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福布斯(Forbes)商业生涯语粹 成功思维Thought for success
1917年,《福布斯》杂志创立时的宗旨,是基于一种热切的愿望,要在商业世界里撒播荒废已久的人文精神。自创刊以来,每一期的《福布斯》都有这样的标题:“在所有值得拥有的事物中,最重要的是拥有了解”(With all thy getting, get understanding)。不仅如此,这些年来,我们从未间断,在每一期的杂志里留一整个扉页给“商业生涯语粹”,将古今圣贤的省思凝化为一种生活的哲思,以及宽宏的包容与慈悲。我一直深信,美好的远景终将到来,雇主与员工,以及所有的人类都会明白,对他人的服务,正是最佳的待己之道。
------福布斯(B. C. Forbes)
洁净的启示 服务时的满足 建议的力量 热情的愉悦 原创力的优势 耐心的美德 合作的报偿 坚忍的果实
失败时的运动精神 胜利时的欢笑 准备的智慧 自信的价值 诚实的意义 工作的恩典 奋斗中的纪律 人格的魅力 健康的风采 单纯的力量 赏心悦目的礼仪 谦恭的吸引力 --------海斯特(Rolla C. Hester) 成就Achievement
Think of yourself as on the threshold of unparalleled success. A whole clear, glorious life lies before you. Achieve! Achieve! - -------Andrew Carnegie 想象自己正面临空前的成功关头,灿烂光明的远景就在眼前。前进!前进! --------安德鲁·卡内基 Achievement is the death of endeavor and the birth of disgust. ------Ambrose Bierce 成就乃努力的结束,厌恶的开始。 -------安布罗斯·比尔斯 An unsurprising person believes according to what he achieves. An aspiring person achieves according to what he believes. -------Sri Chinmoy 平庸者信奉既有的成就,胸怀大志者成就未完成的信念。 -------斯里·钦摩 Success is counted sweetest by those who never succeed. -------Emily Dickinson 从未成功的人视成功为最甜美的事。 -------艾米丽·迪金森 For unflagging interest and enjoyment, a household of children, if things go reasonably well, certainly makes all other forms of success and achievements lose their importance by comparison. -----Theodore Roosevelt 一屋子小孩的高昂兴致和欢愉,将使各种功名尘就相形失色。 ------西奥多·罗斯福 So great has been the endurance, so incredible the achievement, that, as long as the sun keeps a set course in heaven, it would be foolish to despair of the human race. ------Ernest L. Woodward 愈是坚忍,成就愈是不凡。只要太阳仍依宇宙的轨道运行不辍,所有对人生竞赛的绝望便显得愚蠢。
------恩奈斯特·L·伍德沃德 It takes a highly intellectual individual to enjoy leisure??Most of us had better count on working. What a man really wants is creative challenge with sufficient skills to bring him within the reach of success so that he may have the expanding joy of achievement. -------Dr. Fay B. Nash 智者方能享受闲逸,而大部分人最好投注于工作之中。人们真正需要的是创造性的挑战和丰富的技能,以引领其迈向成功,欢享成就之乐。 -----费·纳什博士 Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them was superior to circumstance. -------Bruce Barton 除非敢坚信自己的确胜人一筹,否则难以缔造辉煌的成就。 -------布鲁斯·巴顿 Success is the reward for accomplishment. --------Harry F. Banks 成功乃实践之奖赏。 --------哈里·班克斯 Success is a ruthless competitor for it flatters and nourishes our weaknesses and lulls us into complacency. We bask in the sunshine of accomplishment and lose the spirit of humility which helps us visualize all the factors which have contributed
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to our success. ------Samuel Tilden 成功是个无情的对手,它助长我们的缺点,并使我们志得意满。当我们沐浴在成功的温暖光芒下,便丧失了帮助我们看清一切、裨益成功的谦逊精神。 ------赛谬尔·迪尔登 The difference between failure and success is doing a thing nearly right and doing it exactly right. ------Edward C. Simmons 失败与成功之别,在于“几乎做对”与“完全做对”。 ------爱德华·西蒙斯 You can’t anything without getting in someone’s way. You can’t be detached and effective. -------Abba Eban 若不超越他人,即无法成就功业。公正无私与追求绩效实难两全。 ------阿巴·伊班 The secret of the true love of work is the hope of success in that work; not for the money reward, for the time spent, or for the skill exercised, but for the successful result in the accomplishment of the work itself. ------Sidney A. Weltmer 对工作的真爱,在于对成功工作的期盼;不是为了金钱的报酬,也不是为了所花的时间和所演练的技能,而是为了完成工作时所导致的成功结果。 -------西德尼·魏德曼 There are two things to aim at in life: first to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second. -------Logan Pearsall Smith 人生有两大目标:首先是得其所愿,而后是尽情享受。而惟上智者方能做到后者。 ------罗根·帕索·史密斯 逆境Adversity
