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Between 由

( 公司名称)

hereinafter referred to as the \URCHASER\


and 和 ( 公司名称) (注册地址)

hereinafter referred to as the \UPPLIER\


– hereinafter referred to collectively as the ”PARTIES” –


Table of Contents

Preamble ________________________________________________________________ 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Definitions ___________________________________________________________ 1 Scope and Integrated Parts _____________________________________________ 3 Objects ______________________________________________________________ 7 Ordering Procedure ___________________________________________________ 9 Changes ____________________________________________________________ 11 Prices ______________________________________________________________ 12 Invoices, Payments ___________________________________________________ 13 Right of Retention ____________________________________________________ 14 Terms for Completion _________________________________________________ 14

Page 10 Shipping ____________________________________________________________ 16 11 Transfer of Title ______________________________________________________ 19 12 Subcontracting ______________________________________________________ 19 13 Assignment _________________________________________________________ 20 14 Quality Assurance, Notification of Completion ____________________________ 20 15 Defects Liability ______________________________________________________ 22 16 Liability _____________________________________________________________ 25 17 Product Liability and Insurance _________________________________________ 26 18 Intellectual Property Rights ____________________________________________ 28 19 Contingency Production Rights ________________________________________ 30 20 Right to Authorized Manufacture _______________________________________ 31 21 Materials and Tools Provided by the Purchaser ___________________________ 31 22 Local Manufacturing Content __________________________________________ 33 23 Term and Termination ________________________________________________ 33 24 Force Majeure _______________________________________________________ 35 25 Confidentiality _______________________________________________________ 35 26 Survival ____________________________________________________________ 37 27 Corporate Responsibility ______________________________________________ 38 28 Miscellaneous _______________________________________________________ 39

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Preamble 前言

This Agreement establishes the legal basis of the business relations between the Parties with regard to the production and supply of main shaft of wind turbine generators. 本协议就双方生产和供应风力发电机主轴的业务关系奠定法律基础。

In accordance with this Agreement the Supplier shall manufacture the Objects in accordance with statutory requirements and the applicable specifications and/or drawings issued by the Purchaser. The Supplier shall make consistent use of all the reasonable means at its dispos-al and do everything in its power to ensure that the effectiveness of all Objects contracted under this Agreement complies with the latest state of the art at all times, and shall also en-deavor to ensure that its solutions are more cost-effective than those of its competitors. 供应商应按照相关规范要求与买方签发的适用规格和/或图纸生产标的物。供应商应运用所有合理方法,尽一切努力保证本协议项下标的物的效能始终处于最高水平,并确保其解决方案相比于其竞争者更为经济。

1 Definitions 定义

“Additional Buyer” shall mean Affiliates or Strategic Partners of the Purchaser. “附加买方”指买方的关联公司或战略伙伴。

“Adoption Agreement” shall mean the adoption agreement between an Additional Buyer and the Supplier, creating an independent legal relationship solely between the Supplier and the relevant Additional Buyer. “采用协议”指附加买方与供应商签署的、仅为其建立独立法律关系的采用协议。

“Affiliate” shall mean in relation to any Party any company, corporation or other legal entity (hereinafter in this definition referred to as an \trolled by such Party; or (b) controls such Party; or (c) is controlled by an entity which directly or indirectly controls such Party. For the purposes of this definition (i) an entity is directly con-trolled by another entity if such other entity holds shares, quotas or voting rights carrying in the aggregate fifty per cent (50%) or more of the votes exercisable at shareholder meetings, and (ii) a particular entity is indirectly controlled by an entity or entities, hereinafter called the \ent entities and ending with the particular entity, so related that each entity of the series, ex-cept the parent entity or parent entities, is directly controlled by one or more of the entities earlier in the series.

“关联公司”指就与任意一方的关系而言,任何公司、法人或其他法律实体(以下简称“实体”)直接或间接:(a)被该方控制;或(b)控制该方;或(c)被任何直接或间接控制该方的实体控制。为此定义之目的(i)若一实体于另一实体股东会中共计持有百分之五十(50%)或以上具有投票权的股份、配额或投票权,则其直接控制后者,且(ii)如果存在包含间接控制某特定实体的一个或多个实体(以下简称为“母实体”)与该特定实体的一系列紧密联系的实体,除母实体以外的其他各实体都由一个或多个母实体控制,则某一特定实体系由母实体间接控制。 “Agreement” shall mean this umbrella trading agreement. “协议”系指本贸易主协议。

“Code of Conduct” shall be the “Code of Conduct for Siemens? Suppliers” attached hereto

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as Appendix 13.


“Country of Origin” shall mean the relevant country itself, the European Community not being sufficient.


\ shall mean the contracting party placing an order with the Purchaser. “客户”指向买方下订单的合同方。

“Date of Delivery” shall mean the date specified in the respective Purchase Order for the delivery of any Work or a date mutually agreed by the Parties in writing. “交付日期”指各采购订单中指定的工作交付日期或双方书面同意的日期。

“Documents” shall mean all drawings, calculations, technical information, specimens, sam-ples, models, photographs, sketches, specifications, software, operating and maintenance manuals and other technical information made available by Purchaser to Supplier (irrespec-tive of the medium in which it is embedded) and all drawings, calculations, technical informa-tion, specimens, samples, models, photographs, sketches, specifications, software, operat-ing and maintenance manuals and other technical information submitted (or to be submitted) by Supplier and approved (or to be approved) by Purchaser, regardless of the form in which it is made available and irrespective of the medium in which it is embedded. “文件”指买方向供应商提供的所有图纸、计算、技术信息、样本、范本、模型、照片、草图、规格、软件、操作与维护手册和其他技术信息(不论其所载媒介)以及所有已由(或将由)供应商提交并经买方批准(或将批准)的所有图纸、计算、技术信息、样本、范本、模型、照片、草图、规格、软件、操作与维护手册和其他技术信息,不论其以何种方式提供及所载媒介。

“Engineering Change Note” or “ECN” is a request by the Purchaser to change or modify a Purchase Order. “工程变更通知”指买方变更或修改采购订单的要求。

“Force Majeure Events” shall mean any events which are caused by acts of God or nature, acts of civil or military authority, fires, floods, epidemic, and war, provided such events have been unforeseeable, unavoidable, are beyond the control of the Party claiming force majeure and will have an effect on the performance of Party?s obligations under this Agreement or Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement.

“不可抗力”指任何由自然力、民事或军事机关行为、火灾、水灾、疫病及战争所引起的,无法预见、避免并超出宣称方合理控制,且对本协议项下义务或采购订单履行构成影响的事件。 “INCOTERM(s)” shall be the Incoterms 2000 published by the International Chamber of Commerce, Paris.

“国际贸易术语解释通则”指由巴黎国际商会颁布的2000年国际贸易术语解释通则。 “Information” shall have the meaning given to it in Clause 25 (Confidentiality). “信息”的定义参见第25条(保密)。

\Property Rights\shall mean patents, utility models and other statutory intel-lectual property rights, as well as the respective applications with regard to patents, utility models and other statutory intellectual property rights, provided that the underlying inventions, if any, are actually eligible for statutory protection according to the applicable law, and shall include copyrights or other intellectual property rights that come into force without application or registration.


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“Latent Defect” shall be any defects which could not reasonably be detected prior to the expiry of the defects liability period set out in clause 15.2.4.

“隐蔽缺陷”指无法于第15.2.4条指定的缺陷责任期间届满之前被合理发现的任何瑕疵。 “Objects” shall mean the complete supply of the goods including all of the associated spare parts and the complete documentation pursuant to clause 3.3, in particular in the agreed lan-guage.


“Purchase Order” shall mean any purchase order issued by the Purchaser to Supplier that may contain Purchase Instructions.


“Purchase Instructions” shall mean specific provisions regarding the scope of Work in-cluded in a specific Purchase Order and which may include provisions on the Objects, price, and delivery dates and any attachments, drawings, specifications or other documents that are incorporated by reference and which may be changed or amended from time to time, particularly by an ECN.

“采购指示”指特定采购订单中包含工作范围、标的物、价格、交付日期以及提及任何附件、图纸、规格或其他文件,且可随时变更或修改(尤其经工程变更通知)的条款。 “Quality Assurance Agreement” has the meaning given to it in clause 14. “质量保证协议”定义参见第14条。

“Serial Defect” shall mean a defect that occurs in two or more of similar Objects or parts thereof delivered in one delivery and if the cause of such defects is similar. “连续缺陷”指一次交付中相似标的物或其部件中发生 二(2)次或更多的缺陷且具类似原因。

“Siemens Furnished Property” shall mean tools, patterns, equipment, material, or other property purchased or provided by the Purchaser to Supplier to reduce or eliminate tooling costs to the extent practicable.


“Strategic Partner” shall mean a Purchaser?s sub-supplier or distribution partner appointed in accordance with clause 2.5.

“战略伙伴”指依据第2.5条指定的供应商的下游供应商或经销伙伴。 “Suspension” shall have the meaning given to it in clause 4.3. “中止”定义见第4.3条。

“Validity Period” shall have the meaning given to it in clause 6.2. “有效期”定义见第6.2条。

“Work” shall mean all labor, services, materials, Objects, supplies, equipment, information, software, systems, data, drawings, designs, specifications, or reports furnished by Supplier to Purchaser in accordance with this Agreement and Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement, including the obligation to surrender documentation and technical documents and approvals in accordance with clause 3.3.



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contractual penalty to the Purchaser for each infringement of this provision amounting to 10 times the value of the relevant spare parts order, which penalty shall not, how-ever, be less than ten thousands (10,000 ) Euros.


3.2.6 The payment of the contractual penalty shall not affect any of the Purchaser′s other

contractual and legal rights, nor shall such payment affect any other contractual obli-gations of the Supplier.

支付该赔偿金不影响买方其他任何合同和法律权利,也不影响供应商的其他合同义务。 3.3 Technical Data, Documentation and Approvals 技术数据,文件和批准

3.3.1 The Supplier shall also deliver and transfer title to the documentation specified in Ap-pendix … and the requisite technical data specified in the Purchase Orders to the Purchaser together with the respective Objects, unless diverging dates were agreed upon in the Purchase Orders. The Purchaser shall be entitled to use, duplicate or al-ter the documentation and technical data to meet the requirements of Customer or-ders at its own discretion and as it sees fit.

除在采购订单中另就日期达成一致,供应商应于交付标的物的同时交付附件…所列文件并移转其所有权以及采购订单所列必要的技术数据。买方有权适时自行决定使用、复制或修改文件和技术数据以满足客户订单要求。 3.3.2 Should the Supplier deliver a complete, functional system to the Purchaser, a com-plete list of the parts, part numbers and sub-suppliers of the Supplier must be pro-vided in Appendix ….

供应商向买方交付完整的运行系统时,应同时于附件…中列明备件名称、备件编码及供应商的下游供应商。 3.3.3 Should documentation be altered owing to technical modifications made to the Ob-jects or changes in the state of the art, the Supplier shall integrate such alterations as agreed with the Purchaser and provide the same to the Purchaser automatically or at the latter?s request. 若文件因标的物或现行技术的变化而有所修改,供应商应以买方同意的方式融入该修改并自动或应买方要求向买方提供。 3.3.4 The Supplier shall be responsible in particular for obtaining all the permits, approvals or marks specified in Appendix 11 required for marketing purposes in the countries in which the Purchaser intends to market products containing the Objects. Where the Supplier cannot be reasonably expected to do so, it shall, to the best of its abilities, endeavor to support the Purchaser.


4 Ordering Procedure 订单流程

4.1 Ordering Procedure

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4.1.1 Unless otherwise specified in Appendix 2 in the context of capacity commitments, the Purchaser shall be entitled, but is under no obligation, to place Purchase Orders with the Supplier.

