新编商务英语基础教程Unit 8
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Unit 8 E-business
I Teaching Aim
1 Cognitive Information(认知信息): E-business basics
2 Language Focus(内容重点) :
1)Word Study: A. basics, forum, headline, testimonial, urgency, uniquely, storefront, distribute, accordingly; B. automate, coupon, redeen, maximize, launch, commission
2)Phrases: A. nail down,be sure; B. keep in touch, turn into, follow up, in the first place
3)Key Words: A. guarantee; B. asset
3. Grammar:动名词的句法功能
4. Writing(写作技巧):便条写作
5. Translation(翻译技巧):状语从句的翻译
III Background Information
E-business和E-commerce 的区别
随着电子技术和因特网(Internet)的发展,信息技术作为工具被引入到商贸活动中,产生了电子商务(Electronic Business简写EB)。通俗地说,电子商务就是在计算机网络(主要指Internet网络)的平台上,按照一定的标准开展的商务活动。当企业将它的主要业务通过内联网(Intranet)、外联网(Extranet)以及Internet与企业的职员、客户、供销商以及合作伙伴直接相连时,其中发生的各种活动就是电子商务(E-business)。
它同时强调这3部分是有层次的。只有先建立良好的Intranet,建立好比较完善的标准和各种信息基础设施,才能顺利扩展到Extranet,最后扩展到E-commerce(狭义的电子商务)。E-commerce是发生在开放网络上的包含企业之间(Business to Business)、企业和消费者之间(Business to Consumer)的商业交易。
IV language and Culture Focus (语言文化要点)
Text A
1.Word study
1) basics n. [pl.] something that is fundamental or basic 基本原理,基本原则
e.g. These are the basics of French grammar. 这些是法语语法的基本知识。
2) forum n. [usu. sing.] a place where important public issues can be discussed 论坛
e.g. He often visits the auto forum and gets lots of information about auto field. 他经常浏览汽车论坛,了解到很多汽车领域的信息。
3) headline n. a line of words printed in large type at the top of a page, esp. in a newspaper (报纸的)大标题
e.g. Headlines enable readers read newspaper quickly. 标题使得读者能够快速阅读报纸。
4) testimonial n. a written statement testifying to a person’s character , abilities or qualifications 证明
5)urgency n. a matter of being greatly urgent 紧迫;紧迫感
e.g. The report is in great urgency. 急需这份报告。
urgent a. needing immediate attention, action or decision 需立即注意、行动或决定的;紧急的;迫切的
e.g. an urgent message, case, cry for help 紧急的消息、情况、呼救
It is most urgent that we operate. 咱们得马上动手术。
6) uniquely ad. only 独一无二地;唯一地
e.g. She is uniquely suited to the job. 她是唯一适合做此工作的人。
uniqueness n. [U]独特性
7) distribute v. to spread; scatter 分发;分送
e.g. distribute grass seed over the lawn 在草地上散播种子
8) accordingly ad.
① in accordance; correspondingly 相应地
e.g. I’ve told you what the situation is; you must act accordingly. 我已经把情况告诉你了,你得采取相应的行动。
② for that reason; therefore 因此;所以;于是
e.g. There aren’t many jobs available. Accordingly, companies receive hundreds of resumés for every opening. 目前需要招聘的工作岗位不多。所以,公司的每一个空缺职位都能收到成百上千封简历。
1) take note of to notice and remember 注意
e.g. People were beginning to take note of her talents as a writer. 人们开始注意她在写作方面的天赋。
2) nail down to reach a final and definite agreement or decision about something敲定,商定,决定 e.g. Two days isn’t enough time to nail down the details of an agreement. 商定好协议里的每一个细节问题,两天时间是不够的。
3.Key Words
1) guarantee v.
① to promise sth. with certainty (to sb.) 确保
e.g. This food is guaranteed additivefree. 该食品保证不含添加剂。
We guarantee to deliver within a week. 我们保证一周内送到。
② to undertake to be legally responsible for (sth./doing sth.)担保
e.g. guarantee to pay debts 保证还债
guarantee n. ~ (against sth.)a promise (usu. in writing) that certain conditions agreed to in a transaction will be fulfilled 保证书
e.g. The watch comes with a year’s guarantee. 这手表保修一年。
It’s still under guarantee, so the manufacturer will repair it. 保证书还有效,所以厂家会给修理的。
V Teaching tips(教学提示)
Part 3 Knowledge and Skills
3 .Translation 状语从句的翻译
e.g. As land developed,rain water and rivers dissolved salts and other substance from rocks and carried them to the oceans,making the ocean salty
分析:as 在句中引导的是一个时间状语从句
译文:在陆地形成时,雨水和河水溶解了岩石中的盐和其他物质并把它们带入海洋,使海水变咸。 ②根据语境确定译法
e.g. Something further must be done to the amplified signals before they can be sent to the transmitting antenna
分析:before 引导的时间状语从句译为“。。。。才。。。”使句意更为连贯。
e.g. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor,it cannot save the few who are rich
e.g. It doesn’t boil,despite temperature reaching up to 400℃,because it is under terrific pressure 译文:尽管温度高达400℃,水却因为处于高压之下而不会沸腾。
e.g. You “jump on the bandwagon”when you decide to support a candidate because public opinion studies show he is likely to win.
分析:译文中将原句的语序做了前后调整,原因状语前置,而主句被翻译成表示结果的分句。 译文:如果民意调查显示某个候选人很可能会取胜,因此你决定支持他,你就“跳上了宣传车”。
e.g. Although humans are the most intelligent creature on earth,anything humans can do,Nature has already done better and in far less apace.
分析:Although 引导的让步状语从句译成“虽然。。。但,,,”。
由no matter 引导的从句可以译为以“不论,不管,无论”等做关联词的条件分句,
e.g. No matter how carefully you move your hand toward a fly,the insect will dart off almost every time 译文:不管你多么小心翼翼的把手伸向一只苍蝇,差不多每次它都飞走
e.g. For example,a film can slow down the formation of crystal so that students can study the process 分析:原句中so that引导的目的状语从句在译文中放到了主句之前。
e.g. In additional,the cameraman must have a knowledge of composition so that the arrangement of the people and objects in each shot will produce the desired effect
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