
更新时间:2023-05-05 11:32:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载





Earlier this year, China achieved a new milestone (里程碑) in space research. On January 3, 2019, Chang'e-4 became the first lunar probe (月球探测器) in history to successfully land on the far side of the moon.

The Earth's gravity (重力) slows the moon's rotation (自转), matching it to the speed of its orbit (公转). Therefore, the far side of the moon is almost "dark" and has never been seen. It's this sense of the unknown that makes the far side of the moon such an interesting place for scientific and space research. Being blown by solar (太阳的) winds, the far side may have the special minerals (矿物质). For this reason, Chang'e-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Chang'e-4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon. If it is, then the moon will become a possible choice for space travel in the future.

However, research of the "dark" side isn't easy. As the far side is blocked(阻断) off from us, radio noise coming off Earth is also blocked. This is why China's relay satellite (中继卫星)Queqiao was sent up in May, 2018. Thanks to Queqiao, the communication problem between Earth and Chang'e-4 has been well solved.

Power supply (电源供应) is also a challenge to the task. Chang'e-4 gets energy from the sun through its solar panels. As we know, a lunar day has the length (长度) of 28 Earth days. After Chang'e-4 was sent up on December 8, 2018, it took the probe over 20 days to orbit the moon to be in a position to be able to land in moon daylight and use its solar panels.

Luckily, everything goes well, Chang'e-4 has worked on the "dark" side for over 5 months. It has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon and has been used to carry out some scientific experiments.

The New York Times used the word "groundbreaking" to praise the task and wrote that "it will offer help to the history and development of the moon".

(1)When was Chang'e-4 sent up?

A. In May, 2018.

B. On December 8, 2018.

C. On January 3, 2019.

D. The passage doesn't tell us.

(2)The main tasks of Chang'e-4 don't include _______________________.

A. studying if life is possible on the moon

B. studying the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface

C. solving the communication problem between Earth and other probes

D. researching any mineral found by the spacecraft

(3)The meaning of the underlined word "groundbreaking" in the last paragraph is the closest to "________________".

A. harmful

B. unpredictable

C. risky

D. pioneering

(4)According to the passage, which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Chang'e-4 has sent back many photos of the far side of the moon.

B. A lunar day has the length of 28 Earth days.

C. China's relay satellite Queqiao was sent up in order to offer power supply to probes.

D. Chang'e-4 is the first lunar probe in history that has successfully landed on the "dark" side of the moon.






(1)细节理解题,根据After Chang'e-4 was sent up on December 8,可知,嫦娥四号是在2018年12月8号发射升空的,故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据For this reason, Chang'e-4 will study the effect of solar winds on the lunar surface and any mineral found by the spacecraft. Chang'e-4 is also carrying flower seeds, potatoes and silkworm eggs to see whether life is possible on the moon.可知,嫦娥四号的人物包括研究月球表面的太阳风的影响,寻找矿物质,携带花种、土豆和蚕卵看,他们是否恩能够在月球成活,不包括解决地球与月球的通讯问题,故答案是C。(3)细节理解题,groundbreaking的一是是开创性的,A.有伤害的;B.难以预料的;C.冒险的,D先锋,故答案是D。

(4)正误判断题,根据Thanks to Queqiao, the communication problem betweenEarth and Chang'e-4 has been well solved.可知鹊桥中继卫星的发射是微利解决通讯问题,故答案是C。



Chinese Farmers' Harvest (收获,收割) Festival is the first festival in China for farmers. The festival starting from 2018, falls on the Autumnal Equinox (秋分)each year. The Autumnal Equinox is one of the 24 solar terms(节气)of the Chinese lunar calendar and usually falls between September 22nd and 24th, during the country's harvest season.

As we all know, China has the largest population all over the world. It was difficult to feed the largest population in the past. After reform and opening (改革开放), with the development of modern agriculture (农业), people's life is getting better and better, and their living conditions have improved a lot. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival shows that our government is paying more attention to agriculture and farmers' life. It will greatly encourage farmers to farm and develop further modem agriculture. China has a long history of agriculture. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival, the cultural symbol, helps to show China's long farming culture to the world. It also connects the excellent traditional Chinese culture to modem civilization (文明)and improves the cultural self-confidence and national pride.

Since the festival is especially created for farmers, they are encouraged to think of their own ways to celebrate harvest. Some activities are held across the country, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level that comes from local customs. Also, local government usually hosts all kinds of activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting and so on.

Some people think the festival is the happiest time of a year, even better than the Spring Festival, because food gives people a sense of safety and hope. For other people, the harvest festival is a time to look back at the past and look forward to the future.

(1)We probably celebrate the Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival on ______________. A. September 20th B. September 23rd C. September 25th D. October 1st (2)The main purposes that Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival was created don't include _______.

A. showing the long history of farming culture of China

B. improving Chinese cultural self-confidence and national pride

C. encouraging Chinese farmers to give up local customs

D. connecting the traditional Chinese culture to modem civilization

(3)We can learn from the third paragraph that ______________________.

