0eefdc - c2009新版GCT精讲班-完形填空讲

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活。在第一种人的眼里,生活就是一场睡眠,如果在他看来,是睡在既温暖又柔和的床铺上,那他便 十分心满意足了;在第二种人眼里,可以说,生活就是建立功绩……

人就在完成这个功绩中享到自己的幸福。 --别林斯基

2009GCT完形填空讲义 马立军 综合填空综述

GCT考试大纲:英语部分 一、考试目的

外语运用能力测试旨在考察考生目前所具备的实际英语水平、阅读英语能力和运用英语能力。通过英语词汇量、语法、阅读、理解、日常口语等内容的测试,了解考生使用英语的综合能力。 二、试题结构 1. 题型与题量



共有10道题,每题2分钟。前5道题为词汇题,后5道题为语法概念题。该部分时间大约为8分钟,分值为20分。 (2)阅读理解

共有4段独立的短文,每段短文约有150个英语单词。短文内容涉及政治、经济、历史、地理、文化、科技、人文、时事等。要求考生阅读每段短文后,回答5个问题。每个问题后有4个答案选项,其中1个选项为正确答案,要求考生选出正确答案。4段短文中,1篇较易,2篇难度适中,1篇较难。从近几年的真题来看,每年阅读理解最后一篇文章为应用文。该部分考试时间大约为21分钟,分值为40分。 (3)完型填空

提供一篇约240个单词的短文,在短文中有10个空白。每个空白有4个填空选项,其中1个为正确答案,要求考生选出正确答案。该部分考试时间大约为8分钟,分值为20分。 (4)会话技能

有10段英语简短对话,每段对话是不完整的,在每段对话后有4个答案选项,要求考生从中选出1个最符合情景和习惯用法的答案,使得整个对话通顺完整。该部分考试时间大约为8分钟,分值为20分。 2.? 试题难易程度

试题由难分为3个等级,每套试题中容易、一般和较难的题目比例为3:5:2。 3.? 试题评分标准

本部分试题满分为100分,每道题2分。考生须从每道题所列的A、B、C、D四个备选答案中选出一个正确答案,多选、不选或错选均不得分。 三、命题范围


考生需具有一定的阅读、写作和口头会话的能力,并具有一定的社会、生活和工作背景知识。 (1)词汇和语法部分主要是测试考生的基本词汇和语法规则。




GCT完形填空是以阅读为形式,以上下文为基础、以词法和语法为内容测试考生解决语言信息中断问题的能力,它从语篇的水平上测试考生综合运用语言知识,包括词汇和语法知识的能力以及逻辑思维能力。此外,它还涉及阅读与写作的技巧,即如何通过了解文章的中心思想和线索来根据已知信息判断或推测空格的未知信息,从而确定正确的选项。 完形填空所选文章难度适中,这样的文章在没有去掉10个词之前,对大多数考生来说阅读起来几乎没有困难。据研究表明,近几年的GCT联考英语试题完形填空部分难度适中,或者说偏容易了些。

纵观GCT历年完形填空试题,考点主要分布在以下几个方面:○1复合句与特殊句式、句型;○2用于指代其前后的名词和名词词组的代词用法;○3主谓一致及名词单复数;○4谓语动词(时态、语态、语气)与非谓语动词;○5 助动词、情态动词及其加上各种动词不定式形式的含义和用法;○6 连接词和其它关联词语用法; ○7 词形、词义相近的单词或短语;○8 习惯用语及介词搭配; ○9 句中词序用于强调、否定、或省略掉倒装或为了平衡的倒装;○10 在语篇层次上根据上下文内容确定答案。