A successful man is the one who can lay a foundation with the bricks that others throw at him. -------Sidney Greenberg 成功的人可以用人们丢向他身上的砖石筑起坚实的基台。 ------西德尼·格林伯格 Adversity makes men; good fortune makes monsters. -------French Proverb 逆境塑造勇者,顺境创造怪物。 ------法谚 All adverse and depressing influences can be overcome, not by fighting, but by rising above them. ----Charles Cable Colton 所有的拂逆与不利的因素都能克服,不是借由抗争,而是超越它们。 -----克尔顿 The greatest obstacle to your success is probably you. -------Frank Tyger 成功的最大障碍可能就是你自己。 -------弗兰克·泰格 He that can heroically endure adversity will bear prosperity with equal greatness of soul; for the mind that cannot be dejected by the former is not likely to be transported with the latter. -------Harry Fielding 勇于承受不幸的人,将可享有伟大性灵的荣耀;不因逆境而沮丧的人,亦不因荣耀而忘形。 -------亨利·菲尔丁 The superior man makes the difficulty to be overcome his first interest; success comes only after. ------Confucius 仁者先难而后获。 -------孔子 I have learned that success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome while trying to succeed. ------Booker T. Washington 成功并非以你一生中所达到的职位来衡量,而在于追求成功的过程中你所克服的困难。 -------布克·华盛顿 If you succeed in life, you must do it in spite of the efforts of others to pull you down. There is nothing in the idea that people are willing to help those who help themselves. People are willing to help a man who can’t help himself, but as soon as a man is able to help himself, and does it, they join in making his life as uncomfortable as possible. -Edgar Watson Howe 纵使旁人扯你后腿,你也要坚持下去才能成功。人们多不愿帮助能够自助的人,而较愿意帮助无助的人,但当无助的人开始自助时,人们却又开始打击他。 -----埃德加·豪 In adversity assume the countenance of prosperity, and in prosperity moderate the temper and desires. ------Livy 逆境中仍保有容光焕发的神色,得意时则能调和性情和欲望。 ------李维 In prosperous times I have sometimes felt my fancy and powers of language flag, but adversity is to me at least a tonic and bracer. -------Walter Scott 当意气风发时,我常感到表达能力与灵感正在枯竭,而逆境对我,至少是一帖振奋良方。 -----沃尔特·斯科特 Most barriers to your success are man-made. And most often, you’re the man who made them. -------Frank Tyger 成功的大部分障碍都是人为的,而大多数情况下,你就是那位障碍的制造者。 -----弗兰克·泰格 Let no one or anything stand between you and the difficult task let nothing deny you this rich chance to gain strength by
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adversity, confidence by mastery, and success by deserving it. Do it better each time. Do it better than anyone else can do it. ------Harlow H. Curtice 别让任何人或事阻挡在你与困难的任务之间,莫失去借由逆境获得力量,借由练达获得自信,并因此掌握获得成功的契机。必须一次比一次做得好,而且每次都做得比别人好。 ------哈洛·柯蒂斯 Life affords no higher pleasure than that of surmounting difficulties, passing from one step of success to another, forming new wishes and seeing them gratified. He that labors in any great or laudable undertaking has his fatigues first supported by hope and afterwards rewarded by joy. ------Samuel Johnson 生命中再没有比征服困难更令人喜悦的事,由一个成功过渡到另一个成功,不断塑造新的期望,并见到梦想成真。任何伟大且让人赞佩的辛勤工作者,他的付出会因希望而获得支撑,最后也会因报偿而享有喜悦。
- ----------赛谬尔·约翰逊 One very important ingredient of success is a good, wide-awake, persistent, tireless enemy. An enemy to an ambitious man is like the rhinoceros bird to rhinoceros. When the enemy comes, the rhinoceros tells about it. When a successful man is making mistakes, the enemy immediately calls attention and warns the man. Get for yourself a first class enemy, cultivate him as an enemy, and when you achieve success, thank him. -------Colonel Frank B. Shutts 成功的重要因素之一在于由一个优秀、清醒、永远随行的敌人。这个敌人对一个有企图心的人而言,就像犀牛鸟之于犀牛,会告知外敌的来犯。当成功的人犯错时,这个敌人会立刻提醒并警告他。给自己一个头号敌人,训练他成为一个好敌人,并在你抵达成功的终点时好好地感谢他。 -------弗兰克·肖特 Take care to be an economist in prosperity; there is no fear of your being one in adversity. --------Johann Zimmerman 在得意时做一个谨慎的经济学家,那么在失意时才不至于恐慌。 ------齐默曼 The friend of my adversity I shall always cherish most. I can better trust those who helped to relieve the gloom of my dark hours than those who are so ready to enjoy with me the sunshine of my prosperity. ------Ulysses S. Grant 我最珍视的始终是患难中的朋友。比起准备与我共享荣华富贵的人,我宁可相信曾帮助我走过黯淡岁月的人。 ------尤利西斯·格兰特 Prosperity is too apt to prevent us from examining our conduct; but adversity leads us to think properly of our state, and so is most beneficial to us. --------Samuel Johnson 顺境太容易让我们轻忽自己的行为,而逆境却引导我们正视自己的状态,所有对我们最有利。 -----赛谬尔·约翰逊 企图心Ambition
Ambition, confidence, enthusiasm, and success are produced by courage, faith, pride and hard work. ------ Harry F. Banks 企图心、自信、热诚及成功是由勇气、信心、自尊及勤奋所产生的。 ------哈里·班克斯 Ambition is an idol on whose wings great minds are carried to extremes, to be sublimely great, or to be nothing.
