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篇二:九年级英语in the library

Unit 1 In the library

Teaching aims and demands

1. words

CD player several shelf already used to on knowledge yard schoolyard put (sth) down step librarian probably pay pay for sadly come up with mark bookmark think of encourage get…back pick up once abroad copy as

2. Useful expressions

I have got a book.

Excuse me. Have you got…?

Yes, I have . / Sorry . No , I haven’t.

You are welcome.

Have you ever done…? Yes , I have, once ./ No, never.

I’ve just done…

3. Grammar

The Present Perfect Tense (1) 现在完成时态(一)

现在完成时由“助动词have (has) +过去分词“构成。陈述句形式、疑问句形式和简略答语。动词的过去适和过去分词(规则形式和不规则形式)


Step 1 Revision

1、 由于这是本单元的第一课,也是学生第一天来到学校,请对学生说“Welcome back”

2、 复习过去时并让学生习惯地在活动中说英文,教师知道说:Tell your partner what you did this summer.

3、 Revise “Do you have??”通过向学生提问得出他们的答案如; ( pencil , pen, eraser, etc. ).并使用常用形式“Do you have any??” 所以学生也会练习使用any 和some

Step 2 Presentation

告诉学生,我们将要学习一种新的表达Do you have??的方式,让学生仔细听Have you got a pencil? Yes, I’ve got one. 解释说I’ve got =I have got 并解释one的意思在这里就是 a pencil。然后给学生句例子听对话。 Teacher:(举起一支铅笔)

Group A: Have you got a pencil ?


Group B: Yes, I’ve got one .

.Teacher: (举起一本书)

Group A:Have you got a book?

Teacher: (摇头)

Group B; Sorry , I haven’t got one.

向学生解释Haven’t=have not。让学生给出示例,说明 any/some 的用法。用同样的方法进行练习。 Step 3 Read and Act

学生书第一页第一部分,与全班学生一起练习对话,然后让他们两人一组练习。看看他们能否编写自己的对话进行表演。看学生能否猜出CD player 的意思。

Step 4 Exerceses

学生用书第一页第二部分,读一遍对话给学生听并让他们重复。看是否猜出生词several 和shelf的意思。然后让学生根据对话分角色表演,一个学生演图书管理员,另一个学生表演在找书。告诉学生除了方框里的替换词以外,他们还可以增加一些其他词。



把Have you got a book?这个句子写在黑板上。指出完成时态的组成形式(have+past participle)。向学生解释每一个动词都有一个过去分词形式。一般来说,动词的过去分词形式与过去式形式是一样的,但不都是一样,也有一些不规则形式。向学生解释,这个时态是用来表示过去或不久以前发生的动作,而产生的形态

仍然存在。如:把你的笔掉在地上,教师说I have dropped my pen. You can see the pen on the door .打开门I have opened the door. Now the door is open , 等等。

用一本化学书或物理书,把它放在你的书桌上的英语书下面。接着你假装找这本书,说:Oh, where is my science book? I have lost my science. I can’t find it. Have you seen it, Wang Wei ?这个学生找到了这本书并把它递给了你。你可以说Thanks a lot. Now Wang Wei has found the book. I have got it back.

Step6 Read and act.


I have lost my science book.

Have you seen it?

He has found the book..

在lost、 seen和found下面画线,看看学生能否猜出这些词来自哪些动词不定式。 让学生默读对话,试着找出现在完成时态的例句。让两个学生给全班表演第3部分里的第一个对话。

A:(四处查看教室)Hi, Bob! I can’t find my history book. Have you seen it anywhere?

B:Yes,…(指着书桌)Look at that book on the desk .

A:(拿起这本书)Oh, yes, it’s mine! Thanks a lot.












