Unit 1 Dealing with Stress

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Unit 1 Dealing with Stress

Section 1: Dealing With Stress

News Report 1--- Stress at Workplace verb to accept an idea, a proposal, a set of beliefs, etc. 欣然接受,采纳 absenteeism noun the fact of being frequently away from work or school 旷工,旷课 fare verb to get on 遭遇;进展 embrace soar culprit demanding rewarding at stake:at risk 在危险中;有风险 vote with one’s feet: you leave an organization or stop supporting, using or buying sth, and change to a new organization, service, or product. 指用“走人”这一行动来表明意见,或选择离职来逃避压力 A. Listen for the main idea: listen to the news and fill in the blanks. How stressed are we at work in Britain? Well, now, thanks to research ____________________ across ______________ ________________ countries, we know that we’re ________________ ____________. The French are ____________________ stressed, while the Danes know how to _____________________. But the _________________________ ____________________, who are stressed, are really stressed. B. Listen for details: Listen to the news and answer the questions below.

(1) What do the employees at the construction company in Sutton Coldfield do to keep stress

under control? What are the results?

a. They____________________________________________________________________. b. They___________________________________________________________________. The results:

It’s a small detail but one of many introduced three years ago which ____________________ __________________________________________________________________________. “Absenteeism within the company _____________________________________________.” (2) What leads to stress in the workplace?

a) _______________________________________________________, the worst culprit. b) ____________________________________________________ can also lead to stress.

c) ______________________________________________________________________. d) ______________________________________________________________________. (3) How are stress levels in Britain?

Overall, stress levels in Britain _________________________________________________. They are ranked _____________________________________________________________. (4) What are the consequences of stress in the workplace in UK?

It’s not just _____________________________________________________________, it’s the _____________________________________________________________ too. Absence cost _______________________________________________________________ last year. (5) Why is stress expensive for UK business?

This is because _____________________________________________________________.

verb To rise very quickly急升,猛增 noun a person or thing responsible for causing a problem 肇事者;引起问题的事物 adj. (of a piece of work)needing a lot of skill, patience, effort, etc. 要求高的 adj. satisfying 有益的,有报酬的 Section 2: Laughter Is the Best Medicine

News Report 2--- Laughter Is the Best Medicine chuckle cackle guffaw artery hormone noun noun noun noun noun a quiet laugh 轻声的笑 a short high laugh 咯咯的笑 a laugh which is loud and noisy 大笑 any of the tubes that carry blood from the heart to the rest of the body 动脉 激素/荷尔蒙

A. Listen for the main idea

Directions: Listen to the news and write one or two sentences that summarize the main idea of the news.

It’s the first time _________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________.

B. Listen for details: Experi- ments 1 Ask people to ___ _________ _______________________________________ _________ _______________ such as “There is Something About Mary”. Imme- diately afterward, researchers____________________________________ in each volunteer. The arteries were _____ When you have____ A few ________________ that ________________hearty they ________________ ________________, chuckles ____________________ ________________, each day __ ____________________ it is overall _______ _____________________________ ______________________________, which ________________meant ______________ ________________ ___________________________method subjects results explanations conclusions ____________________ ________________ _____________________________ because you are____ _____________________________ ________________ _________. ____________________ ________________ ___________________. ________________. The movie-watching ___ Laughing ________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. ________________ ________________ in the body, and ___ ________________________________ that make ________ ________________ ________________. 2 Ask people to Some watch “Kingpin”, volunteers another comedy. normally seen ________ ________________

