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一、问好 hello/hi 你好

Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Nice to meet you too. 见到你很高兴。 How are you? 你好吗

I am fine, thank you, and you? 我很好,你呢? I am fine too. 我也很好。 How do you do? 你好。(初次见面问候语) How do you do? 你好。 二、迎宾

Welcome to Prada!

欢迎来到普拉达专卖! 三、打招呼

Good morning, sir/ madam早上好,先生/女士 afternoon下午evening晚上 What can I do for you?/ May I help you? 您需要什么?

I am looking for/ need/ want to buy a... 我需要买......

Do you have any ...? 你们有......?

I'm just looking/ browsing.我只是随便看看。 四、询问衣服

How are these? 这些怎么样?

This one is great. May I try this on?这款很不错。我可以试试吗?

Sure, the fitting/dressing room is there.当然可以,试衣间在那边。

What's your size/ What size do you want?你穿多大号的?

Size (S, M, L, XL, XXL...)/数字 OK?/ Is it fit? 可以吗/合适吗? The fit isn't good. 尺寸不合适

It is too big/ small. Can I have a larger/ smaller size?

太大了/太小了. 可以给我个大一点/小一点的吗?

I’m sorry, it is out of stock for the time being. 很抱歉,这个暂时缺货。 It fits well. 很适合

How do I look?/ What do you think?/ Does this look good on me? 这件我穿着怎么样?

You look very good. 你看起来很不错。 I will take it. 我要这件。 五、询问价格

How much does it cost/ is it? 这件多少钱? What is the price for this suit/...?这套西装/......多少钱?

5025 yuan/ dollars

It's so expensive./ It costs too much.太贵了 Can you make it cheaper?能便宜些吗?

Can you give me any discount?/ Any discount? 能给我一点折扣吗?

I am afraid I can not do that.

不好意思,我恐怕没办法那样做。 Yeah/ OK, It's on sale. 可以,这件在搞活动。 It's ten/ twenty percent off 打9折/ 8折 Two for one. 买一送一

I want to check out. 我想要结账。

Would you pay with cash or a credit card? 您是现金还是刷卡付款? Do you take traveler's checks? 你们接收旅行支票吗?

Sorry, we don't take checks.抱歉,我们不收支票。

OK, I pay on cash.我付现金。

Here are your changes.这是找您的钱。 六、送别客人

Thanks for your coming. 谢谢您的光临。 Hope to see you again. 欢迎下次光临。 Have a nice day. 祝您有美好的一天。 七、请客人稍等

Please wait a moment, I'll be back right now.请稍等,我很快就回来。

Would you please wait for a while? 请稍等一会。

Just a moment/ munite, please. 请稍等片刻

One moment, please. 请稍等片刻 八、有疑问或不明白时

Pardon me. 抱歉,请再说一遍。 Can you speak a little slower? 能说的慢一点吗?

I'm sorry, I didn't understand you. 抱歉,我没明白您的意思。

I'm afraid I can't explain it in English. 抱歉我不知道用英文该怎么表达它。

补充:一、颜色colour sweater毛衣 white白色 jeans牛仔裤 silver银色 V-neck V形领['kɑ?d?g(?)n] black黑色 skirt裙子 maroon栗色[m?'ru?n] 四、鞋、包 brown褐色violet紫红色['va??l?t] purple紫色beige米黄色[bei?] green绿色 deep green深绿色 yellow黄色gold金色 blue深蓝色 lime green青橙色[la?m] red红色 pink粉色 orange橙色 olive green橄榄绿 二、布料fabric 天鹅绒velvet Silk 真丝 Cotton棉Linen 亚麻 Viscose粘胶 Rabbit hair 兔毛 fiber纤维Wool 羊毛 Modal 莫代尔

Cashmere 羊绒

Polyester 涤纶 锦纶(尼龙)[,p?l?'est?] Acrylic 腈纶[?'kr?l?k]

