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我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。



1、It's Nice Meeting You. 很高兴见到你。

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 B: Hi, Lisa. It's nice meeting you. 嗨,丽莎。很高兴认识 你。 C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone. 我也很高兴认识你,石 头。

B: Lisa, you know, I've heard a lot about you.

丽莎,你知道,我听说 过许多关于你的事情。 C: Really? I hope it's not anything bad about me. 真的吗?希望不是关于 我的坏事情。 B: Not at all. You are very popular. 根本不是。你很受欢迎 。

Everything I've heard has been good! 我听到的都是关于你的 好事情!

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 B: Hi, Lisa. It's nice meeting you. 嗨,丽莎。很高兴认识 你。 C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone. 我也很高兴认识你,石 头。

B: Lisa, you know, I've heard a lot about you.

丽莎,你知道,我听说 过许多关于你的事情。 C: Really? I hope it's not anything bad about me. 真的吗?希望不是关于 我的坏事情。 B: Not at all. You are very popular. 根本不是。你很受欢迎 。 Everything I've heard has been good! 我听到的都是关于你的 好事情!

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 B: Hi, Lisa. It's nice meeting you. 嗨,丽莎。很高兴认识 你。 C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone. 我也很高兴认识你,石 头。



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我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

B: Lisa, you know, I've heard a lot about you.

丽莎,你知道,我听说 过许多关于你的事情。 C: Really? I hope it's not anything bad about me. 真的吗?希望不是关于 我的坏事情。 B: Not at all. You are very popular. 根本不是。你很受欢迎 。 Everything I've heard has been good! 我听到的都是关于你的 好事情!

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 B: Hi, Lisa. It's nice meeting you. 嗨,丽莎。很高兴认识 你。 C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone. 我也很高兴认识你,石 头。

B: Lisa, you know, I've heard a lot about you.

丽莎,你知道,我听说 过许多关于你的事情。 C: Really? I hope it's not anything bad about me. 真的吗?希望不是关于 我的坏事情。 B: Not at all. You are very popular. 根本不是。你很受欢迎 。

Everything I've heard has been good! 我听到的都是关于你的 好事情!

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 B: Hi, Lisa. It's nice meeting you. 嗨,丽莎。很高兴认识 你。 C: Nice meeting you, too, Stone. 我也很高兴认识你,石 头。

B: Lisa, you know, I've heard a lot about you.

丽莎,你知道,我听说 过许多关于你的事情。 C: Really? I hope it's not anything bad about me. 真的吗?希望不是关于 我的坏事情。 B: Not at all. You are very popular. 根本不是。你很受欢迎 。 Everything I've heard has been good! 我听到的都是关于你的 好事情!

A: Hi, Stone. I'd like to introduce my friend, Lisa. 嗨,石头。我想介绍一 下我的朋友,丽莎。 A: Hello, let me introduce myself. 你好。让我自我介绍一 下。

I'm your new neighbor. My name is Andy. 我是你的新邻居,安迪 。



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

B: Hi, Andy. I'm Judy. It's nice meeting you. 你好,安迪。我叫朱迪 。很高兴认识你。 A: Nice meeting you, too. 我也很高兴认识你。

B: Come over and visit when you have time. 有空过来聊聊天。

A: Thanks for the invitation. I will! 谢谢邀请,我会的! 2、It's My Pleasure. 这是我的荣幸。

A: Linda, it's really late. Let's call it a day. 琳达,太晚了,我们今 天就做到这儿吧。 B: Good idea. 好主意。

We can finish this project the first thing tomorrow morning. 我们明天早上第一件事 就完成这个项目。

A: Sure thing. Do you want me to give you a ride home? 当然。要我开车送你回 家吗? B: That's great. Thanks for the ride. 太好了。多谢你送我,

I really appreciate it. You know my car is still in the shop. 我真的很感激。你知道 我的车还在修。 A: Don't mention it. It's my pleasure. 没关系。这是我的荣幸 。 B: It's very nice of you. 你真好。

A: Mike, these flowers are just gorgeous. 迈克,这些花真是太漂 亮了。 B: I'm glad you like them. Happy birthday! 很高兴你喜欢。生日快 乐!

