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Fuxi was born in the west part of China and, according to legend, he was carried in his mother’s womb for twelve years before birth. He taught people how to hunt, fish, domesticate animals and tend their flocks. He instituted marriage and taught people how to devise tools to split wood, kindle fire and cook food. He devised the Trigrams, which evolved from markings on tortoise shells. These trigrams served as the basis for mathematics, medicine, divination and geomancy. Furthermore, he created the Chinese dragon as the totem of the nation and was considered as the first real ruler. Unit2
儒家的创始人是孔子(公元前551—479),他提出了一套道德规范,基于五种美德:仁、义、礼、智、信。其中“仁”被认为是他的哲学理念的基石,代表着忠诚、孝道(filial piety)、宽容和善良。他还提倡人与人之间和谐相处、按照行为规范标准建立生活社区。他的追随者之一孟子(公元前372-289)不断地向统治者们游说,试图说服他们修
Confucius (551—479 BC) was the founder of Confucianism. He advocated a set of moral code on basis of five merits: benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness. Among them, benevolence was considered as the cornerstone of his philosophy, which stands for faithfulness, filial piety, tolerance and kindness. He also requested people to keep in good harmony with each other and establish a community ruled by standard manners and behavior. One of his followers, Mencius (372-289BC), repeatedly tried to convince rulers that the ruler should cultivate moral perfection in order to set a good example to the people and the ruler who governed benevolently would earn the respect of the people. Unit3
‘Parting’ was a common theme in Tang poetry. By writing a poem to a friend who was leaving, the poet usually showed his sorrow and sadness.
Images frequently used in a parting poem included music, liquor and a willow twig. Music was an important section of the parting ceremony. The music, which was often melodious and sorrowful, was played by traditional instruments such as ‘Pipa’. Drinking liquor was also a necessary part on these occasions. Perhaps it was because liquor could console people and help them forget troubles in life and the sadness of parting from a friend. Another custom was giving a willow twig to the leaving friend, since ‘willow’ in Chinese has the same pronunciation of that of ‘stay’. In this way, the poem expressed his wish that his friend stay with him forever.
《红楼梦》(Dream of the Red Chamber)是中国文学“四 大名著”之一。它写于18世纪中叶,并被认为是中国文学中 的杰作(masterpiece)以及中国小说史上的顶峰。许多学者都 致力于该作品的研究,而这个研究领域也被称作“红学”(Redology)。人们通常认为该小说反映了作者曹雪芹自
己的经历以及他家族的兴衰。该书的优秀之处不仅在于它的 情节和人物塑造(characterization),同时也在于它对当时社会 生活结构的精确、细节的描写。几个世纪以来,小说中的许 多词句已经融入了中国人的日常语言。由此可见该书经久不 衰的魅力。
A Dream of Red Mansions is one of the ‘Four Great Classical Novels’ of Chinese literature. It was written in the middle of the 18th century and
considered as a masterpiece of Chinese literature as well as the peak of Chinese fiction. Many scholars are devoted to the study of this novel and the field of study is known as ‘Redology’. The novel is usually thought to be reflecting the experience of the author Cao Xueqin and the rise and decline of his own family. It is remarkable for not only its plot and characterization, but also its precise and detailed observation of the life and social structures of that time. For centuries, a huge number of words and expressions from the novel have already been incorporated into the daily language of Chinese people, which demonstrates the ever-lasting charm of the book. Unit4 1)
1) Education played a vital role in ancient Chinese culture. The origin of ancient Chinese education dates back to the educational ideas of the “Hundred Schools of Thought” in the middle and late Zhou Dynasty. It provided people equal chance for development. Individuals from even
the humblest backgrounds could rise to higher level. In the Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius, the great educator, broke the rule of learning at the government hall. Private schools prevailed and many scholars of different schools of thought spread their teaching in this way and this led to the flourishing and contending of hundreds of schools.
2) Confucius was an educator as well as a philosopher. His thoughts and theories had impact on people in many aspects such as ethics, moral principles and rules of life. One of the features of Confucius’ thoughts is his emphasis on education and learning. In the relationship between learning and thinking, he believed .that learning and thinking were equally important. He believed that, “Learning without thought is labor lost; thought without learning is perilous.” He considered moral education the most important. Confucius’s goal was to create gentlemen who would carry themselves with grace, speak correctly, and demonstrate integrity in all things.
沈括是宋朝的著名官员、军事将领。他的不朽名著《梦溪笔谈》(Dream Pool Essays)记载了包括地质学、天文学、活字印刷(movable type printing)、植物学和动物学等各种学科。该书是中国历史上最早使用“石油”这一名称的著作,为自然科学做出了卓越贡献。沈括与当时的很多人不同,他以一种客观而思辨的态度观察自然现象。他提出了用阳历代替阴历的主张,立春为岁首,大月31天,小月30天。
Shen Kuo was a highly renowned government official and military general of the Song Dynasty. Shen Kuo’s immortal masterpiece Dream Pool Essays records various fields of study including geology, astronomy, movable type printing, botany and zoology etc. In the book, the word “shiyou” (petroleum) was used for the first time in the literature of Chinese history, which was his remarkable contribution to science. Unlike most people in his time, Shen Kuo took an objective and speculative viewpoint on natural phenomena. He advocated that the solar calendar be used to replace the lunar calendar, with thirty-one or thirty days a month and “lichun” (“Start of Spring” according to lunisolar calendar) as the beginning of a year.
