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Lesson 1

1.If our time_____, it will either produce【生产】 some useful and important piece of work. A. was usefully employed B. usefully employs C. is usefully employed D. usefully employed

2. Our experience and our capacities enable us to earn money when the proper____ comes. A. operation操作,手术 B. protection保护 C. rival竞争者,对手 D. opportunity机会

3._______ time is convertible【可兑换的,可转换的】 into money. A. There can be no doubt that【毫无疑问】 B. It can be no doubt that C. There can be no doubt whether D. It can be no doubt whether

4.Let those_____ think nothing of【不重视】 wasting time remember this; A. that B. what C. whom D. who

5.All time is precious【宝贵的】; but the time of our childhood and of our youth is____ precious _____of our existence【生存,存在】. A. more than any other portions B. more than any other portion C. more than any portion D. more than any portions

6.____ mostly when you do not know what to do with yourself ____you do something ill or wrong. The mind of the idler preys upon【折磨】 itself. A. It is who B. It is that C. This is when D. This is that

7.We can acquire【获得】 knowledge and develop our ___ and capacities【才能】. A. facility设备,容易 B. faculties【能力】 C. fault缺点,过错 D. faith信任,信念

8.We are too often indifferent【漠不关心的】 to loss of an hour or of a day, _____that our life is the sum total【总计】 of the days and of the hours we live. A. to forget B. forget C. forgotten D. forgetting Lesson 2

1. English muffins【松饼】 weren't invented 【invent:发明】in England ____ French fries in France. A. while B. not C. either D. nor

2. I will never come to this restaurant again. The food is terrible. _________

A. Nor am I B. Neither will I C. Same with me D. So do I 3. We take English for______.

A. granted B. grant同意,补助金 C. grand壮丽的,盛大的 D. great

4. which of the two ties would you like to take? ______. You know I am not particular about ties.



A. Any B. Neither C. Both D. Either

5.A guinea pig【天竺鼠】 is neither from Guinea【几内亚】nor____. A. it is a pig B. is it a pig C. is a pig D. a pig it is

If you have a bunch【束,捆】 of odds and ends 【零碎的东西】and get rid of【去除,除掉】___one of them, 6.

what do you call it?

A. all over到处 B. all right正确的,好 C. all at once突然 D. all but

7.Sometimes I think all the English speakers should _____to an asylum【精神病院】. A. permit允许 B.be permitted C. commit托付,犯错 D. be committed

8.How can the_____ be hot as hell【地狱】 one day and cold as hell another? A. climate气候 B. whether是否 C. weather D. client顾客,委托人 9. When I _____ my watch, I start it. A. use up用光 B. wake up醒来

C. wind up D. take up拿起,占据,继续

10.Sweetmeats are candies【candy:糖果】 while【而】 sweetbreads, ______aren't sweet, are meat. A. which B. these C. that D. what Lesson 3

1. Grandpa_________ to water the flowers now. It’s going to rain soon. A isn’t needing B needn’t C doesn’t need D needs 2. Have you watered the flower?

I don't think this kind of flower need_____ every day. A. water B. watering C. be watered D. being watered

3.____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race A. If B. Since C. Though D. When 4.__________interesting story it is!

A What an B What a C How an D How 5.(21.)Put things back ______ you found them.(2010年考题) A. where B. that C. which D. since 6.(31.)You __ yourself about money. (2010年考题) A. need not worry B. have worry C. are not being worried D. needn't be worried

7. No matter how old you are, when you go out into the world, it _______ to hold hands and stick together. A. would better B. had better C. should better D. is better 8. Goldfish and hamsters all die. ___________.

A. So we are B. So we do C. So are we D. So do we

9. Think of what a better world _________ if we all had cookies and milk about 3 o’clock every afternoon. A. would it be B. it would be C. will it be D.it will be Lesson4



1. ______wants to succeed【成功】 in the US needs to remember the rules of the game. A. whoever B. whatever C. whomever D. whenever

2. Yet a euphoric【精神愉快的】 approach【方法】 to business is_____ enough. A.by all means一定 B.by means of依靠 C.by no means绝不 D.by means for

3.The attitude【态度】 \is money\has more_____ on business communication in the US than it does anywhere else.

A. discuss讨论 B. contain 包含 C. evaluate评价 D. influence 影响

4. Present【介绍】 and market【推销】 your case in a____ way. A. positive积极的 B. possible 可能的 C. previous以前的 D. private私人的

5.When doing business in the US, you should take the following considerations【考虑】 into______. A. adventure冒险 B. account C. advice建议 D. ambition野心 Lesson 5

1.Internet ______theft【失窃】is a growing—and very costly【昂贵的】—problem. A. identify 识别 B. identity【身份】 C. identical同一的 D. identification鉴定,识别

2.All offers ____require payment【付款】 or private information before giving an award【奖品】 are bogus【假冒的】.

A. what B. who C. whose D. that

3.Take the time to ____the validity【合法性】 of an offer. A. check out【检查】 B. look out 向外看,当心 C. make out 理解,填写 D. pick out挑选,取出

4. Thoroughly【彻底地】 conduct a background【背景】 check【核实】 on the company,_____ as many phone calls and Internet searches as you can. A. made B. makes C. making D. make

5. If______, visit a local law enforcement【执行】 office and ask their opinion. A. in doubt【怀疑】 B.in case 以防 C. in conclusion最后,总之 D.in detail详细地

6.____ people who report such crimes, ____criminals are arrested.【逮捕】 A. The more the more B. The much the much C. The more the better D. The much the good Lesson 6

1. Although recent years have seen _____reductions【减少】 in noxious【有毒的】 pollutants【污染物质】 from individual【个人的】 motor vehicles【机动车辆】. A. substantial 大量的 B. substance物质 C. substitute替换,替代品 D. subsequent

2.The number of such vehicles ___steadily【稳定地】 increasing. A. have been B. had been C. having been D. has been



3. There is a serious liability ____performance and fuel efficiency A.in time of B.in case of 万一 C. in terms of D.in honour of 为了纪念

4.At a rough estimate【粗略估计】,Nigeria is ____ Great Britian. A. three times as big as B. three times as bigger as C. as three times big as D. as three times bigger as

5. Ethanol is commonly used as a gasoline supplement, but it is currently about_____ methanol. A. twice as expensive as B. twice as more expensive as C.as twice more expensive as D.as twice expensive as

6.(12.)The number of vehicles has been steadily increasing. _______, more than 100 cities in the United States still have levels of carbon monoxide that exceed legally established limits.【2010年考题】 A. Continuously不断地 B. Consequently 因此 C. Constantly不变地 D. Consistently始终如一地

All of these alternatives【替换物】 are carbon-based fuels _____molecules【分子】 are smaller and simpler 7.

than those of gasoline【汽油】.

A. which B. what C. that D. whose

8.The hydrocarbons【碳氢化合物】 they do emit【放出】 are less likely to ______ozone【臭氧】. A. general普遍的,一般的 B. generation 产生,一代 C. generate产生 D. generous慷慨的,大方的

9.The combustion【燃烧】 of larger molecules, ____have multiple【多重的】 carbon-carbon bonds involves【包含】 a more complex【复杂的】 series of reactions. A. what B. which C. that D. who

10. Ethanol【乙醇】 is commonly【通常地】 used ___a gasoline supplement【补充】. A. for B.to C.by D.as

11.( 27.) Henry and Tom __ to the parties at the Trade Union every Saturday.【2010年考题】 A. used to go B. were used to go C. are used to go D. use to go

12.Vehicles _____ only the simplest of the engine【发动机】 improvements would still contribute【贡献出】 to an immediate【立即的】 lessening【减少】 of urban air pollution. A. corporate法人的,社团的 B. cooperating(cooperate:合作) C. operating(operate:操作,运转) D. incorporating(incorporate:包含,合并) Lesson7

1. The car will be guided by a differential【差别的】 GPS system that corrects errors【错误】 _____in global positioning satellite【卫星】 signals【信号】. A. arising【出现】 B. rise上升 C. raise举起,养育 D. arouse唤醒