除非附件2产能保证中另有详细描述,买方有权但无义务向供应商签发采购订单。 4.1.2 The Purchaser may inform the Supplier on a regular, six-monthly basis (or such times

as specified in Appendix 2) about the planned volume of its orders. Such forecasts shall only be indicative and do neither constitute Purchase Orders nor result in any obligations or liabilities for the Purchaser. The Supplier shall accept Purchase Orders within the scope of the planned volume unless it has pointed out appropriate capacity bottlenecks to the Purchaser in accordance with Appendix 2.

买方应每六个月(或以附件2中规定的频率)告知供应商预计采购订单的量。该预测仅供参考,不构成采购订单或引致买方的任何义务或责任。供应商应接受预计订单量范围内的采购订单除非其已依照附件2向买方指出合理的产能瓶颈。 4.1.3 All Purchase Orders shall be issued in a written form. The Supplier shall also inspect all order documents submitted to it by the Purchaser and shall, should aspects the-reof be unclear or information obviously be missing, request clarification from the Purchaser immediately.

所有采购订单应以书面形式签发。供应商应检查所有买方提供的订单文件,若有不清晰或明显遗漏之处应立即向买方要求说明。 4.1.4 The Supplier shall acknowledge each Purchase Order in writing within two (2) work-ing days following receipt of such Purchase Order at the latest (if no longer period is specified in the Purchase Order). Should the Supplier not raise an objection to a Pur-chase Order within two (2) working days of the Purchase Order date, such Purchase Order shall be deemed accepted. In any event, the Supplier shall return a signed copy of the Purchase Order. The Purchaser shall be entitled to revoke a Purchase Order should the same not be acknowledged within five (5) calendar days of the Pur-chase Order date. Any deviations from the written Purchase Order issued by the Pur-chaser shall be specifically identified by the Supplier.

供应商最迟应于收讫各采购订单二(2)个工作日内书面确认该订单(若采购订单中未规定更长期限)。若供应商未于采购订单签发日二(2)个工作日内提出异议,该采购订单即被视为接受。无论何种情况下,供应商均应返还经签署的采购订单复印件。若采购订单未在签发日后五(5)日历日内被确认,买方有权撤回该采购订单。任何对买方所签发书面采购订单的偏差均应由供应商单独确认。 4.1.5 Any such amendments, modifications or additions by Supplier to the Purchase Order shall only be effective if Purchaser explicitly confirms such in writing. Purchase Order acknowledgments shall not incorporate general terms and conditions or any other conditions which conflict with the provisions of this Agreement. Incorporated general terms and conditions of the Supplier shall be ineffective. The provisions of this

Agreement shall have precedence over any other conflicting declarations of intention issued by the Parties. This shall not apply, should the Parties have concluded a writ-ten agreement.

由供应商对采购订单所做的修改、修正或增加经买方书面明示确认时方始生效。该确认不得包含一般条款条件或任何与本协议条款相冲突的条件。供应商所述一般条款条件无效。本协议条款效力高于任何其他与之相冲突的双方意图声明,但不适用于双方所达成的书面协定。 4.1.6 All correspondence shall include the Purchase Order number and article or item

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numbers of each Purchase Order item.


4.2 Cancellation


4.2.1 Unless otherwise specified in Appendix [2] in the context of capacity commitments,

the Purchaser shall at its own discretion and without having any reasons be entitled to cancel a Purchase Order up to twelve (12) weeks before the Date of Delivery spe-cified in the Purchase Order or before a delivery date agreed at a later time; such cancellation shall exclude all further claims on the part of the Supplier, unless the Supplier proves that it had already performed a substantial amount of the contractual-ly agreed work on the Objects prior to cancellation.

除在附件2产能保证中另有详细描述,买方无需理由即有权自行决定在采购订单规定的交付日期或之后另行约定的交付日期前12周取消采购订单;该取消排除供应商享有的所有进一步索赔,除非供应商证明其于订单取消前已就标的物履行了实质义务。 4.2.2 If the Purchaser cancels a Purchase Order after the Supplier has already performed a substantial amount of the contractually agreed work on the Objects, the Supplier shall be entitled to demand reimbursement of the costs incurred as a result, minus ex-penses saved, if and to the extent that it is no longer possible to avoid these costs by, for example, canceling orders placed with its own subcontractors. This shall only ap-ply if and to the extent that the Supplier submits written proof of costs incurred and expenses saved to the Purchaser. The Purchaser?s total liability under this clause shall be limited to the price of the respective Purchase Order.

若买方于供应商证明已就标的物履行了实质义务后取消采购订单,当相关成本已难以避免,比如无法取消对其下游供应商的订单时,供应商有权对相关成本要求赔偿,但应减去节省的费用。该等情况仅适用于供应商提交关于成本及节省费用的书面证据。买方在本条款项下的责任总额应限于各采购订单的价格。 4.3 Suspension 中止

4.3.1 The Purchaser shall at all times be entitled to require work on Purchase Orders to be interrupted (\– in consultation with the Purchaser – immediately suspend all its activities relating to the Objects. The Suppli-er shall, to the exclusion of any further claims, store the Objects securely and at no charge for a period of at least twelve (12 ) months.

买方随时有权要求中断采购订单中的工作(“中止”)。此时供应商应与买方磋商后立即中止所有关于标的物的生产活动。供应商应免费妥善保存标的物至少十二[12]个月,且不得追索。 4.3.2 If the Purchaser instructs the resumption of the Work, the Supplier shall recommence immediately all activities relating to the Objects. The delivery dates specified in the Purchase Order will be extended by the period of Suspension.

若买方指示继续工作,供应商应即刻重启所有关于标的物的生产活动。采购订单中所列交付日期应相应中止期延长。 4.3.3 The Purchaser and the Supplier shall agree on further steps after [12] months of

such Suspension.



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Supplier shall not be entitled to demand and/or make any changes or modifications of the Objects without the consent of Purchaser. This applies in particular, but not exclusively, to changes affecting the external form, agreed specifications, recycling and disposal and production processes.


Supplier shall immediately implement any changes or modifications requested by Purchaser subsequent to the placing of a Purchase Order (for example with an ECN), including any associated changes to drawings and documents. Purchaser shall be informed immediately should it be impossible to make such changes or modifications. 供应商应立即贯彻买方下单后所做变更或修改(如工程变更通知),包括对图纸和文件的任何配套变更。若变更或修改无法进行,应立即通知买方。 Supplier shall inform Purchaser by written notice within five (5) working days (unless a longer period has been agreed in writing) after Purchaser?s request if changes or modifications can only be performed at additional costs or with delay. In the event Supplier fails to do so, Supplier is not entitled to any additional payments and/or time adjustments. If Supplier has notified Purchaser in accordance with this clause, the Parties shall reach mutual agreement regarding any adjustments to prices and/or delivery periods which may occur as a result. Should the Parties not reach mutual agreement within ten (10) working days, Supplier shall immediately perform the changes as requested by Purchaser and the Parties will negotiate these points after the performance of the Work. 若变更或修改需付额外费用或延迟进行,供应商应在接到买方要求后五(5)个工作日内(除非已经同意的更长时间)书面通知买方。如果供应商未能按照规定通知买方,供应商将无法获得额外报酬和/或时间调整。若供应商按照本条款通知了买方,双方应就价格和/或交付时间的调整达成一致。若双方未能在十(10)个工作日内达成一致,供应商应立即履行买方所要求的变更,完成之后双方再行商议。 5.2

5.3 6 Prices 价格 6.1 The prices and currencies for the Objects are specified in the Purchase Order or, if not specified in the Purchase Order, in Appendix [2]. All prices are fixed prices. Pric-es are inclusive of all taxes, but are excluding VAT. All prices shall be stated in RMB unless otherwise stated in the Purchase Order. 标的物价格与货币规定于采购订单或附件2中。所有价格均为固定价格。价格中包括除增值税以外的所有税赋。除采购订单另有约定,所有价格均以人民币计算。 The prices shall apply for the Validity Period set out in Appendix 2. The prices may be renegotiated three (3) months before expiry of the Validity Period. The Supplier shall continue to supply the Purchaser at the previously valid prices until such time as new prices have been agreed.

价格适用于附件2中所指有效期,并可以于有效期届满前三(3)个]月重新商议。在此期间内未达成新的价格之前,供应商应继续以先前的有效价格向买方供应。 Should, upon expiry of the Validity Period, negotiations regarding the price of specif-ic Objects not lead to agreement within three (3)] months, either Party shall be en-Issued: Page 12 of 29

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titled to terminate the agreement pertaining to the price of the relevant Objects by serving notice of termination of three (3) months. Pending termination of this price agreement, the Purchaser shall be entitled to place closing orders at the terms and conditions provided for by this Agreement and at the most recently valid prices. 若有效期届满,而就特定标的物的价格谈判未能在三(3)个月内达成一致,双方均有权通过发出三(3)个月的终止通知终止相关标的物价格的协议。价格协议终止期间,买方有权以本协议之条款条件签发终结订单,价格以最近的有效价格为准。


Price advantages with regard to materials or components of Objects obtained by the Supplier as a result of purchasing terms granted directly or indirectly to the latter by the Purchaser or an Additional Buyer shall be passed on to the Purchaser in the form of price discounts for the Objects.


Throughout the term of this Agreement the Supplier is obliged to rise its productivity each year of increased purchased volume. The annual benefit of the higher produc-tivity shall be granted to the Purchaser at a rate of 5% (five percent) of the relevant agreed purchase price by way of a higher product value, reduced costs of the Pur-chaser, price reduction or other measurable means accepted by the Purchaser. Unless prices have been agreed for the Work, work or services of either Party, these shall be performed at no charge.




7 Invoices, Payments 发票、支付


All invoices shall be issued in an auditable form. Invoices shall in particular incorpo-rate the Purchase Order code, Purchase Order line number, the item number, the designation specified in the order as well as the unit price of each order item and any customary information as well as information reasonably requested by the Pur-chaser. 所有发票应以可供审计的方式开具。发票应注明采购订单编号、采购订单顺序号、条目编码、订单名称、订单各条目单价、报关信息及买方合理要求提供的信息。 Statutory provisions and generally accepted accounting principles shall be adhered to. Duplicate invoices shall be identified as such.

开具发票应遵守强制性规定及普遍适用的会计原则,其对发票副本同样适用。 The period allowed for payment shall commence subsequent to completion of deli-very of the Work in conformance with the Purchase Order (including the complete documentation) and receipt of a proper and correct invoice by the Purchaser. 付款期限应自依照采购订单(包括完整文件)完成工作交付后并收讫买方正确和适当的发票之时开始计算。

Unless otherwise stated in the Purchase Order, the following terms of payment shall apply:


? sixty (60) days from end of the month in which the invoice has been received, or

收讫发票当月底的六十(60)天,或 ? within eight (8) days of the invoice date with a deduction of 2.0 %

(two point zero percent) prompt payment discount.

7.2 7.3


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发票开具之日八( 8)天内,即刻付款享2%(百分之二)折扣。

Days of credit shall be counted from delivery in accordance with the agreed INCOTERM.