六年真题考点归纳 年份 体裁 题材

近义词或词组辨析 介词

连词、关系代词 其他 预测考点 2008 说明文

购买产品的建议 4 1

1 4

词义辨析,固定搭配,尤其是介词的用法 2007 说明文 爵士乐 2 1 1 6 2006 说明文 收集签名 1 1 1 7 2005

说明性议论文 丁克家庭 7 1 -- 2 2004 议论文

招聘方式的优点和缺点 6 -- 2 2 2003 说明文

玩具熊是怎样生产的 6 -- -- 4


完形填空的解题步骤可以分为三步: 第一步:略读全文掌握文章大意。

考生要用2~3分钟以略读的方式快速阅读全文,着眼大局把握文章大意。从语篇整体上了解文章的主题、文体特征、结构框架,找出作者的观点、态度、思路,结合段首句、段尾句和含有连贯意义的词语,找到文章展开的线索,句与句以及段与段之间的逻辑关系。 考生应格外注意段首句与段尾句,因为文章的第一句话旨在让读者对全文有一个大致的了解,而且段首句往往也是主题句(topic sentence);而段尾句往往是结论句,同样为主题服务。另外,还要注意各种重复出现的词语。重复出现的词语指的是同根词的重复,以同义词、近义词或反义词形式出现的重复、相似的表达方式或句式的重复,等等。这些词语相互呼应,从不同的角度反复说明文章的主题,映射作者的意图,与段首句、段尾句一起勾勒出全文的脉络走向。








此时的文章应当是一段语法结构正确、用词准确、上下文逻辑关系严密、主题突出、内容充实、意思连贯、层次清晰的整体。考生需从以下几个方面对所选答案进行核查: (1) 所选的单词或短语是否符合本句内容,使上下文连贯和谐,与全文意义协调; (2)所选的单词或短语是否符合某种固定搭配;




一、词汇、短语及固定搭配题 1. 词义及选词


例1. When the work is well done, a ____ of accident-free operations is established where time lost due to injuries is kept at a minimum. A. regulation B. climate C. circumstance D. requirement 答案:B 解析:regulation“规定”;climate “气候,风气,氛围”; circumstance “情况”;requirement “要求”。根据题意,“当这项工作出色完成后,无事故操作的气氛便形成了,此时,因工伤损失的时间就会被控制在最低限度。”所以B项climate最符合题意。

例2. Much of the best jazz is still written and __33__ in the United State. (2007 GCT-33) A. spoken B. shown C. understood D. performed 答案:D


例3. There are, of course, many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in __38__ you reasonable products and prices. (2008 GCT-38) A. giving B. providing C. offering D. making 答案:C

解析:本题重点考察同义词用法区别。C项“offering price”有报价单意思,为正确答案。A项give有不花钱白送的意思,不符合上下文概念; B项的正确表达法为“providing someone with something”由于后面没有介词with,所以此选项为错误;D项“making”在此处意思不通。

例4. A survey conducted recently in Beijing by a market survey company __33__ that about 3.3 percent of 1,300 surveyed families in Beijing said they have no plans to have children. (2005 GCT-33)

A. directed B. induced C. indicated D. dictated 答案:C


例5. The HR manager’s decision is __33__to recruit internal applicants or advertise the vacancy outside the company. (2004 GCT-33) A. where B. if C. which D. whether 答案:D



例6. If the company decides to advertise the vacancy directly, it has to decide where to place the __37__. (2004 GCT-37) A. advertisement B. job C. agencyD. company 答案:A

解析:本题考点是词汇的搭配,place an advertisement 意思为“刊登、投放广告”。在这里其他选项中的名词不能够与其前面的动词place 搭配,做其宾语。 2. 固定搭配

固定搭配以动词、形容词与副词、介词构成的词组居多,选项以副词和介词为主。这种题需要我们考生平时多下工夫积累常用词组,并注意归纳,比较其中的介词、副词搭配。 例7. But many retired people take part in community ____, simply because they enjoy the work. A. freedom B. something C. free D. money 答案:C

解析:四个选项中有名词、代词、形容词,该题考的是for free(无代价地,免费地,义务地)这个短语的用法。与freedom关系不大。

例8. The new experiments, such as those described for the first time at a recent meeting of the society for sleep research in Minneappolis, suggest fascinating explanations ____ of non-REM sleep.

