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晓风残月 整理



复合式听写的短文长度一般为250字左右, 全文通读三遍, 要求考生在第一遍后能够了解材料的主要内容和关键信息。 第二遍要求考生根据听到的内容将短文中缺少的词汇填空, 第二遍朗读速度较慢。第三遍阅读速度最快,要求考生检查听写的内容。







accessible 易接近的,可达到的 access accustom 使习惯 acknowledge 承认,感谢 acknowledgement acquire 习得,获得 acquisition advantage 优势 advantageous, disadvantage aggressive 好斗的,有进取心的 alternative 二选一的,选择 ambiguous 含混不清的,模棱两可, ambiguity appropriate 适当的,合适的 inappropriate arbitrary 武断的,任意的 assemble 组装,集合 assess 评估,估计 assessment associate 结合,和相关 association assurance 保证,把握 bewilder 使迷惑,难住 coincidence 巧合 collaborate 合作 collaboration commit 犯错,犯罪;承诺 commitment commerce 贸易,商业 commercial 商业的,商业广告 competence 能力, 技能 competent 胜任的,称职的 complement 补充 compliment 赞美 compulsory 必修的,强制性的

complicated 复杂的 confidential 机密的 controversial 有争议的 controversy deficient 缺乏的,不足的 deficiency disciplined 遵守纪律的 discipline disguise 伪装,掩饰 distinctive 特别的,与众不同的 distinct dramatically 戏剧性地;引人注目地;显著的 eccentric 古怪的,异乎寻常的 ecological 生态的 ecological eligible 合意的,有资格当选的 enthusiastic 热情的 enthusiasm equivalent 等价的,相等物 exceptional 例外的,杰出的 excessive(ly) 过度,过分 exhaustion 耗尽,精疲力竭 exhaust extinct(ion) 熄灭,灭绝 extinguish 扑灭,消亡 extraordinary 非凡的,特别的 genuine 真的,非人造的 hinder 阻碍,妨碍,阻挡 harmonious 和谐的 hospitality 热情,好客 illiterate 文盲,无知的 illustrate 例证,说明 implement 实施,执行 implementation incidentally 顺便提及 incompatible 矛盾的,不兼容的 incredible 难以置信的 individual 个人的 individualism, individuality inevitable 必可避免的 influential 有影响力的 initiate 开创,发起 intelligent 聪明的 intelligence interfere 干预,干扰 intervene 干预,阻挠 magnify 扩大;增强 multiply 增加,(使)繁殖 overwhelming 巨大的,势不可挡的 overwhelm patriotic 爱国的 patriotism peculiar 古怪的,独特的 permanent 永久的,固定的 perpetual 永恒的 persistent 坚持不懈的

pollutant 污染物 predominant 占主导地位的,显著的 preliminary 初步的,预备的 prevail 流行,获胜 prevalent 流行的,普遍的 priority 优先权 privilege 特权,优惠 proficient 熟练的,精通的 proficiency profound 深刻的,深奥的 promote 提升,促进 promotion proportion 比例 proportionally按比例,成比例 psychological 心里上的,精神上的 psychology psychologist sensational 轰动的,耸人听闻的 sophisticated 老练的,精密的 spacious 宽敞的 specific 具体的,明确的 specify spontaneous 自发的,无意识的 statistics 统计资料 subsequent(ly) 随后,后来 subtle 微妙的,狡诈的 sufficient 足够的,充分的 superficial 表面的,肤浅的 supervision 监督 supervise, supervisor supplement 补充;增刊 supplementary suspicious 疑心的 sustainable 可持续的 unsustainable tedious 乏味的,单调的 temperament 气质,性格 transmission 传播,发送 transmit tremendous 巨大的,精彩的 unprecedented 史无前例的,空前的 vulnerable 易受攻击的



1. 大小写问题:专有名词,句子开头

2. 单词各音节间的辅音字母注意是否双写。success, process, necessary, recommend. 3. 一个音节之中注意元音的拼写。

4注意不发音的字母:island, exhausted, isle(小岛), comb. 5检查词尾的变形

1)名词:单数,复数,所有格,非谓语动词与谓语动词(ed, ing, s)形式,填原型的很少见。

2) 形容词注意比较级以及以al结尾的形容词。Natural,personal, emotional, artificial, additional

3)副词结尾的ly:wholly, completely, emotionally. 容易拼错的词:

Campaign, species, apparent, calendar, category ,changeable, committed, conscious, definitely, discipline, equipment, exceed, guarantee, leisure, license, miniature, noticeable, occasionally, possession, referred, recommend, restaurant, relevant, separate

二、句子听写:同义替换写难题 ①词汇层面上的同义替换:

1) I’ve got to go over my notes for tomorrow’s midterm.(study) 2) We’ll have to leave very early.(set off)

3) It looks like he bought out the bookshelf.(bought a lot of books) 4) I’ll have to get my ticket of the flight changed.(switch to)

5) Jane is counting the days to go home for the summer.(is eager to) 6) There’ll be another bus in two or three minutes.(soon)


1)You can use my new car if you drive it carefully. I agree to lend you my new car.

