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Part 1(更适用于小学)

1.What number comes next?246,468,689,892 ( )

2.Use four fours to form a math problem with the mark of\ ( ) 3.What can be used after breaking it? ( )

4.there is a person walking and turning back to look at his footprints. But he didn't see them. Why? ( ) 5.Which letter is the most useful to a deaf woman? ( ) 6.What table is in the field? ( )

7.What question can never be answered by \ ( ) 8.Can 11 and 2 make 1? Why? ( )

9.What three letter turn a girl into a woman? ( ) 10.Why is the letter \Key: 1.924 2.4*4+4+4=24


4.because he is walking backward.【他原本就倒着走,所以回头的话反而看不到脚印。】 5.字母I[音同eye.对聋人来说,眼睛是重要的信息来源。] 6.vegetable 【 蔬菜种在地里】

7.\【你睡着了吗?回答的人永远不可能说是的。(睡着了便不能回答。)】 8.Yes.Eleven o'clock +two hours=One o'clock. 9.Mrs.

10.in the middle of 【字母t在water单词的中间,含义岛在水中央。】

Part 2

Jack and Joe were on vacation. They were driving along a deserted country road from the town of Kaysville to the town of Lynnsville. They came to a multiple fork in the road. The sign post had been knocked down and they were faced with choosing one of five different directions. Since they had left their map at the last gas station and there was no one around to ask,how could Jack and Joe find their way to Lynnsville?

ANSWER:They need to stand the signpost up so that the arm reading Kaysville points in the direction of Kaysville,the town they had just come from. With one arm pointing the correct way, the other arms will also point in the right directions.

杰克和乔去度假。他们从凯斯威尔镇驱车沿着一条荒无人烟的乡间小路前往林斯威尔镇。在途中他们遇到了一个有多个岔路的道口。路标已被撞倒,他们面临着从五条岔路中选择一条作为前进方向的难题。由于他们在离开上一个加油站时忘了带地图,周围又没人可以问路,杰克和乔该如何找到去林斯威尔镇的路呢? 答案:他们应把路标竖起来,使其一只臂指向来时的凯斯威尔镇,这样由于一只臂指示了正确的方向,其他臂也随之指示正确的方向了。

Part 3

1. 一道经典的英语填空题,注意,所有空格均为同一个单词: ____ is greater than God. ____ is more evil than the Devil.

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The poor need ____. The rich have ____. If you eat ____, you will die.

2. What number should replace(代替)the question mark? AVIATOR=6 FIXTURE=9 WIZARD=1 DIVERSE=? Answer 1: Gold(money) Answer 2: 1

Part 4

A teacher has 10 pieces of candy and 10 students. He is giving each student a piece of candy and meanwhile has one piece of candy left in the box, what should he do? 老师盒子里有10颗糖,正好学生有10人。老师说:你们每人要分到颗糖,同时盒子里还要剩下一颗,请问怎么分?

Part 5(适用于小学)

( )1.Which does not have two legs?(2分)

A. A duck B. A bird C. A fish D. A girl ( )2. It’s raining cats and dogs.(2分)

A.下猫狗 B.倾盆大雨 C.不下雨 D.毛毛细雨 ( )3. How many letters(字母) are there in “name”?(2分) A.26 B.4 C.5 D.7 ( )4.Amy is 12 years old(十二岁),John is 2 years younger than Amy. Sarah is 1 years older than John.How old is Sarah?(2分) A.15 B.11 C.13 D.9 5.Take 5 letters from CHIOCSTRN to make something we wear. ________. (从CHIOCSTRN中选出5个字母组成一个服装单词。2分)

Part 6

1. Odd one out: Circle the noun in the group. Then cross out the adjective which can't be used with the noun.

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2. How many minutes is it before 12 noon, if 48 minutes ago it was twice as many minutes past 9 a.m.?

3. Find two words, both reading clockwise round each circle. You must find the starting point of each word and provide the missing letters. The two words form a phrase.

4. Find the ages of Mary, George, Alice, Claire and Stephen if the sum of the ages of two of them all as follows: Mary George = 33 years Alice Claire = 95 years Stephen Mary = 72 years Mary Claire = 87 years

Stephen George = 73 years

5. Place a word in the bracket that forms a new word or phrase when tacked onto(添加) the word on the left, and another word or phrase when placed in front of the word on the right. e.g. first (class) mate second ( ) some Key:

1. eggs revolved

2. 44 minutes (12 noon less 44 minutes = 11:16 11:16 less 48 minutes = 10:28

9 a.m. plus 88 minutes (44×2) = 10:28)

3. ABSOLUTE MAJORITY 超过半数,绝大多数 4. Mary 16, George 17, Alice 24, Stephen 56, Claire 71 5. hand: second hand, handsome

Part 7(更适用于小学)

1. What has two legs but can’t walk?

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2. What kind of dog never bite?

3. What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down?

4. What is pronounced like one letter written with three letters and belongs to all the animals? 5. What has four eyes but cannot see? 6. What do vampires do at midnight? 7. What can you catch but cannot throw?

8. What is deaf and dumb but always tells the truth? 9. What did one penny say to the other? 10. What has a tongue but cannot talk? 11. What has ears but cannot hear? 12. What has teeth but cannot eat?

