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Chapter 1

1、Which question no longer concerns the modern software engineer? (A) (A) Why does computer hardware cost so much? (B) Why does software take a long time to finish?

(C) Why does it cost so much to develop a piece of software?

(D) Why can't software errors be removed from products prior to delivery?

2、Today the increased power of the personal computer has brought about an abandonment of the practice of team development of software. (B) (A) True (B) False

3、Software is a product and can be manufactured using the same technologies used for other engineering artifacts. (B) (A) True (B) False

4、Software deteriorates rather than wears out because (C) (A) Software suffers from exposure to hostile environments

(B) Defects are more likely to arise after software has been used often (C) Multiple change requests introduce errors in component interactions (D) Software spare parts become harder to order

5、Most software continues to be custom built because (D) (A) Component reuse is common in the software world. (B) Reusable components are too expensive to use.

(C) Software is easier to build without using someone else's components.

(D) Off-the-shelf software components are unavailable in many application domains. 6、The nature of software applications can be characterized by their information (D)

(A) complexity (B) content

(C) determinacy (D) both b and c

7、Modern software applications are so complex that it is hard to develop mutually exclusive category names. (A) (A) True (B) False 8、The so called \died and no longer influences decisions made by businesses and software engineers. (B)

(A) True (B) False

9、The functionality of most computer systems does not need to be enhanced the lifetime of the system. (B) (A) True (B) False

10、Change cannot be easily accommodated in most software systems, unless the

system was designed with change in mind. (A) (A) True (B) False

11、Most software development projects are initiated to try to meet some business need. (A) (A) True (B) False

12、In general software only succeeds if its behavior is consistent with the objectives of its designers. (B) (A) True (B) False Chapter 2

1、Which of the items listed below is not one of the software engineering layers? (B) (A) Process

(B) Manufacturing (C) Methods (D) Tools

2、Software engineering umbrella activities are only applied during the initial phases of software development projects. (B) (A) True (B) False

3、Which of these are the 5 generic software engineering framework activities? (A) (A) communication, planning, modeling, construction, deployment

(B) communication, risk management, measurement, production, reviewing (C) analysis, designing, programming, debugging, maintenance (D) analysis, planning, designing, programming, testing 4、Process models are described as agile because they (B) (A) eliminate the need for cumbersome documentation (B) emphasize maneuverability and adaptability

(C) do not waste development time on planning activities (D) make extensive use of prototype creation

5、Which of these terms are level names in the Capability Maturity Model? (E) (A) Performed (B) Repeated (C) Reused (D) Optimized (E) both a and d

6、Software processes can be constructed out of pre-existing software patterns to best meet the needs of a software project. (A) (A) True (B) False

7、Which of these are standards for assessing software processes? (E) (A) SEI (B) SPICE

(C) ISO 19002 (D) ISO 9001 (E) both b and d

8、The best software process model is one that has been created by the people who will actually be doing the work. (A) (A) True (B) False

9、Which of these is not a characteristic of Personal Software Process? (B) (A) Emphasizes personal measurement of work product

(B) Practitioner requires careful supervision by the project manager (C) Individual practitioner is responsible for estimating and scheduling (D) Practitioner is empowered to control quality of software work products 10、Which of these are objectives of Team Software Process? (E) (A) Accelerate software process improvement

(B) Allow better time management by highly trained professionals (C) Build self-directed software teams

(D) Show managers how to reduce costs and sustain quality (E) both b and c

11、Process technology tools allow software organizations to compress schedules by skipping unimportant activities. (B) (A) True (B) False

12、It is generally accepted that one cannot have weak software processes and create high quality end products. (A) (A) True (B) False

Chapter 3

1、The linear sequential model of software development is (A) (A) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined (B) A good approach when a working program is required quickly.

(C) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. (D) An old fashioned model that cannot be used in a modern context.

2、The linear sequential model of software development is also known as the (E) (A) Classical life cycle model (B) Fountain model (C) Spiral model (D) Waterfall model (E) both a and d

3、The incremental model of software development is (B)

(A) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.

(B) A good approach when a working core product is required quickly. (C) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams.

(D) A revolutionary model that is not used for commercial products. 4、The rapid application development model is (C) (A) Another name for component-based development.

(B) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. (C) A high speed adaptation of the linear sequential model. (D) All of the above.

5、Evolutionary software process models (D) (A) Are iterative in nature

(B) Can easily accommodate product requirements changes (C) Do not generally produce throwaway systems (D) All of the above

6、The prototyping model of software development is (B)

(A) A reasonable approach when requirements are well defined.

(B) A useful approach when a customer cannot define requirements clearly. (C) The best approach to use for projects with large development teams. (D) A risky model that rarely produces a meaningful product. 7、The spiral model of software development (C) (A) Ends with the delivery of the software product (B) Is more chaotic than the incremental model

(C) Includes project risks evaluation during each iteration (D) All of the above

8、The concurrent development model is (B)

(A) Another name for the rapid application development model. (B) Often used for the development of client/server applications. (C) Only used for development of parallel or distributed systems. (D) Used whenever a large number of change requests are anticipated. 9、The component-based development model is (C) (A) Only appropriate for computer hardware design.

(B) Not able to support the development of reusable components. (C) Works best when object technologies are available for support. (D) Not cost effective by known quantifiable software metrics.

