
更新时间:2023-12-08 13:33:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. The painter Jacob Lawrence frequently incorporated patterns into his

compositions, made them more striking than they would otherwise have been. 2. Tucked the rock into a pocket-like fold of skin under its arm, a sea otter海獭will

turn and dive to the bottom for more shell fish. 3. Becoming a skilled photographer, a person should have both manual dexterity 灵

巧and a good eye for detail.

4. The main purpose of the early lyceum 学园movement was improving the schools,

bring about better teacher training and establish libraries. 5. The Moon, the Sun, and the visible planets were considered by earliest observers

being divine objects. 6. Unlike other blood cells, white cells have a nucleus that enables them dividing

and reproducing. 7. The ability retaining a mental record of earlier experiences is referred to as

“memory”. 8. Praising him in such a way is to ruin him.

9. You are cordially热诚地 invited to a party held at seven o’clock next Monday

evening. 10. If you want your film to properly process, you’ll have to wait and pick it up on

Friday, which is the day after tomorrow. 11. In the teaching of mathematics, the way of instruction is generally traditional

with teachers presenting formal lectures and students take notes. 12. Some bosses dislike to allow people to share their responsibilities; they all

important matters tightly in their own hands. 13. If it doesn’t rain within the next few weeks, the crops will have to be watered if

they are to be survived. 14. People cannot but feel puzzling, for they simply cannot understand how he could

have made such a stupid mistake. 15. Generally speaking, the bird flying across our path is observed, and the one

staying on the tree near at hand is passed by without any notice taking of it. 16. Even though the children pretended asleep, the nurses were not deceived when

they came into the room 17. Alice was having trouble to control the children because there were so many of

them. 18. With production having gone up steadily, the factory needs an ever-increasing

supply of raw materials.

19. He asked me if the double room was big enough for us three to live.

20. Whenever we hear of a natural disaster, even in a distant part of the world, we

feel sympathy for the people to have affected. 21. The Portuguese give a great deal of credit to one man for having promoted sea

travel, that man was Prince Henry the navigator, who lived in the 15th century. 22. The General Secretary of the Union regretted to have caused the public

inconveniences and blamed the Government for taking no action. 23. His victory in the final was no more convinced than I had expected.


1. made-making 2. Tucked-Tucking 3. Becoming-To become 4. improving-to

improve 5. being-to be 6 dividing and reproducing-to divide and reproduce 7 retaining-to retain 8. Praising-To praise 9 held-to be held 10 to properly process-to be properly processed 11 take-taking 12 to allow-allowing 13 to be survived-to survive 14 puzzling-puzzled 15 taking-taken 16 asleep- to be asleep 17 to control-controlling 18 having gone-going 19 to live-to live in 20 to have affected-affected 21 was-being 22 to have caused-having caused 23 convinced--convincing

