大学高英《综合英语》课后练习翻译 book6

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《综合英语》黄源深主编 Book6 课后句子翻译整理

Lesson 1 (P20)

1. 这种微妙的关系能维持多久呢?

How long can the subtle relationship be maintained? 2. 双方都将谈判破裂归咎于对方。

Both sides attributed the breakdown in negotiation to the other side. 3. 力不但有大小而且有方向。

A force has direction as well as magnitude. 4. 在敌人的屠刀面前,他毫无惧色。

He exhibited no fear before his enemy’s sword. 5. 逆境中的三年使他得益非浅。

He benefited a lot from the three years in adverse circumstances. 6. 乔伊斯先生不赞成妻子买那么多衣服。

Mr. Joyce disapproved of his wife buying so many clothes. 7. 那部小说索然无味,我读不下去。

The novel is so bland that I find it difficult to keep on reading it. 8. 他感到无法将思想集中在那项研究上。

He found it difficult to focus his mind on the research (project). 9. 那家伙是江湖医生,而不是眼科专家。

That guy is a quack rather than an eye specialist. 10. 他们得另辟蹊径,那种模式并不适合于本厂。

They will have to find a new way. That pattern /model cannot be applied to their factory.

1. 他们把一笔款子交给董事会管理。

They committed a sum of money into the care of the board. 2. 他们不愿意提出任何明确的建议。

They are unwilling to commit themselves to any definite proposals. 3. 他不能去度假,因为他对雇主有承诺。

He can’t go on holiday, because he has (made) a commitment to his employer/boss. 4. 汽车相撞一事马上成为人们注意的中心。

The car crash immediately became the focus of public attention. 5. 这片玻璃把太阳聚焦在纸上,不一会纸就冒烟了。

The piece of glass focused the sunlight on the paper, and soon it began to smoke. 6. 此刻公众的注意里集中在那件股票丑闻上。

Public attention at the/this moment is focused on the stock scandal. 7. 他任然声称他是无罪的。

He still asserted that he had been innocent.

8. 少年们坚持认为他们在各方面应该有自己的独立性。

Teenagers assert that they should have their independence in all fields. 9. 她敢作敢为,有能力实现她的报复。

She is so assertive that she will surely achieve her ambition. 10. 针疗对那位病人效果不错。

The patient reacted well to acupuncture treatment. 11. 这种粉末用做催化剂可以加速化学反应。

This powder can be used as a catalyst to speed up/quicken chemical reactions. 12. 较高的工资影响了生产成本,而成本又作用于价格。

Higher wages affect costs of production, and costs react on prices.

Lesson 2 (P43)

1. 我仔细想了想后认为你是对的。

I found you were right after I reflected on it. 2. 对付这样的形势,需要采取比这严厉的措施。

To deal with such a situation, more severe measures than this are called for. 3. 约翰在考试中名列年级第一。

John came out first in his grade in the exam.

4. 市政委员会选择了修建一条支路的办法来减少市中心的交通拥挤。

The city council opted for a bypass to relax the heavy traffic in downtown areas. 5. 他是个忙人,难得有机会好好地度假日。

He is too busy to indulge in a holiday.

6. 木匠用尺把棚屋量了一下,立即估计出了它的面积。

The carpenter measured the shed with his ruler and sized it up at once. 7. 我说迈克尔,你得整理整理你的房间啦,你的东西太杂乱无章。

I say, Michael, do tidy up your room, everything is in such a mess. 8. 我们暂时把这件事搁一下吧。

Let’s leave the matter as it is for the time being.

1. 她瞧着湖里柳树的倒影。

She was looking at the reflections of the willows in the lake.

2. 在我和他们挥手道别时,我思索着我见到的一切有什么意义。

As I waved goodbye to them, I reflected on the significance of what I had seen. 3. 灯的反光一时使她眼睛发花。

The reflection of light blinded her (eyes) for a moment. 4. 这个国家缺乏资源,很难与其他国家进行贸易竞争。

This country lacks resources and can hardly compete with other countries in trade. 5. 面临几个外国企业的激烈竞争,我们获得了该项合同。

We won the contract in the face of fierce competition from several foreign companies. 6. 这家公司要求对建造房屋的工程有竞争性的投标。

The company asked for competitive bids on the housing project. 7. 她下楼梯时非常小心。

She descended the stairs with great care.

