
更新时间:2023-04-27 07:06:01 阅读量: 实用文档 文档下载




1.—The loud music is really starting to get on my nerves.

—________ I can’t focus my attention on my homework.

A.I’ll bet.B.I got it .

C.You have me there.D.You have my word.

2.---Great! You look smart in that suit.

---My mother gave it to me for the Spring Festival. You know, ______.

A.it is the thought that counts B.beauty is in the eye of the beholder C.each bird loves to hearhimself sing D.the outsider sees the most of the game 3.-Ken, can I get you anything to drink?


A.You are welcome B.No problem

C.I wouldn’t mind a coffee D.Doesn’t matter

4.—Kobe Bryant was a basketball star with strong fighting spirit.

—_____________. He's always a role model for youngsters.

A.I couldn't agree more.B.I can't help it.C.I couldn't be bothered.D.I beg to differ.

5.—Why didn’t you pay the accommodation rent?

—The rent? That isn’t ________ till Sunday.

A.sure B.okay

C.due D.late

6.--Reading is the best way to pass time on the train.

-- , I never go traveling without a book.

A.You are joking B.That's true

C.I don't think so D.It sounds like fun

7.—I will fix your printer right now.

—Oh, ________. I’m in no hurry.

A.take your time B.that’s a great idea

C.you are welcome D.I’d like to

8.—The movie we saw last night was ridiculous.

—Well, _______. I would probably see it again.

A.I couldn’t agree more B.I can’t believe it is true

C.I thought it was pretty good D.I should have left early

9.—I’m so sorry for what I said to you yesterday.

— Forget it! I know you were just letting off ______.

A.emotions B.liquid C.feelings D.steam 10.—Andrew said he would be here by 8.

—_____. He has never been punctual for anything in his life.

A.You said it.B.I wouldn’t bet on it C.You asked for it D.I can’t agree more

11.—I can't remember his name clearly.Is it Brain Johnson?


A.you name it B.that's the point C.that's it D.you deserve it 12.—I’m glad that we have finished this task successfully.

—________. There is still a lot of work to be done here.

A.You can say that again B.It’s hard to say

C.I’d rather you didn’t D.Far from it

13.—I’ve been promoted to the director of HR and I’m wondering whether I can ask for a big pay rise .

—________. After all, the economy is struggling these days.

A.You can make it.B.Good for you C.You’ve gone too far D.It’s up to you 14.—Let’s go for a picnic this weekend together with our classmates, OK?

—_______. I love getting close to nature.

A.I couldn’t agree more B.That’s all right

C.Out of the question D.I’m afraid not

15._______she was late for such an important meeting?I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.

A.What if B.So what C.What about D.How come 16.—You seem to be in a really good mood.

—I finished my last test today. ___________! Now I’m free.

A.What a pity B.What a relief C.I’ve got it D.I’ve missed the point

17.—Shall I order a taxi for Sarah to go to the airport tonight?

—______. I’ll drive her there.

A.Have a try B.Don’t mention it C.Don’t bother D.Go ahead 18.—In my view, more efforts should be done to improve air quality in Beijing.

—_________. I We still have a long way to go through before we enjoy a blue day.

A.I beg to differ B.That’s all right C.I’m with you on that D.It’s a pity 19.—Your friend didn’t turn up at the wedding though sh e promised.

—__________? She is a lady of her word.

A.So what B.Why not

C.How come D.What for

20.—________, and every man his hour.

—But mine seems a very long time coming.

A.a cat has nine lives B.Rats desert a sinking ship

C.Every dog has his day D.Fine feathers make fine birds

21.—The deadline is approaching and time is running out.

—_______,or we won't complete the project in time.

A.Come off it B.Take your time

C.Step on it D.Start from scratch

22.—A second,please.I have another call coming through.

—________.I’m not in a hurry.

A.Enjoy yourself B.Leave me alone

C.Do as you like D.Take your time

23.--- Jack, I’d like to have your opinions about my written report.

--- _______. But I have one suggestion.

A.That’s a good idea B.You are too modest

C.It looks fine to me D.You should check it first

24.—I guess this dress no longer fits me. I am almost 30.

— ______ ? You look pretty in it!

A.What if B.Why not

C.How about D.How come

25.—Sir, could I turn in my homework assignment a bit late?

—________, since y ou haven’t been well these days.