-------Thomas Southern 企图心像一个神偶,其双翼可以承载伟大的性灵四处飞翔。 -------托马斯·肖恩 Ambitions is most aroused by the trumpet clang of another’s fame. --------Baltasar Gracian 企图心大多是被别人的声名震天所激起的。 ------巴尔塔沙·格拉西安 Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high we reach, we are never satisfied.
-----Niccolo Machiavelli 企图心在我们胸中是无比激越的情绪,不论爬得多高,我们永不满足。 ------马基雅维利 Every man has a secret ambition: to outsmart horses, fish, and women. -------Mark Twain 每个男人都有一颗秘密的企图心:要比马、鱼及女人更聪明。 -------马克·吐温 Most people would succeed in small things if they were not troubled by great ambitions. -----Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 假如不是被过大的野心所困扰,大部分人都可以在小事情上成功。 -------朗费罗 Ambition is the spur that makes men struggle with destiny. It is heaven’s own incentive to make purpose great and achievement greater. -------Donald G. Mitchell 企图心是股激励人心的力量,使人与命运争斗。它是上天的奖励,使目标伟大,使成就更伟大。---唐纳德·米歇尔
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The desire not to be anything is the desire not to be. --------Ayn Rand 没有具体目标的愿望,就不算是愿望。 -----爱恩·兰德 Ambition is to the mind what the cap is to the falcon; it blinds us first, and then compels us to tower by reason of our blindness. ------Charles Cable Colton 企图心之于人就像帽子之于鹰,它首先让我们盲目,然后以盲目为由,驱使我们展翅高飞。 -----查尔斯·克尔顿 Ambition makes the same mistake concerning power that avarice makes as to wealth. She begins by accumulating it as a means to happiness, and finishes by continuing to accumulate it as an end. ------Charles Cable Colton 企图心对权力所造成的错误,就像贪婪之于财富:起先是为了快乐而追求它,最后竟然把追求权力当作终极目标。 ------查尔斯·克尔顿 Ambition is the germ from which all growth of nobleness proceeds. -------Thomas D. English 企图心像胚芽,所有的尊贵由此成长茁壮。 ------托马斯·英格丽斯 Every man is enthusiastic at times. One man has enthusiasm for thirty minutes, another man has it for thirty days, but it is the man who has it for thirty years who makes a success in life. -------Edward B. Butler 每个人的热诚都有时间性:某个人只有三十分钟的热诚,另一个人却有三十天,结果是具有三十年热诚的人,获得了一生的成就。 -------爱德华·巴特勒 Experience shows that success is due less to ability than to zeal. The winner is he who gives himself to his work, body and soul. -------Charles Buxton 经验显示:成功的背后,热诚多于能力,赢家是能够将身体与心灵投注于工作中的人。 -----查尔斯·巴斯顿 I found that the men and women who got to the top were those who did the jobs they had in hands, with everything they had of energy and enthusiasm and hard work. -------Harry S. Truman 我发现:不管是男人还是女人,那些攀登上高峰者都是以全副精力、热诚专注于手边工作的人。 -----哈里·杜鲁门 Many people have the ambition to succeed; they may even have special aptitude for their job. And yet they do not move ahead. Why? Perhaps they think that since they can master the job, there is no need to master themselves. —John Stevenson 许多人都有成功的企图心,他们甚至具备自己工作上的特殊才能。但为何仍停滞不前呢?或许他们认为自己已经可以掌握工作,所有就不需要掌握自己了。 -----约翰·斯蒂文森 The slave has but one master; the man of ambition has as many as there are people useful to his fortune.
-------Jean De La Bruyere 每个奴隶只有一个主人,具野心的人却必须服侍所有对他有利的人。 -----拉布吕耶尔 品格Character
A character standard is far more important than even a golden standard. The success of all economic systems is still dependent upon both righteous leaders and righteous people. In the last analysis, our national character-----that is, whether it is spiritually or materially minded. --------Roger Babson 品格的标准比黄金的标准还来的重要。成功的经济体系,端赖正直的领袖以及正直的人民。最新的研究指出,国家的命运端视国家的品格而定----究竟是精神还是物质导向。 -------罗杰·巴布森 A man’s treatment of money is the most decisive test of his character---- how he makes it and how he spends it.