2.Further, GM envisions【设想,想象】 a system _____the Mobility Internet. A. calling B. call C. calls D. called

3.How much control【控制】 you want to turn over【移交】 to the car may ______your age and where you are




A. depend on【取决于】 B. call on 号召,拜访 C. come on 快点,前进 D. go on继续

4. On vacation with the family the driver may want to____ and talk to the kids. A. turn up出现 B. turn to求助于 C. turn on 打开 D. turn around【转身】

5. Taking the fun out of the driving is not our main goal—we'd like to help people enjoy______. A. to drive B. drive C. drives D. driving

6.But they should make the _____if they want to drive or press the autopilot【自动驾驶仪】 button【按钮】. \

A. decision【决定】 B. decide C. departure 离开 D. depart Lesson 8

1. They are the principles, many of them,____ I learned at my mother's knee. A. which B. that C. what D. how

2. They are the principles【原则,准则】 on which my wife and I have tried to _____our family. A. bring down降价 B. bring about造成

C. bring forth提出 D. bring up 教育

3. The question is not worth _____again and again. A. discuss B. discussing

C.to discuss D.to be discussed

4. Only then ___ how much damage had been caused. A. she realized B. she had realized C. had she realized D. did she realize 5. Only in this way_____ English well. A. can we learn B. we can learn C. we learn can D. that we can learn

6. that right can and will triumph【战胜,击败】___might【权利】. A. upon B. on C. over D. off Lesson 9

1.______ he was late, he was not criticized【批评】 by the teacher. A. Even though B. Even if C. As if好像 D.As though好像

2. The need for____ public speaking will almost certainly touch you sometime in your life. A. efficient效率高的 B. efficiently C. effectively D.effective有效的

3. You ____a big step toward overcoming【战胜】 stage fright if you ____positively. A. take, think B. will take, will think C. take, will think D. will take, think

4. The training is____ for every type of communication. A.valueless没有价值的 B. invaluable



C.worthless无价值的 D. inworth

5.This is the most interesting film ___ I’ve ever seen. A. that B. which C. what D. when

6.( 25. )Gorillas are quiet animals, ______ they are able to make about twenty different sounds.(2010年考题) A. how

B. in spite of虽然,尽管+名词 C. even though

D. because of因为+名词

7. In conversation, almost without thinking about it, you ___a wide range【一系列】 of skills. A. employ B. explore勘探 C. empty倒空 D. explode爆炸

8. You___ to【适应于】 feedback【反馈】 from your listener. A. adopt收养,采纳 B. adjust调节 C. adapt D. admit承认

9.Listeners____ negatively【消极地】 to speeches loaded with【使装满】 slang【俚语】,jargon【行话】,and bad grammar.

A. act B. contact接触 C. react【反应】 D. interact相互作用

10. One of the major concerns【担心,焦虑】 of students in any speech class___ stage fright【怯场】. A. are B. is C. was D. were

11. Your speech class will give you an opportunity【机会】 to gain confidence【信心】 and make your nervousness work for you _____against you.

A. more than超过,多于 B. other than 除了 C. less than小于 D. rather than【而不】

12. The interaction 【相互作用】 of these seven elements is ___determines 【决定】the outcome 【结果】in any instance 【情况】of speech communication. A. what B. that C. how D. which

13.(5.) The speaker is the person who _____ a speech transaction. A. initial最初的 B. initiates 开始v. C. initiatives主动权 D. initiation开始n. 【2011年考题】 Lesson 10

1.The clean-energy business is turning into【成为】 the next big ______ boom【繁荣】. A. invitation B. introduction C. investigation D. investment【投资】

2.The Governor【州长】 is a hero【英雄】 in green circles _____his enthusiasm【热情】 for environmental【环境的】 regulation【规章】. A. because of B. because C. instead of D. instead代替

3.But clean-energy advocates【提倡者】_____growth is sustainable【可持续的】 because of the likes of Mr. Schwarzenegger.



A. insist【坚决认为】 B. inspect 检查 C. inquire询问 D. injure伤害

4.Such exaggeration【夸张】 might remind people _____the dotcom【网站】bubble【泡影】. A. for B. of C. about D. with

5.About ______of those present【出席的】, one visitor happily observed【观察】, were \A. three-quarter B. quarter-three C. three-quarters D. quarters-three

6.This \【大趋势】\the keynote【主旨】 speaker advocated【提倡】, \be the biggest job and wealth-creation _____of the 21st century.\A. occasion机会 B. occupation职业 C. opportunity【机会】 D. optimism乐观

7.Fuel cells【电池】 running on hydrogen【氢】 will _____the internal combustion engine【内燃机】. A. take the place of【代替】 B. take part in参加 C. take into account考虑 D. take care of照顾

Lesson 11

1. This is roughly the ____of 4,195 cigarettes a year for every person in the country of 18 years of age or more.

A. equipment设备 B. balanced平衡的 C. identical完全一致的 D. equivalent相等的

2. Since 1939, numerous scientific studies __ to determine whether smoking is a health hazard A. have been conducted B. have conducted C. conducted D. were conducted

3. China is a _____ country.

A. develop B. development C. developing D. developed

4. Male cigarette Smokers have a higher death ____ from heart disease than non-smoking males. A. rat老鼠 B. rate C. price D. evidence证据

5. They can only marginally reduce, not eliminate the ___. A. tobacco B. health C. illness疾病 D. hazard

6.Tobacco【烟草,烟叶】 smoking, particularly【特别】 cigarette smoking, is associated___【联系】 shortened life expectancy【平均寿命】.

A.to B.by C. with D.as

7.Chemical pesticides【杀虫剂】___now ____by farmers in vast quantities【数量】 to destroy insects and small animals.

A. are being used B. are using

C. are used D. are being using

8. Current research indicates a ___ relationship between all forms of smoking and cancer of the mouth and throat.

A. causal B. casual C. cause D. case


1. We’d like to share some of the _____ meanings love has for us. A. preference偏爱 B. preparation 准备



C. possible 可能的 D. positive 积极的

2.I’m _______ of the many sides of the other person--not just the beautiful side but also the limitations【局限,限制】. A. ware B. welfare C. aware D. care

3. Love means that I _____ the welfare【幸福,福利】of the person I love. A. carry on 经营,继续 B. come up 发生,出现 C. care about关心 D. count on 依靠,依赖

4. I hope you will become all_____ you can become. A. which B. that C. what D. who

5. In a love relationship there are times ____I am bored. A. when B. where C. why D. what

6._______, love comes into an imperfect world to make it possible to live. A. In another words B. In other words【换句话说】 C. In others D. In another

7. Love involves seeing the______ within the person we love. A. position位置 B. production生产 C. practice 练习 D. potential潜力 Lesson13

1.“It’s clear that the brain ______ from exercise.” A. benefits B. beneficial 有益的 C. believe D. broadcast广播

2.Vigorous【精力充沛的】physical exercise【体育运动】provides the brain _____ more fuel. A. to B. towards C.at D. with

3.Inactivity may also have ______ effects on mind and body alike. A. positive积极的 B. negative【消极的,否定的】 C. necessary必要的 D. complete完整的 4.Skill-based exercise increases the formation【结构】of connections【连接】in the brain,______ , according to the proposals【建议】of some scientists. A. that B. what C. who D. which

5.And if the dance is a good physical exercise _____, the benefits multiply【相乘,增加】. A. as well B. too C. either D. also

Lesson 14

1. She saved what little money she could ____as a scullery maid. A. work B. to work C. working D. worked

2. My dear lady.\

A. have received B. did receive C. will receive D. had received

3. My dear lady, I will give you an ____today. I want you to write me a letter about the brick.\ A. assign v.分配 B. assistant 助手 C.assignment D. assist v.帮助



She sent __document【文件】 about the brick in her kitchen and, to her surprise, she received 4.

