西南交大 第二学期 高升专 英语第5-9次作业客观题13页

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一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. – Oh, God! I’ve made such a mistake! (B) Never mind. We all make mistakes. 正确答案:B

2. – What a poor job I’ve done!

(D) Don’t be upset. No one can do it better than you. 正确答案:D

3. – I had a minor accident yesterday but fortunately nothing is serious.

(A) What a relief to hear that! 正确答案:A

4. – I feel awful. I’ve left your book somewhere. (B) Don’t worry. I never liked it anyway. 正确答案:B

5. – I’ve lost a good chance to futher my study abroad last term.

(B) Don’t dwell too much on your past. 正确答案:B

6. – I’m sorry. I forgot to buy your ink in town. (C) Don’t worry. These things happen. 正确答案:C

7. – – We all make mistakes. (D) Please excuse me for spilling tea on you. 正确答案:D

8. – I’m bound to lose again. What should I do? (D) Cheer up. You can do it. 正确答案:D

9. – There is no way for me to pass the exam today! (D) Come on! You can do it. 正确答案:D 10. – It’s my fault. (A) Don’t blame yourself. 正确答案:A

11. He didn’t go to the party, but he does wish he ______ there. [本题1分] (A) had been 正确答案:A

12. ________, he remained honest. [本题1分] (C) Poor as Paul was 正确答案:C

13. All the big company’s trading partners come under _______ pressure to turn into E-businesses too. [本题1分] (B) intense 正确答案:B

14. These euphoric feelings are not ______, but they are in your head. [本题1分] (C) imaginary 正确答案:C

15. Somewhere along the line, Home Depot has ceased to

be just a shop selling things and has become a ______ services provider. [本题1分] (A) virtual 正确答案:A

16. He laughs best _______ laughs last. [本题1分] (C) who 正确答案:C

17. These books, ________ at any bookshop, will give you all the information you need. [本题1分] (D) which you can get 正确答案:D

18. Hardly _______ people ran toward it. [本题1分] (B) had the plane landed when 正确答案:B

19. I think we are rich enough to ______ and protect our environment, but we have to improve environmental education too. (B) care for 正确答案:B

20. Don’t worry about your son’s illness. What he really needs is _____ a few day’s rest. [本题1分] (D) nothing but 正确答案:D

21. He asked if _____ surprised. [本题1分] (B) you were 正确答案:B

22. Seldom _____ any mistakes during my past five years of service here. [本题1分] (B) did I make 正确答案:B

23. She _____ there to be a couple of dozen people in the room, most of them sitting with their backs to her. [本题1分]

(D) estimates 正确答案:D

24. Don’t you know how ______ it can be out here in the mist? [本题1分] (A) dangerous 正确答案:A

25. Five of the _____, all immigrants from Morocco and other African countries, were still in hospital. [本题1分] (B) victims 正确答案:B

26. And he knew there was no chance of ______. [本题1分] (C) escape 正确答案:C

27. In most EU countries, the employment regulations are ______ and the labor force itself is often resistant to change. [本题 (B) restrictive 正确答案:B

28. By evening, he had decided to make his request ______.

[本题1分] (D) in person 正确答案:D

29. The two plants he had ever worked for have _______ due to foreign competition. [本题1分] (A) shut down 正确答案:A

30. Things _______ us all, so we put them in and take them out as we like. [本题1分] (C) belong to 正确答案:C

31. He said he’ll ________ for a car to come and pick you up. [本题1分] (B) arrange 正确答案:B

32. Leave a few hours between eating and __________ any sporting activity. [本题1分] (A) participating in 正确答案:A

33. They would _______ David for the loss of the safe house. [本题1分] (D) blame 正确答案:D

34. Mr. Brown has already raised duty on the purchase of high-value _______. [本题1分] (A) properties 正确答案:A

35. Relaxed atmosphere and central _______ make this an ideal place for meeting friends. [本题1分] (C) location 正确答案:C

36. Smokers become _______ to nicotine, and on stopping smoking the sudden loss of nicotine can cause unpleasant illnesses. (C) addicted 正确答案:C

37. If it were as cheap and easy to get ________ here as in America, the British might double their time at the computer. [本题 (B) online 正确答案:B

38. He is a better driver than I am and most of the other drivers I _______. [本题1分] (B) encounter 正确答案:B

39. The weight of an object in space is not the same ______ its weight on the surface of the earth. [本题1分] (B) as 正确答案:B

40. When ________, John did not reply. [本题1分] (D) asked what his name was 正确答案:D


二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题) 41.

Lately, more and more singles are turning to the Internet for better dating opportunities. The process of an online relationship, however, is very different from the real-life dating process. The online environment is, by its very nature, restrictive.

Trish met a man online, and the online relationship quickly blossomed into an intense, intimate encounter. She had lied in the beginning of the relationship by understating her own weight by 150 pounds. When he asked for her picture a week later, she worried about her lie, and sent a picture of a slimmer woman instead. In her mind, however, he would come to accept her physically once he fell in love with her soul. A few weeks passed, and the relationship intensified. He arranged to fly to meet her. She felt confident that her lie would be forgiven if she confessed in person. However, the woman he met was nothing physically that she had led him to imagine. He walked away angrily and refused to speak to her again. Trish blamed society’s focus on beauty, not willing to realize that she had cheated him.

Amy, a friend of mine, was involved in an online romance for several months with Jed, a man who lived in another state. Their relationship included lengthy and intimate phone conversations. They genuinely cared for each other, and spent time supporting one another through difficult life decisions. From their perspectives, they shared an intimate and loving relationship. When she suddenly became ill and hospitalized, I relayed messages to him, until he was able to contact her in her hospital room. They soon began discussing the possibility of living together. Problems occurred when they met for the first time. My friend complained that the spark that they shared online no longer existed in real life. Once completely charmed, they now easily annoyed each other. After sharing their feelings and troubles for three months, they became total strangers face-to-face. Realizing that they had crossed intimacy boundaries, it was uncomfortable to assume even a friendly relationship.

(1) According to the 1st paragraph, the online relationship _____________. [本题2分]

(D) is more and more popular among singles 正确答案:D

(2) Why didn’t Trish send her own picture to the man? [本题2分]

(B) Because she was not as slim as she lied. 正确答案:B

(3) When did the man arrange their first meeting? [本题2分]

(C) After their relationship became steady. 正确答案:C

(4) Why did the man get angry? [本题2分] (D) Because he realized he was cheated. 正确答案:D

(5) The story of Amy and Jed tells us _____________. [本题2分] (A) Love online is hard to survive (生存) in real life. 正确答案:A 42.

Who would want to build a virtual house on the Internet? Or spend hours online each week living inside a make-believe world? It sounds crazy, but thousands of video game enthusiasts do just that.

Online worlds are becoming more popular than ever. Many people have belonged to these online worlds for years. Inside these imaginary worlds, video gamers develop characters over time. These characters learn skills, fight battles, build relationships, and even own property. Some communities inside these online worlds have several hundred thousand citizens!