1 检查家庭作业。复习现在完成时态,方法是让学生两人一组活动,让他们用Have you got…即Have you got an eraser? Have you got any pens?等句型,要每个学生说出学习用具。

2 复习学生用书第1页第3部分里的对话。


学生用书第2页第1部分。让学生两人一组讨论这个问题。然后问 What kinds of books do you like to read?进行一次非正式调查,看看有多少学生喜欢读英语书和历史书。

Step3 Read

学生用书第2页第2部分,口语录音带第2课。把书合起来,让学生听故事大意(Grandma keeps losing library books)。把书打开,再放一遍录音,让学生边听边读。看看学生能否猜出一些生词的意思,让他们使用上下句子的信息来帮助他们。接着教学生仍然不理解的生词和短语:aleady , used to , hobby , knowledge, yard, put down, librarian, pay, sadly, come up with 和bookmark。

向学生解释,schoolyard 是校园里建筑物周围的一个区域,孩子们在这里可以玩耍。操场上可能有也可能没有草地。里面常常有树和树下可以坐的地方。

向学生解释 knowledge一词含有know在里边。这可以帮助学生理解这个词的意思。

告诉学生used to do something的意思是,过去经常发生的事情,但现在已经不存在了。

Step4 Exercise

教师说 Reading is one kind of hobby. What other kinds of things are hobbies?让学生自由讨论找到答案。让学生给出他们的答案,把答案写在黑板上。例如:hiking, biking, painting, travelling, collecting things, bird watching, 等等。让学生两人一组相互谈一谈他们的业余爱好。教师在教室内巡视并给他们必要的帮助。 Step5




在左边方框里的动词是规则动词,其余动词是不规则动词。然而你可以从这4个栏目里发现一些有趣现象。在第一个栏目里这些动词的过去式和过去分词的形式是不同的,例如 go-went-gone。在第2栏里,每一个动词的过去式和过去分词,其形式是一样的,如 bring-brought-brought。在第3栏里,所有的动词都不改变它们原来的形式,如put-put-put。在第4栏里,动词的过去分词和动词不定式的形式是一样的,如come-come-come。你可以简单的按照ABC/ABB/AAA/ABA的形式来描述这4类动词形式的变化。





Lesson 3

步骤1 复习

1 检查家庭作业。

2 让学生复述学生用书第2页上的故事。通过问一些指导性的问题来帮助学生复述课文,如问:Who is the

story about?Why does she often go to the library?等等。

步骤2 读

学生用书的第3页第1部分。口语录音带第3课。谈一谈书上的插图:Who can you see?What’s happening?等。放录音让学生听并让他们跟着重复,注意他们的语调。解释单词和短语think of,encourage和pick up的意思。

步骤3 表演

让学生以3人小组的形式表演这个故事。一个学生表演图书管理员,一个学生表演祖母,另一个学生表演孙子或孙女。让一组学生在全班面前表演。力求使学生通过动作、手势把故事演得生动有趣。 步骤4 练习

作练习册第3课练习2。让学生两人一组表演他们的对话。然后让几组学生与全班一起表演对话。 步骤5 介绍新语言项目


A:Have you ever travelled to Hangzhou?

B:Yes,I have.I went there in 1999.

A:Have you ever travelled to Wuhan?

B:No,I haven’t.But I’d like to go someday.


让学生两人一组相互问一些一般性的问题,如:Have you ever seen elephants?Have you ever made jiaozi?等等。

步骤6 问,答


步骤7 练习

学生用书第3页第3部分。教学生词copy。与学生一起练习对话,练习Really?I did that hours ago.这个句子的语调,务必使学生在说really时用升调,学生在说单词hours时要重读以表示强调。然后让学生两人一组进行活动。

步骤8 练习册





Lesson 4

步骤1 复习

1 把书合起来。问一些练习第3课练习2里的问题。

2 复习句子结构Have you ever…及其意思。让一些学生在编一些问题。

步骤2 听



Last Sunday my cousin took me to the library at his college .It was a huge one with thousands of books .I didn’t know how to find a book ,so I went to the information desk.

LIBRARIAN:May I help you?