A: I can't thank you enough. I'm really touched. 真不知该怎么谢你。我 真的很感动, I don't know what to say. 不知该说些什么才好。

B: Forget it. It's my pleasure. You mean a lot to me.

不用客气。这是我的荣 幸。你对我来说太重要 了。 A: You're the best! 你是最好的!

3、I'm Working on It. 我正在努力。

A: Kim, have you made contact with Mr. Lee? 金姆,你跟李先生联系 上了没有?



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

B: Not yet, Mr. Wang. But I'm working on it. 还没有,王先生。我正 在联系。 A: What seems to be the problem? 是怎么回事?

B: I just keep getting a busy signal. 我打的时候老是占线。

A: Maybe his phone is out of order. Anyway, keep working on it. 也许是他的电话坏了。 不管怎么样,继续联系 吧。 I really need an answer about the contract I sent him. 我确实想知道他对那份 合同的回应。 B: All right, I'll let you know when I get through. 好的,接通了我就告诉 你。

A: Peter, have you finished your English composition? 彼得,你的英语作文写 完了吗? B: No. But I'm working on it. 没有。我正在写。

A: Class starts in twenty minutes. 还有20分钟就要上课了 。

You have to turn it in at the beginning of class today. 你得今天上课前交作业 !

B: I know. I know! 我知道。我知道!

A: Do you think you can finish it on time? 你觉得你能按时完成吗 ?

B: Don't worry. I'll get it done very soon. I'm almost finished. 不用担心。我马上就写 完,差不多写完了。 A: You'd better hurry! 你最好快点!

B: Well, it would be a lot easier to finish 你要是不跟我说话, if you stopped talking to me. 我会完成得更轻松。 A: Sorry! 对不起!

4、It's a Piece of Cake. 这很容易。

A: Jim, I heard you've bought a new computer. 吉姆,我听说你买了一 台新电脑。 B: Yes. Look, it is on my desk. 是的。看,就在我的桌 子上。

A: Your office looks different with a computer.

有了一台电脑,你的办 公室看上去大不一样了 。



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我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

By the way, is it difficult to use a computer? 噢,对了,用电脑难吗 ? B: Not at all. It's a piece of cake. 一点也不。这很容易。 A: A piece of cake? 很容易?

B: Yes. It's easy and convenient to use a computer. 是的。使用电脑很容易 ,也很方便, But it takes a long time to really master it. 但要真正掌握它就需要 时间了。 A: Jim, could you do me a favor? 吉姆,你能帮我个忙吗 ?

B: Sure, just ask. What can I do for you? 当然,说吧。要我做什 么? A: My car has a problem starting. 我的车启动不了。

Could you please take a look at it for me? 你能帮我看一下吗?

B: No sweat. It's a piece of cake. 没问题。这很容易。

A: Are you sure? 你肯定?

B: Absolutely. I'm a great mechanic. 绝对。我修车很在行。

A: Thanks for helping me out. I really appreciate it. 多谢帮忙。我真的很感 激。 B: Anytime. 愿意效劳。

5、I Couldn't Agree More. 我完全同意。

A: Jim, how was your weekend? 吉姆,你的周末过得怎 么样?

B: I went to the beach with my friends and had a barbecue there. 我跟朋友去海滩玩了, 还在那儿吃了烧烤。

A: That sounds like a lot of fun. Did you go swimming, too? 那一定很好玩。你们也 游泳了吧? B: Sure. I think it's a fantastic place to go. 当然。我觉得那是个好 去处。

A: I couldn't agree more. That's an ideal place for a vacation. 我完全同意。那是个理 想的度假场所。 B: It sure is. 当然。



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

and always get there late. I feel so hopeless. 老是迟到,真是没没希 望。

I don't know why I am late all the time. No one else seems to be. 我也不知道为什么总是 迟到,别人怎么就不迟 到。 B: That's because you don't know the short cuts. 那是因为你不会抄小路 。

You'll learn them after a while. I can show you the ropes. 不久以后你就会知道了 。我可以告诉你这窍门 。 7.I'm Afraid To Speak English 我怕说英语

A: Can I ask you a question? 我能问你个问题吗? B: Sure, go ahead. 当然了,问吧。

A: How do you get along with the American students in your classes? 你跟班上的美国同学相 处得怎样? B: I don't have much contact with them. 没什么来往。

A: Really? Why not? Don't you go up and talk to them? 真的? 为什么?你不跟他们攀 谈吗?