a letter back. A. a 36 pages B. a 36-pages C. a 36 page D. a 36-page

5. Although he___ in that city for 15 years, he, in 2006, returned to Paris.

A. lived B. has lived C. would live D. had lived

6. She soon quit【辞去】 her kitchen job to ____writing. A. take part in 参加 B. take in 欺骗,上当,理解 C. take effect 生效 D. take up

7. If ___a chance, will you take it?

A. gives B. giving C. will give D. given Lesson 15

1. Alberta _______the western part of Canada.

A. locates B. locates in C. is located in D. located in

2. With an area of approximately 255,212 square miles,____ to 661,000 square kilometers.

A. equivalent B. equal C. same D. identical 3. China is larger than ______ in Asia.

A. any other countries B. any other country C. some other country D. some other countries

4. The third largest city is Lethbridge,___ a population of about 67,000 persons. A.to have B. had C. having D. have

5. In winter, it is___ colder and in the north, the temperature can drop to 20 degrees below zero.

A. more B. many C. most D. much

6. It has a population【人口】 of only 3.26 million, about ____of the population of Shanghai. A.one fifth B.one five C. fifth one D. first fifth

7. The____ in Alberta is pleasant, particularly【特别,尤其】 in summer, when the average【平均的】 temperature is about 60 degrees Fahrenheit【华氏温标】.

A. weather B. temperature C. climate D. season

8. Many tourists are attracted【吸引】 to the first____ skiing ground at the resorts【度假胜地】 of Banff【班夫】 and Jasper【嘉思帕】.

A. ate B. rate C. reality 现实 D. reaction反应 Lesson 16

1.“Please pass the turkey and dressing【调味品】.” What does this simple ______ make you think about?

A. represent代表 B. replace代替 C. request【请求,要求】 D. respect尊敬

2. A nuclear family ____a husband and wife and their children.



A. listens to B. turns to转向,求助于 C. refers to【谈及】 D. occurs to发生

3. Several_____ may even live together. In America, only in a few cases does more than one household live under one roof.

A. generations【一代人】 B. competitions比赛 C. contributions贡献 D. destination目的地

4. _______ fearing Mom and Dad, children may think of them as good friends. A. Instead of B. instead 相反 C. inform of将?告知 D. inform

5.Social pressures【压力】 are ______ more and more American homes. A. break into闯入 B. break down失败,损坏

C. break out爆发 D. breaking apart【使?分裂开】

6. Oh, and ____ thing: be thankful for each other. If you have a family,every day should be Thanksgiving.

A. more one B.one another C. first more D. one more Lesson17

1.The _____ report is a wide-ranging【广泛的】 look at the role that information technology plays in the economy【经济】.

A.69-pages B. 69 page C. 69-page D.69 pages

2.The study was done by a year-old research organization, the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation,_____ work is supported【支持】 by companies like I.B.M.

A. whose B. which C. who D. what

3.Health care providers must increasingly【越来越多地】____modern computing tools. A. adapt 改编 B. adopt采用 C. afford 负担得起 D. argue 争论 4.The services sector,which ______80 percent of the American work force【劳动力】,is expected to generate【引起,产生】 most of the new jobs in the future. A. employs B. employment C. employee D. employer

5.The policy issue【问题】 is how do you get digital【数字的】______in these other sectors. A. transform B. translate翻译

C. translation D. transformation【转化】


1. There are several reasons _____ international trade exists【存在】. A. where B. when C. why D. what

2. International trade is the _____of goods【商品】and services produced in one country for goods and services produced in another country. A. exist存在 B. excuse 原谅 C. expense花费 D. exchange【交换】

3. In the cultivation【培育】of natural products climate plays a ______ role. A.decision决定 B.delicate 微妙的

C.deposit 储蓄 D.decisive【决定性的】



A. why did she refused theft invitation B. why would she refused their invitation

C. why have she refused their invitation D. why she refused their invitation邀请 宾语从句用陈述语序

3. Each of us ______ thinking the same thing.

A. am B. is C. are D. were

4. all we have learned from space flights, the moon is still a riddle from the distant past. A. In stead of B. In spite of C. In search of D. Because of

5. I decided to go to the concert as soon as I . A. finish what I did B. finished what I was doing

C. would finish what I was doing D. finished what I did

6. Rock and soil samples【样品】 and information of many other kinds have become ______ in recent years.

A. impossible B. comfortable舒适的

C. enjoyable愉快的,快乐的 D. available可用的

7. Like the earth, the moon is in ____,with a crust【地壳】 on the outside. A. layers 层 B. lawyer律师 C. later后来 D. latter 后者的 8. It has the same chemical elements【元素】____have the earth and the rest of the solar system. A. which B. that C. as D. what

9. The surface itself ____from heat of 230℉to cold of minus 290℉,depending upon where the sun is.

A. ranges变化 B. arranges 安排 C. range D. arrange Lesson 27

1. I would rather ______ here than go home.

A. to stay B. stayed C. stay D. staying

2. Books are to mankind【人类】___memory【记忆力】 is to the individual【个人】. A. where B. how C. that D. what

3.There is an oriental【东方的】story of two men: one was a king, who every night dreamt he was a beggar【乞丐】;___ was a beggar, who every night dreamt he was a prince.

A. the other B. other C. others D. another

4. If any one____ make me the greatest king,on condition that I should not read books, I would not be a king.

A. would B. will C. shall D. can

5. He found her ____in an oriel【飘窗】 window reading Plato's beautiful account【描述】 of the death of Socrates.

A. sit B.to sit C. sitting D. seat

6.We may visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue【疲劳】,inconvenience【不方便】,or______.



A. expense【花费】 B. expensive昂贵的 C. expend v. D. expect期望,盼望

7. Without ______from our firesides【炉边】 we may roam【漫游】to the most remote【遥远的】 regions of the earth.

A. stir B .stirred C.to stir D. stirring【移动】 8. _____and priceless【无价的】 are the blessings【恩赐】 which the books scatter【撒】 around our daily paths【小路】.

A. Precious【宝贵的】 B. Precision精确的

C. Preceding在前的 D. Preliminary预备的,初步的

Lesson 28

1. This principle【原理】 of change is what keeps everything-and everyone-____ in this world of ours.

A. go B. goes C.to go D.going

2. When you put a frozen【冰冻的】 waffle【华夫饼】 into the toaster【烤面包机】,___ energy turns into heat energy.

A. electrical a.电的 B. electric a.电的 C. electricity n.电 D. electrify v.使通电 electrical:关于电的知识,或者电的研究内容 electric:以电为动力进行工作的装置 electric iron 3. Of course, the sun. Without it there ____ be no life. A. will B. would C. can D. could

4. ____fuels such as coal, gas, oil and food are common examples of chemical energy. A. variety多样化,种类 B. various各种各样的 C. variant变体 D. scarcity不足,缺乏

5. Gene technology is already being used in a ______ of fields. A. variety多样化,种类 B. various各种各样的

C. variant变体 D. scarcity不足,缺乏 a variety of:多种的

6. If ___to define【定义】 it, however, we'd probably respond【回答】 with something. A. ask B.to ask C. asked D. asking

7.When you put a_____ waffle【华夫饼】 into the toaster【烤面包机】,electrical energy turns into heat energy.

A. freeze B. froze C. freezing D. frozen冰冻的

8.Other forms of radiant energy familiar____ us are radio waves【无线电波】,infrared rays【红外线】and so on.

A.at B. with C.to D. for

9. These fuels _____ heat when they burn. A. give off发出,释放出 B. give up 放弃 C. give in屈服,投降 D. give way 让路



10.These names come from the fact ___the source of energy is the nucleus【核】,or core, of the atom【原子】.

A. that B. which C. what D. how

Lesson 29

1.This large amount of money was ______based on three factors【因素】. A. revealed揭露 B. calculated【计算】 C. objected反对 D. warned警告

2. The Chief Executive knew that______ save his company, he had to reduce the high turnover costs.

A. in order to为了 B. in order that为了 C. in regard to关于 D. in regard that

3. Within a two-year period, the results were_______.

A. comfortable舒适的 B. standard标准的

C.convenient方便的 D. significant【重要的,有意义的】 4.In fact,what was revealed【揭露】 was that only 6 percent of employees______ for 43 percent of the turnover.