13. What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself? 14. What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out? 15. What runs all around the ground but never moves? 16. What can go through water but never get wet? 17. What kind of leaves doesn’t fall in Autumn? 18. What kind of house weights least?

19. What kinds of keys are too large for your pocket? 20. Where do ghost like to swim? 21. Why did the pickle close its eyes? 22. What has arms but can't hug? 23. What has a face but no head? 24. What has fingers but can't type? 25. What has a head and a foot but no body?

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26. What has a mouth but never smiles? 27. Which month has 28 days? 28. With which hand do you write? 29. What animal can jump as high as a tree? 30. What falls often but never gets hurt?


1:圆规 2:热狗 3:6 4:眼睛 5:密西西比州 6:采取抬棺材,打破 7:一冷 8:一面镜子

9:我们同心合力,使更多美分。 10:1擦鞋 11:玉米 12:梳子 13:你的姓名 14:一锁孔 15:围栏 16:阳光 17:叶的这本书 18:灯塔

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新词,它们依次是侏儒、人、巨人和马,当然是Dwarf(侏儒)最小了。 43.What is the next number in the following sequence?

1 - 2 - 3 - 5 - 8 - 13


44.If n is an odd integer, which one of the following is an even integer?

n*n - n/4 - 2n + 3 - n(n + 3)

答案是n(n + 3),n是一个奇数,(n + 3)就是一个偶数,它们的乘积一定是一个偶数。

45.In traveling from city A to city B, John drove for 1 hour at 50 mph and for 3 hours

at 60 mph. What was his average speed for the whole trip ?

53.5 - 55 - 56 - 57.5


46.A jet uses 80 gallons of fuel to fly 320 miles. At this rate, how many gallons of fuel

are needed for a 700 mile flight?

150 - 155 - 160 - 175


47.Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. ORCHESTRA - MUSICIAN ?

story - comedian,band - singer,garden - leaf, troupe - actor

答案是troupe - actor(剧团-演员),只有它与原搭配的结构最为相近。

48.What was started by a young assasin called Gavrilio Prinzip, who shot Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo?

The Hundred Years War - World War I - World War I I - The Russian Revolution

答案是World War I(第一次世界大战),这道题考的是你的历史知识,1914年的萨拉热窝事件直接导致了第一次世界大战的爆发。

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49.If x is an integer, then which of the following is the product of the next two integers greater than 2(x + 1)?

4x*x + 14x + 12 ,4x*x + 12 ,x*x + 14x + 12 ,x*x + x+ 12 ,4x*x + 14x


50.Suppose you begin reading a book on page h and end on page k . If the pages are

numbered and read consecutively, then how many pages have you read?

k - h ,k - h + 2 ,k - h - 1 ,k - h + 1

答案是k-h+1,这道题考的是你的数学能力,从h页到k页一共是k-h页,但不要忘了加上一页,就是h页。 51.Seven years ago, Scott was 3 times as old as Kathy was at that time. If Scott is

now 5 years older than Kathy, how old is Scott ?

12.5 ,13 ,14 ,14.5

答案是14.5,这是一道稍复杂的计算题,设Scott七年前的年龄为X,则有X+7-(1/3X+7)=5,由此可得X=7 1/2,再加上7即是Scott现在的年龄,因此该选14 1/2。 52.Chose the word that doesn't fit!

herring - whale - shark - eel - pike

答案是whale -鲸,herring-鲑鱼、shark-鲨鱼、eel-鳗鱼与pike-梭鱼都是鱼类,只有鲸是哺乳类动物,所以应该选择它。

53.What is the largest meat eating animal ?

grizzly - bear - sperm - whale - gorilla - hippopotamus

答案是sperm whale(抹香鲸),地球上最大的食肉动物是抹香鲸,而不是grizzly bear(灰熊),也不是gorilla(大猩猩)和hippopotamus(河马),大猩猩是杂食动物,河马根本就不吃肉。 54.Select the answer-pair that expresses a relationship most similar to that expressed in the capitalized pair. AROMATIC - SMELL ?

debonair - grandeur tart - taste unctuous - antithesis unsavory - vision

答案是tart - taste(酸的-味道),我们只要搞清楚这些单词的意思就能弄明白为什么,debonair - grandeur(温文尔雅的-庄严),unctuous - antithesis(肥沃的-对立面),unsavory - vision(难吃的-视觉),综合比较只有tart - taste(酸的-味道)才是最为贴切的一组。

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55.Suppose half the people on a bus exit at each stop and no additional passengers board the bus. If on the third stop the next to last person exits the bus, then how many people were on the bus ?

20 - 16 - 8 - 4


56.The Dead Sea is the lowest point in Asia. What's the lowest place among all continents?

Africa - Antarctica - North - America - South - America

答案是Antarctica(南极洲),南极洲的Bentley谷海拔为海平面以下8,325英尺,是全世界各大洲的最低点。 57.The sum of two digits of a two digit number is 12 and the ten's digit is one-third

the unit's digit. What is the number?

93 - 54 - 48 - 39


58.What is the next number in the following sequence:1 2 3 5 8 13 ?

17 - 18 - 19 - 21


59.Choose the word most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word. FACILITATE?

appease - expedite - foil - precipitate

答案是foil(阻碍),facilitate意为促进,因此各单词中只有foil(阻碍)与它意思相反。 60.What is the next number?