Spandex 氨纶['sp?ndeks]Leather皮革 三、衣服种类

coat大衣 fur coat裘皮衣


jacket西装短外套 suit套装

strapless dress抹胸连衣裙

riding coat轻便大衣trousers裤子

handbag手提包 attache case公文箱 briefcase公文包 messenger bag斜挎包 shoulder bag单肩包 zero wallet零钱包 purse女士钱包wallet皮夹 slot插卡夹层divider分隔板 lining衬里hinge铰链 buckle带扣 shoulder trap背带 backpack双肩包 school bag书包 key case钥匙包card wallet卡包 shopping bag购物袋 shoelace鞋带 shoes鞋 sandal凉鞋shoe polish鞋油



Reception 接待

1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么?

2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)

3.Do you find anything you like? 你找到你喜欢的吗?

4. Are you being helped?/Are you being served? 你需要帮忙吗? Is there anybody waiting on you? 有人招呼你吗?

Choosing and buying选择与购买

Choosing 选择

1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。

2. I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。

3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。

4. Let me have a look at this watch.把这只表让我看看。

5. I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。

6. Would you show me this cup?你能把这只杯子让我看一下吗?

7.I’m interested in this new type of car. 我对这款新车很有兴趣。

8.I’d like to have a look if you don’t mind. 如果不介意,我想看一下。 An attempt 试穿

1. I like this one. May I try it on?我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗?

2.Could you try it on please? How is it? 请试穿看看好吗?如何? Inquiry 询问

1. Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗?

2. Do you carry hundred percent cotton pants?你们有百分之百纯棉的裤子吗?

3. If I orded a suit now, how long could it take before I got delivery?


4. Can you get me one? 你们能补货吗?

Size and color 尺寸和颜色

1. The fit isn’t good.尺寸不太合适。

2. It’s too big. 太大了。

3. Too small. 太小。

4. How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样?

5. This color is very pupular. 这个颜色很流行。

6. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。

7. Can I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?

8. They punch my toes. 把我脚趾夹疼了。

9. This blue color goes well with the light blue dots on the dress.


Price 价格

1. How much is it ? 多少钱?

2. I’ll give it to you for 5250.5250元美金卖给你。

3. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗?

4 How much do I have to pay for it? 我要付多少钱?

5. How much are these ties? 这些领带要多少钱?

6. What’s the price for this suit? 这套西装多少钱?

7.How much does it cost? 多少钱?

Check 付钱

1. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱?

2. May I write a check for you?我能开支票吗?

3. Do you take traveler’s checks?你们接受旅行支票吗?

4. Sorry, we don’t take checks.对不起,我们不接受支票。

5. I’ll take this.我要这个。

6.How about 98 down and 100 a month?先付头期款98美元,每月再付100美元,如何?

The others 其他

1. Take one’s measurement. 为某人量尺寸。

2. I think we’re out of your size. 我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。

3. Check back next Sunday. 你下星期天再来看看。

Dialogue 对话

1. A:Can I help you?您想要买什么?

B:I’d just like to have a look .我只想随便看看。

A:do you like some apples?( Are you looking for some apples?) 你想要一些苹果吗?

B:I could also buy some apples if they’re nice.


2. A:Do you like this dress, madam?


B:I like the color very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small(tight) for me.


A:What about this one? It’s a lovely dress, it’s very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it?

这件怎么样?这件很好看,非常时髦。短裙现在很流行。你想穿上试试吗? B:All right.好的。

3. A: Are these apples on sale?这些苹果降价卖吗?

B:That’s our rock bottom price.这是我们的最低价了。

4. A:Would you mind if I try this on?我能试试吗?

B:No, not at all.当然可以.

A:Give me a smaller size, please.请给我拿小一点的。

B:With pleasure. I’d be glad to show you some.很荣幸为您服务。

5. A: I want to buy a camera.我想买架照相机。

B:I’m sorry. It’s out of stock.对不起,脱销了。

A:Are you likely to be getting any more in? 你们还进货吗? B:Look in again next Sunday.下星期日再来看看吧。

6. A:How much is it?这个多少钱?

B:Sixty dollars.60美元。

A:How much does it cost?这个值多少钱?

