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Chapter One Establishing Business Relations

第1章 建立业务关系

? Time Allotment:

Last Chapter and Homework Review (15 mins) Outline (10 mins)

Main Points ( 45 mins) Supplements ( 15 mins)

Afterclass Exercise ( 5 mins)

? Outline:

5 Sample Letters 5封样信

Supplyment 补充 : Some Useful Sentences on Establishing Business Relations.建立业务关系的常用例句。

? Main Points

常见词汇 2-2 owe vt.

 a. 该把??归功于,认为是靠??的力量(后接介词to)  He owes his success to chance.  他认为自己的成功在于机遇。

 We owe your name and address to?  承蒙??告知你公司的名称和地址。

 b. 欠(债等),该向??支付

 owe sb a large sum=owe a large sum to sb  欠某人一大笔钱

 IOU= I Owe You 欠条

 write out/issue IOU 打欠条

常见词汇 2-3 market  1) n. 市场,销路

 auction market   拍卖市场  bond market    债券市场  corner the market   囤积居奇  exchange market   外汇市场  financial market   金融市场

 hit the market   (口)投入市场  money market   金融市场  futures market   期货市场

 niche market   利基市场,泥区市场  secondhand market  旧货市场  securities market   证券市场  service market   劳务市场  a. in the market for 要买


We are in the market for wool.  我们要买羊毛。

 b. come to (into) the market上市

 We will contact you as soon as the new crop comes to the market.  一俟当年收成上市,我们定将和你方联系。  c. find a market 找销路

 We are trying to find a market for this article.  我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。

 We regret we cannot find any market for this article.  我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。  d. good(poor, no) market 畅销 (滞销,无销路)

 There is a good (a poor, no) market for these articles.  这些商品畅销(滞销,无销路)  e. in the market要买或要卖

 Please cable us as soon as you are in the market.  一俟你方要买(卖)时,请电告。  2) v. 销售,推销

We will try to market this product at our end if you allow us a 5% commission. 如你方给佣金5%,我方愿在我地设法推销这一商品。

 常见词汇 2-4 trade  1) n. 贸易,行业

 In recent days, there has been a slow down in our trade with you.  最近我方和你方的贸易有所减少。  2) v. 从事贸易,做生意,经营

(和某人做贸易后接介词with;经营某项商品后接介词in)  We do not trade with them.  我们不和他们进行贸易。

 They trade mainly in cotton piece goods.  他们主要经营棉布业。

 trade relations=trading relations=business relations  有关trade的常见短语

 barter trade     易货贸易  barriers to trade   贸易壁垒  bilateral trade    双边贸易  compensation trade    补偿贸易  frontier trade     边境贸易  improvement trade    加工贸易  multilateral trade    多边贸易

 transit trade     转口贸易,过境贸易  trade friction     贸易摩擦  trade gap     贸易失衡

 trade practice     贸易惯例,贸易习惯  trade procurator   商务代理人  trade representative  商务代表 trade terms     贸易条件


常见词汇 2-5 sale n.  1) 出售, 卖

 We confirm the sale to you of 500 metric tons Yellow Soybeans.  兹确认向你方出售500公吨黄大豆。  2) 销货,交易,销路

 Bicycles command a ready sale in the US market. 自行车在美国市场得到畅销。

Is there any sale for this article? 这一商品有销路吗?

Large sales are reported to have been made. 据说大笔交易已经做成。  3) (存货的)减价出售,拍卖

clearance sale   清仓拍卖 summer sale    夏季大拍卖

white sale    (床单、棉织物这些商品)降价出售 sales a.   售货的,销货的,有关售货的 Sales Confirmation   销售确认书 Sales Contract  销售合同 sales department   营业部 sales account    销售账 sales allowance   销货折让 sales promotion   推销活动 sales laws    销售法 sales tax    销售税 salesman(saleswoman)   营业员 sales manager    营业主任

常见词汇 2-6 in your district 在你地区  in your place

 on your side 在你地区或在你处  at your end

常见词汇 2-7 get in touch with 与??联系

 When we are again in a position to supply, we shall not fail to get in touch with you. 当我们能再供应时,一定与你方联系。