10、The formal methods model of software development makes use of mathematical methods to (D)

(A) Define the specification for computer-based systems (B) Develop defect free computer-based systems (C) Verify the correctness of computer-based systems (D) All of the above

11、Which of these is not one of the phase names defined by the Unified Process model for software development? (D) (A) Inception phase (B) Elaboration phase (C) Construction phase (D) Validation phase

12、In the Unified Process model requirements are determined iteratively and may

span more than one phase of the process. (A) (A) True (B) False

Chapter 4

1、Agility is nothing more than the ability of a project team to respond rapidly to change. (B) (A) True (B) False 2、Which of the following is not necessary to apply agility to a software process? (A) (A) Eliminate the use of project planning and testing (B) Only essential work products are produced (C) Process allows team to streamline tasks (D) Uses incremental product delivery strategy

3、How do you create agile processes to manage unpredictability? (E) (A) Requirements gathering must be conducted very carefully (B) Risk analysis must be conducted before planning takes place (C) Software increments must be delivered in short time periods (D) Software processes must adapt to changes incrementally (E) both c and d

4、In agile software processes the highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software. (A) (A) True (B) False

5、It is not possible to build software that meets the customers' needs today and exhibits the quality characteristics that will enable it to be extended tomorrow. (B) (A) True (B) False 6、Which of the following traits need to exist among the members of an agile software team? (D)

(A) Competence

(B) Decision-making ability (C) Mutual trust and respect (D) All of the above

7、All agile process models conform to a greater or lesser degree to the principles stated in the \(A) True (B) False

8、What are the four framework activities found in the Extreme Programming (XP) process model? (D)

(A) analysis, design, coding, testing (B) planning, analysis, design, coding

(C) planning, analysis, coding, testing (D) planning, design, coding, testing

9、What are the three framework activities for the Adaptive Software Development (ASD) process model? (D) (A) analysis, design, coding

(B) feasibility study, functional model iteration, implementation

(C) requirements gathering, adaptive cycle planning, iterative development (D) speculation, collaboration, learning

10、The Dynamic Systems Development Method (DSDM) suggests a philosophy that is based on the Pareto principle (80% of the application can be delivered in 20% of the time required to build the complete application). (A) (A) True (B) False

11、Which is not one of the key questions that is answered by each team member at each daily Scrum meeting? (C)

(A) What did you do since the last meeting? (B) What obstacles are you encountering?

(C) What is the cause of the problems you are encountering? (D) What do you plan to accomplish at the next team meeting?

12、In Feature Driven Development (FDD) a \can be delivered in two months or less. (B) (A) True (B) False

13、Agile Modeling (AM) provides guidance to practitioner during which of these software tasks? (E) (A) Analysis (B) Design (C) Coding (D) Testing (E) both a and b

Chapter 5

1、The essence of software engineering practice might be described as understand the problem, plan a solution, carry out the plan, and examine the result for accuracy. (A) (A) True (B) False

2、Which of the following is not one of Hooker's core principles of software engineering practice? (C)

(A) All design should be as simple as possible, but no simpler (B) A software system exists only to provide value to its users.

(C) Pareto principle (20% of any product requires 80% of the effort) (D) Remember that you produce others will consume

3、Every communication activity should have a facilitator to make sure that the

customer is not allowed to dominate the proceedings. (B) (A) True (B) False 4、The agile view of iterative customer communication and collaboration is applicable to all software engineering practice. (B) (A) True (B) False

5、Software engineers collaborate with customers to define which of the following? (D)

(A) Customer visible usage scenarios (B) Important software features (C) System inputs and outputs (D) All of the above

6、Everyone on the software team should be involved in the planning activity so that we can (C)

(A) reduce the granularity of the plan (B) analyze requirements in depth

(C) get all team members to \(D) begin design

7、What role(s) do user stories play in agile planning? (D)

(A) Define useful software features and functions delivered to end-users (B) Determine a schedule used to deliver each software increment (C) Provide a substitute to performing detailed scheduling of activities (D) Used to estimate the effort required build the current increment (E) both a and d

8、Which of the following activities is not one of the four things that need to be accomplished by the generic planning task set? (C) (A) Develop overall project strategy

(B) Identify the functionality to deliver in each software increment (C) Create a detailed schedule for the complete software project (D) Devise a means of tracking progress on a regular basis

9、Analysis models depict software in which three representations? (C) (A) architecture, interface, component (B) cost, risk, schedule

(C) information, function, behavior (D) None of the above 10、The customer can directly observe both the difference between the internal quality of a design and its external quality? (B) (A) True (B) False

11、Teams using agile software practices never create models. (B) (A) True (B) False

12、Many of the tasks from the generic task sets for analysis modeling and design can

be conducted in parallel with one another. (A) (A) True (B) False

13、Which of the following is not one of the principles of good coding? (C) (A) Create unit tests before you begin coding (B) Create a visual layout that aids understanding

(C) Keep variable names short so that code is compact

(D) Write self-documenting code, not program documentation

14、A successful test is one that discovers at least one as-yet undiscovered error. (A) (A) True (B) False

15、Which of the following are tasks in the generic task set for construction? (E) (A) Build a software component (B) Create a user interface (C) Unit test the component

(D) Assess the quality of the component (E) both a and c

16、Which of the following are valid reasons for collecting customer feedback concerning delivered software? (D)

(A) Allows developers to make changes to the delivered increment (B) Delivery schedule can be revised to reflect changes

(C) Developers can identify changes to incorporate into next increment (D) All of the above

Chapter 6

1、Software engineers do not need to consider hardware when designing a computer-based system. (B) (A) True (B) False

2、Which of the following can be elements of computer-based systems? (E) (A) documentation (B) software (C) people (D) hardware

(E) all of the above

3、The system engineering process usually begins with the (D) (A) detailed view (B) domain view (C) element view (D) world view

