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至少包含一个主语和一个谓语。主语可以是并列主语,谓语也可以是并列谓语。 谓语动词有某种时态和语态形式。

祈使句其实是一种省略了主语you的简单句。 三、简单句、并列句和复合句的基本形式


并列句:简单句A +并列连词(and/so/but 或其他)+简单句B

复合句:主句(简单句A)+从句(含有引导词的简单句B)或从句(含有引导词的简单句B)+主句(简单句A) 如:

The young should respect the old.(简单句)

Jack was ill yesterday so he didn't attend the meeting.(并列句) As long as you study hard,you are bound to succeed.(复合句) 四、谓语动词


He has lived here for twenty years.

I will be waiting for you at the school gate at nine tomorrow. He stood up and walked out of the classroom. You are required to keep silent in the reading room. 练习:


1.There was a pretty toy on the table.( ) 2.It being a goodlooking clever dog.( ) 3.He be about to tell us the fact.( ) 4.Because of his coming late.( ) 5.Book me a single room.( )

二、请判断下列句子是对还是错,如错,请改正。 1.The weather is fine,we'll go out for a picnic.


_____________________________________________ 2.He has three sons,but none of them takes good care of him. ______________________________________________ 3.There are 5 teachers will go with us.

______________________________________________ 4.Look after the children is Mary's job.

________________________________________________ 5.He didn't pass the exam made his parents very angry. _______________________________________________ 句子成分分析(一)


主语(subject):是一句话的主题,表示所谈的是“谁”或“什么”,主语一般在谓语之前。 可充当主语的有: 1.名词或代词

The book on the desk is written by my father. They have lived in Guangzhou since 1996. 2.数词

Ten is a very important number. 3.不定式(to do)或动名词(doing) To read in the sun is bad for your eyes. Smoking is bad for our health. 4.从句

What you need is more practice.

It's not your fault that this has happened.(it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的that从句)

句子成分分析(二) 谓语(predicate)



I had left the room before you got there yesterday.


The film is full of violence.

Parents should encourage their children to think independently.

He will drive to Washington tomorrow.

句子成分分析(三) 表语( predicative)


1.名词或代词 That sounds a good idea. The sweets on the table are mine. 2.形容词或副词

You'll feel better after taking the medicine. After five minutes,the meeting was over. 3.介词短语

My books are on the desk. 4.非谓语动词

Her job is to look after those children. What he likes is reading novels. Are you satisfied with your new job? 5.从句

That's where Mr. Mao Zedong once lived.

句子成分分析(四) 宾语(object)

宾语表示动作的对象或承受者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。可充当宾语的有: 1.名词或代词

They see each other every year.

We met with a lot of difficulties in the construction of the TV tower. 2.不定式或动名词

He wanted to borrow my CD player. I admit breaking the window. 3.从句

Do you understand what I mean?




I gave him my address at the party yesterday.(I gave my address to him at the party yesterday.) I have found him a place.(I have found a place for him.)

句子成分分析(五) 定语(attribute)


一、可充当前置定语的有 1.形容词或数词

He said he had an important meeting to attend. We have four lessons in the morning. 2.代词

Tom found his cap in the dining room. 3.名词或名词所有格

He was thinking about a math problem. We should follow the doctor's advice. 4.动名词或分词

I will focus on some learning methods in this class.

He wants to circulate his knowledge in less developed countries. 二、可充当后置定语的有 1.介词短语

The book on the desk is very interesting. 2.非谓语动词

Do you know the man standing there?

He was really angry with the boy being criticized by Mr.Zhang. The man to give us a speech tomorrow is a professor. 3.从句

The boy who is reading needs the pen which you bought yesterday. 4.副词

Every night,the man upstairs came back late. Who is the man over there?

句子成分分析(六) 状语(adverbial)(A)


修饰动词、形容词、副词以及全句的句子成分叫状语。 一、可充当状语的有 1.副词

副词作状语,位置比较灵活,可置于句末、句首和句中。 He speaks the language badly but reads it well. Naturally we expect hotel guests to lock their doors. He has always lived in that house. 2.介词短语

Without his help,we couldn't work it out. 3.非谓语动词

At the top we stopped to look at the view.

Arriving at the station,we learned that the train had already gone. 4.从句

I will return the book to you on Monday if I have read it by then. Even if she laughs at him,he still adores her. 二、使用状语要注意的几个方面 1.句末一般为最常见的状语位置。

2.副词修饰形容词和其他副词,一般作前置定语。但enough作状语则要后置。 Is the room big enough for a party?


They reached home at five o'clock in the evening. He'll be staying here for the summer every year.

4.并列的地点状语也应将小的地点放在前面,将大的地点放在后面。 The meeting will be held in the Great Hall of the People in Beijing in China. 5.地点状语与时间状语并列时,一般将地点状语置于时间状语之前。 I stayed there for three weeks last year.

句子成分分析(七) 状语(adverbial)(B) 状语的分类: 状语按用途可分为: 1.地点状语:

The students are doing their homework in the classroom. 2.时间状语:

I learned a lot from the peasants when I lived in the countryside.



Did you come to London for the purpose of seeing your family? 4.原因状语:

For reasons of health he was unable to finish the book.


She woke suddenly to find someone standing in the doorway.


I nearly forgot what he had promised.

At that time politicians were not known to the degree that they are today. 7.方式状语: Don't look at me like that. 8.条件状语:

If you work hard at English,you will do well in English. I wouldn't have been there except for him. 9.让步状语:

Despite the difficulties,they finished the job. He helped me though he didn't know me. 10.伴随状语:

He stood there,pipe in mouth.


宾语补足语(object complement)


可作宾语补足语的有: 1.名词

She found him a very clever boy. 2.形容词

He had a strange way of making his class lively and interesting. 3.副词或介词短语

Last Sunday I saw you out with your sister.

To her surprise,she found herself in a different world. 4.非谓语动词

I saw him doing his homework when I passed his window.

I was absent-minded when I heard my name called.