The people role-playing in online worlds buy and sell things with virtual money. Many gamers earn virtual money by running successful tailor shops and weapons dealerships in their online worlds. Money and treasures can also be taken from victims in battle—it’s a dangerous virtual world out there! But







time-consuming for the gamer who wants to buy his castle now. Serious game addicts have begun doing something the online world designers probably never imagined.

Some gamers are exchanging real-world money to buy virtual money and property for their online worlds. Using online auction sites such as eBay.com, gamers buy and sell whatever they need. A whole mini-economy has grown around this trade of goods.

Some of the most valuable items for sale in online worlds aren’t cheap. Sometimes they are rare, which makes them even more valuable. For example, consider a nice virtual house in a prime location. This property might cost as much as a new TV set in the real world!

For the person who doesn’t participate in these online worlds, the appeal must seem peculiar. What’s the attraction with these online worlds? Why would people spend money on something that doesn’t really exist? The money being exchanged for those online swords and castles is real. The swords and castles aren’t. Absurd? Maybe. But the time and effort spent by the players is real. So is their love for online worlds. It seems only the human imagination can make something out of nothing!

(1) In the 1st paragraph, “make-believe world” refers to the

following EXCEPT_____________. [本题2分] (D) castles 正确答案:D

(2) In the 1st paragraph, “video game enthusiasts” refers to _____________. [本题2分] (A) video gamers 正确答案:A

(3) The gamers could earn virtual money by the following EXCEPT _____________. [本题2分] (B) designing some games 正确答案:B

(4) According to the author, human imagination _____________. [本题2分]

(D) can make anything possible 正确答案:D

(5) What’ s the author’s attitude toward things online? [本题2分] (C) Neutral 正确答案:C 43.

Mrs. Wilson, a Cree Indian in her sixties, was looking for a home to rent. She heard that one was available in an ideal location, close to the Calgary core.

Mrs. Wilson and her daughters went to look at the house. Sure enough, there was a “For Rent” sign in the window. A woman next door told them that the owner was Antonio Pompei, who owned a bakery farther up the street. Mrs. Wilson has great difficulty walking for she is almost blind, so she waited in the car while her daughters went along to the bakery. The daughters met Mr. Pompei, who agreed to rent the house. However, the daughters wanted to see the inside of the house before they agreed to rent it. One of the bakery employees went with them to the house, where he met Mrs. Wilson. All three women liked the house and returned to the bakery to tell Mr. Pompei that they would rent it.

When Mr. Pompei saw Mrs. Wilson, he quickly walked out of the bakery. He had not realized Mrs. Wilson was Indian. Her daughters look more like their father, who is of a different ethnic(种族)origin. The next day, Mrs. Wilson and her daughters returned to the bakery in an attempt to rent the house. Because of her blindness, Mr. Wilson was helped out of the car and guided into the bakery by one of her daughters. Mr. Pompei told the women that the house was already rented.

The Wilsons suspected discrimination. As soon as they got home, Mrs. Wilson phoned Mr. Pompei, without identifying herself, Mr. Pompei lost his temper.

Mrs. Wilson complained to the Human Rights Commission. Their examination discovered that the tenants


who did rent the house had not even seen it at the time when Mrs. Wilson visited it. They applied to rent it a full week after Mrs. Wilson had applied.

(1) According to the passage, Mrs. Wilson was _____________. [本题2分]

(C) to rent the house for her family 正确答案:C

(2) According to the passage, we are certain that Mr. Wilson was _____________. [本题2分] (B) not an Indian 正确答案:B

(3) Mrs. Wilson found Mr. Pompei’s discrimination by _____________. [本题2分]

(C) making an unidentifiable phone call 正确答案:C

(4) In the end Mrs. Wilson couldn’t rent the house simply because _____________. [本题2分] (A) she was of Indian origin 正确答案:A

(5) Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE? [本题2分]

(B) The house had been rented to someone else a week before. 正确答案:B 44.

The advantages and disadvantages of a large population have long been a subject of discussion among economists. It has been argued that the supply of good land is limited. To feed a large population, poor land must be cultivated and the good land worked intensively. Thus, each person produces less and this means a lower average income than could be obtained with a smaller population. Other economists have argued that a large population gives more chance of development of facilities such as ports, roads and railways, which are not likely to be built unless there is a big demand.

One of the difficulties in carrying out a worldwide birth control program lies in the fact that official attitudes to population growth vary from country to country depending on the level of industrial development and the availability of food and raw materials. In the developing country where a vastly expanded population is pressing hard upon the limits of food, space and natural resources, the first concern of government will be to set a limit on the birthrate, whatever the final result may be. In a highly industrialized society the problem may be more complex. A decreasing birthrate may lead to unemployment because it results in a declining market for manufactured goods. When the pressure of population on housing declines, prices also decline and building industry grow weaker.

Faced with concern such as these, the government of a developed country may well prefer to see a slowly increasing population, rather than one which is stable or in decline.

(1) The main topic of this article is _____________. [本题2分] (B) population growth 正确答案:B

(2) The passage says that a small population may lead to _____________. [本题2分]

(C) higher production and a higher average income 正确答案:C

(3) According to the passage, the use of birth control perhaps is good for_____________. [本题2分] (A) a developing country 正确答案:A

(4) In a developed country, people will perhaps be unemployed if the birthrate _____________. [本题2分] (B) goes down 正确答案:B

(5) The author is aiming to show that_____________. [本题2分]

(C) different nations have different views of population growth 正确答案:C

45. When reality __(1)__ hard to take, there’s an __(2)__ to a parallel universe—a virtual world without end __(3)__ real people create online personas called avatars. Anything is possible.

Catherine Smith showed CBS News correspondent Jerry Bowen that her avatar has “red hair” and “big nice cool glasses”.

“This is my deck __(4)__ the beach, and I’ve got neighbors that have a giant pirate ship,” Smith explained. Smith can’t __(5)__ a beach house in real life. But in Second Life, the online game __(6)__ by her employer, Linden Lab, she—and nearly 100,000 other subscribers who pay $10 a month— can have that and more.

“You can go skydiving and not be afraid of dying; you could become a wild animal, __(7)__ that you could never do in real life,” she said.

__(8)__ as this may be to believe, there is real money changing hands among the players in these games, Bowen reports. An estimated $1 billion worldwide __(9)__ spent by users buying and selling virtual goods, such as furniture for virtual houses and clothing for their avatars. But it’s paid for with real-world credit cards—at Second Life alone, $6 million a month.

“What we have here is a virtual loft of sorts that we created for the artist Regina Spektor,” says Ethan Kaplan of Warner Bros. Records, which has set up shop to __(10)__ the

pop singer’s music.