2)The reading list of English course is enormous

It’s going to require a lot of reading of the English course. 3)The teacher went over last Friday’s lesson today. The teacher reviewed a previous lesson today. 4)The train is behind the schedule. The train is late.

5)I hate to tell you this, but I can’t seem to find them. The tools I borrowed from you are missing.

6)If I were you, I would turn it in to the security office, it’s behind the administration building.

Hand in the ring to the security office. 三、复合式听写答题顺序及技巧 ①听之前:pre – listening

1. 对全文进行全局性预览:尤其是第一句(topic)最后一句(conclusion) 2. 观察空格前后的特殊现象,判断词性,单复数,时态 名词的位置判断: a, the之后是名词 介词后面是名词 动词前面是名词 No后面是名词 动词的位置判断: To后面是动词 主语后面是动词 情态动词后面是动词 形容词的位置判断: be后面是形容词

名词前面是形容词 副词的位置判断: 动词后面是副词




1. 省略虚词如:如冠词,助动词等

2. 遇到词组记每个单词首字母如 break down 就记作B D ,但一定要自己看得懂的

3. 长单词记前三个字母 如:experience 就记作 exp

4. 符号记忆 如:more than 就记作”>” less than 记作 “<” equal to 记作 “=”等等

5. 混合记忆 就是把上面几种方法混合起来用,还可以夹杂中文字等等


全面检查和补全前面记录下的东西 1. 检查漏词

a 检查漏掉的:介词(in ,on, at ??),冠词(a ,an , the),代词( it , this , that ?? ) b 检查错词


短单词容易和同音异义词混淆 ,检查时要和上下文连起来看看意思是不是对 3. 检查大小写

人名 地名 国家名 时间名(月份什么) 节日名 书名 文件名 商标名 历史事件名 宗教名首字都要大写 句首单词首字母也要大写

4. 检查名词单复数,形容词、副词比较级最高级,动词事态,语态


听 前:看 听 中:扔 听 后:补

这个九字诀的妙用就是确保考生:用最简单、最少的单词,写出最完整的含义。 听前看就是听之前利用考前至少1.5分钟的时间、听direction时间以及试音时间等至少3.5分钟时间,一是快速浏览文章,了解主题,推测一下文章线索,增加文章的熟悉度,心里放松,就很自信,这样做题才不至于被动,例如2010年12月的38题的commit是个非常典型的词组搭配题,但是尾音不清,只要浏览一下上下文,不至于写成commid,还有40题的scale很具有诱惑性,有些同学由于没有熟悉文章,写成skill;二是快速分析空格前后的单词特点,分析空格的词性、事态、单复数等,例如2010年12月的43题的averages的复数形式。

听中扔就是有的放矢,不要纠结于个别单词或者句子,对于大多数同学来讲,目标不是满分,因此要结合自己的能力有所取舍,当然,道理很简单,真正到了考场很多同学在那个紧张的状态下却做不到,这就是平时做模拟练习或者真题对自己要求放松所致,所以在考前一段时间里。一定要加强考场状态的模拟和练习,确保自己发挥真实水平或超长发挥。例如2010年12月的46题中的 went beyond the simple notion that hope is merely the sense that

everything will turn out all right 中的notion、turn out可能会写不出来,但是notion只要写出idea也会给分,turn out写成be也会给分的,simple、merely之类的词确不是必须写出来的。



Normal;heading 1;heading 2;heading 3;heading 4;heading 5;heading 6;heading 7;heading 8;heading 9;toc 1;toc 2;toc 3;toc 4;toc 5;toc 6;toc 7;toc 8;toc 9;caption;Title;Default Paragraph Font;Subtitle;Strong;Emphasis;Table Grid;Placeholder Text;No Spacing;Light Shading;Light List;Light Grid;Medium Shading 1;Medium Shading 2;Medium List 1;Medium List 2;Medium Grid 1;Medium Grid 2;Medium Grid 3;Dark List;Colorful Shading;Colorful List;Colorful Grid;Light Shading Accent 1;Light List Accent 1;Light Grid Accent 1;Medium Shading 1 Accent 1;Medium Shading 2 Accent 1;Medium List 1 Accent 1;Revision;List Paragraph;Quote;Intense Quote;Medium List 2 Accent 1;Medium Grid 1 Accent 1;Medium Grid 2 Accent 1;Medium Grid 3 Accent 1;Dark List Accent 1;Colorful Shading Accent 1;Colorful List Accent 1;Colorful Grid Accent 1;Light Shading Accent 2;Light List Accent 2;Light Grid Accent 2;Medium Shading 1 Accent 2;Medium Shading 2 Accent 2;Medium List 1 Accent 2;Medium List 2 Accent 2;Medium Grid 1 Accent 2;Medium Grid 2 Accent 2;Medium Grid 3 Accent 2;Dark List Accent 2;Colorful Shading Accent 2;Colorful List Accent 2;Colorful Grid Accent 2;Light Shading Accent 3;Light List Accent 3;Light Grid Accent 3;Medium Shading 1 Accent 3;Medium Shading 2 Accent 3;Medium List 1 Accent 3;Medium List 2 Accent 3;Medium Grid 1 Accent 3;Medium Grid 2 Accent 3;Medium Grid 3 Accent 3;Dark List Accent 3;Colorful Shading Accent 3;Colorful List Accent 3;Colorful Grid Accent 3;Light Shading Accent 4;Light List Accent 4;Light Grid Accent 4;Medium Shading 1 Accent 4;Medium Shading 2 Accent 4;Medium List 1 Accent 4;Medium List 2 Accent 4;Medium Grid 1 Accent 4;Medium Grid 2 Accent 4;Medium Grid 3 Accent 4;Dark List Accent 4;Colorful Shading Accent 4;Colorful List Accent 4;Colorful Grid Accent 4;Light Shading Accent 5;Light List Accent 5;Light Grid Accent 5;Medium Shading 1 Accent 5;Medium Shading 2 Accent 5;Medium List 1 Accent 5;Medium List 2 Accent 5;Medium Grid 1 Accent 5;Medium Grid 2 Accent 5;Medium Grid 3 Accent 5;Dark List Accent 5;Colorful Shading Accent 5;Colorful List Accent 5;Colorful Grid Accent 5;Light Shading Accent 6;Light List Accent 6;Light Grid Accent 6;Medium Shading 1 Accent 6;Medium Shading 2 Accent 6;Medium List 1 Accent 6;Medium List 2 Accent 6;Medium Grid 1 Accent 6;Medium Grid 2 Accent 6;Medium Grid 3 Accent 6;Dark List Accent 6;Colorful Shading Accent 6;Colorful List Accent 6;Colorful Grid Accent 6;Subtle Emphasis;Intense Emphasis;Subtle Reference;Intense Reference;Book Title;Bibliography;TOC Heading; 听 前:看

