education:a worthy investment
更新时间:2023-11-02 06:24:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
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As we can see from the bar graph that degree plays a very important role in earning,people who get a doctoral degree make more money than someone else .It’s clear that the doctoral degree makes more than three times money as the one who didn’t even geta high school diploma.The higher a school diploma a person gets,the more earnings he will make.
Education is a worthy investment that will deliver excess repay.This is a learning society developing fast.And only study all the time can we keep in date and fit in well with the society.And at the meantime,we will enrich and content ourselves with spiritual satisfaction.Education also brings in the material rewards.Obviously,degree is a symbol of education that always represents the level of ethics and knowledge.And the power of knowledge is tremendous,promoting the progress of society.The higher degree means that you have a solid foundation,and then you can walk farther.
No matter what the society will be,knowledge will never fade or out of time.Keep aggressive,and you will be paid off one day.
education:a worthy investment11-02
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