) Environmental protection.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中男士提到,发展中国家把重点放在经济发展上(Developing countries put more emphasis on economic development),所以选C。

11.What can actually lead to conflicts between people?

A) Damaging the environment. B) Destroying the atmosphere. C) Protecting the wild animals. D) Pursuing the luxurious life.

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中男士提到,环境破坏最终会引发人们之间的冲突(Damaging the environment actually leads to conflict between people.),所以选A。 Script

M: Good afternoon everyone! This is Mike from \Magazine\have Maggie today sharing about her job as a librarian. Welcome, Maggie. Could you tell us why you wanted to be a librarian in the first place?

W: Well, I think the main reason is that I can learn something every day in the library. I've booked mountain climbers, and rock musicians, for programs.

M: Besides books, what else interests you most at your library?

W: The new technologies, I think. Sometimes I use new technologies to help people gather information. It's very interesting.

M: How do you like your working environment?

A) New England Journal of Medicine. B) Three American universities. C) The US Public Health Institution. D) Blood Pressure Research Center.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中提到,研究人员来自加利福尼亚大学、斯坦福大学和哥伦比亚大学(The researchers were from the University of California, Stanford University and Columbia University.),所以选B。 24.Which countries have already launched the campaign to persuade people to eat less salt?

A) The US & Britain. B) Britain & Thailand. C) Japan & Finland. D) Japan & France.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中提到,英国、日本和芬兰已经开始了说服民众减少食盐摄入量的运动(Such campaigns are already in place in Britain, Japan and Finland),所以选C。

25.What's Dr. Michael Alderman's attitude toward the campaign?

A) Supportive. B) Critical. C) Neutral. D) Indifferent.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

音频中提到,Michael Alderman 是这项运动的批评者之一(Michael Alderman is among the critics.),可见他对此持批判态度,所以选B。

Section C Dictation

Directions:In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks with the exact words you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.



Welcome to Bell College. The aim of the college is to foster (培养) the (26)growth of international understanding through the provision of high (27)standard educational courses. Second, the college is based in a residential (供学生住宿的) setting for (28)adult students from abroad. And last is to make a (29)positive contribution to the development of teaching English as a foreign language. Bell College is one of a group of schools run by the Bell Educational Trust, a non-profit-making educational (30)foundation .

The college offers an attractive environment for study and (31)leisure for students aged 18 or over. A hundred and sixty students live in comfortable single and twin study bedrooms on the (32)campus , and a further 70 or 80 with carefully (33)selected local families. The excellent common room facilities in the college are (34)matched by the extensive gardens and computer networks are available for students' use in class hours, in the evenings and at weekends .

A wide range of courses is offered in three areas: the main English program, teacher training and English for specific purposes. The teachers are (35)highly qualified native speakers with wide experience of working in many universities around the world . Living in an international community of 30 or more nationalities is an important part of the college experience. Great stress is laid on pastoral care (牧师心理治疗) and the college has its own medical center. A busy and interesting program of sporting, cultural and social activities is provided in the evenings and at weekends.

26.正确答案为 growth 你没有作答。 27.正确答案为 standard 你没有作答。 28.正确答案为 adult 你没有作答。 29.正确答案为 positive 你没有作答。 30.正确答案为 foundation 你没有作答。 31.正确答案为 leisure 你没有作答。 32.正确答案为 campus 你没有作答。 33.正确答案为 selected 你没有作答。 34.正确答案为 matched 你没有作答。

35.正确答案为 highly qualified 你没有作答。

Part Ⅲ

Section A Fill in the blanks

Directions:In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.


Suffering with joint pain? Millions of Americans suffer with joint pain for a variety of reasons. Sports fatigue, arthritis (关节炎) and aging can all cause wear and tear on your joints (36)leading







single (37)movement your body makes puts pressure on your joints. Up, down, side to side your joints are (38)constantly strained.

For some people, just moving around results in joint pain. Even people with (39)occasional joint pain suffer through activities they once loved. Your joints age over time and like any part of your body, they require regular care and comfort. Many people don't realize how important joint care is, or how to stop joint pain. Some people (40)assume painful joints are just part of life.

However, (41)breakthrough discovery is changing everything. Researchers in Cambridge have discovered a new compound of all-natural ingredients that (42)promises to relieve joint pain, improve mobility (灵活性), and in some cases protect the actual joints themselves. The new formula, branded under the trademark Green Light Joint Support, includes ingredients with clinical (43)trials nothing short of amazing.