A. the celebrations will be differently based on local customs

B. western countries also celebrate the Fanners' Harvest Festival

C. the Farmers' Harvest Festival is one of the Chinese traditional festivals

D. The Farmers' Harvest Festival is created for both farmers and workers

(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. The Farmers' Harvest Festival falls on different days in different areas in China.

B. The Farmers' Harvest Festival is the best time to harvest crops(庄稼)in the world.

C. The Farmers' Harvest Festival has been celebrated twice in our country so far.

D. China's modem agriculture has greatly developed because of reform and opening.






(1)细节理解题,根据he Autumnal Equinox is one of the 24 solar terms(节气) of the Chinese lunar calendar and usually falls between September 22nd and 24th,可知,秋分在月22日-24日的某一天,所以庆祝丰收节应该在这个事件范围内。故答案是B。

(2)细节理解题,根据Some activities are held across the country, but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level that comes from local customs. Also, local government usually hosts all kinds of activities for the festival, such as folk culture performances, food tasting and so on.可知C的陈述绝对错误,故答案是C。

(3)细节理解题,根据but most of the celebrations will take place at a local level that comes from local customs.可知,庆祝活动应基于当地的风土人情,故答案是A。

(4)正误判断题,根据After reform and opening (改革开放), with the development of modern agriculture (农业), people's life is getting better and better, and their living conditions have improved a lot. Chinese Farmers' Harvest Festival shows that our可知,因为改革开放,中国的现代农业取得了很大的成就,故答案是D。



Once there was a small hotel whose keeper was always caring about money.

One day, a businessman arrived. The keeper looked at the man's thick wallet and thought, "Oh, I wish that all the money could be mine!" The businessman didn't notice that, so he ordered the most expensive room and went to his room to dress for dinner.

Around the hotel, there were some beautiful ginger(姜)plants. Many people said that eating the buds(芽) of ginger would make a person forgetful.

The keeper thought, "If I serve some buds of ginger to the businessman, he may be forgetful to take his wallet!" Then she went to the kitchen.

Soon, businessman came downstairs and asked for dinner. The keeper was very excited as she served the dish to him. "Delicious!" said the rich man. When dinner was finished, he went to bed happily.

In the next morning, the keeper saw the businessman leaving from the front door. As soon as

he was out of sight, she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the wallet, but she couldn't find it. Suddenly, she noticed a piece of paper on the floor. It was the businessman's bill (账单). He had forgotten to pay it! She ran down the stairs, out of the front door, and across the road until she was out of breath, but the businessman was already far, far away. "I'm so silly!”" cried the keeper.

(1)The keeper came up with an idea to own the businessman's money when __________.

A. she dressed herself

B. she cooked the meal in the kitchen

C. the businessman went upstairs happily

D. she thought of the buds of ginger around her hotel

(2)The keeper ran into the businessman's room as soon as he left because __________.

A. she wanted to find the man's bill

B. she wanted to find the key to the man's room

C. she wanted to check if the man had left his money there

D. she wanted to see if the man had broken anything in the room

(3)Which if the following is NOT true according to this passage?

A. The keeper realized the buds of ginger didn't work in the end.

B. The keeper ran after the businessman because of the bill.

C. The businessman didn't know the rumor (谣言) about the buds of ginger.

D. The businessman didn't pay the keeper's bill because he lost his money.




【解析】【分析】文章大意:一个贪财的旅店老板整天惦记着钱,一天一个商人来住店了,他认为商人有很多钱,于是就动了心思,他记着有些人说吃了姜芽可以让人失去记忆,于是他就给商人吃了姜芽,第二天当商人出门之后,他去了房间找钱,但是啥也没有,只发现了一个账单,那是住店的账单,这是他想起来了,商人还没有结账就走了。(1)细节理解题,根据 Around the hotel, there were some beautiful ginger(姜)plants. Many people said that eating the buds(芽) of ginger would make a person forgetful. 可知,当他想起了旅店周围的姜的时候,想起了一个把商人的钱占为己有的方法,故答案是D。(2)细节理解题,根据 As soon as he was out of sight, she ran up to his room. She looked all over the room for the wallet, but she couldn't find it. 可知,他去房间是为了找商人的钱,故答案是C。

(3)正误判断题,根据 He had forgotten to pay it! 可知没因为商人丧失了记忆力,忘记了结账,故答案是D。



Your English teacher has introduced a play to your class. Read the play.

Characters: Benny, student, 14 years old

Peter, students, 15 years old

Susie, student, 14 years old

Grace, student, 14 years old

Time: One Sunday afternoon in autumn

Place: Sunny Park

(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)

Benny: Wow! That was a great picnic. I'm so full that I can hardly move.

Grace: That's no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. Peter, can you put out the fire, please? And clean up the plate.

Peter: (Speaking unhappily to himself) How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?

It's not fair.

(Peter throws a bit of water on the fire. Then he picks up the ashes (灰烬) with an old newspaper and wants to throw them into the long grass.)

Susie: (Sounding surprised)What are you doing, Peter? That's d…

Peter: Whoops…the newspaper has caught fire.

Susie: And the grass… Benny, Grace, help! Help!

(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely.)

