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项目设计者 董予华 濮阳电大

提交日期2012年11月28日 课程名称:教学实践设计



Project Title:

Analysis of oral English teaching

in middle schools

Investigator Dong Yuhua

Pu Yang Radio & TV University

Submitted on 28th November 2012

In fulfillment of the course Practical Project Design




I am very grateful to my supervisor Miss Han without whose support and patience, this project would not have result.

I am also grateful to my classmate Li Weiying、Cheng Minghui and Wang Jiangtao for their time spent on derection and discussions with me.

Thanks will not be enough for my students without whose willing participation in the project implementation it would not have any achievement.

Last thanks go to my parents who have given me great encouragement and have shared with me my worries and happiness in the process of this project.



摘 要







At present, oral English in the middle school, we can see, some students written results is quite good but oral English is very poor. in daily communication activities, some students wants to speak very well, but if you want them to express the meaning, they will not know what to do. And also some students usually talk language smooth, thinking agile, but at an official statement, they will be hesitant and stumbling, The phenomenon of things like that is everywhere. Only stimulate students' strong interest in language, we can make an improvement in teaching and training of teachers.

So in this article, I make a number of comments on secondary school oral English teaching, by identifying the factors under the influence of oral English teaching in middle school. Adopt proper and effective teaching methods, timely feedback information to improve students' learning interests, and correct errors of oral job, improving the accuracy of written work, change the traditional assessment methods, raise consciousness in learning to improve spoken language widely.

[Keywords]: communicative competence; interference; methods of teaching; teaching rules




Acknowledgment………………………………..………… Abstract (in Chinese)…………………………..…………. Abstract (in English)…………………………..………….. Contents……………………………...……………………. 1. Introduction……………………………..……..………….. 2. Executive summary………………………….…………… 3. Problem analysis…………………………………………. 3.1 The thought of despising ……………….…………...... 3.2 The dread of study ……………………..…...………… 3.3 Lack of environment influence ………………………. 4. Solve method ……………………………………....……..

4.1. Promoter after-school practice ………….....…..….... 4.2. Implementation oral job ……………………………. 4.3 Improve students' learning interest …………………. 4.4 Corrected oral job errors ……………………………. 4.5 Raise consciousness in learning ……………………. 5. Rule recommendations …………………………………… 5.1 Initiative …………………..…………………………… 5.2 Encourage students to speak ………..…………………. 5.3 Providing opportunities to learn .………………………


I II III IV 7 8 9 9 9 10 10 10 11 12 12 13 14 14 14 15

5.4 Cultivate of innovation ability………………………… 15


5.5 Create a classroom atmosphere ……………………….. 15 6. Concluding remarks ………………………………….…….. 16 7. References ………………………………………………… 17 Contents

Analysis of oral English teaching in middle schools


Language is the carrier of culture, is a tool for communication. As social of continued high-speed development, The increasing application of the world of things, as well as linguistic diversity, English as a world general language, and as well as the official language of the US and European countries ,many national has regarded English as second language to learn, this has accelerated oral using of English oral; on the other hand. As China joined WTO, more and more of foreigners came to China, and Chinese also large bulk to abroad or business learning, When exchanging information, express the emotion and meaning, people first need to be talking If you cannot speak a foreign language, one cannot smooth communication, and even make some people into a greater difficulties. Therefore, fostering middle school students' oral English communicative competence is become more and more important. However, in today's rapidly changing of education reform. Still in middle school, English teaching to read and write to the Center, Compete with the written stage. With the result that, most of our students have become experts of English questions, but said in some occasions become mute. Most students' oral communication is either stuttering or inarticulate, It’s difficult to express their own thoughts using spoken English that they had learned. Therefore, we say that these students learn English is incomplete, even they will have some trouble using English to express. Precisely because some university graduates cannot speak fluent English and lose the chance to find a satisfactory job.

2. Executive summary

Communication is the essence of the teaching of English (communication), which is between teacher and student, communication between the students, not that I


teach you to learn, English teaching is through these communication activities, enable students to improve English capability. In the communication process, teacher-student interaction is between awareness activities on both sides. Students can not progress without teachers ' awareness of teaching law, teachers' awareness of teaching law must depend on students’ the objective effect of teacher-directed learning. Teaching is to promote such exchanges, we can say in English “Teaching is of communication by communication and for communication. In order to develop students' communicative competence, I focus on the learning and communication strategies departments. This article describes methods of oral English teaching in middle schools, through interference encountered in oral English teaching in middle schools, take the right teaching methods, feasibility of teaching rules recommendations adopted, so that students learn English not mute English in English communication, so as to enhance students ' practical use of English standards.