4、To construct a system model the engineer should consider which of the following restraining factors? (E)

(A) assumptions (B) budget (C) constraints (D) schedule (E) both a and c

5、By following modern system engineering practices simulation of reactive systems is no longer necessary. (B) (A) True (B) False

6、During business process engineering, three different architectures are examined. (A)

(A) applications, data, technology infrastructure

(B) communications, organization, financial infrastructure (C) network, database, reporting structure (D) systems, requirements, data structure

7、Which elements of business processing engineering are the responsibilities of the software engineer? (E) (A) business area analysis (B) business system design (C) construction and integration (D) information strategy planning (E) both b and c

8、The goal of product engineering is to translate the customer's desire for a set of defined capabilities into a working product. (A) (A) True (B) False

9、The architecture components for product engineering are (A) (A) data, hardware, software, people

(B) data, documentation, hardware, software (C) data, hardware, software, procedures

(D) documentation, hardware, people, procedures

10、The top level of the hierarchical model of a system is known as the (C) (A) AFD (B) DFD (C) SCD (D) SFD

11、The system model template contains which of the following elements (D) (A) input (B) output

(C) user interface (D) all of the above 12、UML notations that can be used to model the hardware and software elements of a system are (E)

(A) Activity diagrams

(B) Class diagrams

(C) Deployment diagrams (D) Use-case diagrams (E) a, b, and c

Chapter 7

1、Requirements engineering is a generic process that does not vary from one software project to another. (A) (A) True (B) False

2、During project inception the intent of the of the tasks are to determine (E) (A) basic problem understanding (B) nature of the solution needed (C) people who want a solution (D) none of the above (E) a, b and c

3、Three things that make requirements elicitation difficult are problems of (D) (A) Scope

(B) understanding (C) volatility (D) a, b and c

4、The result of the requirements engineering elaboration task is an analysis model that defines which of the following problem domain(s)? ( D) (A) information (B) functional (C) behavioral

(D) all of the above 5、It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each arguing that his or her version is the right one. (A) (A) True (B) False

6、The system specification describes the (A)

(A) Function, performance and constraints of a computer-based system (B) implementation of each allocated system (C) element software architecture

(D) time required for system simulation

7、The best way to conduct a requirements validation review is to (D) (A) examine the system model for errors

(B) have the customer look over the requirements

(C) send them to the design team and see if they have any concerns (D) use a checklist of questions to examine each requirement 8、The use of traceability tables helps to (C)

(A) debug programs following the detection of run-time errors (B) determine the performance of algorithm implementations

(C) Structural models (D) All of the above

8、Design patterns are not applicable to the design of object-oriented software? (B) (A) True (B) False

9、Since modularity is an important design goal it is not possible to have too many modules in a proposed design. (B) (A) True (B) False 10、

Information hiding makes program maintenance easier by hiding data and procedure from unaffected parts of the program. (A) (A) True (B) False

11、Cohesion is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module (B) (A) can be written more compactly. (B) focuses on just one thing.

(C) is able to complete its function in a timely manner. (D) is connected to other modules and the outside world.

12、Coupling is a qualitative indication of the degree to which a module (D) (A) can be written more compactly. (B) focuses on just one thing.

(C) is able to complete its function in a timely manner. (D) is connected to other modules and the outside world. 13、When using structured design methodologies the process of stepwise refinement is unnecessary. (B) (A) True (B) False

14、Software designs are refactored to allow the creation of software that is easier to integrate, easier to test, and easier to maintain. (A) (A) True (B) False

15、Inheritance provides a mechanism by which changes to lower level classes can be propagated to all super classes quickly. (B) (A) True (B) False

16、Polymorphism reduces the effort required to extend an object system by (B) (A) coupling objects together more tightly.

(B) enabling a number of different operations to share the same name. (C) making objects more dependent on one another. (D) removing the barriers imposed by encapsulation.

17、Which of the following is not one of the five design class types (B) (A) Business domain classes (B) Entity classes

(C) Process classes

(D) User interface classes

18、Which design model elements are used to depict a model of information represented from the user's view? (C) (A) Architectural design elements (B) Component-level design elements (C) Data design elements (D) Interface design elements

19、Which design is analogous to the floor plan of a house? (A) (A) Architectural design (B) Component-level design (C) Data design (D) Interface design 20、Which design model is analogous to the detailed drawings of the access points and external utilities for a house? (D) (A) Architectural design (B) Component-level design (C) Data design (D) Interface design

21、Which design model is analogous to a set of detailed drawings for each room in a house? (B)

(A) Architectural design (B) Component-level design (C) Data design (D) Interface design

22、The deployment design elements specify the build order for the software components. (B) (A) True (B) False 23、One of the key problems in software reuse is the inability to find existing reusable design patterns when hundreds of candidates exist. (A) (A) True (B) False

24、Design patterns are best thought of as coding patterns. (B) (A) True (B) False

25、Frameworks and design patterns are the same thing as far as designers are concerned. (B) (A) True (B) False Chapter 10

1、The best representation of system architecture is an operational software prototype. (B)

(A) True

(B) False

2、The architectural representations can be an enabler for communication among project stakeholders. (A) (A) True (B) False

3、Which of these characteristics are true of a data warehouse, but not a typical data base? (E)

(A) business level orientation (B) currency of information (C) Integration (D) nonvolatility (E) both c and d

4、Data design actually begins during the creation of the analysis model, not the architectural model. (A) (A) True (B) False

5、An architectural style encompasses which of the following elements? (E) (A) constraints