STUDENT:Yes ,please. I’ve never been here before, so I don’t know how to find a book .

LIBRARIAN:Ok. Look at the map. Here is the information desk where we are. To the left is the First Reading Room. You can find a lot of interesting books about animals there. Next to it is the Second Reading Room. It has storybooks of all kinds. If you are interested in science books, you can go to the Third Reading Room. It’s to the right of the information desk. And to the right of the restrooms is the Fourth Reading Room. You can read newspapers and magazines there.

STUDENT:Oh, there are so many books here. Can I use a computer to search for a book?

LIBRARIAN:Sure. We have a computer room near the stairway. And what’s more, there’s a copying room to the left of it. You can copy some pages you think useful.

STUDENT:Can I borrow books from here?

LIBRARIAN:The borrowing section is on the second floor. But you must have a library card to enter.

STUDENT:Oh well, I have to read on the first floor. Anyway, thank you. LIBRARIAN:You’re welcome.


The rooms talked about are:The First,Second,Third and Four Reading Rooms,the Computer Room

and the Copy Room.

1. First Reading Room.

2. Third Reading Room.

步骤3 写


步骤4 单词重音


步骤5 朗读,表演


步骤6 看,学



在西方国家的许多图书馆里,卡片对话已经不再使用了。几乎所有的“card dialogue”都录在电脑里。大多数图书馆也都有可以用来在互联网上查找信息的电脑。这是一种免费服务,任何人都可以自由查询。

步骤7 小诗


步骤8 复习要点1


步骤9 测试

动词形式测试。让学生画3个以Verb,Past Tense和Past Participle开头的栏目表。听写下列动词,让学生把这些动词写在第一个表里。他们必须填写另外两个表,例如,你说“ask”,学生写ask,asked,asked。

1 pay 2 travel3 eat 4 lose 5 find

6 see 7 do 8 return9 forget 10 come


步骤10 练习册

做练习册第4课练习3—7。两人一组做练习3。练习4应首先个别做,然后与全班一起核对答案。练习5 可以两人一组做。练习6可以4人小组的形式做。至于练习7,可以首先让学生读故事下边的几个问题,然后让他们快速度一遍找出答案。与全班一起核对答案。如果时间允许,让学生把它看作一个剧本来读这个故事。











There are seven days in a week.Sunday is the first day of a week. Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 2、月份

There are twelve months in a year.

January Febuary March April May June July August September October November December 3、季节

There are four seasons in a year.

spring summer autumn(fall) winter 4、数词 (1)基数词

1-10:one two three four five six seven eight nine ten

11-19:eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen

整十:twenty thirty forty fifty sixty seventy eighty ninety 百:hundred 千:thousand 百万:million 十亿:billion (2)序数词

第一到第十:first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth 5、颜色

red orange yellow green blue black white brown (pink grey purple)


(1)sunny:晴 cloudy:阴 rainy:雨 snowy:雪 windy:风 foggy:雾 (2)cold:冷 hot:热 wet:潮湿 dry:干燥 warm:温暖 cool:凉爽


Chinese maths English music PE=physical education art science (history geography chemistry) 8、职业名称

doctor医生 nurse护士 driver司机 farmer农民 teacher教师

policeman(woman)警察 pupil(student)小学生 worker工人 singer歌手 dancer舞者 (librarian图书管理员 cashier收银员 writer作家

taikonaut宇航员 firefighter消防员 engineer工程师 housewife家庭主妇 reporter记者 scientist科学家 cook厨师 dustman清洁工 lawyer律师 judge法官 salesman售货员)



(1)加es:watch bus tomato potato box (peach)

(2)变y为i再加es:baby city(strawberry factory lady) (3)变f或fe为v再加es:knife小刀 wolf狼 shelf架子 sheaf捆、束 leaf树叶 wife妻子

(4)单复数同形:sheep (deer鹿)

