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His mother is a nurse. 他的母亲是一位护士。

Tell me something about your new office. 给我讲一讲有关你新办公室的事儿吧。 His parents live somewhere about the park. 他的父母住在公园的附近。

There are about 40 pupils in the class. 班里约有四十名学生。

There is a clock above the blackboard. 黑板的上方有一个时钟。 He is afraid of dogs. 他害怕狗。

A: Could I speak to Mary please? B: I'm afraid she is out. A: 我找玛丽。

B: 对不起,她现在外出不在。

She sometimes goes to the library after work. 她下班后有时去图书馆。

David comes to the office after Mary. 大卫跟在玛丽后面走进办公室。 After all, she is a little girl.


They usually play football in the afternoon. 他们经常在下午踢足球。

He will call again half an hour later. 半小时后他还会再打电话过来。

My father was home just ten minutes ago. 我爸爸十分钟前刚回到家。 Does she agree to come? 她同意来吗? I agree with you. 我同意你的意见。

How fresh the air is today! 今天的空气多清新呀! I'll go to Hong Kong by air. 我将坐飞机去香港。

She airs the room by opening the window. 她开开窗户使房间通风。 There're toilets on all the floors. 在所有层都有厕所。 All of us agree with him. 我们都同意他的观点。 Smith paints (粉刷,涂)his bedroom all write. 史密斯把他的卧室全都涂成了白色。 That's all I have. 我只有这些。

There're all kinds of fruit in the supermarket. 超市里的水果品种繁多。 A: Shall we meet at 7 o'clock? B: All right.

A: 我们7点见面行吗? B: 好吧。

Walk along the street. 沿着这条街走。

I've already had lunch. 我已经吃过午饭了。

A: Do you learn any other languages besides English?

B: Yes, I do. I also learn French.

A: 除了英语,你还学其他的语言吗? B: 是的。我也学习法语。 I always start work at 8 o'clock. 我总是8点上班。

I will always remember you. 我会永远记住你。 I am twelve years old. 我十二岁。

David is the tallest among us. 大卫是我们中最高的。

The Yellow River is among the most famous rivers in the world.

黄河是世界上最著名的河流之一 There are tables and chairs in the room. 室内有桌椅。

She seldom gets angry with her child. 她很少和她的孩子生气。

Mary is reading a book on wild animals. 玛丽正在读一本有关野生动物的书。

Would you like to have another cup of coffee? 你想再喝杯咖啡吗?

I don't like the colour of the coat. Show me another, please.

我不喜欢这件衣服的颜色。请给我另拿一件。 Do you know the answer to Question 8? 你知道第八题的答案吗?

Xiao Ming, please answer my question in English.

小明,请你用英语回答我的问题。 Is there any milk in the fridge? 冰箱中有牛奶吗?

I have three brothers, but I do not have any sisters.


It's an easy question. Any pupil can answer it. 这个问题很简单。任何小学生都能回答。 A: Which picture do you like? B: I don't like any of them. A:你喜欢哪一幅画?

Does anybody know her phone number? 有人知道她的电话号码吗?


Is there anything wrong with the fax machine? 传真机出了什么毛病吗? The apple is rich in vitamin. 苹果富含维生素。

You are teachers, aren't you? 你们是老师,对不对? We are doctors. 我们是医生。

John and Ted are good friends. 约翰和泰德是好朋友。 The flat is in a quiet area. 这套房子所在地区很安静。

The area of the room is 140 square meters. 屋子的面积是140平方米。

Stretch your arms and relax yourself. 伸伸胳膊,休息一下吧。

The children are dancing around their teacher. 孩子们围着老师在跳舞。

The plane will arrive at half past seven in the morning.


Why don't you ask the policeman for help? 你为什么不找警察帮忙呢?

We'll meet at the gate of the company. 我们在公司门口见面。

They usually meet at 7.00 p.m. after work. 他们通常下班后晚7点见面。 That old man smiles at me. 那位老人向我微笑。

David will leave for the USA in August. 大卫八月动身去美国。 My aunt is a nurse. 我的姑妈是护士。 It is cool in autumn. 秋天天气凉爽。

A: Could I speak to Mary,please?

B: Sorry, she is away from the office right now. A: 我找玛丽。

B: 对不起。她现在不在办公室。 They name their baby Robert. 他们给婴儿起名为罗伯特。

Peter seldom hurts his back in training. 彼得很少在训练中背部受伤。

David is sitting at the back of the classroom. 大卫正坐在教室的后面。 Keep back! It's dangerous. 退后!这危险。

We'll always back you. 我们将永远支持你。

It's bad to cheat in the exam.


She puts everything in her bag and goes away. 她把所有东西放进提包里走了。

Peter loves nearly all kinds of ball games. 彼得热衷几乎所有的球类活动。 There're many guests at the ball. 舞会上宾客云集。

The monkeys like bananas very much. 猴子很喜欢吃香蕉。

He is a world-famous basketball player. 他是世界著名的篮球运动员。 I am a deputy manager. 我是副经理。 He is 28 years old. 他28岁。

We are colleagues. 我们是同事。

There are many beautiful pictures on the wall. 墙上有很多漂亮的图画。

David often gets ill because he doesn't exercise enough.

