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Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement Industry in Shandong Province, China Author:Price, Lynn

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LBNL Paper LBNL-2751E-Rev


B ERKELEY N ATIONAL L ABORATORY Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement Industry in Shandong Province, China (Revision)

Lynn Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu

China Energy Group, Energy Analysis Department

Environmental Energy Technologies Division

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wang Lan

China Building Materials Academy

October 2009

This work was supported by the China Sustainable Energy Program of the Energy Foundation

through the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. Funding for

LBNL collaborators was provided by the World Bank through the Energy and Transport Sector

Unit of the East Asia and Pacific Region (EASTE). The U.S. Government retains, and the publisher, by accepting the article for publication, acknowledges, that the U.S. Government

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Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement Industry

in Shandong Province, China

Lynn Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wang Lan

China Building Materials Academy


China’s cement industry, which produced 1,388 million metric tons (Mt) of cement in 2008, accounts for almost half of the world’s total cement production. Nearly 40% of China’s cement production is from relatively obsolete vertical shaft kiln (VSK) cement plants, with the remainder from more modern rotary kiln cement plants, including plants equipped with new suspension pre-heater and pre-calciner (NSP) kilns. Shandong Province is the largest cement-producing Province in China, producing 10% of China’s total cement output in 2008. This report documents an analysis of the potential to improve the energy efficiency of NSP kiln cement plants in Shandong Province. Sixteen NSP kiln cement plants were surveyed regarding their cement production, energy consumption, and current adoption of 34 energy-efficient technologies and measures. Plant energy use was compared to both domestic (Chinese) and international best practice using the Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for Cement (BEST-Cement). This benchmarking exercise indicated an average technical potential primary energy savings of 12% would be possible if the surveyed plants operated at domestic best practice levels in terms of energy use per ton of cement produced. Average technical potential primary energy savings of 23% would be realized if the plants operated at international best practice levels. Energy conservation supply curves for both fuel and electricity savings were then constructed for the 16 surveyed plants. Using the bottom-up electricity conservation supply curve model, the cost-effective electricity efficiency potential for the studied cement plants in 2008 is estimated to be 373 gigawatt-hours (GWh), which accounts for 16% of total electricity use in the 16 surveyed cement plants in 2008. Total technical electricity-saving potential is 915 GWh, which accounts for 40% of total electricity use in the studied plants in 2008. The fuel conservation supply curve model shows the total technical fuel efficiency potential equal to 7,949 terajoules (TJ), accounting for 8% of total fuel used in the studied cement plants in 2008. All the fuel efficiency potential is shown to be cost effective. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction potential associated with cost-effective electricity saving is 383 kiloton (kt) CO2, while total technical potential for CO2 emission reduction from electricity-saving is 940 ktCO2. The CO2 emission reduction potentials associated with fuel-saving potentials is 950 ktCO2.


Lynn Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu






中国的水泥行业在2008年生产水泥1.388亿吨水泥,约占世界水泥总产量的一半。中国大约40%的水泥产量来自相对落后的立窑水泥窑,其他的水泥产量来自较现代的回转窑,包括装有新式悬浮预热器和预分解器的水泥窑(新型干法水泥窑)。山东省是中国最大的水泥生产省份,2008年占全国产量的10%。这份报告分析了山东省新型干法水泥窑提高能效的潜力。共调查了16家新型干法水泥窑,包括它们的水泥产量,能源消耗和目前在使用34项能效技术和措施上的采用情况。通过使用水泥对标和能源节省工具(BEST-Cement),将水泥企业的能源消耗同中国国内的与国际的最佳实践相比较。对标结果显示,如果这些水泥企业每吨水泥的能耗能够达到国内最佳实践的水平,平均可节约一次能源12%。如果水泥企业每吨水泥的能耗能够达到国际最佳实践的水平上,平均可节约一次能源23%。同时,也构建了针对16家水泥企业的燃料和电量的节能供给曲线。通过运用从下至上的节电量供给曲线模型,2008年这些企业中经济有效的节电潜力为373 吉瓦时(GWh),占这16家企业2008年总电耗的16%。所有的节电潜力为915吉瓦时(GWh),占这16家企业2008年总电耗的40%。根据燃料的节约供给曲线模型,所有的燃料节约潜力为7949 太焦(TJ),占这些企业2008年总燃料消耗的8%。所有的燃料节约潜力都是经济有效的。与经济有效的节电潜力相关的二氧化碳排放减排潜力为38.3万吨(kt)CO2,而从所有的节电潜力相关的二氧化碳减排潜力为94万吨(kt)。与燃料节省潜力相关的二氧化碳减排潜力为95万吨。

