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Unit 3 Why do you like koalas?? 学习目标:

1、能用英语熟练?表达老虎、大象等 动物名称; 2、能将形容词与?动物名进行匹?配; 3、掌握以下句子?,并会进行对话?: why do you want to see the Animals? ?Becaus?e they are very/kind of cute/? Do you like animal?s ? Today ,let’s go to the zoo to see the animal?s. 挑战1

Listen? and see to guess what animal? it is

tiger lion dolphi?n panda elepha?nt monkey? koala pengui?n giraff?e animal?(动物)

tiger dolphi?n elepha?nt giraff?e panda koala lion pengui?n Monkey? animal?s

tigers? dolphi?ns elepha?nts giraff?es pandas? koalas? lions pengui?ns monkey?s Animal?,animal? ,I like animal?s. Tiger , I like tigers?. ,dolphi?n.I like dolphi?ns . Elepha?nt, I like elepha?nts . 唱

giraff?e.I like giraff?es. Panda, I like pandas? . koala . I like koalas?:[k?u'ɑ:l?] . Lion, I like lions. pengui?n.I like pengui?n:['pe?gwin] s. Monkey?, I like monkey?s. Guess :which animal? is it ?

A monkey? 1. This animal? likes to eat bananas . ______??__ 2.This animal? is the larges?t animal? An elepha?nt on land .(陆地上) ______?_ 3 . This animal? is from Africa?( Africa?(非洲) . ) It eats meat . It usuall?y sleeps? and A lion relax 20 hours a day . ______?_ 4 . This animal? lives only in China . A panda It is black and white . ______? Guess :which animal? is it ?

5 This animal? is big and danger?ous . A tiger And it is in cat family? . ______?__ 6. This animal? is very tall . It has A giraffe a very long neck ?. ______?_ 7. This animal? is from Australia and it’s usuall?y on the tree ?. It sleeps? in the day but at night it gets up and eats leaves?(树叶) . ______?__ A koala 8.This animal? likes to live in the snow . It can walk and swim . ______?__ A pengui?n Sectio?n A Unit3

Why do you like koalas?? 1a

Match the words with the animal?s in the pictur?e. 1.tiger b _____ d ____ h 2.elepha?nt ____ 3.koalas?

a 4.dolphi?n ____ e 5.panda ____ 6.lion f _____

g 7.pengui?n _____ c 8.giraff?e _____

Descri?be(描述) Descri?be(描述) the animal?s in adjecti?ves(形容词)形容词) 形容词

strong?(强壮的 big? 强壮的), 强壮的 tiger

friend?ly(友好的), strong? ? (友好的) elepha?nt

cute(可爱的聪明的?), small, intere?sting ? (可爱的聪明的?)

: koala

smart(聪明的 漂亮的), 聪明的 漂亮的 dolphi?n fun, cute ?

friend?ly, fun, cute? dog cat

Let’s talk about the animal?s

panda beautiful(漂亮的)shy(害羞的) ? 漂亮的) 漂亮的 (害羞的) lion ?pengui?n giraff?e monkey? ugly(丑陋的) strong? ? (丑陋的) fun friendly ? beauti?ful ?tall ? smart lovely?(可爱的) ? (可爱的) Which animal ?do you want to see first in the zoo? I want to see the pandas/? ?first. Why do you want to see the pandas?/? ? Becaus?e I like them. Why do you like pandas?/?? Becaus?e they’re very/kind of cute/? kind of—有几分 Sectio?n A 1b

Listen? and check(√)the animal?s you hear 1a. Match the words with the animal?s in the pictur?e. 1.tiger _____

2.elepha?nt ____ 3.koalas? ____ 4.dolphi?n ____ √ 5.panda ____ 6.lion

√ 7.pengui?n _____ √ 8.giraff?e _____

_____ 2a

Listen? and write the animal?s you hear. Draw a line from the animal?s to the descri?ption words. Animal?s koalas? 1.______?__ dolphi?ns 2.______?_

Descri?ption words a. intere?sting b. cute c. fun d. smart 2b very

Listen? again and complete the conver?sation?? with the words in the box.( You can use some words more than once.) dolphi?ns koalas? kind of

Julia: Let’s see the koalas . (1) Henry : Why do you like koalas? ______??? (2) very Julia: Becaus?e they’re ______? cute. (3) dolphi?ns Henry : Well, I like ______?____. (4) dolphi?ns Julia: Why do you like ______?___? (5) kind of Henry: Becaus?e they’re ______?___ (6) intere?sting. Prover?bs: (谚语) 谚语) 1、Love me,love my dog. 2、Every dog has its day.

---爱屋及乌 爱屋及乌。 爱屋及乌 ---每人都有得意?时 每人都有得意?时。 每人都有得意?时 3、When the cat is away(离开),the mice will play.

---山中无老虎,猴子称霸王 ---山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。 山中无老虎 4、Fine feathe?rs(羽毛) make fine birds.

---人要衣裳,佛要金装。 人要衣裳,佛要金装 人要衣裳 5. It’s rainin?g cats and dogs . ---滂沱大雨 滂沱大雨

1. Are animal?s our friends ? 2. Can some of them help us do many things? ? ?3. Do we need to protec?t (保护) them? Homewo?rk :1.Make a survey? and give a report?

“Which animal? do you like ?”” Why do you like them?” Names Favori?te animal? why Lucy cats cute. fun Exampl?e:Lucy likes cats , becaus?e she thinks? they are kind of cute and fun . ? 2. Finish? exerci?ses on workbo?ok (1)

