
更新时间:2023-04-11 08:20:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载







5. What would the girl like to buy?

A. A cake.

B. Some bread.

C. Dumplings.

6. What can the girl get the cake?

A. This morning.

B. Tomorrow morning.

C. Tomorrow afternoon.


7. Why does Bob’s mother go to the hospital?


A. To see his grandmother.

B. To see his grandfather.

C. To see his father.

8. How is Bob’s mother going to the hospital?

A. By taxi.

B. On foot.

C. By bus.

9. What will Bob go to the market to buy?

A. Milk and vegetables.

B. Bread and fruit.

C. Beef and potatoes. 请听一段对话,完成第10至第12小题。

10. Where is the post office?

A. Between the park and the hotel.

B. Next to the hospital.

C. Opposite the restaurant.

11. How often does Lisa go to the supermarket?

A. Every day.

B. Seldom.

C. Every week.

12. What does Lisa often do after dinner?

A. Takes a walk.

B. Watches TV.

C. Does homework.




13. Look at _________ eraser on the floor.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /



14. Please call Mike _________ 69978564.

A. at

B. in

C. for

D. with

15. The young mother often _________ her child alone at home.

A. forget

B. forgets

C. leave

D. leaves

16. -- Can you play the piano?

-- ____________________________.

A. Yes, a little

B. Sure, I can’t

C. No, you can

D. No, I can

17. -- Would you like to go to the concert with me?

-- I’d love to, _________ I’m afraid I have no time.

A. so

B. or

C. and

D. but

18. I _________ my homework this afternoon.

A. am going

B. doing

C. am going to do

D. do

19. She _________ watching TV, but she ____________ listening o the radio.

A. like; doesn’t like

B. likes; doesn’t like

C. like; don’t like

D. likes; don’t like

20. There _____________ strong winds in the future.

A. won’t have

B. isn’t

C. don’t have

D. won’t be

21. Wang Wei never ___________ the plane to the USA.

A. by

B. takes

C. take

D. on

22. Look! They _______________ a picnic.

A. have

B. is having

C. are having

D. having

23. Our teacher told us _______________ carefully in class.

A. listen

B. to listen

C. listened

D. listens

24. Do you have ______________ to tell me?

A. anything interesting

B. something interesting

C. interesting anything

D. interesting something

25. This pair of shoes ____________ $80.

A. takes

B. spends

C. pays

D. costs WORD版本





There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a 26 shop near

his home. The shop sold many jackets. He looked 27 them and at last chose

a very nice one. He

28 it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it 29 a bag.

At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn’t seen each other

for a long time. They were so 30 to meet again that they forgot 31 else. Soon they were busy tal king on and on happily. It was nearly six o’clock,

32 they decided to go and have dinner together.

Henry picked up the bag, and walked 33 the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the jacket. Henry looked at him

in 34 at first, but soon he remembered that he hadn’t paid for it. He

said 35 , gave him the money and then left the shop with his friend.

26. A. fruit B. book C. food D. clothing

27. A. at B. for C. up D. after

28. A. put B. try C. tried D. turned

29. A. up B. into C. on D. away

30. A. worried B. interested C. excited D. anxious

31. A. everything B. anybody C. anything D. nobody

32. A. but B. so that C. because D. so

33. A. through B. to C. out of D. around

34. A. need B. danger C. trouble D. surprise

35. A. goodbye B. sorry C. hello D. yes



Come to this great store and have a look. Here are some interesting things.



36. How much is the Big Ben clock?

A. $9.

B. $15.

C. $6.

D. $3.

37. Where can you put your money?

A. In a card box.

B. In the Big Ben clock.

C. In the bus money box.

D. In the bus pencil sharpener.

38. What’s the red bus in the passage?

A. A toy.

B. A clock.

C. A bus.

D. A pencil sharpener.


When you are in England, you must be very careful in the street because the traffic moves on the left. Before you cross a street, you must look to the right first then the left.

If the traffic lights are red, the traffic must stop. Then the people on foot can cross the road carefully! If the traffic lights are green, the traffic can go. People mustn’t cross. In the morning and in the evening when people go to or come back from work, the streets are very busy. Traffic is the most dangerous then. When you go by bus in Hong Kong, you have to be careful, too. Always remember the traffic moves on the left. So you must be careful. Have a look first, or you will go the wrong way.

In Hong Kong, there are big buses with two floors. You can sit on the second floor. From there you can see the city very well. It’s very interesting.



39. When you cross a street in England, you must _______________.

A. look to the left then the right

B. look to the right first and then the left

C. look to the cars and buses

D. look to the left and the right at the same time

40. If the traffic lights are red, ____________________.

A. the traffic must go

B. the people must go

C. the traffic must stop

D. the people must stop

41. Traffic is the most dangerous___________________.

A. in the morning

B. in the evening

C. when you go to the wrong way

D. when people go to or come back from work

42. In Hong Kong, the traffic moves _________________.

A. the same way as in most cities in China

B. on the right

C. the same way as in most cities in the UK

D. in the middle of the roads

43. If you take a bus with two floors in Hong Kong, you can sit on the second floor


A. you can enjoy a better view

B. it is cooler up there.

C. you can have a larger seat

D. it is easy for you to know the city well.


It was Mother’s Day, but the young mother was a little unhappy, because she was 800 miles away from her parents. In the morning, she phoned her mother to wish her a happy Mother’s Day, and her mother told her about the beautiful lilacs(丁香)in the garden.