65536, 256, 16,?

答案是4,数列中的规律是前一个数是后一个数的平方,下一个数应该是16的平方根,所以是4。 61. In the winter __________ do not fly south.

ducks - geese - sparrows - swallows

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Part 10(更适用于小学)

1、( )department store------There are some big department storesin Guangzhou such as Guangzhou Department Store,Huaxia Department Store and Nanfangdasha Department Store. A.食品店 B.精品店 C.書店 D.百貨公司

2、It's a flying flowers. It’s one of the beautiful insects. What is it? It’s a___________.

3、( )railway station -----A railway station is a train station. A.派出所 B.汽車站 C.火車站 D.郵局 4、( )the Spring Festival-----The Spring Festival is the Chinese New Year. A.元旦 B.聖誕節 C.春節 D.中秋節

5、I'm your good friend. Without me, you can't open the door. Guess. What am I?________________

6、We're in your mouth. Without us, you can't bite things. Guess. What am I?___________________

7、What has a neck but no throat?____________________. A.A glass B. A bottle C.An elephant D.A banana 8、( )What is from Africa?_______________

A. A panda. B. An elephant C.A tight D.A kangaroo

9、It looks like a bear but not a bear with a white and black coat. It’s a ______________________. 10、It's sometimes a pet, which has got long ears and red eyes. It's a ______________________. 11、What will you get if you cut the head of a bear? It's _______. 12、What letter is a part of the head? It's____________________.

13、Two heads are better than one.(寫出中文意思)________________________

14、Mary is the apple of her mother's eye.(寫出中文意思)________________________ 15、What kind of dog is hot?_______________________ 16、What letter can be drunk?________________________ 17、Which has most feet?__________________.

18、Which one is longer?_______________________ 17、补充:A.A bird B.A horse C.A bee

18、补充:A.A rabbit'a tail B.An elephant's nose C.A monkey;s tail Key;

1d 2 batterfly3c 4c 5key6 teeth 8b 9panda 10rabbite 12 H 13 三个臭皮匠顶一个诸葛亮 14 玛丽是他妈妈眼里的宝贝 15hot-dog16.T.因为tea可以喝17,C.18,B



1. - What will you say when you are in danger? -________!

A. I'm afraid B. SOSC. Help D. Please

2. - Can't you see the sign by the road? Move your car away.

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- Sorry, I didn't see ________ here. A. DANGERB. NO SMOKING C. EXIT D. NO PARKING

3. \ A. feeling blue B. not very well C. OKD. very sorry

4.What's too much for two and just right for me? A. Time.B. A secret.C. Two friends.D. A room. 5. What is easy to get into but hard to get out of? A. Trouble B. Water C. A school D. A house 6. - Where's the john?

- Oh, over there. This way, please. \ A. the boy B. the toilet

C. the father D. the bathroom

7. What is worse than finding a worm in your apple? A. Finding nothing B. Finding half a worm C. Finding a worm D. Finding no worm

8. If all the letters were asked to a tea party. Which letters would be late? A. U and Z B. W, X and Y

C. X, Y and Z D. U, V, W, X, Y and Z 9. What's \吹牛\ A. talk big cow B. talk big horse C. blow cow D. talk big

10. What three letters turn a girl into a woman? A. SUNB. DABC. EYED. EGA

11. 认真观察并找出第一个图的数字方形排列规律,选出第二个图空格中所缺的正确数字。

A. one B. three C. four D. twelve


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(通过上下文猜测词意,是阅读时常用的方法。本题旨在考查学生的词意猜测能力。) 1. Pingping is a lovely girl in the family. They all love her. She is the apple of their eye. A. 脸像苹果 B. 掌上明珠 C. 幸运之神 D. 核心人物

2. -Can you help me to draw this picture? -That's a piece of cake. I can do it. A. 小事一桩 B. 行,给一块蛋糕饼 C. 画一块饼吧 D. 看情况吧

3. -You look blue this morning.What's wrong with you? A. 脸色发青B. 脸上肿了 C. 闷闷不乐 D. 患青光眼

4.The students are going out of the classroom in threes and fours. A. 说三道四 B. 三言两语 C.各奔东西D. 三五成群

5. Sorry! I can't go with you. I'm not quite myself. A. 我身不由已 B. 我完全不是我自己 C. 我控制不住我自己 D. 我感到不太舒服

6. -It's my pleasure to see you home. You see, it's so late. -No, thanks. My husband goes with me every day. A. 拜访你家 B. 送你回家 C. 帮你看家 D. 去你家认认门 7. -Can you do this work?

-Let me have a go at it, all right?

A. 试一下B. 去看看 C. 跑一趟 D. 问一下 8. We don't want it. It's a white elephant. What is it? A. 一件无用而累赘的东西 B. 一头白象 C. 白给的东西 D. 白色陷阱

9. We are all in the dark about their plan .Can you tell us? A. 在黑暗中 B. 对??正在探索 C. 对??一无所知D. 在晚上讨论

10. You work very hard today. Let's call it a day and go home. A. 互相问候 B. 打个电话 C. 大喊一声 D. 今天到此为止

11.What's the Chinese for \一打)of the other\ A. 六分之一B. 人云亦云

C. 半斤八两D. 见一面分一半

12. He isn't really ill. He is just putting on. A. 假装 B. 上演 C. 挂上 D. 穿上

13. I don't like your uncle. He is an old woman. A. 老太婆 B. 没有妻子的老头 C. 喜欢婆婆妈妈的人 D. 老人

14. Don't be in a family way at the table! A. 不拘礼节 B. 宾至如归 C. 没有礼貌 D. 跟在家一样

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15. -Nice forgot to lock the door. -It's an old story.

