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文章来自:lnjzedu.gov.cn 时间:2010-07-06 (全国中学生英语能力竞赛组委会办公室 供稿)

( 答题时间:60分钟 总分:100分)




1.A.Saturday 2.A.sunny 3.A.wash 4.A.which 5.A.any

B.Sunday B.funny B.wear B.what B.many

C.Tuesday C.candy C.watch C.who C.penny


听音,判断下列句子与你所听到的句子意思是(Y)否(N)相符。 6.What's your havourite season? 7.My sister Linda can't use a computer. 8.I have a bed,a table and a big closet. 9.Tom,it's time for supper.

10.I don't want to eat beef and green beans. Ⅲ.对话理解(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分) A)听音,选出与对话内容相符的图片。

B)听音,根据你听到的对话内容判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 16.The dialogue is about the summer holidays. 17.The boy wants to see a movie.

18.On the weekend,the girl needs to help her dad. 19.They will see a movie together. 20.They won't talk about it any more. Ⅳ.短文理解(Passages)(共10小题,计10分)


21.______ 22.______ 23.______ 24.______ 25.______ B)听音,根据短文内容,完成下面表格。

Day Place Weather Activities Jack is studying in 30 . 笔试部分(共七大题,计70分)

Ⅴ.单项选择(Multiple-choice)(共10小题,计10分) 从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出恰当的一项完成下列句子。 31.My brother can play ______ piano A.a B.an C./ D.the

32.He______ a new dictionary. A.have B.has C.haves D.having

33.She's going to Beijing ______ her friend. A.at B.on C.with D.in 34.I'm one year______ than you. A.old B.older C.elder D.shorter

26 on the 27 sunny and 28 Janet is 29 a letter. 35.She______ her grandparents every Friday. A.visits B.visit C.to visit D.visiting 36.There ______ some water in the cup. A.be B.are C.is D.am 37.Let's draw a ______ face. A.cat B.cat's C.cats D.cats' 38.Can you ______ me,please? A.help B.helps C.helping D.pelped

39.Jim likes making kites,______ Bob doesn't. A.and B.also C.or D.but

40.It's eight o'clock.Ben ______ TV in the bedroom. A.watch B.watching C.is watching D.watched Ⅵ.情景会话(Dialogues)(共10小题,计10分)


41.A.Oh,it's a nice day. B.Oh,it's 10:15. C.Oh,it's Wednesday. D.O,it's March 10th.

42.A.Hold on,please. B.I'm fine. C.I don't like Mary. D.Thank you.

43.A.How tall is she? B.How about eating an apple? C.What's wrong with her? D.What's her number?

44.A.It's near the library.B.It's very big. C.It's behind the hospital. D.It's far from the library.

45.A.what would you like for supper? B.can you do the


C.which one do you like best? D.can I have that glue? B)从所给的选项中选择恰当的句子补全对话(此题有两人个多余选项)。

A.I’m sorry,we're out of plastic bags. B.Can I have a bag? C.I'll be back soon.

D.Next time,I'll bring my own bag. E.Do you have anything smaller? F.Sorry,we're out of potatoes. G.The total is .50.


A)根据汉语提示,填写单词,完成句子(每空一词,首字母已给出)。 51.I usually go to shop on T_______.(星期四) 52.He is not quiet,and he is very a_______.(活跃的) 53.Go and wash your hands in the b_______.(卫生间) 54.We'd better s_______ for eight hours every day.(睡觉) 55.She won f_______prize in the competition.(第一) B)填单词,完成句子翻译(每空一词,首字母已给出)。 56.糖果有害于牙齿。

Sweets are b______f______your teeth. 57.安擅长英语。

Ann is g______a______English. 58.艾丽斯经常在周末做饭。

Alice often c______t______m______on weekends. 59.餐馆的前面有一台旧自行车。

There is a bike i______f______o______the restaurant. 60.请不要向窗外看!

Don't l______o______o______the window,please. Ⅷ.完形填空(Cloze)(共5小题,计5分)


on of restaurant clean must need there Jay's family owns a 61 .His mother and father work 62 every day.On weekends,Jay goes to the restaurant.He does his homework in the back room.Sometimes the restaurant is full 63 people.Jay's mother and father 64 his help.He 65 tables and brings water to customers.He really likes doing that.

Ⅸ.阅读理解(Reading comprehension)(共15小题,计15分)


Alice lives in Canada with her sister Ann,her mother and father.Her father is a teacher.He goes to work by bus.Her mother works in a hospital.She goes to work by bike.Alice and her sister are twins.Every morning,Alice reads newspapers.Her sister Ann watches TV.Every evening,Alice plays the violin.Ann draws pictures.Do they go to school together? No,they don't.Alice goes to school by bike,but Ann goes to school on foot.

根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。 66.Alice's father drives to work. 67.Alice's mother works in a hospital. 68.Ann reads newspapers every morning. 根据短文内容填空(每空一词)。

69.Alice ______ ______ ______in the evening. 70.Ann ______ ______ ______ on foot.


根据图片,从A,B,C,D四个选项中选出恰当的一项完成下列各题。 71.The pet store is ________ .