信用期应依据2000年国际贸易术语解释通则自交付之时起算。 7.5

The Parties can by written agreement set up other arrangements as to the general payment terms. Such agreement can be limited to a specific period. 双方可通过书面协议对一般支付条款另作安排,但该协议应限定于某一时段。 Should payments be made by the Purchaser, this shall not be construed to mean that the Work has been recognized as performed in conformity with the contract. 买方付款不得被视为认可工作已遵照合同完成。 The Purchaser shall in all cases only be deemed to have defaulted on payment should such payment not have been made by the due date and following receipt of an explicit and written dunning notice. Should the Purchaser default on settlement of invoice, annual interest on arrears shall be due. The applicable annual interest rate shall be the rate of interest for the most recent main refinancing operation of the People?s Bank of China carried out before the first calendar day of the relevant six-month period. More extensive claims of the Supplier regarding delay in payment are excluded. 任何情况下,买方仅在款项到期且收到书面明确的催款函后未付款方可被认定为拖欠付款。若买方未结清款项,应就拖欠款项支付年利息。该年利率应为中国人民银行在该六个月期限第一个日历日前实行的最新重募资金业务利率。供应商不得就延迟支付要求其他各种赔偿。 7.6

7.7 8 Right of Retention 保留权 The Purchaser shall be entitled to exercise a reasonable right of retention with regard to all claims (on the merits or in terms of amount) or receivables due to the Supplier from the Pur-chaser to the extent that the Purchaser enforces a corresponding counterclaim. 买方有权在对供应商的所有索赔(针对品质或数额)或应收账款进行相应反诉时行使合理的保留权。 9 Terms for Completion 终结条款 9.1 Delivery Dates 交付日期 9.1.1 Delivery performance will be measured for each Purchase Order based on the deli-very in relation to the Date of Delivery. In the event that the Purchaser requests a change to an Object?s specification, the Date of Delivery may be renegotiated and performance measured against a mutually agreed date. None of the Parties shall be held responsible for a delay if and to the extent that such delay is the result of a Force Majeure Event occurring after the relevant Purchase Order has taken effect. 各批次采购订单的交付将依据其交付日期条款进行评估。若买方要求变更标的物规格,可重新协商交付日期并根据新达成的日期评估交付。双方均不对采购订单生效后因不可抗力引起的交付延迟。 9.1.2 Except for delays due to Force Majeure Events as defined in this Agreement, Suppli-

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er will bear the entire cost of any express shipments required to meet the Date of De-livery or if shipment is late to the Date of Delivery. If a delay in the delivery of Objects is expected to occur, Supplier shall immediately inform Purchaser.


9.1.3 The Supplier shall ensure that deadlines are monitored at all times and shall, at the

request of the Purchaser, keep a schedule detailing the most important milestones for key engineering, production, assembly and inspection operations which apply to the Objects. This schedule shall be passed on to the Purchaser in electronic form at regular intervals as required by the Purchaser – but at least once every fourteen (14) days.

供应商应保证对截止期限的长效监管,并应买方要求持有一份时间表,详细列明标的物关键性工程、生产、装配和检验步骤的时间节点。该时间表应按照买方要求的频率至少十四(14)天一次以电子表格的形式提供给买方。 9.1.4 The Supplier shall inform the Purchaser of the name of an employee who shall be

responsible for monitoring deadlines and shall demonstrate that such employee is au-thorized to take all measures and to issue all instructions which, in the Purchaser?s view, may be necessary to ensure that deadlines are adhered to.

供应商应告知买方负责监管截止期限的员工姓名,并证明依买方所见该员工有权采取一切措施并发布一切指令以保证各截止期限得到满足。 9.1.5 The Purchaser shall be informed in writing immediately by the Supplier should it be-come apparent that the Supplier will be unable to adhere to a milestone, supply or services deadline; such notification shall also include information detailing appropri-ate action which the Supplier intends to take to remedy such delay. This shall apply regardless of the party which is responsible for an impending delay. The Supplier shall also use its best endeavors (involving, for example, shift work, overtime and/or work on weekends / legal holidays) to ensure that the Dates of Delivery are adhered to. The costs of such measures shall be borne by the Supplier.

若供应商明显地无法遵守时间节点、供应和服务的截止期限,其应立即书面通知买方;通知中还应包含供应商拟对该迟延采取的补救措施信息。这适用于无论何方应对迟延负责的情形。供应商应尽其最大努力(包括,如:轮班,加班和/或周末/法定假日加班)以确保遵守交付日期。采取该等措施的费用由供应商承担。 9.1.6 If, in the reasonable opinion of the Purchaser, the Supplier?s proposed action will not

be sufficient to remedy the delay, the Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the re-levant Purchase Order and to have any materials and wholly or partly manufactured Objects handed out at his request against reimbursement of the demonstrated rea-sonable costs (in no event exceeding the agreed price). Should such delay be due to causes for which the Purchaser is responsible, then the Supplier is entitled to the agreed price for the Object less the Purchaser?s expenses in having the Object com-pleted in accordance with the specification.

若买方合理地认为供应商拟采取的措施不足以补救迟延,买方有权终止相关的采购订单,且要求将任何材料及完工或部分完工标的物运出并获相关合理费用的补偿(但不得超过协商价格)。若系买方原因导致延迟,则供应商有权要求已同意的标的物价格减去买方根据产品规格已经完成的标的物所发生的费用。 9.2 Delay


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9.2.1 Should the Supplier fail to provide the Work on the Date of Delivery, the Purchaser

shall be entitled to demand a contractual penalty of 1 % (one percent) of the total val-ue of the delayed part of the Purchase Order for each working day which exceeds the Date of Delivery.

若供应商未能于交付日期提供工作成果,每延迟一工作日买方有权就采购订单中延迟交付的部分要求1%(百分之一)的赔偿金。 9.2.2 The penalties for delay payable for a delayed part of the Purchase Order shall not

exceed 15% (fifteen percent) of the total value of the delayed part of the Purchase Order. In case this maximum amount is reached, the Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate the Purchase Order or part thereof with immediate effect, Clauses 23.2, 23.4 and 23.5 shall apply, and the Purchaser shall be entitled to claim further dam-ages.

采购订单延迟交付部分赔偿金不得高于其总价的15%(百分之十五)。若达到该最高数额,买方有权立即终止采购订单或其迟延部分。此时适用第23.2、23.4与23.5条,且买方有权进行额外索赔。 9.2.3 Payment of a contractual penalty shall not affect any of the Purchaser?s other con-tractual and statutory rights relating to delays in supplies or services, nor shall such payment affect any other contractual supply and service obligations of the Supplier. The Purchaser shall be entitled to assert contractual penalties even if the Purchaser has accepted Objects which are delivered late without explicitly reserving the right to assert such claims.

支付合同赔偿金并不影响买方就供应或服务延迟所享有的任何其他合同或法定权利,也不影响供应商的任何其他合同供应和服务义务。买方有权要求合同赔偿金,即便其接受了迟延交付的标的物且并未明确表示保有这种权力。 9.2.4 The Purchaser shall be entitled to offset any contractual penalties incurred against

payments the Supplier may demand. The Purchaser shall be entitled to continue as-serting such contractual penalty pending settlement of the final payment for the rele-vant Purchase Order. 买方有权以赔偿金抵消供应商可能索要的款项。买方有权索要赔偿金直至相关采购订单最后批次付款之时。 9.2.5 This shall not apply if, and to the extent that, the Supplier demonstrates that delay is the result of Force Majeure Event pursuant to clause 24.

但上述规定不适用于供应商证明延迟系因依照第24条的不可抗力事件所致。 9.2.6 As far as Appendix 4 contains a specific provision for the payment of delay penalties concerning services and spare parts, such provision shall take precedence over this clause 9.2.


10 Shipping 运输

10.1 Shipping


10.1.1 Unless specified otherwise in relevant Appendix or the Purchase Order, Supplier shall

deliver the Objects, and the Dates of Delivery specified in the Purchase Orders are, DDU (INCOTERMS 2000) at the Purchaser?s address.


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10.1.2 In case the EXW (INCOTERMS 2000) is agreed, Supplier shall free of charge assist

Purchaser (or its carrier) in the loading of the Objects on Purchaser?s means of trans-port in accordance with the instructions of Purchaser (or its carrier).

若一致同意工厂交货方式(2000年国际贸易术语解释通则),供应商应遵照买方(或其承运人)的指示无偿协助买方(或其承运人)装运标的物至买方运输工具。 10.1.3 The Objects include the requisite delivery documents, in particular shipping and cus-toms documents, at no additional cost. The Supplier shall itself be responsible for procuring all the materials required in order to comply with the Purchaser?s needs and specifications.

标的物应包括必需的交付文件,尤其是运输与清关文件,该等文件应无偿提供。供应商应自行获取所有的必需文件以满足买方需求与规格要求。 10.1.4 A delivery note, excluding the price, shall be sent with all deliveries and shall include the information required in the Purchase Order.

交付通知(不包括价格)应包含采购订单所要求的信息并随交付寄送。 10.2 Risk


Benefits and risks shall pass to the Purchaser as soon as the Objects are delivered to the contractually agreed destination. 标的物一经交付至合同约定的目的地,其利益与风险将移转至买方。

10.3 Export Control and Foreign Data Regulations出口控制与他国数据规则

10.3.1 For all Objects to be delivered according to this Agreement Supplier shall comply with all applicable export control, customs and foreign trade regulations (hereinafter re-ferred to as “Foreign Trade Regulations”) and shall obtain all necessary export li-censes, unless Purchaser or any party other than Supplier is required to apply for the export licenses pursuant to the applicable Foreign Trade Regulations.

对于依照本协议交付的所有标的物,供应商应遵守所有适用出口控制、海关与他国贸易规则(以下简称“他国贸易规则”)且应获得所有必需的出口许可,除非适用的他国贸易规则要求由买方或买方以外的他方申请出口许可。 10.3.2 Supplier shall advise Purchaser in writing as early as possible, but not later than at the time of giving notice of completion for dispatch, of any information and data re-quired by Purchaser to comply with all Foreign Trade Regulations for the Objects ap-plicable in the countries of export and import as well as re-export in case of resale. In any case Supplier shall provide Purchaser for each Objects (sub-clauses 10.3.2 (a) to (e) hereinafter referred to as ”Export Control and Foreign Trade Data“)


(a) the “Export Control Classification Number“ according to the U.S. Commerce

Control List (ECCN) if the Product is subject to the U.S. Export Administration Regulations; and

若产品受美国出口管理法规管辖,则根据美国商务控制列表(ECCN)提供“出口控制分类编码”;和 (b) all applicable export list numbers; and

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所有适用的出口列表编码;和 (c)

the statistical commodity code according to the current commodity classification for foreign trade statistics and the HS (Harmonized System) coding; and 对外贸易统计现行商品分类中的统计商品编码及《商品名称及编码协调制度的国际公约》中的编码;和

(d) the country of origin (non-preferential origin); and


(e) upon request of Purchaser: Supplier?s declaration for preferential origin (in case

of European suppliers) or preferential certificates (in case of non-European suppliers).


10.3.3 In case of any alterations to origin and/or characteristics of the Objects and/or to the applicable Foreign Trade Regulations Supplier shall update the Export Control and Foreign Trade Data as early as possible but not later than at the time of giving notice of completion for dispatch. Supplier shall be liable for any expenses and/or damage incurred by Purchaser due to the lack of or inaccuracy of said Export Control and Foreign Trade Data.

若原产地和/或标的物和/或适用他国贸易规则有任何修改,供应商应于完成发货前尽早更新出口控制与外贸数据。供应商应对由前述出口控制与外贸数据的缺失与误差所导致的买方任何支出和/或损失负责。 10.4 Packaging


10.4.1 The Supplier shall use environmentally sustainable packaging which can either be

reused or disposed of economically. Material hazardous to health and styrene shall not be used. All statutory provisions, particularly in the countries of origin and destina-tion and all transit countries, in particular EU rules and regulations and SIEMENS? manufacturing instructions \pendix 6), shall be adhered to. 买方应使用可重复使用或经济处理的环保包装。不得使用危害健康的材料及苯乙烯。同时应遵守所有法律规定,尤其原产国和标的国及所有中转国的规定,特别是欧盟法规和规定以及西门子生产指示“供应商基本包装步骤”(参见附件6)。 10.4.2 The Objects shall be packaged in a manner appropriate to their characteristics and

the chosen and/or notified manner of transport and must consequently be packed and made ready for shipping in suitably prepared rooms.

