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____________号学 ____________名_姓 _____________级班2011学年度第一学期月考试卷

七年级 英语

(总分:100分 完卷时间:90分钟)

题号 Part I Part II Part III 总分 得分 Part ⅠListening(25%)

Ⅰ Listen and choose the right picture (听句子选择正确的图片)(5%)



1._______ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________

Ⅱ Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer(听对话,选择正确的回答)(10%)

( ) 1. A) By car. B) By bus. C) By taxi. D) On foot. ( ) 2. A) A cup of tea. B) Rice dumplings.

C) A cup of coffee. D) A picec of cake.

( ) 3. A) At 7:45. B) At 8:15. C) At 8:00. D) At 8:05. ( ) 4. A) In a park. B) In a school. C) In a hospital. D) In a shop. ( ) 5. A) An engineer. B) A postman. C) A doctor. D) A dentist. ( ) 6. A) Chinese. B) Maths. C) English. D) Geography. ( ) 7. A) Going swimming. B) Go fishing. C) Go skating. D) Go climbing.


( ) 8. A) A bank. B) A restaurant. C) A shop. D) A mall. ( ) 9. A) The woman. B) The man.

C) The woman’s friend. D) The man’s friend. ( )10. A ) A computer game. B) A model ship. C) An MP4 player. D)A mountaion bicycle.

Ⅲ Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true

or false (听短文判断,正确的用T表示,错误的用F表示)(5%) ( )1. Watching TV is the only way of learning things.

( )2. It is important for children to listen to the radio.

( )3. TV is a wonderful thing because it gives people everything they like. ( )4. The world is very big, but we can get information very quickly. ( )5. A TV set is cheaper than a radio, so people like to buy TV sets.

Ⅳ Listen and complete the table (听短文完成表格)(5%) Name 1________ Jane Age 2__________ 3__________ Hobby Collecting coins 4____________ Favourite subject maths 5____________ Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Grammar(42%)

Ⅰ. Find the word with a different sound in each group.(从每组单词中找出一个划线部分与其它单词发音不同的单词) (5%)

( ) 1. A. warning B. bar C. war D. wardrobe ( ) 2. A. silence B. crisp C. miss D. sincerely ( ) 3. A. relaxing B. add C. last D. camp ( ) 4. A. step B.direction C. convenient D. centre ( ) 5. A. bottom B. scone C.oven D. opposite

Ⅱ. Complete the sentences with the given words(根据所给词的适当形式填空)(5%)

1. Put the __________ in the baking tin and cook for an hour. (mix) 2. We felt very __________ when watching the Olympic Games.(excite) 3. Don't make any__________. (noisy)

4. Mike, you can look after __________ when your parents aren't at home. (you) 5. What a ___________ trip we are having! (please)


Ⅲ. Choose the word or expression in the box which is the closest in meaning

to the underlined part(选择与划线部分意思相同的词组或者短语)(5%) A) easy B) gets a letter from C) stay D) more than E) at least F) like...better ( ) 1. If you exercise regularly, you will keep healthy. ( ) 2. -Which puppy do you like?

- I prefer the black one. ( ) 3. Mr. Smith hears from his wife once a week. ( ) 4. Nowadays it's convenient for us to go shopping. ( ) 5. John had over five packets of crisps last week.

Ⅳ. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案)(15%)

( ) 1. My favourite activity is playing ______ basketball.But my sister likes

playing ______ piano best.

A) the, a B) a, the C) /, the D) the, /

( ) 2. My mother will leave for England _____the morning of September,12. A) in B) at C) on D) of

( ) 3. What does Ben ______ buy for his friends?

A) need B) need to C) needs D) needs to

( ) 4. Let's ask our mums ______ us.

A) helping B) help C) to help D) helped ( ) 5. Have ______ fruit and vegetables, and you'll be healthier.

A) many B) plenty of C) much D) huge amounts of ( ) 6. People ______ have rules to keep the environment clean. A) should B) can C) may D) needs

( ) 7. I saw a lady ______ in front of the tall building just now. A) to stand B) stands C) stood D) standing

( ) 8. We'll______ the poor children in the west of China.