Executive Summary

Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement Industry in

Shandong Province, China

Lynn Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Wang Lan

China Building Materials Academy

China’s cement industry, which produced 1,388 million metric tons (Mt) of cement in 2008, accounts for almost half of the world’s total cement production. Nearly 40% of China’s cement production is from relatively obsolete vertical shaft kiln (VSK) cement plants, with the remainder from more modern rotary kiln cement plants, including plants equipped with new suspension pre-heater and pre-calciner (NSP) kilns.

Shandong Province is the largest cement-producing Province in China, producing 10% of China’s total cement output in 2008. The average annual growth rate (AAGR) of cement production in Shandong Province between 2000 and 2008 was 10%. This growth was dominated by the increase in rotary kiln production, which was mostly due to the increased share of NSP kilns. Production from rotary kilns grew from 11% of total cement production in 2000 to 58% in 2008.

This report documents an analysis of the potential to improve the energy efficiency of NSP kiln cement plants in Shandong Province. Sixteen NSP kiln cement plants were surveyed regarding their cement production, energy consumption, and current adoption of 34 energy-efficient technologies and measures.

The 16 surveyed cement plants were compared to both domestic (Chinese) and international best practice in terms of energy efficiency using the Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for Cement (BEST-Cement) developed by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in collaboration with the Energy Research Institute, the China Building Materials Academy, and the China Cement Association. Such a comparison provides an initial assessment of the technical potential for energy-efficiency improvement by comparing a plant to an identical model of itself using the most energy-efficient technologies and measures available. This benchmarking exercise indicated an average technical potential primary energy savings of 12% would be possible if the surveyed plants operated at domestic best practice levels in terms of energy use per ton of cement produced. Average technical potential primary energy savings of 23% would be realized if the plants operated at international best practice levels.

An energy conservation supply curve is an analytical tool that captures both the engineering and the economic perspectives of energy conservation. Energy conservation supply curves


for both fuel and electricity savings were constructed for the 16 surveyed plants to determine the potentials and costs of energy-efficiency improvements by taking into account the costs and energy savings of 34 different technologies that could be used in the plants. Using the bottom-up electricity conservation supply curve model, the cost-effective electricity efficiency potential for the studied cement plants in 2008 is estimated to be 373 gigawatt-hours (GWh), which accounts for 16% of total electricity use in the 16 surveyed cement plants in 2008. Total technical electricity-saving potential is 915 GWh, which accounts for 40% of total electricity use in the studied plants in 2008. Carbon dioxide (CO2) emission reduction potential associated with cost-effective electricity saving is 383 kiloton (kt) CO2, while total technical potential for CO2emission reduction is 940 ktCO2. The fuel conservation supply curve model shows the total technical fuel efficiency potential equal to 7,949 terajoules (TJ), accounting for 8% of total fuel used in the studied cement plants in 2008. All the fuel efficiency potential is shown to be cost effective. The CO2emission reduction potential associated with fuel saving potentials is 950 ktCO2.

This study identified a number of cost-effective energy-efficiency technologies and measures that have not been fully adopted in the 16 surveyed cement plants in Shandong Province. In addition, a few energy-efficiency technologies and measures that are not cost-effective, but that are very close to being cost-effective at the current price of energy, and that have large energy savings were also identified. These technologies and measures and their potential energy-savings in Shandong Province are listed in Table ES-1.