The samples arrive just a few days after ordering and unlike most joint relievers, the results are almost (44)immediate . By the second week of the trial, results can be even more impressive with increased flexibility.

After trying many of the joint relief products on the (45)market , we've found huge differences in quality. It is an impressive product and a great choice for anyone looking to comfort and relieve their joints. A) assume B) breakthrough C) constantly D) determined E) elements F) essentially G) immediate H) leading I) market J) movement

K) occasional L) promises M) rational N) surface O) trials

36.正确答案为 H) leading 你没有作答。 解析:H) leading

36.【考点】固定搭配题 【解析】这里要表达的意思是:关节的磨损会引发不适和疼痛。Lead to为固定搭配,意思是“引发、导致”,所以此处填入leading。

37.【考点】句子意思题 【解析】这句话的意思是:身体所作的每一个动作都会对关节施加压力。Movement有“动作、活动”的意思,所以此处填入movement。

38.【考点】逻辑分析题 【解析】这句话前面提到,人们会往上、下和侧面活动,而不管是往哪个方向,我们的关节都会被拉紧,一直处于拉伸状态。constantly意思是“不断地、持续地”,所以此处填入constantly。


40.【考点】语法结构题 【解析】通过句子成分分析可知这里需要一个动词,选项中只有assume(猜测)符合题意,所以此处填入assume。

41.【考点】上下文联系题 【解析】前面提到很多人把关节疼当做生活的一部分,这里是说突破性的发现改变了这一看法,前后形成对比。

42.breakthrough【考点】单词用法题 【解析】promise作为动词意思是“有??可能”,这句话的意思是这些自然成分有可能缓解关节疼痛,所以此处填入promise。

43.【考点】固定搭配题 【解析】clinical trial是固定搭配,意思是“临床试验”,所以此处填入trials。 44.【考点】常识判断题 【解析】一般缓解关节疼痛的药要过一段时间才起效,而这里说这种新的药品不同,它的药效几乎是即刻的。Immediate意为“即刻的、及时的”,所以此处填入immediate。

45.【考点】句子意思题 【解析】这里要表达的意思是:在尝试过市场上很多种缓解关节疼痛的药物之后??。On the market意为市面上有售的,所以此处填入market。 37.正确答案为 J) movement 你没有作答。

解析:J) movement 略

38.正确答案为 C) constantly 你没有作答。 解析:C) constantly 略

39.正确答案为 K) occasional 你没有作答。 解析:K) occasional 略

40.正确答案为 A) assume 你没有作答。 解析:A) assume 略

41.正确答案为 B) breakthrough 你没有作答。 解析:B) breakthrough 略

42.正确答案为 L) promises 你没有作答。 解析:L) promises 略

43.正确答案为 O) trials 你没有作答。 解析:O) trials 略

44.正确答案为 G) immediate 你没有作答。 解析:G) immediate 略

45.正确答案为 I) market 你没有作答。

to earn $2.5 million throughout their lifetime, while those with a doctor's degree can foresee earning $3.4 million and those with a professional degree can anticipate earning $4.4 million. College graduates are also less likely to be unemployed than those with less education. The need for college-educated employees is also anticipated to remain high. In 2006, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicted that between the years 2004 and 2014, 55 million jobs will be filled by entry-level workers. An estimated 13.9 million of these jobs will be filled by college-educated workers. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also predicts that positions for college-educated workers will increase at a faster pace than positions for non-college graduates.

There is also evidence that proves that education benefits the brain's physical health. Studies have revealed that highly educated people are less likely to develop various forms of dementia (痴呆). The foundation behind these claims is still unverified (未经证实), but scientists do recognize that engaging frequently in mental activity, such as learning new tasks, can vastly improve aging adults' memories. For several older adults, returning to college for fun has brought joy to their golden years.

56.How do you understand the sentence \

A) It is sensible. B) It has a good reason. C) It becomes common. D) It becomes obvious.

正确答案为 B 你没有作答。 解析:

make sense为固定搭配,意思是“合乎情理的、易于理解的”,所以选B。

57.According to the author, who are more likely to find the job they prefer?

A) Those with bachelor's degrees. B) Individuals with college degrees.