“Our goal with Second Life is to make it better than real life in a lot of ways,” says Phillip Rosedale, Linden Lab’s CEO and founder. (1) [本题1分] (B) gets 正确答案:B (2) [本题1分] (C) escape 正确答案:C (3) [本题1分] (D) where 正确答案:D (4) [本题1分] (B) overlooking 正确答案:B (5) [本题1分] (C) afford 正确答案:C (6) [本题1分] (A) created 正确答案:A (7) [本题1分] (D) something 正确答案:D (8) [本题1分] (B) Hard 正确答案:B (9) [本题1分] (A) is 正确答案:A (10) [本题1分] (C) publicize 正确答案:C 第六次作业

一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. – Can you come to our party this Friday? (A) Yes, that would be fun. 正确答案:A

2. – Do you think it OK if I postpone my Tuesday’s appointment till Wednesday? (B) No problem. 正确答案:B

3. – Would you like to see a movie with me tonight? (C) Yes, with pleasure. 正确答案:C

4. – Can Mr. Brown see me today? (A) Sorry, he’s out. 正确答案:A 5. – __________________


– Yes, I’m free then.

(D) I want to know if you are free on Saturday. 正确答案:D

6. – I am wondering if you’d like to go to a concert with me this evening.

(D) I can’t make it today. How about tomorrow? 正确答案:D 7. – __________________

– Sorry. I have another appointment next Monday. (B) I’d like to make an appointment for next Monday. 正确答案:B

8. – I won’t be able to keep my 9:00 appointment, but I can come at 10:00. (C) That’s all right. 正确答案:C

9. – How about 2 o’clock?

(A) I’m sorry. But it won’t be so convenient for me. 正确答案:A

10. – Would you like to join us for a picnic tomorrow? (C) Yes, I’m happy to. What time? 正确答案:C

11. Her interests __________ from basketball to chess. [本题1分] (A) vary 正确答案:A

12. We must __________ action before it is too late. [本题1分] (B) make 正确答案:B

13. __________ a thorough investigation, no trace of her husband has been found. [本题1分] (A) Although 正确答案:A

14. Whether we will go or not __________ the weather. [本题1分]

(D) depends on 正确答案:D

15. Linda is not interested in political __________. [本题1分] (B) problems 正确答案:B

16. A person who is able to read and write is called __________. [本题1分] (D) illiterate 正确答案:D

17. The manage is good at __________ difficult customers. [本题1分] (C) tackle with 正确答案:C

18. It’s difficult to get this __________ to children. [本题1分] (D) by 正确答案:D

19. A sore throat and running nose are __________ of getting cold. [本题1分] (A) signs 正确答案:A

20. Harry is __________ and he always lacks self-confidence. [本题1分] (B) independent 正确答案:B

21. What really made me decide to buy the house was the beautiful __________ through the window. [本题1分] (B) look 正确答案:B

22. She was __________ the point of telephoning him when his letter arrived. [本题1分] (C) at 正确答案:C

23. Last year the crime rate __________ by 20 percent. [本题1分] (A) raised 正确答案:A

24. Computer technology will __________ a revolution in our daily life. [本题1分] (C) bring out 正确答案:C

25. A truck __________ Wendy’s dog and sped away. [本题1分]

(C) ran through 正确答案:C

26. You see the lightening __________ it happens, but you hear the thunder later. [本题1分] (D) in an instant 正确答案:D

27. UN is trying to do something to __________ better understanding between the two countries. [本题1分] (C) heighten 正确答案:C

28. Once out of the earth’s gravity, the astronauts are __________ by the problem of weightlessness. [本题1分] (A) affected 正确答案:A

29. If your coat is too large, the tailor can __________ it to fit you. [本题1分] (B) change 正确答案:B

30. All her energies are __________ upon her children. [本题1分]

(D) focused 正确答案:D

31. Knowing something as a whole is far from knowing all its __________. [本题1分]

(B) character 正确答案:B

32. His being careful made a deep impression ___________ the young girl. [本题1分] (A) in 正确答案:A

33. I heard that Tim was knocked down by a car and badly __________. [本题1分] (C) hurt 正确答案:C

34. My mother seemed to be in no __________ with my poor school report. [本题1分] (B) contact 正确答案:B

35. Bob was very __________ to get the results of the exam for he was not fully prepared. [本题1分] (B) concerned 正确答案:B

36. Cindy can’t concentrate __________ what she was doing while her family were watching TV. [本题1分] (D) in 正确答案:D

37. This debate contest will be broadcast live on the National Television __________. [本题1分] (C) e-mail 正确答案:C

38. There’s still no __________ evidence that supports the scientist’s theory. [本题1分] (C) valid 正确答案:C

39. Before he went to Hong Kong for his vacation, Jason went to the bank to __________ some money. [本题1分] (A) pull 正确答案:A

40. Please pass me the salt, __________ you? [本题1分] (B) don’t 正确答案:B

二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题) 41.

Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to understand their own emotions and those of others, and to act appropriately using these emotions. Research suggests that a person’s emotional intelligence (EQ) might be a greater predictor of success than his or her intellectual intelligence (IQ), despite an assumption that people with high IQs will naturally accomplish more in life.

The Marshmallow Test is mentioned in Emotional Intelligence, by Goleman. How a child performs on this test at the age of 4 is a better predictor of his or her future success in life than his or her IQ.


What researchers do is leave the child alone in a room with a marshmallow, telling them they can either eat the marshmallow immediately, or, if they can wait till the researchers return, they can have 5 marshmallows. What this is testing is “impulse control” and the ability to “delay gratification”. It’s an example of “frustration tolerance”. Much of what we want later on in life requires resisting the immediate impulse, and also being able to “delay gratification”, i.e., when in college, you might have preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii, but, since you valued what a college education would do for you, you stuck with it. And it meant giving up some things you might have preferred doing at the time.

Some of the children can’t resist, and take the marshmallow immediately. Others stick it out, and what do they do? They count their fingers and toes... get up and look out the window... find a book in the room and read it... look up at the ceiling—they are very clever!

Somewhere they developed this skill... could it have been their parents?

My mom used to tell me “When you’re angry, stop and count to ten”. She was teaching me to stop and think before I spoke or took action. This is a tried-and-true way to emotional intelligence—stopping to think before you act or react.

(1) Which of the following is not included in EQ? [本题2分] (A) the ability to understand one’s own emotions 正确答案:A

(2) The Marshmallow Test is to __________. [本题2分] (D) test one’s temper 正确答案:D

(3) You stuck with a college education although you preferred to be off surfing in Hawaii. This example is to explain __________. [本题2分]

(C) the ability to “delay gratification” 正确答案:C

(4) The example of the author and his mother shows __________. [本题2分]

(B) the author is very clever 正确答案:B

(5) Which of the following is true? [本题2分] (B) If a person’s EQ is high, he will be successful. 正确答案:B 42.

IQ is not the determining factor for success,” said Janell Kilgore, a staff counselor in the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program. IQ contributes about 20 percent to the factors that determine life success, which leaves 80 percent to other forces, including EQ, she noted. Goleman writes that “the vast majority of one’s ultimate status in society is

determined by non-IQ factors, ranging from social class to luck”. Emotional intelligence is one of those factors that can be improved or enhanced.

According to Kilgore, understanding and practicing five key concepts can improve your emotional intelligence.