听 中:扔 听 后:补

这个九字诀的妙用就是确保考生:用最简单、最少的单词,写出最完整的含义。 听前看就是听之前利用考前至少1.5分钟的时间、听direction时间以及试音时间等至少


听中扔就是有的放矢,不要纠结于个别单词或者句子,对于大多数同学来讲,目标不是满分,因此要结合自己的能力有所取舍,当然,道理很简单,真正到了考场很多同学在那个紧张的状态下却做不到,这就是平时做模拟练习或者真题对自己要求放松所致,所以在考前一段时间里。一定要加强考场状态的模拟和练习,确保自己发挥真实水平或超长发挥。例如2010年12月的46题中的 went beyond the simple notion that hope is merely the sense that everything will turn out all right 中的notion、turn out可能会写不出来,但是notion只要写出idea也会给分,turn out写成be也会给分的,simple、merely之类的词确不是必须写出来的。



Normal;heading 1;heading 2;heading 3;heading 4;heading 5;heading 6;heading 7;heading 8;heading 9;toc 1;toc 2;toc 3;toc 4;toc 5;toc 6;toc 7;toc 8;toc 9;caption;Title;Default Paragraph Font;Subtitle;Strong;Emphasis;Table Grid;Placeholder Text;No Spacing;Light Shading;Light List;Light Grid;Medium Shading 1;Medium Shading 2;Medium List 1;Medium List 2;Medium Grid 1;Medium Grid 2;Medium Grid 3;Dark List;Colorful Shading;Colorful List;Colorful Grid;Light Shading Accent 1;Light List Accent 1;Light Grid Accent 1;Medium Shading 1 Accent 1;Medium Shading 2 Accent 1;Medium List 1 Accent 1;Revision;List Paragraph;Quote;Intense Quote;Medium List 2 Accent 1;Medium Grid 1 Accent 1;Medium Grid 2 Accent 1;Medium Grid 3 Accent 1;Dark List Accent 1;Colorful Shading Accent 1;Colorful List Accent 1;Colorful Grid Accent 1;Light Shading Accent 2;Light List Accent 2;Light Grid Accent 2;Medium Shading 1 Accent 2;Medium Shading 2 Accent 2;Medium List 1 Accent 2;Medium List 2 Accent 2;Medium Grid 1 Accent 2;Medium Grid 2 Accent 2;Medium Grid 3 Accent 2;Dark List Accent 2;Colorful Shading Accent 2;Colorful List Accent 2;Colorful Grid Accent 2;Light Shading Accent 3;Light List Accent 3;Light Grid Accent 3;Medium Shading 1 Accent 3;Medium Shading 2 Accent 3;Medium List 1 Accent 3;Medium List 2 Accent 3;Medium Grid 1 Accent 3;Medium Grid 2 Accent 3;Medium Grid 3 Accent 3;Dark List Accent 3;Colorful Shading Accent 3;Colorful List Accent 3;Colorful Grid Accent 3;Light Shading Accent 4;Light List Accent 4;Light Grid Accent 4;Medium Shading 1 Accent 4;Medium Shading 2 Accent 4;Medium List 1 Accent 4;Medium List 2 Accent 4;Medium Grid 1 Accent 4;Medium Grid 2 Accent 4;Medium Grid 3 Accent 4;Dark List Accent 4;Colorful Shading Accent 4;Colorful List Accent 4;Colorful Grid Accent 4;Light Shading Accent 5;Light List Accent 5;Light Grid Accent 5;Medium Shading 1 Accent 5;Medium Shading 2 Accent 5;Medium List 1 Accent 5;Medium List 2 Accent 5;Medium Grid 1 Accent 5;Medium

