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导学案的作用就是使教师由学生学习的指导者变为学习的策划者、组织者、引导者、促进者,从而在根本上改变了学生的学习方式,变“被动学习”为“主动学习” 。实现了两个前置,即学习前置和问题前置,使学生能在学案的引导之下,通过课前自学,课堂提高,课后链接等环节的调控,降低学习难度。教师借助“学案导学”这一策略,能够将教材有机整合,精心设计,合理调控教学中“教”与“学”,从而极大地提高课堂教学效率。学生通过自主、合作、探究、交流、展示、反馈等学习活动,使学生真正成为学习的主人。


范县第一初级中学 七年级英语组 2015年1月

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主 编:李保刚

副 主 编:马爱菊 张改玲

责任编辑:孙先青 杨作勇

编 辑:杨作勇 孙先青 刘莉莉 张化平

审 验:王世春

封面设计:张改玲 李延哲

王世春 黄福玲 原崇光 吴婷婷




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目 录

Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A ???????????????????1 Unit 5 Topic 1 Section B ???????????????????3 Unit 5 Topic 1 Section C ???????????????????5 Unit 5 Topic 1 Section D ???????????????????7 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A ???????????????????9 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B ???????????????????11 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section C ???????????????????13 Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D ???????????????????15 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A ???????????????????17 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B ???????????????????19 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section C ???????????????????21 Unit 5 Topic 3 Section D ???????????????????23 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A ???????????????????25 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section B ???????????????????27 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C ???????????????????29 Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D ???????????????????31 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A ???????????????????33 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B ???????????????????35 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section C ???????????????????37 Unit 6 Topic 2 Section D ???????????????????39 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section A ???????????????????41 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section B ???????????????????43 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section C ???????????????????45 Unit 6 Topic 3 Section D ???????????????????47 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section A ???????????????????49 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section B ???????????????????51 Unit 7 Topic 1 Section C ???????????????????53

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Unit 7 Topic 1 Section D ???????????????????55 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section A ???????????????????56 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section B ???????????????????58 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section C ???????????????????60 Unit 7 Topic 2 Section D ???????????????????62 Unit 7 Topic 3 Section A ???????????????????64 Unit 7 Topic 3 Section B ???????????????????66 Unit 7 Topic 3 Section C ???????????????????68 Unit 7 Topic 3 Section D ???????????????????70 Unit 8 Topic 1 Section A ???????????????????72 Unit 8 Topic 1 Section B ???????????????????74 Unit 8 Topic 1 Section C ???????????????????76 Unit 8 Topic 1 Section D ???????????????????78 Unit 8 Topic 2 Section A ???????????????????80 Unit 8 Topic 2 Section B ???????????????????82 Unit 8 Topic 2 Section C ???????????????????84 Unit 8 Topic 2 Section D ???????????????????86 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section A ???????????????????88 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section B ???????????????????90 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section C ???????????????????92 Unit 8 Topic 3 Section D ???????????????????94

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Unit 5 Topic 1 Section A


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授课 时间:


1.识记本课出现新单词及词组:usually, always, gate, the same to,

go to school, Ms., grandmother, come on, group

2.掌握乘坐交通工具的表达方式:by bike, by subway, by bus, on foot,

by plane, by car, by train, by ship/boat

3.学习一般现在时 4.学会谈论怎样去上学。

【学习过程】 一、知识切入

1. 通读1a,并理解其大意。

2. 找出文中不理解的内容,并写在横线上。


1. 听录音回答下列问题,然后小组讨论出最佳答案。

1) How does Jane usually go to school?

2) Who has a new bike?

2. 小组练习1a对话,并展示 3. 组内仿照1a写对话并展示。

4. 在小组调查每个同学是怎样来上学的、并汇报。



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1) I usually go to Huangshan ______. 2) Mr.Green go to Canada _____. 3) My uncle goes to Jinan _____. 4) They usually go home______. 5)Huang Yu likes to go there ______.