Knowing one’s own emotions

Recognize and name emotions you feel; understand why you feel that way; and distinguish between feelings and actions. “As a parent, you can begin now with your children, teaching them about their emotions. But first you have to know your own. You have to be able to tell yourself what you’re feeling,” Kilgore said.

Recognizing emotions in others

The ability to take another person’s perspective, Kilgore said, is a skill that effective managers and supervisors possess. Emotionally intelligent individuals also are sensitive to other people’s feelings and listen well. Kilgore led workshop participants through an exercise designed to illustrate these ideas. She showed two emotionally charged clips from the movies Parenthood and E.T., asking individuals to write down emotions they saw exhibited by the characters’ body language. Participants also wrote down their own feelings during each scene. The group’s list demonstrated the many emotions seen through the films’ characters, as well as the different ways people felt about the same scenes.

Managing emotions

Accept your feelings, but find a balance between over sensitivity or over expression and emotional suppression. Kilgore said her teenage daughters, when angry, have sometimes stomped up the stairs in their home. While some people may find this behavior unacceptable, Kilgore said she finds it healthy for them to express their emotions rather than suppressing them.

Handling relationships

Being perceptive, applying conflict management skills instead of ignoring conflict, and being considerate and cooperative are important in handling relationships with others. Kilgore also stresses that communication skills are essential to healthy relationships.

(1) According to researchers, which of the following is true?


(D) EQ contributes a small part to life success. 正确答案:D

(2) The word “sensitive” in paragraph 4 line 2 means __________. [本题2分]

(C) likely to cause disagreement or make people angry or upset 正确答案:C

(3) Why did Kilgore ask individuals to write down emotions they saw in the movie characters and their own feelings? [本题2 (A) Because she researched human emotions. 正确答案:A

(4) The example of Kilgore’s daughters indicates __________. [本题2分]

(C) Suppressing emotions is good for her daughters’ health 正确答案:C

(5) The main idea of the passage is __________. [本题2分] (B) EQ is more important than IQ 正确答案:B 43.

When we talk about intelligence, we do not mean the ability to get good scores on certain kinds of tests or even the ability to do well in school. By intelligence we mean a way of living and behaving, especially in a new or upsetting situation. If we want to test intelligence, we need to find out how a person acts instead of how much he knows what to do.

For instance, when in a new situation, an intelligent person thinks about the situation, not about himself or what might happen to him. He tries to find out all he can, and then he acts immediately and tries to do something about it. He probably isn't sure how it will all work out, but at least he tries. And, if he can't make things work out right, he doesn't feel ashamed that he failed; he just tries to learn from his mistakes. An intelligent person, even if he is very young, has a special outlook on life, a special feeling about life, and knows how he fits into it. If you look at children, you'll see great difference between what we call \children and \of people, not just the same kind with different amount of intelligence. For example, the bright child really wants to find out about life - he tries to get in touch with everything around him. But, the unintelligent child keeps more to himself and his own dream-world; he seems to have a wall between him and life in general.

If the driving force of intelligence in the twentieth century business has been IQ, then in accordance to


growing evidence, in the twenty first century it will be EQ, and related and practical forms of practical and creative intelligence.

(1) When we talk about intelligence, we mean __________. [本题2分]

(B) the ability to do well in school 正确答案:B

(2) An intelligent person __________. [本题2分] (D) stops trying when he fails 正确答案:D

(3) Bright children and not-bright children __________. [本题2分]

(C) think differently 正确答案:C

(4) The last paragraph is to show __________. [本题2分] (C) IQ is more important than EQ 正确答案:C

(5) The topic of the passage may be __________. [本题2分] (D) The Difference between IQ and EQ 正确答案:D 44.

Why are so many people so afraid of failure? Quite simply because no one tells us how to fail so that failure becomes an experience that will lead to growth. We forget that failure is part of the human condition and that every person has the right to fail.

Most parents work hard at either preventing failure or protecting their children from the knowledge that they have failed. One way is to lower standards. A mother describes her child’s hastily making table as “Perfect!” even though it couldn’t stand on uneven legs. Another way is to shift blame. If John fails science, his teacher is unfair or stupid.

The trouble with failure-prevention methods is that they leave a child unequipped for life in the real world. The young need to learn that no one can be best at everything, no one can win all the time — and that it’s possible to enjoy a game even when you don’t win. A child who’s not invited to a birthday party, who doesn’t make the honor roll or the baseball team, feels terrible, of course. But parents should not offer a quick comfort prize or say, “It doesn’t matter” because it does. The young should be allowed to experience disappointment — and be helped to master it.

Failure is never pleasurable. It hurts grown-ups and children alike. But it can make a positive contribution to your life once you can learn to use it. Step one is to ask “Why did I fail?” Control the natural impulse to blame someone else. Ask yourself what you did wrong, how you can improve. Second, is the goal you’re to reach the right one? Think about this question. “If you do succeed in this,

where will it get me?” This may help you prevent failure in things you shouldn’t be doing anyhow. The third thing to keep in mind about failure is that it’s part of life. Learn to “live with yourself” even though you may have failed. Remember, “You can’t win them all.”

(1) The main idea of this passage is __________. [本题2分] (C) how to deal with failure 正确答案:C

(2) According to the passage, which of the following is not true? [本题2分]

(D) If a child fails a subject, he should blame his teacher. 正确答案:D

(3) According to the writer, __________. [本题2分]

(B) children should be encouraged to get rid of disappointment all by themselves 正确答案:B

(4) The last paragraph tells us __________. [本题2分] (C) failure is not enjoyable 正确答案:C

(5) “Live with yourself” in the last line may mean __________. [本题2分]

(D) to support yourself when you fail 正确答案:D

45. Take jealousy for example. Remember that time your partner spent so __(1)__ extra time with that tall blonde at your best friend’s party? When you mentioned it, he got angry and yelled: “You’re always so jealous! You have to learn to trust me.” He made you feel so foolish—like an insecure little girl—and you vowed you __(2)__jealous again.

It doesn’t work that way. Jealousy is only a symptom, and trust isn’t the issue. Fear is. __(3)__ you figure out what you’re afraid of, you’ll find yourself on that merry-go-round again and again. So sit down and __(4)__ why you feel so fearful about the attentions your significant someone shines on someone else.