8. 在转弯的时候,我们看见道路突然往下倾斜。

On turning the corner, we saw that the road descended sharply. 9. 下山比上山更难。

The decent of the mountain was more difficult than the ascent.

10. 老实说,我不满意你的回答。

To tell you the truth, I’m not content with your answer. 11. 詹姆不满足于终生当店员。

James is not content to be a salesman all his life. 12. 你可以尽情地欣赏这美妙的音乐。

You can enjoy the wonderful music to your heart’s content.

Lesson 3 (P65)

1. 我们希望政府向我们为治疗这种疾病而进行的研究提供经费。

We hope that the government will provide funds for our research for curing this disease. 2. 我们既然找不到更宽敞的房间,那就只好充分利用现有的这一间了。

Since we can’t find a bigger room, we have to make the best of this room. 3. 我们必须培养年轻人,使他们成长为四化建设的有用人材。

We must nurture the young so that they will develop into people useful for the four modernizations. 4. 医生明确地吩咐,这个病人不能见客。

The doctor gave express instructions that the patient should see no visitors. 5. 总之,我们不能接受你对这件事的解释;它太离奇了。

In a word, we cannot accept your explanation of the incident; it’s too absurd. 6. 他可能会发现要去掉从年轻时代起就根深蒂固的酗酒习惯很困难。

He may find it difficult to get rid of the habit of excessive drinking ingrained in him since his youth. 7. 迪克先在纸上勾出图样的轮廓,然后再把它移到布上去。

Dick first traced a design on paper, and then transferred it to cloth. 8. 她的话使他的心软下来了。

Her words softened his heart.

1. 除非你了解一部小说的背景,否则你就无法欣赏它。

You can’t appreciate a novel if you don’t understand its setting. 2. 她对音乐没有显示出应有的欣赏能力。

She didn’t show due appreciation of good music. 3. 一夜之间,气温就有了明显的变化。

There had been an appreciable change in temperature overnight. 4. 有欣赏能力的听众被台上的精彩表演强烈地吸引住了。

The appreciative audience was fascinated by wonderful performances on the stage. 5. 他走路的样子很奇特。

He walks in a strange fashion.

6. 女装的式样比男装变化得更加频繁。

Fashions for women’s clothes change more frequently than those for men’s clothes. 7. 儿童的性格比成人的性格更容易改变。

A child’s character is more easily fashioned than an adult’s. 8. 现在流行牛仔裤。

Blue jeans are fashionable at the moment. 9. 闪电是由云释放电而造成的。

Lighting is caused by clouds which discharge electricity. 10. 这个办公室职员由于不诚实而被公司解雇。

The office clerk was discharged by the firm for being dishonest. 11. 从陆军退役以后,他进了一所学院学法律。

After being discharged from the army, he entered a college to study law. 12. 维生素C被认为可以用来预防感冒。

Vitamin C is supposed to be able to prevent colds.

13. 甚至坏天气也没能阻止他在第二天实现那个计划。

Even the bad weather did not prevent him from carrying out the plan the next day. 14. 作为一种防火措施,仓库里不准吸烟。

As a preventive measure against fire, smoking is not allowed in the warehouse.

Lesson 4 (P89)

1. 那名官员因学历成为自己晋升的障碍而苦恼。

The official was troubled because his inadequate education had become a bar to promotion. 2. 泛美航空公司给这批白领工人初薪1万8千美元。

Pan-Am(Erica Airways) started this group of white collar workers at $18 000. 3. 游击队员在侦察中历尽千心万苦,将敌情摸得一清二楚。

The guerrillas endured all kinds of hardships in their spying mission, and got detailed information about the enemy.

4. 我每月回家一次,----这并不是因为我离家很远。

I go home once a month, not that I live far away from home. 5. 穷困潦倒的书生将那只古砚忍痛出让了。

The penniless scholar grudgingly sold his ancient inkstone. 6. 亨利收到一封表白爱情的信。

Henry received a letter containing a declaration of love.