B:It costs one hundred Yuan. 100元。

A:What’s the price of this one?这个值多少钱?

B:It’s priced at only eighty Yuan.只要80元。

A:How much does it come to?总共多少钱?

B:It comes to two hundred and fourty dollars.总共240美元。

6..A: Do you want any meat today, Mrs. Bird? 波德太太,你今天要点肉吗?

B:Yes, please. 是的。

A:This lamb’s very good.这块羔羊肉很好。

B: I like lamb, but my husband doesn’t.

A: What about some steak? This is a nice piece.来些牛排好吗?这块很好。

B: Give me that piece, please. And a pound of mince, too.我还要 一磅 肉糜。mins肉馅

7. A: Have you any shoes like these?你们有这种鞋子吗?

B:What size?什么尺码?

A: Size five.五号的。

B:What color?什么颜色?


B: I’m sorry. We haven’t any.


8 .A: How many do you need?你想买多少?

B:Two Kilograms.两公斤。

9. A:That’s too expensive for us. We can’t afford all that money. 对我们来讲,太贵了,我们付不起那么多钱。

B:This model’s less expensive than that one. It’s only twenty-eight pounds. But, of course, it’s not as good as the expensive one.

这种型号比那种要便宜些,只要28镑。但是,当然,它不如那台贵的好。 A: I don’t like this model, the other model’s more expensive, but it’s worth the money.


A:Can we buy it on installments?我们可以分期付款吗?

B: Of course. You can pay a deposit of ten pounds, and then one pound a week for sixty weeks.


10. A:I think I prefer the blue one if it’s not too much trouble.



Reception 接待

1. What can I do for you? 你要些什么?

2. Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)

3.Are you looking for something?

Choosing and buying选择与购买

Choosing 选择

1. I want a pair of shoes/a jacket.我想买一双鞋/一件夹克。

2. I’d like to see some towels. 我想看看毛巾。

3. Show me that one, please.请把那个给我看看。

4. Let me have a look at this watch.把这只表让我看看。

5. I’m just looking, thanks. 我只是看看,谢谢。

An attempt 试穿

1. I like this one. May I try it on?我喜欢这一种。我能试穿吗?

2.Could you try it on please? How is it? 请试穿看看好吗?如何?

Inquiry 询问

1. Do you have any on sale? 你们有什么特卖品吗?

2. Do you have…?

4. Can you get me one? 你们能补货吗?

Size and color 尺寸和颜色

1. What’s your size?

2.The fit isn’t good.尺寸不太合适。

3. It’s too big/small. 太大/小了。

4. How about this blue one? 这个蓝色的怎样?

5. It seems to fit well. 好像蛮合身的。

6. Can I have a size larger? 可以给我一个大一点儿的吗?

7. Could I have a try?我能试试吗?

Price 价格

1. How much is it ? 多少钱?

2. I’ll give it to you for 5250.5250元美金卖给你。

3. Can you make it cheaper? 你能便宜点吗?

4 How much do I have to pay for it? 我要付多少钱?

5. How much are these ties? 这些领带要多少钱?

6. It’s expensive. Do you give discounts?

7. Is tax already included in this price?(这个价位含税吗?)

Check 付钱

1. How can I pay? 我要如何付钱?

2. Cash or credit card?

3. I’ll take this. 我要这个。

The others 其他

1. Take one’s measurement. 为某人量尺寸。

2. I think we’re out of your size. 我想你的尺寸(的衣服)已卖光了。

Dialogue 对话

1. A:Can I help you?您想要买什么?

B:I’d just like to have a look .我只想随便看看。

A:Do you like some apples?( Are you looking for some apples?) 你想买些苹果吗?