B: No, I don't. I'm too afraid of making mistakes in English. 不,我怕说错,

I don't want to be laughed at. 怕别人笑话我。

A: You won't get anywhere that way. 你这样子不行。

You're the one who needs to practice English, 是你需要练习英语,

so you should make the first move. 所以你要主动地找别人 讲话。

Besides, most American students are really friendly and outgoing. 再说,大多数美国同学 都很友好而且很外向, They will be glad to talk to you. 他们会很乐意跟你说英 语的。

B: Thanks for the advice. I guess you're right. 谢谢你的建议。我想你 说得对。 It's just hard to overcome my shyness. 我就是克服不了胆怯。

I really will try from now on. I promise. 从现在起我一定要试着 开口,我保证。 8.What Does The Paper Say 报上说些什么



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

A: Good morning. 早上好。

B: Good morning. 早上好。

A: What does the paper say? 报上说些什么?

B: Nothing much-the same old stuff. A lot of bad news as usual. 没什么------还不是老 一套,坏消息连篇。 A: Well, what's the weather report? 天气预报说什么?

B: Sunny and mild today, cloudy and rainy tomorrow. 今天晴朗温和,明天多 云有雨。 A: Did they find those bank robbers? 抢银行的歹徒找到没有 ?

B: Not yet. They were holding two men in Ohio, 还没有。他们在俄亥俄 州抓到两个人,

but they let them go. They weren't the criminals after all. 可是又放走了。他们毕 竟不是罪犯。 A: What about the sports page? 体育版说了些什么?

What were the scores of last night's games? 昨天晚上的比赛结果是 什么?

B: Here's the paper; you can read them yourself. 给你报纸,自己看。 9.I Worry about Everything 我无事不愁

A: I really want to take a nap. I feel very sleepy today. 真想睡一下,我今天觉 得好困。

B: What's the matter? Didn't you get enough sleep last night? 怎么了? 你昨天晚上没睡好吗? A: I fell asleep very late. 我很晚才睡着。

It was almost two o'clock in the morning when I finally fell asleep. 那时都快两点了。

B: Are you worried about something? Why couldn't you sleep? 你在发愁吧? 为什么睡不着觉呢?

A: You know how it is when you're in a strange country. 你知道身在异乡的滋味 。

Everything is new, and you get tired and nervous sometimes. 凡事都不习惯,有时把 人搞得既疲倦又紧张。

Then you worry about your family, about conditions back home, 担心家里的人,担心国 内的情况,



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

about your courses, about your money, about everything. 担心自己的功课,担心 钱,总之,无事不愁。

I tried to fall asleep but I just had too much on my mind. 我想睡觉,但脑子里装 的事太多了。

B: Well, take it easy. Things will look better tomorrow. 唉,想开一点。明天就 好了。

Maybe you should try exercising or a hot bath to help you relax. 你试着做点锻炼或是洗 个热水澡,或许能有助 睡眠。 A: Anything is worth a try. 任何办法都值得一试。

But right now I really just want to find a quiet place to take a nap. 但是现在我真得找个安 静的地方去小睡一会儿 。 10. All Americans Look Alike 美国人长得都一个样

A: I really think all Americans look alike. 我真的觉得美国人长得 都一个样。

B: You're crazy! You haven't been here long enough. 你瞎说!你在美国住的 时间还不长吧。 A: But they do.

他们长得确实是一个样 啊。

B: What makes you say that? 何以见得?