标的物应以符合其特性及所选和/或所通知的运输方式的方法包装、填塞并于合理地点启运。 10.4.3 Packaging shall ensure that the Objects are protected against damage, contamina-tion and moisture during transport and storage such that they can be assembled by the Purchaser or companies contracted by the Purchaser at no additional expense. Suitable packaging materials or reinforcement shall be used which ensure appropri-ate protection capable of precluding any danger of the Objects being deformed owing to shocks, acceleration or delays during normal transport. Sealing surfaces must be provided with extra protection. The Supplier shall, at the Purchaser? request, accept return delivery of used packaging without delay and at no charge and shall dispose of such packaging in line with any statutory requirements. Disposal shall be demon-strated to the Purchaser without an explicit request being made to this effect by the

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10.4.4 All the information relating to contents, storage and transport must be visible on the


包装上应明确显示其内容、储藏及运输信息。 10.4.5 If lease containers are used, the Supplier shall ensure that these are removed regu-larly or as requested by the Purchaser at no cost.

若使用租赁集装箱,供应商应保证免费定期或应买方要求予以更换。 10.5 Partial, Advance, Excess or Short Deliveries


10.5.1 Partial, advance, excess or short deliveries shall only be made with the prior written consent of the Purchaser. Should the Supplier not comply with this provision, the Purchaser shall be entitled to reject such deliveries and to return the same to the Supplier at the latter?s cost or to store the same temporarily at the cost of the Supplier. 只有经买方事先书面同意后方可进行部分、提前、过量或短缺交付。若供应商违反本条款,买方有权拒绝该交付并向供应商退还或进行储存,费用由供应商负担。 10.5.2 Any additional costs incurred by the Purchaser as a result of non-agreed partial, ad-vance, excess or short deliveries (such as transport costs, additional incoming in-spections etc.) shall be borne by the Supplier.

未经同意的部分、提前、过量或短缺交付(如:运输费用,额外入境检验等)所产生的费用应由供应商承担。 11 Transfer of Title 所有权转移

Title to the Objects shall pass to Purchaser upon receipt of Objects by Purchaser per the de-livery terms in this Agreement or the respective Purchase Order. All Objects shall be deli-vered free and clear of any liens or claims by Supplier or Supplier?s suppliers. In the event of advance or progress payments and upon the request of Purchaser, Supplier shall provide a first demand payment guarantee which shall be acceptable in form and substance to Pur-chaser. All Work shall be delivered free and clear of any liens or claims by Supplier or Sup-plier?s suppliers. 根据本协议交付条款或各采购订单标的物的所有权应于买方收讫时向其转移。所有交付的标的物应无任何针对供应商或其下游供应商的留置权或索赔权。如果是预付款或分期付款,应买方要求,供应商需提供其在形式、内容上可接受的优先要求付款保函。所有交付的工作应无任何针对供应商或其下游供应商的留置权或索赔权。

12 Subcontracting 转包


The Supplier shall not subcontract the Work, any substantial part thereof or any part thereof which has been previously approved by the Purchaser, without the prior writ-Issued: Page 19 of 29

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ten consent of the Purchaser. This consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. 未经买方事先书面同意,供应商不得转包工作及其任何实质性组成部分或买方事先批准的任何部分。买方不得无故拖延该同意。


Should the Purchaser consent to the subcontracting of Work or any part thereof or name a potential subcontractor on an authorized list, this shall not affect the legal responsibility of the Supplier for such subcontractor.


The Supplier shall provide the Purchaser with a list of subcontractors on request. 供应商应按照买方要求向其提供分包商名单。 12.3

13 Assignment 转让 13.1 Purchaser shall have the unilateral right to assign and/ or transfer this Agreement and all rights and obligations of Purchaser under and in connection with this Agree-ment and any Purchase Order to any Affiliates or any successor to the wind power generation business of Purchaser by giving written notice to Supplier. 买方有权通过书面通知的形式,单方决定向其任何关联公司或风电业务的承继者转让和/或让渡本协议及本协议、任何采购订单项下的所有权利义务。 The Supplier shall not assign this Agreement, any rights or obligations of this Agreement, Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement, without the prior writ-ten consent of Purchaser or its successors. 未经买方或其承继者的事先书面同意,供应商不得转让本协议及其项下的任何权利义务及采购订单。 13.2 14 Quality Assurance, Notification of Completion 质量保证、完成通知 14.1 The Supplier shall install and operate a quality assurance system which complies with the latest requirements and is accepted by the Purchaser. The Purchaser holds both a quality and an environmental certificate according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. The Supplier undertakes to carry out development, manufacture and service functions in connection with the Objects in accordance with a quality management system that is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 or a similar system approved by the Purchaser. The Supplier undertakes to maintain the ISO 9001/14001 certificate or similar system until the expiry of the defects liability period for the last Objects delivered under this Agreement. In this context the Parties shall sign an Appendix 8. 供应商应遵照最新要求建立并运行买方认可的质量保证体系。买方持有经ISO 9001 和 ISO 14001认证的质量与环境证书。供应商需遵照ISO 9001 和ISO 14001质量管理体系或经买方批准的类似体系进行标的物的研发、生产和服务。供应商应当维护ISO 9001 /14001证书或类似体系直至本协议项下最后交付标的物的缺陷责任期限届满。双方应就此签署附件8中的文件。

The Supplier shall not be released from its responsibility for the fulfillment of its obli-gations arising from this Agreement and any Purchase Order by the fact that the Purchaser?s employees and/or those of the Customer and/or an authorized repre-sentative may themselves have performed a manufacturing review of work

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processes, of work in progress on the Objects or of the Objects themselves. 即便买方员工和/或其客户和/或其授权代表已自行对工作程序、标的物生产进度或标的物本身进行生产审核,供应商仍须承担本协议或任何采购订单项下义务。


Besides the rights set out in Appendix 8 and this Agreement the Purchaser shall have the following rights if the Supplier after written notification of the failure by the Purchaser fails within two (2) weeks to comply with quality requirements set out in this Agreement:


(1) reject the receipt of deliveries and request suspension of any delivery under any Purchase Order until the failure has been rectified as confirmed by the Purchaser and


(2) claim a penalty of 1% of the existing Purchase Order value as compensation for administration costs of the Purchaser due to the delay.


Further rights of the Purchaser against the Supplier under this Agreement shall not be affected by this clause.

本条款不影响买方在本协议项下对供应商所享有的进一步权利。 14.4

The Supplier shall not be entitled to change the production facility for the Objects from the facility set out in Appendix 2 without prior written acceptance from the Pur-chaser.

未经买方事先书面同意,供应商不得将标的物的生产设备更换至附件2以外。 Should the Purchaser discover defects in the Objects due for delivery during the ini-tial manufacturing review and should one or more additional manufacturing reviews be required as a consequence, all the costs incurred as a result shall be borne by the Supplier. 如果在初始生产审核中发现待交付标的物存在缺陷因而需更多生产审核,所有产生的费用应由供应商承担。 The Purchaser, third parties authorized by the Purchaser and/or the Customer or representatives of the same shall be entitled to enter the production locations of the Supplier and its subcontractors at any time during normal hours of business for the purpose of examining the production status and the quality of the Objects. The Sup-plier and its subcontractors shall provide all the requisite test and inspection equip-ment, devices and personnel required for the purposes of carrying out tests and in-spections at their own cost.


The Supplier shall agree the same quality assurance measures with subcontractors approved by the Purchaser and shall grant the Purchaser corresponding rights. The Supplier shall immediately demonstrate compliance with this provision to the Pur-chaser on request.


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14.6 14.7

15 Defects Liability 缺陷责任

15.1 Defects Liability Claims


15.1.1 Supplier warrants and guarantees that the Objects furnished hereunder at the time of

acceptance: (i) are free from any defect in design (if Supplier?s design), workmanship and materials; (ii) are in strict compliance with this Agreement, Purchase Orders cov-ered under this Agreement, Technical Specifications set out in Appendix 1 hereto and further technical requirements provided by Purchaser and generally accepted engi-neering, manufacturing and industry standards; (iii) fully comply with the applicable statutory and official provisions; (iv) are fully capable of operation in accordance with Supplier?s operating recommendations and limitations, and in the absence thereof, standard industry practice; and (v) are fit for the purposes of Purchaser and the use of Purchaser?s customers.

供应商声明并保证验收时所供标的物:(i)无任何设计(如果是供应商设计)、工艺及材料方面的缺陷;(ii) 严格遵守本协议及其项下的采购订单,附件1中所列技术规格,买方进一步的技术要求以及被广泛认可的工程、生产和工业标准;(iii)完全遵守适用法律和政府规定; (iv) 能够按照供应商的操作建议与限制或标准工业操作运行;以及(v)能够满足买方意图与买方客户的使用需求。 15.1.2 Supplier shall correct any defect at its sole expense and at the sole discretion of Pur-chaser, by promptly accomplishing one or more of the following: (a) rectification of any defect either in the form of repair or replacement of the defective goods with the faultless goods (and correcting any plans, specifications, or drawings affected); (b) furnishing Purchaser any materials, parts, drawings, documents and instructions ne-cessary to correct or have corrected the defect. Supplier shall, at the sole discretion of Purchaser, dispose of any replaced part.

供应商应依据买方的自主决定通过完成以下内容中的一项或多项,自费修正缺陷:(a)通过对缺陷物品进行维修或以完好物品进行替换(并相应修正任何受影响的计划、规格或图纸);(b)向买方提供修改缺陷必需或已修改缺陷的任何材料、部件、图纸、文件和说明书。供应商应根据买方的自主决定处理任何被替换的部件。 15.1.3 Purchaser shall be entitled to specify a reasonable period within which Supplier shall rectify the defects. Upon fruitless expiry of such specified period or abortive attempts to rectify defects, Purchaser shall be entitled, at its discretion, (i) to assert rescission of the relevant Purchase Order, or (ii) to assert a reduction in price for the relevant Purchase Order, or (iii) all at the cost of Supplier, to perform repair or substitute deli-very itself or arrange for such to be provided by a third party. Purchaser shall also be entitled to claim compensation for all the costs, losses and damage incurred by Pur-chaser having been caused by any defect. All other contractual or statutory claims held by Purchaser remain unaffected.

买方有权指定供应商修正缺陷的合理期限。若该期限届满或修正缺陷的努力无效,买方有权自行决定:(i)要求解除相关采购订单;或(ii)要求对采购订单降价处理;或(iii)自行或组织第三方进行维修或替换交付物,费用由供应商承担。买方同时有权就缺陷所造成的所有费用、损失和损害要求赔偿。买方所拥有的其他所有合同或法定索赔权不受影响。 15.1.4 Defects may immediately be rectified at the risk and cost of Supplier by Purchaser or

by a third party should Purchaser have a legitimate interest in arranging immediate defect rectification work, in particular (i) in order to avoid defaulting itself, or (ii) if

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Supplier has delivered the Objects with delay, or (iii) if Supplier declares that he is unable to perform defect rectification work immediately, or (iv) in the case of urgency, or (v) if, in the sole opinion of the Purchaser or the Customer, a rectification of any defect by the Purchaser or the Customer is more economic than any rectification by the Supplier or (vi) for other reasons.