(5)特殊变化形式:foot-feet child-children (police)man-(police)men(police)woman-(police)women (tooth-teech mouse-mice goose-geese ox-oxen)

2、特殊动词的三单式 (1)do-does have-has

(2)加es:go wash watch teach brush (3)变y为i再加es:fly study carry try



(1)an---apple egg orange elephant email ice cream umbrella hour (eraser office onion owl oval)

(2)an---old man English book orange coat art room interesting book(animal doctor honest student army doctor)

(3)a---big apple red orange small egg nice umbrella 2、用动词原形的结构

(1)can/canˊt/could/couldnˊt:He can swim.Helen Keller couldnˊt see

or hear.

(2)Letˊs:Letˊs have a picnic.

(3)will/wonˊt:It will be snow in Harbin.

(4)should/shouldnˊt:We should walk in the corridors. (5)May:May I come in?

(6)Donˊt:Donˊt walk on the grass. (7)Please:Please stand in line. (8)must:She must go now.

(9)have to:We have to study hard.

(10)to do结构:I want to play basketball. 3、常见介词的用法 (1)表示时间


in 2015in Junein this weekin summer


on June 1ston Flag Dayon sports dayon the morning of October 1ston Monday afternoonon Sunday


at ten oˊclockat noon(at twelve oˊclock) at the Chinese New Year (2)表示位置

in:在?里面 in the desk on:在?上面 on the table

at:在具体某地点 at the bus stop at the corner under:在?下面 under the tree behind:在?后面 behind the door

in front of:在?前面 There is a big tree in front of our school. next to:紧挨着The Class One Grade Six is next to the Class Two Grade Six beside:在?旁边 The supermarket is beside the cinema. near:在?附近 The train is near the house.

opposite:在?对面 The post office is opposite the bank. on oneˊs left/right:在某人的左边或右边 He sits on my left. between:在两者之间 There is a railway between the two cities. (3)表方位

in:A地在B地之内The West Lake is in the east of China. on:A地与B地相接Guangdong is on the east of Guangxi.

to:A地和B地相隔Japan is to the east of China. 4、There be句型的基本结构(be动词的选用采用就近原则) (1)There is a/an+可数名词的单数+其它。 There is a book on the desk.

(2)There is+some+不可数名词+其它。 There is some water in the glass.

(3)There are+(some)+可数名词复数+其它。 There are some books on the desk.


1、point to?指向? 2、in the morning/afternoon/evening

3、at night/noon/school/home 4、go home/there 5、go to school/work 6、go+动词的ing形式go swimming/shopping/skating/fishing 8、by+具体交通工具名词by bus/car/bike/taxi/train/plane

9、on foot步行10、turn left/right左转/右转11、go straight on直走 12、up/down the hill上山/下山 13、look at? 14、listen to? 15、play with? 16、be good at?擅长?

17、thank you to+人或动词原形 18、thank you for+名词或动名词短语 19、buy+人+物=buy+物+for+人 20、give+人+物=give+物+to+人 21、on the phone通电话 22、Whoˊs that?Itˊs Tom.

23、watch TV/football game 24、read a book 25、A present for you.26、walk to? 27、put on/off穿上/脱下 28、talk to:对某人说话(对方在听)talk with:和某人交谈(两人都在讲话)talk about:谈论什么 29、get on/off上车/下车 30、play+球类名词/棋类名词 31、play+the+乐器名词

32、on holiday度假33、at the weekend在周末34、on the line在绳子上 35、give out:分发 36、be late for迟到37、live in/at?居住在? 38、be different from:与?不同 39、be from:来自?

40、be easy for+人:?对某人是容易的 41、stay with:和?待在一起 42、in+方位名词+of 43、on a piece of:在一张纸上 44、be ready for:准备? 45、find out:发现 46、write(a letter)to?给某人写一封信

47、borrow+物+for+人:为某人借东西 borrow+物+from+人:从某人那儿借来东西 48、a map of?一张?的地图 49、send?to?给?发送?

