现在完成时态教案 - 图文

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ⅠAims: to learn the form, the meaning and the usage of the present perfect tense.

ⅡKey points: to learn the present perfect tense ⅢApproaches and methods: the teacher present the basic knowledge predominantly, and the teacher will also use some examples to help the students understand the grammar; besides, some exercises will also be used for practice. ⅣTeaching Aids: multi-media teaching tools. ⅤTeaching process Step1 Lead-in

The teacher will use some pictures and sentences to draw the students' attention and interest. (The present perfect tense will be underlined.)/教师给学生展示一些图片,并造句,以此来导入出现在完成时。(句中所用现在完成时用下划线标出。) 1)

I came to this school three years ago. I am still working here.

I have worked here for three years. 2)

Four months ago I got married.

I live a very happy life with my husband.

I have been married for four months.


Step2 Brief Introduction

The teacher will give the Ss the two sentence we have talked before, and give them an introduction to the present perfect tense./教师给学生上面出现过的句子,并给学生简单介绍现在完成时。

I have worked here for three years. I have been married for three year.


Step 3 Presentation

Then the teacher will give them five situations to use the present perfect tense. In this process, generally we will give the Ss an example at first, and then tell them the rules, at last we will give them another example to consolidate what they have learned. (The present perfect tense will be underlined, and the rules will be italics.)./教师向学生讲授现在完成时使用的五种情况,在这一过程中,教师先给学生例子,然后再给学生分析语法使用情况,最后再给出例句反馈巩固学生学习的新知识。(现在完成时用下划线标出,使用规则用斜体字标出。)

1.The disappearance of Justin has made Kelly very unhappy

We use the present perfect tense to talk about things that happened in the recent past, but are connected to the present.

Tom is looking for his key. He can't find it. He has lost his key. 2.I have not seen Justin since last Friday night.

We also use the present perfect tense to talk about something that started in the past, and is still happening now.

I'm hungry. I haven't eaten anything since breakfast/

3.We use the present perfect tense when the exact time of an action is not clear or important. We use it with time expressions such as:

already ever for just lately never recently since yet We use already for affirmative statements and yet for negative statements. The boy has already come home. The boy has not come home yet. I have already heard from him.

I haven’t heard anything from him yet.

We use for + a period of time and since + a point in time. We haven’t seen him for two years. We haven’t seen him since 2002.

4.We use the present perfect tense to talk about actions that were completed only a short time ago. The teacher brought a chocolate into the class. And then she gave it to a student and asked her to eat it. Then the teacher will tell the class:\has eaten a chocolate. \

5.We can also use the present perfect tense for repeated actions.

The teacher gave some chocolate to some other students. And the teacher will say: \have given the chocolate for three times. \


Step4 Summary

At last the teacher will ask the students to give the form of the present continuous, and then the Ss will be guided to summarize the form of the present perfect tense, that is have/ has and the past participle of the verb. /教师让学生回忆一般现在时,一般过去式,现在和过去进行式的构成方式,然后再引导学生总结出现在完成时的形式规律。最后老师给予评价。 We form the present perfect tense with have/ has and the past participle of the verb.


Step5 Practice (1)multiple choice


1. — Oh, Mrs. King, your necklace looks nice. Is it new? — No, I ____ it for two years.

A. had B. have had C. bought D. have bought 2. His grandfather _____ for over two years.

A. has died B. has been dead C. has dead D. died 3.Uncle Li can speak English very well because he _____ England for 5 years. A. has gone to B. has been to C. has come to D. has been in 4. — Where is Mr. Zhang? — He _____ London.

A. has been to B. has been C. has gone D. has gone to

5. — _____ to the United States? — No, never, but I went to Canada a few years ago. A. Have you been B. Have you gone C. Did you go D. Will you go 6. I haven’t seen you _____ last Friday.

A. for B. since C. from D. on

7. — John, you ____ the computer game for two hours. It’s bad for your eyes. Stop, please! — OK, Mum.

A. played B. have played C. were playing D. play 8.I won’t go to the concert because I _____ my ticket.

A. lost B. don’t lose C. have lost D. will lost


You are writing about a friend’s travels in your diary. Complete your diary entry using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

My friend Jack has just sent me an e-mail, telling me about his travels around the world. He 1_____________(just be)to Qomolangma Base Camp and 2____________(see) a Yeti there. He is still very excited about it. He

3__________(visit) the Great Pyramid in Egypt too. He says that he 4___________( love) Egypt but he 5____________(not visit) all the pyramids yet.

He 6___________(swim) in Loch Ness, but luckily he 7__________ (never meet) the Loch Ness Monster! He 8__________(dive) in the Indian Ocean many times looking for treasure. Although he 9____________(find) many sunken ships, he 10_____________(not find) any treasure.

11________he ______(be) to the Great Wall before? I’m not sure - but I have!

(3)让学生根据所给情况,用现在完成时态将下列词语造句。 arrive break go up grow improve lose

1. Mike is looking for his key. He can’t find it. He has lost his key. 2. Margaret can’t walk and her leg is in plaster. She

3. Maria’s English wasn’t very good. Now it is much better. 4. Tim didn’t have a beard last month. Now he has a beard. 5. This morning I was expecting a letter. Now I have it. 6. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90. 【设计说明】教师根据刚刚学习的现在完成时的结构和几种情况进行练习。并且按照先易后难的顺序,首先采用较简单的选择题,让学生初步练习,然后采用较难的填空的形式,最后采用半开放的造句形式,让学生初步学会运用现在完成时,从而更好的掌握现在完成时。本环节的设计旨在帮助学生理解运用现在完成时,提高学生根据情景进行造句的能力。

Step6 Production


例子:Jack is driving a car but he is very nervous and not sure what to do. You can begin like this:

You ask: Have you driven a car before? He says: No, this is my first time I’ve driven a car. ……


2 3

1.Len is playing tennis. He’s not very good and he doesn’t know the rules. You ask: He says: ……

2.Sue is riding a horse. She doesn’t look very confident or comfortable. You ask: She says: ……

3.Maria is in London. She has just arrived and it’s very new for her.

You ask:

She says: ……


Step7 Homework