Peter: Oh, no. What have I done?

Grace: You know that we should do everything carefully, don't you?

Peter: (With his head in his hands) Yes. What have I done? What have I done?

(1)How does Peter feel about his job?

A. Clean an easy

B. Dirty and difficult

C. Great and interesting

D. Noisy and harmful (2)What word do you think Susie would say in the sentence "That's d…"?

A. dirty

B. difficult

C. delicious

D. dangerous

(3)Which of the following sentences is true?

A. There are five people in the play.

B. Peter's carelessness causes the fire.

C. They have a picnic in the morning.

D. Benny refuses to help others tidy up.





(1)细节理解题。根据文中Peter的第一句话How can I always get the dirty and difficult jobs?我怎么能总是得到肮脏和困难的工作?可知,Peter认为自己的工作又脏又难(dirty and difficult)。故选B。

(2)推理判断题。由下文中Peter说得"Whooops...the newspaper has caught fire",由于Peter把报纸仍在了灰烬堆里,着火了。这是一件危险的事情。可以推知Susie说那样做是危险的。A:dirty脏的;B:difficult 困难的;C:delicious可口的;D:dangerous危险的。故选D。

(3)正误判断题。由文中Characters: Benny, student, 14 years old; Peter, students, 15 years old; Susie, student, 14 years old; Grace, student, 14 years old.可知选项A,不符合文章内容,故排除A;Peter: Whoops…the newspaper has caught fire.和由文中"Susie: And the grass.. Benny, Grace, help! Help!(Benny and Grace come over quickly. They help put out the fire completely)"可知由于彼得的粗心引起火灾,故选项B符合文章内容,故选B;Time: One Sunday afternoon in autumn;Time: One Sunday afternoon in autumn; Place: Sunny Park;(The four teenagers have just finished the picnic. They are tidying up.)可知选项C不符合文章内容,故排除C; That's no excuse for not tidying up, Benny. Come over here and help me pack up the leftover food. 可知选项D不符合文章大意,故排除D。综上所述,故选B。【点评】考查阅读理解,首先通读全文,了解全文大意,其次分析问题,抓住关键词,在文中寻找相关信息,确定答案,最后再检查一遍,确保答案正确。


My interest in cooking started when I was 11, partly thanks to my mother. She didn't really like cooking and when she did cook. I didn't like her food. Once I was watching something about cooking on TV and I thought I could do this, so I went to the bookstore and looked for the biggest cookbook I could find.

During a year, I had made most of its recipes (食谱) and was ready for a bigger challenger (挑战). I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking for more people than just my family. To my happiness, my parents allowed me to build a test kitchen. I did much cooking test my dishes in it and my skill became better and better. Now as a teen chef (主厨). I have cooked in top-class restaurants around the country. I am not doing it for money, but because I love cooking.

Now I know that when you stop caring whether you will be famous or do well, your happiness will come to you.

(1)The writer liked his mother's food when he was a child

(2)The writer's parents allowed him to build a test Kitchen

(3)The writer's mother taught him how to cook.

(4)Now the writer is a famous chef around the word.

(5)The writer is not cooking for money







(1)细节题。句意:作者孩子时喜欢他妈妈做的食物。根据 I didn't like her food.可知,他不喜欢她做的食物,故答案为错误。

(2)细节题。句意:作者的父母允许他建一个测试厨房。根据my parents allowed me to build a test kitchen.可知作者的父母同意他建一个测试厨房,故答案为正确。

(3)细节题。句意:作者的妈妈教她烹饪。根据 I did much cooking test my dishes in it and my skill became better and better. 可知,他自己买书来自学烹饪,故答案为错误。

(4)细节题。句意:作者是一个世界有名的主厨。根据Now as a teen chef (主厨). I have cooked in top-class restaurants around the country.可知他在全国各地顶级餐馆当主厨,故答案为错误。

(5)细节题。句意:作者当厨师不是为挣钱。根据 I am not doing it for money, 可知描述跟原文相符,故答案为正确。



In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin had a fight

with the State of Zhao, Zhao needed some talented people to

ask for help from Chu. Then Mao Sui—the man who believed

he was the right person for this task came and recommended

(推荐)himself. And he made the king of Chu send the

army to help successfully. Zhao was safe. From then on, Mao

Sui became a well-known hero of the state.

One day, Shang Yang put a thin wooden stick near the

south gate of the capital of Qin. He promised to pay 10 gold

pieces to anyone who could move it to the north gate. It was

such a simple job that all the people thought Shang was

joking. Then he added 40moregold pieces. A man moved it and

he really got 50 gold pieces. After that, the people of Qin

believed Shang was a man of his word. So they all followed

Shang's new laws later.

Wang Xizhi was one of the most famous calligraphers(书

法家) during the Eastern Jin Dynasty of China. When he was

very young, he practiced his art every day and never stopped.

One day, Wang Xizhi wrote in wood for an engraver(雕刻

师) to cut. Then the engraver found the ink had penetrated

(渗透)one centimeter into the wood. Now "Ru Mu San

Fen" is often used to describe sharp ideas or useful views.