7. 他应该得到雇主更好的对待,而不只是每月领几镑退休金。

He deserved better of his employer than to be sent away with a pension of a few pounds a month. 8. 驳船从船首到船尾都装满了货物。

The barge was loaded with goods fore and aft.

1. 这个士兵装病逃避危险的差使。

The soldier evaded a dangerous mission by pretending to be malingering/ill. 2. 他对自己的行踪躲躲闪闪,避而不答。

He was very evasive about where he had been.

3. 在讲话中,他含含糊糊地回避了别人对他理论的评价。

In his speech he responded to criticism of his theory with evasions. 4. 除了观看涨潮之外,我无事可做。

I had nothing to do but to observe the rising tide.

5. 五月一日被定为“国际劳动节”,成为各国工人的节日。

May 1 was designated as International Labor Day to be observed by the workers of all countries. 6. 你越注意观察,就越能搜集到更多的素材。

The more you observe, the more source material you will collect. 7. 我们需要的是准确的观察,而不是主观的臆测。

What we need is accurate observation rather than subjective assumption. 8. 教练坚持要严格地遵守训练规则。

The coach insists that the training rules be strictly observed. 9. 探险家们毫不畏缩地忍受着北极冬天的严寒。

The explorers fearlessly endured the severe cold of the arctic winter. 10. 她出色的表演已留在人们的记忆里。

Her wonderful performance has endured in people’s memory. 11. 一个长跑运动员必须有耐力。

A long-distance runner must have endurance. 12. 参观者对永久长存的埃及金字塔大加赞赏。

The visitors greatly admired the enduring Egyptian pyramids. 13. 一切实际工作者必须向下作调查。

All those engaged in practical work must investigate situations at the lower levels. 14. 战士们冲向前去和敌人拼刺刀。

The soldiers charged at the enemy and engaged them in bayonet fighting. 15. 我听说她已同亨利解除婚约。

I hear she has broken off her engagement to Henry. 16. 在首次交战中,他们击落了三架敌机。

They shot down three enemy planes in their first engagement.

Lesson 5 (P117)

1. 他的病是由于吸烟过度引起的。

His illness was brought into being as the result of heavy smoking. 2. 现已收集到的钱还满足不了救灾的需要。

The money raised so far will not suffice to provide disaster relief. 3. 你做衣服时,必须考虑到这些布料的缩水性。

When making clothes, (you must) allow for some shrinkage of these materials. 4. 他不断用那些愚蠢的话插入我们的对话中。

From time to time he interposed silly words in our conversation. 5. 新的系主任昨天接任。

The new dean took over yesterday.

6. 他的评论虽然文字流畅,但并不太切题。

His review is not much to the point though the writing is quite smooth. 7. 在现代世界里,科学家们走在一切工业发展的前列。

In the modern world, scientists are in the vanguard of all industrial development. 8. 在工作中试用一个人是检验他能力的最好方法。

The best way to test one’s ability is to try him out in practical work.

1. 我要学生描述这些画面中表现的动作。

I asked the students to represent the actions described by those pictures. 2. 很少有人能给听众清楚阐述相对论。

Few people can represent clearly (the theory of) relativity to an audience. 3. 这位政治家把核扩散描述成对世界和平的最大威胁。

The statesman represented nuclear proliferation as the greatest threat to world peace. 4. 我们从具有代表性的被调查的人群中获得了意见。

We gathered opinions from a representative group of the people under survey.

They are long-tested, close comrades-in-arms, sharing weal and woe. 5. 你的收音机不响的原因,可能是电池里的电已用完了。

The reason your radio is not working may be that the battery has run down. 6. 双方试图用理智而不是用暴力来解决边界争端。

Both sides attempted/tried to use reason rather than force to settle their border disputes. 7. 没有得到所有的事实,你无法作任何推理。

Until you have got all the facts, you can’t reason about anything. 8. 期望一个孩子去理解讽刺,是不合乎情理的。

It is unreasonable to expect a child to understand satire.