大卫经常生病,因为他锻炼的不够。 He has become a famous man. 他已成为名人。

My bed is beside the window. 我的床在窗边。

Peter, it's time to go to bed. 彼得,该睡觉了。

Smith paints his bedroom all white. 史密斯把他的卧室全都刷成了白色。 David will be back before next Monday. 大卫下周一之前回来。

He usually comes to the office before me. 他通常比我先到办公室。

The party will begin in ten minutes. 晚会再有十分钟就开始了。

There is a beautiful garden behind the house. 房子的后面有一个美丽的花园。 The bell is ringing. 铃响了。

The temperature drops below zero. 气温降到了零度以下。

There is one big plant beside the window. 窗户旁边有一株高大的植物。

Dr Green is the best doctor in the town. 格林医生是这个城镇里最好的医生。 Parents know their children best. 家长最了解他们的孩子。

Do your best in everything you do. 无论做任何事都要尽力而为。


Today's match is between China and France. 今天的比赛是中国队对法国队。 They have a very big house. 他们家的房子很大。

The National Day is a big day. 国庆节是重要的一天。

A: How do you come to school?

B: I come to school by bike every day. A: 你怎么去上学?

B: 我每天骑自行车上学。 I love birds. 我喜欢鸟。

My birthday is May 3rd, 1980. 我是1980年5月3日出生的。 I don't like black. 我不喜欢黑色。

I don't like this black shirt. Show me another one, please.

我不喜欢这件黑色的衬衫。请另给我拿一件。 Look at the blackboard, please. 请看黑板。 I like blue. 我喜欢蓝色。

A: I don't like these black ones.

B: Try that pair, then. The blue ones. A: 我不喜欢这双黑色的。

B: 那么试试那双吧。那双蓝的。 There's a fishing boat on the sea. 海面上有一艘鱼船。

We often go boating on Sundays. 我们经常周日去划船。

Are there any books on the bookshelf? 书架上有书吗?

Mary will book a hotel room for Ms Brown. 玛丽会给布朗太太预定饭店住房

There is a coffee machine beside the bookshelf. 书架旁边有一台咖啡机。 A: When is your birthday?

B: I was born on May 3rd, 1980. A: 你的生日是什么时候?

B: 我是1980年5月3日出生的。 David is a born artist.

大卫是一名天生的艺术家。 Would you like a bottle of juice? 你想要瓶果汁吗?

They're bottling the wine. 我们正在把酒装入瓶中。

Betty puts all her books in the box. 贝蒂把她所有的书都装进箱子里。 Peter is a clever boy.


Mary has a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast.

玛丽早餐喝一杯牛奶,吃一点面包。 What do you usually have for breakfast? 你早餐一般吃什么?

There is a bridge over the river. 那条河上有一座小桥。 They are playing bridge. 他们在打桥牌。

The villagers are bridging a river. 村民们正在河上架桥。 Bring me some crisps, please. 请给我拿点薯片。

I have three brothers, but I do not have any sisters.

我有三个哥哥,但没有一个姐妹。 Lily looks good in brown.

莉莉穿棕色的(衣服)很好看。 I want that brown hat.


Mr Manning is building a garage. 曼宁先生正在盖一个车房。

The workers are building in that area. 工人们正在那个地区盖房子。

Which is the tallest building in the city? 城里最高的建筑物是哪个? Let's go to the park by bus.

让我们坐公共汽车去公园吧。 He is busy now. 他现在正忙。

Mike is from the USA. But he lives in London


麦克是美国人。但他现在住在伦敦。 Everyone but Peter wears glasses. 除了彼得每个人都戴眼镜。

You'd better buy a railway time-table. 你最好买一份火车时刻表。 A: How do you come to school?

B: I come to school by bike every day. A: 你怎么去上学?

B: 我每天骑自行车上学。

A: It's time to go to work. Goodbye. B: Bye-bye.

A: 该走了。再见。 B: 再见。

Give me two pieces of cake, please. 请给我两块蛋糕。

I hear someone calling for help. 我听见有人大声呼救。


Please call me when you arrive there. 你到达那里后请给我打电话。

We often call at my grandparents at the weekends.


The chairperson is calling another meeting. 主席正在召集另一次会议。 I'm called Wang Dali. 我叫王大利。

Mary can play the piano very well. 玛丽弹一手好钢琴。

Can I speak to Mr Brown, please? 我找布朗先生。 It can not be Peter. 那人不可能是彼得。

Take this empty can away,please. 请把这个空罐子拿走。

Do you know her car number? 你知道她的车牌号码吗?

Mr Smith carries fruits to the supermarket every day.

史密斯先生每天给超市运送水果。 Mary has a dog,and a cat too. 玛丽养了只狗,也养了一只猫。 Cats like to catch mice. 猫爱抓老鼠。

Hurry up or we will not catch the last bus. 快点!要不我们就赶不上末班车了。 A: Would you close the door, please? B: Certainly.

A: 请把门关上可以吗? B: 当然可以。

A: Where are my shoes? B: They're under your chair. A: 我的鞋在哪儿? B: 在你的椅子下面。

Mr Brown will take the chair next month. 布郎先生下个月将就任主席。 Polly is the only child in her family. 波丽是家里的独生女。

2008 Olympic Games will be held(举行) in Beijing, China.

2008年奥运会将在中国北京举行。 I am Chinese. 我是中国人。

Where's the nearest cinema? 最近的电影院在哪里?

Shall we go to the cinema tonight? 我们今晚去看电影怎么样? Shanghai is a big city.


There are 40 students in my class. 我的班里有40名学生。 I've got a first class ticket. 我搞到了头等舱的票。

There are 24 students in the classroom. 教室里有24名学生。 The photo is very clear. 照片很清楚。

Mary often clears the table after dinner. 玛丽经常在饭后收拾桌子。

There is a clock above the blackboard. 黑板的上方有一个时钟。 Mary's room is very clean. 玛丽的房间非常干净。 I'll clean the room. 我来打扫房间。

Would you close the door please? 请你关上门好吗?