1. 写出下列动词的第三人称单数形式和现在分词

go ______ _______ enjoy ________ ________ teach ________ ________ eat______ _______ draw ________ ________ walk ________ ________ take______ _______ dance_______ ________ write ________ ________ run______ _______ swim________ ________ get ________ ________ 2. 用所给动词的适当形式填空

1) Miss Li _______ (like) sleeping in the day. 2) Listen! Who ________ (talk) with your parents?

3) The girl ________ ( not dance ) on Wednesday. She dances on Friday. 4)He wants ________ (be) a teacher.

5)Everyone _________(say) she is a good shop assistant. 6)Can she _________ (sing) in English?

3. 单项选择

1) Happy New Year!-- __________.

A.Thank you. B.The same to you. C.You are welcome. 2) Do you usually go to Zhongshan Park by bike?

--No, I usually go there ____. A. on foot B.on feet C.by bike 3) -- _____ do you usually go to the zoo?

--We usually go there by bus. A.How B.Where C.What 4) My boy, it’s time for _____.

A.lunch B.have lunch C.has lunch.


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Unit 5 Topic 1 Section B


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1. 识记本课出现新单词及词组:seldom, never, sometimes ,weekday, early, bird, catch, walk, ride, park, watch TV, do (one’s) homework

2. 继续学习交通工具的表达方式: by subway — take the subway

by bike — ride a bike by car — take a car 3. 学习频度副词的用法。

on foot — walk by plane — fly

by bus — take a bus

【学习过程】 一、知识切入

1. 通读1a,并理解其大意。

2. 找出文中不理解的内容,并写在横线上。

_____________________________________________ 二、自主学习


1) How does Michael usually go to school?

2) What time does Michael usually get up on weekdays?

3) Who goes to school by bus?

4.小组练习1a对话,并展示 5.组内仿照1a写对话并展示。




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A:_______________________? B:________________________.


A:_______________________? B:________________________. (always)

A:_______________________? B:________________________.



Michal,Hellen and Sally (talk). Michael usually (get)up at about 6:00, and (go) to school on foot. But Hellen seldom (walk) toschool, he usually (go by subway). (二) 单项选择。

( )1.How does Li Ming usually go to school?

--- He usually goes to school__. . A.by a bus. B.by cars. C.by bike.

( )2.She always ____ a bus to school.

A.Carries B.comes C.takes

( )3.My brother often ______ TV at home on Sundays.

A. Sees B.looks C.watches

( )4. do you usually go to school?

A.How B.Where C.What

( )5.My boy, it’s time for _____.

A.lunch B.have lunch C.has lunch


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Unit 5 Topic 1 Section C


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1. 对某事发生或出现的频率提问,How often... 2. 频率的表达法:how often,once a week...

【学习过程】 一、 知识切入

根据汉语提示完成句子 1.我通常放学后做运动

I usually after school. 2.你经常在图书馆看书吗?

Do you often book in the ? 3.她母亲每天购物一次

Her mother goes a day.

4.工作必须放在第一位 Work come . 5.他们在空闲时间干什么?

What do they do ? 6.让我们休息一下吧

Let’ t .


1.know about=know of:知道/熟悉/了解关于?..的情况 I don’t know Mr. Smith, but I know about/of him. 2.Very few students ride bikes.几乎没有学生骑自行车

(1)few意为“很少,几乎没有”,表示否定含义,修饰可数名词复数。 a few意为“几个,一些”修饰可数名词复数。 I have a few good friends here.

3.have a (short) rest 表示“(短暂)休息一下”

have a/an +名词,是一种常见的动词短语,如:have a look,看一看; 4.play做动词时,意为“打,玩,演奏,播放”。当跟球类名词时不加冠词, 后跟乐器时乐器千通常加定冠词the. 如:play football 踢足球;

have a swim 游泳;

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play the guitar 弹吉他

5.Nice talking to you.这次跟你谈话真高兴. 这是谈话之后的告别用语。 talk to sb./talk with sb./talk about sth./talk of sth.