A. 老生常谈 B. 过去的事 C. 古老的故事 D. 司空见惯

16. When your mother sees your dirty trousers, you'll be in for it. A. 道歉 B. 吃苦头 C. 洗干净 D. 脱去

17. If I go to see my uncle, I can read his books. It's in two twos. A. 一分为二 B. 一文不名 C. 三心二意 D. 一举两得

18. He is know-little. I can't speak to the wind. A. 白费唇舌 B. 纸上谈兵 C. 随风而逝 D. 和风交谈

19. He's a yes-man. I don't like him. A. 唯唯诺诺的人 B. 总有理的人 C. 坚强的人D. 说一不二的人


1. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?b________.

2. What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks? r________.

3. There is a word of five letters from which you can take two away and leave one. Do you know what it is? s________ ( a________, p________).

4. What has a lot of teeth but no mouth?c________. 5. What is easy to get into but hard to get out of?t__.

6. It has no legs. But it walks day and night. What is it? c________. 7. What letter is a part of the head? ________.

8. What two words have thousands of letters in them?p________ ,o________.

9.Its first letter is in \both \ 10. What runs but never walks? w________.

11. Which part of a clock is always old? s________.

12.The clock rings every 4 seconds.If we want to count twelve times, how many seconds do you need? f________.

13.What animal is nearest to your brain? h________.

14.Which one of the five is least like the other four(找出5个词中不同的一项). -potato carrot apple tomato cabbage. a________.

15.The more you take from it, the bigger it grows. h________. IV.根据图示和所提要求完成任务

A. 将左边的祈使句与右边的图示配对

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B.根据图示写每一行的单词,然后用数字中的字母完成句子: My favourite day is__________, ___________.



1. When do you go as fast as a racing car?

________________________________________ 2. How many sides does a house have?


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3. How many letters are there in \ ________________________________________

4. A couple(夫妇)have six children but they never bear(生孩子)one child. Why? ________________________________________ 5. What question can you never answer \ ________________________________________

6. All the students are sitting in the class, but Li Wei always stands. Why? ________________________________________ 7. Why couldn't we find Hayden?


8.Girls and boys are playing. Why Xiao Ming doesn't play with them? ________________________________________ 9. When do one and one make three?

________________________________________ 10. Why are dogs afraid of sun bathe?

________________________________________ VI.看图读句子,然后按要求完成任务

1. Draw three straight lines to leave three different hats in each pair. How to draw them in the picture?

2. Fill in the boxes below with the number 1 to 9,so that the sum of the 4 numbers on each side of triangle is the same number.

3. Tom has 9 coins—3silver(S 银的), 3 gold (G 金的) and 3 copper (C 铜的). He wants to rearrange (重新组合)

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them so that every SILVER coin touches (接触) a GOLD one... every GOLD coin touches a COPPER one...and every COPPER coin touches a silver one. Show Tom how to do it.

4.Sam:Hi,everybody. I am in trouble now, could you help me, please? Look at the picture, I have to put 6, 5, 4 into the different circles, so that all rows add up to 12. Do you know how to do that?

5. Can you help the boy to reach his present by finding a food eaten at Thanksgiving starting at the arrow(箭头).


假如你第一次到下面这个城市。你想去东方公园约见一个朋友。但是你必须先去医院取治咳嗽的药,然后你要到邮局去发一封信,最后才去东方公园。你现在站在南大街的一个十字路口向警察问路(如图)。A 代表你,B代表警察。下面是一段问路的对话,语序已打乱,请根据所给提示重新排序。 1. Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the park?

2. Oh, I see. You can go straight and turn right on the first turning, you'll find a white building. That's the

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3. How can I get to the post office after I get out of the hospital? 4. Oh, it is in the most east of the city. You can go ...

5. I'm sorry, I should tell you that before I get to the park, I'll have to go to the hospital to get some medicine for my cough, and then I'll go to the post office to send a letter to my friend.

6.That's easy. After walking out of the hospital, please turn left and walk about one hundred paces. You will reach the North Road. Then turn right. At the first turning, you can see the post office on the right. 7. OK. Thanks a lot.

8. No, very near. Getting out of the post office, you should go back to the North Road. Turn left and go straight, at the end of the road is the park.