Mr Brown's company is close to the bank. 布郎先生的公司离银行很近。 Mary and Lisa are close friends. 玛丽和莉莎是亲密无间的朋友。 Mary feels sick because she has a cold. 玛丽身体不舒服,因为她得了感冒。 It's cold outside. Put on more clothes. 外面很冷。多穿点衣服。 A: How do you come to school?

B: I come to school by bike every day. A: 你怎么去上学?

B: 我每天骑自行车上学。 A: May I come in? B: Come in, please. A: 我能进来吗? B: 请进。

Come on! Tell me about your journey. 快告诉我有关你旅行的经历吧!

My brother wants to buy a new computer. 我弟弟想买一台新计算机。

I cook meals and my husband gets dishes ready. 我做饭,我丈夫准备碗筷。 My uncle is a cook. 我的叔叔是厨师。

There is one big plant in the corner. 屋角有一大株绿色植物。 The flat costs $400 a month. 这套公寓一个月400美元。

Could you show me the way to the hospital? 您能告诉我去医院的路怎么走吗? I have never been to foreign countries.



My grandparents live in the country. 我的爷爷奶奶住在乡下。 The snow covers the ground. 大雪覆盖了地面。

His researches cover a wide field. 他的研究涉及范围很广。 I like the cover of this magazine. 我喜欢这个杂志的封面。 The snow covers the ground. 大雪覆盖了地面。

His researches cover a wide field. 他的研究涉及范围很广。 I like the cover of this magazine. 我喜欢这个杂志的封面。

The baby is crying because he is hungry. 这个婴儿饿了,所以哭了。 The boy is crying for help. 男孩大声呼救。

Would you like a cup of coffee? 你想来杯咖啡吗?

The World Cup will be held (举行)in Germany (德国).

世界杯赛将在德国举行。 Please cut the cake in half. 请把蛋糕切成两半。

I'm sure they are going to cut prices. 我相信他们就会降价。 There is a cut in his shirt. 他的衬衣上有一个口子。 Let's dance to the music. 让我们随着音乐跳舞吧。

She wants to have the next dance with Mr Green.


It's getting dark. I have to go home now. 天黑了。我得回家了。 Lucy's new shirt is dark blue. 露西的新裙子是深蓝色的。 A: What is the rddate today? B: It's May 3. A: 今天几号? B: 今天是5月3号。 Smith is on his first date.

这是史密斯的第一次约会。 Mrs Brown has three daughters. 布朗太太有三个女儿。

She is crying because her dog is dead 她家的狗死了,所以她在哭。 I'm dead tired.


Oh dear, the hall's dirty. 噢,天哪,大厅真脏了。

December is the last month of the year. 十二月是一年中的最后一个月。

We decorate the room with coloured lights at Chirstmas.

圣诞节时我们用彩灯装饰房间。 This is my desk. 这是我的书桌。 David is at his desk. 大卫正在桌前办公。

A: Can I borrow your dictionary? B: Here you are.

A:我能借你的词典用一下吗? B:给你。

They have different answers to this question. 对这个问题他们有不同的答案。

It's not difficult to learn a foreign language. 学习一门外语并不困难。

What about having dinner at the restaurant tonight?

今晚在饭店吃饭怎么样? The child's shirt is very dirty. 这个孩子的衬衣很脏。

I cook meals and my husband gets dishes ready. 我做饭,我丈夫准备碗筷。

Chinese dishes are my favorite food. 中国菜是我最喜欢的食品。 I'll do the cleaning. 我来做清扫。

Do you know his room number? 你知道他的房间号吗? Where do you live? 你住在哪儿?

I don't speak French. 我不会说法语。

Do your best in everything you do. 无论做任何事都要尽力而为。 Her husband is a doctor. 她的丈夫是一名医生。 Here is a small dog. 这儿有只小狗。 Please open the door. 请开门。

Hard work is the door to success. 勤奋是成功的途径。 What are you drawing? 你在画什么呢?

Please draw down the curtain.



Mr Green's speech always draws the attention of many people.

格林先生的讲话总是能吸引很多人的注意。 It gets cool when the sun goes down. 太阳下山后天气就变凉爽了。

A: Excuse me. How can I get to the post office,please?

B: Go down the street. You'll find it on your right side.

A: 劳驾。请问怎么去邮局?

B: 沿着这条街走。邮局就在你的右手边。 You look really beautiful in that dress. 你穿那件衣服真好看。

It takes her one hour to dress the babies.

她要花一个小时的时间给孩子们穿衣服。 What would you like to drink? 想喝点什么?

Would you like a drink? 想喝点什么吗?

My uncle is a bus driver. 我叔叔是公共汽车司机。

My computer requires a new CD driver. 我的电脑需要一个新的CD驱动器。 The paint isn't dry yet. Be careful. 油漆还没干呢。小心! I'm dead dry. 我渴的要死。

Mr Green's daughter likes to watch ducks swimming in the pool.

格林先生的女儿喜欢看鸭子在池中游泳。 I like pork dumplings. 我喜欢吃猪肉馅饺子。

Please call Mr. Brown in the evening. He's usually out during the day.

请晚上给布朗先生打电话,他白天通常外出。 The rent is $ 400 each month. 租金是每个月400美元。

Each of us will give the new colleague a gift. 我们每个人都将给新同事一份礼物。 She's got a pain in her ear. 她耳朵疼。

It's too early to get up. 现在起床还太早。

We'll arrive in the early morning. 我们将一大早到达。

Please arrive as early as possible. 请尽早来。

The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。

The balloon fell to earth. 气球落在了地上。

He is holding a handful of earth. 他正捧着一把泥土。 The sun rises in the east. 太阳从东方升起。

New York is in the east coast of the U.S.A. 纽约位于美国的东海岸。 His house faces east. 他的房子朝东。

The peach is too hard to eat. 这个桃子太硬了,没法吃。 This acid eats metal. 这种酸腐蚀金属。

I often have eggs and bacon for breakfast. 我早饭经常吃火腿煎鸡蛋。 A: What is the date today? B: It's May the eighth. A: 今天几号? B: 今天是5月8号。

The lift isn't working and the entryphone isn't working at the moment either.