(B) set of components (C) semantic models (D) syntactic models (E) a, b and c

6、To determine the architectural style or combination of styles that best fits the proposed system, requirements engineering is used to uncover (B) (A) algorithmic complexity

(B) characteristics and constraints (C) control and data (D) design patterns

7、Before an architectural pattern can be chosen for use in a specific system it must have a code implementation to facilitate its reuse. (B) (A) True (B) False

8、The criteria used to assess the quality of an architectural design should be based on system (E)

(A) accessibility (B) control (C) Data

(D) implementation (E) both b and c

9、During the process of modeling the system in context, systems that interact with the target system are represented as (E) (A) Peer-level systems (B) Subordinate systems (C) Superordinate systems

(D) Working systems (E) a, b and c 10、Once selected, archetypes always need to be refined further as architectural design proceeds. (A) (A) True (B) False

11、Which of the following is not an example of infrastructure components that may need to be integrated into the software architecture? (C) (A) Communications components (B) Database components (C) Interface components

(D) Memory management components

12、In the architecture trade-off analysis method the architectural style should be described using the (E) (A) data flow view (B) module view (C) process view (D) user view (E) a, b and c

13、Quantitative methods for assessing the quality of proposed architectural designs are readily available. (B) (A) True (B) False

14、A useful technique for evaluating the overall complexity of a proposed architecture is to look at the component (E) (A) cohesion flow (B) dependencies

(C) sharing dependencies (D) Size

(E) both b and c

15、When the overall flow in a segment of a data flow diagram is largely sequential and follows straight-line paths, _________ is present. (D) (A) low coupling (B) good modularity (C) transaction flow (D) transform flow 16、When a single item that triggers other data flow along one of many paths of a data flow diagram, ________ characterizes the information flow. (C) (A) high coupling (B) poor modularity (C) transaction flow (D) transform flow

17、When you encounter both transform flow and transaction flow in the same DFD the flow is partitioned and the appropriate mapping technique is used on each part of

the DFD. (A) (A) True (B) False

18、In transaction mapping the first level factoring results in the (B) (A) creation of a CFD

(B) derivation of the control hierarchy (C) distribution of worker modules (D) refinement of the module view

19、A successful application of transform or transaction mapping to create an architectural design is supplemented by (E) (A) entity relationship diagrams (B) module interface descriptions

(C) processing narratives for each module (D) test cases for each module (E) both b and c

Chapter 11

1、In the most general sense a component is a modular building block for computer software. (A) (A) True (B) False

2、In the context of object-oriented software engineering a component contains (D) (A) attributes and operations (B) instances of each class

(C) roles for each actor (device or user) (D) a set of collaborating classes

3、In traditional software engineering, modules must serve in which of the following roles? (D)

(A) Control component

(B) Infrastructure component (C) Problem domain component (D) All of the above 4、Software engineers always need to create components from scratch in order to meet customer expectations fully. (B) (A) True (B) False

5、Which of the following is not one of the four principles used to guide component-level design? (D)

(A) Dependency Inversion Principle (B) Interface Segregation Principle (C) Open-Closed Principle

(D) Parsimonious Complexity Principle

6、During component-level design it is customary to ignore organization issues like

subsystem membership or packaging. (B) (A) True (B) False

7、The use of stereotypes can help identify the nature of components at the detailed design level. (A) (A) True (B) False

8、Classes and components that exhibit functional, layer, or communicational cohesion are relatively easy to implement, test, and maintain. (A) (A) True (B) False

9、Software coupling is a sign of poor architectural design and can always be avoided in every system. (B) (A) True (B) False

10、In component design, elaboration requires which of the following elements to be described in detail? (E) (A) Source code (B) Attributes (C) Interfaces (D) Operations (E) b, c and d

11、In component-level design \(A) Component libraries (B) Databases (C) Files

(D) All of the above (E) both b and c

12、The object constraint language (OCL) complements UML by allowing a software engineer to use a formal grammar to construct unambiguous statements about design model elements. (A) (A) True (B) False 13、OCL is not strong enough to be used to describe pre- or post conditions for design actions. (B) (A) True (B) False

14、Which of these constructs is used in structured programming? (E) (A) branching (B) condition (C) repetition (D)sequence (E)b, c, and d

15、Which of these is a graphical notation for depicting procedural detail? (D)

(A) process diagram (B) decision table (C) ER diagram (D) Flowchart

16、A decision table should be used (D) (A) to document all conditional statements

(B) to guide the development of the project management plan (C) only when building an expert system

(D)when a complex set of conditions and actions appears in a component 17、A program design language (PDL) is often a (A)

(A) combination of programming constructs and narrative text (B) egitimate programming language in its own right (C) machine readable software development language (D) useful way to represent software architecture

18、Which of these criteria are useful in assessing the effectiveness of a particular design notation? (E) (A) maintainability (B) modularity (C) Simplicity (D) size

(E) a, b, and c

Chapter 12

1、Which of the following interface design principles does not allow the user to remain in control of the interaction with a computer? (D) (A) allow interaction to interruptible (B) allow interaction to be undoable

(C) hide technical internals from casual users

(D) only provide one defined method for accomplishing a task 2、Which of the following interface design principles reduces the user's memory load? (E)

(A) define intuitive shortcuts

(B) disclose information in a progressive fashion (C) establish meaningful defaults (D) provide an on-line tutorial (E) answers a, b and c

3、The reason for reducing the user's memory load is make his or her interaction with the computer quicker to complete. (B) (A) True (B) False

4、Interface consistency implies that (E)

(A) each application should have its own distinctive look and feel (B) input mechanisms remain the same throughout the application

(C) navigational methods are context sensitive

(D) visual information is organized according to a design standard (E) both b and d