Some fears are obvious. Will he find someone else more attractive? If he finds __(5)__ more attractive, will he leave you? If he leaves you, what will you do? We stay in unhappy or destructive relationships and jobs for far longer than is emotionally healthy __(6)__ we fear change. And we don’t trust ourselves to __(7)__the right decisions. Goleman says __(8)__literate people have learned how to express their emotions at the right time and place and in the right way. They’re also aware __(9)__ how their emotions affect others, keeping the __(10)__ on cooperation instead of competition or compliance. (1) [本题1分] (B) much 正确答案:B

(2) [本题1分] (C) would be 正确答案:C (3) [本题1分] (D) Then 正确答案:D (4) [本题1分] (B) analyzing 正确答案:B (5) [本题1分] (A) anyone 正确答案:A (6) [本题1分] (B) where 正确答案:B (7) [本题1分] (C) take 正确答案:C (8) [本题1分] (D) emotionally 正确答案:D (9) [本题1分] (C) in 正确答案:C (10) [本题1分] (C) spot 正确答案:C 第七次作业

一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. – What do you think of my suggestion? (D) I can’t come up with a better one 正确答案:D

2. –I wonder if you can come over tonight. (A) I’d love to, but I am busy tonight 正确答案:A

3. – Why don’t we watch the fashion show tonight? (B) Sounds great 正确答案:B

4. – I am on my way to the bank. Want to come? (C) Sure. Wait a minute 正确答案:C

5. – Would you like to take a look? (A) With pleasure 正确答案:A

6. – At this time tomorrow morning, we’ll be in London. I’m so excited! (C) Me, too 正确答案:C

7. – This is the worst film ever produced. (A) You said it



8. – Do you mind if I change the channel? (C) I’d rather you didn’t 正确答案:C

9. – Hi, Jane. Mind if I have lunch with you? (D) No, not at all 正确答案:D

10. – Can I borrow your textbook, Susan? (B) Sure, here you are 正确答案:B

11. The fact _________ most people believe the earth is flat does not mean that it is true. [本题1分] (A) that 正确答案:A

12. _________ made matters worse was that he was ill. [本题1分] (B) What 正确答案:B

13. The people living here have free _________ to that swimming pool. [本题1分] (A) access 正确答案:A

14. Mechanical research has shown that dirty water contributes_______ the rapid spread of disease. [本题1分] (D) to 正确答案:D

15. Many difficulties have _________ as a result of the economic crisis. [本题1分] (B) arisen 正确答案:B

16. _________ of the two books holds the opinion that the danger of nuclear war is increasing. [本题1分] (D) Neither 正确答案:D

17. The accountant and private secretary of the company _________ the conference. [本题1分] (C) is to attend 正确答案:C

18. We always give the vacant seats to_________ comes first. [本题1分] (D) whoever 正确答案:D

19. He _________ cigarettes because of depression. [本题1分] (A) takes to 正确答案:A

20. There has been a sudden drop in retail sales, _________? [本题1分] (B) hasn’t there 正确答案:B

21. _________ you’ve finished the work, you ought to have a

good rest. [本题1分] (B) Now that 正确答案:B

22. In fact, George would rather have left for London than ______ in Paris. [本题1分] (C) stayed 正确答案:C

23. My father seemed to be in no _______to celebrate. [本题1分] (A) mood 正确答案:A

24. The storm stopped him _______ coming to our party. [本题1分] (C) from 正确答案:C

25. The manager needs an _______ secretary [本题1分] (C) efficient 正确答案:C

26. He is hostile ______ reform. [本题1分] (D) to 正确答案:D

27. What you have done is _________ our expectations. [本题1分]

(C) contrary to 正确答案:C

28. His mistake was _________ carelessness. [本题1分] (A) due to 正确答案:A

29. Congress has criticized new government measures to _________ crime. [本题1分] (B) combat 正确答案:B

30. I cannot _________ this signature. [本题1分] (D) identify 正确答案:D

31. The research center has published a report on child _________. [本题1分] (B) abuse 正确答案:B

32. Gambling is not _________ here. [本题1分] (A) legal 正确答案:A

33. The smell of fresh bread _________ the whole house. [本题1分]

(C) penetrated 正确答案:C

34. Some language experts think foreign expressions _________ English. [本题1分] (B) corrupted 正确答案:B

35. The high-speed train service is planned to _________ from the city to the countryside. [本题1分] (B) extend 正确答案:B

36. I believe she can cope _________ the difficult situation. [本题1分] (D) with 正确答案:D

37. The _________ price of goods rose by just 2.2%. [本题1分] (C) average 正确答案:C

38. With a _________ of the mouse, we can surf online. [本题1分] (C) click 正确答案:C

39. You’d better steer _________ of these sensitive issues. [本题1分] (A) clear 正确答案:A

40. Her manner of speaking was to the _________ of elegance. [本题1分] (B) point 正确答案:B

二、阅读理解、完形填空题(共5道小题) 41.

Of the many problems in the world today, none is as widespread, or as old, as crime. Crime has many forms, including crimes against property, person, and government. Crime, in all its forms, penetrates every layer of society and touches every human being. You may never have been robbed, but you suffer the increased cost of store-bought items because of others’ shoplifting. Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago because of the increased crime rate in your neighborhood. Perhaps your business is not doing as well as it used to because tourism is down due to increased terrorism in your part of the world.

Crime, especially violent crime, has risen to a point where many people are afraid to walk alone in their own neighborhoods, afraid to open their door after dark, afraid to speak out and voice their own opinions. Some citizens have reacted by arming themselves with various weapons, legal and illegal, to defend themselves. Citizen groups have taken the law into their own hands by forming their own vigilante groups to administer “judgment” when they feel that their criminal justice system has not performed its duty.

Experts argue whether the number of crimes committed is actually on the rise or whether there is simply a rise in the number of crimes reported. This issue is


particularly true in cases of marriage violence, the abuse of spouse or children. Throughout much of history, cases of family violence and neglect often went unreported because of the attitude of society, which considered family matters to be private.

Other experts argue about who is really to blame for criminal behavior: the individual or society. Researchers in the United States and Canada have identified several factors in society that contribute to the crime rate: massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and a large immigrant population. Other countries are more affected by factors such as politics, government corruption, and religion.

(1) What does the passage mainly discuss? [本题2分] (A) Crime-the widespread problem. 正确答案:A

(2) The word “shoplifting” in line 4 is closest in meaning to _____________. [本题2分]

(D) the crime of stealing things from shops 正确答案:D

(3) Why does the author in Paragraph 2 mention citizen groups forming their own vigilante groups? [本题2分] (C) To show crime is a serious social problem 正确答案:C

(4) According to the passage, which of the following are the factors contributing to United States’ criminal behavior? [本题2 (B) Massive urbanization, unemployment and poverty, and a large immigrant population. 正确答案:B

(5) Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage? [本题2分]

(B) Some people use illegal weapons to defend themselves. 正确答案:B 42.

“The teenage years should be the best years of your life!”

Young people often hear adults say this, but many teenagers disagree. They simply don’t feel like they’re in the midst of their “best years”. The pressures of school exams and concerns about relationships with family and friends create a great deal of stress for the average teenager. Many find ways to cope with the stress. But for a large number of teens, their problems seem impossible to deal with. When this happens, the young person may fall into depression. In mainland China, a survey found that 16 percent of college students suffered from fear, anxiety, or depression. Increasing mental health problems have prompted the government to look for possible solutions.

This growing trend extends beyond Asia, too.

Studies in the U.S. and the UK show that teenage depression is on the rise. A 2004 report stated that emotional problems among Britain’s youth have increased by 70 percent over the past 25 years.

Faced with these startling numbers, mental health professionals are hoping to raise awareness. Depression can range from mild unhappiness to thoughts of suicide. For this reason, adults should take the illness seriously. Parents can do this by learning about the causes and symptoms of teen depression.