9. 去年工业产值从大约700亿美元跌到310亿美元略多一些。

Last year the value of the industrial output dropped from about $70 billion to slightly more than $31 billion.

10. 你估计这宗房地产值多少?

How much do you value this house property at?

11. 人们一定的行为举止是由他们的社会价值观念造成的。

Certain behaviours of people are determined by their social values. 12. 晚间灰暗的灯光向地板上投下古怪的影子。

The grey evening light cast odd shadows on the floor.

13. 这个故事是完全真实的,没有一丝一毫可以怀疑的地方。

The story is definitely true. There is not a shadow of doubt about it. 14. 战争的阴影正笼罩着该岛国。

The shadow of war was hanging heavily over the island nation.

15. 斯特朗先生派遣了一名便衣人员每天分秒不离地跟踪那个妇女。

Mr. Strong sent a plainclothesman to shadow the woman every second of the day.

Lesson 10 (P246)

1. 扮演林肯的演员与总统只是形似,而非神似。

The actor who played the role of Lincoln resembled the President only in person, not in spirit. 2. 人到异乡即使在人海之中也会有孤独之感。

People in a foreign land will feel lonely even in the midst of a big crowd. 3. 雇主将雇员们的忍耐理解为软弱,没有认识到忍耐是有限度的。

The employer interpreted the tolerance of his employees as weakness, without realizing that there was a limit to their tolerance.

4. 药工从蝮蛇中取出毒液,以制造抗癌药物。

The pharmaceutical worker milked liquid poison from adders and used it for making anticancer drugs.

5. 回顾过去,他认识到自己虚度了青春年华。

In retrospect, he realized that he had dawdled away his youthful days. 6. 这位青年画家不落窠臼,以新技法创造出独一无二的艺术形象。

Breaking the stereotypes, the young painter used a new technique to create a unique artistic image. 7. 不屈从于权贵也许就是一些旧时文人所崇尚的高风亮节吧。

Not to succumb to the high and mighty was, perhaps, the noble character held dear by some scholars of the old days.

8. 很少有人能有爱因斯坦那样的脑袋。

Few men are endowed with Einstein’s intelligence.

1. 虽然我看来上了年纪,可是我手脚还是灵便的。

Though I look old, I have not lost the use of my limbs. 2. 虽然他丈夫杳无音信,但她还是抱很大希望。

There was no news about her husband, nevertheless, she still held out much help (of his coming back). 3. 要记住,科学需要人献出整个一生。即使你有两次生命也是不够的。

Remember, science requires your whole life. Even if you could live two lives, that would not be enough. 4. 一枚螺丝钉虽小,但少了却不行。

A screw may be tiny/small, but one cannot do without it. 5. 这句子虽然在语法上是正确的,但读起来不自然。

It is true that the sentence is grammatically correct, but it does not read naturally. 6. 布朗夫妇固然很穷,但是品质高尚,乐于助人。

The Browns were poor indeed, but they were noble-minded and obliging. 7. 我虽然热爱城市,但我仍得承认早年的乡村生活使我收益不浅呢!

Much as I love cities, I must admit that I benefited a lot from my early life in the countryside. 8. 即使危险再大,我也觉得非去不可。

Were the danger even greater, I should feel compelled/obliged to go. 9. 不管天气如何,我得出去。

Be the weather what it may , I will /must go out. 10. 敌人不管怎样阴险,终究必定要失败。

However underhand the enemy may be, they will fail in the end/they are doomed to defeat. 11. 尽管象的身躯很大,它走动起来却一点声音也没有。

For all their great size, the elephants move absolutely noiselessly. 12. 这油漆粘得住任何表面,不管毛糙还是光滑。

This paint will adhere to any surface, whether rough or smooth. 13. 狼毕竟是狼,尽管伪装得巧妙,终究要显原形的。

A wolf, after all, is a wolf. In spite of his skillful disguises, he will show his true colors. 14. 由于那天还要赶二十里路,我们决计不顾那暴风雪或任何其它意外的不利条件,继续前进。

Having twenty more li to cover that day, we determined to go on, regardless of the snow storm or any other unexpected adverse conditions.