-----James Moffatt 一个人对金钱的处理是其人格的最佳验证-----看他如何赚又如何花这些钱。 ------詹姆斯·莫非特 Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success. ------John Hays Hammond 品格是所有正当成就的真正基础。 ------约翰·海斯·哈姆德 You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence. ------Abraham Lincoln 缺少主动与独立,无从建立一个人的品格和勇气。 ------亚伯拉罕·林肯 A quick and sound judgment, good common sense, kind feeling, and an instinctive perception of character, in these are the elements of what is called tact, which has so much to do with acceptability and success in life. ------Charles Simmons 敏捷而周延的判断,丰富的常识,体贴的情怀,加上天赋的直观,构成了所谓的练达,并带来一生的圆融与成功。
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-------查尔斯·西蒙 A talent can be cultivated in tranquility; a character only in the rushing stream of life. -----Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe 才能可以在平和中培养,而人格却只能在生活的湍流中成形。 -----歌德 Capitalism is the only system in the world founded on credit and character. ------Hubert Eaton 资本主义乃世上唯一建立在信用与人格上的系统。 -----休伯特·伊顿 As diamonds cut diamonds, and one hone smooths a second, all the parts of intellect are whetstones to each other, and genius, which is but the result of their mutual sharpening, is character, too. ------Cyrus A. Bartol 正如用钻石切割钻石,磨刀石切磋磨刀石,所有的知识分子也互为磨石,而天才只是彼此磨锐的成果,也是一种人格特质罢了。 -----赛鲁斯·巴图 A man’s true estate of power and riches is to be in himself; not in his dwelling or position or external relations, but in his own essential character. -----Henry Ward Beecher 拥有权力与财富的人,其真正的资产在自己的身上,不是豪宅、高位或外在的人际关系,而是自己的基本特质。 ------亨利·沃德·比彻 It is sometimes frightening to observe the success which comes even to the outlaw with a polished technique??But I believe we must reckon with character in the end, for it is as potent a force in world conflict as it is in our own domestic affairs. It strikes the last blow in any battle. -----Philip D. Reed 有时检视成功会令人心惊肉跳,恶人以洗练的技巧也可以得到它。但我相信最后仍必须诉诸人格,它是世界冲突与国内事务中一股强大的力量,在任何战役中总能发挥致命的最后一击。 -----菲利普·里德 Man is still responsible. He must turn the alloy of modern experience into the steel of mastery and character. His success lies not with the stars but with himself. He must carry on the fight of self-correction and discipline. He must fight mediocrity as sin and live against the imperative of life’s highest ideal. -----Frank Curtis Williams, D. D. 人生最重要的责任,在于他必须将当下的经验淬炼成钢铁般的技巧与人格。其成功并非凭借命运,而是靠自己的奋斗。他必须在改过与纪律中力争上游,必须视平庸如罪恶,并与之争战,为生命中最崇高的理想奋斗不懈。
------弗兰克·柯蒂斯·威廉 Our world is a college, events are teachers, happiness is the graduating point, and character is the diploma God gives man. ------Newell Dwight Hillis 我们的世界像座学校,各种事物是老师,毕业的时候畅享快乐,而人格正是老天授予我们的毕业证书。
-------纽维尔·怀特·西里斯 The most important thing for a young man is to establish a credit----a reputation, character. ------John D. Rockefeller 一个年轻人最重要的是要建立信用-----包括名誉及人格。 -------约翰·洛克菲勒 Moderate desires constitute a character fitted to acquire all the good which the world can yield. He who has this character is prepared, in whatever situation he is, therewith to be content: has learned the science of being happy; and possesses the alchemic stone which changes every metal into gold. ------Timothy Dwight 适度的欲望,构成了足以成就所有美好事物的人格,具备这种品格的人,不论身处何种境遇,总能依此自持自足:因为他已领略快乐的秘诀,并拥有点石成金的能力。 ------提摩泰·怀特 No legitimate business man ever got started on the road to permanent success by any other means than that of hard, intelligent work, coupled with an earned credit, plus character. ------F. D. Van Amburgh 没有任何企业可以不倚靠辛劳、智慧以及信誉和品格,而能朝永久的成功迈进。 -------安博齐 Our success in war and peace depends not on luck, or rhetoric, or the intervention of mythical gods; it depends on human character and modern scientific creations, and on respect for the meaning and methods of science. ------Harlow Shapley 我们在战争或和平时的成功,并非取决于运气、辞令或命运之神的帮助;而是凭借人格与现代科学的发明,以及对科学方法和意义的尊重。 -------哈洛·夏普里 The accumulation of property is no guarantee of the development of character, but the development of character, or of any other good whatever, is impossible without property. ------William Graham Sumner
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meet with a success unexpected in common hours. ------Henry David Thoreau 如果一个人能自信地朝着梦想迈进,并努力达到梦想中的生活,那么他将在短时间内拥有非凡的成就。