Some factors that may lead to teenage depression are:

●Overwhelming expectations by parents and other adults

●Parental separation or divorce ●Death of a loved one ●Moving to a new location ●Physical illness

“Most of the time when teens are depressed, there’s something wrong in their lives,” says UCLA psychology professor Constance Hammen. “Kids often get depressed because bad things happen to them that they don’t have the coping skills to deal with.”

If you are experiencing any symptoms of depression, you need to talk with someone. There’s no shame in being depressed. Most people suffer from it at one time or another. Unfortunately, feelings of depression may cause you to feel hopeless about your life and your future. But another person can help you put things in perspective. (1) In paragraphs 3 and 4, a survey in mainland China and a 2004 report are mentioned to ______________. [本题2分] (D) indicate teenage depression is a growing problem in many countries. 正确答案:D

(2) Why do kids often get depressed according to Constance Hammen? [本题2分]

(C) Because they can’t deal with the problems. 正确答案:C

(3) All of the following can fall into the category of “depression” EXCEPT __________. [本题2分] (A) stress 正确答案:A

(4) If you feel depressed, you should __________. [本题2分] (C) talk to someone 正确答案:C

(5) The word “it” in the last paragraph refers to ______________. [本题2分] (B) depression 正确答案:B 43.

About six years ago I was eating lunch in a restaurant in New York City when a woman and a young boy sat down at the next table. I couldn’t help overhearing parts of their conversation. At one point the woman asked, “So, how have you been?” And the boy—who could not have been more than seven or eight years old —replied, “Frankly, I’ve been feeling a little depressed lately.”

This incident stuck in my mind because it confirmed my growing belief that children are changing. As far as I can remember, my friends and I didn’t find out we were “depressed” until we were in high school.

The evidence of a change in children has increased steadily in recent years. Children don’t seem childlike any more. Children speak more like adults, dress more like adults and behave more like adults than they used to.

Whether this is good or bad is difficult to say, but it certainly is different. Childhood as it once was no longer exists, why?

Human development is based not only on innate (天生的) biological states, but also on patterns of access to social knowledge. Movement from one social role to another usually involves learning the secrets of the new status. Children have always been taught adult secrets, but slowly and in stages: traditionally, we tell sixth graders things we keep hidden from fifth graders.

In the last 30 years, however, a secret-revelation (揭示) machine has been installed in 98 percent of American homes. It is called television. Television passes information, and indiscriminately (不加区分地), to all viewers alike, be they children or adults. Unable to resist the temptation, many children turn their attention from printed texts to the less challenging, more vivid moving pictures.

Communication through print, as a matter of fact, allows for a great deal of control over the social information to which children have access. Reading and writing involve a complex code of symbols that must be memorized and practiced. Children must read simple books before they can read complex materials.

(1) Feeling depressed once was _______. [本题2分] (B) something hardly to be expected in a young child 正确答案:B

(2) Today’s children are adult-like because of the _________________. [本题2分]

(D) widespread influence of television 正确答案:D

(3) How did a child learn about the adult world traditionally? [本题2分]

(C) Stage by stage and under guidance.



(4) Which of the following statements is NOT true? [本题2分]

(C) Communication through print encourages children to memorize and practice more. 正确答案:C

(5) The author’s attitude towards the change in today’s children is __________. [本题2分] (D) concerned 正确答案:D 44.

Most shoplifters agree that the January sales offer wonderful opportunities for the hard-working thief. With the shops so crowded and the staff so busy, it does not require an extraordinary talent to help yourself to one or two little things and escape unnoticed. It is known, in the business, as “hoisting”.

But the hoisting game is not what it used to be. Even at the height of the sales, shoplifters today never know if they are being watched by one of those evil little balls that hang from the ceilings of so many department stores above the most desirable goods.

As if that was not trouble enough for them, they can now be filmed at work and obliged to attend a showing of their performance in court.

Selfridges was the first big London store to install close-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors. In October last year the store won its first court case for shoplifting using as evidence a videotape clearly showing a couple stealing dresses. It was an important test case which encouraged other stores to install similar equipment. When the balls, called sputniks, first made an appearance in shops it was widely believed that their only function was to frighten shoplifters. Their strange appearance, the curious holes and red lights on and off, certainly made the theory believable.

It did not take long, however, for serious shoplifters to start showing suitable respect. Soon after the equipment was in operation at Selfridges, store detective Brian Chadwick was sitting in the control room watching a woman secretly putting bottles of perfume into her bag. “As she turned to go,” Chadwick recalled, “she suddenly looked up at the sputnik and stopped. She could not possibly have seen that the camera was trained on her because it is completely hidden but she must have had a feeling that I was looking at her. For a moment she paused, then she returned to the counter and started putting everything back. When she had finished, she opened her bag towards the camera to show it was empty and hurried out of the store.”

(1) Why is January a good month for shoplifters? [本题2分] (C) Because there are so many people and the staff are busy. 正确答案:C

(2) Sputniks are to __________________. [本题2分] (D) make films that can be used in evidence. 正确答案:D

(3) The woman stealing perfume __________________. [本题2分]

(B) sensed that Brian was watching her 正确答案:B

(4) Why the woman opened her bag towards the camera? [本题2分]

(C) To show she didn’t steal anything. 正确答案:C

(5) The author believes that __________________. [本题2分] (D) the case last October let other shops realize sputniks is useful 正确答案:D

45. Josh was 12 when his parents bought him a computer for his room, thinking it would be useful __(1)__ Josh was in junior high school. He immediately __(2)__ to the Internet and soon discovered email and chat rooms. His parents __(3)__ his shoulder for the first few weeks. As they became comfortable with Josh’s behavior on the Internet, they no longer did so.

Problems soon __(4)__ , however. Josh began to spend most of his time in his bedroom with the computer, and he was moody when he was forced to spend time with his family. His __(5)__ parents quickly sought counseling for Internet addiction.

Internet addiction is a growing concern in the Information Age. __(6)__ the use of the Internet is likely to be an important skill for those entering the job markets of the future. In addition, it is a highly __(7)__ and informative medium. However, these __(8)__ qualities also make it an escape for many users.

Like addiction to drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes, Internet addiction is marked by symptoms of __(9)__ tolerance, withdrawal, mood changes, and interruption of social relationships. Children and adolescents who have become addicted to the Internet will require increasing amounts of time online in order to feel satisfied. When they do not have access to the Internet, they may have symptoms of withdrawal, which include anxiety, depression, irritability, trembling hands, restlessness or obsessive thinking about the Internet. Relationships in the real world may be neglected as those in the __(10)__ world increase in importance. Academic performance is likely to suffer. (1) [本题1分]

(B) now that 正确答案:B (2) [本题1分] (C) took 正确答案:C (3) [本题1分] (D) watched over 正确答案:D (4) [本题1分] (B) arose 正确答案:B (5) [本题1分] (A) alarmed 正确答案:A (6) [本题1分] (B) Mastering 正确答案:B (7) [本题1分] (C) entertaining 正确答案:C (8) [本题1分] (D) very 正确答案:D (9) [本题1分] (C) decreasing 正确答案:C (10) [本题1分] (C) virtual 正确答案:C 第八次作业

一、单项选择题(只有一个选项正确,共40道小题) 1. –I heard your brother broke his leg. (B) Yes, but he’s going fine. 正确答案:B 2. –What’s the news?

