商务英语翻译教程第2单元 教案

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I. 教学目的与要求 通过本单元的学习,了解商贸活动中用英语表达的损失索赔及其翻译;翻译技巧中的省略翻译法和增减词翻译法。 II.教学时间:4学时 III.教学重难点: 1.人称代词的省略 2.英语冠词的省略 3.增减法

IV.教学内容: Section I Text

Section II Method and Technique Section III Exercises

V.教学方法与手段:讲授为主,配以师生互动实训,PPT等。 VI. 教学步骤

一、增减法在翻译中的灵活使用(重点) 理解:增词法和减词法的方法


(2)省略人称代词、物主代词、关系代词、形式主语、形式宾语、关系代词、并列连词、动词、系动词、物主代词及介词 应用:增词法和减词法

二、省略翻译法(次重点) 理解:省略法

应用:人称代词的省略;英语冠词的省略 人称代词的省略

I’m afraid the weather is not good, we can’t go out today. 天气不好,恐怕我们不能出去了。 英语冠词的省略

The blood-red sun sank below the horizon. 火红的太阳沉入地平线。 增减法

An American officer slipped on a banana skin. 一个美国军官踩在香蕉皮上滑到了。 Could you help me in any way? 你能帮帮我吗? 翻译中的省略, 增减

Don’t put your hands in your pocket. I am afraid she will come.

We had much rain last summer. We live and learn.

They say he is a genius.

Give him an inch and he’ll take an ell.

Liquids are like solids in that they have definite volume.


The average American changes his or her job nine or ten times during his or her working life.

In most cases, bona fide party to an international sales contract will do his best to perform his duties either as a seller or a buyer.

It is not rare that either party to a contract may fail to perform his duties, or his performance is inconsistent with the terms provided on the contract. The atom is the smallest particle of an element. Go into the garden and give an eye to the children. He has an eye for beauty.

Please give me the letter you received yesterday. She is quite a beauty.

He is the man I want to see. Take the medicine.

The dean had a lot of work to do before the meeting.

Science demands of men great efforts and complete devotion.

In the evening, after the banquets, the concerts and the table tennis exhibitions, he would work on the drafting of the final communique. I could knit when I was seven.

Steel and iron products are often coated lest they should rust. Air is a mixture of gases.

Things in the universe are changing all the time. The design is considered practical.

Matter can be changed into energy and energy into matter. This is the first step toward the solution of air pollution. Our railway system is being improved. The lion is the king of the animals.

Reports of new successes keep pouring in.

Studies serve for delight, for ornament or for ability.

At the meeting he made a speech, eloquent and energetic. These early cars were slow, clumsy, and inefficient. He is queer.

Arrangements have been made to give the foreign guests a warm welcome. Where was his smile and hearty hand grasp.

Once you are in, you wouldn’t be allowed to get out.

He entered the room, his coat covered with snow and his nose red with cold. There are still many difficulties ahead which we must not overlook. It seems incredible that he has finished the work so soon. He believes it necessary to learn some rules before doing it. The day when he was born remains unknown.

Early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy.

The year of 1949 saw the founding of the People’s Republic of China.


You don’t look very well today.

He shrugged his shoulders, shook his head, cast up his eyes, but said nothing. Rumors had already spread along the streets and lanes.

三、专业知识(一般) 识记:本单元专业术语

理解:商务英语中的索赔条款(Claim Clause) Claim Damages 索赔条款

In case either party to a contract may fail to perform his duties, or his performance is inconsistent with the terms provided on the contract, he may cause damage or loss to the other, who is entitled to take remedial measures according to the contract and the law.


索赔(claim)是指交易一方不履行合同义务或不完全(也称“不适当”)履行合同义务,致使另一方遭受损失时,受损方向违约方提出要求给予损害赔偿的行为。 在国际贸易中,由于种种原因往往会引起索赔事件,根据损失的原因和责任的不同,索赔有3种不同情况:凡属承保范围内的货物损失,向保险公司索赔;如系承运人的责任所造成的货物损失,向承运人索赔;如系合同当事人的责任造成的损失,则向责任方提出索赔。 索赔条款



1) 当事人一方不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定的,在履行义务或者采取补救措施后,对方还有其他损失的,应当赔偿损失。

2) 对发行机构本身业务需要发行债券的,所筹资金必须按批准的用途使用,债券本息的偿还自行负责。

3) 报关手续由住所在该国的一方或其代表办理,这通常是可取的。因此,出口商通常应办理出口报关手续,进口商应办理进口报关手续。

2.(1)Political stability refers to the degree of conflict and cooperation within a particular nation and between than nation and others(在一个特定国家的内部以及同其他国家之间的冲突和合作程度) (2)In recent study ,researchers found that when the level of conflict within a nation was high ,firms made fewer investments in marketing activities.(那么公司用于市场营销的投资就会很少)

(3) Marketers generally assume that their efforts will be more successful where such political relationships are positive .In other words, stability is good for business, but conflict is not.(稳定性有利于商业的发展,冲突则会起到反作用)

(4)Political risk refers to the risk of a change in government policy(政府政策改变的风险) that would adversely impact a company's ability to operate effectively and profitably. It can deter a company from investing abroad.


(5)When the perceived level of political risk is lower, a country is more likely to attract investment. The level of political risk is inversely proportional to(成反比) a country's stage of economic development.

课文译文Unit Two 索 赔


大多数国际销售合同都包括索赔条款,其中规定补救的原则、时间以及适用的法律。 索赔是违约的主要补救方法。

1. 按照《合同公约》的规定,即便已经采取其他补救措施,买方仍然保留索赔的权利。但是索赔额应该是多少呢?




2. 买方有两大义务:一是按价付款,二是接收交付来的货物。如果买方不能履行义务,卖方也可以索赔。