3. Problem analysis: Influence factors of oral English teaching in middle schools 3.1. The thought of despising English spoken language


Many students' motivation to learn English is to the exam, however there was no oral test items, so they think oral English training is a waste of time. Not only the teacher’s but also the students' oral English training, whether they have paid sufficient attention or not, in the new textbooks, it still follow the beaten track, nearly having any new things\Teaching focus is still stuck on the explain the language points, neglect of oral training, resulting in a \only read, not speak. But judging from the language of the law, in any language, spoken language is the first aspect, language is the second aspect. Communication from person to person mainly through listening and saying, seldom through read-write. New curriculum requirements, purpose of the outline is: \of listening, speaking, reading and writing, training in oral and written English communication ability on initial application. \this amply demonstrates, quality education in the teaching of English, is learning and improve the comprehensive English language ability. Therefore, strengthening the teaching of English listening in middle school, we focus on literacy, and give full play to the communicative function of English, we will implement the party spirit of education outline into teaching, thereby we can improve the overall quality of middle school students' English. 3.2. The dread of study English

When many students speak English, they always have a psychological fear. They are afraid to make mistakes, to be blamed by the teachers, and to be afraid of being made fun of . This kind of fear often leads students in oral expression of emotion to be anxiety and nervous, affect their thinking and normal communication. High anxiety students to be questioned in class is often extremely tense. So making mistakes is frequently, and they decline in language proficiency, the student not reluctant to speak. Fear is the main psychological factors affecting oral. However, the strength of students' language anxiety is connected with the teachers’ treatment of language errors in students' learning and the students’ learning experiences in the past. The students there have been setbacks and failures in learning are afraid of teachers criticized. It’s easy to have feelings of fear and anxiety. They lack of self-confidence, lack of motive power of study. It is a kind of mental state of self-imposed isolation,


there are questions without answers, and they aren’t active in talking to the teacher. It is true that sometimes teachers are also important factors influencing students' classroom anxiety. Teachers' classroom behavior and attitude can easily cause students excessive tension, so that they cannot fully express themselves will affect the enthusiasm of their active participation in the classroom spoken language training activities. When the teacher correct students' language error problem, when the error problem is corrected, how many times are corrected, how correct the error problem, can influence students' usual lack of oral practice. When they open their mouths, they will not have a sense of ownership, while they often consider if the statement that said is in line with the rules of grammar. So, \of oral English training.

3.3. Lack of English language environment influence

Advocates of communicative teaching Olat (AII-Wright) believe that language learning success is to put students in a required target language communication. In order to cultivate students' ability of an opinion on the language properly or not in the form of combination and context ability to understand the language of form and meaning. But The real communicative situations of our students is very limited access, and the main environments of their English learning and knowledge is the classroom. At present, in most English class, It is only the form that a teacher only have a pen, a book, and just saying, That lack of atmosphere and the occasion of the students using the target language, oral practice are often controlled by the teachers'. Mechanical drill lead lack of ideas, information, emotional interaction between teachers and students and meaningful exchanges.

4. Secondary school oral English class teaching method

4.1. Take the necessary measures to promote after-school practice

According to statistics, a foreign language class last for 45 minutes, with a class size of 50 students, if the teachers' English teaching are proper, a classmate drill oral English within a week in class for about 1.5 hours. If they cannot make full use of their spare time to do oral practice, how do they learn a foreign language well? In the past, we often adopted to persuade reading self test to conduct supervision and


inspection, That is to say that the teachers require students to read aloud daily English and to record content and time, then sign their parents’ names every day, once a week or several times let the teacher check.

So do that, certainly played an urged role, but in fact, the teacher only learn the students’ \little. Many parents also reflected: \know what children read, They do not know that the children was right or wrong. \are some irresponsible parents, for their easy, after the children’s simply reading aloud, they will all sign their name on the self test...... So I asked the students to completely record the lesson that recite the texts after class, especially the drill of sentence pattern, every picture, every sentence has to be carefully recorded, the tapes were handed in once a week, I would check one by one.

It is sustained for two years, the students’ imitation of pronunciation and intonation, and in terms of bold open practice, there has been remarkable progress. 4.2. Implementation oral job of the after-class recordings

Layout oral recording job at the beginning, I have encountered many unexpected problems. If the tape has problem. The findings is some students don’t have the recorders, It is reflected that the recorder is broken. But most of students that have the recorded audio because of excessive tension, with shivering and shaking voice; some language are not a sentence, just in the course of a text being recorded, they repeatedly pressed \dialogue; there is no \of explosive\intonation is not correct; sentence syntax errors occur when they make sentences. For different types of issues I adopt different solutions. ① Teach classmates to use a tape recorder. ② To contact parents to hope that they can provide their children with the necessary learning conditions. ③ Praised classmates that handed in the tape . ④Play several tape of high quality audio to the parents at the parents’ meeting, which caused the parents understanding and support. \been parents for their understanding and support. At present, many students were


gotten rid of condition that only handed in the tape in the past, They tried to complete recording of high quality jobs.