A. in the light B. by virtue C. with the exception D. for the purpose 答案:D

解析:根据题意,此处应填“关于??(的解释)”,“对于??(做出解释)”。in the light of 意思是“根据,考虑到”,如in the light of circumstance “考虑到具体的情况”;by virtue of意思是“由于,凭借”;with the exception意思是“除??之外”;for the purpose of意思是“为??的目的”。显然,A、B、C三项不符合题意。

例9. You can walk __36__ from a salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. (2008GCT-36) A. away B. round C. out D. down 答案:A

解析:短语“walk away from”意思是“走开”。其他选项不符合此语境意思和搭配。

例10. But musicians from many other countries are __34__ major contributions to jazz. (2007GCT-34) A. providing B. seeking C. making D. remembering 答案:C

解析:此处也是一个固定搭配问题。“make contributions”意思是“做贡献”。其他选项的用词不能与宾语“contributions”搭配。

例11. So childless couples will suffer discrimination __39__ family members and neighbors. (2005GCT-39) A. into B. to C. at D. from 答案:D 解析:“suffer from”是一个固定搭配词组,应该熟记。其他选项不符合此处到要求。

例12. And, as every HR manager knows, it is much more difficult to get rid of someone than it is to __32__ them. (2004GCT-32) A. fire B. apply C. employ D. dismiss 答案:C

解析:本题上下文线索非常明显,连词than前后的不定式短语to get rid of(解雇)与to employ(雇用)相互对应,最符合上下文的概念。A和D项是同义词,都是“解雇”的意思,两者可以互换使用,不可能是正确答案。B项的apply 应与介词for 搭配使用,意思是“申请”。


从语法的角度来讲,完形填空涉及到的语法规则主要包括: a.动词之间的搭配要求。

b.名词需要形容词、名词、冠词、非谓语动词、词组及定语从句修饰。 c.动词需要副词、词组修饰,及物动词后应加宾语等。 d.主谓搭配一致:时态、语态、语气、人称和数。 e.否定句、各种否定词及双重否定。



例13. You can tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter for a few days, __35__ that you want to talk to other people who have purchased the product or service. (2008GCT-35) A. so B. now C. or D. but 答案:C


例14. Jazz was actually widely appreciated as an important art form in Europe__36__ it gained such recognition in the United States. (2007GCT-36) A. before B. unless C. however D. why 答案:A

解析:此处为一个时间概念,应该用时间词 “before”。全句的意思为“爵士乐首先在欧洲收到普遍欢迎,然后在美国也被广泛认可。”其他选项和用法意思和用法有误。

例15. Most beginning autograph collectors do not have the knowledge to determine __35__ an autograph is genuine(真实的). (2006GCT-35) A. what B. how C. whether D. where 答案:C

解析:本句语法中关系代词是考点。“determine whether an autograph is genuine”意思为“决定一个签字是否是真品”。从意思和语法上其他选择项均不符合要求。

例16. The increase in DINK families has shattered the Chinese traditional idea of the family and __32__ typical. (2005 GCT-32) A. had become B. may become C. became D. becomes 答案:D

解析:本题是时态判断。应该看到前半句话是现在完成时态,后半句话要与其相适应。只有D 项的一般现在时态可以与其对应。其他选项的时态都不符合与现在完成时所对应的要求,所以错误。

例17. A survey conducted in Beijing by a market survey company indicated that 3.3 percent of 1,300 surveyed families said they have __34__plans to have children.(2005GCT-34) A. no B. not C. hardly D. scarcely


解析:这是一个基本语法概念题。“no=not any”,所以B项没有 “any”一词,不正确。C和D项都是副词,应该用在动词“have”之前,所以由于位置不对都是错误选择项。

三、考核语篇及语境(上下文) 1. 语境


例18. Until recently, most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ____ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the average man. A. admitted B. believed C. claimed D. predicted 答案:A