A) spend some money in B) spend some money for C) raise some money for D) raise some money on

( ) 9. What did you do ______ you lived in Britain?

A) because B) if C) since D) when

( ) 10. -Dad, must I finish my homework today? - ______ You may do it tomorrow.

A) No, you needn't. B) Yes, you must.

C) No, you mustn't. D) Yes, you need. ( ) 11.______ season is it now in Shanghai?

A) When B) Why C) What D) Which


( )12.

SILENCE is a(an)______ sign.

A) instructions B) warnings C) directions D) information ( ) 13. I'm going to eat ______ crips and drink ______ water.

A) fewer, more B) less, more C) fewer, less D) less, fewer

( ) 14. If it ______ tomorrow, I ______ at home.

A) rain, stay B) rain, will stay

C) rains, stay D) rains, will stay

( ) 15. -Shall we go camping next week? - ______.

A) Let's. B)That's all right. C) Yes,we shall. D) That's a good idea.

V. Rewrite the sentences as required (按要求改写句子)(12%) 1. Ben does his homework at weekends. ( 改为否定句) Ben ________ _______ his homework at weekends. 2. Jack used to play football on Friday.(改为一般疑问句)

________ Jack _______ to play football on Friday?

3. It takes Simon one and a half hours to go to school every day.(对划线部分提 问)

_______ ________ does it take Simon to go to school every day?

4. Sally is going to leave Shanghai for Hong Kong at eight o'clock tomorrow.(对划线部分提问)

________ _______is Sally going to leave Shanghai for Hong Kong tomorrow?

5. My father doesn't like singing. I don't like singing, either.(保持句意不变) My father doesn't like singing. ________ _______ I. 6. It is fine weather.(改为感叹句) ________ _______ weather it is!

Part III Reading and Writing(33%)

Ⅰ. Reading comprehension (15%)


Read and tell whether it is “T” or “F”(阅读后判断,正确用T表示,错误用F 表示)5%:

Old Marrison was very rich. He was seventy years old now, and he decided to do something for the people of his town. But first he wanted to find out who was worthy of (值得)his help.


One day he asked his son to put a large stone in the middle of the road to the town. He hid himself behind a tree and watched.

Soon a middle-aged man came along with his cow. 'Who's put this big stone in the middle of the road ?' he said. But he did not try to remove it. He walked past the stone and went on his way.

Another man came along and did the same; then came another, and another. All of them complained(抱怨) about the stone, but nobody tried to do anything about it.

Late in the afternoon there came a young girl. She saw the stone and said, 'How did this stone find its way here? People will fall over it in the night.' Then the girl began to move the stone away. She pushed and pulled hard.

She was surprised when at last she moved away the stone and found a lot of money in an envelope(信封). On the envelope were these words:

'This money is for the first kind person who removes this stone from the road.'

( )1. Mr Marrison wanted to do something for the people of his town because they were very poor.

( )2. Mr Marrison asked his son to put a big stone on the road in the town. ( )3. There was a tree not far away from the stone on the road.

( )4. The girl tried her best to move the stone because she knew that there was a lot of money under the stone.

( )5. Mr Marrison saw everything from behind the tree and he knew the girl deserved the reward.(该受奖赏)。

( B)

Choose the best answer(根据短文选择最恰当的答案):5%

One day Mozart saw an old man play the violin in the street corner. He found out the old man was playing one of his compositions (乐曲). The old man played for some time but the cap in front of him was still empty ---- nobody put any money into it. Mozart asked the old man,'Do you make a living by playing the violin?' The old man said he did. Mozart took over the violin from the old and began to play.

He played so well that all the passers-by(过路人) stopped to listen to the wonderful music and soon the old man felt surprised that the man could play so well. He asked Mozart,'Who are you, sir?' 'A poor musician like you.' Then Mozart gave the violin to the old man and went away.

( )1. Mozart was _________ .

A) a poor musician B) a famous musician C) an old man D) a passer-by


