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Unit 4

P 71

1. 这辆车已经行驶了1000英里。

2. 声音在铜中的传播速度几乎比在铅中快两倍/几乎是其在铅中的三倍。 3. 该公司产量增至2000万吨左右,是原来的4倍。

4. 漏电压增加了3倍,(即增加到原来的4倍)。

5. 那可使代谢率提高到原来的2倍或3倍(即提高1倍或2倍)。

6. 今年的粮食产量大约是去年的三倍。/今年的粮食产量比去年多两倍左右。 7. 化肥产量比1986念增加了4倍。 8. 这台新机器的价格约1000美元。 9.该设备误差概率降低了4/5。

10. 这些产品的主要优点是重量减轻了1/2。

Section B

1. It took them one month less than three years to develop the new material. 2. Asia is 4 times the size of Europe.

3. The population of this country has increased to five times.

4. Today the speed of our car exceeds the ordinary speed by a factor of three. 5. The population has nearly trebled in forty years.

6. A record high increase in value of four times was reported. 7. This sort of membrane is twice thinner than ordinary paper.

8. Switching time of the new-type transistor is shortened 3 times. 9. The cost decreased by 40%.

10. Aluminum is almost 2/3 of iron in weight.

(注:该题的目的是让大家用上light as…as这个短语,但是原题没法用,若一定要用则

需要把题目中的2/3改为1/3, 亦即“铝的重量几乎是铁的1/3。Aluminum is almost three times as light as Iron.)

Test 1


Section A

1. 当我们拜访朋友、锻炼身体、听音乐、钓鱼、看书或参加聚会时,我们常常是快乐的,而且不会感到太大压力。

2. 还记得儿时的你是一个怎样的人吗?是严肃、有责任感的?是随遇而安的?是贴心温柔的?还是一个时常爱拽着妈妈衣角的胆小的小家伙呢?

3. 尽管本店的高品质农产品不能整年适应每个需求,人们可以按照季节和大自然的规律进


4. 在有重要考试的日子里,汤普森老鼠总是记得擦一下泰迪送的香水。

5. 要想改变时下流行的快餐文化正如用一个小小的汤匙来控制巨大的战舰一般,而且还要

逆着泛滥的便利文化的大潮而上。 Section B

1. John says that his present job does not provide him with enough space for his organizing


2. Instead of working at her lessons, Mary spends her time watching TV and chatting online with

her friends.

3. People like Yaser shouldn’t give up trying to make American friends, since Americans do

value strong, life-long friendships.

4. At the joke that professor Wang told, students all burst into helpless laughter.

5. It gets colder the further north you go, so it’s no accident that the warmest areas in the south

are also the most populated.

Unit 5

P 90 IV. Trying the Translation Section A

1. 他长期拉网捕鱼,与大海搏斗,长得十分强壮。

2. 他弯下身子在我脸上重重的亲了一口,并要我做一个好孩子。 3. 爸爸盯着我看了好长时间,潸然泪下。

4. 你们不知道,如果能让爸爸再亲我一下,让我付出什么都行。

5. 如果那时我是个男子汉,我绝不会告诉爸爸我已经长大到不再适合一个道别的吻了。 Section B

1. Michael travelled around the world, making a living by teaching piano.

2. A cart full of milk bottles rattled through the road. 3. He slammed the door and left the home angrily.

4. You should finish the papers by yourselves. Don’t lean over and peep the others’.

5. The sudden appearance of the boy in front of the car caused the driver to pull up in


P101 A.

1. 他们俩没有一个是80后。/ 他们俩都不是80后。 2. 这种花并非到处可见。 3. 善与美并非总是同时具备。 4. 责任并不全在于我。

5. 无论怎样聪明的人也难免犯错误。

6. 他并没有因为工作中有许多困难而抱怨。 7. 她是个没有丝毫幽默感的人。

8. 他无权签署这份合同。

9. 从文中我们了解到:只有把发明变成商业行为,才会使发明者受益。 10. 想调动一个人的潜力和积极性,什么也比不上授以职责。 B.

1. I don’t believe Mary has finished her work yet.

2. You should not look down upon him because he is young. 3. You cannot praise him too highly.

4. None of us has ever heard from him since he went abroad. 5. It doesn’t seem as if it is going to rain.

6. He failed to find her in the crowds. / He missed her in the crowds. 7. Instead of trying to persuade him, you should get ready to do it in person.