A. The State of Qin.

B. The State of Zhao.

C. The State of Chu.

(2)Why did the people of Qin follow Shang Yangs new laws?

A. They believed in Shang Yang.

B. They were afraid of Shang Yang.

C. Shang Yang gave them gold pieces.

(3)What is "Ru Mu San Fen" often used to describe now?

A. A man of his word.

B. Sharp ideas or useful views.

C. A well—known hero of the state.





(1)细节理解题。由表格一In the Warring States Period, the State of Qin had a fight with the State of Zhao, Zhao needed some talented people to ask for help from Chu. Then Mao Sui—the man who believed he was the right person for this task came and recommended (推荐) himself.可知毛遂是战国时代赵国人,故选B。

(2)细节理解题。由表格二After that, the people of Qin believed Shang was a man of his word. So they all followed Shang's new laws later.可知秦国人相信商鞅,才会服从商的新法。故选A。

(3)细节理解题。由Now "Ru Mu San Fen" is often used to describe sharp ideas or useful views.可知现在入木三分被用于说明尖锐的想法或有用的观点。故选B。



Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.

About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger and more and more people began to live there. The city was very dirty and many people were poor. There were so many thieves who

stole money in the streets that people stayed in their houses as much as possible.

In 1749, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people for stopping thieves. They were like policemen and were called "Bow Street Runners" because they worked near Bow Street.

Fifty years later, there were about 120"Bow Street Runners", but London had become very big and needed more policemen. So in 1829, the first Metropolitan (or London) Police Service was started with about 3, 000 officers. Most of the men worked on foot, but a few rode horses. Today, London police are quite well—paid and for the few police officers who still ride horses, the pay is even higher than for the others.

(1)In 1700, the men who protected the streets in London were paid _______.

A. a few

B. nothing

C. a little

D. a lot

(2)About 300 years ago, many people _______.

A. wanted to leave London

B. had big houses in London

C. became policemen

D. came to live in London

(3)People didn't leave their houses because _______.

A. they had no money

B. they were afraid of losing money

C. the city was not clean

D. they liked homes

(4)The "Bow Street Runners" _______.

A. stopped people from stealing

B. stole money

C. paid people for stealing

D. stopped people riding horses






(1)细节理解题。根据文中语句but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.可知,在1700年,伦敦根本没有警察,少数的老人来保护城市的街道,而且题目没有报酬。故选B。

(2)细节理解题。根据文中语句About 300 years ago, London was starting to get bigger and more and more people began to live there.可知,在大约300年前,伦敦变得越来越大,越来越多的人来到伦敦居住。故选D。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中语句There were so many thieves who stole money in the streets that people stayed in their homes as much as possible.可知,在300年前,伦敦的街道上有很多的小偷,所以人们都尽可能的呆在自己的家里。故选B。

(3)细节理解题。根据文中语句In 1750,Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like policemen and were called “Bow Street Runners” because they worked near Bow Street.可知,在1750年,Henry Fielding开始付钱请一些人来防止小偷。他们就像今天的警察一样,他们被叫做Bow Street Runners,因为他们在Bow Street 这个街道附近工作。故这些人是来防止小偷的。故选A。



One afternoon, on my way home, I saw a car accident (事故)!

I asked people for help, but no one stopped. When the car driver and his wife saw this, they quickly closed the window of the car and drove away. "What shall I do? The old man needs help,"

I thought.

At that time, a truck stopped and the driver came out. "What's wrong with the old man? What can I do?" the driver asked me. "Sir, please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly hurt!" I said. "well, don't worry. Let me take him to the hospital first," the driver said.

A few minutes later, the driver took the old man to the hospital and I called the police. I told the whole story to the police and I also told them the number of the car. The police said to me, "Well done, boy! Leave it to us, We will punish (惩罚) them!"

When I got home, it was 7: 30. I thought I was great.

(1)One afternoon, a car hit ________.

A. a young man

B. a boy

C. a truck

D. an old man

(2)What did the truck driver do?

A. He drove away quickly.

B. He stopped for a while and then drove away.

C. He took the old man to the hospital.

D. He called the police.

(3)What did the writer think of himself?

A. Very good.

B. Very terrible.

C. Very nervous.

D. Very surprised.(4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. When the car driver saw the accident, he quickly drove away

B. After a long time, the car driver took the old man to the hospital

C. The writer told the whole story to the police.

D. The writer got home at 7: 30

(5)What do you think of the writer?

A. He is a bad person.

B. He is a nice person.

C. He is a strange person.

D. He is a handsome person.







(1)细节题。根据 please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly hurt!可知一辆轿车


(2)细节题。根据 well, don't worry. Let me take him to the hospital first," the driver said. 可


(3)细节题。根据 I thought I was great. 可知,作者认为自己是棒的。故选A。

(4)推断题。根据 When the car driver and his wife saw this, they quickly closed the window

of the car and drove away. 可知A正确;根据well, don't worry. Let me take him to the hospital first," the truck driver said. 可知B错误;根据I told the whole story to the police 可知C正确;根据 When I got home, it was 7: 30. 可知D正确。故选B。

(5)推断题。根据 please help the old man. A car hit him and he is badly hurt!" I said. 可知这






"You're doing it all wrong," said Ryan.