这部电梯停运了,门铃现在也坏了。 Does anyone else want to read the book? 还有没有其他人想看这本书?

The bus stop is at the end of this street. 公共汽车站在这条街的尽头。 The meeting will end at 9 o'clock. 会议将于9点结束。 Can you speak English? 你会说英语吗? David is not English. 大卫不是英国人。 I enjoy flying. 我喜欢坐飞机。

We have enough time. 我们有足够的时间。

I'm old enough to look after myself. 我已经够大,可以照顾自己了 He often watches TV in the evening. 他晚上经常看电视。

I read English every morning. 我每天早上读英语。

Everybody in my office works very hard. 在我办公室里的每一个人工作都很努力。 Everyone in my office works very hard.

在我办公室里的每一个人工作都很努力。 I'm taking the history exam tomorrow. 我明天参加历史课考试。

David's parents must be very excited at the



大卫的父母听到这个消息一定非常激动。 Please excuse me for being late. 对不起,我迟到了。

Excuse me. Where is the post office,please? 劳驾,请问邮局在哪里?

You should not make any excuse for being late. 你不应该为你迟到找任何理由。

Many people do morning exercises in the park. 很多人在公园晨练。

The exercises from 3 to 5 are homework for today.


David often gets ill because he doesn't exerciseenough.

大卫经常生病,因为他锻炼的不够 Keep your eyes open. 请时刻保持警惕。

Peter eyes the ants' movements. 彼得密切地观察蚂蚁的活动。 The little boy is washing his face. 小男孩正在洗脸。 His house faces south. 他的房子朝南。

Mary and her brother works in the same factory.

玛丽和她的哥哥在同一家工厂工作。 The snow is falling.


Many tourists go to Niagara Falls every year. 每年有很多游客去尼亚加拉大瀑布。

There are 10 people in David's family. It's a bigone.

大卫的家里有10口人。这可是个大家庭。 He is a famous basketball player. 他是著名的篮球运动员。

Peter's home is quite far from the company. 彼得的家离公司相当远。 He is a fast runner. 他跑得很快。

He always drives fast. 他开车总是很快。 I think he's too fat. 我觉得他太胖了。 The pork is rich in fat. 猪肉富含脂肪。 My father is a doctor. 我的父亲是一名医生。

They often come to see us in February. 他们经常在二月来看我们。

I often feel tired after work. 下班后我经常感觉劳累。 The cloth feels smooth. 这块布料手感很光滑。

We often make dumplings during the Spring Festival.


Few men can do this.没有几个人能做这件事。 There are a few students in the reading room. 阅览室里有几名学生。 A: What is the date today? B: It's May the fifth. A: 今天几号? B: 今天是5月5号。

What about seeing a film this evening? 今晚去看电影怎么样?

I'm going to develop the film this afternoon. 我今天下午去冲洗胶卷。 I can't find my key. 我找不到钥匙了。

I find that she's always the first one to get to the office.

我发现她总是第一个到办公室 What a fine day! 天气多好呀!

A: Hello, Mary. How are you? B: I'm fine. Thank you. A:嗨!玛丽。你好吗? B:我很好。谢谢。

The first of October is the National Day. 十月一日是国庆节。

You must finish your work first. 你必须先干完工作。

Peter usually comes first to the office. 彼得一般第一个到办公室。

Look, there're a lot of fish in the pond (池塘). 快看,池塘里有好多鱼。 Do you like fish? 你爱吃鱼吗?

Mr Manning goes fishing every Sunday. 蔓宁先生每周日去钓鱼。 The floor is quite flat. 地面很平。

Xiaoyan is flat hunting. 晓燕正在寻找住处。 You'd better lie flat. 你最好平躺。

There are offices on all the floors. 所有楼层都有办公室。 What lovely flowers!



You go first and I will follow. 你先走, 我就跟来。 Do you follow me? 你听懂我的话了吗? I really enjoy Chinese food. 我很喜欢吃中餐。

Bill never hurts his left foot. 比尔左脚从不受伤。

Mr Brown usually goes to work on foot. 布郎先生通常步行去上班。

They often play football in the afternoon. 他们经常在下午踢足球。 It's 12.20. It's time for lunch.

现在是12点20分。是吃午饭的时间了。 He learns English for several reasons. 他因多种原因学习英语。

I go swimming on Sundays for two hours. 我每周日游泳两个小时。

My birthday is the fourth of July. 我生于七月四日。 She is good at French. 她法语很好。 His wife is French. 他的妻子是法国人。

I work from Monday to Friday. 我周一到周五上班。

Mary is friendly to everybody. 玛丽对每个人都很友好。 Mike is from the USA. 麦克是美国人。

The train goes from Paris to Rome. 这列火车从巴黎开往罗马。 Please come to the front. 请到前面来。

The post office fronts the bus station. 邮局面朝公共汽车站。

Don't park your car in front of the building. 不要把你的车子停在那幢建筑物的前面。 There is a woman in front of the house. 房子的前面有一个女人。

The little boy likes sitting in the front of the class.


There're all kinds of fruit in the supermarket. 超市里的水果品种繁多。 The bottle is full of milk. 瓶子里装满了牛奶。

A: Do you want to have some more fish? B: No, thank you. I'm full.