8. She never does more work than she can help.

9. There is not nearly enough time to learn all these words. / There is far from enough time to learn all these words.

10. She could not help crying when she heard that piece of bad news.

Unit 6

P. 117 A/

1. 屋子的中央摆着一张木制的小圆桌。

2. 一辆坐满人的吉普车疾驶而过,溅了我一身水。 3. 凡是忘掉过去的人注定要重蹈覆辙。

4. 真理是坚韧的,不会像气泡那样一触即破。

5. 他本来在天津开会,会议一结束,他就去北京度假了,昨天才坐飞机回来。 6. 绝大多数人都很难理解相对论。

7. 由于减少了新工程,许多工人失去了工作。

8. 一个国家如果生产某种产品比其他产品的效率高,那么它就具有生产该产品的优势。 9. 一旦了解英语的基本结构和句型,再往下学就越来越难了,这其中的原因也许老师比学

生更容易理解。 10. 每一种生物都有控制自己行为的时钟,科学家称之为生物钟。


1. Would you please introduce us a few restaurants with local flavor? 2. Computer technology is developing dramatically fast in recent years. 3. I’ll let you know as soon as it is arranged.

4. I saw him in Nanjing last winter. / It was in Nanjing last winter that I saw him. 5. He wants to talk with me something important.

6. China successfully launched its first man-made earth satellite in April, 1970. 7. In a few minutes the students began to come in by twos and threes. 8. He showed himself calm in emergency.

9. Their power increased with their number.

10. But there had been too much publicity about my case.

Unit 7

P. 127 Section A

1. T恤一直以来不仅便宜、舒适,而且是一种流行的交流方式。

2. 年轻人都穿带有诸如“烦着呢,别理我!”“我要下海!”之类标语的文化衫。 3. 但是若再问他们是否知道这些字的意思是,他们通常会说:“据说是……的意思”,却完全不知道该怎么念。

4. 不然你也许会成为别人的笑柄,自己却毫不知情。 5. “Bite me”最常用来表示对另一方的不满。

Section B

1. Knowing English is one thing, daring to speak it is another. 2. 3. 4. 5. P135


1. 电视和广播的不同之处在于电视可以收发图像。 2. 你需要改进你的学习习惯。

3. 机翼的用途是保持飞机在空中不坠落。

4. 在不到一个世纪的时间内计算机科学有了长足的进展。

5. 现在已给该县科学家提供了必要的图书、仪器和助手,以保证科研工作的成功。 6. 史密斯先生被选为委员会主席后,有人发现他一大早就在实验室工作。 7. 不管怎样,老朋友,多亏了你我才到了这里。 8. 想看这部电影的人很多。 9. 楼下有个人想见你。

10. 他作文里的拼写错误很少。 B

1. I saw this film in Wuhan last summer. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Wet paint.

His absence of mind during the driving nearly caused an accident. We are in complete ignorance of his plan. Smoking is not allowed in this theatre.

The way she talks interests me much.

China is known as one of the four ancient civilized countries. Learning a foreign language is far from easy. My flight was canceled due to the bad weather.

6. These three colors, red, green, and violet, when combined, produce white. 7. The satellite system uses this device in varied forms. 8. Her remarks passed without comment. 9. She paints with better techniques than you.

10. A woman whose child is missing is crying loudly.

Test 2

P. 163

Section A

1. 狗解释说在水里游真是太畅快了,以至于忍不住在水里多玩了一会儿。

2. 对这些孩子们来说,成长为大人的道路是艰难的,因为父母和孩子们都可能失去他们曾

经享受的亲密关系,往往令双方感到被拒绝的痛苦且深受伤害。 3. 不过并不是所有方言都会流行。那些真正对外地人又吸引力的方言之所以流行都是有文


4. 我的音乐收藏包括了从摇滚音乐到流行音乐再到电子音乐,以及介于这些之间的几乎所


5. 但唯一的其他选择就是为了让别人满意和认可而放弃自己的个性。 Section B

1. His latest performance was really great and lived up to our expectation. 2. Mr. Smith was appointed to be responsible for the project. 3. She clung to the handrail as she walked down the slippery steps. 4. Wanting to be a writer is one thing, being able to write is another. 5. My boss seems to be content with my work.