(B) The president is going to visit the town tomorrow. 正确答案:B

3. –Guess what I just found out. (C) I’ve got no idea 正确答案:C

4. –It’s great that you got into such a good university. (C) I had a large dose of good luck. 正确答案:C

5. –I hear that Jim has been dismissed from his post. (D) Oh, I am sorry to hear that. 正确答案:D

6. – You are working hard, what are you doing? (B) I’m making a bookcase. 正确答案:B

7. – I hear Sharon is planning to study in Germany next year. 9

(A) That’s so exciting! 正确答案:A

8. – Uncle John has cancer and it has spread throughout his body.

(A) What a shock. 正确答案:A

9. – I’ve noticed most Americans are friendly to us Chinese. (B) True. 正确答案:B

10. – By the way, what’s the matter with Peter? He doesn’t look very happy?

(C) He doesn’t. He is worried about his English Examination. 正确答案:C

11. I still remember the day _______ I first saw him. [本题1分] (C) when 正确答案:C

12. My brother, _______ is a doctor, went to the countryside yesterday. [本题1分] (B) who 正确答案:B

13. ______ you need is more practice. [本题1分] (B) What 正确答案:B

14. I proposed that we _______ a deadline for fulfilling the task. [本题1分] (D) should set 正确答案:D

15. His mother is going to spend the winter holidays in Italy, _______ she has some relatives. [本题1分] (A) where 正确答案:A

16. Neither of us _______ to undertake the responsibility. [本题1分] (A) wants 正确答案:A

17. Ask Mr. Brown, or any other person ______. [本题1分] (C) that is likely to know 正确答案:C

18. They ______ that those responsible be brought to justice. [本题1分] (D) demanded 正确答案:D

19. His success was due to _______ he had been work hard. [本题1分] (C) the fact that 正确答案:C

20. ______ from what you say, he has done his best. [本题1分]

(D) Judging 正确答案:D

21. ______ we now know about the disease was learned by careful study of diseased organs. [本题1分] (A) What 正确答案:A

22. I know the coat is unfashionable but I ‘m not going to throw it away. I’ll keep it _______ that style comes into fashion again. [本题1分] (B) until 正确答案:B

23. The president suggested that a UN observer _______ the conference. [本题1分] (C) should attend 正确答案:C

24. His father is a man ________ I have the greatest respect. [本题1分] (A) for whom 正确答案:A

25. I require that he _______ by ten. [本题1分] (D) should come 正确答案:D

26. We have no choice in ______ we should do next. [本题1分] (D) what 正确答案:D

27. After reading the report, the police chief ordered that parking ______ on Main Street during the rush hour. [本题1分]

(B) be prohibited 正确答案:B

28. It was Mrs. White’s day off, and Paul was _______ duty in her place. [本题1分] (C) on 正确答案:C

29. She saw that there was indeed a man immediately behind her. ______, he was observing her strangely. [本题1分]

(D) Moreover 正确答案:D

30. Italy ______ Germany is turning out to be a surprisingly well matched competition. [本题1分] (A) versus 正确答案:A

31. The press invade people's _______ unjustifiably every day. [本题1分] (C) privacy 正确答案:C

32. He was sure that the man was ______ any crime. [本题1分]

(B) innocent of 正确答案:B

33. The Conservative Party's victory in April's general election persuaded him to ______ President again. [本题1分] (D) run for 正确答案:D

34. _______ this was the truth. [本题1分] (C) To some extent 正确答案:C

35. He's usually very ______ at keeping his private life out of the media) [本题1分] (A) adept 正确答案:A

36. Wash your hands ______ with hot soapy water before handling any food. [本题1分] (B) thoroughly 正确答案:B

37. He _______ his intention to become the best golfer in the world. [本题1分] (D) declared 正确答案:D

38. When I'm going out in the evening I use the bike if I can ______the car. [本题1分] (C) rather than 正确答案:C

39. Her marriage is ______ trouble and she is desperately unhappy. [本题1分] (A) in 正确答案:A

40. The Minister says the idea is _______ consideration. [本题1分]

(D) worthy of 正确答案:D 41.

With only about 1,000 pandas left in the world, China is trying to clone the animal and save the endangered species. That's a move similar to what a Texas University researcher has been undertaking for the past five years in a project called “Noah’s Ark.”

Dr. Duane Kraemer, a professor in Texas University and a pioneer in embryo (胚胎) transfer work and related procedures, says he salutes the Chinese effort and “I wish them all the best success possible. It's a worthwhile project, certainly not an easy one, and it's very much like what we're attempting here—to save animals from extinction.” It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals, birds and reptiles will become extinct over the next 100 years. The panda, native only to China, is in danger of becoming extinct (灭绝的) in the next 25 years. This week, Chinese scientists said they grew an


embryo by introducing cells from a dead female panda into the egg cells of a Japanese white rabbit. They are now trying to implant the embryo into a host animal. The entire procedure could take from three to five years to complete. “The nuclear transfer of one species to another is not easy, and the lack of available panda eggs could be a major problem,” Kraemer believes. “They will probably have to do several hundred transfers to result in one pregnancy. It takes a long time and it's difficult, but this could be groundbreaking science if it works. They are certainly not putting any live pandas at risk, so it is worth the effort,” adds Kraemer

“They are trying to do something that's never been done, and this is very similar to our work in Noah's Ark. We're both trying to save animals that face extinction. I certainly applaud their effort and there's a lot we can learn from what they are attempting to do. It's a research that is very much needed.”

(1) The aim of “Noah’s Ark” project is to . [本题2分]

(C) save endangered animals from extinction 正确答案:C

(2) How long will the Chinese panda cloning project take according to the passage? [本题2分] (B) 3 to 5 years 正确答案:B (3)






means . [本题2分] (B) pioneering 正确答案:B

(4) What could be the major problem in cloning pandas according to Professor Kraemer? [本题2分] (A) Lack of available panda eggs. 正确答案:A

(5) Which of the following is true? [本题2分]

(B) The panda is in danger of becoming extinct in the next 25 years. 正确答案:B 42.

In August 1997 a car carrying England’s Princess Diana and her companions was involved in a late night crash in a Paris tunnel. Reports immediately surfaced that Diana had died after a high-speed race away from paparazzi in hot pursuit. Some witnesses claimed that a cameraperson on a motorbike had cut in front of the speeding Mercedes to slow it down, resulting in the tragedy. Others contended that several paparazzi descended on the wreck snapping pictures rather than giving assistance to the victims. Several had their cameras confiscated, and five were arrested by Paris police for failure to offer aid.