Thirteen cost-effective electricity-saving technologies and measures that have not been fully adopted are all related to improving the efficiency of motors and fans, fuel preparation, and finish grinding. In addition, two finish grinding options (replacing a ball mill with a vertical roller mill and using a high pressure roller press for pre-grinding for a ball mill) have large electricity-saving potential and were nearly cost-effective. In addition, six cost-effective fuel-saving technologies and measures were identified that have not been fully adopted in the 16 surveyed cement plants, including expanding the use of blended and Limestone Portland cement and using alternative fuels in the cement kiln.

There are various reasons cited by cement plant personnel and Chinese cement experts regarding why the plants have not adopted the cost-effective energy-efficient technologies and measures. Some of the common reasons are the age of the plant (e.g., the plant was constructed earlier or the application of the measure was limited by the technical conditions at that time), overall technical knowledge of the staff, lack of knowledge about the energy-efficiency measure, plant-specific operational conditions (e.g., in one of the studied plants, due to the low cooling performance of the grate cooler, fans are on full speed so installing a VFD in the cooler fan of grate cooler is not possible), investors preferences, and high initial capital costs despite the fact that the payback period of the technology is short.


Table ES-1. Cost-Effective Energy-Efficient Technologies and Measures Not Fully Adopted in the 16 Surveyed Cement Plants in Shandong Province

Electricity-Saving Technologies and Measures Electricity Saving



CO2 Emission


Potential (kt CO2)

Motor and Fans

Adjustable Speed Drives 147.85 151.99 Adjustable speed drive for kiln fan 26.68 27.43 High efficiency motors 52.97 54.45 Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) in raw mill vent fan 6.12 6.29 Variable Frequency Drive in cooler fan of grate cooler 1.83 1.88 Installation of Variable Frequency Drive & replacement of coal mill

bag dust collector’s fan

1.53 1.57 Replacement of Cement Mill vent fan with high efficiency fan 1.37 1.41 High efficiency fan for raw mill vent fan with inverter 7.23 7.44 Replacement of Preheater fan with high efficiency fan 4.97 5.11 Fuel Preparation

Efficient coal separator for fuel preparation 2.20 2.26 Efficient roller mills for coal grinding 17.18 17.66 Finish Grinding

Energy management & process control in grinding 34.98 35.96 Improved grinding media for ball mills 11.72 12.04 Replacing a ball mill with vertical roller mill 68.46 70.38 High pressure roller press as pre-grinding to ball mill 181.20 186.27 Power Generation

Low temperature waste heat recovery power generation 56.06 57.63

Fuel-Saving Technologies and Measures Fuel Savings


CO2 Emission


Potential (kt CO2)

Blended cement (Additives: fly ash, pozzolans, and blast furnace slag) 2,011 378.1 a Limestone Portland cement 105 20.3 a

Kiln shell heat loss reduction (Improved refractories) 2,177 206.0

Use of alternative fuels 1,749 165.4 Optimize heat recovery/upgrade clinker cooler 231 22.0

Energy management and process control systems in clinker making 1,676 157.8

Note: measures shaded in grey are not cost-effective, but are very close to being cost-effective and have high energy savings

a: CO


emission reduction from reduced energy use as well as reduced calcination in clinker making process.

Based on the findings of this report, it is recommended that the BEST-Cement tool be further utilized by the 16 surveyed cement plants. The findings presented in this study indicate that there are a number of cost-effective energy-efficiency technologies and measures that can still be implemented in these plants. Now that the input data has been acquired and entered into BEST-Cement for each plant, the tool is ready for application at the plant-level. Such application involves working with the plant engineers to identify packages of energy-efficiency technologies and measures that they would like to install at the plant. BEST-Cement allows the plant engineers to develop various packages and provides them with information on the individual measure and total package implementation costs, O&M costs,


energy savings, simple payback time, and CO2 emissions reductions. Such packages can be developed in order to meet a specific energy-saving or CO2 emissions reduction target or to meet a specific energy-saving financial budget.