A. looked寻找 B. but 要不是 C. accounted导致 D. called要求

5.Positions that involved a substantial【大量的】 amount of time in training were the ones _____attracted the highest costing. A. which B. what C. who D. that

6.Hotel surveys revealed【显示】 that over 30 percent of employees were not satisfied with the career_____ in their current【目前的】 jobs. A. necessities必要,需要 B. opportunities机会 C. realities现实 D. probabilities可能性 Lesson 30

1. My mother has lived __ since my father died 20 years ago. A. single单独的,单身的 B. alone C. sole单独的 D. lonely

alone单独的.alone既可用作形容词,又可用作副词,侧重于说明独自一人,没有同伴或助手,指的是客观情况,不含感情色彩;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的,含感情色彩。

2. It's time __ you __ relax.

A. for, to B. to, for C. for, for D. to, to

3. I often __ about how quickly time flies. A. conceive构想,设想 B. complain 动词 C. complaint 名词 D. compile收集,编辑

4. When I pulled into her driveway, she __ by the door with her coat on. A. waits B. waited C. is waiting D. was waiting

discovered【发现】 the secret to keeping love and intimacy【亲密】____ in my relationship5.I've

【关系】 with my wife.



A. live有生命的 B. living活的 C. life D. alive存在的

6.The \【寡妇】 who has lived alone since my father died 20 years ago.

A. encouraged me to date B. encouraged me dating C. encouraging me dating D. encouraging me to date 7.She was ____and suspicious【怀疑的】when I called and suggested the two of us go out to dinner and a movie.

A. surprise B. surprising C. surprised【感到惊奇的】 D. surprisingly

8.My mother clutched【紧紧抓住】 my arm,half out of _____and half to help her negotiate【谈判,通过】 the restaurant steps.

A.affection【喜爱】 B.affect 影响,感动 v. C.effective有效的 D.effect影响 n.

9. I 'll go out with you again,\dinner next time.\

A. even if即使 B. despite尽管 C. therefore因此 D. only if只要,只有

10. (1.)We go out for dinner a couple of times a month. Sometimes we _____ a movie.【2011年考题】

A. take in欺骗,接受 B. keep down控制,限制 C. take over接管,接替 D. take after长得像

Lesson 31

1. Today three out of four Americans __ towns, cities or suburbs. A. live through经历过 B. live in住在

C. live up to做到,符合 D. live on以?为主食,以?为生

2. Washington was __ by French architect Pierre L'Enfant in the late 18th century. A. laid down B. laid out C. laid aside D. laid off

lay down 放下, 放弃;lay out 设计,安排;lay aside 搁置, 积蓄;lay off 解雇, 停止工作; 3. America's early were attracted by the fertile land and varied climates it offered for farming.

A. settlers移民 B. inherents固有的,内在的 C. residents居民 D. lodgers租住者

4.Many live in Hawaii, more than ____of whose people boast【自夸】 on Asian or Polynesian heritage.

A. two third B. two-third C. two-thirds D. twos thirds



5.Underground,a wealth of_____ provides a solid base【基础】for American industry. A. mines 开采 B. miners矿工 C. ministry 部长D. minerals

6. American _____awes【敬畏】 the viewer with both its variety【多样化】 and size. A. scene【景色】 B. scheme 计划,安排 C. science科学 D. screen屏幕

7. The entire【全部的】 nation (all 50 states) covers an area of 9 million square kilometers and has a ____of 220 million people.

A.population【人口】 B. pollution 污染 C. portion 一部分 D. position位置

8. The melting pot has also _____nearly 600,000 Japanese, half a million Chinese and 340,000 Filipinos.

A. abundant大量的 B. accomplished 完成,实现 C. absorbed【吸收】 D. accelerated加速,促进

9.Two-thirds of all families live in _____households【家庭】,and 65 percent own their homes. A. separately B. separation

C. separating D. separate单独的,各自的(a.v.) Lesson 32

1.He was a very big Mako shark built【体格】to swim __the fastest fish in the sea. A. as faster as B. as fastly as C. as fast as D. as more fastly as

2. When the old man saw him ___he knew that this was a shark. A. come B. came C. coming D. comes

3. That was the _____of the brain and the old man hit it. A. location 位置 B. situation 情况 C. address 地址 D. place 地方 4. The old man saw his eye was not____.

A. living 活的,健在的 B. live活的,有生命的(动物) C. lively活泼的 D. alive有生气的



5. I wish that I_____ the fish and was alone in bed on the newspapers. A. have never hooked B. did not hook C. do not hook D.had never hooked

6.They sailed【航行】 well and the old man _____ his hands in the salt water and tried to keep his head clear.

A. soaped用肥皂洗 B. soaked【浸,泡】 C. sobbed哭泣 D. solved解决

7. The old man's head was clear and good now and he was full of______. A. solution解决 B. resolution【决心】 C. restriction限制,约束 D. routine日常事务,惯例

8. When the fish had been hit it was ____ he himself were hit. A. even though即使 B. though C. although D.as though Lesson 33

1. Geologists, __ some nongeologists, believe that knowledge of the concepts of geology can help to find petroleum.

A. in reply to答复 B. in contrast to与?形成对比 C. in proportion to与...成比例 D. in relation to与?有关 2.In 1982 a successful oil finder admitted to not ___geologists. A. using B. use C. to use D. used

3. Then present exploration methods would need __modification【修改】. A. intensive加强的 B. extensive大量的 C. expensive昂贵的 D. successive连续的

4. Organic【有机的】 chemistry ___the analysis【分析】 of oil and gas. A. is fit for 适用于 B. is absorbed in全神贯注于 C. is made up of由?组成 D. is involved in涉及

5. Petroleum geology is the application【应用】 of geology to the ___for and production【生产】 of oil and gas.

A. explosion爆炸 B. explanation 解释 C. expectation期望 D. exploration



6.They are now increasingly physical and chemical, and therefore【因此】 more_______. A. objective【客观的】 B. objection反对 C. observation观察 D. occasional偶然的

7.Detailed【详细的】 knowledge of the mineralogical【矿物学的】_____ of rocks is important at many levels【方面】.

A. concentration集中 B. conclusion结论 C. composition【构成】 D. competition竞争

8.Nor ______be evaluated【评价】 effectively【有效地】 without geophysical wireline【电缆】 well logs【测井】 to measure【测量】the lithology【岩性】. A. could any finds B. any finds could C. could some finds D. some finds could

9.If the petroleum geologists' view of oil_____ and migration【迁移】 are not accepted. A. geography地理学 B. generation产生 C. geology地质学 D. glorious光荣的 10. These examples are not_____ cases.

A. obligation【责任】 B. sophisticated【复杂的】, C. isolate孤立,隔离 D.isolated【孤立的】

11.(37.)Ecology, _____ the relationships between organisms and their environments, is also important in petroleum geology. 【32课】同位语

A. the study of B. it study C. that study D. studying

翻译:生态学,即研究生物与其环境之间关系的科学,在石油地质中也很重要。 Lesson 34

1. The room was small and contained far too ______. A. much new furniture B. much new furnitures C. many new furniture D. many new furnitures

2. A youngster who sees no laughter and no love in the home will have a difficult time _____. A. laugh and love B. to laugh and love C. laughed and loved D. laughing and loving. 3.The criticisms【批评】 should be balanced with____. A. praises B. prayers祈祷



C. practices练习 D. princes王子

4. I hope to hear more about the activities __ there. A. being happened B. to be happened C. going on发生 D. being gone on happen为不及物动词,不能用于被动语态。 go on不能用于被动语态

5. I ____ for the accident.

A. didn't blame B. was to blame C. was to be blamed D. was blamed

be to blame (for)应(为??)承担责任;该(为??)受责备 blame:主动表达被动的意义

6.How sad it is to see parents become the willing【愿意的】______of the \me game” A.victims【牺牲者】 B.victory 胜利,成功 C.vicinity邻近,附近 D.victorious胜利的

7.(18.) Personal worth and self-esteem is the basis of a good __ health. 【33课】 A. physical身体的 B. mental精神的 C. practical实际的 D. natural自然的

翻译:个人价值和自尊自重是健康的精神状态的基础. Lesson35

1.Factors【因素】affecting【影响】general health include _____smoking,drinking of alcohol and polluted water supplies【供应】.