The paparazzi defended themselves with a number of arguments. Princess Diana was a public figure and therefore newsworthy. She had openly and often attracted media attention both for selfish reasons (to win public support during her marital difficulties) and for good causes (fighting AIDS and banning land mines). The fact that the paparazzi were not employed by a specific news organization should not mean they were less worthy of press freedom. Virtually every major news operation of any standing in the world employs people like them. Moreover, even the so-called mainstream press regularly paid for the product of their efforts. They did what they did because people wanted their kind of news coverage.

Many news operations were unconvinced. In England, France, Germany, and the United States, several media outlets declared that they would never again purchase paparazzi photos and videos. In Great Britain, the head of the national press council called for severe restrictions on the movement and functioning of these paparazzi.

(1) According to the witnesses, what’s the reason for the car crash? [本题2分]

(B) The hot pursuit of paparazzi. 正确答案:B

(2) Where did the accident happen? [本题2分] (C) Paris. 正确答案:C

(3) What's the meaning of the sentence in the middle of paragraph 2 “…should not mean they were less worthy of press freedom.”? [本题2分]

(C) They were worthy of press freedom. 正确答案:C

(4) According to the passage, what can we learn about the paparazzi? [本题2分]

(A) Paparazzi sold pubic figure’s photos and videos to the press. 正确答案:A

(5) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage? [本题2分]

(D) Nobody called for severe restrictions on the movement of paparazzi. 正确答案:D 43.

The United States has more than one hundred twenty medical colleges. The American Association of Medical Colleges says these schools have about seventy thousand students.

How hard is it to get into one of the top medical schools, like for example the one at Yale University in Connecticut? Last year almost three thousand seven

hundred students hoped to get accepted there. Only one hundred seventy-six -- or less than five percent -- were admitted.

People who want to become medical doctors often study large amounts of biology, chemistry and other science. Some students work for a year or two in a medical or research job before they try to get accepted to medical school.

Medical students spend their first two years in classroom study. They learn about the body and all of its systems. And they begin studying diseases -- how to recognize and treat them. By the third year, students guided by experienced doctors begin working with patients in hospitals. As the students watch and learn, they think about the kind of medicine they would like to practice as doctors. During the fourth year, students begin applying to hospital programs for the additional training they will need after medical school. Competition for a residency at a top hospital can be fierce.

A medical education can be very costly, especially at a private school. One year at a private medical college can cost forty thousand dollars or more. The average at a public medical school is more than fifteen thousand dollars. Most students have to take out loans to pay for medical school. Many finish their education heavily in debt.

Doctors are among the highest paid professionals in the United States. Specialists in big cities are generally the highest paid. But there are also doctors who earn considerably less, including those in poor communities. (1) Which of the following ideas is NOT suggested in the passage? [本题2分]

(D) After graduating from medical schools, the students become doctors. 正确答案:D

(2) How many years the medical students take to graduate from medical school?. [本题2分] (C) 4 正确答案:C

(3) In what way many medical students pay for their medical education? [本题2分] (B) Take out loans. 正确答案:B

(4) What the medical students begin to do in their fourth year of study? [本题2分]

(C) Applying to hospital programs for the additional training. 正确答案:C

(5) _______ are generally the highest paid. [本题2分] (A) Specialists in big cities. 正确答案:A



“They’ll never pick me,” you thought. Three teenage kids torched a subway token booth after seeing the movie Money Train on cable television. They were caught at the scene red-handed, so they aren’t claiming innocence. Instead, their defense is that the media are the real culprits; Money Train and television made them do it.

You listen as the prosecutor tells you and your eleven colleagues that similar appeals have been rejected in the past. A boy in Florida named Ronnie Zamora killed an elderly neighbor and said he was just imitating Kojak. Some boys gang raped two little girls after seeing a similar attack on an NBC made-for-television movie, Born Innocent. Both times juries like yours refused to place the blame on the media) Millions of people had seen the same content, those juries reasoned, and they didn’t kill anyone, rape anybody, or set fire to anything.

Then you listen to the defense. These are good kids. They’ve never been in trouble. But they’d seen thieves in the movie squirt a flammable liquid into a token booth and set it afire, causing the clerk to open the door to escape. The defendants did what the movie had taught them to do, only this time the clerk didn’t get out in time. She was burned to death. The lawyer asks, “Where would these children have gotten such an idea? Their parents didn’t teach them this. Why did they think it was possible? Why did they think no one would get hurt?” The attorney then quotes former Senate Majority Leader Bob Dole’s comments on the floor of the U.S. Senate after a series of similar attacks occurred when the movie was in the theaters. “Those who work in Hollywood’s corporate suites must also be willing to accept their share of the blame,” said the Republican who would eventually run for president. “Is this how they want to make their livelihoods? Is this their contribution to society?”

(1) “They were caught at the scene red-handed…” (paragraph 1) means _______. [本题2分]

(B) They were caught when they torched a subway token booth. 正确答案:B

(2) In this case, the clerk in the subway token booth ______. [本题2分]

(C) was burned to death 正确答案:C

(3) The word “attorney” ( paragraph 3) means______. [本题2分]

(B) the lawyer 正确答案:B

(4) What’s Bob Dole’s attitude toward Hollywood’s corporate suites? [本题2分]

(D) They should be blamed. 正确答案:D

(5) Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the defense? [本题2分]

(A) The author believes that the media should not be blamed. 正确答案:A 第九次作业


1. Generation N is also challenging society’s traditional ideas about love, marriage and children. Researchers __(1)__ that Gen N’s are more individualistic. They want their own personal space and freedom. This is resulting __(2)__ many people choosing to marry later, or not at all. One marketing and research company discovered the__(3)__attitude among Gen N’s: There’s no need to marry if you can lead a happy and independent life __(4)__ . For those __(5)__ do marry, they’re waiting until they’re older. They’re also choosing to have children later. Many Gen N’s come __(6)__ homes where both parents work. This has made them the generation with more disposable income than any other. And marketers haven’t lost __(7)__ of this fact. These days, __(8)__ from cell phones to credit cards is marketed directly toward Generation N. As a group, they enthusiastically welcome rapidly changing technology. And they eagerly buy and use the newest products.

Unfortunately, Gen N’s also have a great willingness to buy on credit. They worry __(9)__about going __(10)__ debt than previous generations. (1) [本题1分] (A) said (B) says (C) stated (D) state 正确答案:D (2) [本题1分] (A) in (B) to (C) for (D) from 正确答案:A (3) [本题1分] (A) followed (B) follows (C) following (D) follow 正确答案:C (4) [本题1分] (A) lonely

(B) lone (C) alone (D) along 正确答案:C (5) [本题1分] (A) that (B) which (C) whom (D) who 正确答案:D (6) [本题1分] (A) from (B) in (C) out (D) of 正确答案:A (7) [本题1分] (A) view (B) sight (C) vision (D) idea 正确答案:B (8) [本题1分] (A) anything (B) nothing (C) something (D) everything 正确答案:D (9) [本题1分] (A) more (B) much (C) less (D) little 正确答案:C (10) [本题1分] (A) to (B) into (C) on (D) for 正确答案:B


