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Prison Break 越狱
Prison Break 越狱
Season 1, Episode 1: Pilot
the pilot: 美国电视剧新剧开播都会有一个试播来测试观众对新剧的接受程度,以此来决定是否再继续播下去,也可以说是一个开端,第一集,试播
-Tattoo Artist: That's it.
tatoo: 纹身 artist: 艺术家 完成了。
Can I just, you know, look at it for a minute? minute: 分钟
能让我欣赏下吗? You're an artist, Sid. artist: 艺术家
Prison Break 越狱
You're telling me you're just gonna walk out of here gonna=going to: 将要 你打算就这么走出门?
And I'm never going to see it again. be going to: 将要,打算
-Michael: There's a good chance of that, yes. chance: 机会 很有可能,没错。
-Tattoo Artist: Most guys, you know, for the first one, guy: (男)人,家伙
大部分人刚开始纹身的时候, they start with something small.
Mom, girlfriend's initials, something like that. initial: 词首大写字母 “妈妈”、女朋友名字缩写什么的。 Not you. 而你不是。
You get a full set of sleeves, all in a couple of months. set: 一套 sleeves: 袖子 couple: 对,数个 才几个月的工夫就做了整个一套。
Takes guys a few years to get the ink you got.
ink: 墨水
换了那些家伙得用上几年才能用完你身上的纹身用的墨水。 -Michael:I don't have a few years. 我没有好几年的工夫。 Wish to hell I did. hell: 地狱
-Michael: The vault. Open it.
vault: 保险柜 把保险柜打开。
-Clerk:We can't. The branch manager's not here. branch: 分枝 manager: 经理 我们打不开, 分行经理不在。 Where is he? 他在哪里?
-Clerk: It's lunch time. He's at White Castle. Castle: 城堡
现在是午饭时间,他在白色城堡。 -Michael: White Castle 白色城堡?
Prison Break 越狱
-Clerk: It's a fast food restaurant, restaurant: 餐厅 是个快餐厅。
those little square burger square: 方形的 burger: 汉堡 供应那些方形的汉堡。 -Michael: I know what it is. 我知道那是什么。 I'm not playing games.
不要以为我在玩游戏。 Open it. 打开。
-Clerk: Sir, you have a half million dollars cash in your bag. million: 百万 cash: 现金
先生,你袋子里已经有50万美元的现金。 Don't you think it would be better...? 你觉不觉得你最好??
-Police Officer:This is the police. 我们是警察。
You are completely surrounded.
completely: 完全地 surround: 包围 你已经被包围了。 Put down your weapon. weapon: 武器 放下武器。
Put down your weapon now. 马上放下武器。
-Judge: Rarely in the case of armed robbery do we hear a plea of no contest. rarely: 几乎不 arm: 武装 robbery: 抢劫 plea: 请求 contest: 辩护 我们几乎没见过武装抢劫案件中主动要求不用辩护的 Are you sure about this, Mr. Scofield? Scofield先生,你肯定吗? -Michael:I'm sure, Your Honor.
honor =honour: [常作H](前与his, your等连用)阁下;大人 我肯定,法官阁下。
-Veronica:Your Honor, we'd like to recess if we could. recess: 休庭(休息)
My client's a bit confused at the moment. client: 委托人 confuse: 混乱 我的委托人头脑有点不清楚。 -Michael: I'm not, Your Honor. 我很清醒,法官阁下。 -Veronica: He is, Your Honor.
Prison Break 越狱
-Judge: Perhaps you should heed your representation's advice, perhaps: 也许 heed: 听从(注意留心) advice: 意见,忠告 也许你该听从你律师的意见。
take some additional time to consider your response. additional: 另外的 consider: 考虑 response: 回答,回应 再花点时间考虑你的答复。
-Michael: I've already done that, Your Honor.
done: 做完了
-Judge: I'll retire to my chambers to determine sentencing. chamber: 房间 determine: 决定 sentence: 审判 我会在办公室里研究究竟该怎么判。 Court's recessed until 130.
court: 法院 recess: 休息
现在休庭,下午1点半继续开庭。 -Police Officer: Come on, let’s go. 来吧,我们走。 - L.J: Uncle Mike? Mike叔叔?
-Michael: I didn't want you to come. 你不应该来。 Go home, LJ. LJ 回家去。
I didn't want you to see this. 我不想让你看到我这样。 He is not going to take this well.
take: 接受
-Veronica: Can you blame him? He's your nephew.
blame: 责怪 nephew: 侄子;外甥 你能怪他吗?他是你侄子。
He's beginning to get the idea that anybody he attaches himself to is gonna end up inprison... attach: 联系 prison: 监狱
and he's not the only one who's starting to feel that way, Michael. 说实话,不止他一人这么想 Michael。 Will you give us a minute? 让我们说会儿话可以吗? -Police Officer:One minute. 就一分钟。
-Veronica: Don't you understand? 你难道不明白吗?
You just put the book in that woman's hand and she's gonna lob it at you like a grenade.
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