A. extensive广阔的 B. expensive昂贵的 C. exclusive高级的 D. excessive过度的

2.As the number of women going to school______, the growth rate declines【下降】. A. increase B. increases C. increased D. increasing

3.With less land for_____, less meat like beef and lamb is being produced. A. cattle and sheep B. cattles and sheeps C. cattles and sheep D. cattle and sheeps 4.Producing a kilogram of fish utilizes【利用】 less than 2 kilograms of feed【饲料】. _______it takes 2.2 kilograms of feed to produce 1 kilogram of chicken. A. In contrast 相比之下 B. In case以防,万一 C. In particular特别 D. In return 作为报答

5.But the fast development of the world economy will_____ many new problems. A. bring out 出版 B. bring forward 提出 C. bring about造成 D. bring down 打到,击败

6.The third major trend is toward an ______of indifference【漠不关心】. A. attempt试图,尝试 B. attention注意 C. attraction吸进 D. attitude 态度

7.Trees are______, more soil washes away, and water quality【水质】 is affected.



A. cut back减少,剪短 B. cut down砍倒,减少 C. cut in 插嘴,干预 D. cut off 切断,断绝

8.Our challenges【挑战】 for this new century are clear.

These challenges show that all of us need to be _____in 【涉及,卷入】solving the problems. A. invented B. invested C. introduced D. involved Lesson 36

1. If twins had been born to the family insured, the company ____to pay a certain amount of

money to the parents.

A. would have have B. will have C. would have D. would have had

2. They want to ___that they don't have to pay all the repair bills themselves. A. make sure确信,确保 B. make sense有意义 C. make out填写,理解 D. make up编造,打扮

3. Life ___is not really betting although it can be compared to it. A. insure保险 B. insurance C. assure D. assurance保证

4. The idea of a ___for services like this is quite an old one. A. award奖品 B. awkward笨拙的 C. towards朝,向 D. reward回报

5. The England pound was then ____many times what it is worth today; A. worth值?的 B. worthwhile 有价值的(作定语) C. worthy有价值的 D. worthed be worth +n.= be worthy of +n.

be worth doing=be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done

6. These companies were some of the first ______ payment for insurance. A. accepted B. accepting C. to be accepted D. to accept

Lesson 37 1.The radiation which is of most concern is _____ radiation which results from【产生于】activities.

A. artistic艺术的 B. attractive引人注目的 C. available可用的 D. artificial人工的

2.While artificial radiation ______ a small proportion【比例】of the total. A. accounts for占 B. as for 至于


human 职称英语班培训材料

C. pay for 赔偿 D. look for 寻找 3.For all these reasons, simple comparisons【比较】 of background and artificial radioactivity may not reflect【反映】 the relative【相关的】______. A. heights高度 B. habits 习惯

C. hazards危害 D. handwritings 书法,字迹 4.So radioactive elements can be _____ into【吸收】 living【活的】tissues, bones or the blood. A. interested B. learned

C. absorbed 吸收 D. observed观察

5.There are three principal【主要的】 ______ which radiation can have on cells. A. purposes 目的 B. effects 影响 C. progresses 进步 D. efforts 努力 Lesson 38 1. Peter Hessler described two lifestyles【生活方式】 and asked his Chinese students to choose the one they______.

A. preferable更好的 B. preference 偏爱 C. preferred 喜欢 D. predicted预测 2. This saying reveals【揭露】 a deeply ingrained【根深蒂固的】 sense of _____ and acceptance of fate【命运】.

A. optimistic乐观的 B. optimism 乐观

C. operation 操作 D. operational 操作的 3. He believed their acceptance of fate ______ a geographical【地理学的】 standpoint【观点】. A. originates from起源 B. objects to反对

C. insists on 坚持 D. contributes to 捐赠

4. People have had to deal with【应付,处理】 increasing_____. A. significance意义,重要性 B. pressure压力 C. possession拥有 D. selection 选择 Lesson 39

1. There is a story many years ago of an _____teacher. A. basic B. prime C. fundamental D. elementary

2. His home life will soon ____him if some steps aren't taken.\A. effect n.影响 B. incline倾斜

C. affect影响 D. surplus 多余的,过剩的 3. He then wrote that he _____ high school. A. had finished B. finished C. was finishing D. have finished 4. Mrs. Thompson paid _____attention to Teddy. A. partly部分地 B. personal 个人的 C. permanent永久的 D. particular特别的



5. She___ how pretty the bracelet was.

A. exclaimed惊叫 B. estimated 估计 C. claimed断言,索赔 D. explained 解释

6.She was required【必须的】 to review each child's past records【记录】 and she put Teddy's_____ until last.

A. away放好 B. up张贴 C. off D.down放下,记下 Lesson 40

1.The main objective【目的】 in producing chemicals from petroleum is the ____ of a variety of chemical compounds.

A. formation形成 B. fundamental基本的 C. fountain喷泉 D. friction摩擦,冲突

2. Petrochemicals are generally chemical ______ derived from petroleum. A. compounds化合物 B. complex复杂的 C. combined组合的 D. complicated复杂的

3. Natural gas is quite ____ in composition【成分】. A. visible可见的 B. violent暴力的 C. vertical垂直的 D. variable易变的

4. It is likely ____in excess【超过】 of 90% of chemicals employed today are derived【源于】 from these sources.

A. which B. that C. what D. when

5. The costs of the reactant【反应的】 equipment【设备】,must also be taken into____. A. consider v.考虑 B. considerable可观的,相当多的 C. considerate体贴的 D.consideration考虑

6. The petrochemical industry has grown with the petroleum industry and is considered by some to be a____ industry.

A.nature大自然 B.measure测量 C.mature【成熟的】 D.temperature温度

7.The ____ of materials such as petrochemicals is used to indicate【表明】 the source of the chemical compounds.

A.classification【分类】 B.classify分类



C.indication指示 D.indicate指示,指出 Lesson 41

1. The number of people______ actually returned the smile could be counted on one hand. A. whose B. which C. who D. what

2. It seems Chinese people don't really like to smile and that's the ______they convey to【把...传达给】 the world.

A. depression沮丧 B. impression印象 C. discussion讨论 D. commission 委托

3. One of his Ministers【大臣】 gave the Emperor【皇帝】 a beautiful woman, whom the Emperor really liked,______ the fact that she would never smile. A. in order to B. in order that

C. except that D. except for【除...之外】

4. After trying countless different methods to get her to smile, a Minister ______an idea. A. came up with【提出】 B. come out出来,出现 C. come true实现 D. come up走近

5. The saying, \if one gains a physical or mental benefit.

A. addition增加 B. additional额外的 C. adds D. additive添加剂

6. The director, Zhang Yimou, ______10,000 smiling children from around the world to feature【使...有特色】 in a program for the opening ceremony【仪式】 of the 2008 Olympics. A. looked for B. look at

C. look up D. look through Lesson 42

1. I suggest you _____the mind and body you've been given as a real asset【资产】. A.to think about B.thinking about C.have thought about D.think about考虑

2.Buffett told his audience you only get one shot at life and told about _____ his first car at age 16.

A.looking for寻找 B.heading for出发,前往

C.longing for渴望 D.making for前往 3. \A. philosophy哲学 B. phenomenon现象

C. phenomenal杰出的 D. physical物理学的,身体的

4. Morgan was born and _____in Omaha in an area that was served by Girls Inc. A.rised升起 B.arised出现,呈现 C.reigned统治 D. raised养育,抚养 5. Girls Inc.,whose board【董事会】 is headed by Buffett's daughter,Susie,who ____ the auction idea.

