
更新时间:2024-04-07 09:24:01 阅读量: 综合文库 文档下载










I must share a heartwarming experience I enjoyed this week, both as a parent and a human being.

My 35 , Emma, started back to school last week. There is a young boy in her class called Jake. It seems that he’s not a nice boy. He is treated very badly by other kids, and some boys often pick on(刁难)him.

For several nights this week Emma came home from school 36 about the fact that Jake got picked on so much. She also mentioned that he had no school supplies as his family could not 37 them. He is always asking to borrow paper. It gives the kids even more reason to pick on him.

One night Emma and I sat together and discussed the situation in great detail. We made a plan, and Emma decided to ask Jake what he 38 for supplies.

The next day Emma spent some time with Jake and really came to 39 that this young man had a heart of gold, but 40 had the chance to show it. Emma asked Jake if he needed school supplies and if he could make a list for her, for she 41 bring in extra supplies that she had at home. Jake made a small list of several things. Emma told him she was happy to help, and Jake felt most 42 .

That evening Emma and I went to the store where we bought some other things for Jake because Emma said he also needed a new pencil box and a schoolbag.

The next day, I 43 Emma up after school. She was all smiles 44 Jake loved all the supplies we brought to him!

This was a great experience for my daughter. I encourage all the teenagers of this world to keep hearts open and never be afraid to show some acts of 45 to those in need.

As for Jake … I saw him walking home yesterday with his new schoolbag. It is a good feeling to know we have made a 46 in his life! 35. A. friend B. daughter C. classmate D. teacher


36. A. upset 37. A. order 38. A. received 39. A. prove 40. A. just 41. A. must 42. A. useful 43. A. picked 44. A. unless 45. A. courage 46. A. difference B. nervous B. achieve B. needed B. explain B. hardly B. might B. helpful B. cheered B. before B. confidence B. description C. certain

C. repair C. prepared C. realize C. always C. would C. peaceful C. kept C. because C. politeness C. decision D. careful D. afford D. changed D. expect D. nearly

D. should D. thankful D. looked D. until D. kindness D. discovery





I had been a high school teacher for six years and had watched a lot of TV shows about solving cases (破案). I was about to begin my dream 35 , something I had wanted for a long, long time. On the first Monday of the Firearm Officer Safety Training we

were given guns and by Wednesday we were given our first test. We would score one mark for a hit to the 36 on the target, and half a mark for anywhere

else on the body. When it was my turn, I entered the house 37 . It was dark and I could hardly see a single thing. Suddenly, one of the targets jumped out at me. I 38 my gun out quickly and fired two shots (射击). He fell to the ground. Another target appeared from behind and I 39 to get a successful shot. Just at the moment, I noticed something in the corner. I fired four shots and then the test ended. I came out of the house, feeling 40 that I was finally going to pass the test.

When one of the officers followed me out, I couldn’t wait to ask, “Did I pass, sir?” “No,” he said angrily. “What? Why?” I wondered. He then 41 at his shirt and shouted, “See this? 42 shots! Luckily they were paintballs. I didn’t wear any protective gear (装备) because I was just in the corner to 43 you.”

I said sorry to the officer and told him that I was not terrible at other police trainings and I always scored a high mark when we 44 telling someone that their family member had died. “That’s good,” he said. “Because when you accidentally 45 someone with the way you did, you will be able to tell the family very nicely how they died.” In the end, after nine months of what is usually a six-month course, I realized that people around me would be a lot better off if I 46 to teaching.

I am now the Head of Department for English at a high school. The words of the Rolling Stones spring to mind: You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you just might find you get what you need. 35. A. test B. job C. action D. chance 36. A. legs B. arms C. head D. chest 37. A. nervously B. happily C. carefully D. quietly 38. A. pulled B. picked C. held D. found 39. A. tried B. started C. decided D. managed


40. A. proud B. confident 41. A. looked B. knocked 42. A. Two B. Three 43. A. score B. help 44. A. finished B. practiced 45. A. hurt B. hit 46. A. took B. changed 丰台

C. pleased C. pointed C. Four C. watch C. kept C. kill C. got D. surprised

D. laughed D. Five D. protect D. enjoyed D. wound D. returned



Each day I took the same route to work and passed by a security guard (保安). 35 greeted everyone walking by and made small talk with many of the passers-by and wishing them well. His simple “hello” made people feel 36 . His cheerful smile became a part of my day. When he was absent, many people noticed it, and I felt a

little bit empty.

The first few times, I didn’t say hello back to him when he greeted me. I was 37 in my own world. On Monday the security guard asked me:“How was your weekend?” I told him about my visit to California, to see my mother, who had colon cancer. I 38 how I visited her each month. “The time with my mother is so precious(珍贵的), 39 I know that each time may be the last.”