-----亨利·大卫·梭罗 I hope the day will never come when the American nation will be the champion of the status quo. Once that happens, we shall have forfeited, and rightly forfeited, the support of the unsatisfied, of those who are the victims of inevitable imperfections, of those who, young in years or spirit, believe that they can make a better world and of those who dream dreams and want to make their dreams come true. ------John Foster Dulles 我希望美国成为举世之冠的日子永远不会到来,因为一旦如此,我们将丧失,真的丧失这些人的支持:不满足者,完美主义者,生理或心理上年轻并相信自己可以创造更美好未来的人,以及敢于做梦并愿意使梦想成真的人。 -----约翰·福斯特·杜勒斯 Ideas must work through the brains and the arms of good and brave men, or they are no better than dreams. - ---Ralph Waldo Emerson 理想必须透过良善勇敢者的实践,否则只是梦想罢了。 -----爱默生 Some men see things as they are and ask, “Why?” I dream things that never were and ask, “Why not?” --Robert F. Kennedy 某些人之看到既有的事物,并问道:“为什么?”我则梦想前所未有的事,并问道“为什么不?” ------肯尼迪 There is no shame in having fallen. Nor any shame in being born into a lowly estate. There is only shame in not struggling to rise. And also shame for not wishing to attain the better. Or not dreaming about it and praying for it. -----Samuel Amalu 失败并不可耻,生于贫困也不可耻。可耻的是不竭力进步,不希望达到更好的境界,或不为此梦想祈祷。
-----赛谬尔·阿玛路 We sometimes from dreams pick up some hint worth improving by??reflection. -----Thomas Jefferson 我们有时可因观照梦想而得到值得改善的启发。 ------托马斯·杰佛逊 Your imagination has much to do with your life. It pictures beauty, success, and desired results. On the other hand, it brings into focus ugliness, distress, and failure. It is for you to decide how you want your imagination to serve you.
------Philip Conley 你的相信与你的生活息息相关,它描绘出美丽、成功、欲求的事物;另一方面,它也带来丑陋、痛苦与失败。是你,决定想象对你有何功用。 -----菲利普·康利 失败Failure
Be awful nice to them going up, because you’re gonna meet them all coming down. ------Jimmy Durante 请善待高升的人,因为你将看见他们跌落。 -------吉米·杜兰特 Generally speaking, success brings out the actors’ worst qualities and failure the best. ------George Abbott 一般来讲,成功带给演员最糟的特质,反之,失败则激发最美好的特质。 -----乔治·艾伯特 If I die prematurely, at any rate I shall be saved from being bored by my own success. ------Samuel Butler 如果我早逝,至少我将远离成就所带来的厌烦。 ------赛谬尔·巴特勒 To be successful, you’ve got to be willing to fail. ------Frank Tyger 要成功,则你先要能失败。 ------弗兰克·泰格 The secret of success in life is known only to those who have not succeeded. ------J. Churton Collins 生命中成功的奥秘只有未成功的人才能领略。 -----丘顿·柯林斯 Nobody succeeds in a big way except by risking failure. ------William Feather 只有冒着失败的危险才能够成就大业。 -----威廉·费舍尔 Shrinking easily becomes a habit as difficult to throw off as the use of drugs and has ruined many men’s chances for success. -------Henry L. Doherty 逃避正如喝药,容易变成难以割舍的习惯,会毁灭许多人成功的机会。 -----亨利·多赫尔蒂 If I wanted to become a tramp, I would seek information and advice from the most successful tramp I could find. If I wanted to become a failure, I would seek advice from men who have never succeeded. If I wanted to succeed in all things, I
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would look around me for those who are succeeding, and do as they have done. -------Joseph Marshall Wade 假如我想成为一个漂泊者,我会向最成功的漂泊者寻求资讯及建议;假如我要成为一个失败者,我会向从未成功的人请求指导;假如我要事事成功,我会环顾四周,寻找成功的人并效法他们。 -----约瑟夫·马歇尔·韦德 Sometimes a noble failure serves the world as faithfully as a distinguished success. ------Edward Dow den 有时高贵的失败和杰出的成功,对世界有着共同的贡献。 ------爱德华·道顿 Success comes to those who becomes success conscious. Failure comes to those who indifferently allow themselves to become failure conscious. ------Napoleon Hill 成功降临在有成功意识的人身上,失败降临在漫不经心地让自己有失败意识的人身上。 ------拿破仑·希尔 Success has ruined many a man. ------Benjamin Franklin 成功摧毁了很多人。 ------本杰明·富兰克林 Success is the brand on the brow of the man who has aimed too low. -----John Mansfield 成功是目标过低人额头上的标记。 ------约翰·梅斯费尔德 The ladder of life is full of splinters, but they always prick the hardest when we’re sliding down. ------William Brownell 生命的阶梯充满碎片,而且对滑落的人刺痛最深。 ------约翰·布朗内尔 The line between success and failure is so fine that we scarcely know when we pass it---so fine that we often are on the line and do not know it. -----Ralph Waldo Emerson 失败与成功的界限如此细微,我们几乎无法察觉自己已经越界----如此细微,以致濒临边缘却浑然不觉。-----爱默生 The secret of success of every man who has ever been successful lies in the fact that he formed the habit of doing those things failures don’t like to do. ------A. Jackson King 每个成功的人,其成功的秘诀都在于:他们习惯于做失败者不爱做的事。 -----杰克逊·金 There isn’t much thrill in success unless one has first been close to failure. ------William Feather 除非濒临失败,否则成功不会令你感动。 ------威廉·费舍尔 To be ambitious for wealth, and yet always expecting to be poor; to be always doubting your ability to get what you long for, is like trying to reach east by traveling west. There is no philosophy which will help man to succeed when he is always doubting his ability to do so, and thus attracting failure. No matter how hard you work for success, if your thought is saturated with the fear of failure, it will kill your efforts, neutralize your endeavors and make success impossible.