5、If past interactive models have created certain user expectations it is not generally good to make changes to the model. (A) (A) True (B) False

6、Which model depicts the profile of the end users of a computer system? (C) (A) design model

(B) implementation model (C) user model (D) user's model

7、Which model depicts the image of a system that an end user creates in his or her head? (D)

(A) design model (B) user model (C) system model (D) system perception

8、Which model depicts the look and feel of the user interface along with all supporting information? (A) (A) Implementation model (B) user model (C) user's model

(D) system perception

9、Which of these framework activities is not normally associated with the user interface design processes? (A) (A) cost estimation

(B) interface construction (C) interface validation (D) user and task analysis

10、Which approach(es) to user task analysis can be useful in user interface design? (E)

(A) have users indicate their preferences on questionnaires (B) rely on the judgement of experienced programmers (C) study existing computer-based solutions (D) observe users performing tasks manually (E) both c and d

11、Object-oriented analysis techniques can be used to identify and refine user task objects and actions without any need to refer to the user voice. (B) (A) True (B) False

12、The computer's display capabilities are the primary determinant of the order in which user interface design activities are completed. (B) (A) True

(B) False

13、It is sometimes possible that the interface designer is constrained by environmental factors that mitigate against ease of use for many users. (A) (A) True (B) False

14、One means of defining user interface objects and actions is to conduct a grammatical parse of the user scenario. (A) (A) True (B) False

15、Interface design patterns typically include a complete component-level design (design classes, attributes, operations, and interfaces). (A) (A) True (B) False

16、Several common design issues surface for almost every user interface including (E)

(A) adaptive user profiles

(B) error handling resolution of graphics (C) displays system (D) response time (E) both b and d

17、Add-on help facilities are almost always better received by users than integrated help facilities. (B) (A) True (B) False

18、User interface development systems typically provide several mechanisms for building interface prototypes including (E) (A) code generation (B) drawing tools (C) input validation (D) windows handlers (E) both c and d

19、Usability questionnaires are most meaningful to the interface designers when completed by (C) (A) customers

(B) experienced programmers (C) product users (D) project managers 20、Several usability measures can be collected while observing users interacting with a computer system including (E) (A) down time for the application (B) number of user errors (C) software reliability

(D) time spent looking at help materials (E) both b and d

Chapter 13

1、In software quality assurance work there is no difference between software verification and software validation. (B) (A) True (B) False

2、The best reason for using Independent software test teams is that (B) (A) software developers do not need to do any testing (B) a test team will test the software more thoroughly

(C) testers do not get involved with the project until testing begins (D) arguments between developers and testers are reduced

3、What is the normal order of activities in which traditional software testing is organized?

a. integration testing b. system testing c. unit testing

d.validation testing (C) (A) a, d, c, b (B) b, d, a, c (C) c, a, d, b (D) d, b, c, a

4、Class testing of object-oriented software is equivalent to unit testing for traditional software. (A) (A) True (B) False

5、By collecting software metrics and making use of existing software reliability models it is possible to develop meaningful guidelines for determining when software testing is finished. (A) (A) True (B) False

6、Which of the following strategic issues needs to be addressed in a successful software testing process? (E)

(A) conduct formal technical reviews prior to testing (B) specify requirements in a quantifiable manner (C) use independent test teams

(D) wait till code is written prior to writing the test plan (E) both a and b

7、Which of the following need to be assessed during unit testing? (E) (A) algorithmic performance (B) code stability (C) error handling (D) execution paths (E) both c and d

8、Drivers and stubs are not needed for unit testing because the modules are tested

independently of one another. (B) (A) True (B) False

9、Top-down integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that (E) (A) low level modules never need testing (B) major decision points are tested early (C) no drivers need to be written (D) no stubs need to be written (E) both b and c

10、Bottom-up integration testing has as it's major advantage(s) that (C) (A) major decision points are tested early (B) no drivers need to be written (C) no stubs need to be written

(D) regression testing is not required

11、Regression testing should be a normal part of integration testing because as a new module is added to the system new (E) (A) control logic is invoked

(B) data flow paths are established (C) drivers require testing (D) all of the above (E) both a and b

12、Smoke testing might best be described as (B) (A) bulletproofing shrink-wrapped software (B) rolling integration testing

(C) testing that hides implementation errors (D) unit testing for small programs

13、When testing object-oriented software it is important to test each class operation separately as part of the unit testing process. (B) (A) True (B) False

14、The OO testing integration strategy involves testing (A)

(A) groups of classes that collaborate or communicate in some way

(B) single operations as they are added to the evolving class implementation (C) operator programs derived from use-case scenarios (D) none of the above

15、The focus of validation testing is to uncover places that a user will be able to observe failure of the software to conform to its requirements. (A) (A) True (B) False

16、Software validation is achieved through a series of tests performed by the user once the software is deployed in his or her work environment. (B) (A) True (B) False

17、Configuration reviews are not needed if regression testing has been rigorously

applied during software integration. (B) (A) True (B) False

18、Acceptance tests are normally conducted by the (B) (A) developer (B) end users (C) test team

(D) systems engineers

19、Recovery testing is a system test that forces the software to fail in a variety of ways and verifies that software is able to continue execution without interruption. (B) (A) True (B) False

20、Security testing attempts to verify that protection mechanisms built into a system protect it from improper penetration. (A) (A) True (B) False

21、Stress testing examines the pressures placed on the user during system use in extreme environments. (B) (A) True (B) False

22、Performance testing is only important for real-time or embedded systems. (B) (A) True (B) False