He listened like a close friend I’d known for years. He felt my 40 and my love. He shared how he had lost his father to cancer two years before. He said, “I understand what you are going through. My father passed away while I was serving in Germany. Because of some reasons I was unable to fly back in time. I was unable to say goodbye to him. I wish I could have been with him, given him a hug, and told him I loved him. You are really lucky to have the gift of 41 .”

As I walked away, I realized I did not even know his name. The following day, on my way to work, I said: “After we spent all that time 42 yesterday, I still don’t know your name.” He answered, “Gary.” I responded back, “I’m Deborah.”

After that, we talked and shared stories about our weekends, dreams and families.

Later, Gary got 43 a new job and moved away. It’s been several years since I last spoke to him, yet the memory feels like yesterday. Gary reached out to me, 44 me and made my morning the best part of the day. I experienced the beauty of friendship and love.

In the business of life, we often forget to wish a stranger hello although how easy it is, and how great and lasting a 45 it can make. When you say hello to a stranger you become like a pebble(鹅卵石) thrown into a pond. With each ripple (波纹)you create, you spread love that continues to 46 . Make a point of saying hello to a stranger today. You will give the gift that keeps on giving. 35. A. She B. They C. He D. I 36. A. nervous B. funny C. special D. surprised 37. A. lost B. left C. missed D. dropped 38. A. wondered B. shared C. realized D. found 39. A. because B. so C. and D. but


40. A. weakness B. illness C. sorriness D. sadness 41. A. god B. time C. nature D. friendship 42. A. thinking B. calling C. crying D. talking 43. A. offered B. afforded C. invited D. chosen 44. A. moved B. touched C. told D. helped 45. A. progress B. sense C. trouble D. difference 46. A. receive B. send C. give D. create




The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy(同情)as Susan made her way carefully up the steps. She paid for the drive and then, using her hands to 35 the seats, settled (安顿)in one of them.

It had been a year since Susan became blind. As the result of an accident she was suddenly thrown into a world of 36 . Susan’s husband Mark watched her fall into hopelessness and he decided to use every possible means to help his wife.

Finally, Susan felt ready to 37 to her job, but how would she get there? She used to take the bus, but she was now too afraid of getting around the city by herself. Mark 38 to ride the bus with Susan each morning and evening until she could 39 it by herself.

For two weeks, Mark went with Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to depend on her other 40 , specifically her hearing, to decide where she was.

At last, Susan decided that she was ready to try the trip on her own. Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she held her husband tightly, her eyes filled with tears of thankfulness. She said good-bye and, for the first time, they went their 41 ways. Each day went perfectly, and a wild excitement took hold of Susan. She was 42 it!

On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting off the bus, the driver said, “Miss, I sure envy(嫉妒)you.” Surprisingly, Susan asked the driver 43 . “You know, every morning for the 44 week, a fine-looking gentleman in a military uniform has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building 45 ,” the bus driver said.

Tears of happiness ran down Susan’s cheeks. She was so lucky for he had given her a gift more powerful than 46 . That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness. 35. A. touch B. choose C. count D. feel 36. A. weakness B. sickness C. darkness D. sadness 37. A. return B. keep C. belong D. stick 38. A. volunteered B. continued C. promised D. afforded 39. A. try B. manage C. control D. follow 40. A. feelings B. parts C. senses D. skills 41. A. opposite B. separate C. fixed D. normal 42. A. passing B. doing C. taking D. getting 43. A. what B. how C. why D. where 44. A. next B. same C. first D. past 45. A. quickly B. silently C. happily D. safely


46. A. courage B. direction C. sight D. service




It was 8:30 and I was lying in the sun, listening to my CD.

Then my mum came out. She wanted me to go out with her. She told me about this place called Give Kids the World. It’s a special place for 35 to spend a vacation when a child had a life-threatening (致命的) illness. There were several jobs 36 did there, including gift giving and ice-cream 37 . Mum said I would enjoy it, but I expected this was a 38 job.

I got in the car and Mum drove to this place. There was a house in the village that we went into to do our work. I had to put some 39 on the back of a golf cart (高尔夫球车). Mum told me we were going to take a toy and an ice-cream to every child in the village.

We got to the first house and I knocked on the door and shouted, “Gift Giving”, and a woman answered it. Sitting in the middle of the living room was a boy in a wheelchair. I gave him the gifts, and his face lighted up with 40 . I walked out and thought, “That must be painful, unable to jump around.”

As I came into the second house with gifts, it seemed a little strange that the child didn’t 41 me. Her mum said she was deaf and only partially (部分地) sighted, so I needed to go and stand in front of her. When I 42 that, she became very excited and made a sign with her hands. Her mum told me this was the sign for “ 43 ”.

