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欢迎辞 Welcoming speech
Ladies and gentlemen,
Following the increasing rapidity of our communications with countries abroad, China is having a large number of visitors from different countries. Today, we feel very much honored to have [Prof. Martin. Wilson] with us. [Prof. Martin. Wilson] is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of [mathematics].
First of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest.
Now let us invite [Prof. Wilson] to give us a lecture.
I am Peter, Sales manager of the company.
First of all, I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.
As you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies. I know you will be proud of you being a member of our company. It is always my great concern to keep the business going. We can never rest on our
laurels. We need to set new goals for ourselves all the time. As you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds.
Work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, that's the only way for you and our company keep growing.
Again I would like to welcome you and from today on, let's strive for development.
各位来宾、各位朋友、先生们、女士们大家中午好! 今天是贵州华俊源农业发展有限公司金翠湖休闲度假圣地的新老顾客暨媒体答谢会。在这欢乐、喜庆的日子里,我代表金翠湖休闲度假圣地的全体员工,对各位领导、各位朋友、各位嘉宾的光临,表示最热烈的欢迎,最诚挚的感谢!(鞠躬)
回顾公司2年来的发展历程,我们深深的感受到:金翠湖度假酒店的每一点进步与成长都得益于各位嘉宾的支持,这是我们金翠湖休闲度假圣地最宝贵的资源。 在金翠湖度假酒店今年改造中,我们严格按照三星级标准要求自己,采用中式和欧式相结合的装修风格营造一个温馨的度假环境,金翠湖并坚持着我们的企业精神和服务理念,金翠湖度假酒店所蕴含的顽强生命力,也将激励我们在日趋激烈的市场竞争中,不畏艰辛,拼搏向上,追求创新,勇立潮头。 当然,这仅仅是我们金翠湖度假酒店建设道路上迈出探索的第一步,但我们坚信,有各位领导,各位嘉宾、朋友的指导,帮助与支持,我们必将在这条道路上坚持以服务求发展,不断开拓创新,
在此,我代表金翠湖的全体员工向你们送上最真挚的敬意和最忠心的感谢。(鞠躬) 为了不辜负你们的信任,我们丝毫不敢懈怠,一直在努力改进我们的工作,改善我们的服务,力争每天都有一点进步,以证你们选择金翠湖度假圣地是正确的,希望在今后的日子里我们能够更好的为你们服务。
新年的钟声即将敲响。我们要继续努力,把人民的期待变成我们的行动,把人民的希望变成生活的现实。我们要继续全面深化改革,开弓没有回头箭,改革关头勇者胜。我们要全面推进依法治国,用法治保障人民权益、维护社会公平正义、促进国家发展。我们要让全面深化改革、全面推进依法治国如鸟之两翼、车之双轮,推动全面建成小康社会的目标如期实现。 我国人民生活总体越来越好,但我们时刻都要想着那些生活中还有难处的群众。我们要满腔热情做好民生工作,特别是要做好扶贫开发和基本生活保障工作,让农村贫困人口、城市困难群众等所有需要帮助的人们都能生活得到保障、心灵充满温暖。
我们要继续全面推进从严治党,毫不动摇转变作风,高举反腐的利剑,扎牢制度的笼子,在中国共产党领导的社会主义国家里,腐败分子发现一个就要查处一个,有腐必惩,有贪必肃。 我们正在从事的事业是伟大的,坚忍不拔才能胜利,半途而废必将一事无成。我们的蓝图是宏伟的,我们的奋斗必将是艰巨的。全党全国各族人民要团结一心,集思广益用好机遇,众志成城应对挑战,立行立改破解难题,奋发有为进行创新,让国家发展和人民生活一年比一年好。
On the last day of 2014, Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered his 2015 New Year Message. The speech was broadcast live on CCTV News.
The New Year message is traditionally given every year on New Year’s Eve, by the serving Chinese president. Here we bring you Xi Jinping’s speech, in full.
Comrades and friends, ladies and gentlemen:
Time flies. 2014 is about to conclude and we’re about to welcome the start of2015.
On this occasion of ringing out the old and ringing in the new, I am delighted to extend my New Year wishes to Chinese people of all ethnic groups; to compatriots in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan; to Chinese people living overseas; and to friends all across the world.
2014 has been an unforgettable year for China.
During this past year, we have pressed ahead with our reforms with keen determination. We have cracked many hard nuts, introducing a string of major reform measures. Many of these reforms are closely intertwined with the daily lives of all our people.
We have adapted to new normals in our economic development. We have actively promoted economic and social development. Living standards have improved.
On the 12th of December, Phase 1 of the central route of China’s South to North water diversion project went into operation.
More than 400,000 people along the route have been relocated. They have made a selfless contribution to this project.
We express our respect to them and wish them happiness in their new homes.
During this past year, we have worked hard to improve working style and strengthen discipline. Our key focus has been to fight against formalism,bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The situation has greatly improved. We have enhanced our efforts to fight against corruption and punished corrupt officials with a zero-tolerance attitude. This has demonstrated our strong determination in our anti-corruption campaign.
During this past year, we have enhanced cooperation and exchanges with countries around the world. We also hosted the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting in Beijing. Our country’s leaders have paid multiple visits to other nations. International leaders have also made a great number of visits to China. These activities have given the world a greater opportunity to learn about China.
