更新时间:2023-10-14 03:05:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载
1. He has let me use his house to put on fund-raising events to raise money for youth at risk programs. 他把住宅借给我举办募捐活动,为问题青少年项目筹备基金。
2. Then he drew a detailed floor pian for a 4,000-square-foot house that would sit on a 200-acre dream ranch.
3. He put a great deal of his heart into the project and the next day he handed it in to his teacher.
他花了好大心血把文章写完,第二天交给了老师。 4. The boy with the dream went to see the teacher after class and asked,“Why did I receive an F?”
5. Finally,after sitting with it for a week ,the boy turned in the same paper,making no changes at all.
1. I rewrote the last two paragraphs(我重写了最后两段)to make my paper better.
2. If you have unrealistic expectations(如果你怀有不切实际的期望),they will rarely be met.
3. The club decided to take a hand in youth at risk programs(为问题青少年项目出一份力)。
4. The committee will use every means to raise money(想法设法筹备资金),but stops short of an increase in taxes.
5. Would you please explain the theme in detail(详细地说明一下主题)?
1.“He seems to have a hard time of it,”said another,“I wonder where he ‘ll put up for the ninght,”
2. About an hour later,a well-dressed gentleman came into the hotel and said,“I wish to see Mr.Jefferson.”
3. What a dunce I was to turn Mr.Jefferson away! 我真是个大傻瓜,竟然想把杰佛逊先生拒之门外! 4. You were so bespattered with mud that I thought you were some old farmer.
5. A farmer is as good as any other man;and where there’s no room for a farmer,there can be no room for me.
1. Instead of following the captains order(没有人听从船长的命令) the passengers jumped into the icy sea..
2. His wife died last week and he has had a hard time of it(他日子过得很艰难)。
3. He said that the only job he could offer me would be that of a delivery man(他能给我的唯一工作就是送货员的工作). 4. She prides her upon haring a billionaire uncle(她自诩有个亿万富翁的伯父) who lives somewhere in South America. 5. What a dunce you are to put a newly-met man up in your house.(让一个刚认识的男人住在你家)
1. You would think that people would be scampering away from something like this.
2. …more and more people seniors are turning to cosmetic enhancements to gain a competitive edge.
3. Many people in their 50s and 60s who are looking for work find their age can be a real barrier to landing a new job.
4. Professionals or high ranking executives seek out Peters with similar concerns…
5. Whether plastic surgery and scores of other cosmetic treatments actually give a leg up to older Americans either entering or currently in the workforce is unclear。
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