A.next to the police station B.across the street from the bank

C.on the corner of Mill Road and Main Street D.in between the toy store and DVD store

72.The drug store is ________ Oldtime Street and Center Road. A.on the corner of B.in between C.beside D.behind

73.How can you go from the police station to the toy store? A.Turn left on Center Road.Then,go down Main Street. B.Walk up Park Way.Then,turn left on Main Street. C.Walk all the way up to Trenton Way.Turn right. D.Walk from Park Way to Oldtime Street to Center Road. 根据短文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。

74.There is nowhere to park near the department store. 75.A drug store is beside a hospital.


A dove is a bird.You may have seen doves.Some doves are white and some are grey.They like corn.They don't like meat.A dove likes to live in a bird-house.Many people like doves.They make a home for their doves near a window.Doves fly out of their houses in the day.They come back home in the evening.Doves can fly for hours

so sometimes people take them far away.They tie a letter to the dove's leg.Then the dove can take the letter home.How interesting! Do you like doves now? 阅读短文,回答下列各题。 76.Are doves only white? 77.What do doves like eating? 78.Where do doves live? 79.When does a dove go out?

80.Why do people tie hetters to the legs of doves? Ⅹ.小作文(Composition)(共1小题,计15分) 题目:On Weekends

要求:1.你通常在周末做些什么呢?请根据下面的图片写一篇小作文; 2.条理清晰,意思明确、连贯,句子通顺,标点正确,书写工整、规范; 3.不少于60个词。

Ⅺ.智力测试(IQ test)(共5小题,计5分) 按要求完成下列各题。

82.I can't finish this pizza.I'm afraid my eyes were bigger than my stomach as usual.为划线部分选出最贴切的汉语解释。

A.眼睛太大 B.我的胃很小 C.没有胃口 D.眼馋肚饱

83.Can you find the missing number?(根据英文字母表的顺序来解答此题。)

84.Remove one match to leave 23.移除一根火柴使之变成数字23.

85.At a birthday party,half the guests drink cola,a quarter have lemonade,a sixth have orange juice,and the remaining three have water.There are _______(how many) guests at the party.




Ⅰ.1-5 BACBA Ⅱ.6-10 YNYYN Ⅲ.A)11-15 CBABC B)16-20 FTTTF Ⅳ.A)21-25 CEABD

B)26.Tuesday 27.farm 28.warm 29.writing 30.America 附听力部分录音原文

Ⅰ.1.Tomorrow is Sunday.What day is it today?

2.It's a sunny day.Let's go to the beach. 3.I usually watch TV in the evenings. 4.What would you like for lunch,Ben? 5.Do you have any new teachers this term? Ⅱ.6.Which season do you like best? 7.My sister Linda is a computer teacher.

8.There is a bed,a table and a big closet in my bedroom. 9.Tom,it's time to have supper. 10.I'd like some beef and green beans. Ⅲ.A)

11.W:What does your science teacher look like? M:She is short and thin. 12.W:What do you do on weekends? M:I often play computer games. 13.W:What's the date today? M:It's July 23rd. 14.W:Where do you come from? M:I come from Australia. 15.W:How do you usually go to work? M:I usually go to work by subway. B)Ann:What are your plans for the weekend? David:I'm not sure.I might go to a movie. Ann:Cool,which one?

David:I don't know.I need to check the newspaper.So,do you have any plans? Ann:Nothing fun.I need to help my dad at his store.

David:Well,how about after this?We can get something to eat and see a movie. Ann:Sounds good.Let's talk about it again this Friday.

Ⅳ.A)Mr Black works very hard.He wakes up at 6:00 o'clock every morning.Then he drives his car to his office.His work is always very busy.Sometimes he doesn't have time to eat lunch.The work day ends at around 7:00 pm.

Mr black is happy to go home.He loves eating dinner with his family and playing with his children.Spending time with them makes him happy.

B)(W)I'm Janet.Today is Tuesday.It's sunny and warm.There are a lot of children on the farm.I really like playing games with them.Now I'm writing a letter to my friend,Jack.He is studying in America.He likes reading books and playing football.I miss him very much.John is reading a newspaper and some children are playing football near the house.We enjoy the holiday very much.


Ⅴ.31-35 DBCBA 36-40 CBADC Ⅵ.41-45 BACAD 46-50 GEBAD

Ⅶ.A)51.Thursday 52.active 53.bathroom 54.sleep 55.first

B)56.bad for 57.good at 58.cooks the meal 59.in front of 60.look out of Ⅷ.61.restaurant 62.there 63.of 64.need 65.cleans

Ⅸ.(A)66.F 67.T 68.F 69.plays the violin 70.goes to school (B)71.D 72.A 73.B 74.F 75.T

(C)76.No,they aren't.77.They like eating corn. 78.They live in bird-houses. 79.It goes out in the day. 80.Because the dove can take letters home. Ⅹ.参考范文

On Weekends

I like weekends very much.I can do many things.

I usually do my homework on Saturday morning.Then I watch TV.I like watching cartoon films; they are very interesting.Sometimes I play football with my friend in the afternoon.On Sunday,my parents and I go to visit my grandparents.They live no far from my house.They like me very much.I love them,too. I love happy weekends.

(72 words)

Ⅺ.82.D 83.18.Each number represents a letter of the alphabet where A=1,B=2,C=3,etc.The phrase spelled out is THE MISSING NUMBER. 84.仔细观察图片,是数字29,移除一根火柴,就变成了数字23.

85.thirty-six /36 86.over 责任编辑:tenglong.net 调用分隔线,此处不显示

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