9. Is the post office far from the park?



I. 1. C。题意为:“当你处于危险中时,你将说什么?”一般在危险时常喊“救命”,只有help有“救命”之意。

2. D。上句是“你没有看到路边的标牌吗?把你的车挪开”。下句是“对不起,刚才我没有看到‘不准停车’的牌子”。DANGER意为“危险”。NO SMOKING意为“不准吸烟”。EXIT是“出口”的意思。NO PARKING意为“不准停车”。 3~5 BBA

6. B。Where's the john?是在询问厕所在哪里,这是一种习惯说法,要牢记。 7~10 BDDD

11. C。从表1横排中,14除以2等于7,7除以1等于7,2除以2等于1,可以看出横着第三个数是由前两个数相除得出;竖排中,14除以7等于2, 2除以1等于2,7除以7等于1,也可以看出竖着第三个数是由前两个数相除得出。表2中规律也是如此,横排给出的数字为12除以3等于4, 3除以3等于1;竖排是12除以4等于3, 3除以1等于3,因此可推断表2中所缺数字为4。 II. 1. the apple of one's eye 是“掌上明珠”的意思。

2. 从下一句I can do it.可看出应该指一件事,选A较合适。 3. look blue意思是“脸色发青”的意思。

4.in threes and fours从句子中going out of the classroom看出指动作,所以A、B应排除,D较合适。

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5. D。

6.从上下文it's so late和My husband goes with me every day 判断为B。 7. Can you do this work?回答“让我试一下”比较合理。 8. A。


10. 根据上下文意思“你们今天很辛苦,我们??回家吧”判断,应选D(今天到此为止)。 11~15 CACAD16~19 BDAA

III. 1. blackboard 解释:谜面意为“什么干净时是黑的,脏的时候是白的”,黑板刚刷墨汁时,很黑,是干净的,在上面写字以后,粉笔是白色的,它却是脏的,需要擦掉。

2. river解释:有个舒服的床,从不睡觉,有一张大嘴从不说话,河流有河床,有出口但不说话。 3. stone (alone; phone) 解释:根据题意分析,这3个词拿掉前两个字母,都会剩下one。 4. 此题意思是:什么有牙没有嘴?经过逻辑推理,可知是comb(梳子),因为梳子有牙,却没有一张嘴。 5. trouble解释:因为找麻烦(trouble)容易,要摆脱它就难了。 6. clock解释:没有腿,日夜会走,因此应该是钟,即clock。

7. I解释本句意为:哪个字母是头的一部分? I 与eye是谐音,eye是头的一部分,因此谐音字母 I是头的一部分。

8. post office解释:哪两个单词中有上千封信, 自然是邮局里有许多信件。

9. bike解释:第一个字母在book里,不在look里,即是字母b。第二个字母在ink里,不在thank里,即是字母i。第三个字母既在ink里,又在book里,即是字母k。最后一个字母不在ship里,而在jeep里,即是e。故这个单词是bike。

10. water解释:河水流动可用动词run,这里不是“跑”的意思,水当然不会走路了。 11. second-hand解释:second-hand可意为“秒针,二手货,旧货”,因此说“钟的秒针总是‘旧货’”。 12. forty-four seconds (9. 44秒) 解释:钟要4秒敲一次。第一次数的时候没有间隔,故数12下需44秒,即12×4 - 4=44。

13. hare (hair) 解释:hare与hair读音相同。 14. apple解释:The others are vegetables。 15. hole解释:洞越挖越大。 IV. A.1~6 EFACBD

B.Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1,Sunday V. 1. When you are in it.

解析:人要和赛车跑得一样快,只有坐在赛车里。 2. Two—inside and outside

解析:句意为“一个房子有几个面”。只有两个:一个为里面,另一个为外面。 3. 12。

解析:所问的并不是“你书里有多少字母”,而是在词组your textbook中有多少个字母。 4.The woman bears two or three babies each time.

解析:夫妇有6个孩子,而他们都没生一个。没生一个孩子并不是不生孩子,可能一次生两个或3个。 5. Are you sleepy?


6. Li Wei is a teacher.


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7. Because Hayden is hiding.

解析:Hayden与hiding谐音, hiding意为“藏”。 8. Xiao Ming is a baby.

解析:他可能是婴儿不会玩。 9. When it's wrong?

解析:1加1应该是2,只有错误的时候,1加1才等于3。 10. Because they don't want to be hot -dogs. 解析:因为它们不想成为热狗。 VI.


A.1 4 5 2 3 6 9 8 7

Part 12

1 How many eggs can a man eat on an empty stomach? 2 I`m something that can run but can`t walk. What am I?

3 I am something that makes everything visible but am myself unseen. What am i? 4 From what number canyou take half and leave nothing?

5 I'm something that is filled everyday and emptied every night, except once a year when I'm filled at night and emptied in the morning. What am I? Key:

1. One。一个,因为吃第二个时就不是空的胃了。

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2. Nose。因为人们说 running nose,(流鼻涕),但是永远不会说 walking nose. 呵呵,这个有点脑筋急转弯了。 3. Light. 光。

4. 1/2. 因为1/2中拿去了half(half 也就是1/2呀),就剩下0了,也就是都拿光了,leave nothing. 5. socks. 袜子。圣诞节前夜是晚上装东西(圣诞老人的礼物),平时都是白天穿上晚上脱掉就空了。

Part 13(更适用于高中或以上程度)

A man jogs at 6mph over a certain distance and walks back over the same route at 4mph. What's his average speed for the journey?

Key:设总路程为:1; 所用总时间:1/6+1/4=5/12; 平均速度=总路程/总时间=12/5=4.8

Part 14(适用于初中)


⑴ —————— ⑵ —————

⑶ —————— ⑷ —————

⑸ ——————————————


⒈Thank you very much for _____ me .