In order to do these things well, government officials at all levels have worked extremely hard. Of course, without the support of our people, our work cannot be done well. I would like to give a “thumbs up” to all our great people.
During this past year, we have passed key decisions through legislative procedures to establish the Victory Day of the Chinese People's War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression; the Martyrs' Day; and the National Memorial Day for Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. These new memorial days included many solemn events. For all the people who sacrificed their precious lives for the state, for the nation and for peace, however times may have changed, we should always remember their sacrifices and contributions.
During this past year, we have also experienced some sad moments. Malaysia Airlines MH370 wentmissing. The whereabouts of more than 150 of our fellow countrymen remainunknown. We have not forgotten them. We will be absolutely resolute incontinuing to make all possible efforts to find them.
During this pastyear, our country has also experienced some major natural disasters and accidents. We have lost a number of our fellow countrymen. The Ludian earthquake in Yunnan Province left over 600 people dead. We remember them. We wish all their relatives well.
The New Year bell is about to ring. We must continue striving to move forward,to transform people’s expectations into actions, and to transform people’s hopes into realities. We must comprehensively deepen our reform process. An arrow that has already been shot has no way back. During this critical moment of our reform process, only the courageous can win.
We must comprehensively push forward the rule of law. We must use the rule of law to guarantee people’s interests and rights, safeguard social justice, and facilitate the nation’s development. Such comprehensive in-depth reforms and the promotion of a strong rule of law can only go forward hand in hand, like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a car. Only through these two intrinsically linked processes can we effectively achieve our goal of a comprehensive well-off society.
The living standards and quality of life of all Chinese people are getting better and better. But we should always keep in mind those people who have difficulties. We should be filled with passion to do a good job in improving the lives of everyone. This is especially true when it comes to helping the poor, developing poorer areas, and guaranteeing basic standards of living. We must help poorer people living in rural areas. We must help people living in cities who have problems. All people who need help must be made to feel secure in their daily lives and their hearts must be filled with warmth.
We will continue to comprehensively strengthen party governance and discipline. We will unswervingly transform our working style, be tough on corruption, and rein in government power. In this socialist country led by the Communist Party of China, any corrupt official who is exposed will be dealt with. All those involved in corruption and embezzlement will be punished or prosecuted.
Right now we are pursuing an extraordinary cause. We will only succeed through perseverance. If
we give up halfway we will get nowhere. Our blueprint is ambitious, our task is arduous. The whole party and Chinese people of all ethnic groups across the country must rally together. We must pool our wisdom to maximize our opportunity. We must work together to embrace challenges. We must take resolute action to tackle problems; and we must explore innovation with enthusiasm, so that the country can develop in a better way and living standards can improve.
Chinese people care greatly about the country’s future and the future of the world. When Ebola emerged in Africa, we offered our help. When a water short age occurred in the capital of The Maldives, we provided assistance. There are numerous examples like these which demonstrate the spirit of common destiny of the Chinese people and all humanity.
At present, the world is not a tranquil place. We call for peace and we sincerely hope that people of all countries can work together to ensure that all people be free from the torture of hunger and cold, and all families free from the threat of wars. All the world’s children must flourish under the sun of peace.
Thank you.
2014 is unforgettable. In the past year, we pushed forward reforms with strong commitment, conquered many hardships and introduced a series of important reform measures, many of which are closely associated with the interests of the general public. We worked to adapt to the new normal of economic growth and actively pushed forward economic and social development, resulting in further improvement in people’s lives. On December 12, the first phase of the central route of Water Diversion Project from South to North was officially completed. More than 400 thousand residents along the route were relocated. We pay our sincere tributes to them for their sacrifice, and wish them a happy life in their new homes. In the past year, we endeavored to improve our work style and strengthen party and government discipline, with efforts focusing on fighting against formalism, bureaucracy, hedonism and extravagance. The situation has greatly improved. We stepped up our efforts in our crackdown on corruption, and severely punished corrupt officials with zero tolerance. This demonstrates that we are strongly committed to fighting against corruption and other evil forces. In the past year, we enhanced our cooperation and exchanges with countries in the world. We hosted the informal leadership meeting of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization in Beijing. Chinese leaders visited many
countries and received many foreign leaders. Such exchanges of visits have helped the rest of the world understand China better.
Officials at various levels have also spared no efforts performing their duty. Of course, those achievements would not have been possible without the support of the people. I would like to salute our great people.
The New Year bell is about to ring. We will continue our efforts to act upon people’s expectations and turn their aspirations into reality. We will continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way. This is an unstoppable train. Only those who brave hardships would prevail. We will push forward the rule of law in an all-round way, safeguard the rights of people in line with law, maintain social justice and promote national development. For an eventual accomplishment of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way in due time, both deepening the reforms and strengthening the rule of law should function as the two wings of a bird, or as wheels on both sides of a vehicle.
We’re engaged in a lofty mission. Only perseverance will lead to victory, while giving up halfway will end up with failure to do whatever. Our blueprint is magnificent, but our struggle will certainly be arduous. All party members and people of all ethnic groups in the country must be united as one, draw on collective wisdom and useful ideas to grasp opportunities, jointly face challenges with united strength, conquer problems with quick action, be bold to carry on innovation, making China a better country year by year and constantly improving people’s lives.
山东省淄博市2013届高三第一次模拟考试语文 - 图文06-20