"You're nuts!" shouted Tom. "I'm the best jumper there ever was!"

"Then why can't you touch the doorframe (门框)?"

"It's 1 , okay?"

Tom looked straight up. The doorframe was ten feet high. 2 could jump high enough to touch it, even older kids. But Ryan had dared (激某人做某事) Tom that he couldn't do it, and

so Tom had to 3 .

He muttered, "I'm the best jumper there ever was."

It all started one day last year, a Frisbee (飞盘) was stuck in a tree. It was so 4 that nobody could get it. And Tom stood way back from the tree and got a running start. When he was going as 5 as he could run, he leapt. It was like he was in the air forever, and then he felt the Frisbee in his hand. From then on, when there was a problem that could be solved by 6 , they called Tom.

Everybody 7 Ryan loved their jumping champion(冠军). 8 Tom came along,

he had been the best jumper in the class. Ever since then, Ryan had been 9 the chance to take revenge(报复).

"Come on," he 10 Tom, "You can't jump just a little bit higher? I thought you were the best jumper!"

Tom gritted his teeth, tensed his legs and threw his body up into the air. And he 11 fell short by at least two feet.

"It's impossible," he said.

"Ha! I knew it."

" 12 we work together."

"Excuse me?"

"Neither of us can jump high enough to touch it alone, but if we work together…" Tom

13 .

A few minutes later, Tom went down on his knee and held Ryan's foot in his hands. "One…two…three!" shouted Tom. On three, Ryan put all his 14 on Tom's hands, and Tom threw him up into the air. Ryan's hand hit the doorframe and fell down laughing.

" 15 did it!" he said.

"Now it's my turn!" said Tom.

Together, they were the best jumpers there ever were.

1. A. easy B. hard C. boring D. interesting

2. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody

3. A. try B. decide C. argue D. run

4. A. big B. heavy C. high D. far

5. A. carefully B. immediately C. fast D. hard

6. A. pushing B. jumping C. running D. climbing

7. A. like B. including C. besides D. except

8. A. Since B. After C. Before D. When

9. A. asking for B. waiting for C. worrying about D. talking about

10. A. laughed at B. shouted at C. cheered up D. gave up

11. A. still B. already C. never D. always

12. A. If B. Unless C. Even though D. As long as

13. A. doubted B. agreed C. explained D. complained

14. A. confidence B. height C. weight D. spirit

15. A. You B. I C. He D. We


【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Ryan和Tom通过误会到妥协,终于懂得了合作的好处。(1)句意:那很难,好吗?A容易的,B困难的,C无聊的,D有趣的,根据that nobody could get it可知是做不到故是困难的,故选B。

(2)句意:没有人能跳得高到可以触摸到它,即使是年龄较大的孩子。A每个人,B某个人,C任何人,D没有人,根据 that nobody could get it 可知是没有人能做到,故选D。(3)句意:但是瑞恩向汤姆挑战,说他不能做这件事,因此汤姆不得不。A尝试,B决定,C争论,D奔跑,根据 And Tom stood way back from the tree and got a running start...可知之后做的事情都是在努力尝试,故选A。

(4)句意:太高了,没人能拿到。A大的,B重的,C高的,D远的,根据 The doorframe was ten feet high 可知是太高了,故选C。


据 could run 可知是快速跑,故选C。

(6)句意:从那时起,当有一个可以通过跳跃来解决问题时,他们就叫汤姆。A推,B 跳,C奔跑,D爬,根据he leapt. It was like he was in the air forever, and then he felt the Frisbee in his hand 可知此处是跳跃,故选B。

(7)句意:除了Ryan,其他人都喜欢他们的跳远冠军。A像,B包括,C除了,包含关系,D除了,不包含关系,根据take revenge可知Ryan不喜欢Tom,是除了Ryan,是不包


(8)句意:汤姆来之前,他是班上最好的跳高运动员。A自从,B在......之后,C在......之前,D当......的时候,根据 loved their jumping champion 可知现在Tom是跳得最高的,故是Tom没来之前Ryan是冠军,故选C。


(10)句意:“ 别这样,” 他嘲笑汤姆,“ 你不能再跳得再高一点了吗?”我以为你跳得最好!A嘲笑,B朝……喊,C振作起来,D放弃,根据You can't jump just a little bit higher?

I thought you were the best jumper可知此处是嘲笑的语气,故选A。

(11)句意:而他仍然至少差两英尺。A任然,B已经,C从未,D总是,根据It's impossible可知他还是没有成功,故选A。

(12)句意:除非我们一起工作。A如果,B除非,C即使,D只要,根据but if we work together可知此处是否定的条件状语从句引导词,除非,故选B。

(13)句意:我们谁都不能跳那么高,能够独自够到它,但如果我们一起工作…汤姆解释说。A怀疑,B同意,C解释,D抱怨,根据"Neither of us can jump high enough to touch it alone, but if we work together…"可知这是Tom说的话,是一种建议,故是解释,



B高度,C重量,D精神,根据Tom went down on his knee and held Ryan's foot in his hands可知此处是Ryan踩着Tom,故表示Ryan的全身重量都是Tom的手上,故选C。(15)句意:我们做到了。 A你,B我,C他,D我们,此处指代Tom和Ryan两人,故是






We began our hunt for the treasure. At the top of the hill, we sat down to rest. Suddenly, a 1 from trees started singing: "Fifteen men on the dead man's chest—Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!"