15. 那儿的生活虽然非常艰苦,但也是非常愉快和令人兴奋的。

Even if life there was full of hardships, it was also full of joy and excitement.

1. 我们打算让这项改革在今年完成。

We intend that this reform should be completed this year. 2. 我本来打算来的,但是天气不好,没能来成。

I had intended to come, but was prevented by bad weather. 3. 他的话显然是讲给我听的。

His remark was obviously intended for me.

4. 鲍勃一心在点营火,没有注意到一头公牛正向他冲过来。

Bob was so intent on lighting the campfire that he didn’t notice a bull charging at him. 5. 我原先据理反对的那个计划,结果非常成功。

The plan against which I had argued turned out to be a great success.

6. 他想一个人到那儿去,但是通过争论,我们说服他不去了。

He wanted to go there by himself, but we argued him out of it. 7. 不要老是那么爱好争论,就同意一次吧!

Don’t be so argumentative all the time. Just agree for once. 8. 烟囱在冒烟,这表明屋里有人。

The smoke coming out from the chimney argues that there is somebody in the house. 9. 你能为我们设计一种新的销售技巧吗?

Could you project a new marketing technique for us? 10. 墙上突出的钉子会把衣服钩破的。

The nails that project from the wall may tear your clothes. 11. 这项预测显示了我国人口在2000年将可能如何。

The projection shows that the population of our country is likely to be in the year 2000. 12. 空气是传播声波的载体。

Air is the medium by/through which sound waves are conveyed. 13. 他的声调比他自己说的话更真实地表达了他的感情。

His tone conveyed his real feelings more truly than his words. 14. 卡车公司负责把木材运到建筑工地去。

The trucking company is responsible for conveyance of lumber to construction site.

Lesson 11 (P277)

1. 我们正在野餐,突然大雨倾盆,大家都淋湿了。

While we were having a picnic, the rain came down in sheet and we all got soaked to the skin. 2. 虽在欢乐之中,他仍不忘谨慎行事。

In the midst of his joviality/enjoyment, he did not forget to act discreetly. 3. 她的谈话在某种程度上使晚上不再那么单调乏味了。

Her conversation alleviated the dullness of the evening to some extent. 4. 最终他们终于摆脱了一切困难。

At length/last they came out of all the difficulties. 5. 巴巴拉开始很紧张,但很快就镇静下来了。

Barbara was nervous at first but soon composed herself. 6. 飓风使帆船在礁石上搁浅。

The hurricane stranded the sailboat on the reef. 7. 他轻轻地把包放下,因为里面是玻璃制品。

He let the package/bag down gently as there was glassware inside. 8. 有几个地方比较粗糙,但就大部分而言,表面是光滑的。

There are some rough spots/places, but for the most part the surface is smooth. 9. 你用手指就可以拉掉一些镶板----它已全给虫蛀坏了。

You could tear away some of the paneling with your fingers—it was so badly eaten by woodworm. 10. 这些罪犯很容易就给警察制服了。

The criminals were easily overpowered by the police.

1. 你的房屋能否防盗?

Is your house secure against burglary?

2. 这幢楼房很坚固,即使有地震也不要紧。

The building was secure, even in an earthquake. 3. 村民们加固了堤岸,使村庄能抵御洪水侵袭。

The villagers strengthened the embankments, and secured their village against the floods. 4. 机场的安全制度要求每一个乘客接受检查。

The airport’s system of security requires that every passenger be searched. 5. 你应该把那些可转让的债券锁好。

You should locked up those negotiable securities. 6. 你从玛丽容光焕发的脸上可以看出她自豪与愉快。

You can see by/from Mary’s shining face that she is proud and happy. 7. 你在今天的足球赛中的确表现出色。

You really shine/shone in today’s football match. 8. 他向这间乱糟糟的房间投去惊奇的目光。

He cast a glance of surprise at the untidy room. 9. 在歌剧中,她扮演一位勤劳正直的中年妇女。

In the opera, she was cast as a hard-working upright middle-aged woman. 10. 她的脸上呈现着忧虑的神色。

Her face has a melancholy cast. 11. 他的腿上了石膏。

His leg is in a plastic cast.