A: 你想再吃点鱼吗? B: 不,谢谢。我饱了。

At sometime in the future, we may all work fewer hours a day.

将来总有一天,我们的工作时间会缩短。 I wish you a bright future. 我祝你有个美好的未来。

My brother likes playing computer games. 我弟弟喜欢玩电脑游戏。

2008 Olympic Games will be held(举行) in Beijing, China.


There is a beautiful garden behind the house. 房子的后面有一个美丽的花园。 I'll wait for you at the company gate. 我在公司大门口等你。

I often get letters from my pen pal. 我经常收到笔友的来信。 I hope you will get well soon. 我希望你早日康复。 Lily is a beautiful girl.


My friends often give me good advice. 我的朋友常给我出好主意。

I'm David Manning. David is my given name and Manning is my family name.


I'm so glad to hear from you. 收到你的来信我很高兴。 Windows are made of glass. 窗户是用玻璃做的。

Would you like a glass of water? 您想喝杯水吗?

Mary has to wear glasses when she reads. 玛丽看书的时候得戴上眼镜。

Mary and her parents will go to the USA next month.

玛丽和她的父母下个月去美国。 My mother's hair is going grey. 我妈妈的头发变得花白了。

Would you like to go shopping with me? 你愿意和我一起去购物吗? Good morning. 早上好!

She is good at English. 她英语很好。

A: It's time to go. Goodbye. B: Bye-bye.

A: 该走了。再见。


B: 再见。

What grade is she in? 她几年级?

The milk is of high grade. 牛奶质量优良。

He usually gets good grades in English. 他英语成绩一般都不错。

The teachers are grading the papers. 老师在判卷子。

A: Do you know that old man over there? B: Yes, I do. He is Mike's grandfather. A: 你认识那位老人吗?


Peter is getting ready for his grandmother's birthday party.

彼得正在准备他奶奶的生日聚会。 I've made a great decision.

我已经做出了一个重大的决定。 Mr Green is a great man. 格林先生是个伟大的人。

There're great differences between Western and Eastern ideas.

东西方的思想存在着巨大的差异。 What a great idea! 这主意太棒了!

Green is my favorite colour. 绿色是我最喜欢的颜色。 Postmen often wear green coats. 邮递员经常穿绿色的衣服。

Our classroom is on the ground floor. 我们的教室在一层。

A group of students are playing football. 一群学生正在踢足球。 My hair grows quickly. 我的头发长得很快。 It's growing dark. 天渐渐变黑了。

Mrs Green enjoys growing flowers. 格林太太喜欢种花。

There are 500 guests in this hotel. 此饭店现有500 位客人。

The plane will arrive at half past seven in the morning.

飞机将于早上7点半到达。 Jane has long and blond hair. 简有一头金色的长发。

Mary is shaking hands with the famous film star.

玛丽正和那位著名的影星握手。 When should I hand in my paper? 我应在什么时候交论文?

She doesn't seem happy tonight. What has happened?

她今晚看起来不高兴。发生什么事了? It's not hard to learn a foreign language. 学习一门外语并不难。 The peach is too hard to eat. 这个桃子太硬了,没法吃。 My husband works very hard. 我丈夫工作非常努力。

I can hardly understand his words. 我几乎听不懂他的话。

My mother sometimes gives me a new hat as a gift .

我妈妈有时送给我一顶新帽子作为礼物。 My husband hates shopping, but I like it very much.


I have three brothers, but I do not have any sisters.

我有三个哥哥,但没有姐妹。 Let me have a look. 让我看一看。

I have got a first class ticket. 我搞到了一张头等舱的票。 Nurses often have to work at night. 护士常常得在夜间工作。 He is from the UK. 他是英国人。

Tom lowers his head. 汤姆低下了头。

Mr Brown is the head of IT Department. 布朗先生是信息技术部的主管。 Mr Green is our head master. 格林先生是我们的校长。 We're heading for the mountain. 我们正朝山那边走去。 David looks very healthy. 大卫看上去非常健康 Can anybody hear me? 都能听到我吗?

I hear you are leaving for the U.S.A. next month.

我听说你下个月去美国。 I'm so glad to hear from you. 收到你的来信我非常高兴。 A: Hello, Bill.

B: Hello, Mary. How are you? A: 你好,比尔。



Good morning, Madam. Can I help you? 早上好,女士。能为您效劳吗?

Mary often helps her mother with her housework.

玛丽经常帮助妈妈做家务。 Here is a bird. 这儿有一只鸟。

A: Can I borrow your dictionary? B: Here you are.

A:我能借你的字典用一下吗? B:给你。

My little sister is too young to look after herself. 我妹妹还太小,不能照顾自己。

This is not my telephone number. It's hers. 这不是我的电话号码。是她的。

There're lots of high buildings in the city. 城市中有很多高层建筑。 The bird is flying high above. 那只鸟在高空飞翔。

This is John's book. Could you give it to him? 这是约翰的书。你能给他吗?

Peter is too young to look after himself. 彼得还太小,不能照顾自己。 Does David like his job? 大卫喜欢他的工作吗?

This is not my computer. It's his. 这不是我的电脑。是他的。 Tom is holding a book in his hand. 汤姆的手里拿着一本书。

Polly's home is quite far from the company. 波丽的家离公司相当远。 He will be home in an hour. 他再过一个小时就会到家。

The exercises from 3 to 5 are homework for today.