 As this item is handled by our Shanghai Office, please get in touch with them directly. 由于此项商品是上海公司经营,请与他们直接联系。

常见词汇 2-8 touch. v.  1) 达到

 It is generally felt that the price has touched bottom(peach).  一般认为价格已达到最低(高)点。  2) 涉及

 In your letter of March 5, you did not touch the point at issue.  你方3月5日的信未涉及问题的要点。 3) 停靠


 This steamer touches at Marsoilles.  该船在马赛停靠。

4) 引起(和副词off)连用

 This development touched off an alternation of working plan.  这一发展引起了工作计划的改变。

常见词汇 2-9 item n. 项目,条款,(商品的)品种,款项

We are working on the other items and will cable you as soon as possible. 其他项目正在进行,将尽早电告。

There are several items of commission not yet paid. 有几笔佣金,尚未付清。

This is the bestselling item in this line. 这是这类商品中最畅销的品种。

Item Two of the agency agreement should be altered as? 代理协议的第二项应改为??

常见词汇 2-10 case 的有关短语:  1) in case  a.如果,假若

 Please tell us in case you are interested in this article.   你方如对此商品感兴趣,请告知我方。  b.以备(万一),以防(万一)

 We would suggest your placing an order at present in case the new crop may fail. 建议你们现在订购,以防新货歉收。  2) in any case 无论如何

 In any case we are unable to effect shipment in this month.  这个月我们无论如何无法发运。  3) in case of 假若,如果,万一

 In case of offer, please quote your best price.  如能报盘,请开最低价。  4) in no case 决不

 Your may be assured that in no case will the L/C be delayed.  你方可放心,信用证决不会迟开。  5) in the case of 就??而言,至于

 In the case of payment terms, we are unable to accept D/P at 60 day’s sight. 至于付款条件,我方无法接受远期60天的付款交单。  6) in this case 假使这样,既然这样

 In this case, we will not fail to cable you an offer.  如果这样,定去电给你报盘。

 7) such being the case 情况既然如此

 Such being the case, we regret being unable to make you an offer at present. 情况既然如此,抱歉我们目前无法报盘。

 常见词汇 2-11 to be only too glad to?

 too前若有only, all, but, ready修饰时,结构表示肯定,相当于to be very glad to?, to be much glad to?, to be very much pleased to?, to be more than pleased to? 十分乐于做某事??


 请注意:若“too”前面没有only时,就有反义的含义。  I would be only too glad to go with you.  我很乐于与你同行。

 We would be only too glad to make offers on RMB basis.  我们十分乐于以人民币为基础向你方报盘。

 Your letter of credit arrives here too late for us to ship your order before the end of this month.  你们的信用证到的太迟我们不能在本月底以前装运你方定货。

? Supplements:

1.words 单词

interest, inquiry, line, enclose, appreciate expressions 商业用语

state-operated corporation 国营公司

state-designated second grade enterprise 国家指定二级企业 collective-owned enterprise 集体企业 individual-owned enterprise 私营企业 merchandising enterprise 商业企业 township/rural enterprise 乡镇企业 barter trade 易货贸易 compensation trade 补偿贸易 frontier trade 边境贸易

transit trade 转口贸易,过境贸易 trade friction 贸易摩擦 trade gap 贸易失衡 classified catalogue 分类目录

 descriptive catalogue 带有说明的目录 illustrated catalogue 有插图的目录 catalogue of industrial products 工业产品目录

for your examination 供你方参考, 供你方查阅 financial position 财务状况 cash position 现金头寸 easy position 头寸宽裕 to cover position 轧平头寸 Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 Sales Contract 销售合同

in your district 在你地区,在你处 phrases 短语

in case, in any case, in case of, in no case, in this case, such being the case 2.discriminations辨析 industrial与industrious begin, start与commence appreciable与appreciative 3.grammar points 语法点

当if条件句中有助动词should, had或were时,则可以省去if,而将should, had, were置于句首,从而构成倒装虚拟句,意义不变。

look forward to, recommend, We very much regret that?, to be only too glad to? too?