A.came up with提出 B.came up to 符合,达到



C.came up against碰到,遭遇 D.came up走近 Lesson 43

1. Franz Halberg noticed that the number of white blood cells in laboratory mice ____dramatically【戏剧性地】 higher and lower at different times of day. A. is B. are C. was D. were

2. Your short-term memory is best during the morning—in fact, about 15 percent more ______ than at any other time of day.

A. extreme极端的 B. efficient有效率的 C. enormous 巨大的 D. equal 平等的

3. You should also try to do most of your studying in the afternoon, ______ late at night. A. better than B. other than 除了 C. less than D. rather than

4. What about sports? During afternoon and early evening, your ______ is at its peak, and you're able to react【反应】 the quickest to an outside stimulus【刺激因素】 A. coordination【协调】 B. cooperation 合作 C. conversion转变 D. correlation相关性

5. Not only______ when you're having fun, but it also seems to fly even fester if you are having that fun in the late afternoon of early evening, A. time did seem to fly B. did time seem to fly C. time does seem to fly D. does time seem to fly

6. While all of us follow the same _____ pattern【模式】 of ups and downs, the exact timing varies from person to person.

A. general大致的 B. generous 大方的 C. global全球的 D. greedy 贪婪的 Lesson 44

1.Don't ____ about the snow on your neighbor's roof,\【孔子】. A. conceive构想 B. complain抱怨 C. complaint抱怨 D. compile收集

2.He not only ____ but he wrote letters and poems ridiculing【嘲笑,戏弄】 people. A. criticized批评 B. recognized认出 C. initiated开始 D. organized组织

3. What would Lincoln do if he ____ in my shoes?

A. is B. was C. are D. were 虚拟

4.He was opposed to dueling, but he couldn't ____ it and save his honor. A. think highly of高度评价 B. take charge of控制,掌管 C. get out of摆脱 D. get hold of抓住

5. I studied the life of Abraham Lincoln for ten years and ___all of three years to writing and rewriting【改写】 a book.

A. deposited存放,沉淀 B. derived源于

C. designed设计 D. devoted奉献,投身

6.On the morning of April 15,1865,Abraham Lincoln lay【lie】_____in a hall bedroom of a cheap lodging house【招待所】.



A. die B. dying C. died D. death

7.One of these letters_____ resentments【怨恨】 that burned for a lifetime. A. aroused【引起,激发】 B. around周围

C. rose (rise)上升 D. raised(raise)举起,抚养

8. Shields,______ and proud【骄傲的】,boiled with indignation【愤怒】. A. sensitive【敏感的】 B. sensible明智的 C. sense感觉 D. sensor传感器

Lesson 45

1.______ happiness, your spouse【配偶】—if you have one—is worth $100,000 a year. A. In search of寻找 B. In spite of虽然

C. In place of代替 D. In terms of【就...而言】

2.It ______that the happiness value of a stable【稳定的】 marriage is \【难以置信地】 high\

A. bring out出版 B. find out发现 C. turns out【结果是】 D. look out小心

3.The survey results include _____ characteristics【特征】 of those surveyed. A. detective侦探的 B. detailed【详细的】 C. destructive破坏性的 D. Dependent依靠的

4.Using that index, a lasting marriage is worth $100,000 per year _____being widowed【寡居的】 or divorced【离婚的】.

A. come up with提出 B. put up with容忍

C. compared with【与...相比】 D. get along with相处

5.Perhaps, the authors suggest, people____their circumstances【环境】. A. adopt to采用 B. adjust to调整 C. adapt to【适应于】 D. admit to承认 6.Being religious has a _______effect. A. potential潜在的 B.possible可能的 C. politician政治家 D. positive【积极的】

7.Overall the number of children and siblings【兄弟姐们】 a person has doesn't________ their happiness.

A. have an impact on【对...有影响】

B. have got to do必须做 C. have in mind 思念

D. have an advantage over胜过,优于 Lesson 46

1.The income of high school dropouts is about __ that of Americans with a high school diploma. A. two-third B. two-thirds C. second-third D. two-three

2.Being able to save and accumulate __ wealth is not automatic【自动的】. A. conscious有意识的 B. considerate 体贴的



C. considerable相当多的 D. careful 仔细的

3. Few people who __ of high school will be rich.

A. check in登记,报道 B. drop out退出 C. check out检查,核对 D. run down耗尽

4. We do not necessarily【必要地】 recommend【建议】 that all people ____ a pure and joyless【不快乐】 life.

A. would lead B. led C. should lead D. to lead 虚拟 5. From our____, becoming rich is really a matter of choice.

A. personality个性 B. permission允许 C. petroleum石油 D. perspective观点 6.(20.)The cost of self-education has fallen with the multitude of sources of knowledge and information _______ on CD-ROMs and the Internet.【2010年考题】 A. preferable B. ready C. available D. considerable

7.From our____, becoming rich is really a matter of choice. A.personnel人员 B.personality个性,人格

C.persuade 说服,劝告 D.perspective【观点】 8. A professional【专业的】 degree【学位】 will ____an average annual【每年的】 income of about twice that of college graduates【毕业生】. A.result from 由?产生 B.rely on依赖,依靠 C.refer to 提及 D.result in【导致】

9. (13.) A professional degree will __ an average annual income of about twice that of college graduates.【2011考题】

A. feel like想要 B. result in导致 C. hold on等一等,坚持 D. keep to遵守,坚持

10.( 8.) The suppliers undoubtedly will get rich at the ___ of the customers.【2011年考题】

A. expanse广阔的区域 B. spend度过,花费 v. C. warrant保证,担保 D. expense花费,消费 n. at the expense of:以..为代价

Lesson 47

1. The statement that oil originated in the sea is __ by a glance at a map showing the chief oilfield of the world.

A. conformed遵守 B. confirmed证实 C. confined限制 D. confessed承认

2. The oil under the surface of the earth ______ in the distant past. A. manufactured制造 B. generated 产生 C. originated起源于 D. estimated估计

3.The costs may be so high that no company will ______ the work。 A. undergo经历,承受 B. underweight重量不足的 C. understand理解,明白 D. undertake承担



4. The existence of oil wells ______ for a long time. A. been known B. was known

C. had been known D. has been known

5.It was necessary that they ____imprisoned【密封】 between layers of rock for an enormous length of time.

A. should be B. were C. have been D. had been

6. Some of the Indians of North America______ collect and sell the oil from the wells of Pennsylvania.

A. use to B. is used to C. is using to D. used to

7. What was the origin【起源】 of the oil ____ now drives our motor-cars and aircraft【飞机】?

A. what B. where C. which D. when

8. In some places gas and oil ____the surface of the sea from its bed. A. come up with赶上,提出 B. come up to达到,接近 C. come true实现 D. come out出版,出来

9. When all the present oilfields are___, it is possible that this cold region may become the scene of oil activity.

A. exhibit展览 B. exhibited C. exhausted【耗尽】 D. exhaust

10.In that case the_____ for oil will fall, the oilfields will gradually disappear. A. depend依赖 v. B. definition定义

C. design设计 D. demand

11.(9.) When all the present oilfields are _____ , it is possible that the North Pole may become the scene of oil activity.【2011年考题】

A. exhibited陈列,展览 B. exhausted耗尽,用尽 C. exploited开采,开发 D. exposed暴露 Lesson 48

1. Scientists have discovered plant life covering the surface【表面】of the world's oceans is disappearing【消失】 at a dangerous_____. A. race种族 B. rare罕见的 C. rate D. raw为加工的

2. Normally【通常地】, the ocean plants _____ about half of all the Carbon dioxide. A. wake up醒来 B. take up【接收,占据】 C. turn up出现 D. tear up撕毁

3. These changes, ______ , are having a major impact on phytoplankton there. A. in turn【反过来】 B. or so大约

C. in order有秩序 D. by accident偶然的

4. We estimate【估计】 from satellite ______ that C-19 in the Ross Sea has covered 90 percent of all the phytoplankton there.