C) Individuals with a broad scope of job skills. D) Those who master a variety of learning skills.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

文章第一段最后一句话提到,有广泛工作技能的人更容易找到心仪的工作(An individual with a broad scope of job skills has the best chance of landing the most desired position.),所以选C。 58.What can we infer from the second paragraph?

A) The job market becomes more competitive than ever. B) More jobs require applicants to have master's degrees.

C) There exist great differences in earning potentials among people.

D) Those with a professional degree can foresee earning four million dollars.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:


59.Between the years 2004 and 2014, there will be a greater increase in positions for ________.

A) graduates with a master's degree B) non-college graduates C) entry-level workers D) college-educated workers

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:

文章第三段第三、四句提到,在所有550万没有工作经验要求的岗位中,有139万将会由大学毕业生担任(An estimated 13.9 million of these jobs will be filled by college-educated workers),可见大学毕业生的岗位增加最快,所以选D。

60.What benefit can aging adults get if they frequently take part in mental activities?

A) They can make new friends. B) They can learn new knowledge.

C) Their memories can be greatly improved. D) Their social status can be greatly improved.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

文章第四段第三句话提到,经常性的脑力劳动可以增强老年人的记忆(vastly improve aging adults' memories),所以选C。

With economy being so unstable nowadays and job security being something of the past, many individuals getting ready to enter into the career world are wondering what the best careers will be in the near future. The key to finding a career path that will continue to be profitable is doing your research and determining which careers will continue to grow, which careers are not in danger of being taken over by computers and which careers will always require the human hands. The first category of careers that will continue to be in demand are healthcare careers. Although technology will continue to improve testing capabilities, there is no way for technology to take over the jobs of the many healthcare professionals required to keep a hospital running successfully. Therefore, for anyone who is comfortable with such a career as nursing, this is a great career path to follow.

The next popular career path that will not diminish (缩减) anytime in the near future is in educational institutions. It is true that many college courses are being taught online these days

but even then a real person is needed to move the class along. In regular classrooms all around the world technology is being used to supplement the traditional textbook learning but a teacher will always be needed to teach students how to make use of such tools.

Food service careers are also a career category that will continue to be popular in the future. Technology may be able to improve the way we prepare and cook food but there will always have to be an actual person behind that technology making everything run smoothly and there will always have to be someone to serve food as well.

Choosing a career for the future when nobody really knows what the future holds can be very scary (可怕的). Research a variety of careers in order to find one that's right for you but that won't be obsolete (过时的) in a few years and you will be thankful down the road. 61.What does the author mean by saying \

A) People with jobs worry more about their safety now. B) The working environment becomes more dangerous now. C) The working conditions are getting worse and worse now. D) People with jobs are more likely to become unemployed now.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:


62.When it comes to choosing a career, individuals are advised to ________.

A) follow a continuously profitable career path B) follow the healthcare careers such as nursing C) determine which career requires the high technology D) determine which career can be taken over by computers

正确答案为 A 你没有作答。 解析:

文章第一段第二句话提到,找到一份持久的工作的关键是研究哪些行业比较能持续下去(The key to finding a career path that will continue to be profitable is doing your research and determining which careers will continue to grow),可见作者建议人们寻找一份这样的职业,所以选A。 63.What's the author's comment on the phenomenon of college courses being taught online?

A) It will become less popular in the future. B) It will attract less attention in the future. C) It is true, but real teachers are still needed. D) It is true, so teachers are not needed at all.

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。


文章第三段第二句话提到,虽然现在有很多在线的课程,可还是需要有一个人来保证课程的顺利开展(but even then a real person is needed to move the class along),所以选C。 64.What does the author think of technology used in some fields of our life?

A) It is being used to improve testing capabilities.

B) It is powerful and it can take over the jobs of human workers. C) It is being used to improve the way we prepare and cook food. D) It is beneficial, but it cannot take over the jobs of professionals.

正确答案为 D 你没有作答。 解析:

文章第二段第二句话提到,虽然技术会不断加强我们的检测能力,可技术终将无法取代专业人员的作用(Although technology will continue to improve testing capabilities, there is no way for technology to take over the jobs of the many healthcare professionals),所以选D。 65.The phrase \

A) in the past B) on the road C) in the future D) along the road

正确答案为 C 你没有作答。 解析:

down the road是固定短语,意思是“今后,在将来”,所以选C。