中国龙是吉祥的生灵,象征着力量、智慧、好运和掌控风和水的威力。 The Chinese dragon is an auspicious creature, symbolizing strength,
wisdom, good luck and power over the elements of wind and water. 因此,中国人自豪地称自己是龙的传人(descendants)。
Hence, Chinese people proudly claim they are the descendants of the dragon. 龙被尊崇为雨神(the God of Rain)。在干旱或水灾发生时,人们会去当地的龙王庙(dragon-king temple)烧香(burn incense) 祈求情况的好转。
The dragon was worshiped as the God of Rain, and in times of drought or floods, locals would visit a dragon-king temple and burn incense to pray for more favorable conditions.
龙对雨水和海浪的控制也和其在12生肖中的地位密切相关。 The dragon's power to control rain and waves is also closely related to its rank in the 12 zodiac animals.
Various tales describe the race of these 12 animals to secure their place on the list, but the sequence is determined by the time of a day when the animal is most active.
龙对应于7点至9点,此时最有可能会雾气蒙蒙,而龙却能腾云驾雾。 The dragon corresponds to 7 am to 9 am, when it is most likely to be foggy, allowing the dragon to ride atop clouds and mist. Unit7
Feng shui, literally “wind and water”, dates from China’s Warring States Period (475-221 BC). 在古代,也被称为堪舆。
In ancient times, the practice was also called kanyu. 按传统,建造房屋、楼群、定居点和陵墓前都要先咨询风水大师。
Traditionally, a feng shui master was consulted before houses, buildings, settlements or tombs were constructed风水一度是中国传统文化中的重要组成部分,它依据诸如道家和《易经》等中国古代哲学学说,强调了人与环境的和谐共存。
Based on ancient Chinese philosophies, including Taoism and Yijing, feng shui was once an important part of traditional Chinese culture and it emphasizes the harmonious coexistence of humans and their environment.
Following the disciplines of geography, architecture, ethics and prophecy, the practice also promotes the Taoist principle that the earth, sky and mankind are part of a single whole.
Feng shui is considered mysterious. In fact, it is an ancient art widely
used to orient buildings in ancient times.
Many of China’s well-known cultural monuments(或places of historic interest and scenic beauty 或scenic spots and historic sites), including the Forbidden City in Beijing, were designed using feng shui principles. 风水学对中国社会产生了深远的影响并为大众所接受。
Feng shui has a profound effect on Chinese society and is widely embraced by the public. Unit8 1)
一个新旧交融、魅力无限的大都市(metropolis)。北京作为人类居住地的历史已超过了3000多年。作为世界上少数未傍主要河道而建的内陆首都之一,北京将自己长期显赫的历史归功于战略性的地理位置。北京位于北纬39o56',东经116o20', 雄踞于华北平原(the North China Plain)的最北部;西北部是山西省和内蒙古大草原(he Inner Mongolian Steppe),东向是渤海(the Bohai Sea)。 1)
Beijing, as the capital city, is the political, cultural and
administrative center of the People’s Republic of China, as well as a fascinating metropolis that mixes the old and new. Beijing as a settlement has a history of more than 3,000 years. It is one of the few
inland capitals in the world that is not built beside a major river, which owes its long prominence to its strategic geographical position. Beijing is situated at 39o56' North Latitude and 116o20' East Longitude, majestically reposing on the northmost part of the North China Plain; to the northwest lie Shanxi Province and the Inner Mongolian Steppe, and towards the east is the Bohai Sea. 2)
以北京的胡同最为著名。在北京,很多街区是这样形成的:四合院(Chinese quadrangle)彼此相连形成胡同,进而胡同彼此相连形成街区。胡同是北京文化要素的代表。由于北京悠久的历史和六朝古都的地位,几乎每个胡同都有其轶事趣闻(anecdotes),一些胡同甚至还与历史事件紧密相关。与紫禁城、颐和园和天坛所代表的宫廷生活和精英文化(elite culture)相比,胡同反应了北京的平民文化。
2)Hutongs are a type of narrow streets or alleys, commonly associated with northern Chinese cities, most prominently Beijing. In Beijing, many neighborhoods were formed by joining one Chinese quadrangle (siheyuan) to another to form a hutong, and then joining one hutong to another. Hutongs represent an important cultural element of the city of Beijing. Thanks to Beijing’s long history and status as capital for six dynasties, almost every hutong has its anecdotes, and some are even
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