如果买方对立即安排缺陷修复具有法定利益,尤其是(i)为避免其自身的违约;或(ii)若供应商延迟交付标的物;或(iii)若标的物宣称其无法立即修正缺陷;或 (iv)出现紧急情况;或(v)若买方或其客户自主认定由买方或客户所做修正较供应商的经济;或 (vi)其他原因,则缺陷可立即由买方或第三方予以修正,其风险与费用由供应商承担。

15.1.5 Until defects are rectified in full, Supplier shall bear the risk of accidental loss, de-struction or deterioration of the defective Objects as well as - irrespective of fault - all costs, expenses and damage arising in connection with the rectification of the defect, in particular the costs of returning defective Objects, any additional costs incurred due to the fact that the Objects are not located in the place of delivery, transport, work, material, installation and removal costs as well as internal processing and ad-ministration costs incurred by Purchaser. Supplier shall, at the request of Purchaser and in order to rectify defects, use the fastest possible means of transport available should there be good reasons for the same – e.g. in order for Purchaser to avoid lia-bility to its own customers. Purchaser shall also be entitled to recover any and all costs and expenses incurred by Purchaser or payable to third parties due to a defect, including but not limited to additional costs of Purchaser personnel (based on stan-dard hourly rates) or other labor, evaluation costs, re-working or scrapping costs, ad-ditional or premium transportation or testing conducted by Purchaser.

直至缺陷完全修正前,供应商应承担缺陷标的物意外损失、毁坏或恶化的风险,以及与修正缺陷相关的所有成本、费用及损害,尤其是退还缺陷标的物的成本,标的物未就位于交付、运输、工作、材料、安装地点所产生的额外成本,以及移除成本与买方内部处理与管理成本,不论其有无过错。如果有相同的合理原因,如:为避免买方对客户承担责任,则应买方要求为修正缺陷,供应商应采用最便捷的运输方式。买方有权获得因缺陷导致的对其自身或第三方的任何、所有成本和费用的赔偿,包括但不限于,买方员工(基于标准小时费用)或劳动力的额外成本,评估费用,重新工作或废弃成本,额外或加速运输或测试费用。 15.2 Defects Liability Period 缺陷责任期限

15.2.1 The defects liability period for all defects liability claims is five (5) years and com-mences upon acceptance by the Customer of the last wind turbine to which the Ob-jects pertaining to the relevant Purchase Order have been incorporated, installed or attached, or five (5) years from the incorporation, installation or attachment of the Ob-jects into/to a wind turbine previously taken over by the Customer, as the case may be. The defects liability period shall however terminate six (6) years at the latest fol-lowing due provision of the supplies and services by the Supplier.

所有缺陷责任的主张期限为五(5)年,视情况而定自客户验收最后一批次相关采购订单中标的物所组装、安装或附装至的风电涡轮机时起算,或自客户组装、安装或附装标的物至先前客户已接收的风电涡轮机时起算。任何情况下,缺陷责任期限应最迟于供应商供货与服务六(6)年后终止。 15.2.2 The defects liability period for any non-defective Work shall be extended by the pe-riod during which the use/operation of such non-defective Work was interrupted due to any defective Work.


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15.2.3 The defects liability period shall not, however, terminate under any circumstances be-fore a period of one (1) year has expired subsequent to notification of a defect pro-vided that such notification is made within the time limits referred to above. Should the Supplier rectify defects by repair or delivery of faultless goods, the defects liability period for such parts shall be i) the remaining period of the original defects liability pe-riod for such part, or ii) one (1) year from the date of remedying the defect, whichever is longer.

如果在上述缺陷责任期限内发出了缺陷通知,则任何情况下缺陷责任期限在通知一(1)年内不得终止。如果供应商通过维修或替换以修正缺陷,则该部件的缺陷责任期限为i)该部件初始缺陷责任期限的剩余期间或ii) 自补救缺陷之日起一(1)年,以较长者为准。 15.2.4 For a period of two (2) years after expiry of the defects liability period, Supplier shall be liable to remedy on the same terms and conditions as mentioned above any La-tent Defects.

缺陷责任期限届满后二(2)年,供应商应负责以上述同样的条款条件补救任何潜在缺陷。 15.2.5 Should the Customer order envisage a shorter or longer defects liability period, such period shall be agreed on a project-specific basis.

如果客户订单中预计一较长或较短的缺陷责任期限,该期限应根据项目需求另行达成一致。 15.3 Serial Defects


15.3.1 If the same or similar defect is identified in delivered Objects in the reasonable opi-nion of the Purchaser indicate that the relevant defect is a Serial Defect, the Pur-chaser may request a joint investigation as to whether a Serial Defect does in fact ex-ist.

如果买方合理地认为所交付标的物中存在的相同或相近缺陷为连续缺陷,买方可要求进行关于连续缺陷是否存在的联合调查。 15.3.2 If the Purchaser demands such an investigation, the Purchaser and the Supplier shall each appoint an internal consultant in order to establish whether a Serial Defect ex-ists and, if so, to what extent.

如果买方要求进行调查,买方与供应商应各自指定一名内部顾问以确认是否存在连续缺陷及其程度(如有)。 15.3.3 If, within twenty-eight (28) days after the Purchaser has demanded a Serial Defect

investigation, it has not been agreed whether a Serial Defect exists and, if so, to what extent, the Purchaser shall be entitled to have an independent consultant appointed by Shanghai Institute of Quality Inspection and Technical Research/ TüV SüD Greater China examine the relevant defects in order to establish whether a Serial De-fect exists and, if so, to what extent. The Parties shall provide the independent con-sultant with all relevant technical documentation in order to ensure a true and fair as-sessment.

如果在买方要求进行连续缺陷调查的二十八(28)天内双方未就是否存在连续缺陷及其程度(如有)达成一致,则买方有权聘请上海市质量监督检验技术研究院/ TüV 南德意志集团大中华区指定的独立顾问检验相关缺陷以确认天内双方未就是否存在连续缺陷及其程度(如有)。双方应向该独立顾问提供所有相关技术文件以保证真实、公正的评估。 15.3.4 If a Serial Defect is identified the Supplier shall, at the Purchaser's request and with-out undue delay, remedy the Serial Defect in all the Objects comprised by the Serial

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Defect by repair or replacement in accordance with the provisions in clauses 15.1 and 15.2 irrespective of whether the Serial Defect has manifested itself as defects on the individual Objects. The Parties shall endeavour to ensure that repair or replace-ment is carried out as a part of the ongoing maintenance and at the lowest possible cost, but with due consideration for the safety and the operation of the wind turbines and Objects.


15.3.5 The expenses for the Parties' internal consultants shall be paid by each Party. The

expenses for the independent consultant shall be paid by the Supplier if it is estab-lished that a Serial Defect exists and by the Purchaser if it is established that no Seri-al Defect exists.

双方应各自负担其内部顾问的费用。确认存在连续缺陷时,独立顾问的费用由供应商承担,反之则由买方承担。 15.3.6 Should the provisions regarding liability for Serial Defects in the Customer order de-viate from those stated here, these shall be agreed on a project-specific basis. 如果客户订单中连续缺陷责任的规定与本协议规定存在偏差,则应根据各项目另行取得一致。 15.4 Incoming Inspections接收检验

15.4.1 The Purchaser shall verify within reasonable time upon receipt of a delivery whether the delivery conforms with the ordered quantity and type and whether the goods ex-hibit externally visible transport damage or defects. 交付后合理期限内买方应查验交付是否符合订单数量、类型和货物外观是否存在运输损坏或缺陷。 15.4.2 The Purchaser shall notify any defects or damage it may detect in the course of such inspections to the Supplier. The Purchaser shall also notify any defects detected at a later time.

买方应通知供应商在上述过程中发现的任何缺陷或损坏。买方还应通知在之后发现的任何缺陷。 15.4.3 Defects may be notified within a period of one (1) month subsequent to supply or ser-vice or – in the event that the defect is only detected during working, processing or commissioning – to their detection.

缺陷通知可于供货或服务一(1)个月内作出,如果仅于工作、加工或调试过程中发现缺陷,可于发现缺陷后作出。 15.4.4 Supplier expressly agrees that any notices of defects from Purchaser to have been

lodged on time without observing the time limit for lodging such a notice. The same shall apply to hidden defects.

供应商明确同意买方的任何缺陷通知均为及时提出,不论其是否遵守了通知时限。此规定同样适用于隐蔽缺陷。 15.4.5 The Purchaser has no obligations towards the Supplier other than to perform said in-spections and notify the Supplier accordingly.


16 Liability

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Each Party shall be liable to the other Party for any loss and/or damage caused by breach of contract, tort or any other wrongful act or omission on the part of the liable Party, its directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and/or subcontractors. Any liability under clause 16.1 shall be subject to the following limitations except as oth-erwise provided in clause 16.1 (b) or any other provision of the Agreement: 一方应对其自身、董事、管理层、员工、代理、服务商和/或分包商的违约、侵权或其他任何不当行为或不作为所导致的任何损失和/或损害承担责任。除第16.1(b)条与本协议其他条款中另有约定,第16.1条项下的责任受下列限制:

(a) Liability for loss of production, loss of use, loss of profit, loss of information

and/or data shall be excluded, provided, however, that this limitation shall not af-fect any obligation of the Supplier to pay or reimburse liquidated damages and penalties.

排除生产、使用、利润、信息和/或数据损失,尽管此限制并不影响供应商支付或补偿违约金和赔偿金的任何义务。 (b) The above limitations shall not apply (i) to any damage or loss caused by inten-tion, wilful misconduct or gross negligence on the part of the liable Party, (ii) in respect of any encumbrance of title in the Work, (iii) in respect of indemnity obli-gations or (iv) to the extent any such limitation is prohibited under mandatory law. 上述限制不适用于(i)责任方故意失职或重大疏忽所引致的任何损害或损失,(ii)工作所有权妨碍,或(iii) 赔偿责任,或(iv)该等限制被强行性法规禁止。


Irrespective anything before, the liability of the Supplier for physical damage to the wind turbines (other than to the Objects) caused by any defect in the Objects does not require any fault of the Supplier, its directors, officers, employees, agents, ser-vants and/or subcontractors.

尽管有前述规定,供应商对因标的物任何缺陷所导致的风涡轮机(而非标的物)实际损失(或:有形损坏)应承担责任,无论供应商及其董事、管理层、员工、代理、服务商和/或分包商是否有过错。 The limitations of liability set forth in this clause 16 shall extend in favor of each Par-ty?s directors, officers, employees, agents, servants and subcontractors and their re-spective directors, officers, employees, agents and servants.


In all cases the Party claiming a breach of contract, negligence, wrongful act or omission or a right to be indemnified in accordance with the Agreement shall be ob-liged to take all reasonable measures to mitigate the loss or damage which has oc-curred or may occur.




17 Product Liability and Insurance


17.1 Product Liability


17.1.1 Should product liability claims be enforced against the Purchaser by the latter?s Cus-

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tomer or by third parties on the basis of product liability provisions applicable in PRC or any other country, the Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser against all claims and losses (including all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney?s fees), provided that these are caused also by defects in Objects supplied by the Sup-plier. The Supplier shall compensate the Purchaser for all costs and expenses in-curred by the Purchaser in this context.


17.1.2 The Purchaser shall also be entitled to demand compensation from the Supplier for losses and expenses incurred by the Purchaser in the course of averting danger, e. g. issuing warnings or initiating precautionary recall actions for defective products. Costs and losses incurred by the Purchaser in the course of determining hazards (in particular the costs of expert opinions) as well as internal administrative and processing costs shall be borne by the Supplier unless the latter is able to demon-strate that it was not responsible for the cause of such costs.

