牛津译林版高中英语选修七Unit 4《Public transport》全单元教案 - 图文

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课 题 B7 Unit4 课时 9-1New words I 主备人 王玲 授 课 时 间 2008.03. 1.Enable the Ss to pronounce the new words and expressions properly and freely. 教 学 目 标 2.Help the Ss to master the usages of some important new words and expressions. 教学重、难点 How to enable the Ss to master the pronunciations of some words and its basic usages. 教、 学 具 A projector and some slides 预 习 要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit. 教师活动内容、方式 Step1 Lead-in First ,give the Ss several minutes to read the new words and expressions by themselves,then teach the Ss to read some words that are diffivult to be pronounced. Step2 Explanation 1.underground [n.] 地铁 [adj.] 地下的,在地下的 an underground passage 地下通道 [adv.] 在地下 go underground (组织,人等) 潜入地下 2.distinction: n. [U/ C] 声誉,声望,区别,级别,差别 Eg: I don’t understand your distinction: surely all painting is art? draw/make a distinction between 对…… 加以区别 gain/win distinction 出名 win a distinction for 因… 而获功勋 with distinction 以优异的成绩,以杰出的表现 without distinction 无差别的,一视同仁地 distinct: 清楚的,明显的,截然不同的,独特的be ~ from 练习:1. 你能区别这两个观点的不同吗? 2.他获得许多奖赏和荣誉。He won many prizes and distinctions. 3.他的兴趣完全不同于他的工作His hobbies are quite distinct from his work.. 3. distant [adj]遥远的,冷淡的,疏远的,不易见 be distant toward sb. 对某人冷淡 distance: n. 距离,远离,一长段时间,远方 in the distance 在远处 at a distance 相距,相隔,稍远处 from a distance 从一定距离 keep sb at a distance =keep one’s distance from 与…保持一定的距离 高考链接1.The faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _____ of 60 miles. A. length B. distance C. way D. space 2. The town is some ______ away. 3. I saw some smoke ______________________________(远处) 4. I can’t make out the words _________________________. (在远处) 4.Boundary [n.](复数-ries)界线,边界 界限,范围 学生活动内容、方式 e.g:We must go there by 旁 注 t underground ,only by this way can we get there on time. be indistinct Can you make / draw a distinction between these two points of view? E.g.1. At a distance of six miles you can’t see much. 2. We can see the ancient ruins in the distance. 3. You can see the picture clearly if you stand at a distance. 1.B 2. distance 3. in the distance 4.at a The river forms the boundary between the two states. (界线) It is beyond the boundaries of human knowledge. (范围) border: 指国与国、地区与地区之间的分界线,还可以说:flower border亦可以用于比喻。on the ~ (s) of madness :到了几乎要发疯的地步 boundary: 用来指较小的单位如农场、城镇、社区、县之间的界线。 5.transport [vt &n.] 输送,运送,运输(货物,人等) e.g:Transport is an important part of out lives That yellow bus transports passengers from airport to the city. The goods were transported by plane.那些物品是用飞机运输的. public transport 公共交通工具 means of transport 交通工具 辨析:communication 交通。指“通讯交往”。 traffic 交通。指马路上车辆、行人的流动。 transportation 交通。指把人或物从一处载到另一处。 means of transportation 运输工具 traffic jam交通阻塞 means of communication 通讯工具 6.historic adj. 有历史意义的,历史上著名的 historical adj. 有关历史的,历史上的 historical event 历史事件 history n. 历史,历史学 e.g:This is a historic occasion. 这是具有重大历史意义的时刻。 May 4,1919 is a historic day. 1919,5,4是具有历史意义的一天。 1).This area is of specially ___ interest. (historic) 2)I have been doing some ___ research. (historical) 7. choke off阻塞 The chimney is choked off with soot .那烟囱被烟垢堵住. choke back 抑制(愤怒,悲痛)choke down勉强咽下(食物) choke up 闷住,噎住;激动的说不出话来 8. beneath [prep.] [adv.]在……之下 The ground beneath my feet was soft.我脚下的地面是柔软的。 不足取,不适合 Such words are beneath you. Step3 Homework Review the usages of the words and related expressions learnt in this lesson. 课 题 B7 Unit4 课时 9-2New wordsII 主备人 1.a_____event(历史性事件) 2.a____site (史迹) 3.a______ novel (历史小说) 4.a_______play (历史剧) Key: 1. historic 2. historic 3. historical 4. historical distance 美国用 transportation ; 英国用transport 王玲 授 课 时 间 2008.03. 1.Enable the Ss to pronounce the new words and expressions properly and freely. 教 学 目 标 2.Help the Ss to master the usages of some important new words and expressions. 教学重、难点 How to enable the Ss to master the pronunciations of some words and its basic usages. 教、 学 具 A projector and some slides 预 习 要 求 Go over the new words and expressions 教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注 Step1 Revision Ask Ss to tell the usages of some key words learnt in the last lesson. He died comparatively Step 2 Explanation young. 他死时年纪并1. comparatively adv. 比较地,相对地 compare v/n 比较,对比 不大。 compare A to B 把A比作B Compare A with B 把A 和B相比 __with what you did last year,you have made great progress this year. narrowly escaped He (compared ) being punished他差一2. narrow 窄的, 狭隘的He has a narrow mind . 他度量很小 点受到惩罚 3. link up 连接,结合 The two companies linked up to hold a charity event. 两家公司联合举办了4.advanced adj.高级的、先进的、年老的 advanced Maths 一场慈善活动。 advance v/n 前进、进展 in advance 在前面、预先 be connected with in advance of 在――前面、超过 5. accelerate v. increases the speed; 加速, 促进。 [v] 与……相接,和…有联accelerated adj.加速的 acceleration n. 加速度 accelerator 加速器 系 accelerate the pace of 加快……的步伐 6. pace n.(1)速度,步伐 walk at a slow/fast pace keep pace with decelerate: v. to reduce speed 与…齐步并进∕并驾齐驱 at a … pace 以…的速度 e.g:The car (2)一步/步幅 take 3 paces forward 前进三步 decelerated at v. (1) 慢慢地走过 pace up down the sight of the (2) 步量,步测 we paced off/ out 100 meters. 步测100米 7. function n.「C」1)机能,功能,作用 the function of the nervespolice car 神经机能 the function of education教育功能 2)职务,职责,任务 the function of a judge 3)仪式,典礼 show one’s paces 显vi运作,起作用,产生功能 the machine is not functioning properly function as 用作……,起……的作用 示本领 8. inconvenient adj. 不方便的、不便利的 at one`s convenience 在某人方便的时候 be convenient to sb 对某人来说很方便 adj. 9. separately adv. 分别地、单独地、 separtate adj. 单独的、分functionless functional adj. 开的 Vt.分开 separation n.分离 10. authority n. 权力、权力机构、权威、权限 The room functions as by the authority of 得到…许可have authority over/with有权管理 a meeting room. in authority 有权 on one`s own authority 依据自己的意见 11.administration n.管理、经营、行政部门 under sb`s administration在某人管理下 during the administration of sb 在某人任期内 12.permit n.许可证、执照、通行证 V.允许、准许、许可(读The leader must be a 音不同) permit sb to do sth permit doing sth person of authority. Sb be permitted to do sth 允许做某事 领袖必须是有权威的 Time permitting(=If time permits),I`ll come and see you next week. 人。 13. undertake undertook undertaken Vt. 1).承担(工作,责任,……)承办 ~ sth. 时间允许的话,我会 2). 着手,进行,企图He undertook a new experiment. 来看你。 3). 保证,担保 He undertook to finish the work by Monday. 类似有