23、Debugging is not testing, but always occurs as a consequence of testing. (A) (A) True (B) False

24、Which of the following is an approach to debugging? (E) (A) Backtracking (B) brute force

(C) cause elimination (D) code restructuring (E) a, b, and c Chapter 14

1、With thorough testing it is possible to remove all defects from a program prior to delivery to the customer. (B) (A)True (B)False

2、Which of the following are characteristics of testable software? (D) (A)Observability (B)simplicity (C)stability

(D)all of the above

3、The testing technique that requires devising test cases to demonstrate that each program function is operational is called (A)

(A)black-box testing (B)glass-box testing (C)grey-box testing (D)white-box testing

4、The testing technique that requires devising test cases to exercise the internal logic of a software module is called (D) (A)behavioral testing (B)black-box testing (C)grey-box testing (D)white-box testing

5、What types of errors are missed by black-box testing and can be uncovered by white-box testing? (E) (A)behavioral errors (B)logic errors

(C)performance errors (D)typographical errors (E)both b and d

6、Program flow graphs are identical to program flowcharts. (B) (A)True (B)False

7、The cyclomatic complexity metric provides the designer with information regarding the number of (C) (A)cycles in the program (B)errors in the program

(C)independent logic paths in the program (D)statements in the program

8、The cyclomatic complexity of a program can be computed directly from a PDL representation of an algorithm without drawing a program flow graph. (A) (A)True (B)False

9、Condition testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they (B) (A)rely on basis path testing

(B)exercise the logical conditions in a program module

(C)select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (D)focus on testing the validity of loop constructs

10、Data flow testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they (C) (A)rely on basis path testing

(B)exercise the logical conditions in a program module

(C)select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (D)focus on testing the validity of loop constructs

11、Loop testing is a control structure testing technique where the criteria used to design test cases is that they (D) (A)rely basis path testing

(B)exercise the logical conditions in a program module

(C)select test paths based on the locations and uses of variables (D)focus on testing the validity of loop constructs

12、Black-box testing attempts to find errors in which of the following categories incorrect or missing functions (C) (A)interface errors (B)performance errors (C)all of the above (D)none of the above

13、Graph-based testing methods can only be used for object-oriented systems (B) (A)True (B)False

14、Equivalence testing divides the input domain into classes of data from which test cases can be derived to reduce the total number of test cases that must be developed. (A) (A)True (B)False

15、Boundary value analysis can only be used to do white-box testing. (B) (A)True (B)False

16、Comparison testing is typically done to test two competing products as part of customer market analysis prior to product release. (B) (A)True (B)False 17、Orthogonal array testing enables the test designer to maximize the coverage of the test cases devised for relatively small input domains. (A) (A)True (B)False 18、Test case design \of the individual operations. (A) (A)True (B)False

19、Encapsulation of attributes and operations inside objects makes it easy to obtain object state information during testing. (B) (A)True (B)False

20、Use-cases can provide useful input into the design of black-box and state-based tests of OO software. (A) (A)True (B)False

21、Fault-based testing is best reserved for (B)

(A) conventional software testing

(B) operations and classes that are critical or suspect (C) use-case validation

(D) white-box testing of operator algorithms

22、Testing OO class operations is made more difficult by (D) (A) encapsulation (B) inheritance (C) polymorphism (D) both b and c

23、Scenario-based testing (A)

(A) concentrates on actor and software interaction (B) misses errors in specifications

(C) misses errors in subsystem interactions (D) both a and b

24、Deep structure testing is not designed to (D) (A) examine object behaviors

(B) exercise communication mechanisms (C) exercise object dependencies

(D) exercise structure observable by the user 25、Random order tests are conducted to exercise different class instance life histories. (A) (A)True (B)False

26、Which of these techniques is not useful for partition testing at the class level (C)

(A) attribute-based partitioning (B) category-based partitioning (C) equivalence class partitioning (D) state-based partitioning

27、Multiple class testing is too complex to be tested using random test cases. (B) (A) True (B) False

28、Tests derived from behavioral class models should be based on the (C) (A) data flow diagram

(B) object-relation diagram (C) state diagram (D) use-case diagram

29、Client/server architectures cannot be properly tested because network load is highly variable. (B) (A) True (B) False

30、Real-time applications add a new and potentially difficult element to the testing mix (D)

(A) performance

(B) reliability (C) security (D) time

Chapter 15

1、Conformance to implicit requirements and customer expectations has no place in modern software quality assurance work. (B) (A) True (B) False

2、Which of the following is not one of three software product aspects addressed by McCall's software quality factors? (D) (A) ability to undergo change

(B) adaptability to new environments (C) operational characteristics

(D) production costs and scheduling 3、The ISO 9126 quality standards for computer software are useful because they lend themselves to direct measurement of software attributes. (B) (A) True (B) False

4、Most technical software metrics described in this chapter represent indirect measures of software attributes that are useful in the quantitative assessment of software quality. (A) (A) True (B) False

5、Which of these are reasons for using technical product measures during software development? (B)

(A) large body of scientific evidence supports their use

(B) provides software engineers with an objective mechanism for assessing software quality

(C) they allow all software quality information to be expressed unambiguously as a single number

(D) all of the above

6、Which measurement activity is missing from the list below? Formulation Collection Analysis

Interpretation (B) (A) design (B) feedback (C) measurement (D) quantification

7、The Goal/Question/Metric (GQM) paradigm was developed as a technique for assigning blame for software failures. (B)

(A) True (B) False

8、One of the most important attributes for a software product metric is that it should be (A)

(A) easy to compute (B) qualitative in nature (C) reliable over time (D) widely applicable

