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Unit One Symbols of Culture

一、Teaching Objectives

1. In Listening and Speaking, students are expected to: Pay attention to the grammatical coherence; Pay attention to some useful expressions; Grasp listening skills;

2. In Reading and Writing, students will be able to: Understand the background and main idea of text; Learn new words and expressions; Learn how to write Invitation Letter; 3. In Grammar, students will be able to: Subject-verb agreement;

二、Teaching emphasis & difficulties

Vocabularies of A and B level; Phrases and sentence structure; Learn how to write Invitation Letter; Grammar;

三、Teaching Time:9classes

四、Teaching approaches & means

1. Task-based Approach ; Communicative Language Teaching; Activity Teaching Approach; Question-answer Teaching Approach. Multi-media; Video; PPT; Picture; Blackboard

五、 Teaching Procedure:

Period 1 – 2

Listening & speaking Testing Your Ears

Task1---Task 2----Task 3

Key words and phrases in listening and speaking:

flat: with very little business or activity happening 生意呆滞的 care for: like 喜欢

one man‘s meat is another man‘s poison: (谚)对甲有利的未必对乙也有利。(兴趣爱好因人而异)

Opening Your Mouth

Expressions of showing likes and dislikes: Asking about likes and dislikes: What do you think about/of…? How do you like…?

Do you like /enjoy/care for…? Are you fond of…? Expressing likes: I love /like it.

It‘s great.

Yes, I‘m crazy/mad about it. Yes, it‘s super/my favorite. Yes, I‘m fond of it. Expressing dislikes:

I hate it. It‘s ok/ all right, but… It‘s horrible.

No, I can‘t stand it. No, it‘s not that good. No, I don‘t like it at all.

Talking Together:

Task 1—Task 2—Task 3


Practicing the dialogues after class.

Period 3 – 4

Reading Through: Text A – McDonald‘s

Leading-In (10‘) (PPT导入) Watch and discuss: Introduction: McDonald‘s:

McDonald‘s is the world‘s largest restaurant corporation with more than 30000 restaurants in 119 countries serving 46 million customers each day. In the United States, there are more than 5000 McDonald‘s restaurants. It serves some of its favorite foods—world-famous French fries, Chicken McNuggets and so on. The largest McDonald‘ restaurant is located in Bejing, China. This restaurant has 1000 employees. Also, up to 700 customers can sit and eat in this restaurant at one time.

Dick and Mac McDonald:

In 1953, the McDonald brothers—Dick and Mac ---developed a new idea for their restaurant. The brothers called their idea a ―drive –in‖ restaurant, and customers could order food from their cars. The restaurant also cut down on the number of choices on the menu, so the cooks could make the food very quickly. The restaurant specialized in making hamburgers, French fries, and chocolate shakes. In 1955, Ray Kroc visited the restaurant and offered to buy the rights to the two brothers‘ idea. The two brothers agreed, and the McDonald‘s restaurant chain was born.

Ray Kroc:

Raymond Albert Kroc was the founder of the McDonald‘s corporation. Brothers Mac and Dick McDonald opened the first fast food restaurant called McDonald‘s in 1953 in Downey, California. 1955, Kroc, a milkshake salesman went to visit the restaurant. He saw the potential of this fast food business and thus persuaded the brothers to sell the name to him. In this way, Kroc opened

the first store of the McDonald‘s Corporation in 1955 in Illinois. Kroc died in the 1980‘s.

Warm-up activity:

Pay attention to the following question:

The different opinions held by the Downey people and the McDonald‘s managers. attitude Supporting reasons Downey people Save the building It is a cultural symbol. It gives them good memories. McDonald‘s is trying to change the history. McDonald‘s Tear down the building It was damaged in an earthquake and is impossible to repair. It is losing money at that location. The ways these different opinions are structured and presented.

II. Skimming and Scanning ( 5 – 8‘ )

Read the Text A fast and then tell the main idea of each part. Structure of Text A

Part I (Para. 1-3): The brief introduction of McDonald‘s history.

Part II (Para.4-8): Different opinions about tearing the building down. Part III (Para.9-12): Try to find a peaceful way to solve the problem. III. Detailed study of Text A (20‘) Para 1.