It is also recommended that further research related to the implementation barriers for the identified cost-effective technologies and measures be undertaken. Now that a number of cost-effective technologies and measures have been identified, it is important to understand why they haven’t been adopted by the 16 surveyed cement plants. An understanding of the barriers is an important first step in developing programs and policies to promote further implementation of energy-efficiency opportunities.

Finally, once the barriers have been identified and are understood, it is important to develop effective programs and policies to overcome the barriers to adoption. Such programs and policies could include development of energy-efficiency information resources, technical assistance in identifying and implementing energy-efficiency measures, and financing programs for the identified technologies and measures.




Lynn Price, Ali Hasanbeigi, Hongyou Lu










报告构建了针对16家水泥企业的燃料和电量的节能供给曲线,考虑可被水泥企业运用的34项节能技术的成本和节能量,从而确定能效改进的潜力和成本。通过运用从下至上的节电量供给曲线模型,2008年这些企业中经济有效的节电潜力为373 吉瓦时(GWh),占这16家企业2008年总电耗的16%。所有的节电潜力为915吉瓦时(GWh),占这16家企业2008年总电耗的40%。与经济有效的节电潜力相关的二氧化碳排放减排潜力为38.3万吨(kt)CO2,而从所有的节电潜力相关的二氧化碳减排潜力为94万吨(kt)。根据燃料的节约供给曲线模型,所有的燃料节约潜力为7949 太焦(TJ),占这些企业2008年总燃料消耗的8%。所有的燃料节约潜力都是经济有效的。与燃料节省潜力相关的二氧化碳减排潜力为95万吨。






Cement,因此此工具可以在工厂层面进行使用。这样的应用包括和企业工程师一起确认他们愿意在企业实施的能效技术和措施。BEST-Cement 可以为企业工程师提供多种能效措施的选择,并提供每一项能效措施的信息以及所选多个措施整体的实施成本,运行和维修成本,节能量,简单回收期和二氧化碳减排量。通过选择多种节能措施,可以实现制定的节能或减排目标,或者在满足资金要求的情况下进行节能减排。




表 ES-1. 在山东省16家水泥企业中没有得到完全应用的经济有效的能效技术和措施



CO2 减排潜力

(千吨 CO2)



调速驱动 147.85 151.99 窑风机调速驱动 26.68 27.43 高效电机 52.97 54.45 生料磨排风机使用变频驱动(VFD) 6.12 6.29 篦冷机冷却风机使用变频驱动 1.83 1.88 安装变频驱动 & 更换煤磨滤袋除尘器的风机 1.53 1.57 在水泥磨排风机上使用高效风机 1.37 1.41 生料排风机使用带变频器的高效风机 7.23 7.44 在预热器风机上使用高效风机 4.97 5.11 燃料制备


高效选煤机 2.20 2.26 煤炭粉磨使用高效辊压机 17.18 17.66 最终粉磨


粉磨中能源管理和工艺控制 34.98 35.96 在球磨中改进粉磨介质 11.72 12.04 用立式辊磨机取代球磨 68.46 70.38 高压辊压机作为预粉磨 181.20 186.27 发电


低温余热发电 56.06 57.63


(TJ 太焦)