------Charles Bedouin 企图拥有财富,但总是预期贫穷;始终怀疑自己所追求目标的能力,就像目标在东边却向西旅行一样。没有哲理可以帮助怀疑自己能力的人成功,他终会失败。不管你多么努力地朝成功迈进,如果你的思想充满对失败的恐惧,那将扼杀你的努力,抵消你的辛劳,并使成功变得遥不可及。 ------查理·博度安 We mount to heaven mostly on the ruins of our cherished schemes, finding our failures were successes.
- ------Amos Bronson Alcott 我们所珍视的计划倾颓成荒冢,当我们立足其上登上天堂,却猛然发现我们所认为失败的,事实上竟是成功。 ------阿莫斯·布朗森·奥尔科特 You and I must not complain if our plans break down if we have done our part. That probably means that the plans of one who knows more than we do have succeed. ------Edward E. Hale 如果我们已尽全力,而计划依然失败,你我就不该再抱怨。因为这意味着有人比我们更足智多谋,而这样的人已经成功了。 ------爱德华·黑尔 友谊Friendship
A friendship founded on business is a good deal better than a business founded on friendship. -----John D. Rockefeller 建立在生意上的友谊要远胜于建立在友谊上的生意。 ------约翰·洛克菲勒 A true friend never gets in your way unless you happen to be going down. ------Arnold Glasow 除非你碰巧时运不济,否则真正的朋友绝不会扯你后腿。 ------阿诺德·格拉索 Every man, however wise, needs the advice of some sagacious friend in the affairs of life. ------Plautus
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在人生路途上,不论是多么聪明的人,总会需要睿智的朋友提供建言。 ------普拉图斯 Few men have the natural strength to honor a friend’s success without envy. -----Aeschylus 很少人具有这种天生的长处:推崇朋友的成功,而毫无嫉妒之心。 -----埃斯库罗斯 Friends are an aid to the young, to guard them from error; to the elderly, to attend to their wants and to supplement their failing power of action; to those in the prime of life, to assist them to noble deeds. -----Aristotle 对年少者而言,朋友引领他们远离错误;对年长者而言,朋友援其所需,并弥补他们行动力的匮乏;对年壮者而言,朋友帮助他们表现高尚的行为。 ------亚里士多德 Friendship is a strong and habitual inclination in two persons to promote the good and happiness of one another.
------Eustace Budgell 友谊是两个人之间强烈而惯常的相悦之情,并能够提升彼此美好的特质和内心的快乐。 ----巴杰尔 Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together. -------Woodrow Wilson 友谊是唯一能将这个世界砌合在一起的东西。 -----伍德罗·威尔逊 He is our friend who loves more than admires us, and would aid us in our great work. ------William Ellery Chaining 朋友对我们的爱胜于对我们的崇拜,并能协助我们完成伟大的志业。 ------威廉·查宁 If you have no friends to share or rejoice in your success in life----if you cannot look back to those to whom you owe gratitude, or forward to those to whom you ought to afford protection, still it is no less incumbent on you to move steadily in the path of duty; for your active exertions are due not only to society; but in humble gratitude to the being who made you a member of it, with powers to serve yourself and others. -----Walter Scott 如果你没有朋友可以分享生命中的成功,如果你无法回顾你所该感谢的人,或无法前瞻你所该保护的人,你肩上的担子并未稍获减轻。行动的力量并非只来自社会,更来自谦逊的感恩,要感谢引领你成为社会一分子的人们。正是这份感恩,并带给你自己和他人真正的力量。 -----沃尔特·斯科特 If you’ll forget the things you give and never forget what you receive; quite soon you’ll make a host of friends who’ll gladly aid you to achieve. ------Alonzo Newton Benn 若你总是忘记自己所施与的,铭记自己所接受的,那么你很快就可以交到一大群朋友,而且是一群乐意帮助你成功的朋友。 -----阿隆佐·牛顿·本 It is a good thing to be rich, it is a good thing to be strong, but it is a better thing to be beloved of many friends. ---Euripides 富有是好事,强壮也是好事,但皆不如受到许多朋友的喜爱来得更好。 ------欧里彼得斯 Real success is not on the stage, but off the stage is a human being, and how you get along with your fellow men.