Grid 2 Accent 5;Medium Grid 3 Accent 5;Dark List Accent 5;Colorful Shading Accent 5;Colorful List Accent 5;Colorful Grid Accent 5;Light Shading Accent 6;Light List Accent 6;Light Grid Accent 6;Medium Shading 1 Accent 6;Medium Shading 2 Accent 6;Medium List 1 Accent 6;Medium List 2 Accent 6;Medium Grid 1 Accent 6;Medium Grid 2 Accent 6;Medium Grid 3 Accent 6;Dark List Accent 6;Colorful Shading Accent 6;Colorful List Accent 6;Colorful Grid Accent 6;Subtle Emphasis;Intense Emphasis;Subtle Reference;Intense Reference;Book Title;Bibliography;TOC Heading;





复合式听写的短文长度一般为250词左右,全文朗读三遍,第二遍中间有停顿,单词听写停顿15秒,句子停顿1分钟。要求考生在第一遍后能够了解材料的主要内容和关键信息。 第二遍要求考生根据听到的内容将短文中缺少的部分填空。第三遍要求考生检查听写的内容。听写填空对于四级考生来讲,主要难度在于词汇的掌握和理解,尤其是测试中常见的高频词汇。

复合式听写的四个考察点: 1. 语音辨析能力 2. 拼写能力 3. 速记能力

4. 逻辑分析和归纳能力


1. 连读

think it over, look at each other, check it over, sell it. 2. 失去爆破弱化爆破

bad taste, wanted to, decided to, next door/next store, midnight 3. 爆破音连读

A big black bug beat a big black bear make the black bear bleed blood. 4. 缩略音

you’ll, you’ve, you’d.



1. 在选材上,复合式听写多为说明文或议论文,涉及科普、经济、社会、历史、文化等多方面,且其观点鲜明、条理清楚。这为考生准确捕捉所需信息提供了语境条件。

2. 在设题上,所需填写信息虽然都是未知信息,但这些信息彼此并不是孤立的,而是从文章里挑选出来的。也就是说,未知信息是和已知信息联系在一起的,这为考生通过已知信息推断未知信息提供了可能。

3. 在考查的时间上,尽管本题每部分的每一个小题留出的填写时间是固定的、有限的,但在播放考试内容前要播放本题的考试指令部分。而且除了给定答题时间的第二遍之外,还用正常语速播放两遍,这些时间都是可以利用的。 4. 在考查的难度上,虽然本题型的第二部分要求填写的内容较长,但并不要求考生把听到的内容一字不差地写下来,考生只需把听到的内容的大意用自己的话表达出来即可,这在一定程度上降低了听写的难度。



1. 不仅考听的能力,还考单词拼写、信息记录和内容概括的能力。作为听力题,复合式听写当然以考查听的能力为主。如果第一部分的单词没听出来或第二部分的意思没听明白,其他一切都免谈。但是仅仅听懂还是远远不够的,在听懂的基础上,考生还必须把本题第一部分听到的单词正确地拼写出来,把第二部分听到的内容要点记录下来,并结合记忆概括地表达出来(当然,如果你能一字不差地把第二部分的内容写出来更好)。例如,在2006年6月的四级试题中,第一部分的\、\、\等单词都比较长,考生少写、多写或写错一个字母该题将不能得分。2006年12月的四级试题中,第二部分的最后一题原文内容为:\formal language and others that are informal.\这句话共19个单词,只凭记忆很难把它准确地写出来,这就要求考生把听到的要点记下来,然后再用自己的话概括出来。

2. 不仅考单词和句子,而且考语法。从形式上看,本题的两部分主要考单词和句子。但由于录音中的连读、弱读等现象的存在,有时只靠听难以辨别名词是单数还是复数,动词是现在分词还是过去分词等等,考生须根据已具备的语法知识来加以推断,得出正确的结论。例如,2006年12月四级试题的复合式听写中有这样的内容:\would also use formal English in compositions and (41) _______ that you write in school. Informal language is used in conversation with (42) ________, family members and friends, and when we write (43) ________ notes or letters to close friends.\其中,41题的答案是\,为复数形式,但因为同后面的that连读,很难听清是单数还是复数。但根据其前面的\考生很容易推断出这里需要的可数名词essay一定为复数形式。同样,42题答案\也可以通过这样的方法推测出来。

3. 不仅考词义,而且考词性。一般情况下,只要听出单词的正确发音,结


4. 不仅考单句,而且考句与句之间的逻辑关系。逻辑是指上下文的因果、转折、递进、解释等关系。考生可根据这些关系,在听录音之前即可概略地预测所缺单词,从而做到心中有数。例如,1998年1月四级考题:\ Michael's (4) success hasn't always come easy. (5) ____ his intelligence, he still lacks important life (6) _______.\由上下文的逻辑关系可以判断第5小题应该填Despite,即\虽然他聪明,但却缺乏很重要的生活......。\