CO2 减排潜力


复合水泥(混合材: 粉煤灰,火山灰,和高炉矿渣) 2,011 378.1 a 石灰石硅酸盐水泥 105 20.3 a 降低窑外壳热损耗(改进耐火材料) 2,177 206.0 使用可替代性燃料 1,749 165.4 最大化热回收/升级熟料冷却机 231 22.0 熟料生产中的能源管理和工艺控制系统 1,676 157.8 注:灰色单元格中的措施不是经济有效的,但是非常接近,而且有很高的节能量。

a: 为从降低的能耗以及熟料烧制过程中减少的煅烧中得到的二氧化碳减排量


Analysis of Energy-Efficiency Opportunities for the Cement Industry in

Shandong Province, China

Table of Contents

I. Introduction (1)

II. Overview of Cement Industry in China and Shandong Province (3)

A. Cement Industry in China (3)

B. Cement Production in Shandong Province (7)

C. Energy Consumption of Shandong Province Cement Industry (8)

III. Methodology (10)

A. Data Collection (10)

B. Conversion Factors and Assumptions (11)

C. Benchmarking and Energy-Saving Tool for Cement (BEST-Cement) for China . 12

Benchmarking (12)

BEST-Cement for China (12)

D. Energy-Conservation Supply Curves (17)

Discount Rate (18)

Methodology for Constructing the Energy Conservation Supply Curve (18)

Sensitivity Analyses (20)

E. Energy-Efficiency Technologies and Measures for Cement Industry (21)

IV. Results........ . (26)

A. Overview (26)

B. Benchmarking and Energy-Saving Tool for Cement (BEST-Cement) (31)

C. Energy-Conservation Supply Curves (33)

Electricity Conservation Supply Curve (36)

Fuel Conservation Supply Curve (39)

Sensitivity Analyses (42)

D. Identified Opportunities for Improvement of Energy-Efficiency of the

Cement Industry in Shandong Province (47)

Electricity-Saving Technologies and Measures (47)

Fuel-Saving Technologies and Measures (54)

E. Barriers to the Adoption of Energy-Efficiency Technologies and

Measures in the Cement Industry in Shandong Province (60)

V. Findings and Recommendations (62)

A. Findings (62)

B. Recommendations (63)

VI. Acknowledgments (65)

Acronyms (66)

References (68)

Appendixes (77)


China’s cement industry, which produced 1,388 million metric tons (Mt) of cement in 2008, accounts for nearly half of the world’s total cement production (Shandong ETC and CBMA, 2009; USGS, 2009). Nearly 40% of China’s cement production is from relatively obsolete vertical shaft kiln (VSK) cement plants, with the remainder from more modern rotary kiln cement plants, including plants equipped with new suspension pre-heater and pre-calciner (NSP) kilns. Official Chinese government policy is that the VSK cement plants will be phased out and completely replaced by more modern kilns (NDRC, 2006). Figure 1 and Table 1 show that cement production from rotary kilns has grown rapidly in recent years, jumping from 116 Mt in 2000 to 833 Mt in 2008 (ITIBMIC 2004; Kong, 2009).

Figure 1. Cement Production in China by Major Kiln Type, 1990-2008 (ITIBMIC 2004; Kong, 2009)

Table 1. Cement Production in China by Major Kiln Type, 1990-2008 (Mt)

1990 1995 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Shaft Kilns 183 383 481 528 555 616 578 561 552 554 555 Rotary Kilns 49 93 116 133 170 246 395 508 684 807 833 Total 232 476 597 661 725 862 973 1069 1236 1361 1388 Source: ITIBMIC 2004; Kong, 2009

In early 2008, the World Bank’s Asia Alternative Energy Unit (ASTAE) initiated a study to assess the current status of cement manufacturing in the three Chinese provinces: Shandong, Hebei, and Jiangsu. The goal of the project was to develop implementation plans and policy recommendations for energy-efficiency improvement in the cement sector at the provincial level.

Phase I of the project focused on data collection in order to characterize the cement sector at the provincial and national levels. This work was undertaken by the China Cement Association’s Technology Center (CCATC) and completed in June 2008. The main conclusions of the Phase I effort were that even though China’s cement sector is undergoing rapid modernization, inefficient and obsolete production technologies are still used and there are energy-efficiency opportunities available even for the more modern NSP kiln cement plants.