买方应有权要求供应商赔偿其在制止危险过程中(如发布警告或启动缺陷产品的预防召回行动)所发生的损失和费用。买方在判定危险过程中所遭致的损失和费用(尤其是专家意见费)及内部行政和处理费用应由供应商承担,除非供应商能够证明其不应对产生这些费用的原因负责。 17.1.3 Unless otherwise agreed in Appendix 4 (Special Agreement Concerning the Provision of Services and Spare Parts), the Supplier shall identify the Objects in a manner which ensures that they are at all times identifiable as the Supplier?s products. 除非附件4(关于服务与备件条款之特殊协议)中另有约定,供应商应采取一定的识别方法以使标的物在任何时候均可被辨认出是供应商的产品。 17.2 Insurance


17.2.1 The Supplier shall obtain adequate insurance cover (of a minimum of 1.5 million Eu-ros per instance and three (3) million Euros per year, including processing damages) for all general as well as product liability risks. The insurance cover shall also include “extended product liability”, installation and disassembly costs, preventive exchange (in particular in the case of “series faults/defects”), costs of recall, external transport costs as well as damage assessment costs. 供应商应当为所有一般风险和产品责任办理足够的保险(最低为每例150万欧元和每年300万欧元,包括处理赔偿金)。保险范围应同样包括“延期产品责任”、安装、拆卸费用、预防性调换(尤其是“连续故障/缺陷”)、召回费用、外部交通费及损失评估费。 17.2.2 The Supplier shall submit a copy of the insurance policy to the Purchaser immediately, at the latest however thirty (30) calendar days following signing of this Agreement or after the date of the Purchase Order pursuant to which such Objects and/or any Work was initially provided.

供应商应立即,但最晚于本协议签署后第(30)个日历日或根据采购订单首次提供标的物和/或任何工作之日后,向买方提供一份保险单的复印件。 17.2.3 Insurance cover shall be maintained throughout the period during which product liabil-ity claims may be enforced against the Purchaser or the Supplier in connection with this Agreement or the Purchase Orders, but at least until twenty (20) calendar years following expiry or termination of this Agreement. During this period the Supplier shall,

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at the request of the Purchaser, demonstrate that insurance cover remains in force by submitting a copy of the insurance policy for inspection once each calendar year. The Supplier shall inform the Purchaser in writing in advance of any termination of such insurance cover.


17.3 Third Party Liability Insurance


Should Supplier render services or perform work in connection with this Agreement in the plant or other facilities of a Purchaser?s Customer, in a Purchaser plant or in any other Pur-chaser facility, Supplier shall obtain adequate insurance cover for all general liability risks (of a minimum of 5,000,000 (five million) Euros per instance of damage, and of at least 500,000.-- (five hundred thousand) Euros per instance of damage in the case of processing damages), and shall furthermore obtain Employer?s Liability/Workmen?s Compensation In-surance in accordance with the applicable law for their employed personnel, and shall submit a copy of the insurance policy to Purchaser for inspection immediately, at the latest however fourteen (14) calendar days following signing of this Agreement or after the date of the Pur-chase Order pursuant to which such supplies and services were initially provided. Insurance cover shall be maintained throughout the entire period during which liability claims may be enforced against Purchaser or Supplier in connection with this Agreement or the Purchase Orders, but at least until twenty (20) years following expiry or termination of this Agreement. During this period Supplier shall demonstrate that insurance cover continues to be provided by, at the request of Purchaser, submitting the insurance policy for inspection once each ca-lendar year. Supplier shall inform Purchaser in writing in advance of any termination of such insurance cover. 若供应商在买方客户的工厂或其他场地,在买方工厂或任何附加买方场地提供本协议下的服务或履行工作,供应商应当为所有一般责任风险办理足够的保险(最低每例损失500(五百万)万欧元和至少每例损失50(五十万)万欧元的处理赔偿金),应按照适用法律为其雇用人员办理雇主责任/工人抚恤金保险,并立即,最晚于本协议签署后第十四(14)个日历日或按照采购订单首次供货或提供服务之日后,向买方提交一份保险单复印件供查验。保险应在可能向买方或供应商提出有关本协议或采购订单的责任索赔要求的整个期间内予以维持,但最迟应直至本协议期满或终止后的第二十(20)年。在此期间,供应商应当根据买方的要求,每个日历年均向买方提供一份保险单的复印件供查验以证明此保险仍被维持。供应商应提前书面通知买方任何该保险的终止。

18 Intellectual Property Rights 知识产权


The Supplier guarantees that the Objects are not subject to any defects of title, in particular third party rights, such as Intellectual Property Rights. Furthermore, the Supplier ensures that the possession and use of the Objects by the Purchaser or the latter?s agents or Customers shall not infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of third parties.


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Should a third party assert claims derived from or relating to Intellectual Property Rights against the Purchaser or the Purchaser?s Customer owing to the possession or use of the Objects, the Purchaser shall inform the Supplier accordingly. The Sup-plier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser against all claims and losses (in particular those relating to reasonable attorney costs, court and expertise costs). 若有第三方对买方或其客户占有或使用标的物提出源于或关于知识产权的权利主张,买方应通知供应商。供应商应赔偿所有的权利主张和损失(特别是关于合理的律师费、法院和专家意见费用),使买方免受损害。

The Purchaser shall, in particular, be entitled to demand that the Supplier under-takes the following at its own cost and expense: 买方尤其应当有权要求供应商自费履行下述义务:

? obtain a right of use from the party entitled to exercise such Intellectual Property Rights: or

从有权行使该知识产权人处获得使用权:或 ? modify the parts which infringe the Intellectual Property Rights or exchange such parts for parts which do not,

修改侵犯知识产权的备件或替换为非侵权备件 while但是

? the Purchaser shall be reimbursed for the design change costs necessarily in-curred by it in order to use the modified or exchanged parts: or 买方为使用经修改和替换备件而产生的必要的设计变更费用应予补偿:或 ? the relevant products shall be taken back by the Supplier, the price of the re-spective Purchase Order reimbursed and compensation paid for all costs and damages incurred.



A limitation period of six (6) years shall apply to defects of title, in particular the in-fringement of Intellectual Property Rights.


The Supplier hereby grants to the Purchaser an unconditional, licence free right to all Intellectual Property Rights regarding lawful use of the Objects. The Supplier grants the Purchaser the right to use the drawings, documents, models and any hard- and software supplied under the Agreement for any purpose connected with completing, operating, maintaining and repairing the Objects or any part thereof. Such right includes the right to (a) grant sublicenses to the Customers and/or any person designated by the Purchaser or any Customer and (b) allow the Customers to grant such sublicenses.

对于标的物的合法使用,供应商在此授予买方对所有知识产权均拥有无条件的自由许可权。供应商授权买方使用本协议下为完成、操作、保养和维修标的物或其任何部件等任何目的而提供的图纸、文件、模型及任何软硬件。该权利包括:(a)买方许可其客户和/或买方指定的任何人员使用的权利;和(b)允许客户再许可他人使用的权利。 The Purchaser shall keep all Intellectual Property Rights to the Objects that have been elaborated by the Supplier in connection with the purchase of the Objects, in-cluding where the Objects are manufactured according to such Purchaser?s specifi-cations (including the specifications included in Purchase Instructions) in which the Intellectual Property Rights vest in the Purchaser.

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The Supplier shall indemnify and hold harmless the Purchaser and anyone the Pur-chaser is obliged to indemnify (including the Purchaser?s customers), against any claims of infringement of any Intellectual Property Right and the Supplier shall be fully liable to the Purchaser and anyone the Purchaser is obliged to indemnify (in-cluding the Purchaser?s customers), for any costs, expenses, loss and damages re-sulting from any such infringement or alleged infringement, provided that the claim or proceedings arise out of the design, construction, manufacture or use of the Ob-jects.


If the Supplier breaches his guarantee as per clause 18.1 he shall, in addition to his obligations as per clause 18.2, obtain for any person mentioned in clause 18.1, as appropriate the right to possess and use the respective items or processes free of charge, or shall replace them free of charge with items or processes not infringing third-party Intellectual Property Rights. 若供应商违反其第18.1条下的保证,除应履行其第18.2下的义务外,还应当为第18.1条所提及的人员获得免费占有和使用有关物品、程序的适当权利,或应免费将侵权物品或程序替换为非侵犯第三人知识产权的物品或程序。


19 Contingency Production Rights



Should the Supplier apply for insolvency proceedings or should such proceedings be instituted against the same or rejected for lack of assets, the Supplier shall li-cense the Purchaser to produce duplicate Objects or to arrange for such Objects to be reproduced by third parties. The Supplier shall inform the Purchaser immediately, should the Supplier become aware of circumstances which may potentially lead to insolvency proceedings.


Should the Purchaser exercise its contingency production rights, this shall not affect the Purchaser?s other contractual or statutory rights. 买方行使紧急生产权并不影响其拥有的其他合同或法定权利。

In order to enable or facilitate the Purchaser?s exercising of its contingency produc-tion rights, the Supplier shall – upon receipt of a written request – immediately pro-vide the Purchaser with a full set of all the required production documents, such as design drawings, circuit diagrams and test specifications (the “Required Informa-tion”). The Purchaser shall be entitled to make use of any industrial property rights (patents, utility models, registered designs, trade and service marks as well as copy-rights) which may be contained in the same for the purpose of exercising its contin-gency production rights. The Required Information must be drawn up in such a way that a specialist is able to commence contingency production promptly on the basis of such documents and data. All the tools, machines, materials provided by its own subcontractors etc., which may be required for the purpose of producing the Objects

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shall be provided to the Purchaser by the Supplier immediately for the purpose of carrying out contingency production. The Supplier shall, to the best of its abilities and at the Purchaser?s request, ensure that qualified staff are available to support the contingency production performed by the Purchaser. In the context of its contin-gency production rights, the Purchaser shall have the irrevocable right to enter the business grounds and premises of the Supplier.


20 Right to Authorized Manufacture


In the event that the Supplier should cease production of the Objects and/or spare parts and/or be unable/unwilling to meet its contractual obligations for any other reasons, the Sup-plier shall grant the Purchaser the right to reproduce all the Objects and/or spare parts. Should the Purchaser avail itself of this right to authorized manufacture, the Supplier shall – upon payment of reasonable remuneration – provide the Purchaser with all the industrial property rights (patents, utility models, registered designs, trade and service marks as well as copyrights) and documents held by the Supplier (design drawings, production drawings, circuit diagrams, other technical documents etc.) required for such production purposes as well as all associated and available production, test and inspection equipment. In such cases the Supplier shall, if necessary, provide production transfer support and provide sufficient numbers of qualified staff for this purpose. Should opinions differ regarding what constitutes reasonable remuneration, the Supplier shall grant the Purchaser the right to authorized man-ufacture against payment of the amount which is undisputed between the Parties. Expert opinion shall be drawn upon to determine the actual amount of reasonable remuneration in such cases.


21 Materials and Tools Provided by the Purchaser 买方提供的材料和工具

21.1 Materials Provided by the Purchaser


21.1.1 Purchaser may purchase or provide Siemens Furnished Property. Supplier agrees to

use its best efforts to utilize Siemens Furnished Property and agrees to notify Sie-mens if Siemens Furnished Property does not function properly. Any Siemens Fur-

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nished Property provided as support remains the property of Purchaser and is to be stored, labeled and administered separately. The use of such is limited to the orders of Purchaser. Supplier shall bear the risk of accidental loss, destruction or deteriora-tion of Siemens Furnished Property following receipt of such by Supplier. In the event of any reduction in value or loss Supplier shall provide a replacement at no costs for Purchaser.