1.——How often she (go) swimming ? ——Seldom

2.——What you (do) in your free time? ——I often (play) (game)

3. My brother (not like) playing basketball. 4. Lucy goes to the library (two) a week. 5. ——Does she often (listen) to music ? ——No, she doesn’t.


( )1.I usually at about six o’clock. A. get home B. get to home C. get school ( )2.——When do the boys usually go swimming ? ——They usually go swimming school. A. after B. in C. on ( )3.——Do you usually play guitar ?

——Yes, I do.

A. a B. the C. / ( )4. —— do you go home ? ——Every day.

A. How often B. Hoe long C. How old ( )5. I’m new here, so I have good . A. few; friends B. few; friend C. little; friend ( )6.——What does Paul usually do in his ?

——He usually plays ball games.

A. free time B. school days C. weekdays ( )7. We seldom play computer games .

A. on school B. in school C. on school days


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Unit 5 Topic 1 Section D


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 复习 时间:




【学习过程】 一、知识切入


1.I often sleep for (一会儿) after lunch. 2.——Let’s (开始) do our homework ——OK

3.Sam often (睡觉) at about a quarter to nine in the evening. 4.We usually (上四节课) in the morning and two in the afternoon.

5.Michael often plays soccer (在空闲时间) 6.——Do you often (去图书馆) ——No, sometimes.



1. Classes begin at eight. She has four classes in the morning. 八点开始上课,她上午有四节课。

begin,开始,着手。begin to do sth.或begin doing sth. He usually begins to work at 7:30 a.m. have classes 上课,也可以表达为have a class

2.After dinner, she often does her homework and then watches TV for a little while.晚饭后她经常做作业,然后看一会电视 (1) do one’s homework 做作业

Do you often do your homework at home ? (2)for a little while 一会儿

After dinner, I often play computer games for a little while 3.and 与or 的用法

(1) or 意为“或者”;and 意为“和” 一般情况下,在疑问句和否定句中并列成

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分的列举用or,肯定句中用and 连接。 It has no legs or feet. 它没有腿和脚 Lucy and Lily are sisters.

若连接的成分表示的是同一个人或物,则用and 连接

Is the man a teacher and writer? 那个人是教师兼作家吗? Is the man a teacher or a writer? 那个人是教师还是作家?



1.Mary sometimes (have) lunch at school. 2.I must go .Nice (talk) to you.

3.——Does your brother (do) his homework in the evening? ——Yes, he is a good boy.

4.I like reading books, and I go to the library three (time) a week

5.She often (catch) the early bus to school. 6.Does he often (watch)TV in the evening ? 7.We have six (class) every day.


( )1. My bag is different yours.

A. between

B. from C. by

( )2. The woman takes the subway home .

A. some time B. some times A. seldom A. and

B. never

C. sometimes

( )3. He can’t speak French,so he speaks French.

C. sometimes

( )4. Tom isn’t a student, an English teacher.

B. or

C. but

( )5. He has a new car. He usually goes to work

A. in his car

——Yes, I do.

B. by a car C. by car

( )6.——Do you often after dinner ?

A. read books A. for

B. look at TV C. play computer games

( )7. It’s good to walk a little while after supper.

B. about

C. with


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Unit 5 Topic 2 Section A


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:




【学习过程】 一、知识切入


1.制造 2.卡片 3.乏味的 4.不久 5.奔跑 6.跳舞 7.打扫 8.建筑物 9.电脑 10.操 11.房间 12.水池


自读课文1a,找出be+动词ing形式的句子 1. 2. 3. 4.


Task1 分角色朗读1a .感知现在进行时。 Task2 讨论归纳:

1.What are you doing now ? I am making cards. 现在你在干什么? 我在做卡片。 2.He is running on the playground . 他正在操场跑步。

通过以上两例可以看出现在进行时表示 (现在,经常)正在

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进行的动作或正在发生的事情。其构成是: + Task3 再读课文,找出动词的ing形式 ,并讨论归纳其构成规则: 1. ,如: 2. 如:

3. 如: swim--- swimming Task4 小组内对以上三条各写出3--5个例词。 1. 2. 3.