5. 不仅考细节,而且考主题或结论。第二部分的考查主要分两种情况:一是考细节,二是考主题或结论。例如,1998年1月四级考题:Another challenge was his size. (8) __________. He likes computers so much (9) ______ . He wants to make robots do all the heavy tasks (10) _____.第8小题横线上的录音内容为\physical education was difficult, because all of the equipment was too big for the then five-year-old student.\这显然是用来说明\的细节。而第10小题的答案为\这是全文的结论。

四、 应试技巧





3)录音第二遍:完整记录下前8个单词,进一步补充句子的主干。 4)录音第三遍:全面整合填空内容,将单词句子补充完整。 2、全面检查五步走:


2)单词拼写错误(句子的准确性)。 3)句首字母大写(句子格式的正确)。 4)动词时态、语态(句子时态和语态正确)。

5)名词单复数、单词的词缀、形容词和副词的比较级(句子语法正确)。 关于前八空:前八空的单词的出题标准很简单,即能够听懂,但是很容易写错。例如:typical被大部分人写成tipical, describe被大部分人写成


破解之道:(1)那些你总也背不会的,或者能够听懂,但总写错的单词,请把它们单独记录在一个本子上,随时增加,随时复习,解决一个是一个。(2)前八空的单词涉及到的大小写、单复数、和最高级、时态、语态等多种变化完全属于语法技巧,和听力基本脱钩,所以,建议大家一定在填写单词时注意单词前方的词汇和语句信息,这样就能够避免低级错误出现。 关于后三空:对于后三空,强烈建议各位考生,请不要听到什么就写什么,而按照考试要求的第二种方式,即按照自己的话把要点写下来进行填写。 纵观几次复合式听写,难度越来越大。事实上,除了97年和98年的句子听写还能够勉强让少数同学做到听到什么就写什么,其余几次听写,由于难度加大,此举只能够让你“提前结束战斗”。

如果不信,请看真题. 如何按照自己的语言写下来呢? 例如:

就像当你在填写句子时听到immediately这个词你会写成at once, 听到journey会写成trip一样,句子的转变也是一个道理。即在保持句子主要含义的情况下,长句子变短,难句子变易。



例如,Michael,直接变成he, 而Mary则可以为she, 若听到Michael and Mary,则变成they.

复杂一些的:I used to study in that university. 可以变成:I studied there.

最典型的案例就某年的第8句,原句的后半句为:because all of the equipments were too big for the five-year old student,


Because the equipments were big for him. (the five-year old student 用him代替)


即,将句子中不影响句意的状语等修饰成分尽量删减。 例如,

the train is somewhat behind schedule可以改为: The train is late.

(somewhat就是明显不影响句意的修饰成分) 方式三:句式转换


例如:the baby waited to arrive until we got to the hospital.综合全文的意思,

此句的含义是:直到我们到医院,孩子才生下来。 可以写成,the baby was born when we arrived.

这样,对于until句式的不熟悉感就能够瞬间转化了。另外,英文十分喜欢使用被动句式,这和中文恰恰相反,所以,被动句转为主动句,也会给考生带来一些便利。 复合式听写句子部分 演绎法填句







Section B Compound Dictation

Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage Three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. Then listen to the passage again. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from S1 to S7 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from S8 to S10 you are required to fill in missing information. You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time,

you should check what you have written.




通过卷面文字捕捉信息,找出线索、了解大意。\复合式听写\材料多为说明文,这一体裁的文章具有主题突出,条理分明,层次清楚,语言简洁,逻辑性强的特点。文章的开头或段首多半有主题句(topic sentence),之后的段、句进一步具体扩展、说明或论证主题句。段首和段尾均有完整的主题句。考生应利用一切机会,如考前空隙或播放考试指令时间,浏览试卷该项下的文字部分,尤其是主题句,根据主题句预测文章发展线索和大意。

Passage One

If you are a young college student, most of your concerns about your health and happiness in life are probably (S1) _________ on the present. Basically, you want to feel good physically, mentally, and (S2)_______now. You probably don't spend much time worrying about the (S3)_______future, such as whether you will develop heart disease, or (S4)________,how you will take care of yourself in your (S5)_______years, or how long you are going to live. Such thoughts may have (S6)_______your mind once in a while, however, if you are in your thirties, forties, fifties, or older, such health related thoughts are likely to become(S7)________important to you.

(S8)_________that will help you feel better physically and mentally. Recently researchers have found that, even in late adulthood, exercise, strength training with weights, and better food can help elderly individuals significantly improve their health and add happiness to their life. (S9)_________ giving us the opportunity to avoid some of health problems that have troubled them. (S10)____________

(S1) focused (S2) emotionally (S3) distant (S4) cancer

(S5) retirement (S6) crossed

(S7) increasingly

(S8)Regardless of your age, you can make a number of important changes in your current life style

(S9)We know much more about preventive health today than our parents and grandparents did in the past,

(S10)And this new knowledge can be transmitted to our children to help them become healthier than our generation.