4.3. Timely feedback information to improve students ' learning interest

Weekly collection of cassettes I will listen to carefully every disk and make records, tracking analysis. Like \correct on the next lesson in a timely manner. During the lunch hour, I often carried a tape recorder to the classroom to play tapes and selected a few good quality recording to play. These student association students praise to motivate themselves. Sometimes play a few tapes of the disc that is not of high quality, from the searching eyes of the students, the classmates were arising from vigilance, learning, They effort to correct. For the students that individual oral job is completed well, I used to give individual counseling, Each week I will publish results of check tapes to the whole class, and the things will be posted on the weekly \4.4. Corrected oral job errors, improving written work correctly

Recite the soundtrack to be able to read with imitation, but asked to do drills practice recording, students tend to greater difficulties, I will take the following approach: ① make a dialog beginning with a group of two sentences. Then transition to a group of four sentences, a group of six sentences. ② use general questions to make up a question-and-answer, and then use special questions to make up a question-and-answer. From easy to difficult, though propagation. ③ At the beginning I copy the sentences on the blackboard and let students practice, develop slowly to let students do dictation and recorded sentences. ④ limited optional training in class, and each home will be recording each sentence, each picture in the required training. That would address the lack of hours is short and students extensive practice of contradictions. Require each student carefully record every sentence and picture. That solved the contradictions that lack of hours because of their classes no time to extensive practice . In the course of each student carefully recording. It’s true that they change the audiovisual into saying. That is to say, it is cognitive processes that they change perceptual knowledge into rational knowledge, book knowledge into their knowledge. I'm in the process of listening to the tapes, record the


students' errors, and corrected in a timely manner, which greatly improves the accuracy of written work of the students. The following are examples: \the weather like today?\In the process of recording, many students incorrectly read as \Things that concept is unclear, especially, it will be highlighted when I teach a new tense. If there is such a group of dialogues: \What does Sandy want to do? He wants to draws a picture.\slightly changed, some slightly worse student will make some errors, these errors would be incorrectly reflected in their audio tapes: \want to do draw a picture.\But after learning of modal verbs, the student that grammatical structure is not yet master will erroneously read as a sentence: \can't rides a House. He can rides a bicycle.\tense, a sentence is written like this: \taking off my shirt.\Some students mistakenly read as follows: \am wash my hands.\detect errors, and corrected them, cleared the students’ obstacles in the process of \hear, speak\

4.5. Changing the way of traditional assessment to raise consciousness in learning Foreign languages test is divided into both oral and written form. Written test is divided into two stages of the middle and the end in each semester. In these written test, the first part is usually all kind of various forms of speech detection. For several years, when I was doing this part of the examination paper analysis, I often found that there were some students, they lacked in pronunciation and intonation and the knowledge of speech sound is not perfect, but they were able to do well. I think about it, for those students that the knowledge of speech sound doesn’t consolidate, what methods did I take to remedy this? I always feel despised and I can’t be faithfully reflected in the oral communication skills of the students. And in a final oral examination, students tend to cope with other subjects of examination, either under a lot of pressure, too late to fully review the oral content. They often took luck, temporary memorization, or they did not care about oral and not to do a


comprehensive review...... We know that \memory\forgetting rate is the highest. In final oral examination, the actual result is not satisfactory. Therefore, I pay attention to the usual oral drills, and changed oral test forms only once a semester, then I record weekly recording performance on record, as basis for the oral exam of the semester.

5. Rule recommendations of oral English teaching in middle schools

The present secondary school, there are not specifically spoken teachers to teach their students, in this article, we contact spoken English and the increase level of English together. Here some rules to encourage the teaching of oral activities among students. These proposed rules are: 5.1. Initiative

Oral language must be initiative and active, dynamic, we should arouse students' enthusiasm for participation. That is to stimulate students' learning interest in students motivation to learn, and create language environment. For example, if let they discuss “What is your favorite sport?”, they would say “basketball, football, swimming, ping pong” and so on, or let the students look at the pictures, because of pictures, the students can't help being infected, let the students maintain their interest in learning, the adjacent part of the methods and materials should be made to update changes. 5.2. Encourage students to speak

In the classroom we must give students some independent learning opportunities. A few days ago I went to watch an English teacher’s observation teaching lesson, the lesson of the teacher was successful, it can leave the classroom a lively atmosphere of teaching. He can use a variety of flexibility teaching methods and means. Such as: Visual teaching methods is still in my memory. His lesson is in junior high school on the second book “a famous person”. I think her success in this lesson is to let the students to have opportunities of active learning. She divided her class into several groups, and interview English teacher who are listening to the lesson in class. The interview question is decided by the students themselves. For example: \are you from? What do you like to do in your spare time? Do you like your job? Are there any places of interest in your hometown?