The pirates were 2 . Their faces turned white, and some of them jumped up.

"It's Flint!" cried one.

"Someone is playing the 3 on us," said Silver.

The men started to feel better at these words. 4 the voice called out again.

"Darby McGraw," it called out several times. "Fetch the rum, Darby!"

The pirates 5 where they were, looking around in fear.

"Those were Flint's last words before he died," whispered one.

" 6 here except us knows about Darby," said Silver. "I'm here to get the treasure. I was never afraid of Flint when he was 7 , and I'm not afraid of him now. There's 700,000 pounds a quarter of a mile from here. I'm not going to 8 ."

"You're right, John," said one of the pirates. "And that voice 9 like Flint's voice. It was more like…"

"Ben Gunn!!" shouted Silver.

"Yes!" cried another 10 . "It was Ben Gunn! And nobody is afraid of Ben Gunn, dead or alive."

With this, the men's spirit returned. They picked up their things and we carried 11 walking.

We were now close to the tall trees. I was worried about Silver. I was sure he could easily kill everyone to keep the treasure for 12 .

"Hooray!" shouted one of the pirates and they all started running. Suddenly they stopped. When Silver and I reached them we saw 13 .

In front of us there was a very big hole. At the 14 of the hole there was a broken wooden box. On one of the sides I saw the word Walrus—the 15 of Flint's ship.

It was clear that the treasure was not there.

1. A. woman B. voice C. bird D. child

2. A. angry B. frightened C. happy D. excited

3. A. joke B. music C. piano D. toy

4. A. If B. Or C. And D. But

5. A. remained B. received C. rested D. relaxed

6. A. Nobody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Everybody

7. A. dead B. young C. alive D. live

8. A. pick it up B. give it up C. put it up D. open it up

9. A. was B. sounded C. wasn't D. didn't

10. A. softly B. sadly C. quietly D. loudly

11. A. out B. with C. on D. to

12. A. himself B. myself C. themselves D. ourselves

13. A. what B. why C. where D. which

14. A. end B. front C. top D. bottom

15. A. weight B. colour C. name D. size




(1)考查名词辨析。句意:一个来自树上的声音开始唱歌。A. woman女人,B. voice声音,C. bird鸟,D. child孩子,根据the voice called out again可知是声音,故选B。

(2)考查形容词辨析。句意:海盗们非常害怕。A. angry生气的,B. frightened害怕的,C. happy高兴的,D. excited激动的,根据Their faces turned white, and some of them jumped up,可知是害怕,故选B。

(3)考查名词辨析。句意:有人在给我们开玩笑。A. joke玩笑,B. music音乐,C. piano 钢琴,D. toy玩具,根据The men started to feel better at these words.可知认为在开玩笑和play a joke on sb.和某人开玩笑,固定短语,故选A。

(4)考查连词。句意:但是那个声音又开始喊起来。A. If如果,B. Or否则,C. And和,D. But但是,根据The men started to feel better at these words.和 the voice called out again之间的关系,可知是转折,故选D。

(5)考查动词辨析。句意:海盗们停在他们在的地方。A. remained停下,逗留,B. received收到,C. rested休息,D. relaxed放松,根据where they were, looking around in fear 害怕的四周查看,可知是停留在它们所在的地方,故选A。

(6)考查不定代词。句意:除了我们这儿没有人知道Darby。A. Nobody没有人,B. Somebody某人,C. Anybody任何人,D. Everybody每个人,根据except us knows about Darby和句意,可知是除了我们没有人知道,故选A。

(7)考查形容词辨析句意:当Flint活着的时候,我从来不害怕他。A. dead死的,B. young年轻的,C. alive活着的,D. live活着的,根据I'm here to get the treasure. I was never afraid of Flint when he was ___7___, and I'm not afraid of him now根据 Those were Flint's last words before he died," whispered one. 船长死了,所以此处是可知是当他活着的时候我就不害怕他,alive活着的,作表语, live活着的,通常作定语,这里是作表语,故选C。

(8)考查动词短语。句意:我将不会放弃。A. pick it up 捡起,B. give it up放弃,C. put it up举起,D. open it up开发,根据I'm not afraid of him now. There's 700,000 pounds a quarter of a mile from here.可知是不放弃,故选B。

(9)考查系动词。句意:那个声音像Flint的。A. was是,B. sounded听起来,C. wasn't 不是,D. didn't没,根据It was more like 它更像是……,可知这个声音步行Flints的声音,故选C。

(10)考查副词辨析。句意:另一个声音大声喊叫"是的"。A. softly软地,B. sadly伤心地,C. quietly安静地,D. loudly大声地,根据"Ben Gunn!!" shouted Silver.和"Yes!" cried another___10___.可知大声的喊叫,故选D。