Language points:

tear down: (especially a building) pull down, especially violently; destroy 推倒(尤指建筑物);拆毁

e.g. It is often cheaper to tear down buildings than to repair them. 拆房子的费用常常要比修房子的费用低。 Para 2

Language point:

golden: adj. 1) of the color o gold 金色的;闪金光的

e.g. We‘ve got windy spring, hot and dry summer, golden autumn, and cold and snowy winter. 我们这里春天风大,夏天干燥炎热,秋天一片金色,冬天则寒冷多雪。 2) made of gold 金制的

e.g. The medal was golden, so it was sold quite a lot of money. 那块奖牌是金制的,所以卖了很多钱。 Sentences:

Built in 1953, the restaurant…is the oldest of all the Golden Arches in American…

Meaning: since the restaurant was built in 1953, it is the oldest among all the McDonald‘s restaurants with the logo of the Golden Arches in American…

Notice: ―built in 1953‖ is a past participial phrase serving as an adverbial of reason. Para 3

Language points:

danger: n. the possibility of harm or loss; 危险

a danger: (可数名词)危险事务

in danger of: likely to be hurt or damaged by 处在……危险中

e.g. Doctors and nurses treating SARS cases are facing danger of infection every day. 医治SARS病例的医生护士们每天都面临着被传染的危险。 dangerous: adj. 危险的

destroy: vt. damage something so badly that it cannot be used or repaired or used; 毁坏

e.g. Twice in the last century the City of Tokyo was destroyed and rebuilt. 上个世纪中,东京城经历了两次毁坏和重建。

辨析:ruin 毁坏,破坏,强调因糟践而使其无用,常用于声誉,希望,清白,庄稼和衣物等;destroy 消灭,粉碎,指彻底的破坏,很难或无法修复;harm 指在精神上或名声上受到无形的痛苦或损害;wreck 使车辆机船受到破坏。 Sentences

…the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along eith their memories.

Meaning: The first McDonald‘s restaurant is now facing the possibility of being torn down. Together with the disappearance of the building, people‘s good memories about it would be ruined too.

Notice the sentence could be rewritten as: ― the building, along with their memories, is now in danger of being destroyed. Para. 4

Language points

damage: vt. cause damage to 毁坏,损害

n. the process of spoiling the condition or quality of something and the harm or loss that results. 毁坏,损害

do damage to…

e.g. The storm caused great damage to the southern cities. 暴风雪给南方的一些城市带来了巨大毁坏。

Freezing weather did much damage to the trees. 冰冻的天气对树木造成了极大的伤害。

line of thinking/thought: a way or method of thinking about something思路,想法 Para. 6

Language points

resident: n. a person who lives in a place 居民,定居者

e.g. It is reported that rats outnumber residents in New York by 9 to 1. 据报道纽约的老鼠数量是居民的九倍。

adj. living (in a place) 居住(在某地)的

e.g. In 1970 about one fifth of resident college and university students were women. 在1970年,住读大学生中约有1/5是女性。 Para. 7 Sentences:

There is no room for a drive-thru window, or for seating inside.

Meaning: There is no space where people can buy food without getting out of their car. Nor is there space for people to sit and eat inside.

There is (no) room for: there is (no) the need or possibility for something to happen or be done 有


Para. 8

Language points

structure: n. 1) something formed of many parts, especially a building建筑物;结构物

e.g. The Dragon Tower has become one of the most famous structures in Haerbin. 龙塔已经成为哈尔滨最著名的建筑物之一。

2) the way in which parts are formed into a whole 结构;构造

e.g. This is a long sentence. Please notice its grammatical structure. 这句子较长,请注意它的语法结构。

vt. arrange into a whole form, in which each part is related to others. 建筑;建造;组织

e.g. To make a good speech, you first need to know how to structure it. 要做出色的发言,首先要知道如何去组织你的发言。

afford to do : (usually used with can, could, be able to) be able to spend, give, do, etc., without serious loss or damage 花得起;有能力去(做某事);承担得起

e.g. My father taught himself since he could not afford to go to school at that time. 我父亲当年没钱上学,所以是自学的。

have nothing to do with: have no connection with 与……毫无关系

Para. 9

Language points:

claim: v. 1) declare to be true; state 声称,断言,宣称

e.g. No one claimed to be responsible for this accident. 没有人宣称对此次事故负责。 2) ask for; take 索取;要求

e.g. No one comes here to claim the lost cat. 没有人来认领这只丢失的猫。

n. 1) a statement that something is true or real 宣称,声称 2) a demand or request for something which one has a right to have 要求 索取 make a claim on/to… Para.11

Language points

register: n. (a book containing) an official record or list 登记簿;注册簿 vt. 1) put into an official record or list 登记;注册 e.g. I registered at a hotel near the train station. 我在火车站附近的一家旅馆登记住宿。

2)send by registered post 以挂号邮件寄送 e.g. Have you received his registered parcel? 你收到他挂号邮寄的包裹了吗? Para. 12

Language points:

board: n. 1) a piece of cut wood

