
更新时间:2023-10-19 18:04:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载





Analysis and Determination of Flow Monitoring Scheme

by Velocity Instrument Method

LI Wei-hua

(Tangqin Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Bureau of

Hebei Province,Hebei,Tangshan 063000)

Abstract: Determination of flow monitoring scheme is the necessary basic work for the normal development of discharge measurement in hydrometric station specification and the main technical provisions for making survey station project description related to hydrologic part. Determining reasonable flow monitoring scheme can assure single time flow test precision.It can ensure that the single time flow test measurement error is no more than permissible error.This paper uses the method of frequency calculation runoff for ages, by dates of measured flow and measured water level test results in Yakou Hydrologic Station in 1984 to 2007 year. It obtains corresponding typical years, abundance、level and low water year, and then acquires corresponding water levels. On that basis we can ensure the flow monitoring scheme in tall、level and low water by breadth depth ratio and generalized vertical velocity distribution form parameters in sections.

Keywords: typical year; breadth depth ratio; vertical velocity distribution form parameters; flow monitoring scheme.