A. organizations组织 B. occupations职业 C. observations观察 D. reactions反应



5. ______ ,the C-19 iceberg is only the second-largest recorded in the Ross Sea region. A. Huge as it is B. Huge as is it

C. Although huge it is D. Although huge is it 6. Whales, seals and the _____ shrimplike sea creatures called krill【磷虾】 are also threatened【威胁】.

A. ten millions B. ten millions of C. million of D. millions of Lesson49

1. First, never raise your voice in order to【为了】 make yourself______. A. understand B. to understand C. understanding D. understood

2. Avoid【避开】 topics of conversation that you think may be______.

A. positive积极的 B. objective客观的 C. sensitive【敏感的】 D. massive大量的

3. Keep in mind【记住】 that in many cultures, displaying【展示】 affection【喜爱】______ is considered taboo.

A. in public公开地 B. in private私下地 C. in general一般而言 D. in particular特别

4. The idea of the perfect gift ______ greatly from country to country. A. various各种各样的 B. varies【不同】 C. variety种类 D. variant变体

5. In most Asian countries, it is considered impolite to open gifts in front of the gift-giver_______ offending the person.

A. for fear of【以免】 B. for the sake of为了 C. for the purpose of为了 D. for a while暂时 Lesson 50

1. The global manager must ____ economic issues when doing business in other countries. A. be aware of知道 B. be known of

C. be famous of D. be composed of由?组成

2. U.S. managers are ____to stable【稳定的】 legal and political systems【体系】. A. accustomed B. accurate精确的 C. accompanied陪伴 D. achieved完成

3. Managers must ____ these differences if they hope to understand the constraints【约束,限制】.

A. recognize认识 B. revenge报仇 C. recollect记起,想起 D. receive收到

4. The strength of a foreign nation's currency can also ____manager's decisions. A. infect传染 B. affect影响 C. effect D. defect缺点,逃脱

5. Another U.S. manager had ___the fiestas saying they were a waste of time and money. A. captured捕获,俘虏 B. cared关心



C. carried carry携带 D. canceled取消

6.You know that your environment【环境】 will _____from the one at home,but how?

A. different不同的 B. differ 不同 v.

C. difference差异 D. differential不同的,有分别的 7.Just the fact ____a country's laws and political system differ from those of the United States is important.

A. that B. which C. what D. where

8.(10.) Managers need to monitor inflation trends so they can make good _______.【2010年考题】

A. decisive决定性的 B. decisions决定 C. decide D. decided Lesson 51

1. The companies that are finding ways to ___their older workers benefit from an intangible


A. hang on to紧紧抓住 B. hang on不挂断 C. hang up挂断 D. hang about闲荡,闲逛

2.The number of workers 65 and up __expected to increase【增加】 117% by 2025. A. was B. are C. is D. were

3.This is a ____issue for employers to overcome【克服】-for their own good.\A. crazy疯狂的 B. criminal犯罪的 C. critical关键性的 D. currency货币

4. He had reached an age and ___ enough years of service to sail【启航】 off into the sunset【日落】 with a good pension【退休金】. A. aboard 在船上 B. absorbed吸收 C. adapted适应,改编 D. accumulated积累

5. The bridge period can be used to____ a veteran【经验丰富的】employee's knowledge and skills to the next generation【一代】.

A. transfer转移 B. translate翻译 C. transport运输 D. travel旅行

6. he took it-on the condition【条件】 it not _____with sailing season. A. interpret解释,说明 B. interview 面试,会见 C. interfere【妨碍】 D. interrelate 相互关联

7.( 8.) The companies that are finding ways to hang on to their older workers _______ from an intangible commodity: wisdom. 【2010年考题】

A. obtain获得 B. earn赚得 C. develop发展 D. benefit有益于 Lesson 52



1. Almost 70 percent of all non-food purchases in supermarkets are generated by in-store______. A. decisive决定性的 B. decide v.

C. decisions决定 D. decided Sales promotion consists of those promotional【推销的】 activities ___advertising, personal 2.

selling, and publicity【宣传】.

A. more than超过,多于 B. less than小于,少于 C. rather than宁愿 D. other than除了,不同于

3. The techniques 【手段】of sales promotion are varied and____. A. normal正常的 B. numerous许多的 C. numerical数字的 D. common常见的,共同的

4._____ five years ago, three of five firms had moved to spend more of their advertising budget【预算】 on such nonmedia alternatives.

A. Compared with B. Compare with C. To compare with D. Comparing with

5. To ____its advertising effort, the company used a variety of sales-promotion techniques【手段】.

A. supply供应 B. implement工具 C.supplement D. imply暗示 6.Sales promotion is temporary【暂时的】______. A.in person 亲自 B.in part 部分地 C.in nature【在本质上】 D.in order整齐 7.Sales promotion is not_____【有限制的】 to the stimulation【刺激】 of demand【需求】 at the consumer level.

A. district B. strict C. restricted D. interested 8.The techniques【手段】 employed, to be effective【有效的】,should be _____with local preference【喜好】.

A. constant不变的 B. consequently因此,所以 C. consist组成 D. consistent【一致的】

Lesson 53

1.A light drizzle【毛毛雨】_____ as my sister Jill and I ran out of the Methodist Church. A.was falling B. falling C. fell D. is falling

2.I noticed【注意】a family standing outside the locked door, huddled【挤作一团】 under the narrow overhang【屋檐】 in an ___ to keep dry. A. attempt试图 B. tempt引诱,诱惑

C. attendant服务员 D. attack袭击

3. The closer we got to the turnoff【岔道】 for my grandparents' house,___ the car went. A. slow B. the slowly C.the slower D. slowly

4. When my father ___ the service station, I saw that there were five of them.

A. picked up拾起,捡起 B. talk into说服

C. pulled out拉出,抽出 D. pulled into进去,驶入

5.I watched out the window ____I could, looking back at the little girl hugging her new doll.



A. if only要是..就好了 B. as long as只要 C. as if似乎,好像 D. as to至于,关于 6.( 9.) I raced to_______ Jill. 【2010年考题】

A. keep on继续 B. keep up with跟上 C. come up with提出 D. come up to接近,达到

7.My father reached into his pocket and pulled out two dollars,____ was all he had left until his next payday【发薪日】.

A. what B. that C. how D. which

Lesson 54

1.Having a fine library doesn't prove that its owner has a mind enriched【使丰富】 by books; it proves _____that he, his father, or his wife, was rich enough to buy them.

A. anything more than B. nothing more than仅仅,只不过 C. something more than D. everything more than

2.You do not own the beefsteak in the most important sense【意义】 until you___ it and get it into your bloodstream.

A. assume假设 B. resume 恢复,重新开始 C. presume假定,假设 D. consume消费

3.If reading is to accomplish【完成】 anything ___passing time, it must be active. A. more than不仅仅 B. nothing more than仅仅 C. other than除了 D. less than小于

4.If, when you ___ a book, the pages are filled with your notes, you know you read actively. A. have finished to read B. had finished to read C. had finished reading D. have finished reading

5.You can't let your eyes glide【滑动】 across the lines of a book and ___an understanding of what you have read.

A. come out出来,长出 B. come along出现

C. come up with提出,想出 D. come across偶然遇到

6.No great musician ______a symphony【交响乐】 with the printed sheet of music. A. connects连接 B. registers登记,注册 C. refuses拒绝 D. confuses【混淆】

7.(13.)A(An) _______ is better than the text and may make the point clear.【2010年考题】 A. interpretation解释 B. representation表现 C. illustration例证 D. draw绘画

8. Why is marking up a book ______to reading? A. independence 独立 B. independent独立的

C. indeed的确 D. indispensable【必不可少的】 Lesson 55

1. China and America are separated by_____. A. Pacific Ocean B. a Pacific Ocean C. the Pacific Ocean D. Pacific Oceans



2.One main branch of sea science,___, holds enormous unanswered questions. 同位语 A. physical oceanography B. is physical oceanography

C. called physical oceanography D. what is physical oceanography

3.If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed【削平】 flat, the earth __ by water more than 12,000 feet deep.