(1) present-now-future

(2) Para. 1 Changes of people's concerns (young——older) (3) Para. 2 how to feel better and avoid some health problems



(2)听第一遍录音应从大处着眼,小处着手,听为主,记为辅,听写结合,双管齐下 听第一遍录音时应尽量放松,抓主要信息(大处着眼),将注意力集中在空格部分,尤其注意听清或写下第一个词和最后一个词(小处着手)。否则,就可能糊里糊涂地什么也没听清。要特别提醒:听第一遍时不要手忙脚乱、边听边记,或为了某一个词而造成意识上的暂时停顿,破坏整句或整段的理解。

第一遍是全文朗读,要求考生注意听懂全文内容。由于听音前考生已浏览了卷面文字,对听力材料有了大致的了解,因此听读第一遍时,考生可以适当地填写些单词和做些笔记,听为主,记为辅。第一遍记下关键词有助于第二遍听写时启发记忆,提示要点,同时也减轻了第二遍笔记的任务,使笔记更加充实、完整,依次与出的内容要点才会更加全面、准确。听和记两种不同的语言技能在\复合式听写\中有着紧密的联系,相互促进。 (3)听第二遍录音时,留神停顿信号,注意意群和关键词语。



首先,可使用缩略语。可用esp.代especially,sth代something, apprec代appreciation等。没有缩略语的词汇,如字母较少的单词,可完整写出该词,如gift, take,字母较多的单词(只写该词前几个字母;这里的基本要求是快速,省时,并能表达含义。缩略语不一定要求规范,甚至可用些符号,所记内容不一定要求完整,只要能起到提示的作用,自己能看懂就行了。


另外,因为\复合式听写\第二部分只要求写出内容要点,这样考生应重点记下句中的中心词。短语a thank-you gift,greatly appreciated和quite acceptable中的定、状语便可略去不记。



如果都已记下,就重点检查、修正记录内容。考生应针对以上内容及第一部分和第二部分的主题句进行诊断,判断,概括。文章要点显然不可缺漏,但也并非多多益善,考生应分清主次,有所取舍,从这个意义上说,\复合式听写\还要求考生具有一定的逻辑分析和归纳能力。文字表达应简洁、通顺、准确。 如:分析Passage Two 的原文:

S8 seven bad men jumped out at me; one of them had a knife, and we got into a fight.

S9. She was trying to get to the hospital, but there was a bad traffic jam. S10. the baby waited to \ Passage Two的参考答案:

(S8) seven bad men jumped out at me/came to me and we got into/began a fight. (S9) She was trying to get to/going to the hospital. But there was a bad traffic


(S10) the baby arrived in the hospital. 我们不难发现它有以下特点:


2.要点尽可能用完整的简单句表达,不宜用短语,句式也不宜过于复杂。 3.尽量省去语句中可有可无的修饰成份。



\复合式听写\第三遍朗读供考生进行核对,核对是最后必不可少的环节,考生应抓住时机弥补前两遍听音时所忽略或遗漏的内容,进一步修改和完善自己的答案。听写第一部分要求考生填入所缺单词,有时考生只凭辩音仍难以准确地判断出应为何词,此时考生可运用自己的语言知识,修正听力细节上的不足。主要可以从语法结构,词语搭配、意义连贯、上下文等多角度去推测、分析和判断,并正确拼写出单词。而在核对听写第二部分内容要点表达时,则应注意力求要点完整、准确,尽量减少语言中语法、拼写等错误。单词是否拼写正确往往暗示你是否真正听懂了。写错了单词而且错误还比较多的话,很难说你已听懂了。所以,平时应加强拼写练习。 出题规律 1)1-7题设计规律

① 所填单词以实词为主。97,98两年的复合式听写中只有一个是介词,其他13个全是名词、形容词或副词。

② 7个单词以评价性词汇为主,也就是说可以从上下文找到说明的信息。如97年6月的复合式听写:

In police work, you can never predict the next crime or problem. No working day is identical to any other, so there is no (1)\day for a police officer.

既然没有一天是相同的,也就没有哪一天是\典型的\。根据这种因果说明可以判断所填单词为typical。而没有一天完全相同,也正说明了警察的工作富于变化,由此也可以判断下面的第5个空填variety ( I think I can (describe) police word in one word:(5) _______.)。

③ 表示上下义的词汇为题眼


Very few people can get college degree before 11, but Michael was an exception. He started high school when he was 5, finishing in just nine months. He became the (S1) ______ youngest college graduate when he was 10 years and 4 months old, earning an (S2)______ degree. Now at 11 Michael's working on a master's degree in (S3)______ intelligence. But Michael's (S4) ______ hasn't always come easy. (S5) ______ his intelligence, he still lacks important life(S6) ______. In one class, he had to struggle to understand (S7) ______ novels, because, he says, \11. I've never been in love before.\

Another challenge was his size. (S8) ______________________________He likes computers so much (S9)______________________________________ He wants to make robots do all the heavy tasks. (S10)___________________________________ . (S1) world's (S2) architecture (S3) artificial (S4) success (S5) Despite (S6) experiences (S7) romantic

(S8) high school physical education was difficult, because all of the equipment was too big for the then five-year-old student.

(S9) that in graduate school he's studying how to make them think like people. (S10) Michael is smart, but he is like every other kid.