------Sammy Davis Jr. 真正的成功不在舞台上,而是在舞台下,那真实的你以及你和友伴之间的相处。 -----小萨米·戴维斯 The ability to form friendships, to make people believe in you and trust you, is one of the few absolutely fundamental qualities of success. Selling, buying, negotiating are so much smoother and easier when the parties enjoy each other’s confidence. The young man who can make friends quickly will find that he will glide instead of stumbling through life. -----John J. McGuirk 建立友谊,让人们相信你、依赖你,是通往成功的少数路径之一。销售、买卖、斡旋,都因为彼此间的信任而无往不利。容易与人为友的年轻人,在人生的旅途上,将一帆风顺。 -----约翰·麦克古卡 The making of friends who are real friends is the best token we have of a man’s success in life. -----Edward E. Hale 拥有真正的朋友,是成功人生的最佳写照。 -----爱德华·霍尔 The man or woman who treasures his friends is usually solid gold himself. -----Marjorie Holmes 珍惜友情者,通常也让自己更加高贵。 ------马乔里·霍尔姆斯 The most important single ingredient in the formula of success is knowing how to get along with people. - -----Theodore Roosevelt 塑造成功的过程中,最重要的成分是知道如何与人相处。 -----西奥多·罗斯福 We are all travelers in the desert of life and the best we can find in our journey is an honest friend.
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- --------Robert Louis Stevenson 我们都是生命荒漠中的过客,旅途中最美好的事物莫过于找到真诚的朋友。 -----罗伯特·路易斯·斯蒂文森 What are friends for if you don’t use them? ------Freddie Myers 若不加以运用的话,朋友有什么用? ------福瑞迪·迈尔 When fortune smiles, what need of friends? -----Euripides 当幸运之神微笑时,哪还需要朋友? ------欧里彼得斯 Years and years of happiness only make us realize how lucky we are to have friends that have shared and made that happiness is reality. ------Robert E. Fredrick 年复一年的快乐,让我们了解到自己是多么的幸运,能够拥有一些不仅能共同分享快乐并能使快乐成真的朋友。 ------罗伯特·弗雷德里克 快乐Happiness
No one’s happiness but my own is in my power to achieve or to destroy. ----Ayn Rand 惟有来自内心真正的快乐,才是主宰成功或失败的关键力量。 -----安·瑞德 Happiness and misery depend not upon how high up or low down you are ---they depend not upon these, but on the direction in which you are tending. ------Samuel Butler 快乐或悲伤并不在于你目前的处境多好或多坏---而在于你正朝着哪个方向前进。 ------赛谬尔·巴特勒 Happiness consists more in small conveniences or pleasure that occur every day, than in great pieces of good fortune that happen but seldom to a man in the course of his life. ------Benjamin Franklin 快乐来自于日常生活中小小的满足或欢乐,而不在于生命中可与而不可求的好运气。 ------本杰明·富兰克林 It is not in doing what you like, but in liking what you do, that is the secret of happiness. ------James M. Barrie 快乐的秘诀,不在于做你所爱做的事,而在于爱你所做的事。 -----詹姆斯·巴利 Happiness is a dividend on a well-invested life. ------Duncan Stuart 快乐是善加投资人生的红利。 ------邓肯·斯图亚特 I look on that man as happy who, when there is a question of success, looks into his work for a reply.