Phase II of the project involves more detailed analysis of the situation regarding both the costs and benefits of the VSK plant closures and the untapped energy-efficiency opportunities for the NSP kiln plants at the provincial level. The VSK plant closure analysis will investigate the socio-economic, fiscal, and regulatory implications of implementing the closure of inefficient cement production facilities and will recommend policy and regulatory changes/initiatives to address the key issues arising from plant closures. The NSP kiln plant analysis will evaluate selected representative cement plants in each province in order to identify specific energy-efficiency technology options and evaluate their energy savings and associated costs to improve the energy efficiency of cement production by these facilities. The analysis includes an estimate of the provincial level energy-efficiency improvement opportunity for NSP plants and analysis of the net energy savings of replacing VSK plants by modern NSP plants in view of provincial plans for plant closure.

The Phase II work also aims to develop provincial-level policy recommendations for the cement sector based on broader analysis of sector issues, including the phasing out of inefficient production capacities. The main objective of the proposed ASTAE project is to form a sector assistance strategy for the World Bank to capture the large energy savings achievable in the cement industry of China.

This report provides the results of the NSP kiln cement plant analysis for Shandong Province. It begins with a brief introduction to the cement industry in China, followed by a characterization of the cement industry in Shandong Province. Next, the methodology for the study is presented including a description of the data collection efforts, the use of the Benchmarking and Energy Saving Tool for the Chinese cement industry (BEST-Cement), and the construction of energy-conservation supply curves for NSP kilns in Shandong Province. The results of the BEST-Cement analysis are presented in the next section, followed by a description of the energy-conservation supply curve analysis. The report concludes with identification of key energy-efficiency technologies and measures that can be implemented in NSP kiln cement plants in Shandong Province along with recommendations for capturing the identified opportunities through policies, programs, and financing efforts.



II. Overview of Cement Industry in China and Shandong Province

A. Cement Industry in China

China produces nearly half of the world’s cement using myriad types of cement kilns of diverse vintages and levels of technological advancement. In 2008, China produced 1,388 million metric tons (Mt) of cement (Shandong ETC and CBMA, 2009), far surpassing the next two largest producers: India (175 Mt) and the U.S. (89 Mt) (USGS, 2009). In China, there are basically two types of cement kilns used for the production of clinker, the key ingredient in cement: vertical shaft kilns (VSKs) and rotary kilns (see Figures 2 and 3).

Figure 2. Vertical Shaft Kilns in Shandong Province

Figure 3. Rotary Kilns in Shandong Province

VSKs are basically a large drum set vertically with a packed mixture of raw material and fuel traveling down through it using gravity. A rotary kiln consists of a longer and wider drum oriented horizontally and at a slight incline on bearings, with raw material entering at the higher end and traveling as the kiln rotates towards the lower end, where fuel is blown into

the kiln.

Since the 1970s, intensive domestic VSK technology research and development in China improved the kilns considerably. VSKs are much smaller, simpler and can be constructed much more rapidly than rotary kilns, making them attractive given the system of distributed production that arose in China due to lack of sufficient infrastructure as well as political, economic, and other factors. Simultaneous evolution of VSK technology with the more complex dry process rotary kilns resulted in a diverse mix of pyro-processing technologies in China's cement industry (Galitsky and Price, 2007).

There are three basic types of VSKs: ordinary, mechanized, and improved. In ordinary VSKs, high-ash anthracite coal and raw materials are layered in the kiln, consuming high amounts of energy while producing cement of inferior quality and severe environmental pollution. Mechanized VSKs use a manually operated feed chute to deliver mixed raw materials and fuel to the top of the kiln. Improved VSKs been upgraded and produce higher quality cement with lower environmental impacts (Sinton, 1996; ITIBMIC, 2004).

Rotary kilns can be either wet or dry process kilns. Wet process rotary kilns are more energy-intensive. Energy-efficient dry process rotary kilns can be equipped with grate or suspension pre-heaters to heat the raw materials using kiln exhaust gases prior to their entry into the kiln. In addition, the most efficient dry process rotary kilns use pre-calciners to calcine the raw materials after they have passed through the pre-heater but before they enter the rotary kiln (WBCSD, 2004). Construction of these modern NSP kilns has been growing rapidly in China since about 2000. Large and medium sized NSP kilns produced 56 Mt (10%) of cement in China in 2000, increasing to 623 Mt (50%) by 2006 (ITIBMIC, 2004; CCATC, 2008).