A. is covered B. would be covered

C. could have been covered D. might had been covered

4.Only if these negative【否定的】 results are valid【有效的】____ be able to formulate【阐述】 the question.

A. will he B. he will C. would he D. he would

5.Sea and air are divided by a viscous【粘性的】 curtain; beneath the curtain is an element【成分】 weighing ___air.

A. as much 800 times as B. as much as 800 times C. as 800 times much as D. 800 times as much as

6. (5.) We know that many animals _______ the deep seas at pressures of 15,000 pounds per square inch. 【2010年考题】

A. live on住在?上,以?为生 B. live in住在某地 C. live through经历过 D. live up to符合,实行

7.The ocean is the place where we should be putting our___ in order to provide for future generations【一代人】.''

A. efforts【努力】 B. editions 版本

C. miracles 奇迹 D. shelter遮蔽,避难所

8.The sunlit【阳光照射的】 pastures【牧场】 are at the top, where the water is ____with tiny【微小的】 drifting【漂浮的】 vegetables. A. saturation饱和,浸透 B. scheduled安排 C. saturated【充满】 D. seldom很少

9. Water itself is ____to the future of the race. A. voluntary自愿的 B. visual看得见的,视觉的 C. vivid生动的 D. vital【极重要的】

10.( 38.) If all the continents and mountains were bulldozed flat, the earth __ covered by water.【2011年考题】

A. would be B. would have been C. would had been D. would been 11.(7) The Atlantic hydrographic chart is being _____ continuously; even as we speak submarines are charting the Arctic basin under the ice.【2011年考题】 A. rehearsed排练,排演 B. revised修订 C. renewed复原,更新 D. retiled从新用瓦盖 Lesson 56

1.The ____ are reported to be carrying in live herring【鲱鱼】 to be dumped【倾倒】 overboard



in an attempt at sea \

A. Russia俄国 B. Russias C. Russian D. Russians

2. The answer _____ a number of factors【因素】,not the least of which is isolation【与世隔绝】 itself.

A. lays out设计 B. lies out C. lays in贮藏 D. lies in在于

to have mineral resources comparable【可比较的】 to those of other great 3. Antarctica is ____


A. bound B. bounded C. bind D. blind

4.When the United States was born, the continent【大陆】 of Antarctica【南极洲】 was as _____ as the moon.

A. remove移走 B. remote遥远的

C. promote提升 D. promise承诺

5. In the quest【搜索】 for ___ knowledge, which is the heart and soul so all science. A. fundamental基本的 B. comparable类似的 C. accumulation积累 D. significance重要性

6.The Antarctica treaty【条约】_____all areas (the high seas excepted) below latitude【维度】 60 degrees south.

A. applies to【适用于】 B. appeals to 向?呼吁 C. contributes to 捐献 D. dates back to追溯到

Lesson 57

1. Anyone who refuses too often to listen to the other side of a question risks becoming __ minded. 思想狭隘的

A. thin B. narrow C. thick D. sorrow 2. I am unable to what he is saying.

A. concentrate on集中,专注 B. concentrate in C. finish with完成 D. finish off结束

3. Your eyes give you ____if your absent-minded answers don’t. A. up放弃 B. off发出,释放 C. away泄露 D. in屈服,让步

4. If you let the words enter your mind, you may be surprised to discover that they make _____. A. sense B. sensible明智的 C. sensitive敏感的 D. senseful

5. While you are busy _____facts A, B, and C in your mind, you are losing out facts D and E. A. to plant B. planting C. planted D. to planting

6. Have you ever ____listening as something you could do right or wrong? A.turned off关闭 B.thought of C.wrote off 迅速写出,毁掉 D.got off脱下 7.Daydream【白日梦】 Listening: You can think about four times as fast as the _____person speaks. A. aware知道的 B. automatic 自动的



C. appreciable可估计的 D. average【平均的】

8.When you try to get too many of the speaker's words on paper,part of your mind must be ______with your note-taking.

A. filled 填满的 B. composed C. obliged D. concerned be composed of:由?组成 be obliged to:不得不

Lesson 58

1.If we could teach people to think more positively, it ___like inoculating【接种预防】 them against these mental【心理的】 ills.\A. is B. was C. will be D. would be

2._____,the company hired 100 people who had failed the standard【标准】 industry test A. Impression B. Impressing C. Impressed D. Impress

3.A sense of control, according to Anderson, is the litmus test【试金石】 for____. A. succeed v.成功 B. success n. 成功 C. successful成功的 D. successfully成功地

4. Positive thinking _____ positive action-and reaction. A. leads to导致 B. contrasts to与?形成对比

C. contributes to贡献,有助于 D. takes to喜欢,开始从事

5. Too many \【警告】 of danger can make a child feel incompetent【无能力的】, fearful –and____.

A. permission允许 B. pessimism悲观主义 C. pessimistic悲观的 D. pessimist悲观主义者

6. (2.) They found that the positive thinkers sold 37 percent more insurance than did the_______ thinkers. 【2010年考题】

A. negative消极的 B. positive 积极的 C. active主动的 D. passive被动的

7.(17.) When pessimists __ in their first attempt, they usually say, \can't do this.\ 【2010年考题】

A. feel感觉 B. fail 失败 C. defeat击败 D. lost失去的

8.Do you see the glass as half-full_____ half-empty? Do you keep your eye upon the doughnut【炸面圈】,not upon the hole?

A. refer to 提及,暗指 B. remind of提醒,使记起 C. relative to和?比较起来 D. rather than而不是

Lesson 59

1.______ the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude. A. In honor of为了纪念 B. In place of 代替 C. On behalf of代表 D. On account of由于

2. After the war, they moved west all the way to Hawaii _____ opportunity. A. in regard to关于 B. in search of 寻找

C. in place of代替 D. in spite of虽然,尽管



3. They imagined me ____to the best schools in the land, even though they weren't rich. A. to go B. going C. go D. to going

4.They, too, had big dreams for their daughter. A ____ dream, born of two continents. A. common共同的,常见的 B. usual通常的,经常的

C. ordinary普通的 D. general一般的,普遍的

5.I wondered how he would pay 4,500 dollars a month for the drugs his son needs without the health benefits that he ____.

A. hung on紧紧抓住,坚持 B. counted on依赖,依靠 C. held on坚持,不挂断 D. came on快点,进展

6. (7.) _______of the great state of Illinois, let me express my deepest gratitude for the privilege of addressing this convention.【2010年考题】 A. On account B. In honor

C. In place D. On behalf Lesson 60

1. The _____ about energy taken here in the US, back in Saudi Arabia, and indeed across the globe are important.

A. honors荣誉 B. invitations邀请 C. factors因素 D. decisions决定

2. The world currently consumes【消耗】 around 210 million barrels per day of oil _____ with most of that supplied by a fairly limited【有限的】 number of sources. A. equally平等地 B. essential必要的 C. equivalent【相当的】 D. reliable可靠的

3. Oil meets nearly 40 percent of the world's total energy needs, coal and natural gas each _______for【占】 just under a quarter of total demand【需求】. A. adapt适应 B. account C. adopt采用 D. apply应用

4.In addition, because the number of currently viable【切实可行的】 energy sources _____ so limited【有限的】.

A. are B. is C. was D. were

5. There are distinct【明显的】 reasons ______ oil is the fuel of choice in the all-important transportation sector.

A. where B. which C. when D. why

6. We all recognize that mitigating【减轻】 the ______ impact that energy production and consumption has on the natural environment is becoming increasingly important. A. precious宝贵的 B. limited有限的

C. abundant大量的 D. negative【负面的】

7. I believe we can ______ in achieving the sustainable【可持续的】 energy future this great country and the wider world deserves. A. succeed成功 B. consume消耗 C. predict预测 D. expand扩张




