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雅思写作常见的素材整理,在写作的备考过程中,大家也要不断的来补充一些素材,方便我们在遇到类似的题目的时候,有话可写。 money & stress
They say money can make you happy. But scientists find that it can make your life a lot less stressful. A study of almost 200 adults making various amounts of money finds that the less money you make the more stress your body feels. People of the lower end of the social economic spectrum have stress hormone levels in their bodies that worth 3 times higher than those who are better off. The salary to stress link they found was independent - race, age, sex or even weight. So money alone may have more impact than previously thought. The scientists say that being poor is often associated with less healthy life styles. The poor tend to smoke more and skip breakfast, two factors which have major stress effects on the body. Rural economic classes also tend to have less education and resources for dealing with crisis when they arise, which can put undo strain on the system. As for happiness, well, previous studies have shown that it's not how much money you have but how you think about it. 环境类
Everywhere man is altering the balance of nature. He is facilitating the spread of plants and animals into new regions, sometimes deliberately, sometimes
unconsciously. He is covering huge areas with new kinds of plants, or with houses, factories, slag-heaps and other products of his civilization. He exterminates some species on a large scale, but favours the multiplication of others. In brief, he has done more in five thousand years to alter the biological aspect of the planet than has nature in five million. 计算机游戏对儿童也有积极影响
Children who spend hours every day on their video consoles 游戏控制板 may not be rotting their brains 退化大脑, as many parents fear. A report from the European parliament concluded yesterday that computer games are good for children and teach them essential life skills 生存技能.
Contrary to fears about the violent reputation 负面影响 of some games, there is no firm proof 充足的证据 that playing them has an automatic negative impact on children's behavior, for example by causing aggression 侵害/伤害, said the report from the committee on the internal market and consumer protection.
Instead, \strategic thinking, creativity, cooperation and innovative thinking, which are important skills in the information society.\
Toine Manders, who drafted the report, said: \games are in most cases not dangerous. We heard evidence from experts on computer games and psychologists from France, the US, Germany and the Netherlands and they told us that video games have a positive contribution 积极作用 for education.\
The study called for 号召 schools across Europe to consider using games for educational purposes and urged parents to take a greater interest in 投入兴趣 them. \about benefits and disadvantages that video games can have,\ The findings are likely to surprise supporters of tougher regulation 更严格的管制 of computer games, some of which have been blamed for influencing violent crime among children.
Last year a 14-year-old boy from Leicester was murdered by a 17-year old wielding 挥舞 a knife and a claw hammer 钉锤, and his mom claimed her son's killer was influenced by the computer game Manhunt in which players earn points 赚积分 for stealth killings 秘密刺杀.
The European parliament conceded that \situations 某种情况下 stimulate violent behaviour 暴力行为,\but said there was no need for legislation. It called for a approach to prevent the sale to children of games intended for adults 阻止儿童购买为成年人设计的游戏 and urged the
introduction of stricter identity checks 身份检查 at the point of sale and a wider application of the age-rating system 广泛应用分级体系 that currently applies to computer games in many European countries.
Total revenues from the video gaming sector amounted to 上升到 more than
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