今天的家庭作业是练习三到练习五。 Peter often does homework after dinner. 彼得经常在晚饭后做作业。

Mr Manning is good at riding a horse. 曼宁先生骑术很好。

Peter is as strong as a horse. 彼得很强壮。

My husband works in the hospital. 我丈夫在医院工作。

It's usually very hot at noon in summer. 夏天中午通常很热。

Sichuan dishes are usually very hot. 四川菜通常很辣。

Excuse me. Where's the nearest hotel? 劳驾,请问最近的饭店在哪儿? The lecture lasts two hours. 讲座持续了两个小时。

Mary wants to live in a big house. 玛丽想住在一幢大房子里。 How are you?

你(身体)好吗? How old is he? 他几岁了?

How much milk do you need? 你需要多少牛奶?

How many bedrooms do you have? 你有几间卧室?

How long are you going to stay here? 你要在这儿停留多久? How beautiful she is! 她真漂亮呀!

here're over one hundred people in our company.


There're hundreds of people in the square. 广场上有成千上万的人。

We should do our best to help those hungry children.

我们应尽全力帮助那些饥饿的儿童。 Mr Smith is hungry for news of his son.

史密斯先生正殷切地期待着他儿子的消息。 Bill's words hurt his friend deeply. 比尔的话深深地伤了他的朋友。 Does your leg still hurt? 你的腿还疼吗?

My husband works very hard. 我丈夫工作非常努力。 Hello. I am Peter. 嗨!我是彼得。 I have a good idea. 我有个好主意。

There're great differences between Western and Eastern ideas.


If it is fine tomorrow, we will have a picnic. 如果明天天气好的话,我们就去野餐。 I'm often ill on planes. 我经常晕机。 What is in the box? 盒子里面有什么?

They often play football in the afternoons. 他们经常在下午踢足球。 There is nobody inside. 里面没有人。

The inside story is still a secret.


不要把你的车子停在那幢建筑物的前面。 Let's have a party this weekend. 我们这个周末开一个晚会吧。

Mr Lee is a member of the Communist Party. 李先生是共产党党员。

I always pass the beautiful park on the way to work.

我在上班的路上总是能路过那座美丽的公园。 Pass me the sugar,please. 请把糖递给我。

Please show me your pass. 请出示你的通行证。

The plane will arrive at half past seven in the morning.


We often have some pears after lunch. 我们午饭后经常吃梨。

Mary's mother gives her a new pen. 玛丽的妈妈给了她一支新钢笔。

Mary likes to draw pictures with a pencil. 玛丽喜欢用铅笔画画。

Some people like coffee and some like tea. 有人喜欢喝咖啡,有人喜欢喝茶。 The Chinese is a brave people. 中华民族是一个勇敢的民族。 She's a difficult person to deal with. 她是个难打交道的人。

I have a lot of photos of my traveling. Would you like to see them?

我有许多旅行拍的照片。你想看看吗? Mary likes playing the piano. 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴。

There are many beautiful pictures on the wall. 墙上有很多漂亮的图画。

I have a lot of pictures of my traveling. Would you like to see them?

我有许多旅行拍的照片。你想看看吗? Pass me a piece of paper, please. 请递给我一张纸。

This is a good place to live in. 这是一个居住的好地方。

Mr Green always places his bag on the table. 格林先生总是把他的包放在桌子上。 Do you have any plan for the weekend? 这个周末你有什么计划吗?

They're planning a travel to Europe. 他们正筹划着一次到欧洲的旅行。 Are you going to Guangzhou by plane? 你要坐飞机去广州吗?

They usually play football in the afternoon. 他们经常在下午踢足球。 Mary likes playing the piano. 玛丽喜欢弹钢琴。

You can play the videotape in the living room. 你可以在客厅播放录像带。

Would you like to go to a play this evening? 你今晚想去看戏剧吗?

The children are at play in the playground. 孩子们正在操场上玩耍。

Please open your book and turn to page 10. 请打开书,翻到第10页。

What can we do to please the baby? 我们能做些什么才能使婴儿开心呀? The policeman is questioning the suspect. 警察正在审问嫌疑犯。 David is very poor. 大卫很贫穷。

The poor mother is crying all night. 这个可怜的母亲整夜都在哭。 Potatoes are 20 pence per pound. 土豆每磅20便士。

The price of this dress is $50. 这件衣服的价格是50美元。

There are about 40 pupils in the class. 班里约有四十名学生。

She puts everything in her bag and goes away. 她把所有东西都放进包里,然后走了。 It's cold outside. Put on more clothes. 外面很冷。多穿点衣服。

Xiao Ming, please answer my questions in English.

小明,请你用英语回答我的问题。 The policeman is questioning the suspect . 警察正在审问嫌疑犯。

He runs to the bus station quickly. 他飞快地跑向公共汽车站。 The classroom is very quiet. 教室里非常安静。 I quite agree with you. 我完全同意你的意见。

Mr Brown is listening to the news on the radio. 布郎先生正在收听新闻广播。

Peter's father works at the railway station. 彼得的父亲在火车站工作。

There is a lot of rain here in summer. 这里夏天常下雨。

It's going to rain. Don't forget to take your umbrella.

要下雨了。 别忘记带伞。

I'll phone you when I reach the airport.



Can you reach the book on the top shelf? 你能够得到书架顶层的那本书吗?

She is reading an English novel. She reads a lot in his spare time.

她正在看一部英语小说。业余时间她常看书。 Are you ready? 你准备好了吗?

Mary is always ready to help others. 玛丽总是愿意帮助他人。

Peter is getting ready for his grandfather's birthday party.

彼得正在准备他爷爷的生日聚会。 I really enjoy classical music. 我真地喜欢古典音乐。 John has a new recorder. 约翰有了一个新的录音机。 Do you know the girl in red?