文章的第一段介绍了Michael如何5岁上高中,10岁上大学,11岁攻读硕士学位。第二段开始一个转折,介绍他的这种\成功\也来之不易。 所填单词为以上信息的上义词,对上文的总结,自然应该是success。(But Michael's _____ hasn't always come easy.)

④ 表示同义或反义的词汇为题眼


One day, for example, I was working undercover; that is, I was on the job, but I was wearing (6)____ clothes, not my police (7)______.

通常情况下警察所穿的应该是\制服\,即uniform,这样,police uniform和normal clothes就构成反义关系。根据(6)(7)的对照关系,可以判断(6)所表示的应该是\便装\,这也正式对上文working undercover的解释。 ⑤ 对文章叙述逻辑的考查


But Michael's (success) hasn't always come easy. (5)______ his intelligence, he still lacks important life (6)_______. In one class, he had to struggle to understand (7)______ novels, because, he says, \ 11. I've never been in love before.\

由上下文个逻辑关系可以判断(5)应该填Despite,即虽然他很聪慧,但却缺乏很重要的生活??。后面在课上所发生的事情是说明他缺乏(??)的一个例证。例证本身不仅说明了(6)应该填experiences,同时加上后文中的\11. I've never been in love before.\说明(7)应该填love或romantic。

8-10基本上是三句话,从句子内容来看,大体有两种情况。 ① 用于说明主题的细节

这部分听写一般是段落的主题已经给出,要求同学们补全细节。如98年考题: Another challenge was his size. (8) _____________________________. 紧接着的一句显然是用来说明Another challenge was his size.的,原句是high school physical education was difficult, because all of the equipment was too big for the then five-year-old student.

97年的8-10题也是如此,所描述的是用来说明警察工作危险的细节。请看原文: Sometimes, it's dangerous. One day, for example, I was working undercover,??? I was trying to catch some robbers who were

stealing money from people as they walked down the street. Suddenly, (8) ____. Another policeman arrived, and together, we arrested three of the men; but the other four ran away. Another day, I helped a woman who was going to have a baby. (9) ______. I put her in my

police car to get her there faster. I thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car. But fortunately, (10) ____________.

② 概括性的结论或主题外语教育网版权所有www.for68.com

95年以来,复合式听写只考过几次,其中98年的第十句为结论句(Michael is smart, but he is like every other kid. )是全文的一个概括。主题与结论作为文章的重点之笔应该是听力理解的重点,也应该是复合式听力所应包含的内容。 解题技巧:

根据上面所谈的复合式听写的特点,建议在做复合式听写时最好做到以下几点: ① 注意话题知识的运用,文章的话题规定了用词范围。 ② 利用词汇的上下义和同义词和反义词的关系。 ③ 根据上下文推测词汇的运用。

④ 在做8-10题时,在不能将原句完全记下的情况下, 将关键词记下来, 然后根据关键词,结合文章叙述的逻辑,重新编写句子。 (2003.1)

It's difficult to imagine the sea ever running out of fish. It's so vast, so deep, so (S1)_______. Unfortunately, it's not bottomless. Overfishing, (S2)________ with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and (S3)________ their environment.

Destroy the fish, and you destroy the fishermen's means of living. At least 60 ( S4)___________ of the world's commercially important fish (S5)____________ are already over fished, or fished to the limit. As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing.

Big, high tech fleets (S6)________ that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying. That's an (S7)________ of more than 20 million metric tons every year. (S8)_________________________

In some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns (对虾)caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

True, (S9)_________________ , before every ocean becomes a de ad sea. (S10)____________________ , then catch them in a way that doesn't kill other innocent sea life. S1mysterious S2 coupled S3 ruining S4 percent S5 species S6 ensure S7 average

S8 When you consider, that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem.

S9 some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it's vital we find rational ways of fishing,

S10 It would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce,

It's difficult to imagine the sea ever running out of fish. It's so vast, so deep, so mysterious. Unfortunately, it's not bottomless. Over fishing, coupled with destructive fishing practices, is killing off the fish and ruining their environment. 

Destroy the fish, and you destroy the fishermen's means of living. At least 60 percent of the world's commercially important fish species are already over fished, or fished to the limit. As a result, governments have had to close down some areas of sea to commercial fishing. 

Big, high-tech fleets ensure that everything in their path is pulled out of water. Anything too small, or the wrong thing, is thrown back either dead or dying. That's an average of more than 20 million metric tons every year. 