解析:本题前一句话为主题句,决定文章的基调: 直到不久前,大多数历史学家对工业革命都持严厉批评的态度。因为第二句话中that从句的内容与他们的观点正好矛盾,讲的是工业革命带给人们的好处,所以believed(相信)与claimed(声称)都不能选, predicted (预测)也不对,因为已是既成事实,而admit表示对客观事实的承认,在这里符合文意。 2. 句间逻辑关系

在完形填空中,句间的逻辑关系主要包括: 并列关系(连接词有and和while等);

转折关系(连接词有but, however, though, whereas, 和nevertheless等); 顺序关系(连接词有before, after, and, first, second, then, next, finally等); 因果关系(连接词有so, therefore, thus, because, for, since, as等); 让步关系(连接词有though, although, despite, in spite of 等); 解释关系(连接词有that is to say, in other words等);

条件关系(连接词有if, unless, once, provided that, in case of等)。

例19. He can continue to support himself and his family ____ he produces s surplus. A. only if B. much as C. long before D. ever since 答案:A

解析:本句意思为“只有在他能生产出多余粮食的时候,他才能养活自己和家人。”此处需要的是一个表示条件的连接词,只有only if符合题意。

例20. If you are in doubt about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to __40__ another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you. (2008 GCT-40)

A. consult with B. concern about C. infer from D. go after 答案:A

解析:注意这四个词组的意思区别。“consult with”意思是“请教”;“concern about”意思是“关心”;“infer from”意思是“推断”;“go after”意思是“追求”。在本句话中,A选项意思最符合上下文,意思为“请教另一位有经验的人”。

例21. The music grew from a __32__of influences, including black American music, African rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and forms. (2007 GCT-32)

A. selection B. combination C. assurance D. emphasis



例22. The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from __37__ life. (2007GCT-37) A. white B. black C. yellow D. red 答案B解析:此题关键要看上个句子中的用词“black Americans”。 这两个句子为对应关系,答案只能为B (black)。其他选项的用词在文章中根本没有出现,不可能为正确答案。 例23. They may mistake other kinds of signatures for __36__ handwritten signatures. (2006GCT-36) A. false B. indirect C. open D. genuine 答案:D




例24.You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can __31__. (2008GCT -31)

A. afford B. find C. possess D. gain 答案:A


例25.As jazz grew in popularity, its sound was influenced by __39__ with formal training and classical backgrounds. (2007GCT-39) A. musicians B. audience C. judges D. artists 答案:A


例26.Why they choose such a lifestyle is concluded in __35__ reasons. Some are showing great worry for the rapid growth of population; some are indulged in building a more well-off family; some are showing sharp intention to get themselves free from the obligation of raising children. (2005GCT-35) A. elegant B. abundant C. similar D. various 答案:D

解析:本题关键要看上下文的信息。由于后面的三个句子都是“some”从而可以判断前面修饰名词的形容词只能是“various (不同的)”。其他意思都不符合语境。

例27. To Michtom’s surprise, his store was flooded by customers __37__ to buy. (2003GCT-37) A. eager B. reluctant C. interested D. straight 答案:A


固定词组应该是interested in doing something。

历年真题实践(2003-2008) Directions:(答题指令)

There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each numbered blank, there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the centre. 1. 2008 GCT 完形填空题 It is wise to remember that you do not have to buy anything from any salesperson. You ought to buy only those things you really need or want and can __31__. Try not to let your personal feelings about the salesperson __32__ you to make a purchase. Remember that you are entitled to ask a salesperson any question you wish __33__ the product or service, and you are entitled to get a clear, complete __34__. You can tell the salesperson you want to think about the matter for a few days, __35__ that you want to other people who have purchased the product or service. You can walk __36__ from the salesperson without a polite end to the conversation. If a salesperson telephones you, you do not have to listen to the person’s entire ―lecture‖ or respond to it in a friendly way. You can simply interrupt the person and state that you are not interested in the product or service. You can simply __37__ the telephone without saying anything. There are, of course, many salespeople who are genuinely interested in assisting you and in __38__ you reasonable products and services. If you are in __39__ about the wisdom of a particular purchase, you might want to __40__ another person who has had experience with the product or the service that interests you. If you receive unwanted goods in the mail, you are not obligated to pay for it. 31. A. afford B. find C. possess D. gain 32. A. promote B. stop C. affect D. influence 33. A. to B. about C. for D. with 34. A. letter B. answer C. message D. assurance 35. A. so B. now C. or D. but 36. A. away B. round C. out D. down 37. A. cut up B. hold up C. pull up D. hang up 38. A. giving B. providing C. offering D. making 39. A. doubt B. place C. favor D. charge 40. A. consult with B. concern about C. infer from D. go after