- -----Ralph Waldo Emerson 快乐的人在对成功有所质疑的时候,能够在工作中寻求解答。 ------爱默生 Happiness is only a by-product of successful living. -----Dr. Austen Fox Riggs 快乐只不过是成功人生的副产品。 -----奥斯丁·福克斯·里格斯 Here below is not the land of happiness; it is only the land of toil; and every joy which comes to us is only to strengthen us for some greater labor that is to succeed. ------Immanuel Fichte 足下并非快乐之地,而是艰辛的旅途;任何欢愉的来临,都不过是为了让我们更加坚强地,面对不可知的未来,以便获得成功。 ------伊曼纽·费希特 I believe in the possibility of happiness, if one cultivates intuition and outlives the grosser passions, including optimism. ------George Santayana 如果我们能够培养本能与直觉,活出更鲜明的热情和乐观的精神,那么快乐便近在眼前。 ------乔治·桑塔亚娜 Planning for happiness is rarely successful. Happiness just happens. ------Robert Half 蓄意计划快乐,通常不会成功。快乐只是自然而然地发生。 ------罗伯特·哈弗 If you observe a really happy man, you will find him building a boat, writing a symphony, educating his son, growing double dahlias, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi Desert. He will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that had rolled under the radiator, striving for it as the goal itself. He will have become aware that he is happy in the course of living life twenty-four crowed hours of each day. ------W. Beran Wolfe 如果你观察一个真正快乐的人,你将发现他正在建造一艘船,谱写交响乐,教育他的儿子,栽植天竺牡丹,或是在大戈壁沙漠里找寻恐龙蛋。他不会刻意追寻快乐,就像领扣在光下便会熠熠生辉般,没有其他目的。他心中明白,在每天充实的二十四小时里,他已拥有了快乐。 --------贝伦·伍尔夫
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If virtue promises happiness, prosperity and peace, then progress in virtue is progress in each of these; for to whatever point the perfection of anything brings us, progress is always an approach toward it. ------Epictetus 如果美德能够为你带来快乐、兴盛与和平,那么在美德上进步也将能带来这些进步;进步永远是获得美好事物的途径。 ------艾皮克特图斯 Mankind differ in their notions of happiness; but in my opinion he truly possesses it who lives in the anticipation of honest fame, and the glorious figure he shall make in the eyes of posterity. ------Pliny the Younger 每个人对快乐的观念各自不同,但依我之见,真正快乐的人,追求的是正直诚实之名,以及在后世子孙眼中荣耀的形象。 ------小普林尼 Money never made a man happy yet, nor will it. There is nothing in its nature to produce happiness. -----Benjamin Franklin 金钱从未让人们快乐过,现在不会,将来也不会。在金钱的本质中,找不到足以制造快乐的元素。 ------富兰克林 Search foe a single, inclusive good is doomed to failure. Such happiness as life is capable of comes from the full participation of all our powers in the endeavor to wrest from each changing situation of experience its own full and unique meaning. -----John Dewey 欲寻求单一向度却全面的幸福,终归要失败。人生的幸福来自运用各种力量,全力以赴去追求的成果;来自体验各种变化所具有的丰富而独特的意义。 ------约翰·德维 Someone has well said, “Success is a journey, not a destination.” Happiness is to be found along the way, not at the end of the road. -------Robert R. Updegraff 有人说的好,“成功是旅程而不是终点”,快乐应与你一路相随,而不是在终点才与你相遇。---罗伯特·亚德格拉夫 Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get. ------Dave Gardner 成功是得到你所要的,快乐是要你所得到的。 ------大卫·加德纳 The hours we pass with happy prospects in view are more pleasing than those crowed with fruition. ----Oliver Goldsmith 在我们的人生旅途中,满怀乐观的期盼,要比拥有一堆成就更令人心旷神怡。 ------奥利弗·哥德史密斯 The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and then you find it put your whole soul in it---every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have. -----John D. Rockefeller 通往快乐之路只有两个简单的原则:以是发掘你感兴趣又能够做得好的事,一旦发掘了,就不遗余力,将你整个身心都投入,二是投入每一丝一毫的能量与野心,以及你的天赋和才能。 -----约翰·洛克菲勒 We rich men count our happiness to lie in the little superfluities, not in necessities. -----Plutarch 富有的人依赖微不足道的奢侈品而非生活中不可或缺的必需品,以获得快乐。 -----普鲁塔克 Where ambition ends, happiness begins. ------Hungarian Proverb 野心的尽头是快乐的开始。 ------匈牙利谚语 We never enjoy perfect happiness; our most fortunate successes are mingled with sadness; some anxieties always perplex the reality of our satisfaction. -------Pierre Corneille 我们从未拥有过完美的快乐,纵使最幸运的成功也难免夹杂着悲伤;某些心灵上的忧虑,总模糊了原本的满足。 -----皮尔·康奈乐 What a man dose with his wealth depends upon his idea of happiness. Those who draw prizes in life are apt to spend tastelessly, if not viciously, not knowing that it requires as much talent to spend as to make. ----Edwin P. Whipple 一个人花钱的态度,取决于他对快乐的看法。那些把人生视为竞技场的人,花起钱来不是恶形恶状,就是每什么品味。他们不知道,花钱所需要的才能和赚钱是一样的。 ------埃德文·维普乐 What is happiness? The feeling that power increases that resistance is overcome. -----Friedrich W. Nietzsche 快乐是什么-----感到力量逐渐累积而阻力一一被克服。 -------尼采 The secret of success in society is a certain heartiness and sympathy. A man, who is not happy in company, cannot find any word in his memory that will fit the occasion; all his information is a little impertinent. A man, who is happy there, finds in every turn of the conversation occasions for the introduction of what he has to say. The favorites of society are able men, and of more spirit than wit, who have no uncomfortable egotism, but who exactly fill the hour and the company, contended and contenting. ------Ralph Waldo Emerson 社会上成功的秘诀,在于真诚与和谐,在群体中不快乐的人,总难找到适合情境的只言片语,仿佛任何词藻都不对
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