1. play 2. look 3. go 4. read 5. clean 6.watch 7. make 8. take 9.live 10. come 11. have 12. dance 13. run 14. swim 15. kid 16. put 17.sit 18. shop

(二)1.I am reading now. (一般疑问句)

2. 翻译句子:你们正在干什么? 我们在看电视。


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Unit 5 Topic 2 Section B


主备人:吴婷婷 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1.掌握本课时的词汇 2.学会如何借物常用句型。


一、知识切入 温故知新


2.卡片 3.乏味的 4.不久 5.奔跑 6.跳舞 7.睡觉 8.建筑物 9.电脑 10.操场 11.房间



1.借用 2.过程 3.使用 4.5.必须 6.归还 7.报纸 8. 9.钱包 10.寻找


1. 2. 3.

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保存 钱



Task1 分角色朗读1a .

Task2 听录音1a,2a ,完成1b和2a ,并核对答案。 Task3 参考1c,编对话,并写下一组:

Task4 观察2c,掌握Lost and Found的书写格式。

borrow 一词意思是:“借用,借”,指甲方从乙方借入某物,

如:May I borrow your pen? 但是提醒大家注意,若要借用“一段时间”,则要用“keep”来替代 “borrow”,这是易错点,请同学们注意哦!



A: , may I borrow your English workbook ? B: . Here you are .

A: Great! ? B: Two days. . A: . Thank you . B: You’re welcome .


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Unit 5 Topic 2 Section C


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:




【学习过程】 一、知识切入


1.他们正在写字。 2.李明正教室里在读书。 3.你在干什么? 4.我在跑步。 5.我爸爸在看电视。


Task1 自学1a,画出不懂的,小组讨论。 Task2 再读1a,完成1b,小组核对答案。 Task3 快读1a 完成1c ,小组核对答案。


Task1 观察2a ,并根据例句完成1-5 ,并核对答案。

Task2 讨论归纳:现在进行时的肯定句和否定句

1.肯定句:主语+ + +其它。

2.否定句:主语+ + + +其它。



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Unit 5 Topic 2 Section D


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 复习 时间:



2.正确运用本话题的借物句型。 3.复习并总结现在进行时。

【学习过程】 一、 知识切入



完成课本Grammar 和Functions 部分。


语法:现在进行时 Task1构成

现在进行时由\构成。be应为助动词,初学者最容易漏掉, 它应与主语的人称和数保持一致。


(1)当句子中有now时,常表示动作正在进行,这时要用现在进行时。 They are playing basketball now.现在他们正在打篮球。

(2)以look, listen开头的句子,提示我们动作正进行,这时要用现在进行时。 如:Listen!She is singing an English song.听,她正在唱英语歌。 (3)表示当前一段时间或现阶段正在进行的动作,且此时有this week, these days 时间状语,这时常用现在进行时。如:

We are making model planes these days.这些天我们在做飞机模型。 (4)描述图片中的人物的动作,也为了表达更生动。此时也常用现在进行时。如:

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Look at the picture. The children are flying kites in the park. 看这幅图,那些孩子正在公园。


肯定句式:主语+be( am, is, are)+现在分词+其它.

否定句式:主语+be(am, is, are) +not +现在分词+其它. 一般疑问句:Be(am, is, are) +主语+现在分词+其它? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语+现在分词+其它?



play______run__________swim________make_______go________take________ write________kid _______go________take________write________ dance_______put______see_____buy______drive_______live_______

use________ come________ get________ sit________ begin______ Task2句型转换:

1. They are doing housework .(分别改成一般疑问句和否定句) (1)_______________________________________________ (2)_______________________________________________

2.The students are cleaning the classroom . ( 改一般疑问句并回答) (1)_______________________________________________ (2)肯定回答:_ ___________________________________ (3)否定回答:_____________________________


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Unit 5 Topic 3 Section A


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:




【学习过程】 二、知识切入


1.play_________ 2.swim_________

3.dance_________ 4.shop_________

5.keep_________ 6.eat_________

7.listen_________ 8.begin_________


阅读1a, 完成句子。 1.今天星期几?