A.You can’t be serious B.Oh, all right

C.I’m afraid not D.Good idea








考查情景交际。句意:——响亮的音乐真的开始让我紧张起来。——我打赌,我不能集中精神写作业。A. I’ll bet.我打赌;我信;B. I got it .我明白了;C. You have me there.你这下子难倒我了;D. You have my word.我向你保证。根据句意,得知两人都觉得吵闹的音乐刺激了他们的神经,使他们不安,故选择I’ll bet,表示后者打赌,他不能集中精神写作业了。故选A。






考查情景交际。句意:——太好看了!你穿那件衣服真帅气!——我妈妈春节的时候给我的。你知道的,它物有所值。A.物超所值;B.情人眼里出西施;C.每只鸟都喜欢听自己唱歌; D.旁观者清。根据“You look smart in that suit.”并结合语境可知,此处要用物超所值。故选A。






考查情景交际。句意:——Ken,要喝点什么吗?——我不介意喝杯咖啡。A. You are welcome不客气;B. No problem没问题;C. I wouldn’t mind a coffee我不介意喝杯咖啡;D. Doesn’t matter没有关系。上文别人问Ken要喝点什么,Ken应当回答自己想要喝的饮料。故选C。






考查交际用语。句意:—科比·布莱恩特是一位有着强大战斗精神的篮球明星。—我完全同意。他总是年轻人的榜样。A. I couldn't agree more.我完全同意;B. I can't help it.我情不自禁;C. I couldn't be bothered. 我不能被打扰;D. I beg to differ.我不同意。根据对话可知第一个人赞扬科比,根据第二个人后面的答语也再赞扬科比,由此推断空中应为同意,故选A。




考查交际用。A. It all depends.那就看情况而定了,B. It’s up to you.由你决定,C. You are crazy!你发疯了,D. That isn’t due yet.还没有到期,句意:--你为什么不付租金?--租金?还没有到期。根据句意选C。














考查情景交际。句意:——我们昨晚看的那部电影真滑稽。——我觉得很不错。我可能还会再看一遍。A. I couldn’t agree more我再同意不过了;B. I can’t believe it is true我相信那不是真的;C. I thought it was pretty good我觉得很不错;D. I should have left early我应该早点走的。根据I would probably see it again.可知说话人是喜欢这部电影的,觉得不错,不赞同上文说话人的看法。故选C项。






考查习惯表达。句意:——我很抱歉昨天对你说的话。——算了吧!我知道你只是发泄一下。A. emotions情绪;B. liquid液体;C. feelings感情;D. steam蒸汽。由句意可知,说话的一方为自己昨天说的话道歉,另一方表示理解他在发泄情绪,习惯表达let off steam,意为“发泄怒火”。故选D项。






考查情景交际。句意:——安德鲁说他8点以前到这儿。——我不会赌的。他一生从不守时。A. You said it. 你说的;B. I wouldn’t bet on it我不会赌的;C. You asked for it你自己找的;D. I can’t agree more我完全同意。结合后文He has never been punctual for anything in his life. 他一生从不守时。因此我不相信安德鲁8点前能到这,B项“我不会赌的”符合语境。故选B项。






考查情景交际。句意:——我记不清他的名字了。是叫Brain Johnson吗?——是的,那就是他的名字。A. you name it你说了算;B. that's the point那才是重点;C. that's it没错,就是这样;D. you deserve it你应得的。分析句子可知,答语表示的是对另一个说话者的肯定,要用that’s it表示“就是这样”。故选C项。




考查情景交际。句意:——我很高兴我们成功地完成了这项任务。——远非如此,这里还有很多工作要做。A. You can say that again你说得对;B. It’s hard to say很难说;C. I’d rather you didn’t我宁愿你没有做;D. Far from it远非如此。根据There is still a lot of work to be done here.可推知,并不如前一个人说的那样,也就是远非如此,故选D。






考查情景交际。句意:——我已经升任为人事主管,我在想我是否可以要求一次大幅度的提薪。——你太过分啦。毕竟,最近一段时间经济正困顿交加。A. You can make it.你可以的;B. Good for you真棒,真为你高兴;C. You’ve gone too far你太过分了;D. It’s up to you由你来定,取决于你。根据此处情景,在(企业)经济困难时期要求一个大幅度加薪,显然是天方夜谭,只能说这是个有些过分的要求,故选C。





考查情景交际及习惯表达。句意:——这周末我们和同学们去野餐吧,好不好?——完全同意。我喜欢亲近自然。A. I couldn’t agree more我太同意了;B. That’s all right没关系,不用客气,用于回复别人的感谢;C. Out of the question不可能的;D. I’m afraid not恐怕不行。问句提出一个建议,根据回答 I love getting close to nature.可知这个人非常赞同这个提议。故选A项。