21.1.2 Before being used and/ or integrated, Siemens Furnished Property shall be inspected by Supplier in terms of their fitness for the contractual purpose, completeness, func-tionality and freedom from defects. Any defects shall be notified to Purchaser imme-diately in writing. If Supplier has not raised any objections within one (1) week of re-ceipt, Siemens Furnished Property shall be deemed to have been without any defects. Purchaser shall, at its own discretion, exchange or complete Siemens Furnished Property or shall rectify defects in such supplies to the extent that this is required in order to carry out the Purchase Order in the proper manner. Purchaser disclaims any further liability in connection with the provision of Siemens Furnished Property. 在西门子供应产品被投入使用和/或整合之前,供应商应对其合同目的适应性、完整性、性能和有无瑕疵进行检验。若发现任何瑕疵,应立即书面通知买方。若供应商未在收货后一(1)周内提出任何异议,西门子供应产品将被视为无任何瑕疵。买方应自行决定,更换或完善西门子供应产品或矫正缺陷直至其能够适当实施订单生产。除此之外,买方拒绝承担与西门子供应产品有关的任何其他责任。 21.1.3 Any processing or transformation of Siemens Furnished Property shall be for Pur-chaser. Purchaser shall be the immediate owner of the new transformed object. In the event that such is not possible for legal reasons Purchaser and Supplier agree that Purchaser shall be the owner of the new objects at all times during any processing or transformation. Supplier shall keep the new object safe for Purchaser at no extra cost and exercise the duty of care of a merchant.

任何对西门子供应产品的处理或改造均应是为买方实施。买方应为新改造产品的立即所有人。若这在法律上不可行,买方和供应商同意买方在任何处理或改造的过程中应始终为新产品的所有人。供应商应尽商人的注意义务免费为买方保管新产品。 21.1.4 Purchaser may enter upon Supplier?s premises and remove any Siemens Furnished

Property from Supplier?s facility without prior notice.

买方可以不经事先通知进入供应商的场所搬离任何西门子供应产品。 21.1.5 Supplier shall not use Siemens Furnished Property for any purpose other than in

support of this Agreement and/or Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement without the prior written consent of Purchaser. For the purposes of this Agreement, Siemens Furnished Property shall be accorded the same protection as other proprie-tary or confidential information in Clause 25 (Confidentiality).

未经买方事先书面同意,供应商不能为除本协议和/或本协议下的采购订单之外的任何其他目的使用西门子供应产品。为本协议之目的,西门子供应产品应受到与其他产品同样的保护或适用第25条(保密)的保密信息规定。 21.2 Tools, Dies, Models, Gauges


21.2.1 Tools, dies, models, gauges and other special resources required by the Supplier in

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order to produce the Objects are, or shall be upon completion, the property of the Purchaser. The Purchaser shall be entitled to reach decisions alone about the future use of such tools, models, gauges and resources; in other words, the Purchaser shall be entitled to arrange for the same to be stored, scrapped or collected or to authorize their use by a third party on the premises of the Supplier.


21.2.2 In general, tools, dies, models, gauges and resources shall be retained by the Sup-plier and shall be stored securely and separately from its own assets at no charge by it for the Purchaser and shall – unless otherwise agreed in writing – only be used for the Purchaser′s Purchase Orders. Unless otherwise agreed, the Supplier shall, at its cost, maintain and keep in good repair the tools, dies, models, gauges and resources. The Supplier shall be responsible for taking out insurance cover on these tools, dies, models, gauges and resources. The Supplier shall draw up a list of all the tools, dies, models, gauges and resources currently being used or stored by it and shall present such list to the Purchaser at least once a year on the end of December. This list shall contain part descriptions, drawing numbers, tool numbers, die numbers, model num-bers etc., as well as the number of times these have been used, the month and year of manufacture and the last date on which such use took place (month, year), along with the anticipated remaining service life of the same.

一般情况下,供应商应为买方保留工具、模具、模型、标尺和资源,免费地安全储存,并同其资产分开。除非另有书面约定,供应商应自担费用保养和维修这些工具、模具、模型、标尺和资源。供应商应负责为这些工具、模具、模型、标尺和资源办理保险。供应商应编制一份所有正被使用或储存的工具、模具、模型、标尺和资源清单,并应至少每年一次于十二月底前向买方提供该清单。该清单应包含备件描述、制图号、工具号、模具号、模型号等以及已被使用的次数,生产年月和最后一次使用的日期(年月),及其预期的剩余使用寿命。 21.2.3 Tools, dies, models, gauges and resources may only be permanently

scrapped/destroyed, if this has been confirmed in writing in advance by the Purchas-er. 工具、模具、模型、标尺和资源仅能在提前得到买方的书面确认后方能被永久废弃/销毁。

22 Local Manufacturing Content 本地生产内容

Should it be necessary – for reasons founded, for example, in sales or competition strategies – to have Objects manufactured in other countries either by the Supplier or by the Purchaser or by third parties, the Supplier declares its willingness to use its best endeavors to assist and support the Purchaser thereby. The Parties shall reach agreement in the interests of both Parties, especially with respect to technology transfer agreements if necessary. 若基于如销售或竞争战略等原因,供应商或买方或第三方有必要在其他国家生产标的物,供应商声明其将尽最大努力协助和支持买方。双方应达成有利于双方利益的协议,尤其是有关技术转让的协议(若需要)。

23 Term and Termination 有效期与终止

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The term of this Agreement shall be two (2) years. This Agreement shall commence on May 17, 2010 and terminate on May 16, 2012. Should neither of the Parties serve notice to terminate this Agreement in writing twelve (12) months prior to the end of the contract term, this Agreement shall be tacitly prolonged each year by 1 (one) year.

本协议的有效期为两 (二)年。本协议应于2010年5月17日开始,2012年5月16日终止。若双方均未在合同结束前十二(12)个月书面通知终止本协议,本协议将每年自动延长一(1)年。

The Purchaser shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement and/or any Purchase Order with immediate effect should the Supplier breach the obligations imposed on it by this Agreement or the respective Purchase Order and continue to breach such obligations fourteen (14) calendar days after receiving the first written request to desist from such breach. Should provisions of this Agreement and/or a Purchase Order be repeatedly or seriously breached, the Purchaser shall be entitled to termi-nate this Agreement or the respective Purchase Order without prior notice. Should a Purchase Order be terminated, this shall not affect the other Purchase Orders or this Agreement. Should this Agreement be terminated, the Supplier shall be obliged to meet any Purchase Orders, which may already have been placed, in full in accor-dance with the conditions of this Agreement or the respective Purchase Order. 若供应商违反其在本协议或各采购订单中义务,且在收到首次要求停止违约的书面通知后十四(14)个日历日后仍继续违反,则买方有权终止本协议和/或任何采购订单且立即产生终止效果。若供应商反复或严重违反本协议条款和/或采购订单,则买方有权无事先通知地终止本协议或各采购订单。若某采购订单被终止,其他采购订单或本协议的效力应不受影响。若本协议被终止,供应商仍应完全按照本协议或各采购订单的条件履行已收到的采购订单。

The right to terminate for good cause remains unaffected. The following in particular shall constitute good cause which shall entitle the Purchaser, at its discretion, to terminate this Agreement, Purchase Orders or parts thereof:


? the Supplier infringes this Agreement or obligations arising from Purchase Orders despite receiving a written admonition by the Purchaser to desist from the same within a reasonable, specified period of time; or

供应商在收到买方要求其在一段合理的具体时间内停止违反本协议或采购订单中义务后仍不改正;或 ? if insolvency proceedings are instituted against the Supplier or should the financial circumstances of the same seriously deteriorate; or 若供应商开始破产程序或其财政状况严重恶化;或 ? fundamental changes take place in the legal status, ownership structure or share-holding relationships, or changes take place in the company management of the Supplier such that it would be unreasonable to expect the Purchaser to continue to adhere to this Agreement or Purchase Orders.

供应商的法律地位、所有权结构或股权关系发生根本变化,或其经营管理发生变化,以致不能合理地期待买方继续履行本协议或采购订单。 23.4

Notice to terminate this Agreement or Purchase Orders shall be given in writing to be effective.


In the event of termination due to Supplier?s default as set forth hereabove, Pur-Issued: Page 34 of 29

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chaser may procure the Objects concerned from alternative sources as it deems appropriate and Supplier shall pay to Purchaser any additional cost for Purchaser reprocurement of the Work covered under this Agreement and any Purchase Order issued hereunder.



Either Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement if the other Party be-comes bankrupt or insolvent, or files for or enters into liquidation or receivership proceedings. If any termination occurs under this provision, the Parties shall promptly settle any outstanding performance or Purchase Order commitments, but shall have no further obligations to the other under this Agreement.


24 Force Majeure 不可抗力


Neither Party shall be responsible for failure to perform its obligations under the Agreement or any Purchase Order if such failure solely results from a Force Majeure Event.

双方完全因不可抗力不能履行本协议或任何采购订单义务时,均不承担责任。 Supplier must notify Purchaser in writing within twenty four (24) hours of the occur-rence of any Force Majeure Event. Any additional costs and expenses incurred by Supplier by reason of a Force Majeure Event shall be borne exclusively by Supplier. 供应商应在任何不可抗力发生后的二十四(24)小时内书面通知买方。任何由于不可抗力给供应商带来的附加成本和费用均应由供应商承担。

Supplier must exercise its best efforts to mitigate the effect of such Force Majeure Events on the performance of the work. Any relief granted to Supplier shall be li-mited to an extension of the time of performance to the extent caused by the Force Majeure Event. 供应商须尽其最大努力减小不可抗力对履行工作造成的影响。给予供应商的任何救济应仅限于按照不可抗力对其造成影响的时间,相应延长其履行时间。

If any Force Majeure Event continues for more than ninety (90) days in the aggre-gate, Purchaser shall have the right, but not the obligation, to terminate this Agree-ment and respective Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement, and Purchas-er shall be entitled to a refund of any advance moneys it has paid to Supplier. 若任何不可抗力持续总计九十(90)天以上,买方应有权但非有义务终止本协议和本协议下的各采购订单,买方应有权获得任何其提前付给供应商的退款。




25 Confidentiality 保密


The concluding and contents of this Agreement as well as the Purchase Orders shall be treated confidentially and shall only be used for the purposes envisaged by this Agreement (which may include the provision of the information to potential Addi-tional Buyers) and for the processing of Purchase Orders.

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Each Party shall treat as confidential any information and data disclosed to it by the other Party (irrespective of the medium in which such information and data is em-bedded) which is either (i) marked or otherwise described as confidential or which is described as confidential when disclosed orally or visually, or (ii) which contains or relates to technical, business or commercial information, data or knowledge, or (iii) which can or must reasonably be assumed to be confidential by the respective Party (all such information and data hereinafter referred to as \way they would treat their own business secrets and shall use them only for the pur-poses envisaged by this Agreement and for the processing of Purchase Orders. The term “Information” shall include any copies or abstracts of Information as well as any samples, models, prototypes and parts thereof.


This obligation does not apply to Information which 保密义务不适用下列信息:


? was in the receiving Party's possession without an obligation to confidentiality prior to receipt from the disclosing Party;

接收方从披露方处获得前已占有的无保密义务的信息; ? is at the time of disclosure already in the public domain or subsequently becomes available to the public with no breach of this Agreement by the receiving Party. In-formation is not deemed to be publicly accessible, when only parts thereof are ac-cessible in the public domain or become available to the public;

披露时已处于公共领域、或并不是因为接收方违反本协议而使得后来为公众所知的信息。仅部分为公众所知或可被公众获得的信息不应视为已处于公共领域; ? is lawfully obtained by the receiving Party from a third party without an obligation to confidentiality, provided that such third party is not – to the receiving Party?s knowledge – in breach of any obligation to confidentiality relating to such Information at the time of hand over of such Information; 接收方合法从第三方获得的无保密义务的信息,只要就接收方所知,该第三方并未在披露时违反与该信息有关的任何保密义务; ? is developed by the receiving Party or its Affiliates independently and without

reference to any obtained Information; or

接收方或其关联公司未参考任何已获得信息而独立研发的信息;或 ? is approved for release by written agreement of the disclosing Party.

披露方书面同意解除保密性的信息。 25.4

The Party seeking the benefit of such exception shall bear the burden of proving its existence.