A: They wear the same clothes, they're all blond, 他们穿一样的衣服,都 是金发碧眼;

they all drive cars, they all own Parker fountain pens; 都开着车子;都有派克 钢笔;

they all drink Coca Cola, and they all chew gum. 都喝可口可乐,而且都 嚼口香糖。

B: I disagree with you. They don't all wear the same clothes; 我不同意你的看法。他 们并不都穿一样的衣服 ; they're definitely not all blond; 也不全是金发碧眼;

they don't all own Parker fountain pens; 不是每个人都有派克钢 笔;

they don't all drink Coca Cola, and they don't all chew gum. 也不全喝可口可乐,更 不都嚼口香糖,

I do think they all drive cars though! 而且也不是所有的人都 开车!

But that doesn't have anything to do with how they look! 但这和他们的长相也没 关呀!

A:Maybe I am just homesick. I know you're right. 可能是我想家吧。我知 道你是对的。



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

I just miss China, that's all. 只是因为我想家,想中 国。

11.I Never Know When to Shake Hands 我该什么时候握手

A: I have a real problem when I meet people. 我在和人会面的时候有 个问题。 B: What is it? Maybe I can help. 什么疑问?或许我能帮 你。

A: I never know when to shake hands and when not to. 我不知道该在什么时候 握手,什么时候不握手 。 Can you tell me something about it? 你能不能告诉我有关这 方面的事?

B: Do you come from a country where they shake hands? 你们国家的人握手吗?

A: Oh yes. Men, women, and children shake hands all the time. 握呀。男人、女人、小 孩、时时刻刻都在握手 。 B: It's very simple. Men shake hands, women and children don't. 那很简单。男人握手, 女人和小孩不握。 A: But some women do shake hands. 可是有些女人也握手呀 。

And now a lot of children have such good manners, 而且现在很多有礼貌的 孩子 they shake hands too. 也握手。

B: Well, a good rule to follow is, 你就遵循这条原则:

for men you hold out your hand, for women and children, 对男人你先伸手,

you wait and see what they do.

对女人和孩子就看他们 怎么做。 A: That sounds easy enough. 这听上去再简单不过了 。

B: Sure. Once you get the hang of it, it's a piece of cake! 可不是嘛。你一旦掌握 了窍门,那就成了小菜 一碟! It's nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。

12.Have You Got a Scholarship 你有奖学金吗

A: Do you mind if I ask you a question? 我想问个问题你介意吗 ? If it's too personal you can forget it. 如果涉及到隐私那就不 用回答。



淘宝店:http://shop36187450.taobao.com 拍拍店:http://18469114.paipai.com 欢迎您的光临!

我爱英语屋店主(QQ:18469114)祝您英语学习顺利,生活称心如意! A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.千里之行,始于足下。

Where there is a will, there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

B: I don't mind at all. You can ask me anything. We're friends. 一点也不介意。你可以 问任何问题。我们是朋 友嘛。 A: Have you got a scholarship, or are you on your own? 你有奖学金还是自费?

B: I have a scholarship from my government for four years. 我们政府给我四年奖学 金, How about you? 你呢?

A: I have a tuition scholarship from the university. 学校只让我免缴学费, Otherwise I'm on my own. 其余还是自掏腰包。

B: Do you mean that you're self-supporting? 这么说你是自己维持了 ? I didn't even know you had a job! 我都不知道你还有份工 作! A: Oh no. My family supports me. 喔,不是。我靠我家里 。 And believe me, 说真的,

changing foreign money into dollars is heart breaking. 用外币换美元真是件伤 感情的事, You seem to get so little in return. 一换就没多少钱了。

B: Yeah, I really know the feeling. 是呀,这种感觉我太清 楚了。

I can't wait to graduate so I can get a good job 我恨不得马上毕业找个 好工作, and earn my own money.

那我就可以花自己的钱 了。 13.How Do You Improve Your English 你怎样提高英语

A: Do you mind if I ask you a question? 我问你个问题你介意吗 ? B: No, not at all. Go ahead. 不介意。问吧。

A: What do you do in order to improve your English? 你怎样提高你的英语?

B: I go to movies; I go to lectures; I listen to the radio; 我看电影,听演讲,听 广播,

I do lots of things. Most importantly, I practice every chance I get. 方法很多。最重要的是 ,我抓住每一个可以练 英语的机会。



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