Unit 6 When was it invented第四课时导学案

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Unit 6 When was it invented?

第四课时Section B(2b-3b)




Canadian,divide,purpose,basket,the Olympics,hero


1. divide... into... 2. look up to

3. stop ... from doing 4. dream of

5. more than 6. achieve one’s dream

7. at the same time 8. the number of


1 .Basketball is a much-loved and active sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise.

2 .It is believed that the first basketball game in history was played on December 21,1891.

3. Dr. Naismith divided the men in his class into two teams and taught them to play his new game.

4. Many young people look up to these basketball heroes and want to become like them. 5 .These stars encourage young people to work hard to achieve their dreams.







1 .Who invented basketball?

A Canadian doctor named James Naismith.

2 .What are the professional basketball groups in America and China?

In America is NBA and in China is CBA.


Step 1 Revision and Leading-in

1.教师播放事先准备好的有关篮球运动的视频,动画或者课件。也可以通过介绍NBA, CBA等导人到本节课的内容。

2.对话导人:T: Do you like playing basketball? Do you know when basketball was invented and who basketball was invented by?If you want to know,please read the passage in 2b.

Step 2 SB Page 46-47完成教材上2b-2e的任务

1. 26.教师利用图片引出新单词the Olympics, Canadian, divide, basket, hero等,学生猜测其含义,教师板书新词,让一个学生试读然后再教全班读。要求学生快速阅读2b,通过图片和关键词预测阅读内容,通过上下文语境猜测生词,抓住文章主旨,然后归纳出每段的段落大意。

2. 2c.要求学生细读短文,把短文中采集到的信息转化成“思维地图”:即在大脑中对短文内容形成一幅清晰完整的“地图”。教师指导学生在2c的图中填人正确的内容,把篮球运动的发展史用地图的方式勾画出来,这样使学生更容易地理解,完成2c.然后邀请几个学生复述短


3. 2a.要求学生独立完成2d。教师先对学生进行阅读策略指导,引导学生确定每个问题的关键词,再根据短文内容锁定该问题的答案在第几段搜索。


5. 2e.小组讨论,完成2e.

6.阅读短文。学生三人一组,每人朗读一段。然后小组间核对答案,再全班核对。 Step 3 SB Page 47-48完成教材上3a-3b的任务。

1. 3a.列举一些不喜欢做的事情,然后想出一项发明,来帮助完成上述事情。做好记录。

2. 3 b.写作练习:把你的新发明创造描述出来,并在班上展示。完成3b。


Unit 6 When was it invented?

第四课时Section B(2a-2e)


1 .Many young people look up to these basketball h_________ .

2. Basketball was invented by a C_________ doctor named James Naismith.

3. Basketball became an event at the O_________ in 1936.

4. The p_________ of computers has risen around the villages in our city.

5. He works in a p_________ ping-pong club.


1 .At her birthday party,several _________ (basket)of fruit were eaten.

2. The country has a history of only five _________ (century).

3. The house _________ (divide)into three parts.

4. His mother’s love always encourages him _________ (stick)to his dream.

5. The film is very interesting for us _________ (see)again.


( )1 .Since then,basketball _________ all over the world.

A. is played B. was played C. has played D. has been played

( )2. The classroom two groups by my teacher.

A. divides to B. divides into C. is divided to D. is divided into

( )3. -A number of students_________ in this school. 一Let me see. The number of the students _________ about 1,000.

A. are;is B. is;are C are;are D. is;is

( )4. It _________ that on December 21st,1891,the first basketball game in history was played.

A. believed B. believes C. is believed D. is believing

( )5. The heavy snow stopped me from _________ the Great Wall.

A. go B. go to C. going to D. to go to



When do you think soccer _________ _________ ?


Many people look _________ _________ players and _________ of _________ a famous player.


This _________ and active sport is _________ by many people.


He’s _________ in Canada _________ _________ .


As we all know,the sun _________ _________ _________ _________ and sets in the west.