A. help B. helps C helping .D. to help ⒉They are _____ book in a bookstore .

A.looking for B. looking after C. looking at D.look through ⒊That umbrella ______ me 29 yuan.

A. spent B. paid C. cost D. took 4.He is friendly and he can ________well with others.

A. come along B. gets along C. come on D. get along 5.You can watch TV________Sunday night, _________you? A.on can’t B.in can’t C. on don’t D. in aren’t 6.Jake is very funny, He always makes us__________.

A. laugh B. laughing C. to laugh D. laughs

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

7.----Their prices are low, aren’t they? -----______________.

A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, they aren’t. C. Yes, they do D. No,they don’t 8.I_________Fun Times Amusement Park three days ago. A. go to B. have been to C. went to D.have gone to

9.---Have you _________been to Xiamen? -----No,___________ A. ever never B. never ever C. ever ever D. never never

10.Your father is _______a meeting and I’m going shopping. A.have B. has C. at D. in Ⅲ.用括号中所给词的适当形式填空

1. My brother_______________(not play) football tomorrow. 2. He is________________(friendly) than before.

3. I need some money______________(buy) that dictionary. 4. I __________(do) my homework last night. 5. How about__________(read) books?

6. He ______________(watch)TV at eight yesterday evening. 7. She is one of the most popular________________(sing).

8. Father told me that I should do________(well) in my physics. 9. The girl spent the whole day___________(play)computer games. 10. Are you __________(interest) in this action movie? Ⅳ. 句型转换

1. He has a cold.(就画线部分提问)

What’s ________ __________ him?

2. He should write a letter to me.(改为否定句)

He ________ ________ a letter to me

3. Jim was reaging at nine last night(就画线部分提问) _______ ______ _______ at nine last night?

4. I made some posters last wendnesday .(用in two days改写句子)

I _______ ________ some posters in two days.

5. Why don’t you buy your mother a scarf for her birthday?(同意句转换) Why _______ _______ a scarf for your morher for her birtherday 6. This dictionary is too expensive, I can’t buy it(合为一句) This dictionary is ______sxpensive_______ _______.

7. I have been to an amusement Park.(变为一般疑问句) ______you ever ______ _______an amusement Park 8. Have you ever seen th9is film?(作否定回答) ______, I_______.

9. I have you studied English for two years.( 就画线部分提问) ______ _______ _______you studied English?

10. It look like rain ,______________?(改为反意疑问句) V.阅读理解 A

Kris and his yong wife had a small bar(酒吧)mear a station . The bar often opened until after mid-night,becausepenople came to drink there while they were waiting for train .So the buainess was evry good.

At three o’clock one morning ,a man was still at a table in the bar. He was asleep.Kris’wife wanted to go to

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

bed.She looked into the bar.several times, and each time the man was still in sleeping.Then, but last she went to her husband and said to him,”You’ve woken that man seven times now, Kris,but he isn’tdrink anything.Why haven’t you sent him away?It’too late.””Oh,no,I don’t want to sent him away,”answered her husband with a smile ,”You know ,each time when I work him up,he gave men 5 pounds .then he went to sleep sgsin.” 1.Where was kis’bar? A. Near the station . B.Near the trains C. In the station. D. Near the street. 2. Why did people come to drink bar after midnight? A.Bacause the beer in the bar tasted .

B. Bacause the hostess was young an beautife.

C. Bacause they were waiting for trina and the bar near the station. D. Bacause the beer was cheap in the bar

3.What was that man doing at 3 o’clock in the morning? A.He was drinking beer in the bar B.He was giving money to Ktis C.He was working at the table D.He was asleep in the bar

4.Why didn’t Kris send the man away?

A. Bacause he wanted him to be the first customer in the morning B. Bacause he could get five pounds when he woke him up each time C. Bacause he liked that man very much D. Bacause that man was Kris’father 5.What do you think of Kris?

A.He is very clever . B.He is a good housbend C.We shouldn’t learn from him. D.We shonld learn from him


In the world ,soccer of football is the most popular sport.This is because many sountries have wonderful teams for the World Cup.The World Cup is held every four years.

To remember 2002 FIFA World Cup,children form different countries and more than 60 children form Japanese schools came together and spent three weekends drawing a big picture called “Dream world cups” in Japan. The children drew animals flowers and people the flags of all the countries that will take park in the World Cup in Japan and South Korea .The picture was put up in a park near a playground in Yokohama. Some football team will have games there

Are you a football fan?The World Cup make more people interested in football Theenagers like playing and watching football.Many of them love some football stars so much that they put the picture of their favorite players on the walls of their rooms .that is the way to show their love for the World Cup as children in Japan . 6. If a country wants to take part in the World Cup ,it must have________. A.many football fans B.a very good team C.many football players D.a big playground 7.The next World Cup will be hedl in_____.

A.2006 B.2007 C.2005 D.2004

8.If a country wants to take part in the World Cup, it must have_________. A.people playing football B.pictures of some football stars C.a sunny sky D.flowers

9.In”Dream World Cup”,the children drew the flags of some countries_______

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

A.to show their love for their own country B.to tell the people their stories

C.to show their good wishes for the football teams D.to show their new ideas about football

10.Many teenagers own the pictures of some football stars because________ A.the are intereated in football B.they are football fans

C.they think their favourite players are great D.all of A. B and C

Part 16

1.I stop my carrige to enjoy the sight of maple trees,The frosty leaves look redder than flowers in early spring.是什么古诗?