Globally, coal is the primary fuel burned in cement kilns, but petroleum coke, natural gas, and oil can also be combusted in the kiln. Waste fuels, such as hazardous wastes from painting operations, metal cleaning fluids, electronic industry solvents, as well as tires, are often used as fuels in cement kilns as a replacement for more traditional fossil fuels. In China, coal is used almost exclusively as the fuel for the cement kilns, while electricity – both provided by the grid and through the generation of electricity on-site using waste heat – is used to power the various grinding mills, conveyers, and other auxiliary equipment. In 2007, Chinese cement kilns used 174 Mt of mostly raw coal and 119 terawatt-hours (TWh) of electricity (CCA, 2009). There is very little use of alternative fuels (defined as waste materials with heat value more than 4000kcal/kg for cement clinker burning) or co-processing of waste materials (defined as the incineration of wastes for disposal purposes even if the calorific value of the waste can be used as a fuel) in cement production in China (Wang, L., 2008). Less than 20 cement facilities either burn alternative fuels or co-process waste materials as demonstration or pilot projects, but Chinese laws and industrial policies now encourage the use of alternative fuels and the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has begun efforts to develop a Cement Kiln Alternative Fuel Program that will expand the demonstration projects, prepare regulations, develop a permitting-type system, and establish financing mechanisms (Wang, S., 2007).

Once clinker has been produced in either a shaft or rotary kiln, it is inter-ground with additives to form cement. Common Portland cement is comprised of 95% clinker and 5% additives. “Blended cement” is the term applied to cement that made from clinker that has been inter-ground with a larger share of one or more additives. These additives can include


such materials as fly ash from electric power plants, blast furnace slag from iron-making facilities, volcanic ash, and pozzolans. Blended cements may have a lower short-term strength (measures after less than 7 days), but have a higher long-term strength, as well as improved resistance to acids and sulfates. In 2007, 5.4% of the cement produced in China was Pure Portland Cement, which is defined as either being comprised of 100% clinker and gypsum or >95% clinker and gypsum with <5% of either granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) or limestone. Common Portland Cement, comprised of >80% and <95% of clinker and gypsum combined with >5% and <20% of additives (GGBS, pozzolana, fly ash, or limestone), made up 54% of the cement produced in China that year. Slag Portland Cement, that blends anywhere from >20% to <70% GGBS with clinker and gypsum, constituted 36% of 2007 cement production. The remaining 5% of cement was Pozzolana (>20% to <40% pozzolan additives), fly ash (>20% to <40% fly ash), or other blended cement (>20% to <50% other additives) (Wang, 2009).

Given its large size, complexity, and global importance in terms of both energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the cement sector in China is receiving increasing attention among analysts, policy-makers, and others around the world. Early analyses of the industry in the 1990s focused on improvements that could be made to VSKs as well as scenarios exploring the energy savings possible with increased adoption of more modern pre-calciner kilns (Liu et al., 1995) and developments related to mechanized VSKs which at the time were less energy-intensive than both non-mechanized VSKs and the currently-used rotary kilns (Sinton, 1996).

In 2002, the World Business Council on Sustainable Development (WBCSD) produced a study of China’s cement industry covering the industry’s structure, production and technology trends, energy use and emissions, and future opportunities (Soule et al., 2002). At the time of this report, cement production in China was projected to grow relatively slowly (2.8% per year during the 10th Five Year Plan to a total of 660 Mt in 2005, followed by even slower growth of 2.5% per year during the 11th Five Year Plan) with relatively rapid improvement in energy efficiency expected as older facilities were replaced with more modern plants (Soule et al., 2002).