We have_____________________________.





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根据课本2:用英语做自己的课程表。并设计问题来互相问答: 1.How many English classes do you have in a week?

2.Do you have a P.E class every day?

3.What lessons do you have on Monday?




What_______ are morning classes __________?


Tom _____ _____ _____ English _____ his classmate.


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Unit 5 Topic 3 Section B


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1.如何询问所学学科 2.表示对所学学科的感受

【学习过程】 三、知识切入


1.What do you think of the book?(同义句)


2.It’s time for class.(同义句)


3.Wednesday is my favorite day.(同义句)


4.What color is your favorite?(同义句)



自读1a,翻译句子。 1.你认为英语怎么样?




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1.What is your favorite subject?(同义句)

Which subject _____ you _____ ______?

2.How do you like science?(同义句)

_____ do you _____ ______ science?

3.It’s time to have the meeting.(同义句)

It’s time _____ the meeting.

4.We are having an art class. (对划线部分提问)



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Unit 5 Topic 3 Section C


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:

【学习目标】 1.复习运用现在进行时


【学习过程】 四、知识切入

按要求写出下列单词的正确形式 1.begin_____(单三) ________(ing) 2.listen_________(单三)_________(ing) 3.eat_________(单三)_________(ing) 4.visit__________(单三)_______(ing) 5.library________(复数)






1.合作完成1b、并完成下面这段话:(注意:一般现在时中的单三人称) Hu Bin _______ his school life a lot. He says his teachers are very _____ to him.He has six classes every day. He likes English _______ and he often ______ with his classmates. He likes P.E. and music, too. But he _______ math because he thinks it is a little difficult and boring. After school he likes to_______. He sometimes swims _____and draws in the park. Every week, he goes to the school library twice.


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1) My teachers are _______ to me.

2) We ______six classes every day.

3) I like English best and I often ______ English with my classmates.

4) We go to school ______ Monday _____ Friday.

5) The soccer game is _______ Class 1 _____ Class 2.


1.--- What do you _____ of this book? --- It’s not interesting, it’s_______.

2.He likes the movie because he thinks it’s _______.

3.---______ don’t you like the subject? ---______ it’s difficult.

4.Li Yang goes to the zoo to _____ animals.

5._______ comes after Tuesday in a week.

6.--- ______ ______ do you have an English class?

--- Every day.


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Unit 5 Topic 3 Section D


主备人:刘莉莉 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 复习 时间:





【学习过程】 一、知识切入








1.What do you often do on Sunday ?

2.He usually plays soccer with his classmates after school.

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3.We have six classes every day.

4.She often goes to school by bike.



1.My sister _________( like) English very much. 2.Thank you for ___________ (help) me with my English.

3.Listen! Some of the girls ______ _______ (talk) about soccer. 4.The teacher is looking for books on the ____________ (shelf). 5.He often ___________ (catch) the early bus to go shopping. 单选:

1. Look!The old man is ______ a book.

A. reading B. looking C. seeing D. watching 2. My classmates are friendly ______ me . A. with B. at C. to D. on

3. The Fashion Show is ______ 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. A. with B. to C. from D. in

4. There is a basketball game ______ their class and ours. A. between B. from C. with D. after 5. The boys are ______ on the playground. A. run B. runing C. running D. runs


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Unit 6 Topic 1 Section A

总编号: 13

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1. 学习There is/are 句型。 2. 学习表示方位的短语介词。 3. 能够简单谈论自己的家。

【学习过程】 一、知识切入

阅读教科书110页课文注释 视频导入


1.Read 1a

2. Answer the questions in 1a.

1) Where is Jane’s bedroom? ———————————————— 2)Where is her study? ———————————————— 3)Is there a computer in her study?——————————————— 3. There 61 students in our class. 4.1b.Fill in the blanks according to 1a.

This is Jane’s home. Her bedroom is ______ the second floor.

There_____ a study______ her bedroom. There is a _______ in her study. There______ many _______ on the shelves. She ______ a nice study. 5. Match the words with the pictures. Do 2a.


