2015.08.12 调试需要准备材料(1版)

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Material Preparations for Commissioning

一、 准备情况(截止2015年4月1日前) Preparation (before 2015/04/01)

1、 仪器准备:准备完毕,正在相关单位进行检定。

Instruments :Already complete and waiting for inspection of related organization.

2、 方案和调试大纲:吹管方案已经编写完毕,调试大纲正在编写中.

Commissioning procedure and outline:Steam blowing commissioning procedures already finish. Commissioning outline and other commissioning procedures are in process.

3、 仪器运输:已确定运输方式。

Instruments transportation:Have fixed the pattern of transport. 4、 试验测点:已完成通风试验和性能试验测点安装位置及加工图纸。 Test instrument point :Have fixed exactly installation position of ventilation and performance test including related drawings.

二、 辽宁东科电力有限公司(调试人员名单)

Liaoning Dongke Electric Co., Ltd (list of commissioning engineers)

FDC Misamis 3×135MW CFB Coal Thermal Plant

潘博文 汽机专业 Turbine major Panbowen 龚倩倩 Gongqianqian 王吉祥 Wangjixiang 高玉秋 Gaoyuqiu

汽机调试 Turbine commissioning 汽机调试、英文翻译 Turbine commissioning, Translator 汽机调试 Turbine commissioning 锅炉调试 Boiler commissioning 锅炉调试、英文翻译 Boiler commissioning, Translator 锅炉调 Boiler commissioning 锅炉调试 Boiler commissioning 电气调试 Electric commissioning 电气调试 Electric commissioning 电气调试、英文翻译 Electric commissioning, Translator 热控调试 I&C commissioning 热控调试 I&C commissioning

汽机专工 Turbine engineer 汽机专工 Turbine engineer 汽机专工 Turbine engineer 锅炉专业负责人 Boiler commissioning manager 锅炉专工 Boiler engineer 锅炉专工 Boiler engineer 锅炉专工 Boiler engineer 电气专业负责人 Electric commissioning manager 电气专工 Electric engineer 电气专工 Electric engineer 热控专业负责人 I&C commissioning manager 热控专工 I&C engineer

锅炉专业 Boiler major

Wanghe 刘 星

Liuxing 金宏飞 Jinhongfei 张艳军 Zhangyanjun 电气专业 Electric major 孙传凯 Sunchuankai 李忠凡 Lizhongfan

房国成 Fangguocheng 热控专业 I&C 杜邦奎 Dingyongyun

三、 机组整套启动到可靠性试运结束,所需石灰石量:

Limestone Quality Required Form Unit Whole Unit Start-Up To The End Of Reliability Operation


The limestone system can be putting into operation after the boiler running at 30% load above. And the daily limestone consumption is about 71ton under the conditions of boiler running at high load, so it will be 4970 tons of limestone calculated by 70days under conditions of high load for each unit. Totally limestone consumption will be 14910tons for three units. About 90 tons of sand will be needed.

四、 水处理系统药剂统计表

List Of Medicine Required For Water Treatment System

五、 燃料(油)用量说明(一台机组) Consumption of fuel oil for each unit

1、 油枪按1500kg/h出力计算,满负荷燃煤按72t/h计算;

Oil gun consumption calculated by 1500kg/h, and full load calculated by 72t/h 2、 锅炉低温烘炉需6天,8-10台烘炉机,大约需要吨燃油;(无烘炉机资料)100kg/h/个

Low temperature drying out about 6 days with 8 to 10 drying out machine ,totally oil consumption about 6X24X8X0.1=115tons oil

3、 锅炉高温烘炉需5天(无厂家曲线,估算5天),按烘炉曲线温度要求油枪逐渐投入,平均按3只油枪计算,后期投煤,大约需要540吨燃油;

It is about 5 days for boiler high temperature drying out,total approximate 540tons oil

4、 锅炉吹管需5天(绝对时间),即40吨/小时×24小时×5天=4800吨; During steam blowing:calculated by 5days,coal consumption about40t/h×24h×5d=4800tons

5、 整套启动点火至油枪全部切除,约需4天,4只油枪4天燃油量,576吨 Whole unit start-up : from the boiler ignition to all oil guns withdraw need about 4 days,calculated by 4 oil guns,totally oil consumption about 576tons 6、 整套启动点火至可靠性试运完成,按70天计算,按每小时燃煤72吨计算,72t/h×24h×70d=120960t。

From whole unit start-up to the end of reliability operation,calculated by 70days and coal consumption by 72t/h totally coal consumption estimate about 72t/h×24h×70d=120960t

7、 总计:燃油540+576=1116吨(正常情况下,不包括低温烘炉用油); 燃煤120960+4800=125760吨; Total:

Fuel oil consumption :540+576+115=1231ton Coal consumption:120960+4800=125760ton