2. 2007年 GCT 完形填空题

Jazz is a kind of music that has often been called the only art form to originate in the United States. The history of __31__ began in the late 1800’s. The music grew from a __32__ of influences, including black American music, African rhythms, American band traditions and instruments, and European harmonies and forms. Much of the best jazz is still written and __33__ in the United States. But musicians from many other countries are __34__ major contributions to jazz. Jazz was actually __35__ appreciated as an important art form in Europe __36__ it gained such recognition in the United States. The earliest jazz was performed by black Americans who had little or no training in Western music. These musicians drew on a strong musical culture from __37__ life. As jazz grew __38__

coffee. Soon I was –33– comfortably with my book in front of me and the sandwich and cup of coffee on a tray beside me.

I was just beginning to eat when the telephone rang. I dropped my book and hurried to answer it. –34– the time I got back to the living room, my coffee was cold. I ate the sandwich and began sipping –35– coffee with the book still open to the first page. Suddenly there was a loud knock –36– the front door. It startled me so much that I spilled some coffee on my skirt. The man at the door was looking for a –37– address and wanted me to give him directions. It took me a long time get rid of him. After that, I sat down again and –38– to read a whole page without further interruption—until the baby woke up. He started screaming at the top of his lungs, so I rushed upstairs. He was still –39– at 11 o' clock when my husband came home, I could have thrown something at him when he asked me –40– I had spent a pleasant evening.

31. A. later B. late C. lately D. latest 32. A. placed B. set C. put D. laid 33. A. settled B. solved C. satisfied D. served 34. A. By B. In C. At D. Upon 35. A warm B. iced C. hot D. cold 36. A. at B. from C. in D. behind 37. A. sure B. bound C. definite D. certain 38. A. managed B. finished C. tried D. succeeded 39. A. woken B. asleep C. awake D. slept 40. A. if B. that C. in case D. if only


One of the many things we take for granted in the twentieth century is the speedy collection and delivery of letters to and from all parts of the world at astonishingly cheap rates. A husband away –31– a business trip can write home to his wife two thousand miles away knowing that the letter will reach her in a few days. His special air-letter may cost him less than a loaf of bread or his own bus fare to work. This service, however, is a blessing of comparatively recent –32–. Until modern times the cost of sending letters privately was so great that the arrival of a letter was a considerable –33– and might even cost financial hardship to the receiver who had to bear the charges. There were, indeed, from the Middle Ages onwards, special messengers who –34– state correspondence, and other messengers employed to go and return with news between the great monasteries or the great merchants' houses, but for centuries there was no –35– post service by which private letters could be sent. It was not until 1840 that the official organization known as the Penny Post was –36– in Great Britain and gave ordinary people cheap and efficient postal deliveries. The postal services since then have given us many –37– advantages. But there has been one result which makes us sometimes –38– the passing of the bad old days. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the arrival of a letter was a great occasion, and the letter writer knew it. He did not –39– himself to brief information about his own health and –40– about his correspondent's, but he would mention the things he had heard or the things that happened around. 31. A. on B. at C. with D. for 32. A. establishment B. found C. organ D. origin 33. A. thing B. event C. incident D. happiness

34. A. got 35. A. official 36. A. set 37. A. obvious 38. A. thought 39. A. shorten 40. A. ask

B. fetched B. governmental B. seen B. pure B. hope B. limit B. know C. carried

C. public C. begun C. beneficial C. sorry C. count C. requires D. took D. individual D. established D. worthy D. regret D. keep D. enquires