考查习惯表达。句意:如此重要的会议她怎么会迟到?我简直不敢相信她所有的努力都前功尽弃。A. What if倘若……将会如何;B. So what那又如何;C. What about怎么样;D. How come为什么,怎么会。根据I can't believe all the efforts she'd made just went down the drain.可知,此处用“怎么会”符合语境,故选D项。






考查交际用语。句意:——你看起来心情很好。——我今天完成了最后一次考试。我总算松了一口气!现在我自由了。A. What a pity真遗憾;B. What a relief总算松了一口气;C.

I’ve got it我明白了;D. I’ve missed the point我错过了重点。根据“I finished my last test today.”可知,完成最后一场考试后终于松了一口气。故选B。






考查情景交际。句意:--今晚我为莎拉叫一辆出租车去机场好吗?--不用麻烦了。我开车送她去。A. Have a try试一试吧;B. Don’t ment ion it别客气,不用谢;C. Don’t bother不用麻烦了;D. Go ahead走吧,干吧。根据“I will drive her there”可知,第二个人会送莎拉去机场,因此他让第一个人“不用麻烦叫出租车”。故选C。






考查情境交际。句意:—在我看来,要改善北京的空气质量还需要付出更多的努力。—我同意你的看法。在我们享受蓝天之前,我们还有很长的路要走。A. I beg to differ恕难苟同;B. That’s all right没关系;C. I’m with you on that我同意你的看法;D. It’s a pity真遗憾。对于上句说的“要改善北京的空气质量还需要付出更多的努力”,第二句空格处的回答是“在我们享受蓝天之前,我们还有很长的路要走”,可知,此句正与上句持相同的态度,空格处应是“我同意你的看法”。故选C。






考查情景交际。句意:---你的朋友答应参加婚礼,但她没有来。---怎么会?她是个守信用的女士。A. So what 那又怎样;B. Why not 为什么不;C. How come 怎么会?D. What for 为什么。分析句子,根据后句提及到的“她是个守信用的”可知,此处表示对前句的质疑,所以“怎么会”符合句意。故选C项。






考查习惯表达。句意:——人人皆有得意时。——但我的好像还要很久才来。A. a cat has nine lives猫有九条命,寓意吉人自有天相;B. Rats desert a sinking ship船沉鼠先逃,指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人;C. Every dog has his day人人

都有得意的日子;D. Fine feathers make fine birds人靠衣装。结合后半句 and every man his hour.可知此处为习惯表达“Every dog has his day, and every man his hour.”表示“人人皆有得意时”。故选C。






考查情景交际。句意:——截止日期马上就到了,时间快没了。——加把劲,否则我们不能及时完成这个项目。A. Come off it别吹牛;B. Take your time别着急,慢慢来。C. Step on it加把劲;D. Start from scratch从头开始。根据句意可知,此处用“加把劲”符合语境,故选C项。






考查交际用语。句意为:——请稍等。又有电话打进来了。——慢慢来。我不急。A. Enjoy yourself 玩的高兴;B. Leave me alone别管我;C. Do as you like:按你喜欢的方式去做;D. Take your time 不着急,慢慢来。根据“I’m not in a hurry.”可知,慢慢来。我不急。故选D项。






考查交际用语。——杰克,我想听听你对我的书面报告的意见。——我觉得挺好的。但我有一个建议。A. That’s a good idea那是个好主意;B. You are too modest你太谦虚了;C. It looks fine to me我觉得挺好的;D. You should check it first你应该先检查一下。对方请Jack 就一份书面报告说说自己的看法,回答在肯定之后提出建议,符合得体交际。故选C。24.D




考查习惯用语。句意:——我想这件衣服不适合我了。我快30岁了。——怎么会?你穿它很漂亮! A. What if假使……将会怎样;倘若……;B. Why not为什么不;C. How about……如何;……怎么样,用于提议,后接名词或动名词;D. How come为什么;怎么会(那样)。根据句意可知选D。






考查交际用语。句意:——老师,我可以晚一点交作业吗?——哦,好吧,既然你这几天身体不太好。A. You can’t be serious你不是认真的吧;B. Oh, all right哦,好吧;C. I’m afraid not恐怕不能;D. Good idea好主意。根据空后since you haven’t been well these days.可知,老师同意了学生的请求。故选B。