Within ninety (90) days after termination of this Agreement the disclosing Party may

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request in writing from the receiving Party that the receiving Party at its discretion ei-ther return or destroy all Information received from the disclosing Party that has been marked or otherwise described as confidential and stored electronically and/or on record-bearing media as well as any copies thereof. The receiving Party shall confirm in writing such destruction or return the Confidential Information as well as any copies thereof to the disclosing Party within fourteen (14) days after receipt of the disclosing Party's request.



The duty to maintain secrecy shall continue to apply following expiry or termination of this Agreement for a period of 10 (ten) years after acceptance of the last Item de-livered under this Agreement.


Each Party shall in particular 各方尤其应


? ensure that such Information are only made available to personnel who require

such Information and documentation for the purpose of carrying out their tasks, 保证该信息仅能被为完成任务而需要这些信息和文件的人员获得, ? ensure that a duty to handle such Information confidentially is imposed upon such personnel,

确保这些人员对这些信息保密, ? ensure that such Information are only published (or disclosed in any other way) with the prior written consent of the other Party, whereby such consent may not be re-fused without good reason. 保证这些信息仅能在获得另一方事先书面同意后被发表(或以任何其他方式披露),另一方不得无合理理由地拒绝同意披露。 25.8

Should statutory or official rules and regulations require that such Information or do-cumentation be passed on to public bodies for the purpose of obtaining approvals and permits, the Parties shall undertake all reasonable action in their power to en-sure that such Information or documentation is also treated confidentially by such bodies.


Supplier shall treat as confidential all Documents in the same way as any Informa-tion. No news release or any other publicity in any way relating to Purchaser or Supplier concerning this Agreement and Purchase Orders covered under this Agreement shall be made by Supplier to any news media or the general public with-out the prior written approval of Purchaser.



26 Survival 存续

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Any provision of this Agreement which contemplates performance or observance subsequent to any termination or expiration of this Agreement shall survive any termination or expiration of this Agreement and continue in full force and effect.


27 Corporate Responsibility



Supplier shall comply with the principles and requirements of the 'Code of Conduct for Siemens Suppliers' attached hereto as Appendix 13 (hereinafter referred to as the 'Code of Conduct').


If requested by Siemens, supplier shall not more than once a year either – at its op-tion – provide Siemens with (i) a written self-assessment in the form provided by Siemens, or (ii) a written report approved by Siemens describing the actions taken or to be taken by supplier to assure compliance with the Code of Conduct. 应西门子的要求,供应商应,一年不超过一次,按其选择向西门子提供 (i)一份按西门子提供的形式填写的书面自我评估,或 (ii)一份经西门子核准的、描述供应商为确保遵守行为准则已经采取或将要采取的行动的书面报告。

Siemens and its authorized agents and representatives and/or a third party ap-pointed by Siemens and reasonably acceptable to supplier, shall be entitled (but not obliged) to conduct – also at suppliers' premises – inspections in order to verify sup-pliers' compliance with the Code of Conduct. 西门子和其授权代理和代表及/或西门子指定并能被供应商合理接受的第三方,应有权(但无义务)在供应商的场所内进行检查,以核实供应商对行为准则的遵守情况。 Any inspection may only be conducted upon prior written notice of Siemens, during regular business hours, in accordance with the applicable data protection law and shall neither unreasonably interfere with suppliers' business activities nor violate any of suppliers' confidentiality agreements with third parties. Supplier shall reasonably cooperate in any inspections conducted. Each party shall bear its expenses in con-nection with such inspection.

任何检查都将只能在西门子事先发出书面通知后,在正常的工作时间内按照适用的数据保护法律进行。检查不得无理妨碍供应商的经营活动或违反供应商与第三方之间的保密协议。供应商应合理配合任何此类检查。任何一方应自担上述检查所涉的费用。 In addition to any other rights and remedies Siemens may have, in the event of (i) supplier's material or repeated failure to comply with the Code of Conduct or (ii) supplier's denial of Siemens' right of inspection as provided for in the third para-graph of this article, after providing supplier reasonable notice and a reasonable op-portunity to remedy, Siemens may terminate this agreement and/or any purchase order issued hereunder without any liability whatsoever.


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Material failures include, but are not limited to, incidents of child labor, corruption and bribery, and failure to comply with the Code of Conduct's environmental protec-tion requirements. The notice and opportunity to remedy provision shall not apply to violations of requirements and principles regarding of the child labor as set out in the Code of Conduct or willful failures to comply with the Code of Conduct?s environ-mental protection requirements.


28 Miscellaneous 其他

28.1 Environmental Protection


The Supplier shall provide the Work required by this Agreement in a manner which gene-rates as little environmental burden as possible. The Supplier shall use its best endeavors not to use any environmentally harmful materials but, should such use be inevitable, shall store, use and dispose of the same in accordance with statutory requirements at his cost. If the Objects or manufacture method can easily be replaced by more environmentally friendly types, the Supplier shall notify the Purchaser and shall implement the required measures if requested by the Purchaser. Furthermore, the Supplier shall continuously evaluate whether it is possible to carry out environmental improvements to the Objects, including manufacture processes and packaging, and shall notify the Purchaser and implement the required meas-ures if requested by the Purchaser.

供应商应尽量以造成最小环境负担的方式完成本协议要求的工作。供应商应尽量不使用任何对环境有害的材料,若该等材料的使用不可避免,则供应商应自费按照法定要求储存、使用和处置这些材料。若标的物或生产方式可被更环保的类型替代,供应商应通知买方并应根据买方要求采取相应措施。此外,供应商应持续评估是否可对标的物实施环保改良,包括生产程序和包装,且应通知买方并根据买方的要求采取相应措施。 28.2 Information and contact persons 信息与联系人

28.2.1 The Parties shall work closely together and keep each other informed on an ongoing basis about any developments which may be significant for the Objects with the aim of exploiting – to the benefit of both Parties – any cost-cutting potential which may arise as a result.

双方应紧密合作,始终保持联系,告知对方任何对标的物开发有重大意义且对双方有利的发展动态以及由此可能带来的成本削减。 28.2.2 If contact persons are not named in Appendix 14, both Parties shall appoint a contact person and shall notify each other in writing no later than fourteen (14) calendar days following signing of this Agreement of the key person responsible for consulting with the other Party with regard to issues arising from this Agreement.

若附件14中未指定联系人,双方应指定一个联系人并于本协议签署后十四(14)个日历日内书面通知对方负责与对方磋商本协议中问题的人员。 28.3 Entire Agreement; Amendments 协议完整;修正

No supplementary agreements have been entered into in addition to this Agreement. Subsid-

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iary agreements, amendments or supplements to this Agreement shall be made in writing [in accordance with the approval levels of Appendix 11] to be effective. This written-form re-quirement can likewise only be waived or altered in writing. Written form, as required by this Agreement, shall only be deemed to prevail, if the declaration has been personally signed by the sender and the original or a fax thereof sent to the other Party. The written form de-scribed in the preceding may not be replaced by declarations or statements made in elec-tronic form.

本协议无补充协议。本协议的附属协议、修正或补充应以书面形式作出[依据附件11的批准级别]方为有效,且仅能以书面形式放弃或改变。经发出者本人签署且原件或传真件发予另一方的声明才符合本协议所要求的书面形式。前述书面形式的声明或陈述不能被电子形式的代替。 28.4 Preclusion Period / Duty to Claim and Notify

排除期间/ 权利主张义务与通知

The Supplier shall be obliged to enforce any contractual claims to which it is entitled within four (4) weeks after they arise. Upon expiry of this period, claims which have not been en-forced shall be excluded unless evidence is furnished to demonstrate that knowledge of such claims was only obtained at a later date.

供应商应在其有权提出合同主张的事实发生后四(4)周内提出。该期间期满后,未提出的主张将被排除,除非其有证据证明其在之后才知道可以提出该主张。 28.5 Severability Clause


28.5.1 Should the provisions of this Agreement be or become – either wholly or in part – in-effective or impracticable, this shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The same shall apply should this Agreement contain any unintended gaps. Such invalid or impracticable provisions shall be replaced by provisions which, wherever legally possible, approximate as closely as possible with the purpose of the originally intended provisions.

若本协议的条款全部或部分无效或不可执行,本协议其他条款的有效性不受影响。此同样适用于本协议存在任何非故意纰漏的情形。该无效或不可执行条款应被与原先条款之意图最近似且法律允许的条款代替。 28.5.2 Errors, unintended gaps and contradictions shall be treated and interpreted in accor-dance with the spirit of this Agreement and on the basis of mutual trust between and in compliance with the intention of the Parties.

错误、非故意纰漏和矛盾应依照本协议精神,在互信互重的基础上解释。 28.6 Applicable Law


28.6.1 This Agreement and all Purchase Orders shall be subject to the law of the People?s

Republic of China, to the exclusion of the United Nations Convention on the Interna-tional Sale of Goods of April 11th, 1980.

本协议及所有采购订单应适用中华人民共和国法律,排除适用1980年4月11日《联合国国际货物买卖公约》。 28.6.2 The language of this Agreement shall be English and Chinese. In case of discrepancy

the English version shall prevail.

本协议的语言为英语和中文。如有任何冲突,以英文为准。 28.7 Dispute Resolution


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28.7.1 If any dispute arises in connection with this Agreement or other agreements con-cluded within the context of the same, the responsible representatives of the parties shall attempt, in fair dealing and in good faith, to settle such dispute. If a party pro-vides written notification to the other party that such attempt has failed, then each party shall promptly appoint in writing a senior representative duly authorized to re-solve such dispute. Each party shall give notice of the appointment of such senior representative to the other party and such senior representatives shall try to reach an amicable settlement. If such senior representatives have not been appointed and/or are not able to reach an amicable settlement within a time period of 30 (thirty) days after the appointment of the first senior representative or such other time period as the parties may agree in writing, then either party may, by written notification to the other party, require that the dispute be submitted for resolution pursuant to the follow-ing paragraph.

若产生与本协议或其他为执行本协议而签订的协议有关的任何争议,双方的责任代表应努力公平善意地予以解决。若一方书面通知另一方该努力已失败,则各方应立即各书面任命一名合法授权的高级代表解决争议。各方应通知另一方高级代表的任命,高级代表应尽力友好解决争议。若未任命高级代表和/或争议未能在任命首次高级代表后三十(30)日内或双方书面同意的其他期限内友好解决,则各方可书面通知另一方要求依照如下条款解决争议。 28.7.2 In the event that a dispute cannot be settled pursuant to the preceeding sub-clause, the parties agree to submit the matter to settlement proceedings under the Concilia-tion Rules of the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC). If the dispute has not been settled pursuant to said Conciliation Rules within forty-five (45) days following the filing of the request for Conciliation or within such other period as the parties may agree in writing, each party may refer the dis-pute to arbitration pursuant to the following sub-clause.

若经过前一程序争议未能得到解决,双方同意将相关事项提交中国国际经济贸易委员会(CIETAC)依照调解规则解决。若争议未能在申请调解后四十五(45)日内或双方书面同意的其他期限内通过调解解决,则各方可依照如下条款将该争议提交仲裁。 28.7.3 All disputes in connection with this Agreement, which are not settled pursuant to the above two sub-clauses, including any question regarding the existence, validity or termination or any subsequent amendment of the Agreement or any Purchase Order, and all claims in connection with it in respect of which no dispute exists but which re-quire enforcement, shall be finally settled in accordance with the Rules of Arbitration of CIETAC.

与本协议有关的任何争议包括关于协议或任何采购订单的存在、效力、终止或任何后续修正等若通过如上两款程序仍未能得到解决,或与本协议相关的虽无争议但须执行的权利主张,应最终依照CIETAC的仲裁规则予以解决。 28.7.4 If the value of the total matter in dispute, including the value of any counterclaims, is less than