50、in+语言:用某种语言 51、show+人+物=show+物+to+人:给某人展示? 52、turn on/off:打开/关闭 53、come out of?:从?中出来

54、look out of:从?向外看 55、be interested in:对?感兴趣 1、Hello.Hi.Hey.Goodbye.Bye-bye.Bye.See you. 56、send/take/fly/go/come?into 57、be proud of:为?感到自豪 2、Good morning/afternoon/evening/night. 58、was born in?:出生在? 59、make mistakes with?犯与?有关的错误 3、How are you?---Iˊm fine,thank you./Fine,thanks./Very well./Iˊm Ok. 60、say goodbye to?:给?告别 61、Itˊs time to?:该是做?的时间了 4、Whatˊs your name?---My name is?/ Iˊm? 62、at the same time:同时 63、fly/go away 五、易混词组的用法 1、go back to:离开说话的地方到另一个地方去 come back to:从另一个地方回到说话这里 2、borrow+物+from+人:从某人那儿借来东西 lend+物+to+人:把什么东西借给某人 3、on the water:在水上(表面上) in the water:在水里(水里面) 4、on the pond:在池塘里(表面上) in the pond:在池塘里(水里面) 5、in the tree:在树上(外界来到树上) on the tree:在树上(树上本身所长出的) 6、try to do:尝试做某事(不一定成功) try doing:努力做某事(做成) 7、in the wall:在墙上(墙体里面) on the wall:在墙上(墙体表面) 8、on the bed:在床上(表面) in the bed:在床上(一般指在床上睡觉) 六、常用的反义词或对应词 big-small tall-short long-short soft-hard left-right right-wrongcold-hot come-go yes-no open-close new-old fat-thin good-badfar-near happy-sad high-low up-down free-busy early-lateheavy-light love-hate sit-stand buy-sell push-pull cry-laughfast-slow remember-forget entrance-exit clean-dirty easy-difficult strong-weak day-night ask-answer same-different black-white inside-outside first-last after-before young-old man-woman boy-girl this-that 七、日常交际用语 5、What colour is it?---Itˊs red.

6、Happy birthday.---Thank you.

7、Whatˊs it/this/that?--- Itˊs a/an? 8、How old are you? ---Iˊm twelve. 9、Is it a cat?---Yes,it is./No,it isnˊt. 10、Whereˊs the pen?---Itˊs in the book. 11、What does she do?---She is a nurse. 12、Whatˊs your favourite??---My favourite?is? 13、What are they?---They are monkeys. 14、Here you are.---Thank you. 15、Thank you very/so much./Thanks a lot./Thanks./Many thanks.---Youˊre welcome./Not at all./Thatˊs all right./ Thatˊs Ok. 16、Iˊm sorry./Sorry.--- Thatˊs all right./It doesnˊt matter./Never mind./ Thatˊs Ok. 17、Excuse me. 18、Letˊs?---Ok./Yes./Good idea./Great./All right./Fantastic. 19、Can you help me?---肯定回答:Sure./Ok./Yes./Certainly.否定回答:Sorry,I canˊt. 20、Can I help you? =What can I do for you?---肯定回答:Yes./Sure./

Of course./Oh,thank you./You are so kind. 否定回答:No,thanks./No,thank you.

21、Do you want some rice?---Yes,please./No,thank you. 22、Can you??---Yes,I can./No,I canˊt.

23、Can I have some??---Yes,you can./Sorry,you canˊt. 24、Can/May I come in?---Yes, of course./Come in,please. 25、Here is/are?for you.---Thank you. 26、Who is it/that?---Itˊs?

27、Whatˊs the matter with Daming?= Whatˊs wrong with Daming? 28、What time is it now?=Whatˊs the time now?---Itˊs half past six. 29、Is he/she feeling sad?---Yes,he/she is.No,he/she isnˊt.

30、Do you feel happy?---Yes,I do./No,I donˊt.