When you consider that equals a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem. In some parts of the world, for every kilogram of prawns (对虾)caught, up to 15 kilograms of unsuspecting fish and other marine wildlife die, simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

True, some countries are beginning to deal with this problem, but it's vital we find rational ways of fishing, before every ocean becomes a dead sea.  It would make sense to give the fish enough time to recover, grow to full size and reproduce, then catch them in a way that doesn't kill other innocent sea life 复合式听写很大程度上利用了完形填空的词汇和篇章技巧,同时在有三题中又运用了写作的技法。但是否能够以适当的语言准确地补全短文所缺信息,不是技巧本身所能做到的,需要考生平时加强这方面的训练。



1.做好复合式听写的应试准备,应注意以下三点: ① 理解好题意,做到心中有数 在听写考试中,不少考生由于过度紧张而忽视了题意,所以本应该完成得非常好的题从手中错过。有时Compound Dictation考试从11到17应填 single word; 从18到20则要求

“use your own words to finish the sentence”. 有的考生在做第18~20个填空时,由于没弄懂题意,只想着全部听写下来,结果感到速度太快,记不下来。听写部分意思虽然理解了,也没用自己的话表达,白白地丢掉了好几分。 ② 抢用短文,预测听写内容

考生可利用听指令前的空隙,略看一下短文,做到“有的放矢”。例如有一年六月份大学英语四级考试中的听写文章,考生扫一眼便会知道是一篇关于policeman和他们的job的事,这样就不会措手不及,心慌意乱,影响正常水平的发挥了。 ③ 使用速记方法,从文中找出答案


例如:eq-equal;t-teacher; sts-students, ad-advertisement等等。先速记,然后再展开这些单词,这样所听的内容就不易漏掉了。此外,学生还会出现另一种现象,就是听懂了词意,不会写单词。遇到这样的问题,我们不妨从上下文找一找,看看是否有帮助提示的地方。例如有这样一段话: …of the United States Monday. The earthquake observatory in San Francisco reported today. 听写的句子慢An earthquake shook the northwestern coast. 有些学生不会写地震 earthquake 这个字,我们通过上下文,便会很容易地写下这个单词。

2.听写填空对于四级考生来讲,主要难度在于词汇的掌握、理解和句子的重构。 ① 关于前七空:

前七空的单词的出题标准很简单,即能够听懂,但是很容易写错。例如97年的typical被大部分人写成tipical, describe被大部分人写成discribe,2001年的environmental,很多人会忘记写n……总之,拼写总能够让你把貌似简单的单词弄错。


另外,前七空的单词也会涉及单复数、时态、语态等多种变化。此类变化完全属于语法技巧,和听力基本脱钩,所以,建议考生一定在填写单词时注意单词前方的词汇和语句信息,这样就能够避免低级错误出现。 ② 关于后三空:


纵观几年的复合式听写,难度越来越大。事实上,除了97年和98年的句子听写还能够勉强让少数同学做到听到什么就写什么,其余四次听写,由于难度加大,此举只能够让考生“提前结束战斗”。例如: 2003年1月听写第八句:

When you consider that equal a quarter of the world catch, you begin to see the size of the problem。


The library provides books and materials to the US congress and also lends books to other American libraries, government agencies and foreign libraries.


immediately这个词你会写成at once, 听到journey会写成trip一样,句子的转变也是一个道理。即在保持句子主要含义的情况下,长句子变短,难句子变易。

方式一:名次转代 即,将听到的复杂名次尽量向代词过渡以此节省拼写时间,减少拼写错误。例如,Michael,直接变成he, 而Alexander则可以为she, 若听到Michael and Alexander,则变成they. 复杂一些的:I used to study in that university.可以变成:I studied there. 最典型的案例就是98年1月的第8句,原句的后半句为:because all of the equipments were too big for the then five-year old student,按照此方式,句子瞬间简化成:Because the equipments were big for him. (the then five-year old student 用him代替) 方式二:修饰从无


例如, the train is somewhat behind schedule可以改为:The train is late.(somewhat就是明显不影响句意的修饰成分) 方式三:句式转换


例如97年6月的第10句:the baby waited to arrive until we got to the hospital.综合全文的意思,此句的含义是:直到我们到医院,孩子才生下来。而按照国人的英语习惯,这句话明显可以写成,the baby was born when we arrived. 这样,对于until句式的不熟悉感就能够瞬间转化了。另外,英文十分喜欢使用被动句式,这和中文恰恰相反,所以,被动句转为主动句,也会给考生带来一些便利。


总结 总之,听力技巧的掌握以考生综合英语水平为基础,考生首先要具备较强的英语的耳听意会能力,对比较简单的概念最好能直接用英语进行思维,做到不用译成汉语也能理解听到的内容;同时应具备较强的英语快速阅读能力,才能迅速记下所听到的内容,在听力、听写测试中取得满意的成绩,顺利地通过大学英语四级考试


Preserve, appreciate, households, chat, convenient, rates, receive, submit; curious, figuring, independent, unusual, interacting, format, abstract, mystery

Classified, background, album, appreciation, context, implies, image, instruments; concentrated, information, depends, straight, row, suspected, phenomenon, effectively

Trend, phenomenon, scene, offences, murder, particularly, explosion, associated; labor, ingredients, vital, individuals, engage, figures, generating, currently

Alarming, increased, sheer, disturbing, comparison, proportion, force, reverse; meaning, adjusting, aware, competition, standards, Accustomed, semester, inquire

Future, trained, admire, schedule, considerate, waste, visible, necessarily; mysterious, coupled, ruining, percent, species, limit, ensure, average

Focused, emotionally, distant, cancer, retirement, crossed, related, increasingly; natural, usage, exception, particular, reference, essays, colleagues, personal