44 back in the cart, Mum told me these kids might not live to see tomorrow. Suddenly, I 45 I should be more thankful that I don’t have these illnesses — that I was not in the same 46 as these kids. I no longer wanted to be at home listening to my CDs. I would rather be doing this, maybe making a difference in these kids’ lives. 35. A. parents B. families C. friends D. women 36. A. I B. they C. she D. we 37. A. making B. showing C. selling D. serving 38. A. special B. simple C. boring D. useless 39. A. gifts B. balls C. medicines D. hats 40. A. joy B. energy C. hope D. pride 41. A. welcome B. notice C. like D. thank 42. A. got B. made C. found D. did 43. A. thanks B. pleasure C. goodbye D. love 44. A. Since B. Though C. Once D. But 45. A. believed B. agreed C. remembered D. realized 46. A. village B. position C. society D. environment 顺义

五、完形填空(共12分,每空1分) 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。 I used to drive a car for a living. One day I met a special old lady.

When I arrived to 35 her, the building was dark. I realized that this passenger might need my 36 so I walked to the door and knocked. A small woman in her 80s opened.


I took her suitcase to the cab then 37 to help the woman. She thanked me. “It’s nothing,” I told her. “I just try to treat my mother 38 .”

When we got in the cab, she gave me an address then asked: ”Could you drive me 39 downtown?”

“That’s not the shortest way,” I answered quickly.

“Oh, I don’t 40 ,” she said. “I’m in no hurry. I’m on my way to a hospice(临终关怀医院).” Her eyes were shining.

“I don’t have any family left,” she continued. “The doctor says I don’t have very long.” I quietly 41 over and shut off the meter. For the next two hours, we drove through the city. She showed me all the buildings that meant something to her 42 .

As evening began to fall, she suddenly said:” I’m tired. Let’s go now.”

We were met at the hospice by two workers who helped 43 into a wheelchair.” How much do I owe(欠...债) you?” She asked. “ 44 .” I said.

I bent and gave her a hug. She smiled. “You gave me an old woman a little moment of joy.” she said. For the rest of that day, I could 45 talk. What if that woman had gotten an angry driver? I don’t think that I’ve done anything more important in my life.

We often expect great moments in our lives. But great moments are sometimes beautifully wrapped in what others might consider 46 and unimportant ones. 35. A. collect B. pick C. take D. meet 36. A. care B. work C. help D. come 37. A. tried B. smiled C. returned D. planted 38. A. treated B. pleased C. satisfied D. invited 39. A. over B. through C. across D. away 40. A. know B. think C. regret D. mind 41. A. reached B. turned C. stepped D. went 42. A. families B. stories C. address D. suitcase 43. A. me B. us C. her D. them

44. A. Something B. Nothing C. Anything D. Everything 45. A. quickly B. quietly C. hardly D. clearly 46. A. angry B. unhappy C. special D. small




I was born an albino(白化病人) in Pennsylvania in 1945. No one in my family had ever known what an albino was and what it (35) to be albino.

My family and friends never treated me as (36) else. That was just about the best thing they could have done. It helped me trust myself, so when troubles came along, I could (37) them.

Like most albinos, I had terrible eyesight, but the fact that I could hardly (38) didn’t trouble me that much.

Kids would make fun of me, calling me “Whitey”. People stared at me when I held reading material right at the tip(尖) of my (39) so that I could see it well enough. Even when I was eight, movie-theater


workers started asking me to pay full price because I “looked (40).”

The worst part for me was that (41) my eyesight was so bad, I couldn’t play sports very well. I didn’t (42) trying, though. I shot hoops(篮球框) every day. And I studied hard.

Finally, I got better at school and loved it. By the time I got to college, I was double majoring(专业), going to summer school and (43) myself with every activity I could find. I had learned to be proud of being an albino. I did my best to make “albino” a good word. And I decided to make my (44) with my eyes—and in sports.

I couldn’t see very well to play sports, but with a solid education and a drive to do it, I could make a living involved in the area I loved. I’ve done it now for over thirty years in print and in video, and now in cyberspace(网络空间). People make jokes about how I’m the only “blind editor” they know, but the jokes are of goodwill. Some of them are the signs of (45).

I was just a(an) (46) albino kid from the coal country of Pennsylvania. I now realize that being born an albino helped me to overcome difficulties, gain confidence and be proud of my personal achievement. 35. A. was B. called C. meant D. had 36. A. nobody B. everybody C. somebody D. anybody 37. A. go with B. deal with C. play with D. walk with 38. A. hear B. see C. smell D. feel 39. A. nose B. eyes C. ears D. finger 40. A. older B. taller C. uglier D. younger 41. A. until B. though C. because D. after all 42. A. enjoy B. keep C. give in D. give up 43. A. helping B. busying C. preparing D. offering 44. A. trouble B. plans C. face D. living 45. A. respect B. happiness C. comfort D. agreement 46. A. sad B. unlucky C. proud D. clever