9、In many cases metrics for one model may be used in later software engineering activities (e.g., design metrics may be used in test planning). (A) (A) True (B) False

10、The function point metric is an example of metric that can be used to assist with technical decision-making based on the analysis model information, without making use of historical project data. (B) (A) True (B) False

11、The specification metrics proposed by Davis address which two characteristics of the software requirements? (C) (A) functionality and performance (B) performance and completeness (C) specificity and completeness (D) specificity and functionality

12、Architectural design metrics focus on (E) (A) architectural structure

(B) data structural relationships (C) internal module complexity (D) module effectiveness (E) both a and d

13、Which of the following is not a measurable characteristic of an object-oriented design? (B)

(A) completeness (B) efficiency (C) size

(D) volatility

14、The depth of inheritance tree (DIT) metric can give an OO software designer a reading on the (B)

(A) attributes required for each class

(B) completion time required for system implementation (C) complexity of the class hierarchy (D) level of object reusability achieved

15、Because the class is the dominant unit in OO systems, there is no call for the definition of class-oriented metrics. (B) (A) True

(B) False

16、If you encounter a class with a large responsibility (large class size or CS value) you should consider (C) (A) making it a base class (B) making it a subclass (C) partitioning the class

(D) starting a new class hierarchy

17、Component-level metrics include measures of (E) (A) complexity (B) coupling

(C) module cohesion (D) performance (E) a, b, and c

18、Because the class is the dominant unit in OO systems, relatively few metrics have been proposed for operations that reside within a class. (A) (A) True (B) False

19、Interface metrics are used to assess the complexity of the module's input and output relationships with external devices. (B) (A) True (B) False

20、Halstead's source code metrics are based on the number of (E) (A) modules in the program (B) operands in the program (C) operators in the program

(D) volume elements in the program (E) both b and c

21、Most testing metrics actually focus on the process of testing rather than the technical characteristics of the tests themselves. (A) (A) True (B) False

22、Testing effort can also be estimated using metrics derived from cylcomatic complexity. (A) (A) True (B) False

23、Software testing metrics fall into two broad categories (E) (A) metrics that focus on defect removal effectiveness (B) metrics that focus on test coverage

(C) metrics that estimate the duration of the testing process (D) metrics that predict the number of test cases required (E) both b and d

24、The IEEE software maturity index is used to provide a measure of the (D) (A) maintainability of a software product based on its availability (B) relative age of a software product being considered for retirement

(C) reliability of a software product following regression testing

(D) stability of a software product as it is modified during maintenance

Chapter 16

1、Which of the following is not a characteristic of a WebApp? (C) (A) content driven

(B) continuously evolving (C) easily measurable (D) network intensive

2、Which of these application categories are commonly encountered in WebE work? (D)

(A) informational

(B) transaction-oriented (C) portal

(D) all of the above

3、WebApps must be developed and deployed quickly, making the application of software engineering processes impossible. (B) (A) True (B) False

4、Which process model best describes WebE? (B) (A) Linear model

(B) Incremental model (C) Formal model (D) all of the above

5、The mechanics of software engineering analysis, design, and testing must be adapted to accommodate the special characteristics of WebApps. (A) (A) True (B) False

6、Which of the following technologies is important to Web engineers? (D) (A) component-based development (B) internet standards (C) security

(D) all of the above 7、An evolutionary process model would never be chosen over an agile process model to build a WebApp. (B) (A) True (B) False

8、Which of the following is not one of the characteristics that we need to take into account when a process framework for WebE is formulated. (B) (A) Changes occur frequently

(B) Graphic design expertise is hard to acquire (C) Timelines are short

(D) WebApps are delivered incrementally

9、During the analysis/formulation step of the WebE process two types of goals need to be defined (B)

(A) applicative goals and aesthetic goals (B) applicative goals and informational goals (C) information goals and performance goals (D) aesthetic goals and performance goals

10、With extremely short time-lines it is impossible to develop plans for WebApp development projects. (B) (A) True (B) False

11、Which activities are conducted during the WebE modeling process? (D) (A) content analysis (B) refine user tasks (C) design architecture (D) all of the above

12、Which test(s) are not performed during WebE construction? (C) (A) configuration (B) navigation (C) reliability (D) usability

13、WebE are usually delivered to users untested and then debugged as user complaints are registered. (B) (A) True (B) False 14、Since WebApps are fairly standard it is not important for developers to understand the customer's business needs and objectives. (B) (A) True (B) False 15、Scenario-based approaches to describing user interaction are good to use in WebE. (A)

(A) True (B) False

16、Since WebApps are usually developed using agile processes, modeling can safely be ignored or skipped altogether. (B) (A) True (B) False

Chapter 17

1、Formulation and requirements gathering are distinct and different processes during WebE. (B) (A) True

(B) False

2、Which of these is not one of the formulation questions asked during Web engineering? (D)

(A) What are the objectives for the WebApp? (B) What is the business need for the WebApp? (C) Who will use the WebApp?

(D) Will you need to outsource development of the WebApp?

3、Which of these are goals for WebE requirements gathering? (E) (A) Define user interaction scenarios (B) Determine performance constraints (C) Identify content requirements

(D) Identify WebApp development tools (E) a, b, and c 4、During requirements gathering Web engineers should attempt to define the smallest reasonable number of user classes. (A) (A) True (B) False

5、Which type of analysis is not conducted during the WebE process? (D) (A) content analysis (B) functional analysis

(C) user interaction analysis (D) market analysis

6、One of the things that distinguish the development of WebApps from other software products is the need to combine the work products from both technical and non-technical tasks into a single product. (A) (A) True (B) False

7、Which of these roles is not usually assigned to members of the WebE team? (B) (A) content developer (B) marketing specialist (C) Web master (D) Web publisher

8、In building a WebE team strong team leadership is essential. (A) (A) True (B) False

9、Once formulation is complete Web engineering (D) (A) is complete.