(11)考查副词。句意:我们搬着继续走。A. out外面,B. with和,带有,C. on在……上,(继续)下去,D. to到,根据With this, the men's spirit returned. They picked up their things可知继续走,故选C。

(12)考查反身代词。句意:我确信他能很容易的杀死每个人,他自己拥有宝藏。A. himself他自己,B. myself我自己,C. themselves他们自己,D. ourselves我们自己,根据I was sure he could easily kill everyone可知是他自己拥有宝藏,故选A。

(13)考查副词。句意:我们看见了为什么。A. what什么,B. why为什么,C. where哪里,D. which哪一个,根据Suddenly they stopped. When Silver and I reached them可知是看


(14)考查名词辨析。句意:在洞的底部有一个破的木头盒子。A. end结尾,B. front 前面,C. top顶部,D. bottom底部,根据In front of us there was a very big hole.可知是在洞的


(15)考查名词辨析。句意:Flint的船的名字。A. weight重量,B. colour颜色,C. name

名字,D. size尺码,号,根据 I saw the word Walrus—the___15___ of Flint's ship可知是船的










I graduated from college recently and moved to Washington by myself While I was in college, it was really 1 to meet new people. But "out in the real world", I was finding it really hard,

so I called my sister for some advice.

My sister is five 2 older than I am, so she's been through all this already. When I explained my problem, she understood 3 . She said, "Why don't you try 4 people online?"

"Online? Are you kidding?" I asked. "A friend of 5 chatted with a guy online, and when she finally met him face to face, he was 6 like what he said."

My sister laughed. "But you can find other people like you — people who have just moved to town and want to make some new 7 . When I first moved to New York after college, I 8 a book club and a football team online. I met a lot of people that way."

" 9 you don't even like football!" I said.

"I know," she replied. "But that didn't 10 . I still had a lot of fun. You played volleyball in college. Why don't you 11 a volleyball team to join? Or an art class?"

"Yeah! I saw a website 12 volunteering the other day." I said. "I could volunteer for an organization here in Washington. I bet I could meet a lot of really 13 people that way."

"Good idea!" my sister answered excitedly. "Hey, you 14 even meet the perfect guy."

"Thanks a lot for the 15 . I'll let you know what happens. Will you be home tonight?" I said.

"No, but I'll be here all day tomorrow, so give me a call," my sister replied. "Good luck!"

1. A. hard B. easy C. interesting D. slow

2. A. days B. weeks C. months D. years

3. A. completely B. happily C. politely D. carefully

4. A. counting B. calling C. meeting D. inviting

5. A. mine B. yours C. ours D. hers

6. A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing

7. A. neighbors B. bosses C. friends D. classmates

8. A. dreamt B. found C. remembered D. organized

9. A. Although B. So C. And D. But

10. A. matter B. happen C. show D. last

11. A. look up B. look after C. look for D. look around

12. A. about B. from C. through D. with

13. A. rich B. nice C. poor D. lonely

14. A. need B. must C. would D. might

15. A. letter B. report C. advice D. club



(1)句意:我在大学的时候,很容易遇到新的人。A困难的,B容易的,C有趣的,D慢的,根据But "out in the real world", I was finding it really hard可知此处体现前后转折,故用easy,故选B。


(3)句意:当我解释我的问题时,她完全理解了。A完全地,B开心地,C礼貌地,D小心的,根据she's been through all this already可知是完全了解,故选A。

(4)句意:她说:“你为什么不试试在网上认识人呢?”A计算,B呼叫,C遇见,D要求,根据meet new people可知是结实,认识,故选C。

(5)句意:我的一个朋友和网友聊天。A我的,B你的,C我们的,D她的,根据I asked 可知此处的代词是第一人称单数,故选A。

(6)句意:当她最后面对面见到他时,他完全不像他说的那样。A任何事,B某事,C每件事,D没有什么,根据Online? Are you kidding可知此处是否定形式,表示和现实不一样,故选D。

(7)句意:但是你可以找到和你一样的人——那些刚搬到城里,想交一些新朋友的人。A 邻居,B老板,C朋友,D同学,根据met him face to face可知此处指交朋友,故选C。(8)句意:我在网上找到了一个读书俱乐部和一个足球队。A梦想,B找到,C记得,D 组织,根据a book club and a football team online可知是找到这样的活动小组,故选B。(9)句意:但是你甚至都不喜欢足球。A尽管,B所以,C并且,D但是,根据根据found a football team online和you don't even like football可知此处表示转折,故选D。(10)句意:但那没关系。A要紧,B发生,C显示,D持续,that/it doesn't matter,固定搭配,没关系,此处是一般过去时的用法,故选A。



a website...volunteering可知此处表示网站的内容,故用关于,故选A。










A small boy was trying to move a big wooden box out of his yard. The box was much

1 than the boy. He tried his best to move it, but the box would not move at all. After

2 for a glass of water, the boy tried to move it once more. This time, he pushed harder, but he still

3 move the box a bit. He was quite tired and lost heart

The boy's 4 was coming home from work around this time. He stopped to watch his son's fruitless efforts. The father didn't help him, 5 instead asked, "Son, have you tried your best? I mean, are you doing 6 you can?"

