
更新时间:2023-11-13 02:50:01 阅读量: 教育文库 文档下载



1. 西餐 2. 法国菜系 3. 意大利菜系 4. 麦当劳


breakfast 早餐 lunch 午餐 brunch 早午餐 supper 晚餐 late snack 宵夜 dinner 正餐 ham and egg 火腿肠 buttered toast 奶油土司 French toast 法国土司 muffin 松饼 cheese cake 酪饼 white bread 白面包 brown bread 黑面包

French roll 小型法式面包appetizer 开胃菜 green salad 蔬菜沙拉 onion soup 洋葱汤 potage 法国浓汤 corn soup 玉米浓汤 minestrone 蔬菜面条汤 ox tail soup 牛尾汤 fried chicken 炸鸡 roast chicken 烤鸡 steak 牛排

T-bone steak 丁骨牛排 filet steak 菲力牛排 sirloin steak 沙朗牛排


club steak 小牛排 well done 全熟 medium 五分熟 rare 三分熟 beer 啤酒 draft beer 生啤酒 stout beer 黑啤酒 canned beer 罐装啤酒 red wine 红葡萄酒 gin 琴酒 brandy 白兰地 whisky 威士忌 vodka 伏特加 on the rocks 酒加冰块 rum 兰酒 champagne 香槟 法国菜系

薄牛排 Thin Beef Steak 拌菜花 Mixed Cauliflower 荞麦煎饼 Ble Noir

鳄梨生鲑鱼 Avocado and Fresh Salmon 炖小牛肉 Stewed Veal

菠菜乳酪焗生蚝 Braised Oyster with Spinach and Cheese 冰冻茄丁 Frozen Eggplant Dices 白菜薄荷 Cabbage and Mint 菊莴苣色拉 Lettuce Salad 黄瓜粉皮 Cucumber and Vermicelli

烘焙芦笋 Grilled Asparagus with Butter and Cheese 鳀鱼炒香菇 Fried Mushrooms with Anchovy 海带芥末沙司 Kelp and Mustard Salad 鲑鱼奶油冻 Salmon and Butter Jelly 土司 Toast

蘑菇蛋卷 Mushroom and Egg Roll 鸡肉色拉 Chicken Meat Salad 火焰薄饼 Pancake 蛋煎鱼 Fried Fish with Egg


蛋白糖 Egg White and Sugar 马背上的魔鬼 Oyster

马乃司拌莴笋 Mixed lettuce with Mayonnaise 面壳肠子 Sausage

奶汁海带 Kelp wit Milk and Butter

柠檬牛油煎西冷 Fried Sirloin Steak with Cattle Oil 瓤馅鸡肉饼 Pie Stuffed with Chicken Meat

西红柿百里香鳕鱼 Braised Cod with Tomato and Thyme 蟹黄活虾 Crab Yolk and Shrimps 洋葱汤 Onion Soup

蒸鸡蛋肉卷 Steamed Egg and Pork Roll 猪肉冻子 Pork Jelly 黄瓜色拉 Cucumber Salad 罐搁鸭 Braised Duck in Pot 煎猪排 Fried Pig Chop

蔬菜丝混合色拉 Vegetable-Mixed Salad 蔬菜色拉 Vegetable Salad 龙虾色拉 Prawn Salad

鹅肝酱煎鲜贝 Fried Fresh Scallop with Goose Liver Jam 红酒炖牛肉 Stewed Beef with Red Wine 五香蜗牛 Spiced Snails

奶油鸡腿 Braised Chicken Legs with Butter 鸡肉丸子汤 Chicken Meat Ball Soup

中法双松 Chicken Liver and Soybean Pancake Shreds with France Sauce 茭白虾冻 Cane Shoot and Prawn Jelly 酸辣肚丝 Hot and Sour Pig Tripe Shreds 冷烤鸡 Cold Grilled Chicken

野味清汤酥皮 Clear Soup with Crisp Skin 柳橙法国鹅肝酱 Goose Liver Jam 煎龙虾肉 Fried Prawn Meat 鹅肝温沙拉 Goose Liver Salad 香脂醋风味烤鸡 Roated Chicken 烤鳗鱼鸡蛋卷 Eel and Egg Roll 烤羊肉(法) Grilled Mutton