(B) may be performed in-house. (C) may be outsourced. (D) both b or c

10、Outsourcing WebApps is common practice, it is important to perform thorough analysis of the application and even create a rough design internally before selecting a vendor. (A) (A) True

(B) False

11、Developing WebApps in-house is no different than developing any other piece of software. (B) (A) True (B) False

12、Which of these is not a goal for using metrics in WebE? (B) (A) to provide basis for effort estimation

(B) to provide basis for making personnel decisions (C) to provide indication of business success (D) to provide indication of technical quality

13、Which of these is not a category for WebE effort metrics? (D) (A) application authoring (B) media authoring (C) page authoring (D) scenario authoring 14、Business people lag considerably behind Web engineers in developing, collecting, and using metrics for WebApps. (B) (A) True (B) False

15、WebApps need to be built with such urgency that planning is not possible. (B) (A) True (B) False

16、WebApps are extremely volatile, but this does not eliminate the need to understand the WebApp requirements. (A) (A) True (B) False

17、Any team of experienced software engineers can develop WebApps. (B) (A) True (B) False

18、WebApps involve so little programming that formal testing is not needed before releasing the product to the users. (B) (A) True (B) False

Chapter 18

1、Which of the following is not one of the WebApp requirements analysis tasks? (D) (A) Analysis modeling (B) Formulation

(C) Requirements gathering (D) User interface prototyping 2、User hierarchies are used to replace UML user representations for WebApps having

large numbers of user categories? (B) (A) True (B) False

3、WebApp use-cases might be described as bundles of functionality. (B) (A) True (B) False

4、As use-cases are organized into functional packages, each functional package is assessed to ensure that it is (D) (A) Comprehensive (B) Highly cohesive (C) Loosely coupled (D) All of the above 5、Dynamic elements of WebApp analysis models describe how users interaction with the system. (B) (A) True (B) False

6、Which is not one of the analysis activities that is used to create a complete analysis model? (D)

(A) Configuration analysis (B) Content analysis (C) Functional analysis (D) Data analysis 7、The content model contains dynamic elements that encompass the WebApp content objects. (B) (A) True (B) False

8、Content objects are extracted from use cases by examining the scenarios description for direct or indirect content references. (A) (A) True (B) False

9、In building a content hierarchy is sufficient to examine a list of content objects and a brief description of each object. (B) (A) True (B) False

10、By examining each use-case and building a class model for 1 or 2 representative users it is possible to derive the needed analysis classes. (B) (A) True (B) False

11、What are the most useful UML diagrams and related information that can be used to represent a WebApp interaction model? (C)

(A) activity diagrams, class diagrams, state diagrams, interface prototype

(B) activity diagrams, collaboration diagrams, sequence diagrams, state diagrams (C) use-cases, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, interface prototype (D) use-cases, sequence diagrams, state diagrams, sequence diagrams

12、A user interface prototype should not be created during WebApp analysis because doing so involves programming. (B) (A) True (B) False

13、UML activity diagrams can be used to represent the user observable functionality delivered by the WebApp as well as the operations contained in each analysis class. (A)

(A) True (B) False

14、The construction details indicating how the user will invoke an operation are deferred until the WebApp design phase. (A) (A) True (B) False

15、UML deployment diagrams can be used to create the configuration model for a complex WebApp. (A) (A) True (B) False

16、Configuration analysis focuses on the architecture of the user's Web browsing environment. (B) (A) True (B) False

17、Which of these are not steps of relationship-navigation analysis? (C) (A) Element analysis (B) Evaluation analysis (C) Functional analysis (D) Stakeholder analysis

18、The answers to the relationship analysis questions help the Web engineer position a content element within the WebApp. (A) (A) True (B) False

19、Once the WebApp architecture is modeled the Web engineer must consider requirements that dictate how users will navigate from one content element to another. (B) (A) True (B) False

Chapter 21

1、Effective software project management focuses on four P's which are (C) (A) people, performance, payoff, product (B) people, product, performance, process (C) people, product, process, project (D) people, process, payoff, product

2、Organizations that achieve high levels of maturity in people management have a higher likelihood of implementing effective software engineering processes. (A) (A) True (B) False

3、The first step in project planning is to (D) (A) determine the budget.

(B) select a team organizational model. (C) determine the project constraints. (D) establish the objectives and scope.

4、Process framework activities are populated with (D) (A) milestones (B) work products (C) QA points

(D) All of the above 5、Project management is less important for modern software development since most projects are successful and completed on time. (B) (A) True (B) False

6、Which of the following is not generally considered a player in the software process? (D)

(A) customers (B) end-users

(C) project managers (D) sales people

7、The best person to hire as a project team leader is the most competent software engineering practitioner available. (B) (A) True (B) False

8、The best project team organizational model to use when tackling extremely complex (C) (A) problems is the (B) closed paradigm (C) open paradigm (D) random paradigm (E) synchronous paradigm

9、Which factors should be considered in choosing the organizational structure for a software team? (Select all that apply) (E) (A) degree of communication desired

(B) predicted size of the resulting program (C) rigidity of the delivery date (D) size of the project budget (E) a, b, and c 10、One of the best ways to avoid frustration during the software development process is to (A)

(A) give team members more control over process and technical decisions.