"Yes, I am!" the boy cried.

"No," his father said calmly, "you're not. You have not asked me to 7 you can?"

Asking for help is not a weakness. Many people need help, and 8 the best of us need help. It is 9 to know when to ask for help and understand why you need it. Never be afraid to ask others for help when you're in 10 .

1. A. heavier B. Lighter C. smaller

2. A. pushing B. moving C. resting

3. A. could B. couldn't C. mustn't

4. A. brother B. uncle C. father

5. A. but B. and C. so

6. A. something B. everything C. nothing

7. A. hug B. help C. protect

8. A. ever B. only C. even

9. A. easy B. important C. difficult

10. A. trouble B. silence C. surprise



(1)句意:这个箱子比那个男孩重许多。A.更重的;B.更轻的;C.更小的。根据后句He tried his best to move it, but the box would not move at all.可知男孩尽最大力推箱子,但是没




(4)句意:男孩的爸爸这时下班回家。A.哥哥;B.叔叔;C.爸爸。根据后文The father爸爸,可知是爸爸下班回家,故选C。

(5)句意:而是询问:“儿子,你尽最大努力了吗?”A.但是;B.和;C.所以。根据前句The father didn't help him爸爸没有帮助他,但是问他,故选A。

(6)句意:你正在做你可以做的一切吗?A.某事;B.所有事情,一切;C.没事。根据have you tried your best你已经尽最大力了吗,即你做了你可以做的一切了吗,故选B。




(10)句意:当你处在困境时永远不要害怕向别人寻求帮助。A.困难;B.沉默;C.惊讶。be in trouble处在困境中,故选A。



"You don't understand me!" I shouted. Then I ran out of the house and got on a bus. I didn't know 1 it was going. I just wanted to get away from home as 2 as 1 could.

I couldn't 3 what had just happened to me. My mother, the person I believe in, had just read all of my 4 from my close friends! It shouldn't have happened to me. She read my letters and told me not to write to 5 any more! I couldn't 6 the tears from falling when I thought about this.

Later that day, I went to my close 7 house. 8 my friend gave me a cup of water, the phone rang.

"It's your mother," she spoke to me in a low 9 .

"Tell her that I'm not here!" I replied. However, my mother heard it. "Tell her not to leave! I'll be right there!" Then she hung up the phone 10 a "goodbye". In fact, I should say that I was a little 11 . I couldn't imagine what would happen.

But to my 12 , when my mother arrived, "sorry" was the first word she 13 to me. Her 14 told me that she had been crying and her voice told me that she was really tired. "Will you forgive me?" at last she asked. I didn't know what to say. I just 15 her, and gave her a big hug.

She held me so tightly. You know, at that time, I felt so warm. I really love you, Mum!

1. A. where B. what C. why D. when

2. A. happily B. slowly C. carefully D. quickly

3. A. remember B. talk C. believe D. ask

4. A. letters B. books C. magazines D. novels

5. A. him B. them C. you D. her

6. A. make B. think C. stop D. find

7. A. classmate's B. relative's C. teacher's D. friend's

8. A. Unless B. If C. After D. Since

9. A. voice B. sound C. noise D. silence

10. A. during B. without C. towards D. from

11. A. satisfied B. bored C. worried D. interested

12. A. surprise B. mind C. body D. heart

13. A. told B. said C. asked D. heard

14. A. ears B. arms C. hands D. eyes

15. A. ran to B. gave up C. went on D. pushed in




(2)句意:我只是想尽快离开家。A. happily高兴地;B. slowly缓慢地;C. carefully细心地;D. quickly快速地。根据get away from逃离可知是quickly,故选D。

(3)句意:我简直不敢相信发生在我身上的事。A. remember记得;B. talk说;C. believe 相信;D. ask问。根据下文My mother, the person I believe in, had just read all of my letters from my close friends! It shouldn't have happened to me.,可知“我”不相信自己最信任的妈妈会偷看“我”的信件,故选C。

(4)句意:我的母亲,我信任的人,刚刚从我的密友那里读到了我所有的东西!根据下文She read my letters and told me not to write to them any more!,可知妈妈偷读的是“我”的信件,故选A。

(5)句意:告诉我不要再给他们写信了!A. him他;B. them他们;C. you你;D. her她。my close friends我亲密的朋友们;根据上文My mother, …had just read all of my letters from my close friends!,可知需用them代替我的朋友们,故选B。

(6)句意:想到这个,我忍不住眼泪掉下来了。stop from doing,停止做某事,故选C。(7)句意:那天晚些时候,我去了我亲密的朋友家。A同学的,B亲戚的,C老师的,D 朋友的,根据下文After my friend gave me a cup of water,可知去的是朋友家,故选D。(8)句意:朋友给了我一杯水后,电话响了。A. Unless除非,表让步;B. If如果,表条件;C. After在……以后,表时间;D. Since自从……,表时间。此处表示时间,动作有先后顺序,故选C。