31、How does he/she feel?---He/She feels angry.

32、Are you happy?---Yes,I am./No,Iˊm not. 33、Who are they?---They are my parents.

34、What did you have for breakfast yesterday?---I had?

35、What time does your mum get up?---She gets up at seven oˊclock. 36、Whatˊs your hobby?---Flying kites is my hobby. 37、Have you got??---Yes,I have./No,I havenˊt. 38、What day is it today?---Today is Monday. 39、Whatˊs the date today?---Itˊ June 1st,2015.

40、Pleased to meet you!/Nice to meet you!/Glad to see you!--- Nice to meet you too!/ Glad to see you too!

41、Can you do what I can do?---Yes,we can. 42、Where does it live?---It lives in a tree. 43、Iˊd love to.= Iˊd like to.

44、Do you often watch TV?---肯定回答:Yes,I do./Yes, of course./Yes,I like/often?否定回答:No,I donˊt./Not really./Not very often. 45、Donˊt talk in the library.---Oh,sorry.

46、Who can help me?---Sorry,I canˊt./I can help you. 47、Why are you??---Because Iˊm?

48、How was your holiday?---It was great. 49、How do you go to school?---By bus.

50、What do you like doing?—I like singing.


USA美国 UK英国 UN联合国 TV电视 CCTV中国中央电视台 WC厕所 ID身份证HK香港 UFO不明飞行物 CD光盘 RMB人民币 PE体育 NBA国际篮球协会 SOS求救信号 CPU中央处理器 HB炭黑 AM上午 BM下午 S小号 M中号L大号 XL加大号 WTO世界贸易组织 GDP国内生产总值 GNP国民生产总值 BC公元前 AD公元后 P停车场 TEL电话 HP手机 Fax传真 Dr医生 PRC中华人民共和国 NPC全国人民代表大会 kg千克 km千米 VIP贵宾 BBC英国广播公司 ABC美国广播公司


1、Do you like??---Yes,I do./No,I donˊt.

Does Lingling like??---Yes,she does./No,she doesnˊt. Did you/he/Lingling/they play basketball yesterday?

---Yes,I/he/she/they did. ---No,I/he/she/they didnˊt. 2、(A)What do you do on Sundays?---I ride my bike.

What does your father do on Sundays?---He plays football.

(B)What are you going to do this Sunday?---I am going to ride my bike. What is your father going to do this Sunday?---He is going to play football.

(C)What will you do on Sunday?---Iˊll ride my bike.

What will your father do on Sunday?---He will play football.

(D)What did you/ your father do last Sunday?---I rode my bike/He played football.

3、Whatˊs the weather like today?---Itˊs sunny and hot.

What was the weather like yesterday?---It was sunny and hot.

What will the weather be like tomorrow?---It will be sunny and hot. 4、I have got a new book.=I have a new book.

I have not got a new book.=I donˊt have a new book. Have you got a new book?---Yes,I have./No,I havenˊt. Do you have a new book?---Yes,I ao./No,I donˊt. 5、What are you doing?---I am flying a kite.

What are they doing?---They are listening to music. What is the elephant doing?---Itˊs drawing pictures. 6、I will visit my grandma tomorrow.

I will not(wonˊt)visit my grandma tomorrow.

Will you visit your grandma tomorrow?---Yes,I will./No,I wonˊt. 7、She is tall now.→She is not(isnˊt) tall now.→Is she tall now?---Yes,she is./No,she isnˊt. She was short five years ago.→She was not(wasnˊt)short five years ago.→Was she short five years ago?---Yes,she was./No,she wasnˊt.


1、形状记忆法(eye:字母y看上去像是人的鼻子,两端的e像两只眼睛) 2、替换字母法(pear-bear-dear-hear-wear) 3、同音词记忆法(buy-bye-by) 4、反义词记忆法(big-small)

5、缩略词记忆法(canˊt=can nothowˊs=how is)