5.3. Providing opportunities to learn English

Widen the scope of student participation to allow more opportunities for each student (or equal opportunities) to say English, avoiding the audience scenes, that the majority of people (maybe someone is sleepy) listen to speaking of a small group of students. When I taught the lesson of junior middle school for Unit 7 man who never gave up, after our overall understanding and paragraph about the text, we required students around the text content in a variety of ways of the practice for improvement. We use interview forms as journalists, allow students to communicate using the language that they had learned in use. According to the text leads, respectively, ask students to play Edison, Edison mother, Edison’s teacher, the little boy who was saved by Edison, the little boys’ father, the remaining students is a reporter for an interview. An interview to Edison and the thankful father, know Edison’s hobby when he was a child; interviews to their teacher, aware of the things of Edison’s school. 5.4. stressing the cultivation of innovation ability.

In some texts of the new English textbook, there are usually dialogue forms, we asked the students to rewrite the dialogue forms into the essay form, sometimes we can ask the students to adapt some text into the dialogue forms, some texts are required students to have continued writing the texts for the training of students' creative thinking ability. For example, there is a lesson in the third textbook of junior middle school for Unit1 In the library, we can be accomplished teaching texts through a variety of media. Then we ask students adapted drama by a story form, after that, let the students did some discussion that can develop students’ the creative thinking. For example, organize students to do the exercises of “continue the story”. After Granny lost the book, what will happen next. let students orally discuss in class to improve the students’ English express ability. 5.5. Create a classroom atmosphere

Make every student feel self is like a part of the whole. Encourage students to understand the English names of other students, ask system students’ things, to write out the address book like these: English name; Address; Favorite things; Family members; Age. Avoid negative encouraged, such as the words of compliment. We


should encourage the students’ expression in the form of an adult, sometimes students also have the right to remain silent. At the area of the environment, we can develop physical classroom space and the environment facilities that we can think of. 6. Concluding remarks

Overall, for a learner of regarding English as a second language, spoken language training and improving the language skills, it is necessary to overcome the interference of mother tongue and to eliminate various factors affecting oral. We must take the right teaching methods, and strengthen the implementation of oral English in the middle school. We know that language is the basis of text, spoken language learning is a guarantee of learning English, It is also a breakthrough in learning a foreign language, high quality training can improve the students' oral ability and show the students' creativity, so that we can let the students achieve truly communicative purposes and grasp the foreign language discipline.

7. References


[1] Hu Chun Tung, English teaching methodology [m]. Beijing: higher education press, 1990

[2] Hang Baotong. English teaching method in middle school [m] Shanghai: East China Normal University Press, 2000.6

[3] Zhen Wu Fu. English [m]. Beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, 2002

[4] Hu Wenzhong of English teaching and learning [m] Beijing: foreign language teaching and research press, 1989

[5] Li Pengyi. ELT in China[M].Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.1990

[6] Wu Daocun. How teach English Effectively[M].Beijing: Peoples Education Press.1993

(This is the end of my project.)

Thank you for your reading!






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学生姓名 指导教师 董予华 韩利峰 学号 职称 中学高级 方向 工作单位 濮阳县第六中学 教学实践设浅析中学英语口语教学方法 计题目 一、选题的目的、意义和必要性:通过现行初中英语教学,发现在中学英语口语教学中所受到的影响因素,和存在的问题,提出一些看法。积极采取正确而有效的教学方法,及时反馈信息,提高学习兴趣、及时纠正口头作业的错误,提高书面作业的正确率、改变传统的评估方法,提高学习的自觉性,从而提高口语的广泛应用,提高学生的英语口语表达能力。 二、研究的重点与过程设计:研究重点是:探讨“中学英语口语教学方法”,提高学生的英语的口语表达能力。首先研究影响中学英语口语教学的因素;其次,探索“中学英语口语课的教学方法”。第三,针对运用新教法,以及口语教学之中的一些问题,提出一些建议。 三、研究方法:提出“影响中学英语口语教学的因素”,针对具体情况,中学制定英语口语课的教学方法,并进行具体实施。及时反馈信息不断调整教学思路。并在中学英语口语教学中,以提高学生的主动性、不断鼓励学生,给学生提供学英语的机会,注重创新能力培养,积极营造课堂气氛,不断总结和教学对比,努力探索英语口语教学的新思路。 四、预期结果:通过不断完善中学英语口语教学的方法,会不断排除中学英语口语教学过程中所遇到的干扰因素,通过采取正确的教学方法和可行性的教学规则建议,学生在进行英语交际中所学的英语不再是哑巴英语,从而提高学生的实际运用的水平。 20

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