1.There be 句型表示: __________ a. There be 的结构___________

b. Be 如何使用_______________

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c. 变一般疑问句 ________

2.为什么不?? 都有哪些表达?________________________ ________________________________________________

四、检测提升 一、用be动词填空。

1. There a pen in my hand. 2. There some juice in the glass. 3. there a study on the second floor? 4. There some books on the shelf. 5. there any apples in the kitchen? 二.选择

1. Why not home and watch TV? A. go B. to go C. going

2. Is there a clock next to the photo? .

A. Yes, it is. B. Yes, there is. C. Yes, there isn’t. 3. There is a bedroom the second floor. A. on B. at

C. in

4. May I have a look your pen?

A.for B. after C. At


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Unit 6 Topic 1 Section B

总编号: 14

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1.熟记单词和短语。 2.掌握There be 句型。

【学习过程】 一、知识切入


二、自主学习 三、分层探究

1.Talk about your study/ bedroom/ living room ? with your partner, using the following ou sentences:

(2)There is a ____ , a _______ , and some ____ ____ the desk. (3) There is a ____ ____ the wall.____ ____ my family photo. (3)Where is the sofa? Is/ Are there ??

What’s in/ on/ behind/ under ??



This is my new house. It's very beautiful. It has two f . My mother oftencooks for us in the k . I usually watching TV in the l room after supper for a little while. Then I go u and do my homework in my s .

At 9:30 p.m. I usually go to bed in my b 2.句型转换。

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1)There is a picture on the wall.(改为否定句)

2) There is a cat behind the door.(改为复数形式)

3)She is making a cake. (对画线部分提问)

4)Tom has some books. (改为一般疑问句)

5)I sit in front of her. (同义句转换)

6). I sit in front of her. (同义句转换) She me. 3.填空

A: the kitchen? B: It's on the first floor.

A: a garden behind the house? B: Yes, .

A: Where's the living room? B: It's next to the dining room. A: any bedrooms on the first floor?

B: , . But there are two on the second floor.


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Unit 6 Topic 1 Section C

总编号: 15

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:



2.继续学习方位介词和There be??句型

【学习过程】 一、知识切入

at the back of 是在内部的后面 behind是在外部的后面


1.预习1a,画出介词短语。 2.做 1b

3.预习填空完成 3a和3b. 4.把不会的做上标记


1.你能总结出at the back of 和behind 的区别吗?

_____________________________________________________________ 2.你知道play有哪些用法?

_____________________________________________________________ 3.你知道near 和next to 有什么区别吗?总结出来吧。


4.on the wall 和 in the wall的差别;in the tree 和on the tree 的差别。 _____________________________________________________________


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1)There is much money in the d of the table。 2)Kate likes w TV in the living room。 3)There are many b flowers in the garden。 4) Where is my key?

It is on the k near the computer。 5)Go and wash your hands in the b 。 II.单项选择:

( )1) --Where is your bed? --It’s the bedroom. A under B on C in

( )2) There--- 30 boys and 20 girls in our class. A be B are C have

( )3) --Where my keys? -- in my bag. A is ,They’re B are,They’re C are,There’re ( )4) There are nice books in the school library.

Let’s go and borrow some.

A so little B so many C so much III.根据句意,选用括号内适当的词填空

1) —How many (chair/chairs) are there in the house? ---There are two.

2) —Are there (any/some) flowers in the room? ---Yes, there are.

3) The ball is (under/behind)the door. 4) I can see a boy (on/in) the tree.

5) There are many trees (in front of/in the front of)the classroom.


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Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D

总编号: 16

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1. Review the structure of“There be” . 2.复习家居方面的单词。 3.学习字母组合的读音:

【学习过程】 一、知识切入 熟读本话题重点句型;

There is a lamp, a computer, some books and so on. There is a computer .

There are three bedrooms, a large living room? There aren't any trees.

Is there a computer in your study? Yes, there is. / No, there isn't. Are there any shoes under the bed? Yes, there are. / No, there aren't. What's on the desk? There are some model planes on it. How many planes are there? There are three.