Later that day, when she told her husband about the lilacs, he said, “I know where we can find all that you want. Get the children and come on.” So they went out, driving down the country roads.

There on a small hill, they saw a lot of beautiful purple lilacs. The young woman ran quickly to enjoy the flowers. Carefully she picked a few here and a few there. WORD版本


On their way home there was a smile on her face.

When they were passing a nursing home(养老院), the young woman saw an old granny sitting in a chair. She had no children with her. They stopped the car and the young woman walked to the old woman, put the flowers in her hands, and smiled at her. The old granny thanked her again and again. She smiled happily, too.

When the young mother came back to her car, her children asked her, “Who is that old granny? Why did you give our flowers to her?”

“I don’t know her,” their mother said. “ but it is Mother’s Day, and she has no children. I have all of you, and I still have my mother. Just think how much those flowers mean to her.”

44. The young woman was a little unhappy on Mother’s Day because ______________.

A. she didn’t have a present

B. she was a long way from her mother

C. she didn’t know it was Mother’s Day

D. she wanted to see her father

45. There were many beautiful purple lilacs ________________.

A. in her garden

B. in the market

C. on a hill

D. in the nursing home

46. The young woman had ___________________.

A. one child

B. no child

C. more than one child

D. a boy and a girl

47. The young woman gave the flowers to the old granny because ______________.

A. she was her mother

B. she didn’t like those flowers

C. her mother asked her to do so

D. she wanted the old granny to be happy

48. What can you learn from the story?

A. After giving roses to others, fragrance(香味)keeps with your hands

B. Like mother, like son.

C. Rome was not built in a day.

D. Never too old to learn.





Mary is an American schoolgirl. 49 . She

doesn’t know Chinese, but she is trying to study and speak it.

50 . Sometimes they don’t understand her, because she can’t speak

Chinese well.

It’s Saturday morning. Mary goes out. She is on her way to the park. She is

going there to see a flower show(展览). 51 .

She asks a Chinese boy. The boy can’t understand her.

52 . She draws flowers on it, gives the picture to the boy and

says something about it. The boy smiles and then shows Mary the way to the park.


My mother used to ask me what the most important part of the body was. Through

the years I would guess that what I thought was the correct answer.

When I was young, I thought sound was very important to us, so I said, “My ears,

Mum.” She said, “No. Many people are deaf. But you keep thinking about it and I

will ask you again soon.”

Several years passed before she asked me again. Since making my first try, I

had contemplated (仔细考虑)the correct answer. So this time I told her, “Mum,

sight is very important to everybody, so it must be our eyes.” She looked at me

and told me, “You are learning fast, but the answer is not right because there are

many people who are blind.”

Over the years, Mother kept asking me the same question and her answer was always,

“No, but you are getting cleverer every year, my child.”

Then last year, my grandpa died. Everybody was hurt. Everybody was crying. My



mum looked at me when it was our turn to say our final goodbye to Grandpa. She asked me, “Do you know the most important body part yet, my dear?”

I was surprised when she asked me this now. I always thought this was a game between her and me. She saw the confusion(迷惑)on my face and told me, “This question is very important. It shows how you have really lived your life.” I saw her eyes filled with tears(眼泪). She said, “My dear, the most important body part is your shoulder.”

I asked, “Is it because it holds up your head?”

She answered, “No, it is because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry. Everybody needs a shoulder to cry on sometimes in life, my dear. I only hope that you have enough love and friends that you will have a shoulder to cry on when you need it.”

Then and there I knew the most important part of the body is not a selfish one. It is the care to the pain(痛苦) of others.

53. What did his mother use to ask him?_________________________ _______________________

54. Did he think sound was very important to them when he was young? ______________________

55. When did his grandpa die? ________________________________________________________

56. Why is shoulder the most important part of the body? __________________________________

57. What did his mother want to tell him in the end? ______________________________________


58. 商店在银行的旁边。The shop _________________________ the bank.

59. 下周他们打算呆在家里。They __________________________ at home next week.

60. 我想要给妈妈买一件T恤衫。I ___________________________ my mother a T- shirt.

61. 明天的天气怎么样?What __________________________________ tomorrow?

62. 我和我的妹妹都盼着去迪斯尼乐园。My sister and I are _________________ to WORD版本








Plans for the Summer Holiday

The summer holiday is coming soon. Here are my plans for my holiday. _________________

_______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________

1. trip

2. station

3. mobile phone

4. basketball

5. friends


49- 52. BDEA


53.(My mother used to ask me) what the most important part of the body was.

54.Yes, he did/ Yes.

40c681d700768e9951e79b89680203d8cf2f6a21st year.

56.Because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry.

57.The most important thing is the care to the pain of others.





I 卷






II 卷



1. trip

2. station

3. mobile phone

4. basketball

5. friends


49- 52. BDEA


53.(My mother used to ask me) what the most important part of the body was.

54.Yes, he did/ Yes.

40c681d700768e9951e79b89680203d8cf2f6a21st year.

56.Because it can hold the head of a friend or loved one when they cry.

57.The most important thing is the care to the pain of others.


53.is next to

54.are going to stay

55.want to/ would like to buy

56.will the weather be like

57.looking forward to going



My summer holiday is coming soon. Here are my plans for my holiday. First, I am going to have a good rest and learn to relax myself. Next, I want to do my favourite sports, such as playing basketball and swimming. Third I am going to spend more time reading books and doing my homework. My parents always take good care of me, so I will help them with housework during the holiday. I also hope to have a picnic with my friends.

I am looking forward to my colorful holiday.


. WORD版本

