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2014高考英语阅读理解巩固练习精品题(48)及答案 【吉林市普通中学2012—2013高三(下)质量检测】

hildren have their n rules in plaing gaes The seld need a referee (裁判) and rarel truble t eep sres The dn’t are uh abut h ins r lses, and it desn’t see t rr the if the gae is nt finished et, the lie gaes that depend a lt n lu, s that their persnal abilities annt be diretl pare The als ened gaes that ve in stages, in hih eah stage, the hsing f leaders, the piing-up f sides, r the deterining f hih side shall start, is alst a gae in itself

Grn-ups an hardl find hildren’s gae exiting, and the ften feel puzzled at h their ids pla suh siple gae again and again Hever, it is fund that a hild plas gaes fr ver iprtant reasns He an be a gd plaer ithut having t thin hether he is a ppular persn, and he an find hiself being a useful partner t sene f h he is rdinar afraid He bees a leader hen it es t his turn He an be nfident, t, in partiular gaes, that it is his plae t give rders, t pretend t be dead, t thr a ball atuall at sene, r t iss sene he has aught It appears t us that hen hildren pla a gae the iagine a situatin under their ntrl Everne ns the rules, and re iprtantl, everne plas arding t the rules Thse rules a be hildish, but the ae sure that ever hild has a hane t in

62hat is true abut hildren hen the pla gaes? A The an stp plaing an tie the lie B The an test their persnal abilities The ant t pi a better tea D The dn’t need rules

63T bee a leader in a gae the hild has t _________ A be a useful partner B ait fr his turn be nfident in hiself D be ppular ang his plaates 64h des a hild lie plaing gaes?

A Beause he an be sene ther than hiself B Beause he an bee ppular ang friends Beause he finds he is alas lu in gaes D Beause he lies the plae here he plas a gae 6hih is the best title fr this passage? A Rules in hildren’s Gaes

B Advantages f Plaing Gaes fr hildren Reasns fr hildren’s Gaes D H t Be a Ppular Gae Plaer

62A 细节理解题。由第一段第三句可知。 63B 细节理解题。由第二段倒数第二句可知。 64A 细节理解题。由第二段第三句可知。

6B 主旨大意题。由全内容可知。


Astrnauts abard the spae statin elebrated a spae first n ednesda b drining ater

that had been reled fr ;their urine (尿),seat and ater gt fr air The said “heers,”

lied drining bags and tasted NASA rers n the grund

The urine reling sste is needed fr astrnaut statins n the n and ars It als

ill have NASA ne beause it n’t have t ship up as uh ater t the statin b spae shuttles r arg rets Besides, it’s iprtant as the spae statin is abut t expand fr three

peple living n beard t six

The reling sste had been brught up t the spae statin last Nveber b spae

shuttles Endeavur, but it uldn’t be used until saples ere tested ba n earth: S hen it

ae tie t atuall drin up, NASA ade a big deal f it The -three-an re std hlding their drins and ngratulated engineers in t NASA enters that red n the sste “This is sething that had been the stuff f siene fitin,” Aerian astrnaut ihael

Barratt said befre taing a sall uthful “The taste is rth tring”

The ne sste taes the bined urine f the re fr the tilet, ves it t a big tan,

here the ater is biled ff, and the vapr is lleted The rest f the urine is thrn aa Then the ater vapr is ixed ith ater fr air, and then it ges thrugh filters(过滤器).

hen six re ebers are abard it an ae abut six gallns fr urine in abut six hurs “Se peple a find the idea f drining reled urine distasteful, but it is als dne n

earth, but ith a lt lnger tie beteen urine and the tap,” said arbeth Edeen, the spae

statin’s natinal lab anager

The tehnlg NASA develped fr his sste has alread been used fr qui ater

purifiatin after the 2004 Asian tsunai

3 Arding t the text, the reling sste is iprtant beause______. A.it aes traveling t he n fr the average persn pssible B.ith it NASA n’t need t ship an ater up the spae statin .it an help eet the need fr re ater after the re is expanded D it prtets the envirnent in spae b reduing the aunt f aste 考查细节理解。根据第二段中的it n’t have t ship up as uh ater t the statin b spae

shuttles r arg rets Besides, it’s iprtant as the spae statin is abut t expand fr three

peple living n beard t six可知选。

4 Fr paragraph ,e an n________

A the ther behind the reling sste B.the effet f the reling sste an pinin n reling urine D the press f reling urine

D考查判断、推理。根据The ne sste taes the bined urine f the re fr the tilet, ves it t a big tan, here the ater is biled ff, and the vapr is lleted The rest f the urine is thrn aa可知,这是循环利用的过程。

hat did Edeen sa abut reled urine and the reling sste? A The taste f reled urine is nt as gd as that f n ater B The reling sste has ade a siene fitin str e true, The idea f drining reled urine aes astrnauts feel unpleasant D It taes a lnger tie n earth t ae ater fr urine than in spae D考查判断、推理。根据it is als dne n earth, but ith a lt lnger tie beteen urine and the tap可知,在地球上,把尿净化成自水需要更长的时间。

6 hat is the best title fr the passage?

A The Researh f NASA Has ade Great Prgress B Ne Tehnlg Is Used in the Spae Statin

Drin up Spae Statin Reles Urine t ater D Gd Nes:ater Reled fr Urine Tastes Gd 考查的标题。根据全可知:在空间站将尿转换成水。


N ne lies t ae istaes But a ne stud sas rganizatins learn re fr their failures than fr their suesses, and eep that nledge lnger

ne f the researhers as Vinit Desai, an assistant prfessr at the Universit f lrad

Denver Business Shl He red ith Peter adsen fr the arritt Shl f anageent at Brigha ung Universit in Utah

The did nt find uh lng-ter “rganizatinal learning” fr suess It is pssible, the

sa But Prfessr Desasas the fund that nledge gained fr failure lasts fr ears He sas rganizatins shuld treat failures as a learning pprtunit and nt tr t ignre the.

The stud led at panies and rganizatins that launh satellites一and ther spae

vehiles Prfessr Desai pared t shuttle flights.

In t thusand t, a piee f insulating(隔热的)aterial bre f, during

Drin up Spae Statin Reles Urine t ater D Gd Nes:ater Reled fr Urine Tastes Gd 考查的标题。根据全可知:在空间站将尿转换成水。


N ne lies t ae istaes But a ne stud sas rganizatins learn re fr their failures than fr their suesses, and eep that nledge lnger

ne f the researhers as Vinit Desai, an assistant prfessr at the Universit f lrad

Denver Business Shl He red ith Peter adsen fr the arritt Shl f anageent at Brigha ung Universit in Utah

The did nt find uh lng-ter “rganizatinal learning” fr suess It is pssible, the

sa But Prfessr Desasas the fund that nledge gained fr failure lasts fr ears He sas rganizatins shuld treat failures as a learning pprtunit and nt tr t ignre the.

The stud led at panies and rganizatins that launh satellites一and ther spae

vehiles Prfessr Desai pared t shuttle flights.

In t thusand t, a piee f insulating(隔热的)aterial bre f, during