你认识穿红色衣服的那个女孩吗? She often wears a red cap. 她经常戴一顶红帽子。

I'm a bit tired. I want to have a rest. 我有点累了。想休息一下。 You'd better have a rest now. 你现在最好休息一下。 You should rest for a while. 你应该休息一会儿。

What about having dinner at the restaurant tonight?


Mr Smith will return home next week. 史密斯先生下周回家。

I'll return you the book tomorrow. 我明天还你书。

Do you think I should return her visit? 你觉得我应该回访她吗?

Mr Smith carries rice to the supermarket every day.

史密斯先生每天给超市运送大米。 Mr Manning is a rich man. 曼宁先生是个有钱人。 An apple is rich in vitamin. 苹果富含维生素。

Tom never hurts his right arm in the training. 训练时汤姆的右臂从不受伤。

Turn right and you will see the supermarket. 向右转你就能看见超市了。

A: Here is your key, Madam. Your room number is 1806. B: Thank you.

A: 夫人,这是您的钥匙。房间号是1806。 B:谢谢。

This desk takes up a lot of room. 这张课桌很占地方。

He runs to the bus station quickly. 他飞快地跑向公共汽车站。

The machine isn't running properly. 机器运行得有些不正常。

Mary is telling the children a sad story. 玛丽正在给孩子们讲一个悲惨的故事。 We work in the same company. 我们在同一家公司工作。 Do you work on Saturday? 你周六工作吗? You can't say that! 你不能那么说!

Nick usually goes to school by bike. 尼克通常骑自行车上学。

Peter's brother studies at Harvard Law School. 彼得的哥哥是哈佛大学法学院的学生。 We often travel by sea. 我们经常乘船旅游。 Tom is seldom ill. 汤姆很少生病。

Would you send the letter for me? 你愿意帮我寄这封信吗?

The new term will begin in September. 新学期将于九月开学。

My birthday is the seventh of October. 我生于10月7日。

That's Mary. She is my friend. 那是玛丽。她是我的朋友。 A: How will you go to Dalian? B: I'll go there by ship. A: 你怎么去大连? B: 我坐船去。

They'll ship my car to Paris.

他们会把我的汽车用船运到巴黎。 Something is wrong with my shoes. 我的鞋坏了。

The shop is open from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. 商店早九点到晚十点营业。 I usually shop on Sundays. 我通常在周日购物。

We're planning a short trip to Tianjin.


My neighbour is short with brown eyes and a big nose.

我的邻居个子矮, 棕色的眼睛,大鼻子。 That village is short of water.



I'll show you the way to the railway station. 我来给你指去火车站的路。

I'll show you how to use the fax machine. 我来给你展示如何使用传真机。 It's a wonderful fashion show. 这是一个精彩的时装表演。 There're shops on either side. 两边都有商店。

He sometimes walks in from the side door. 他有时从旁边的门进来 Let's sing an English song. 让我们唱支英语歌吧。

I have three brothers, but I do not have anysisters.

我有三个哥哥,但没有姐妹。 Sally is sitting by the window. 萨丽坐在窗边。 Sit down, please. 请坐。

They will get married on June the sixth. 他们将于6月6日结婚。 What size shoes do you wear? 你穿多大号的鞋?

The sky is blue and clean. 天空蔚蓝晴朗。

Are there any birds in the sky? 天上有鸟吗?

The bus is very slow.


You have to slow down at the crossing. 在十字路口你要减速。 The bedroom is too small. 卧室太小了。

There's a happy smile on his mother's face. 他母亲脸上露出了十分高兴的笑容。 He doesn't like to smile. 他不喜欢笑。

The children like playing in the snow in winter. 孩子们冬天喜欢在雪地里玩耍。 It is snowing heavily outside. 外面雪下得很大。

I'm so glad to hear from you. 收到你的来信我非常高兴。

My husband works very hard,so he has no time to watch TV.


Some people like coffee and some people like tea.

有人喜欢喝咖啡,有人喜欢喝茶。 Some agree and some disagree. 有些人同意,有些人不同意。

Someone is waiting for you downstairs. 有人正在楼下等你。

I have something important to do. 我有重要的事要做。

Tomorrow is Jane's birthday. Let's get something for her.

明天是简的生日。让我们为她准备些东西。 She sometimes goes to the library after work. 她下班后有时去图书馆。 He is Li Ming's son. 他是李明的儿子。

Let's sing an English song. 让我们唱支英语歌吧。

A: Do you know her phone number? B: Sorry, I do not know.

A:你知道她的电话号码吗? B:对不起,我不知道。

Yunnan Province is in the south of China. 云南省在中国的南部。 Brazil is in South America. 巴西在南美洲。

A: Can you speak French?

B: No, I can't. I can only speak Chinese and English.

A: 你会说法语吗?

B: 不,我不会。 我只会说汉语和英语。 I love all kinds of sports.

我喜欢各种各样的体育活动。 It's cool in spring. 春天天气凉爽。

They get water from the mountain spring. 他们从山泉水中取水。

Can you springs over the wall? 你能跳过墙去吗?

Peter's father works at the railway station. 彼得的父亲在火车站工作。

Mr Green is going to stay in Shanghai for a week.

格林先生将在上海逗留一周。 Could you stop shouting? 请你们别叫了。

The bus stop is at the end of this street. 公共汽车站在这条街的尽头。

Mary is telling the children an interesting story. 玛丽正在给孩子们讲一个有趣的故事。 Go straight and you will see the bookshop. 直走你就会看见书店了。


Mary has long and straight hair. 玛丽有一头长长的直发。 Go down this street. 顺着这条街走。

Mr Smith is a strong man.