2.What always gose up and never gose down? 3.Why did the boy make his dog sit in the sun? 4.What is the smallest bridge in the world?

5.What is the difference between the North Poleand the South Pole? 6.Who is closer to you ,your mom or your dad? Key:

1、杜牧《山行》停车坐爱枫林晚,霜叶红于二月花。 1什么东西只会上升不会下降?年龄

2男孩为什么让狗坐在太阳下?因为他想要一只热狗 3世界上最小的桥梁是什么?鼻梁 4北极和南极的区别?天壤之别


Part 17(选自全国中学生竞赛)


1.If all the letters are asked(被叫 )to a tea party, which letters will be late ? ( D ) A.u and z B.w,x and y C.x,y and z D.u.v,w,x,y and z 2.What letter is an insect(昆虫)? It’s ____B______ A.Ww B.Ff C.Bb D.Ss

3.Which is medicine(药)for your head in the English letter?(C) A.ABO B.AUO C.APC D.APU 4.How many letters are there in English?(C) A.48 B.30 C.26 D.7

5.____A____the ninth letter in the English alphabet(字母表 ). A.“I” is B.I am C.I is D. “I”am

6. I see three men on a bus. A speaks English and Japanese. C only talks with B. B can speak Chinese and English. What does C speak? He speaks.(C)

A. English B. Japanese C. Chinese D. English and Japanese 7. How long should your legs be? They are. (D)

A. 1.5 meters long B. 2 meters long C. longer than my father's D. long enough to reach the ground

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

8. What would George Washington be most famous (著名的) for if he were alive today? (C) A. A president (总统). B. A great American. C. His old age. D. A father of his son. 9.Who can stop a truck(卡车) with one hand?(D)

A. A worker B. A farmer C. An old man D.A policeman

10.His talk was nothing but milk and water. “Milk and water”, here means(A) A.毫无意义 B.丰富多彩 C.血浓于水 D.例行公事

11.What’s the Chinese for “six of one an half a dozen of the other’’?(C)

A.六分之一 B.人云亦云 C.半斤八两 D.见一面分一半 12.What’s three letters turn into a woman?(D) A.SUN B.DAB C.EYE D.EGA

13.We don’t want it .It’s “a white elephant.” What is it?(A)

A.昂贵而无用之物 B.一头白象 C.白给的东西 D.白色陷阱 14.What’s too much for two and just right for one.( A) A. Time B. A secret C. Two friends D.A room 15. What’s the Chinese for “talk big.?”(A) A.吹牛 B.说谎话 C.骂人 D.很大 16. I know that from A to I.(B)

A.从A 到I B.从头到尾 C.字母表 D.距离很远 17.You can do it .You can sue to Ann for help.(A) A .ask B. think C. find D. give

18. What’s that? That’s a lily. I like it very much..(B) A. girl’s name B. flower C. pictrue D. cup 10.He’s a yes-man.. I don’t him.(A)

A.唯唯诺诺 B.总有理的人 C.坚强的人 C.说一不二的人 20.All right. Let me do it. That’s the boy.(A)

A. good boy B. young child C. big boy D. bad boy 21.Zhou Shuren’s pen name is Luxun.(C) A.假名 B.真名 C.笔名 D.艺名

22.They are not here. Ten to one they’re in the classroom.(C) A.肯定是 B. 有点儿可能 C.很可能 D.有可能 23.I don’t’ like Mr. Li . He is an old woman..(A)

A.女人气的男人 B.没有妻子的老头 C.喜欢罗嗦的人 D.老太婆 24.You can play with Bill. He is not in the same class.(B)

A.他棒极了 B.他不是你的对手 C.他和你不在一个班上 D.他是个生手 25.Mr.Wang is a businessman. He always talks shops.(C)

A.自吹自擂 B.吹他商店的好 C.谈生意上的事 D.三句不离本行 26.Kate is working in a factory now. She is not a chicken again.(C) A.小鸡 B.鸡肉 C.不是小孩 D.单身女子 27.Don’t give a carrot to me. I can’t go with you.(B)

A.把一胡萝卜给我 B.引诱我 C.让我吃胡萝卜 D.小看我 28. I can’t go to school today. I feel cheap.(B) A.便宜 B.不舒服 C.忙碌 D.虚伪

29. We can go to the moon on foot. You’re killing me.(C)

A.你让我死了吧 B.你杀了我吧 C.你的话笑死人了 D.你在胡说八道

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

30.The neighbours (邻居)called the man cold fish ,because he never helped others. What’s the meaning of cold fish here?(B)

A.冻鱼 B.冷酷无情的人 C.忙人 D.杀手

31.Everyone says he’s good at talking with all kinds of people and he never puts a foot wrong. The Chinese meaning for “puts a foot wrong” in this sentence is_____B_______

A.把一只脚放错了 B.说错话 C.放下一只脚 D.步行

32.I can’t kill a duck ,it’s duck soup to be a cock.. The meaning of “duck soup” in Chinese is____D__________. A.鸭汤 B.鸭子游泳 C.后悔的事 D.易如反掌的事 二、问答题:

1.Fill in the missing number. 12,6,18,12,30,( ),34 Answer: 4 2.Work out the missing digits(数字)so that the calculation(计算 )is correct. 61+24=85 3.What number gets bigger when you turn it upside down? 6 4.From what number can you take half(一半) and leave nothing? 8 5.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away? Sixty 6.There is an interesting number. Its letters are in alphabetical order(按字母顺序排列).What’s the number? Forty 7. How many months has 28 days in a year? Twelve 8. How many hundreds are there in half a thousand. Five 9.A box contains(装有)six small boxes. And each small box also contains another four boxes. How many boxes are there together(一共)? 31 10.If it takes you three and a half minutes to boil(煮)one egg. How long does it take to boil ght eggs at least(至少)? Three and a half minutes 11. Peter can run from the train station to his home in eight minutes. His brother Tom run the same distance (距离)eight times in one hour. Who runs faster( 更快地)? Tom 12. Tim always goes to school by bus. He often looks out of the bus window on his left, and he sees four pet shops. In the evening, on the way home, he sees four pet shops on his right. How many pet shops are there? Four 13.---Can you take 1from 4( 从4中取走4)and get 5? How? ___Yes. Take I from V and I can get V. 14.Which letter doesn’t belongs to the following series? A C E G I K M O P Answer: P 15.What letter is a vegetable: P 16.What is the distance between the first letter and the last letter of”smile”?_____One mile 17.What is pronounced(发音)like one letter, written with three letters , and can be drunk?(被喝) T 18.what is pronounced like one letter, written with three letters, and belongs to all animals ? Eye 19.Hello, everyone. I’m a word. I have three letters. My first letter is in “soon” but not in “moon”, my second letter is in “rose” and also in “rice”. my third letter is not in” pencil” but in “paper”, my whole is a place where there is a lot of water. Who am I? Sea 20.I’m looking at a picture of a man. The man’s father is my father’s son, but I don’t have any brother or sister. Who is the

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

man? My son 21.My sister’s Brown’s daughter, but Brown isn’t her mother, Brown is her _father 22.What kind of dog never bite? Hot dog 23. What stays hot even if put it in a fridge?__ Hot dog _____ 24.It doesn’t ask questions but you must answer it. What is it? Telelphone/phone 25. There were ten men outside under one small umbrella. None of them got wet. Why? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)

Answer: Because it was not raining/因为没有下雨

26.When a thief(贼) is stealing(偷)a car, the police catches him red—handed. What does “catches him red—handed” mean? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________

27. Jack is very odd (奇怪的). He likes balloons, but does not like parties! He likes books, but does not like reading! He likes weeds, but does not like flowers! He likes swimming, but does not like water! Does he like towns or villages?____________ 4 .Bob is lazy. His room is“ at sixes and sevens”. Guess the meaning of “ at sixes and sevens” here.(You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________

28. ---- I get 100 in the math test. I feel on the top of the world. -----Well done.

Guess the meaning” of on the top of the world” her? (You may answer it in English or Chinese.)_____________________Very happy

29.“like for like” means________________ (In Chinese) 30.“Never say die” means_____________________ (In Chinese) 31.“cats and dogs” means_________________ (In Chinese) 32.“Silence is gold” means________________(In Chinese)

33. “Walls have ears” means_____________________(In Chinese) 34“Silence is gold” means________________(In Chinese)

35“Practice makes perfect” means________________(In Chinese) 36.”Love me, love my dog” means________________(In Chinese)

37. “Like father like son” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 38.“No pains, no gains” means ________________________ (In Chinese)

39.“Easy come ,easy go” means ___________________________(In Chinese) 40.“Silence is gold” means __________________________(In Chinese) 41.“See eye to eye” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

42.“Easier said than done” ” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

43.“ It’s never too late to learn” means ___________________________(In Chinese) 44.“Better late than never” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 45.All roads lead to Rome” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 46.“No news is good news” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 47.“Look before you leap” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

48. “Blood is thicker than water” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 49.“Well begin is half done” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

50.“Actions speak louder than words” means _________________________ (In Chinese)

51.“A friend in need is a friend in indeed” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 52.“An idle youth, a needy age” means _________________________ (In Chinese) 三.从右栏中找出左栏中电影的英文名称:

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英语智力&竞赛题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

( ) a. 第十二夜 A. The Million Pound Bank Note ( ) b.百万英镑 B. The Twelfth Night ( )c.音乐之声 C. Sound of Music ( ) d.未来世界 D. Future World 四.连线题

a black and white 黑色幽默

black humor 白纸黑字 卑鄙的人

black tea 红茶 green hand 新手 green eye 嫉妒 yellow dog

五. 哪种说法正确?正确的用 T,错误的用F 表示: 1. Fourth of July is Independence Day. Yes or no? (T) 2. Koalas can swim. Yes or no? (F) 3. The earth moves round the sun. ( F ) 4. The sun moves round the moon. ( F )

5. 用西餐时,需左手拿fork, 右手拿knife. Yes or no? ( F)

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英语智力题库 (适用于小学,初高中) Collected by Leem

第 37 页 共 37 页