How much water is there? Only a little



(1) Don’t play ______ the dog.

(2) What can you see ______ the picture? (3) You must look______ your watch.

(4) The apples are ______the tree. Now Tom is ______the tree. (5) I watch TV______ eight______ the morning.


There be 与 have/has 的区别:

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There be 侧重 “_____________”, 表示“____________________” 。如: There is a book on the desk.

have/has侧重 “_____________” ,表示“___________________”。如:

She has some interesting books.


一. 用There be 或have/ has填空。

1.We _____________ no classes on Saturdays and Sundays. 2. _______________ a bowl of dumplings on the table. 3. Mr. Li _____________ a pet dog.

4. ________________ some gifts for our Chinese teacher, Mr. Li. 5. How many letters _______________ in this word? 6. _______________ a river in front of the house? 二.单项选择。

1. An old man lives _____ the _____ floor.

A. in; two B. on; second C. under; second D. to; second 2. We usually do our homework in the _____.

3. Aunt Li isn’t at home. Can you help her _____ her baby? A. look like

B. look after C. look around

D. look for

4. Judy, don’t put your keys here. _____, please. A. Put them away

B. Put up them C. Put them up

D. Put away them

5. – What’s Jim doing?

– He is playing ______ the computer.

A. /

B. at C. with

D. in


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Unit 6 Topic 2 Section A

总编号: 17

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1.Be able to remember these new words and phrases:

country, month, Mrs., furniture, quiet, call sb. at ? 2. Be able to talk about the kinds of buildings. townhouse, farmhouse, apartment ?

3. Learn to read and write the ads for rent and being wanted.

(1) Small apartment for students. ¥850 a month.

(2) House with three bedrooms. Call Mrs. Tong in the evening. (3)Look for a quiet room for to people under ¥500 a month. 4.Learn to find out the language rules and give more examples.

【学习过程】 一、知识切入 二、自主学习

1.What kind of home does Wang Wei live in?

2. What kind of home does Kangkang live in?

3. What kind of home do Wang Wei’s grandparents live in? 三、分层探究

If you want to rent a house from/to others, how do you write it?


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1.公寓大楼 2 市镇住宅 3 农舍 4 月份

5安静的 6.你家是什么样子的? (二)词语填空:

call,apartment,rent,group,furniture 1.If you don’t have much money to buy a house, you can one.

2.It’s a new house and there isn’t any in it. 3.You can him at 13034567456. 4.I live in an with my friends. 5.I like studying with a .

(三)假设张先生一家三口从外地来北京做生意, 想求租有家具的房子, 请学生们替他写则广告, 张先生电话号码是8839-2357。


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Unit 6 Topic 2 Section B

总编号: 18

主备人:杨作勇 审核人:初一英语组 课型: 新授 时间:


1.学习There is/are句型和方位介词。 2.能用英语谈论小区设施及居住环境。 3.能用英语谈论怎样和邻居和睦相处。

【学习过程】 一、知识切入

根据下列关键词,复述Section A 1a

kind of home—an apartment—a townhouse—grandparents—live in a big farmhouse— in the country——Michael——looking for——near——let’s help



1 邻居 2 商店 3 银行 4 街道 5 车站 6 听见

7 大声的 8 弹钢琴 9 在??的末尾 10 寻找 11 在街角 12 你想让我帮你吗?


1.Are there any shops near here?

2.Oh ,it is very nice of you.

3.There are no houses on the right, but there is a tall tree.

组内讨论There be 结构的用法,小组展示

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1. Lin lives next to me, so she is my n .

2. There is a big store at the (尽头) of the street. 3. Don’t play football on the (街道).

4.There is a bank (在??的尽头)this road. 组内分别选出两名学生做为记者,调查其他同学是否喜欢自己的 邻居,他们的邻居是怎样的。完成调查表。

Neighbor Quiet Noisy Polite Friendly ... A B (让学生根据调查表, 介绍一下自己的邻居, 并对其进行简单的评价。) Example: I have two neighbors. One is a teacher,


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