12. 你得做出个样子来才能使孩子们信服。

Only by setting a good example can you convince the children. 13. 我们没能使他相信他是错误的。

We failed to convince him that he was wrong.

14. 从她讲话的方式看,你可以知道她说话时带有坚定的信心。

From the way she spoke you could tell she was speaking with conviction.

Lesson 12 (P300)

1. 独白是戏剧家用来表露一个人物内心思想和感情的一种手段。

Soliloquy is a device used by dramatists to reveal a character’s innermost thoughts and emotions. 2. 亨利辞去了职务,尽管他并没有什么其他打算。

Henry quit his job, though he had nothing else in view. 3. 我终于明白人吃饭是为了活着,而不是活着为了吃饭。

It finally dawns on me that people eat in order to live rather than live in order to eat. 4. 我发现他有些粗枝大叶,就直率地向他讲了。

I found him rather careless and said as much to him.

5. 基斯对这个专题的研究已经过时,他的一些观点已不再适用。

Keith’s work on this subject is out of date and some of his views no longer hold true. 6. 他知道这些规则,要是他拒绝遵守,他必须对后果负责。

He knows the rules. If he refuses to comply, he will have to face the consequences. 7. 由于这个小错误而产生了许多不幸的误解。

From this small error many unfortunate misunderstandings have proceeded. 8. 你知道从前住在河边的老人现在怎么样了?

Do you know what has become of the old man who used to live by the river? 9. 把这些商品仔细看一遍,告诉我其中有没有你喜欢的。

Just run your eye over the goods and tell me if there are any you like. 10. 这些树枝伸展到了路上,我们得把它们砍去。

These branched stick out over the road and we’d better chop them off.

1. 能作这种手术的大夫屈指可数。

The surgeons able to perform such operations could be counted on one’s fingers. 2. 珍妮可以算作那个世纪最出色的舞蹈家之一。

Janet could be counted among the greatest dancers of the century. 3. 他很坦率地承认了自己的错误,这对于提高他的声望很起作用。

He admitted his mistakes frankly, which counts to his credit. 4. 他认为他自己没有受伤,真是很走运。

He counted himself lucky to have escaped serious injury. 5. 你抽出宝贵时间,我非常感谢。

I am very thankful to you for sparing your valuable time. 6. 我们非常忙,办公室抽不出人干其他事。

We are so busy that no one in the office can be spared for any other work. 7. 如果能让他们不受痛苦,我愿意付出任何代价。

I would give everything if I could spare them sufferings. 8. 他为了获得一己的私利,简直是不遗余力。

He spares no pains/effort(s) to benefit himself. 9. 嫌疑犯中包括所有能接近保险箱的人。

Among the suspects are all those who have access to the safe. 10. 人们需要通过英语来了解占世界一半以上的科技文献。

One needs English for access to more than half of the world’s scientific literature. 11. 药品不能放在儿童容易拿到的地方。

Medicine should not be kept where it is accessible to children.

12. 许多黑人工人被通用汽车公司解雇,借口是他们乃雇员中的不良分子。

A great many Negro workers have been dismissed from the General Motors under the cover that they are the undesirable elements among the employees. 13. 他觉得物理的原理很难掌握。

He found the elements of physics difficult to grasp/command/master. 14. 如果你连这方面的基础知识都没有,你怎能指望得到成功呢?

How can you expect to succeed without even an elementary knowledge of the field?

Lesson 13 (P325)

1. 在一年的时间里,她的头发完全变得灰白了。

In the course of one year, her hair had turned completely gray. 2. 由于体质弱,他经常生病。

A weak constitution disposed him to frequent illnesses. 3. 他对一切忠告臵之不理。

He was deaf to all sincere advice.

4. 她耸了耸肩,同意他的建议一起去看足球比赛。

Shrugging her shoulders, she acquiesced in his proposal that they go to the football match together. 5. 他们缺乏勇气。