2. A:Do you like this dress?你喜欢这种衣服吗?

B:I like the color very much. It’s a lovely dress, but it’s too small(tight) for me. 我很喜欢这种颜色,这件衣服很好看,但我穿太小(紧)了。

A:What about this one? It’s a lovely dress. Would you like to try it?


B:All right.好的。

3. A:Can I try this on?我能试试吗?

B:Yes. The fitting room is over there. 当然可以。试衣间在那边。 A:Give me a smaller size, please.请给我拿小一点的。

B:With pleasure. I’d be glad to show you some.很荣幸为您服务。

4. A: I want to buy a camera.我想买架照相机。

B:I’m sorry. It’s out of stock.对不起,脱销了。

A:Are you likely to be getting any more in? 你们还进货吗?

B:Look in again next Sunday.下星期日再来看看吧。

5. A:How much is it?这个多少钱?

B:Sixty dollars.60美元。

A:How much does it come to?总共多少钱?

B:It comes to two hundred and forty dollars.总共240美元。

6. A:Have you any shoes like these?你们有这种鞋子吗?

B:What size?什么尺码?

A:Size five.五号的。

B:What color?什么颜色?


B: I’m sorry. We haven’t any.很抱歉,我们没有。

7. A: How many do you need?你想买多少? B:Two Kilograms.两公斤。

to do some shopping; to go shopping买东西

shopping centre商业中心区

department store百货商店

children's goods store儿童用品商店

antique shop古玩店

second-hand store旧货店


stall, stand售货摊

show window橱窗

show case玻璃柜台


cash desk, cashier's desk收银处 price tag标价签

prices are fixed, fixed prices有定价 discount打折扣


to keep the bill留发票

to wrap up包装

free of charge不收费

to deliver送

be al sold out, out of stock售空

shop assistant, salesman售货员


glassware counter玻璃器皿部

enamel ware搪瓷器皿






dry goods服装

ready-made clothes, off-the-peg, ready-to-wear men's wear男服

women's wear女服


sports goods, athletic equipment体育用品 sundries零星小物

toilet articles盥洗用品



toilet soap香皂



laundry soap洗衣皂

soap powder肥皂粉

soap flakes皂片

medicated soap药皂



tooth paste牙膏

tooth brush牙刷 成衣,现成服装

toilet mirror梳妆镜

hair brush发刷

hair vaseline发蜡



face powder粉


powder puff粉扑

cold cream香脂

vanishing cream雪花膏

perfume, scent香水

perfume spray香水喷子

coat hanger挂衣架

clothes-peg, clothes pin晒衣夹 string bag, net bag网兜

thermos bottle热水瓶

cap, cork热水瓶瓶盖

travellers’' water bottle, water flask, canteen lunch box, canteen饭盒






torch, flashlight手电




watch, wrist watch表,手表

watch band表带

watch chain表链


alarm clock闹钟

electric clock电钟


parasol, sun umbrella阳伞



briefcase, portfolio公事包

travelling bag旅行包



magnifying glass放大镜

binoculares望远镜 旅行水壶

hot-water bottle热水袋 smoking set烟具 lighter打火机

jewelry, jewels首饰,珠宝 jewel case首饰盒 antique, curio古玩 ornaments装饰品 ring, finger ring戒指 signet ring印章戒指 necklace项链




chain bracelet手链 ear ring耳环





gold jeweleries金饰 silver jeweleries银饰 pearl珍珠

imitation仿制品 genuine真的


baby's cot, crib婴儿床 cradle摇篮

diaper, napkin尿布

feeding bottle, feeder奶瓶 teat, nipple橡皮奶嘴

dummy, comforter假奶嘴 perambulator儿童车

go-cart, walker, babywalker rocking-horse摇马 scooter踏板车

child's tricycle儿童三轮车 razor剃刀

safety razor保险剃须刀 electric razor电剃刀 razor blade刀片

shaving brush剃须刷 shaving cream剃须膏 comb梳子

hair-brush发刷 儿童学步车