In 2004, the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) published a report on the Chinese cement industry by the Institute of Technical Information for the Building Materials Industry of China (ITIBMIC). This comprehensive report discussed the cement industry’s present conditions and developments, the key policies and regulations, the leading cement equipment manufacturers, the main design institutes, energy-saving and emission-reducing technologies, and provided provincial-level reports for Zhejiang, Hubei, and Shandong Provinces (ITIBMIC, 2004).

In 2006, researchers from Tsinghua University and the Center for Clean Air Policy (CCAP) published an assessment of the GHG emissions and mitigation potential for China’s cement industry which produced marginal abatement cost curves for 2010, 2015, and 2020 and documented the costs and emissions reductions from the adoption of 12 mitigation options under three scenarios (Tsinghua and CCAP, 2006). CCAP and Tsinghua University are currently collaborating on a project to identify GHG mitigation options and policy recommendations in China's electricity, cement, iron and steel, and aluminum industry


sectors. The cement sector work is focused on the identification of emissions mitigation measures in Shandong Province, with a focus on the barriers and opportunities for further implementation of waste heat recovery power generation (Ziwei Mao, 2009).

The China Cement Association (CCA) began publishing an annual review of statistics and information regarding China’s cement industry in 2001. Recent versions of the China Cement Almanac include numerous articles on energy consumption (“Cement industry energy consumption status quo and energy saving potential”), CO2emissions (“On CO2emission reduction of Chinese cement industry”), energy-efficiency technologies (“The opportunity is mature for cement industry promoting power generation by pure low temperature remnant heat”), restructuring (“Important moves to develop Chinese cement industry through quality replacing quantity”), and other aspects of China’s cement industry (CCA, 2008; CCA, 2009). CCA staff members frequently publish articles and make presentations regarding the current status of China’s cement industry (Zeng, 2004; Zeng, 2006; Zeng, 2008).

As part of the Asia Pacific Partnership on Clean Energy and Climate (APP), a team of researchers from NDRC, CCA, the China Digital Cement Network, CBMA, and the Productivity Center of Building Materials Industry surveyed 120 Chinese cement plants in 2006. The surveyed companies accounted for 11% of the total cement production in China that year. The survey covered 187 NSP and 24 VSK kiln cement plants. The study found that outdated processes still dominate the industry, labor productivity is low and there is a large share of low quality products, energy consumption is high and the damage to the environment and the resource base is serious, and cement manufacturing experiences strong competition because of surplus capacity and overlapping markets (Liu et al., 2007). Chinese researchers at the China Building Materials Academy (CBMA) and ITIBMIC also contribute research results and information related to energy efficiency in the Chinese cement industry. A 2007 article concluded that the keys to reaching the CCA’s energy-saving target of a 25% improvement between 2005 and 2010 are adoption of energy-efficient technology, energy management, and especially eliminating backward technology (Wang, 2007). CBMA has recently developed a number of codes and standards related to energy efficiency for the Chinese cement industry, including standards on limitation of energy consumption for unit cement product, cement plant design code for energy saving, energy consumption auditing for cement production, and power measurement equipment for cement manufacturing (Wang, 2009). Recent research has focused on the increased use of alternative fuels in China (Wang, S., 2008) and development of alternative fuel co-processing standards (Wang, 2009).

In 2008, the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) developed a Blueprint for a Climate-Friendly Cement Industry for the Chinese cement industry. The report noted that “the Chinese cement market is the largest single cement market on Earth and the output in a single province is as large as those found for some main developing countries.” The report’s pathway to a low carbon cement industry includes the following: 1) use cement more efficiently, 2) further expand the use of additives and substitutes to produce blended cements, 3) improve the thermal efficiency of kilns, 4) improve the electrical efficiency of plants, 5) increase the share of biomass in the fuel mix, and 6) develop carbon capture and storage to sequester a high share of CO2 emissions by 2050 (Müller and Harnish, 2008).


