高考英语专题复习 专题四 形容词和副词

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?high高地?wide宽地? ? ?highly高度地?widely广泛地?deep深地?close近地? ? ?deeply深深地?closely密切地 An eagle is circling high overhead. The government thinks highly of his invention.

She opened her mouth wide so that the doctor could see clearly. These school rules are widely regarded as too strict. The scientists went deep into the cave. We were all deeply moved by his story. (2)也有一些这样的副词意义毫无关联。 hard;hardly

hard努力地;艰苦地 hardly几乎不 She worked hard and succeeded eventually. He was so weak that he could hardly say a word. late;lately


Tom arrived late and missed the beginning of the meeting. The old man has been doing a lot of gardening lately. most;mostly

most“十分;非常;很” mostly“大部分地;主要地” This is a most beautiful park.

She uses her car mostly for going to work. 二、形容词和副词的比较等级 等级 形式 意义 原级 ...as+原级+as... ...not as/so+原级+as... ...比较级+than... the+比较级...,the+比较级... 比较级+and+比较级... the+比较级+of the two (+名词) ...最高级+比较范围 ……和……一样…… ……不如…… ……比……更…… 越……就越…… 越来越…… 两者中较……的那个 ……中最…… 比任何一个……都…… 比其他所有……都…… 比任何一个……都…… 没有比……更……的 比 较 级 最 高 级 ...比较级+than any other+单数名词 ...比较级+than all the other+复数名词 ...比较级+than anything/anyone else (否定句中)...a/an+比较级+单数可数名词 Tom sings as well as that famous singer. He doesn't play the piano as well as his father. She looks younger than her younger sister. He learns more quickly than his roommates. The more he studies,the happier he feels. The girl becomes more and more excited. The taller one of the two girls is my deskmate. Of all the students in this class,Mary is the best.

How beautifully she draws!I have never seen a better picture. 三、通过倍数的修饰来表示比较意义的句式 (1)...倍数+as...as...

Your school is three times as big as ours. (2)...倍数+比较级+than...

Your school is three times bigger than ours.

(3)...倍数+the size(height,width,length,etc.)of... Your school is three times the size of ours. (4)倍数+what 从句

Our average income is almost five times what we earned five years ago. (5)比较级+than...+by+倍数

The population of this city is larger than that of our city by three times. 四、熟记构词法——形容词、副词 名词变形容词的方法


第一,以重读闭音节结尾且词尾只有一个辅音字母的名词,将其变为形容词时须双写词尾的辅音字母再加-y。如:sun—sunny,fun—funny等。第二,少数以不发音的-e 结尾的名词变为形容词时,应去掉-e,再加-y。如:noise—noisy,ice—icy等。




(5)在名词后加-ly变成形容词。如:friend—friendly,love—lovely等。 (6)在名词后加-less变成含有否定意义的形容词。如:care—careless(粗心的),use—useless(无用的),hope—hopeless(没希望的),home—homeless(无家可归的)等。







(4)少数以-e 结尾的形容词,要去掉-e 再加-ly。如:true—truly等。但绝大多数以-e 结尾的形容词仍然直接加-ly。如:polite—politely,wide—widely等。

(5)以-l结尾的形容词要在词尾加-ly,以-ll 结尾的形容词要在词尾加-y。如:usual—usually,careful—carefully,useful—usefully,full—fully等。


1.More women are entering ________(traditional) male jobs.

【答案】 traditionally 句意:更多的妇女开始从事历来由男人担当的工作。所填的词作状语,表示“传统上地”,故填副词traditionally。

2.Maybe Chinese food seems to taste ________(good) when eaten with chopsticks.

【答案】 better 句意:或许中国食物使用筷子吃起来会更好一些。本句含有“使用筷子”与“不使用筷子”的比较,故填better。

3.I found his talk very ________(interest).

【答案】 interesting 句意:我发现他的讲话很有趣。所填词作补语,说明his talk的特点,故用-ing式形容词。

4.By then the problem will ________(hope) have been solved.

【答案】 hopefully 句意:届时该问题有望得到解决。作句子状语,意为“有望,可望”,故填副词。

5.She had woken even ________(early) than usual.

【答案】 earlier 句意:她甚至比平时醒得更早。由than判断,本空填比较级。

6.There're many other ways to choose from,________(actual).

【答案】 actually 句意:实际上有很多其他的方法可选。根据句子结构及句意判断本空填副词,意为“实际上”。

7.Her father had an awful temper and she was always ________(frighten) of him.

【答案】 frightened 句意:她爸爸脾气坏,她向来怕他。作句子主语的是人称代词,所以表语应该用-ed式形容词;frightened“受惊的,害怕的”。

8.It rained heavily and I got ________(complete) wet.

【答案】 completely 句意:雨下得很大,我浑身都湿透了。修饰形容词wet用副词,表示程度。

9.Steve was in a ________(particular) bad mood when he got back.

【答案】 particularly 句意:史蒂夫回来时情绪特别不好。修饰形容词


10.You know this is a very ________(importance) chance for me.

【答案】 important 句意:你知道的,这对我来说是一个很重要的机会。修饰名词chance,作定语,故填形容词。

11.I feel ________(luck) enough to own our own home.

【答案】 lucky 句意:我很幸运拥有自己的住房。feel在此是系动词,故其后填形容词;feel lucky“感到幸运”。

12.It is ________(help) for family members to gain a basic understanding of the illness.

【答案】 helpful 句意:家庭成员了解这一疾病的基本知识是很有帮助的。作表语,说明指事情的it的特点,所以填形容词helpful。

13.She recommends we make our plans as soon as ________(possibly). 【答案】 possible 句意:她建议我们尽快制定计划。as...as possible“尽可能……”,是固定用法。

14.For lack of money he bought the ________(cheap) TV on the market. 【答案】 cheapest 句意:由于缺钱,他买了市场上最便宜的电视。由语境及比较范围on the market可知本空填最高级形式。

15.I want a ________(full) furnished flat.

【答案】 fully 句意:我想要一套配备齐全的公寓房。修饰furnished用副词。

16.Can I come and have a ________(care) look at it today?

【答案】 careful 句意:我可不可以今天来再仔细看一下?修饰名词look,作其定语,故填形容词。

17.Maybe he would worry ________(little) if he understood the situation. 【答案】 less 句意:他要是了解情况,也许就不会那么担心了。根据if引导的从句提供的语境判断,本句含有比较意义,所以用其比较级修饰动词worry,表示“更少地,较小程度地”。

18.________(fortunate),everything worked out all right in the end.

【答案】 Fortunately 句意:幸运的是,最后一切顺利。此处要填的是一个修饰整个句子的副词,意为“幸运地”,故填Fortunately。