洞房喜汤 Lucky Soup in Bridal Chamber 白酒田螺 Fried Field Snail and White Wine 草莓黄瓜 Cucumber Dices with Strawberry Sauce


咖喱油烟虾段 Braised Prawns with Curry Sauce 红烩肉杂拌 Mixed Meat in Brown Sauce 翡翠肉汤 Emerald Meat Soup 海鳗汤 Moray Soup

槟榔排骨锅 Betelnut and Chop in Marmite 鸡蛋番茄沙拉 Tomato and Egg Salad 菠萝莴笋 Pineapple and Lettuce 菠菜沙拉 Spinach Salad

红汁黄瓜 Cucumber Mixed with Sour Butter and Cheese 奶油牛肉丁番茄汤 Tomato Soup with Butter and Beef Dices 鱼卷 Fish Roll 烩土豆 Braised Potato

鸡肉丸汤 Chicken Meat Ball Soup 芦笋浓汤 Thick Asparagus Soup

芥末拌黄瓜 Cucumber Mixed with Mustard 多味鱼汤 Savory Fish Soup 茄子沙拉 Eggplant Salad


沙拉浇汁 Salad Sauce 虾仁 Shrimp Meat 烩大虾 Braised Prawns

咖啡奶酪布丁 Coffe and Cheese Pudding 松仁猪排 Fried Spareribs with Mashed Pine Nut 芝士焗蟹盖 Stuffed Crab with Cheese Powder 米饭(意大利) Rice

蚬肉周打汤 Clam Meat Soup 烧牛扒 Grilled Fillet Steak

奶油干酪沙司 Butter and Cheese Sauce 蘑菇炒香肠 Fried Sausage with Mushroom

烤鸡配圆辣椒橄榄 Roasted Chicken with Pepper and Olives 米兰式通心粉 Milan Style Macaroni 威尼斯海鲜面 Venice Seafood Noodles 比萨通心粉沙司 Pizza and Macaroni Sauce 蘑菇烩牛肋排 Braised Beef Steak with Mushroom 意大利细面条 Italic Narrow Noodle


香脂醋酱拌田园沙拉 Vegetable Salad 云呢拿忌廉布甸 Freezen Cream 磨坊主妇小龙虾 Little Prawn 番茄青蚝汤 Tomato and Oyster Soup 麦当劳

大冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Large Drink 标准冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Regular Drink 巧克力奶昔 Chocolate Shake 草莓奶昔 Strawberry Shake 香草奶昔 Vanilla Shake 汉堡 Hamburger

麦当劳食品的中英对照翻译大冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Large Drink 标准冷饮(雪碧,芬达,可口可乐) Regular Drink 巧克力奶昔 Chocolate Shake 草莓奶昔 Strawberry Shake 香草奶昔 Vanilla Shake 汉堡 Hamburger 吉士汉堡 Cheeseburger 双层汉堡 Double Hamburger

两个吉士汉堡,热红茶 2 Cheeseburgers,Hot Tea 吉士汉堡,奶昔 Cheeseburger, Shake 双层吉士汉堡 Double Cheeseburger 巨无霸 Big Mac

麦香鱼,咖啡 Filet-O-Fish, Coffee

汉堡,标准薯条,标准饮料 Hamburger, Regular Fries, Regular Drink 麦香鸡,热红茶 McChicken Sandwich, Hot Tea 两个汉堡,标准冷饮 2 Hamburgers, Regular Drink 麦香鱼 Filet-O-Fish

麦香鸡 McChicken Sandwich 热红茶 Hot Tea 热巧克力 Hot Chocolate 咖啡 Coffee

标准橙汁 Regular O.J. 大杯橙汁 Large O.J. 鲜奶 Milk 苹果派 Apple Pie


巧克力圣代 Chocolate Sundae 菠萝圣代 Pineapple Sundae 大薯条 Large Fries 标准薯条 Regular Fries