My elder sister is a student at Beijing


我姐姐是北京大学的学生。 Bill's daughter is studying English. 比尔的女儿在学英语。

I like to go swimming in the summer. 夏天我喜欢游泳。

The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕太阳运转。

There's not much sun today. 今天的阳光不太充足。

There're many suns in the universe. 宇宙中有很多恒星。

I go swimming on Sundays. 我每逢周日都去游泳。

We'll go to see my grandparents next Sunday. 我们下周日去看我的爷爷奶奶。 What's for supper? 晚饭吃什么?

I'm sure he'll come here. 我确信他会来这里。 It sure was cold. 天气的确是冷。

This sweater looks nice. 这件毛衣看起来不错。 The melons are so sweet. 这些瓜真甜。

I often go swimming in the summer. 夏天我常去游泳。

There is a big table in the dining hall. 餐厅有一张大餐桌。

You'd better buy a railway time-table. 你最好买一份火车时刻表。 Don't forget to take your umbrella. 别忘了拿你的雨伞。

Who has taken my dictionary? 谁拿走了我的字典? Lucy takes the first prize. 露西得了一等奖。 David is very tall. 大卫个儿很高。

Why don't you take a taxi? 你为什么不坐出租车去呢? Would you like a cup of tea?


Lucy's mother teaches English at Beijing University.

露西的妈妈在北京大学教英语。 Anna is an English teacher. 安娜是一名英语教师。

My parents will leave for Shenzhen on the tenth of April.

我父母将于4月10日离开去深圳。 A: Would you like some coffee? B: No, thank you. A: 你想喝点咖啡吗? B:不了,谢谢。 Many thanks! 非常感谢!

That is Mary. She is a student at Beijing University.


The teachers in our school work very hard. 我们学校的老师工作很勤奋。 The monkey is very clever. 猴子非常聪明。

What about going to the theatre this evening? 今晚去看戏怎么样?

The modern theatre is becoming more and more popular.


Mrs Manning has two sons. Their names are Peter and Paul.


This is not our office. It's theirs.


I have a lot of pictures of my traveling. Would you like to see them?

我有许多旅行拍的照片。你想看看吗? They never go out by themselves. 他们从来不自己出去。

She puts everything in her bag and then goes away.

她把所有东西都放进包里,然后走了。 A: I don't like these black shoes. B: Try that pair, then.

A: 我不喜欢这双黑色的鞋。 B: 那么就试试那双吧。

A: Do you know that old man over there? B: Yes, I do. He is Mike's grandfather. A: 你认识那位老人吗?

B:我认识。他是迈克的爷爷。 There is a picture on the wall.



There are 12 months in a year. 一年有12个月。 These books are new. 这些书是新的。

They usually meet at 7.00 p.m. after work. 他们通常下班后晚7点见面。

Could you name the things in that box? 你能说出盒子里那些东西的名称吗? How are things? 一切都好吗?

Mary was born on the third of May. 玛丽的生日是5月3日。 This is my father. 这位是我父亲。 Those books are new. 那些书是新的。

She has a thousand dollars in the bank. 她银行里存有一千美元存款。

There're thousands of people in the square. 广场上有成千上万的人。

They have meetings on Thursdays. 他们每周四都开会。 A: What time is it now? B: It's 8 a.m.

A: 现在几点了? B: 早上8点。

The coach times the runners. 教练为跑步者记时。

I'm a bit tired. I want to have a break. 我有点累了。想休息一下。

She sometimes goes to the library after work. 她下班后有时去图书馆。

The train goes from Paris to Rome. 这列火车从巴黎开往罗马。

She usually has a glass of milk and some toast for breakfast.

她早上一般喝一杯牛奶,吃点吐司面包。 Let's make a toast for the newly-weds. 让我们向新婚夫妇敬杯酒吧。 Today is Tuesday. 今天是星期二。

Many people surf on line today. 现今很多人上网。

Tomorrow is Jane's birthday. Let's get something for her.

明天是简的生日。让我们为她准备些东西。 He's arriving tomorrow. 他明天到达。

What about having dinner at the restaurant


今晚在餐馆吃饭怎么样? Mary has a dog,and a cat too. 玛丽养了只狗,也养了一只猫。 You walk too fast. 你走得太快了。

The girl is too young to go to school. 这个女孩年纪太小,不能上学。 The train goes from Paris to Rome. 这列火车从巴黎开往罗马。 They are training for the boat race. 他们正在接受训练准备划船比赛。 We have a lot of trees in our garden. 在我们的花园里有许多树。 A: I don't like these black ones.

B: Try that pair, then. The blue ones. A: 我不喜欢这双黑色的。

B: 那么试试那双吧。那双蓝的。 Try to come home early, dear. 亲爱的,尽量早点回家。

They have meetings on Tuesdays. 他们每周二都开会。

Turn right and you will see the supermarket. 向右拐你就能看见超市了。 They often watch TV after dinner. 他们经常在饭后看电视。 Bill's uncle is a doctor. 比尔的叔叔是位医生。

A: Mum, where is my basketball? B: It's under the table.

A: 妈妈,我的篮球在哪儿呢? B: 在桌子下面呢。

My elder sister is a student at Beijing University.

我姐姐18岁。她是北京大学的学生。 The children are jumping up and down. 孩子们正上下蹦跳着。

Mr Brown gives us two lessons each week. 布郎先生每周给我们上两节课。 You can use my new CD player. 你可以用我的新CD机。

Please make good use of your time. 请充分利用你的时间。

They usually play football in the afternoon. 他们通常在下午踢足球。 It's a very good computer. 这台计算机很好。

She will visit a friend next week. 她下周将去拜访一位朋友。 Their visits are usually quite short.


